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* @param strategyName
* Name of the location strategy.
* @param functionDefinition
* The JavaScript function to register.
* @param delimiter
* Default=NONE. The delimiter to split the given locator value
@ArgumentNames({ "strategyName", "functionDefinition", "delimiter=NONE" })
public void addLocationStrategy(String strategyName, String functionDefinition, String delimiter) {
ElementFinder.addLocationStrategy(strategyName, functionDefinition, delimiter);
* Closes the current browser instance.
* @see BrowserManagement#closeAllBrowsers
* @see BrowserManagement#openBrowser
* @see BrowserManagement#switchBrowser
public void closeBrowser() {
if (webDriverCache.getCurrentSessionId() != null) {
logging.debug(String.format("Closing browser with session id %s", webDriverCache.getCurrentSessionId()));
public String openBrowser(String url) throws Throwable {
return openBrowser(url, "firefox");
public String openBrowser(String url, String browserName) throws Throwable {
return openBrowser(url, browserName, null);
public String openBrowser(String url, String browserName, String alias) throws Throwable {
return openBrowser(url, browserName, alias, null);
public String openBrowser(String url, String browserName, String alias, String remoteUrl) throws Throwable {
return openBrowser(url, browserName, alias, remoteUrl, null);
public String openBrowser(String url, String browserName, String alias, String remoteUrl, String desiredCapabilities)
throws Throwable {
return openBrowser(url, browserName, alias, remoteUrl, desiredCapabilities, null);
* Opens a new browser instance to given URL.
* Possible values for browser are as follows:
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Google Chrome
Google Chrome
HTMLUnit with Javascipt support
* Note, that you will encounter strange behavior, if you open multiple
* Internet Explorer browser instances. That is also why `Switch Browser`
* only works with one IE browser at most. For more information see: Strange errors with multiple IE instances
* Returns the index of the newly created browser instance which can be used
* later to switch back to it. Index starts from 1 and is reset back to it
* when the `Close All Browsers` keyword is used.
* @param url
* The URL to open in the newly created browser instance.
* @param browserName
* Default=firefox. Optional name of the browser to start.
* @param alias
* Default=NONE. Optional alias for the newly created browser
* instance. The alias can be used later for switching between
* browsers instances, just as returned index.
* @param remoteUrl
* Default=NONE. Optional remote grid URL. When specified no
* local WebDriver instance is created, but a network connection
* to a Selenium 2 WebDriver Grid Hub at the given URL is opened.
* @param desiredCapabilities
* Default=NONE. Optional desired capabilities of the newly
* created remote browser instances. Used to communicate to the
* remote grid, which kind of browser, etc. should be used. For
* more information see: DesiredCapabilities
* @param ffProfileDir
* Default=NONE. Optional path to a custom Firefox profile
* directory. Overwrites the default profile.
* @return The index of the newly created browser instance.
* @see BrowserManagement#closeAllBrowsers
* @see BrowserManagement#closeBrowser
* @see BrowserManagement#switchBrowser
@ArgumentNames({ "url", "browserName=firefox", "alias=NONE", "remoteUrl=NONE", "desiredCapabilities=NONE",
"ffProfileDir=NONE" })
public String openBrowser(String url, String browserName, String alias, String remoteUrl,
String desiredCapabilities, String ffProfileDir) throws Throwable {
try {"browserName: " + browserName);
if (remoteUrl != null) {"Opening browser '%s' to base url '%s' through remote server at '%s'",
browserName, url, remoteUrl));
} else {"Opening browser '%s' to base url '%s'", browserName, url));
WebDriver webDriver = createWebDriver(browserName, desiredCapabilities, ffProfileDir, remoteUrl);
String sessionId = webDriverCache.register(webDriver, alias);
logging.debug(String.format("Opened browser with session id %s", sessionId));
return sessionId;
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (remoteUrl != null) {
"Opening browser '%s' to base url '%s' through remote server at '%s' failed", browserName, url,
} else {
logging.warn(String.format("Opening browser '%s' to base url '%s' failed", browserName, url));
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(t);
* "Switches between active browser instances using an index or an
* alias.
* The index is returned from `Open Browser` and an alias can be given to
* it.
* Example:
Open Browser
Location Should Be
Open Browser
2nd conn
Location Should Be
Switch Browser
# index
Page Should Contain
I'm feeling lucky
Switch Browser
2nd conn
# alias
Page Should Contain
More Yahoo!
