com.github.mdr.ascii.layout.cycles.CycleRemover.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.github.mdr.ascii.layout.cycles
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import com.github.mdr.ascii.graph.Graph
object CycleRemover {
* Remove cycles and self loops from the given graph, resulting in a DAG. Removed self-loops and reversed
* edges are also returned.
def removeCycles[V](graph: Graph[V]): CycleRemovalResult[V] = {
val cycleRemover = new CycleRemover[V]
val (graphWithoutLoops, selfEdges) = cycleRemover.removeSelfLoops(graph)
val (graphWithoutCycles, reversedEdges) = cycleRemover.removeCycles(graphWithoutLoops)
CycleRemovalResult(graphWithoutCycles, reversedEdges, selfEdges)
class CycleRemover[V] {
private class Removal(graph: Graph[V]) {
private val graphInfo = new CycleRemovalInfo(graph)
private var left: List[V] = Nil
private var right: List[V] = Nil
final def run(): Removal = {
graphInfo.getLargestDegreeDiffVertex match {
case Some(v) ⇒
left ::= v
case None ⇒
private def addSinksToRight() =
while (graphInfo.getSinks.nonEmpty)
for (v ← graphInfo.getSinks) {
right ::= v
private def addSourcesToLeft() =
while (graphInfo.getSources.nonEmpty)
for (v ← graphInfo.getSources) {
left ::= v
def getSequence = left.reverse ++ right
private def findVertexSequence(graph: Graph[V]): List[V] =
new Removal(graph).run().getSequence
private def isSelfLoop[V](edge: (V, V)) = edge._1 == edge._2
* @return a graph without self-loops, together with a list of the self-edges that were removed.
def removeSelfLoops(graph: Graph[V]): (Graph[V], List[(V, V)]) = {
val (selfEdges, newEdges) = graph.edges.partition(isSelfLoop)
(graph.copy(edges = newEdges), selfEdges)
* @return graph without cycles and list of reversed edges (in the new graph).
def removeCycles(graph: Graph[V]): (Graph[V], List[(V, V)]) =
reflowGraph(graph, findVertexSequence(graph))
* Given an ordering of the vertices of the graph, return a new graph with all edges that go against
* the flow of that ordering reversed, together with a list of edges (in the new graph) that have been reversed.
* (Multiple edges between the same pair of vertices are handled by returning multiple reversed edges)
def reflowGraph(graph: Graph[V], vertexSequence: List[V]): (Graph[V], List[(V, V)]) = {
val vertexIndexMap: Map[V, Int] = vertexSequence.zipWithIndex.toMap
var newEdges: List[(V, V)] = Nil
var reversedEdges: List[(V, V)] = Nil
for {
(source, target) ← graph.edges
sourceIndex = vertexIndexMap(source)
targetIndex = vertexIndexMap(target)
} if (targetIndex < sourceIndex) {
reversedEdges ::= (target, source)
newEdges ::= (target, source)
} else
newEdges ::= (source, target)
(graph.copy(edges = newEdges), reversedEdges)