Download com.github.microcmpt JAR files with all dependencies
msa-rpc-server from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.1)
Lightweight RPC communication framework based on netty and protostuff.
spring-boot-api-regcovery-dashboard-starter from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.4)
api-regcovery web control that adds, deletes, and checks services.
Group: com.github.microcmpt Artifact: spring-boot-api-regcovery-dashboard-starter
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msa-scheduler-dashboard-ui from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.5)
Timed task scheduling center web console.
msa-api-gateway-registry from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.1)
The application id is registered with the service registry for discovery in the service gateway.
spring-boot-msa-rpc4j-starter from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.1)
Lightweight RPC communication framework based on netty and protostuff.
msa-rpc4j-spring from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.1)
Lightweight RPC communication framework based on netty and protostuff.
msa-rpc-common from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.1)
Lightweight RPC communication framework based on netty and protostuff.
msa-rpc-client from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.1)
Lightweight RPC communication framework based on netty and protostuff.
msa-api-regcovery from group com.github.microcmpt (version 1.0.2)
Lightweight RPC communication framework based on netty and protostuff.
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