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scroll.internal.Compartment.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package scroll.internal

import scroll.internal.errors.SCROLLErrors.RoleNotFound
import scroll.internal.errors.SCROLLErrors.SCROLLError
import scroll.internal.errors.SCROLLErrors.TypeError
import scroll.internal.errors.SCROLLErrors.TypeNotFound
import scroll.internal.graph.ScalaRoleGraph
import scroll.internal.graph.ScalaRoleGraphBuilder
import scroll.internal.util.ReflectiveHelper

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.classTag

  * This Trait allows for implementing an objectified collaboration with a limited number of participating roles and a fixed scope.
  * ==Overview==
  * Roles are dependent on some sort of context. We call them compartments. A typical example of a compartment is a university,
  * which contains the roles Student and Teacher collaborating in Courses. Everything in SCROLL happens inside of Compartments
  * but roles (implemented as standard Scala classes) can be defined or imported from everywhere. Just mix in this Trait
  * into your own specific compartment class or create an anonymous instance.
  * ==Example==
  * {{{
  * val player = new Player()
  * new Compartment {
  *   class RoleA
  *   class RoleB
  *   player play new RoleA()
  *   player play new RoleB()
  *   // call some behaviour
  * }
  * }}}
trait Compartment
  extends RoleConstraints
    with RoleRestrictions
    with RoleGroups
    with Relationships
    with QueryStrategies
    with RoleUnionTypes {

  private[internal] val plays: ScalaRoleGraph =

  implicit def either2TorException[T](either: Either[_, T]): T = either.fold(
    l => {
      throw new RuntimeException(l.toString)
    }, r => {

    * Declaring a bidirectional is-part-of relation between compartment.
  def union(other: Compartment): Compartment = {
    require(null != other)

    * Declaring a is-part-of relation between compartments.
  def partOf(other: Compartment): Unit = {
    require(null != other)
    val _ = plays.addPart(other.plays)

    * Merge role graphs to this and set other role graph to this one.
  def combine(other: Compartment): Compartment = {
    require(null != other)
    if (other.plays != this.plays) {

    * Removing is-part-of relation between compartments.
  def notPartOf(other: Compartment): Unit = {
    require(null != other)

    * Query the role playing graph for all player instances that do conform to the given matcher.
    * @param matcher the matcher that should match the queried player instance in the role playing graph
    * @tparam T the type of the player instance to query for
    * @return all player instances as Seq, that do conform to the given matcher
  def all[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](matcher: RoleQueryStrategy = MatchAny()): Seq[T] = {
    plays.allPlayers.filter([T]).map(_.asInstanceOf[T]).filter(a => {
      coreFor(a) match {
        case p +: Nil => matcher.matches(p)
        case Nil => false
        case l => l.forall(matcher.matches)

    * Query the role playing graph for all player instances that do conform to the given function.
    * @param matcher the matching function that should match the queried player instance in the role playing graph
    * @tparam T the type of the player instance to query for
    * @return all player instances as Seq, that do conform to the given matcher
  def all[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](matcher: T => Boolean): Seq[T] =
    plays.allPlayers.filter([T]).map(_.asInstanceOf[T]).filter(a => {
      coreFor(a) match {
        case p +: Nil => matcher(p.asInstanceOf[T])
        case Nil => false
        case l => l.forall(i => matcher(i.asInstanceOf[T]))

    * Query the role playing graph for all player instances that do conform to the given matcher and return the first found.
    * @param matcher the matcher that should match the queried player instance in the role playing graph
    * @tparam T the type of the player instance to query for
    * @return the first player instance, that does conform to the given matcher or an appropriate error
  def one[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](matcher: RoleQueryStrategy = MatchAny()): Either[TypeError, T] = safeReturn(all[T](matcher), classTag[T].toString).fold(
    l => {
    }, { case head +: _ =>

    * Query the role playing graph for all player instances that do conform to the given function and return the first found.
    * @param matcher the matching function that should match the queried player instance in the role playing graph
    * @tparam T the type of the player instance to query for
    * @return the first player instances, that do conform to the given matcher or an appropriate error
  def one[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](matcher: T => Boolean): Either[TypeError, T] = safeReturn(all[T](matcher), classTag[T].toString).fold(
    l => {
    }, { case head +: _ =>

