Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Decodes a UTF-32 (LE or BE) byte array to unicode characters.
class UTF32Decoder
private constructor(val combine: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Int) : Decoder {
companion object {
* Decodes a UTF-32BE byte array to unicode characters.
* Combine function combines two bytes of a UTF-32BE character and returns the result.
fun be(): UTF32Decoder = UTF32Decoder { first, second, third, fourth ->
fourth + 256 * (third + 256 * (second + 256 * first))
* Decodes a UTF-32LE byte array to unicode characters.
* Combine function combines two bytes of a UTF-32LE character and returns the result.
fun le(): UTF32Decoder = UTF32Decoder { first, second, third, fourth ->
first + 256 * (second + 256 * (third + 256 * fourth))
* @see Decoder#decode
override fun decode(bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 4, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-32 input contains invalid number of bytes")
val first = bytes[offset].toUnsignedInt()
val second = bytes[offset + 1].toUnsignedInt()
val third = bytes[offset + 2].toUnsignedInt()
val fourth = bytes[offset + 3].toUnsignedInt()
return UniChar(offset + 4, combine(first, second, third, fourth))
* Decodes a UTF-16 (LE or BE) byte array to unicode characters.
class UTF16Decoder
private constructor(val combine: (Int, Int) -> Int) : Decoder {
companion object {
* Decodes a UTF-16BE byte array to unicode characters.
* Combine function combines two bytes of a UTF-16BE character and returns the result.
fun be(): UTF16Decoder = UTF16Decoder { first, second -> second + first * 256 }
* Decodes a UTF-16LE byte array to unicode characters.
* Combine function combines two bytes of a UTF-16LE character and returns the result.
fun le(): UTF16Decoder = UTF16Decoder { first, second -> first + second * 256 }
* Copied from the unicode FAQs.
private val surrogateOffset = 0x10000 - (0xD800 * 1024) - 0xDC00
* @see Decoder#decode
override fun decode(bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int): UniChar {
val head = undo(bytes, offset)
return when {
head.code in 0xD800..0xDBFF -> combineLead(head, bytes, head.offset)
head.code in 0xDC00..0xDFFF -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-16 contains trail surrogate without lead surrogate")
else -> head
* Decodes a UTF-16 (LE or BE) byte array to a unicode char.
private fun undo(bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 2, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-16 input contains odd number of bytes")
val first = bytes[offset].toUnsignedInt()
val second = bytes[offset + 1].toUnsignedInt()
return UniChar(offset + 2, combine(first, second))
* Combines two UTF-16 surrogates into a single unicode character.
private fun combineSurrogates(lead: Int, trail: Int): Int = lead * 1024 + trail + surrogateOffset
* Combines the lead surrogate with the head of the rest of the input characters,
* assumed to be a trail surrogate, and continues combining surrogate pairs.
private fun combineLead(lead: UniChar, bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 2, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-16 contains lead surrogate as final character")
val tail = undo(bytes, offset)
val tailChar = tail.code
if (tail.code in 0xDC00..0xDFFF) {
return UniChar(tail.offset, combineSurrogates(lead.code, tailChar))
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-16 contains lead surrogate without trail surrogate")
* Decodes a UTF-8 byte array to unicode characters.
class UTF8Decoder : Decoder {
* @see Decoder#decode
override fun decode(bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 1, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 input contains invalid number of bytes")
val first = bytes[offset].toUnsignedInt()
return when {
first < 0x80 -> UniChar(offset + 1, first)
first < 0xC0 -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 input contains invalid first byte")
first < 0xE0 -> decodeTwoUTF8(first, offset + 1, bytes)
first < 0xF0 -> decodeThreeUTF8(first, offset + 1, bytes)
first < 0xF8 -> decodeFourUTF8(first, offset + 1, bytes)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 input contains invalid first byte")
* Decodes a two-byte UTF-8 character,
* where the first byte is already available and the second is the head of
* the bytes, and then continues to undo the UTF-8 encoding.
private fun decodeTwoUTF8(first: Int, offset: Int, bytes: ByteArray): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 1, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 double byte char is missing second byte at eof")
val second = bytes[offset].toUnsignedInt()
return when {
second < 0x80 || 0xBF < second -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 triple byte char has invalid second byte")
else -> UniChar(offset + 1, combineTwoUTF8(first, second))
* Combines the first and second bytes of a two-byte UTF-8 char into a single unicode char.
private fun combineTwoUTF8(first: Int, second: Int) =
(first - 0xC0) * 64 + (second - 0x80)
* Decodes a three-byte UTF-8 character,
* where the first byte is already available and the second and third are the
* head of the bytes, and then continues to undo the UTF-8 encoding.
private fun decodeThreeUTF8(first: Int, offset: Int, bytes: ByteArray): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 2, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 triple byte char is missing bytes at eof")
val second = bytes[offset].toUnsignedInt()
val third = bytes[offset + 1].toUnsignedInt()
return when {
second < 0x80 || 0xBF < second -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 triple byte char has invalid second byte")
third < 0x80 || 0xBF < third -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 triple byte char has invalid third byte")
else -> UniChar(offset + 2, combineThreeUTF8(first, second, third))
* Combines the first, second and third bytes of a three-byte UTF-8 char into a single unicode char.
private fun combineThreeUTF8(first: Int, second: Int, third: Int) =
(first - 0xE0) * 4096 + (second - 0x80) * 64 + (third - 0x80)
* Decodes a four-byte UTF-8 character, where the first byte is already available and the second, third and fourth
* are the head of the bytes, and then continues to undo the UTF-8 encoding.
private fun decodeFourUTF8(first: Int, offset: Int, bytes: ByteArray): UniChar {
if (hasFewerThan(offset, 3, bytes)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 quad byte char is missing bytes at eof")
val second = bytes[offset].toUnsignedInt()
val third = bytes[offset + 1].toUnsignedInt()
val fourth = bytes[offset + 2].toUnsignedInt()
return when {
second < 0x80 || 0xBF < second -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 quad byte char has invalid second byte")
third < 0x80 || 0xBF < third -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 quad byte char has invalid third byte")
fourth < 0x80 || 0xBF < fourth -> throw IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 quad byte char has invalid fourth byte")
else -> UniChar(offset + 3, combineFourUTF8(first, second, third, fourth))
* Combines the first, second, third and fourth bytes of a four-byte UTF-8 char into a single unicode char.
private fun combineFourUTF8(first: Int, second: Int, third: Int, fourth: Int) =
(first - 0xF0) * 262144 + (second - 0x80) * 4096 + (third - 0x80) * 64 + (fourth - 0x80)
* Checks whether there are fewer than n bytes left to read.
private fun hasFewerThan(offset: Int, n: Int, bytes: ByteArray) = bytes.size - offset < n
* Copies the byte in an Int and returns the int representation of it.
private fun Byte.toUnsignedInt(): Int = this.toInt() and 0xFF