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package scroll.internal.compartment.impl
import scroll.internal.compartment.CompartmentApi
import scroll.internal.dispatch.DispatchQuery
import scroll.internal.dispatch.impl.SCROLLDispatchable
import scroll.internal.errors.SCROLLErrors.TypeError
import scroll.internal.errors.SCROLLErrors.TypeNotFound
import scroll.internal.graph.RoleGraphProxyApi
import scroll.internal.graph.impl.ScalaRoleGraphProxy
import scroll.internal.util.ReflectiveHelper
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Partly implements the API for Compartments. See the subclasses [[Compartment]] and [[MultiCompartment]] for examples
* of a full implementation.
abstract class AbstractCompartment() extends CompartmentApi {
override lazy val roleGraph: RoleGraphProxyApi = new ScalaRoleGraphProxy()
override lazy val roleConstraints: RoleConstraintsApi = new RoleConstraints(roleGraph)
override lazy val roleRestrictions: RoleRestrictionsApi = new RoleRestrictions()
override lazy val rolePlaying: RolePlayingApi = new RolePlaying(roleGraph, roleRestrictions)
override lazy val roleQueries: RoleQueriesApi = new RoleQueries(roleGraph)
override lazy val compartmentRelations: CompartmentRelationsApi = new CompartmentRelations(roleGraph)
override lazy val roleRelationships: RelationshipsApi = new Relationships(roleQueries)
override lazy val roleGroups: RoleGroupsApi = new RoleGroups(roleGraph)
override lazy val playerEquality: PlayerEqualityApi = new PlayerEquality(roleGraph)
implicit def either2TorException[T](either: Either[?, T]): T =
either.fold(l => throw new RuntimeException(l.toString), r => r)
protected def applyDispatchQuery(dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery, on: AnyRef): Seq[AnyRef] =
roleGraph.plays.coreFor(on).lastOption match {
case Some(core) => dispatchQuery.filter(core +: roleGraph.plays.roles(core))
case _ => Seq.empty[AnyRef]
/** Explicit helper factory method for creating a new Player instance without the need to relying on the implicit
* mechanics of Scala.
* @param obj
* the player or role that is wrapped into this dynamic player type
* @return
* a new Player instance wrapping the given object
def newPlayer[W <: AnyRef: ClassTag](obj: W): IPlayer[W, ?]
/** Wrapper class to add basic functionality to roles and its players as unified types.
* @param wrapped
* the player or role that is wrapped into this dynamic type
* @tparam W
* type of wrapped object
abstract class IPlayer[+W <: AnyRef: ClassTag, +T <: IPlayer[W, T]](val wrapped: W)
extends SCROLLDispatchable
with Dynamic {
self: T =>
/** Applies lifting to IPlayer
* @return
* an lifted IPlayer instance with the calling object as wrapped.
def unary_+ : T = this
/** Returns the player of this player instance if this is a role, or this itself.
* @param dispatchQuery
* provide this to sort the resulting instances if a role instance is played by multiple core objects
* @return
* the player of this player instance if this is a role, or this itself or an appropriate error
def player(using dispatchQuery: DispatchQuery = DispatchQuery()): Either[TypeError, AnyRef] =
dispatchQuery.filter(roleGraph.plays.coreFor(this)) match {
case elem +: _ => Right(elem)
case _ => Left(TypeNotFound(this.getClass))
/** Adds a play relation between core and role.
* @tparam R
* type of role
* @param role
* the role that should be played
* @return
* this
infix def play[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag](role: R): T = {
require(null != role)
wrapped match {
case p: IPlayer[?, ?] => rolePlaying.addPlaysRelation[W, R](p.wrapped.asInstanceOf[W], role)
case p: AnyRef => rolePlaying.addPlaysRelation[W, R](p.asInstanceOf[W], role)
case null =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Only instances of 'IPlayer' or 'AnyRef' are allowed to play roles!")
/** Alias for [[IPlayer.playing]].
* @tparam R
* type of role
* @param role
* the role that should played
* @return
* the player instance
infix def <=>[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag](role: R): W = playing(role)
/** Adds a play relation between core and role but always returns the player instance.
* @tparam R
* type of role
* @param role
* the role that should played
* @return
* the player instance
infix def playing[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag](role: R): W = play(role).wrapped
/** Alias for [[IPlayer.drop]].
* @param role
* the role that should be removed
* @return
* this
infix def <->(role: AnyRef): T = drop(role)
/** Removes the play relation between core and role.
* @param role
* the role that should be removed
* @return
* this
infix def drop(role: AnyRef): T = {
rolePlaying.removePlaysRelation(wrapped, role)
protected class TransferToBuilder[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag](role: R) {
infix def to[P <: AnyRef: ClassTag](player: P): Unit =
rolePlaying.transferRole[W, P, R](wrapped, player, role)
/** Transfers a role to another player.
* @tparam R
* type of role
* @param role
* the role to transfer
infix def transfer[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag](role: R): TransferToBuilder[R] =
new TransferToBuilder[R](role)
/** Checks if this IPlayer has all of the given facet(s) attached.
* @param f
* the facet(s)
* @return
* true if this player has all of the given facets attached, false otherwise.
def hasFacets(f: Enumeration#Value*): Boolean =
/** Checks if this IPlayer has at least one of the given facets attached.
* @param f
* the facets
* @return
* true if this player has at least one of the given facets attached, false otherwise.
def hasSomeFacet(f: Enumeration#Value*): Boolean =
/** Checks of this IPlayer has an extension of the given type. Alias for [[IPlayer.isPlaying]].
def hasExtension[E <: AnyRef: ClassTag]: Boolean = isPlaying[E]
/** Checks of this IPlayer is playing a role of the given type R.
* @tparam R
* type of role
* @return
* true if this player is playing a role of type R, false otherwise. Returns false also, if the player is not
* available in the role-playing graph.
def isPlaying[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag]: Boolean =
/** Alias for [[]].
* @tparam R
* type of role
* @param role
* the role that should be played
* @return
* this
def <+>[R <: AnyRef: ClassTag](role: R): T = play(role)
/** Removes this player from the graph.
def remove(): Unit = roleGraph.plays.removePlayer(this.wrapped)
/** Returns a Seq of all roles attached to this player.
* @return
* a Seq of all roles of this player. Returns an empty Seq if this player is not in the role-playing graph.
def roles(): Seq[AnyRef] = roleGraph.plays.roles(this.wrapped)
/** Returns a Seq of all facets attached to this player.
* @return
* a Seq of all facets of this player including the player object itself. Returns an empty Seq if this player is
* not in the role-playing graph.
def facets(): Seq[Enumeration#Value] = roleGraph.plays.facets(this.wrapped)
/** Returns a list of all predecessors of this player, i.e., a transitive closure of its cores (deep roles).
* @return
* a list of all predecessors of this player
def predecessors(): Seq[AnyRef] = roleGraph.plays.predecessors(this.wrapped)
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean =
o match {
case other: IPlayer[W @unchecked, ?] => playerEquality.equalsPlayer(this, other)
case other: AnyRef => playerEquality.equalsAny(this, other)
case null => false
override def hashCode(): Int = wrapped.hashCode()