    * Transfers a role from one core to another.
    * @tparam F type of core the given role should be removed from
    * @tparam T type of core the given role should be attached to
    * @tparam R type of role
    * @param coreFrom the core the given role should be removed from
    * @param coreTo   the core the given role should be attached to
    * @param role     the role that should be transferred
  def transferRole[F <: AnyRef : ClassTag, T <: AnyRef : ClassTag, R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](coreFrom: F, coreTo: T, role: R): Unit = {
    require(null != coreFrom)
    require(null != coreTo)
    require(null != role)
    require(coreFrom != coreTo, "You can not transfer a role from itself.")
    removePlaysRelation(coreFrom, role)
    addPlaysRelation(coreTo, role)

    * Adds a play relation between core and role.
    * @tparam C type of core
    * @tparam R type of role
    * @param core the core to add the given role at
    * @param role the role that should added to the given core
  def addPlaysRelation[C <: AnyRef : ClassTag, R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](core: C, role: R): Unit = {
    require(null != core)
    require(null != role)
    validate(core, role)
    plays.addBinding(core, role)

    * Removes the play relation between core and role.
    * @tparam C type of core
    * @tparam R type of role
    * @param core the core the given role should removed from
    * @param role the role that should removed from the given core
  def removePlaysRelation[C <: AnyRef : ClassTag, R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](core: C, role: R): Unit = {
    require(null != core)
    require(null != role)
    plays.removeBinding(core, role)

    * Explicit helper factory method for creating a new Player instance
    * without the need to relying on the implicit mechanics of Scala.
    * @param obj the player or role that is wrapped into this dynamic player type
    * @return a new Player instance wrapping the given object
  def newPlayer(obj: Object): Player[Object] = {
    require(null != obj)
    new Player(obj)

    * Removes the given player from the graph.
    * This should remove its binding too!
    * @param player the player to remove
  def removePlayer[P <: AnyRef : ClassTag](player: P): Unit = plays.removePlayer(player)

    * Returns a Seq of all players
    * @return a Seq of all players
  def allPlayers: Seq[AnyRef] = plays.allPlayers

  protected final def coreFor(role: AnyRef): Seq[AnyRef] = {
    require(null != role)
    role match {
      case cur: IPlayer[_] => coreFor(cur.wrapped)
      case cur: AnyRef if plays.containsPlayer(cur) =>
        plays.predecessors(cur) match {
          case Nil => Seq(cur)
          case head +: Nil => coreFor(head)
          case r => r
      case _ => Seq(role)

  private[this] def safeReturn[T](seq: Seq[T], typeName: String): Either[TypeError, Seq[T]] = seq match {
    case Nil => Left(TypeNotFound(typeName))
    case s => Right(s)

  protected object PlayerEquality {
    def equalsPlayer[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](a: IPlayer[T], b: IPlayer[T]): Boolean = (coreFor(a.wrapped), coreFor(b.wrapped)) match {
      case (cl1, cl2) if cl1 equals cl2 => true
      case (_ :+ last, head +: Nil) if head == last => true
      case (head +: Nil, _ :+ last) if head == last => true
      case _ => false

    def equalsAny[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](a: IPlayer[T], b: Any): Boolean = coreFor(a.wrapped) match {
      case head +: Nil => head == b
      case _ :+ last => last == b

  implicit class Player[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](override val wrapped: T) extends IPlayer[T](wrapped) with SCROLLDynamic with SCROLLDispatchable {

    override def unary_+ : Player[T] = this

      * Returns the player of this player instance if this is a role, or this itself.
      * @param dispatchQuery provide this to sort the resulting instances if a role instance is played by multiple core objects
      * @return the player of this player instance if this is a role, or this itself or an appropriate error
    def player(implicit dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery = DispatchQuery.empty): Either[TypeError, AnyRef] = dispatchQuery.filter(coreFor(this)) match {
      case elem +: _ => Right(elem)
      case _ => Left(TypeNotFound(this.getClass.toString))

    override def <+>[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): Player[T] = play(role)

    override def play[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): Player[T] = {
      require(null != role)
      wrapped match {
        case p: Player[_] => addPlaysRelation[T, R](p.wrapped.asInstanceOf[T], role)
        case p: AnyRef => addPlaysRelation[T, R](p.asInstanceOf[T], role)
        case p => throw new RuntimeException(s"Only instances of 'IPlayer' or 'AnyRef' are allowed to play roles! You tried it with '$p'.")