Close All Browsers
* The above example expects that there was no other open browsers when
* opening the first one because it used index '1' when switching to it
* later. If you aren't sure about that you can store the index into a
* variable as below.
${id} =
Open Browser
# Do something ...
Switch Browser
* @param indexOrAlias
* the index or alias of the browser instance to switch to
* @see BrowserManagement#closeAllBrowsers
* @see BrowserManagement#closeBrowser
* @see BrowserManagement#openBrowser
@ArgumentNames({ "indexOrAlias" })
public void switchBrowser(String indexOrAlias) {
try {
logging.debug(String.format("Switched to browser with Selenium session id %s",
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(String.format("No browser with index or alias '%s' found.",
* Closes all open browser instances and resets the browser cache.
* After this keyword new indexes returned from `Open Browser` keyword are
* reset to 1. This keyword should be used in test or suite teardown to make
* sure all browsers are closed.
* @see BrowserManagement#closeBrowser
* @see BrowserManagement#openBrowser
* @see BrowserManagement#switchBrowser
public void closeAllBrowsers() {
logging.debug("Closing all browsers");
* Closes the currently open pop-up window.
public void closeWindow() {
* Returns the id attributes of all windows known to the current browser
* instance.
* @return List of window id attributes
* @see Logging#logWindowIdentifiers
public List getWindowIdentifiers() {
return toList(WindowManager.getWindowIds(webDriverCache.getCurrent()), "Window Id");
* Returns the names of all windows known to the current browser instance.
* @return List of window names
* @see Logging#logWindowNames
public List getWindowNames() {
List windowNames = WindowManager.getWindowNames(webDriverCache.getCurrent());
if (windowNames.size() != 0 && windowNames.get(0).equals("undefined")) {
windowNames.set(0, "selenium_main_app_window");
return toList(windowNames, "Window Name");
* Returns the titles of all windows known to the current browser instance.
* @return List of window titles
* @see Logging#logWindowTitles
public List getWindowTitles() {
return toList(WindowManager.getWindowTitles(webDriverCache.getCurrent()), "Window Title");
* Maximizes current browser window.
public void maximizeBrowserWindow() {
* Returns current window size as width then height.
* Example:
Get Window Size
* @return The window width and height in px.
public Object[] getWindowSize() {
Dimension size = getCurrentWebDriver().manage().window().getSize();
return new Object[] { Integer.toString(size.width), Integer.toString(size.height) };
* Sets the width and height of the current window to the
* specified values.
* Example:
Set Window Size
Get Window Size
Should Be Equal
Should Be Equal
* @param width
* The window width to set in px.
* @param height
* The window height to set in px.
@ArgumentNames({ "width", "height" })
public void setWindowSize(String width, String height) {
.setSize(new Dimension(Integer.parseInt(width), Integer.parseInt(height)));
* Selects the frame identified by locator as current frame.
* Key attributes for frames are id and name. See
* `Introduction` for details about locators.
* @param locator
* The locator to locate the frame
@ArgumentNames({ "locator" })
public void selectFrame(String locator) {"Selecting frame '%s'.", locator));
List elements = element.elementFind(locator, true, true);
public void selectWindow() {
* Selects the window identified by locator as the context of
* actions.
* If the window is found, all subsequent commands use that window, until
* this keyword is used again. If the window is not found, this keyword
* fails.
* By default, when a locator value is provided, it is matched against the
* title of the window and the javascript name of the window. If multiple
* windows with same identifier are found, the first one is selected.
* The special locator main (default) can be used to select the main window.
* Example:
Click Link
# opens new window
Select Window
Title Should Be
Popup Title
Select Window
# Chooses the main window again
* It is also possible to specify the approach Selenium2Library should take
* to find a window by specifying a locator strategy. See `Introduction` for
* details about locators:
Select Window | title=My Document
Matches by window title
Select Window | name=${name}
Matches by window javascript name
Select Window | url=
Matches by window's current URL
* @param locator
* The locator to locate the window
@ArgumentNames({ "locator=NONE" })
public void selectWindow(String locator) {, locator);
* Selects the top frame as the current frame.
public void unselectFrame() {
* Returns the current location.
* @return The current location.
* @see Logging#logLocation
public String getLocation() {
return webDriverCache.getCurrent().getCurrentUrl();
* Returns the entire HTML source of the current page or frame.
* @return The HTML source.
* @see Logging#logSource
public String getSource() {
return webDriverCache.getCurrent().getPageSource();
* Returns the title of current page.
* @return The title.
