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import org.chocosolver.solver.Model
import org.chocosolver.solver.Solution
import org.chocosolver.solver.variables.IntVar
import scroll.internal.graph.RoleGraphProxyApi
import scroll.internal.util.ReflectiveHelper
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.classTag
class RoleGroups(private val roleGraph: RoleGraphProxyApi) extends RoleGroupsApi {
import RoleGroupsApi._
private lazy val roleGroups = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, RoleGroup]
override def checked(func: => Unit): Unit = {
override def create(name: String): RoleGroupApi = RoleGroup(name, Seq.empty, (0, 0), (0, 0))
private def validateOccurrenceCardinality(): Unit =
roleGroups.foreach { case (name, rg) =>
val min = rg.occ._1
val max = rg.occ._2
val types = rg.types
val actual = types
.map(ts => roleGraph.plays.allPlayers.count(r => ts == ReflectiveHelper.simpleName(r.getClass.toString)))
if (actual < min || max < actual) {
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Occurrence cardinality in role group '$name' violated! " +
s"Roles '$types' are played $actual times but should be between $min and $max."
private def buildConstraintsMap(
types: Seq[String],
op: Constraint,
model: Model,
numOfTypes: Int,
min: Int,
max: CInt,
rg: RoleGroup
): Map[String, IntVar] = { ts =>
op match {
case AND => ts -> model.intVar("NUM$" + ts, 1)
case OR => ts -> model.intVar("NUM$" + ts, 0, numOfTypes)
case XOR => ts -> model.intVar("NUM$" + ts, 0, 1)
case NOT => ts -> model.intVar("NUM$" + ts, 0)
private def solve(
model: Model,
types: Seq[String],
constraintsMap: Map[String, IntVar],
rg: RoleGroup
): Seq[String] = {
val solver = model.getSolver
if (solver.solve()) {
val resultRoleTypeSet = mutable.Set.empty[String]
val solutions = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Solution]
while {
val sol = new Solution(model)
val _ = sol.record()
solutions += sol
} do ()
val allPlayers =
roleGraph.plays.allPlayers.filter(p => !types.contains(ReflectiveHelper.simpleName(p.getClass.toString)))
if (
allPlayers.forall { p =>
solutions.exists { s =>
types.forall { t =>
val numRole = roleGraph.plays
.count(r => t == ReflectiveHelper.simpleName(r.getClass.toString))
if (
numRole == s.getIntVal(
throw new RuntimeException(s"Constraints for role group '${}' do not contain '$t'!")
) {
} else {
) {
rg.evaluated = true
return resultRoleTypeSet.toSeq // scalastyle:ignore
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(s"Constraint set of role group '${}' unsolvable!")
// give up
throw new RuntimeException(s"Constraint set for inner cardinality of role group '${}' violated!")
private def eval(rg: RoleGroup): Seq[String] = {
val model = new Model(s"MODEL$$${rg.hashCode()}")
val types = rg.types
val numOfTypes = types.size
val sumName = "SUM$" +
val (min, max) = (rg.limit._1, rg.limit._2)
val (sum, op) = (min, max) match {
case _ if == 0 && min == numOfTypes =>
(model.intVar(sumName, numOfTypes), AND)
case _ if min == 1 && == 0 =>
(model.intVar(sumName, 1, numOfTypes), OR)
case _ if min == 1 && == 0 => (model.intVar(sumName, 1), XOR)
case _ if min == 0 && == 0 => (model.intVar(sumName, 0), NOT)
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Role group constraint of ($min, $max) for role group '${}' not possible!")
val constraintsMap = buildConstraintsMap(types, op, model, numOfTypes, min, max, rg), "=", sum))
solve(model, types, constraintsMap, rg)
private def validateInnerCardinality(): Unit =
finally roleGroups.values.foreach(_.evaluated = false)
/** Checks all role groups. Will throw a RuntimeException if a role group constraint is violated!
private def validate(): Unit = {
private def addRoleGroup(rg: RoleGroup): RoleGroup =
if (roleGroups.exists { case (n, _) => n == }) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"The RoleGroup ${} was already added!")
} else {
roleGroups( = rg
case class RoleGroup(
name: String,
entries: Seq[Entry],
limit: (Int, CInt),
occ: (Int, CInt),
var evaluated: Boolean = false
) extends RoleGroupApi {
assert(occ._1 >= 0 && occ._2 >= occ._1)
assert(limit._1 >= 0 && limit._2 >= limit._1)
implicit private def classTagToString(m: ClassTag[?]): String =
override def types: Seq[String] =
entries.flatMap {
case ts: Types => ts.types
case rg: RoleGroup => eval(rg)
case _ =>
throw new RuntimeException("Role groups can only contain a list of types or role groups itself!")
override def containing(
rg: RoleGroupApi*
)(limitLower: Int, limitUpper: CInt)(occLower: Int, occUpper: CInt): RoleGroupApi =
addRoleGroup(RoleGroup(name, rg, (limitLower, limitUpper), (occLower, occUpper)))
override def containing[T1 <: AnyRef: ClassTag](
limitLower: Int,
limitUpper: CInt
)(occLower: Int, occUpper: CInt): RoleGroupApi = {
val entry = Types(classTag[T1])
addRoleGroup(RoleGroup(name, Seq(entry), (limitLower, limitUpper), (occLower, occUpper)))
override def containing[T1 <: AnyRef: ClassTag, T2 <: AnyRef: ClassTag](
limitLower: Int,
limitUpper: CInt
)(occLower: Int, occUpper: CInt): RoleGroupApi = {
val entry = Types(classTag[T1], classTag[T2])
addRoleGroup(RoleGroup(name, Seq(entry), (limitLower, limitUpper), (occLower, occUpper)))
override def containing[T1 <: AnyRef: ClassTag, T2 <: AnyRef: ClassTag, T3 <: AnyRef: ClassTag](
limitLower: Int,
limitUpper: CInt
)(occLower: Int, occUpper: CInt): RoleGroupApi = {
val entry = Types(classTag[T1], classTag[T2], classTag[T3])
addRoleGroup(RoleGroup(name, Seq(entry), (limitLower, limitUpper), (occLower, occUpper)))
override def containing[
T1 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T2 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T3 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T4 <: AnyRef: ClassTag
](limitLower: Int, limitUpper: CInt)(occLower: Int, occUpper: CInt): RoleGroupApi = {
val entry = Types(classTag[T1], classTag[T2], classTag[T3], classTag[T4])
addRoleGroup(RoleGroup(name, Seq(entry), (limitLower, limitUpper), (occLower, occUpper)))
override def containing[
T1 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T2 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T3 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T4 <: AnyRef: ClassTag,
T5 <: AnyRef: ClassTag
](limitLower: Int, limitUpper: CInt)(occLower: Int, occUpper: CInt): RoleGroupApi = {
val entry = Types(classTag[T1], classTag[T2], classTag[T3], classTag[T4], classTag[T5])
addRoleGroup(RoleGroup(name, Seq(entry), (limitLower, limitUpper), (occLower, occUpper)))