      * Alias for [[Player.playing]].
      * @tparam R type of role
      * @param role the role that should played
      * @return the player instance
    def <=>[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): T = playing(role)

      * Adds a play relation between core and role but always returns the player instance.
      * @tparam R type of role
      * @param role the role that should played
      * @return the player instance
    def playing[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): T = play(role).wrapped

    override def <->[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): Player[T] = drop(role)

    override def drop[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): Player[T] = {
      removePlaysRelation[T, R](wrapped, role)

    protected class TransferToBuilder[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R) {
      def to[P <: AnyRef : ClassTag](player: P): Unit = {
        transferRole[T, P, R](wrapped, player, role)

      * Transfers a role to another player.
      * @tparam R type of role
      * @param role the role to transfer
    def transfer[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag](role: R): TransferToBuilder[R] =
      new TransferToBuilder[R](role)

      * Checks if this Player has all of the given facet(s) attached.
      * @param f the facet(s)
      * @return true if this player has all of the given facets attached, false otherwise.
    def hasFacets(f: Enumeration#Value*): Boolean = f.forall(plays.facets(wrapped).contains)

      * Checks if this Player has at least one of the given facets attached.
      * @param f the facets
      * @return true if this player has at least one of the given facets attached, false otherwise.
    def hasSomeFacet(f: Enumeration#Value*): Boolean = f.exists(plays.facets(wrapped).contains)

      * Checks of this Player has an extension of the given type.
      * Alias for [[Player.isPlaying]].
    def hasExtension[E <: AnyRef : ClassTag]: Boolean = isPlaying[E]

      * Checks of this Player is playing a role of the given type R.
      * @tparam R type of role
      * @return true if this player is playing a role of type R, false otherwise. Returns false also, if
      *         the player is not available in the role-playing graph.
    def isPlaying[R <: AnyRef : ClassTag]: Boolean = plays.roles(wrapped).exists([R])

    override def remove(): Unit = plays.removePlayer(this.wrapped)

    override def roles(): Seq[AnyRef] = plays.roles(this.wrapped)

    override def facets(): Seq[Enumeration#Value] = plays.facets(this.wrapped)

    override def predecessors(): Seq[AnyRef] = plays.predecessors(this.wrapped)

    override def applyDynamicNamed[E](name: String)(args: (String, Any)*)(implicit dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery = DispatchQuery.empty): Either[SCROLLError, E] =
      applyDynamic(name)( _*)(dispatchQuery)

    override def applyDynamic[E](name: String)(args: Any*)(implicit dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery = DispatchQuery.empty): Either[SCROLLError, E] = {
      val core = coreFor(wrapped).last
      dispatchQuery.filter(plays.roles(core)).collectFirst {
        case r if ReflectiveHelper.findMethod(r, name, args).isDefined => (r, ReflectiveHelper.findMethod(r, name, args).get)
      } match {
        case Some((r, fm)) => dispatch(r, fm, args: _*)
        case _ => Left(RoleNotFound(core.toString, name, args))

    override def selectDynamic[E](name: String)(implicit dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery = DispatchQuery.empty): Either[SCROLLError, E] = {
      val core = coreFor(wrapped).last
      dispatchQuery.filter(plays.roles(core)).find(ReflectiveHelper.hasMember(_, name)) match {
        case Some(r) => Right(ReflectiveHelper.propertyOf(r, name))
        case None => Left(RoleNotFound(core.toString, name, Seq.empty))

    override def updateDynamic(name: String)(value: Any)(implicit dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery = DispatchQuery.empty): Unit =
      dispatchQuery.filter(plays.roles(coreFor(wrapped).last)).find(ReflectiveHelper.hasMember(_, name)).foreach(ReflectiveHelper.setPropertyOf(_, name, value))

    override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
      case other: Player[_] => PlayerEquality.equalsPlayer(this, other)
      case other: Any => PlayerEquality.equalsAny(this, other)
      case _ => false // default case

    override def hashCode(): Int = wrapped.hashCode()



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