* @see Logging#logTitle
public String getTitle() {
return webDriverCache.getCurrent().getTitle();
* Returns the actually supported capabilities of the remote browser
* instance.
* Not all server implementations will support every WebDriver feature.
* Therefore, the client and server should use JSON objects with the
* properties listed below when describing which features a user requests
* that a session support. If a session cannot support a capability that
* is requested in the desired capabilities, no error is thrown; a
* read-only capabilities object is returned that indicates the capabilities
* the session actually supports. For more information see: DesiredCapabilities
* @return The capabilities of the remote node.
* @see Logging#logRemoteCapabilities
public String getRemoteCapabilities() {
if (getCurrentWebDriver() instanceof RemoteWebDriver) {
return ((RemoteWebDriver) getCurrentWebDriver()).getCapabilities().toString();
} else {
return "No remote session id";
* Returns the session id of the remote browser instance.
* @return The remote session id.
* @see Logging#logRemoteSessionId
public String getRemoteSessionId() {
if (getCurrentWebDriver() instanceof RemoteWebDriver) {
return ((RemoteWebDriver) getCurrentWebDriver()).getSessionId().toString();
} else {
return "No remote session id";
* Returns basic system information about the execution environment.
* @return System information.
* @see Logging#logSystemInfo
public String getSystemInfo() {
return String.format(" '%s'\n os.arch: '%s'\n os.version: '%s'\n java.version: '%s'",
System.getProperty(""), System.getProperty("os.arch"), System.getProperty("os.version"),
* Verify the current page URL is exactly url.
* @param url
* The URL to verify.
* @see BrowserManagement#locationShouldContain
@ArgumentNames({ "url" })
public void locationShouldBe(String url) {
String actual = getLocation();
if (!actual.equals(url)) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(String.format("Location should have been '%s', but was '%s'",
url, actual));
}"Current location is '%s'.", url));
* Verify the current page URL contains url.
* @param url
* The URL to verify.
* @see BrowserManagement#locationShouldBe
@ArgumentNames({ "url" })
public void locationShouldContain(String url) {
String actual = getLocation();
if (!actual.contains(url)) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(String.format(
"Location should have contained '%s', but was '%s'", url, actual));
}"Current location is '%s'.", url));
* Verify the current page title is exactly title.
* @param title
* The title to verify.
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldNotBe
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldContain
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldNotContain
@ArgumentNames({ "title" })
public void titleShouldBe(String title) {
String actual = getTitle();
if (!actual.equals(title)) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(String.format("Title should have been '%s', but was '%s'",
title, actual));
}"Page title is '%s'.", title));
* Verify the current page title is not exactly title.
* @param title
* The title to verify.
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldBe
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldContain
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldNotContain
@ArgumentNames({ "title" })
public void titleShouldNotBe(String title) {
String actual = getTitle();
if (actual.equals(title)) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(String.format("Title should not have been '%s', but was '%s'",
title, actual));
}"Page title is '%s'.", title));
* Verify the current page title contains title.
* @param title
* The title to verify.
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldBe
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldNotBe
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldNotContain
@ArgumentNames({ "title" })
public void titleShouldContain(String title) {
String actual = getTitle();
if (!actual.contains(title)) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(String.format("Title should have contained '%s', but was '%s'",
title, actual));
}"Page title is '%s'.", title));
* Verify the current page title does not contain title.
* @param title
* The title to verify.
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldBe
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldNotBe
* @see BrowserManagement#titleShouldContain
@ArgumentNames({ "title" })
public void titleShouldNotContain(String title) {
String actual = getTitle();
if (actual.contains(title)) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(String.format(
"Title should not have contained '%s', but was '%s'", title, actual));
}"Page title is '%s'.", title));
* Simulates the user clicking the "back" button on their browser.
public void goBack() {
* Navigates the active browser instance to the provided URL.
* @param url
* The URL to open.
@ArgumentNames({ "url" })
public void goTo(String url) {"Opening url '%s'", url));
* Simulates user reloading page.
public void reloadPage() {
* (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Returns the delay in seconds that is waited
* after each Selenium command.
* @return The delay in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#setSeleniumSpeed
public String getSeleniumSpeed() {
return Robotframework.secsToTimestr(0);
* (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Sets and returns the delay in seconds that is
* waited after each Selenium command.
* @param timestr
* The delay in seconds.
