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package com.github.mdr.ascii
import com.github.mdr.ascii.impl._
class GraphParserException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)
object Diagram {
def apply(s: String): Diagram = new DiagramParse(s).getDiagram
sealed trait Container {
* @return all the text directly inside this container, excluding any diagram elements (boxes, edges and labels).
def text: String
* @return the area of the diagram covered by this container
def region: Region
* @return all boxes immediately below this container
def childBoxes: List[Box]
def parent: Option[Container]
trait Diagram extends Container {
* @return all boxes in diagram, whether top level or nested
def allBoxes: List[Box]
def allEdges: List[Edge]
def parent: Option[Container] = None
def boxAt(point: Point): Option[Box]
trait Box extends Container {
* @return all edges incident to this box
def edges: List[Edge]
* @return edges and other boxes incident to this box, filtered according to the given mode.
def connections(mode: ConnectMode = ConnectMode.All): List[(Edge, Box)] =
for {
edge ← edges
if mode.includeEdge(edge, this)
otherBox = edge.otherBox(this)
} yield edge -> otherBox
* Rule for filtering edges incident to a box
trait ConnectMode {
def includeEdge(edge: Edge, fromBox: Box): Boolean
object ConnectMode {
* Return only edges that have an arrow going into the other box
case object Out extends ConnectMode {
def includeEdge(edge: Edge, fromBox: Box): Boolean = edge.otherHasArrow(fromBox)
* Return only edges that have an arrow coming into this box
case object In extends ConnectMode {
def includeEdge(edge: Edge, fromBox: Box): Boolean = edge.hasArrow(fromBox)
* Return only undirected edges
case object Undirected extends ConnectMode {
def includeEdge(edge: Edge, fromBox: Box): Boolean = edge.hasArrow1 == false && edge.hasArrow2 == false
* Return all edges
case object All extends ConnectMode {
def includeEdge(edge: Edge, fromBox: Box): Boolean = true
trait Edge {
def points: List[Point]
def parent: Container
* First box incident to this edge
val box1: Box
* Second box incident to this edge
val box2: Box
* First box incident to this edge
val hasArrow1: Boolean
val hasArrow2: Boolean
val label: Option[String]
* Given one box in the edge, return the other
def otherBox(box: Box): Box =
if (box == box1)
else if (box == box2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Box not part of edge: " + box)
* Is there an arrow associated with the given box (which must be part of this edge)
def hasArrow(box: Box): Boolean =
if (box == box1)
else if (box == box2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Box not part of edge: " + box)
* Is there an arrow associated with the other box than the given box (which must be part of this edge)
def otherHasArrow(box: Box): Boolean = hasArrow(otherBox(box))
trait Translatable {
type Self <: Translatable
def translate(down: Int = 0, right: Int = 0): Self
def up: Self = up(1)
def up(n: Int): Self = translate(down = -n)
def down: Self = down(1)
def down(n: Int): Self = translate(down = n)
def left: Self = left(1)
def left(n: Int): Self = translate(right = -n)
def right: Self = right(1)
def right(n: Int): Self = translate(right = n)
def go(direction: Direction) = direction match {
case Up ⇒ up
case Down ⇒ down
case Left ⇒ left
case Right ⇒ right
case class Point(row: Int, column: Int) extends Translatable {
def maxRowCol(that: Point): Point = Point(math.max(this.row, that.row), math.max(this.column, that.column))
type Self = Point
def translate(down: Int = 0, right: Int = 0): Point = Point(row + down, column + right)
def neighbours: List[Point] = List(up, right, down, left)
sealed trait Direction {
val turnLeft: Direction
val turnRight: Direction
val opposite: Direction
def arrow: Char = this match {
case Up ⇒ '^'
case Down ⇒ 'v'
case Left ⇒ '<'
case Right ⇒ '>'
def isVertical = this == Up || this == Down
case object Up extends Direction {
val turnLeft = Left
val turnRight = Right
val opposite: Direction = Down
case object Down extends Direction {
val turnLeft = Right
val turnRight = Left
val opposite: Direction = Up
case object Left extends Direction {
val turnLeft = Down
val turnRight = Up
val opposite: Direction = Right
case object Right extends Direction {
val turnLeft = Up
val turnRight = Down
val opposite: Direction = Left
case class Dimension(height: Int, width: Int)
object Region {
def apply(topLeft: Point, dimension: Dimension): Region = {
val bottomRight = Point(topLeft.row + dimension.height - 1, topLeft.column + dimension.width - 1)
Region(topLeft, bottomRight)
case class Region(topLeft: Point, bottomRight: Point) extends Translatable {
def bottomLeft = Point(bottomRight.row, topLeft.column)
def topRight = Point(topLeft.row, bottomRight.column)
def topRow = topLeft.row
def bottomRow = bottomRight.row
def leftColumn = topLeft.column
def rightColumn = bottomRight.column
def contains(point: Point): Boolean = {
point.row >= topRow && point.column >= leftColumn &&
point.row <= bottomRow && point.column <= rightColumn
def contains(region: Region): Boolean = contains(region.topLeft) && contains(region.bottomRight)
def intersects(region: Region): Boolean = {
val disjoint =
this.rightColumn < region.leftColumn ||
region.rightColumn < this.leftColumn ||
this.bottomRow < region.topRow ||
region.bottomRow < this.topRow
def width = rightColumn - leftColumn + 1
def height = bottomRow - topRow + 1
def dimension = Dimension(height, width)
def area = width * height
def points: List[Point] =
for {
row ← (topRow to bottomRow toList)
column ← leftColumn to rightColumn
} yield Point(row, column)
type Self = Region
def translate(down: Int = 0, right: Int = 0): Region =
Region(topLeft.translate(down, right), bottomRight.translate(down, right))