Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.mle.util.Log
import play.api.libs.openid.{OpenID, UserInfo}
import play.api.mvc.Results._
import play.api.mvc._
* OpenID authentication. Only Google is supported for now.
* Usage:
* Set a route in your routes file that leads to the handleOpenId
* For example:
* {{{GET /oid controllers.App.handleOpenId}}}
* Set another route that leads to the openIdCallback
method, for example:
* {{{GET /openidcb controllers.App.openIdCallback}}}
* Define the openIdCallbackRoute of this trait to the route you specified:
* {{{protected def openIdCallbackRoute = routes.App.openIdCallback()}}}
* To start authentication, send the user to the OpenID route you first defined:
* {{{Redirect(routes.App.handleOpenId())}}}
* The authenticated email address is stored in the username session variable.
* @author Michael
trait OpenIdAuth extends Log {
* @return routes.YourPlayController.openIdCallback
protected def openIdCallbackRoute: Call
* Implement something like: routes.Controller.homePage()
* @return the place to go after the user is successfully authenticated
def successRedirect: Call
* Suggestion: redirect to an error page with an error message.
def onOpenIdFailure: Result
* @param email email to validate
* @return true if the email is authorized to sign in, false otherwise
def isAuthorized(email: String): Boolean
* Called if the user has successfully authenticated, but is not
* authorized to access the resource/site.
* @param userInfo authenticated user
* @return the result
def onOpenIdUnauthorized(userInfo: UserInfo): Result = {
val user = userString(userInfo)
Unauthorized(s"Hi $user, you're not authorized.")
def userString(user: UserInfo): String = {
val firstName = user attributes "first"
val email = user attributes "email"
s"$firstName ($email)"
def handleOpenId = Action.async(implicit request => {
callbackURL = openIdCallbackRoute.absoluteURL(),
axRequired = Seq(
"email" -> "",
"first" -> ""
)).map(url => Redirect(url)).recover {
case ex => handleOpenIdFailure(ex, request)
def openIdCallback = Action.async(implicit request => { => {
val email = userInfo attributes "email"
val user = userString(userInfo)
if (isAuthorized(email)) {
log info s"User $user logged in"
Redirect(successRedirect).withSession(Security.username -> email)
} else {
log warn s"User $user authenticated successfully but is not authorized"
}).recover {
case ex => handleOpenIdFailure(ex, request)
* Called if the OpenID authentication process fails.
* Note that this is not called if the authorization fails;
* see onOpenIdUnauthorized(UserInfo)
in that case.
protected def handleOpenIdFailure(ex: Throwable, request: RequestHeader): Result = {
val addr = request.remoteAddress
val errorMsg = Option(ex).map(ex => s": ${ex.getMessage}").getOrElse("")
log warn s"OpenID authentication failed from: $addr with error: $errorMsg"