* @return The previous delay in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#getSeleniumSpeed
@RobotKeyword("(NOT IMPLEMENTED)\n\nSets the delay in seconds that is waited after each " + "Selenium command.\n")
@ArgumentNames({ "timestr" })
public String setSeleniumSpeed(String timestr) {
return "0s";
* Returns the timeout in seconds that is used by various keywords.
* @return The timeout in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#setSeleniumTimeout
public String getSeleniumTimeout() {
return Robotframework.secsToTimestr(timeout);
* Sets and returns the timeout in seconds that is used by various keywords.
* There are several Wait ... keywords that take a timeout as an argument.
* All of these timeout arguments are optional. The timeout used by all of
* them can be set globally using this keyword. See `Introduction` for more
* information about timeouts.
* The previous timeout value is returned by this keyword and can be used to
* set the old value back later. The default timeout is 5 seconds, but it
* can be altered in importing the library.
* Example:
${orig timeout} =
Set Selenium Timeout
15 seconds
# Open page that loads slowly
Set Selenium Timeout
${orig timeout}
# Reset to old value
* @param timestr
* The timeout in seconds.
* @return The previous timeout in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#getSeleniumTimeout
@ArgumentNames({ "timestr" })
public String setSeleniumTimeout(String timestr) {
String oldWait = getSeleniumTimeout();
timeout = Robotframework.timestrToSecs(timestr);
for (SessionIdAliasWebDriverTuple sessionIdAliasWebDriverTuple : webDriverCache.getWebDrivers()) {
.setScriptTimeout((int) (timeout * 1000.0), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return oldWait;
* Returns the implicit wait time in seconds that is used by Selenium.
* @return The implicit wait time in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#setSeleniumImplicitWait
public String getSeleniumImplicitWait() {
return Robotframework.secsToTimestr(implicitWait);
* Sets and returns the implicit wait time in seconds that is used by all
* Selenium 2 WebDriver instances. This affects all currently open and from
* now on opened instances.
* From selenium 2 function: Sets a sticky timeout to implicitly wait for
* an element to be found, or a command to complete. This method only needs
* to be called one time per session.
* Example:
${orig wait} =
Set Selenium Implicit Wait
10 seconds
# Perform AJAX call that is slow
Set Selenium Implicit Wait
${orig wait}
# Reset to old value
* @param timestr
* The implicit wait time in seconds.
* @return The previous implicit wait time in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#setBrowserImplicitWait
* @see BrowserManagement#getSeleniumImplicitWait
@ArgumentNames({ "timestr" })
public String setSeleniumImplicitWait(String timestr) {
String oldWait = getSeleniumTimeout();
implicitWait = Robotframework.timestrToSecs(timestr);
for (SessionIdAliasWebDriverTuple sessionIdAliasWebDriverTuple : webDriverCache.getWebDrivers()) {
.implicitlyWait((int) (implicitWait * 1000.0), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return oldWait;
* Sets and returns the implicit wait time in seconds that is used by the
* current Selenium 2 WebDriver instance.
* From selenium 2 function: Sets a sticky timeout to implicitly wait for
* an element to be found, or a command to complete. This method only needs
* to be called one time per session.
* Example:
${orig wait} =
Set Browser Implicit Wait
10 seconds
# Perform AJAX call that is slow
Set Browser Implicit Wait
${orig wait}
# Reset to old value
* @param timestr
* The implicit wait time in seconds.
* @return The previous implicit wait time in seconds.
* @see BrowserManagement#setSeleniumImplicitWait
@ArgumentNames({ "timestr" })
public String setBrowserImplicitWait(String timestr) {
String oldWait = getSeleniumTimeout();
implicitWait = Robotframework.timestrToSecs(timestr);
.implicitlyWait((int) (implicitWait * 1000.0), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return oldWait;
public void setRemoteWebDriverProxy(String host, String port) {
setRemoteWebDriverProxy(host, port, "");
public void setRemoteWebDriverProxy(String host, String port, String user) {
setRemoteWebDriverProxy(host, port, user, "");
public void setRemoteWebDriverProxy(String host, String port, String user, String password) {
setRemoteWebDriverProxy(host, port, user, password, "");
public void setRemoteWebDriverProxy(String host, String port, String user, String password, String domain) {
setRemoteWebDriverProxy(host, port, user, password, domain, "");
* Configures proxy handling for remote WebDriver instances.
* This is needed to connect to an external Selenium 2 WebDriver rid through
* a local HTTP proxy. This implementation handles BASIC, DIGEST and NTLM
* based authentication schemes correctly.
* The given configuration will be used for all subsequent calls of `Open
* Browser`. To remove the proxy call:
* Set Remote Web Driver Proxy | ${EMPTY} | ${EMPTY}
* Some additional info:
If no username is provided, it looks for a username at the
* Java property http.proxyUser and the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and
* http_proxy. If a username is found, it is only used, if the host and port
* also match.
If no password is provided, it looks for a password at the
* Java property http.proxyUser and the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and
* http_proxy. If a password is found, it is only used, if the host, port
* and username also match.
If a domain is provided, NTLM based authentication is used
If no workstation is provided and NTLM based authentication is
* used, the hostname is used as workstation name.
* @param host
* The hostname of the proxy
* @param port
* The port of the proxy
* @param username
* Default=NONE. The usename
* @param password
* Default=NONE. The password of the user
* @param domain
* Default=NONE. The NTLM domain name
* @param workstation
* Default=NONE. The name of the workstation
@ArgumentNames({ "host", "port", "username=NONE", "password=NONE", "domain=NONE", "workstation=NONE" })
public void setRemoteWebDriverProxy(String host, String port, String username, String password, String domain,
String workstation) {
if (host.length() == 0 || port.length() == 0) {
// No host and port given as proxy
remoteWebDriverProxyHost = "";
remoteWebDriverProxyPort = "";
remoteWebDriverProxyUser = "";
remoteWebDriverProxyPassword = "";
remoteWebDriverProxyDomain = "";
remoteWebDriverProxyWorkstation = "";
URL proxyUrl = null;
try {
String httpProxy = System.getenv().get("http_proxy");
if (httpProxy != null) {
proxyUrl = new URL(httpProxy);
} else {
httpProxy = System.getenv().get("HTTP_PROXY");
if (httpProxy != null) {
proxyUrl = new URL(httpProxy);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryNonFatalException(e.getMessage());
if (username.length() == 0) {
// look for a username from properties
if (System.getProperty("http.proxyHost", "").equals(host)
&& System.getProperty("http.proxyPort", "").equals(port)) {
username = System.getProperty("http.proxyUser", "");
// look for a username from environment
if (username.length() == 0) {
if (proxyUrl != null && proxyUrl.getHost().equals(host)
&& Integer.toString(proxyUrl.getPort()).equals(port)) {
username = getUserFromURL(proxyUrl);
if (password.length() == 0) {
// look for a password from properties
if (System.getProperty("http.proxyHost", "").equals(host)
&& System.getProperty("http.proxyPort", "").equals(port)
&& System.getProperty("http.proxyUser", "").equals(username)) {
password = System.getProperty("http.proxyPassword", "");
// look for a password from environment
if (password.length() == 0) {
if (proxyUrl != null && proxyUrl.getHost().equals(host)
&& Integer.toString(proxyUrl.getPort()).equals(port)
&& getUserFromURL(proxyUrl).equals(username)) {
password = getPasswordFromURL(proxyUrl);
if (domain.length() != 0 && workstation.length() == 0) {
try {
workstation = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().split("\\.")[0];
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
logging.warn("No workstation name found");
remoteWebDriverProxyHost = host;
remoteWebDriverProxyPort = port;
remoteWebDriverProxyUser = username;
remoteWebDriverProxyPassword = password;
remoteWebDriverProxyDomain = domain;
remoteWebDriverProxyWorkstation = workstation;
// ##############################
// Internal Methods
// ##############################
protected String getUserFromURL(URL url) {
String auth = url.getUserInfo();
int index = auth.indexOf(':');
if (index == -1) {
return auth;
return auth.substring(0, index);
protected String getPasswordFromURL(URL url) {
String auth = url.getUserInfo();
int index = auth.indexOf(':');
if (index == -1) {
return "";
return auth.substring(index + 1);
protected WebDriver createWebDriver(String browserName, String desiredCapabilitiesString, String profileDirectory,
String remoteUrlString) throws MalformedURLException {
browserName = browserName.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "");
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = createDesiredCapabilities(browserName, desiredCapabilitiesString,
WebDriver webDriver;
if (remoteUrlString != null && !"False".equals(remoteUrlString)) {
webDriver = createRemoteWebDriver(desiredCapabilities, new URL(remoteUrlString));
} else {
webDriver = createLocalWebDriver(browserName, desiredCapabilities);
webDriver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout((int) (timeout * 1000.0), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
webDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait((int) (implicitWait * 1000.0), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return webDriver;
protected WebDriver createLocalWebDriver(String browserName, DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities) {
if ("ff".equals(browserName) || "firefox".equals(browserName)) {
return new FirefoxDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("ie".equals(browserName) || "internetexplorer".equals(browserName)) {
return new InternetExplorerDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("gc".equals(browserName) || "chrome".equals(browserName) || "googlechrome".equals(browserName)) {
return new ChromeDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("opera".equals(browserName)) {
return new OperaDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("phantomjs".equals(browserName)) {
return new PhantomJSDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("safari".equals(browserName)) {
return new SafariDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("htmlunit".equals(browserName)) {
return new HtmlUnitDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} else if ("htmlunitwithjs".equals(browserName)) {
HtmlUnitDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(desiredCapabilities);
return driver;
} else if ("iphone".equals(browserName) || "ipad".equals(browserName)) {
try {
return new IPhoneDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException("Creating " + browserName + " instance failed.", e);
} else if ("android".equals(browserName)) {
return new AndroidDriver(desiredCapabilities);
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(browserName + " is not a supported browser.");
protected WebDriver createRemoteWebDriver(DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities, URL remoteUrl) {
HttpCommandExecutor httpCommandExecutor = new HttpCommandExecutor(remoteUrl);
return new Augmenter().augment(new RemoteWebDriver(httpCommandExecutor, desiredCapabilities));
protected DesiredCapabilities createDesiredCapabilities(String browserName, String desiredCapabilitiesString,
String profileDirectory) {
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities;
if ("ff".equals(browserName) || "firefox".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
if (profileDirectory != null) {
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile(new File(profileDirectory));
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, profile);
} else if ("ie".equals(browserName) || "internetexplorer".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
} else if ("gc".equals(browserName) || "chrome".equals(browserName) || "googlechrome".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities =;
} else if ("opera".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.opera();
} else if ("phantomjs".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.phantomjs();
} else if ("safari".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.safari();
} else if ("ipad".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.ipad();
} else if ("iphone".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.iphone();
} else if ("android".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities =;
} else if ("htmlunit".equals(browserName) || "htmlunitwithjs".equals(browserName)) {
desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.htmlUnit();
} else {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(browserName + " is not a supported browser.");
if (desiredCapabilitiesString != null && !"None".equals(desiredCapabilitiesString)) {
for (String capability : desiredCapabilitiesString.split(",")) {
String[] keyValue = capability.split(":");
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
return desiredCapabilities;
protected void setRemoteWebDriverProxy(HttpCommandExecutor httpCommandExecutor) {
if (remoteWebDriverProxyHost.length() == 0) {
String fieldName = "";
String className = "";
try {
// Get access to the client instance
fieldName = "client";
className = "DefaultHttpClient";
Field field = HttpCommandExecutor.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
DefaultHttpClient client = (DefaultHttpClient) field.get(httpCommandExecutor);
// set the credentials for the proxy
AuthScope authScope = new AuthScope(remoteWebDriverProxyHost, Integer.parseInt(remoteWebDriverProxyPort));
if (remoteWebDriverProxyDomain.length() == 0) {
// BASIC Authentication
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(remoteWebDriverProxyUser, remoteWebDriverProxyPassword));
} else {
// NTLM Authentication
new NTCredentials(remoteWebDriverProxyUser, remoteWebDriverProxyPassword,
remoteWebDriverProxyWorkstation, remoteWebDriverProxyDomain));
// Set the RoutePlanner back to something that handles
// proxies correctly.
client.setRoutePlanner(new DefaultHttpRoutePlanner(client.getConnectionManager().getSchemeRegistry()));
HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(remoteWebDriverProxyHost, Integer.parseInt(remoteWebDriverProxyPort));
client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(String.format(
"The SecurityManager does not allow us to lookup to the %s field.", fieldName));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(String.format(
"The RemoteWebDriver dose not declare the %s field any more.", fieldName));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(String.format("The field %s does not belong to the given object.",
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(String.format(
"The SecurityManager does not allow us to access to the %s field.", fieldName));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new Selenium2LibraryFatalException(String.format("The %s field does not contain a %s.", fieldName,
protected List toList(List items) {
return toList(items, "item");
protected List toList(List items, String what) {
List msg = new ArrayList();
msg.add(String.format("Altogether %d %s%s.\n", items.size(), what, items.size() == 1 ? "" : "s"));
for (int index = 0; index < items.size(); index++) {
msg.add(String.format("%d: %s", index + 1, items.get(index)));
return items;