molecule.io.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Molecule support for monadic processes
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2013 Alcatel-Lucent.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* Licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package molecule
import stream.{ IChan, OChan }
* This package offers monadic process types and various combinators
* for monadic actions (see value members below).
package object io {
* Raise a signal as a user-level exception.
* @param signal the signal to raise.
* @return nothing.
def raise(signal: Signal): IO[Nothing] =
new IO[Nothing]((t, _) => t.raise(signal))
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import channel.{ RIChan, RChan, ROChan }
* Fork an interleaved action.
* @param a the action.
* @return A result channel carrying the result of the action.
def spawn[A: Message](a: IO[A]): IO[RIChan[A]] = new IO[RIChan[A]]({ (t, k) =>
val (ri, ro) = RChan.mk[A]()
t.askOrHandle(t.activity.rootCtx, new impl.Context(), a.ask, ro.success_!, ro.failure_!, t.fatal)
import impl.Context
* Execute a list of interleaved actions and return their results as a list.
* If one action fails all the other actions are terminated and a single signal
* corresponding to the exception is raised.
* @param ios a list of actions.
* @return the list of results. Results occur in the same as the order as the actions that produced them.
def parl[A, That](ios: Iterable[IO[A]])(implicit ma: Message[A], bf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, A, That]): IO[That] =
if (ios.isEmpty) {
} else new IO[That]({ (t, k) =>
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
val tot = ios.size
var cnt = 0
var status: Either[Signal, Array[Either[Context, A]]] = Right(Array.fill(tot)(Left(new Context())))
def checkDone(last: Int, results: Array[Either[Context, A]]) {
if (cnt == tot) {
val builder = bf()
var i = 0
while (i < tot) {
builder += results(i).right.get
results(i) = null
i += 1
status = Left(Signal("parl over"))
val ka: Int => A => Unit = { i =>
a =>
status match {
case Right(results) =>
if (results(i).isRight) {
System.err.println("collision!!!" + i + " -> " + a)
System.err.println(new Exception().getStackTraceString)
results(i) = Right(a)
cnt += 1
checkDone(i, results)
case Left(signal) => // fatal
ma.poison(a, signal)
val error: (Signal => Unit) => Signal => Unit = { raise =>
signal =>
status match {
case Right(results) =>
results.foreach {
case Right(a) => ma.poison(a, signal)
case Left(ctx) => ctx.shutdown(signal)
status = Left(signal)
case Left(signal) =>
// We already came here
val ctxs = status.right.get
ios.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (action, i) =>
t.askOrHandle(ctxs(i).left.get, action.ask, ka(i), error(t.raise), error(t.fatal))
* Execute a list of interleaved actions and return when they have all terminated. Contrarily
* to `parl`, this action discards the intermediate results.
* @param ios the list of actions.
* @return a unit action that returns after all the actions have terminated.
def parl_[A: Message](ios: Iterable[IO[A]]): IO[Unit] =
parl(ios) >> IO()
* Execute a list of interleaved actions and return their results as a list.
* @param ios a list of actions.
* @return the list of results. Results occur in the same as the order as the actions that produced them.
def parle[A, That](ios: Iterable[IO[A]])(implicit ma: Message[A], bf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Either[Signal, A], That]): IO[That] =
if (ios.isEmpty) {
} else new IO[That]({ (t, k) =>
val tot = ios.size
var cnt = 0
val results: Array[Either[Context, Either[Signal, A]]] = Array.fill(tot)(Left(new Context()))
var fatalSignal: Signal = null
def checkDone() {
if (cnt == tot) {
val builder = bf()
var i = 0
while (i < tot) {
builder += results(i).right.get
results(i) = null
i += 1
val ka: Int => A => Unit = { i =>
a =>
if (fatalSignal == null) {
results(i) = Right(Right(a))
} else
ma.poison(a, fatalSignal)
val er: Int => Signal => Unit = { i =>
signal =>
if (fatalSignal == null) {
results(i) = Right(Left(signal))
val ef: Signal => Unit = { signal =>
if (fatalSignal == null) {
fatalSignal = signal
var i = 0
while (i < tot) {
results(i) match {
case Left(ctx) =>
case Right(Right(a)) =>
ma.poison(a, signal)
case _ =>
results(i) = null
i += 1
ios.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (action, i) =>
t.askOrHandle(results(i).left.get, action.ask, ka(i), er(i), ef)
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* Read a value on an input within a specified timeout.
* @param in the input on which to read a value from
* @param time the timeout
* @param unit the time unit of the delay parameter.
* @return Some value if it can be read within the specified timeout, else none.
def readWithin[A](in: Input[A], time: Int, unit: TimeUnit): IO[Option[A]] = managed {
val timer = channel.Timer.timeout(time, unit)
use(timer) >>\ { t =>
(t <+%> in).read().map(_.fold(Function.const(None), Some(_)))
* Close all the resources acquired by the action passed as argument
* once it terminates.
* @param io the action to manage.
* @param the managed action.
def managed[A](io: IO[A]): IO[A] = io.orCatch { case s => raise(s) }
* Close all the resources acquired in the current context.
* Efficient loops with resource control can be written in terms
* of manage and resetCtx e.g.
* def forever(io:IO[Unit]):IO[Unit] = {
* def loop:IO[Unit] =
* io >> resetCtx() >> managedLoop
* manage(loop)
* }
* @return the unit action
def resetCtx(): IO[Unit] = new IO[Unit]({ (t, k) =>
import molecule.{ process => proc }
* Launch a process
* @param process a a process that returns a result of type R.
* @return the result channel
def launch[R: Message](process: proc.Process[R]): IO[RIChan[R]] =
* Launch a process
* @param process a a process that returns a result of type R.
* @param rc the return channel
* @return unit
def launch[R: Message](process: proc.Process[R], rc: ROChan[R]): IO[Unit] =
IO.launch(process, rc)
* Launch a process
* @param process an action that returns a process.
* @return the result channel
def launch[R: Message](process: IO[proc.Process[R]]): IO[RIChan[R]] =
* Launch a process
* @param process an action that returns a process.
* @return the result channel
def launch[R: Message](process: IO[proc.Process[R]], rc: ROChan[R]): IO[Unit] =
IO.launch(process, rc)
* Use an input channel in the context of the process.
* The returned process-level input is attached as a resource
* to the process context, and will get poisoned automatically
* when the process terminates, unless the input is explicitly
* released before (see API of Input[A]).
* @param ichan a first-class input channel.
* @return an action that returns the process-level channel.
def use[A: Message](ichan: IChan[A]): IO[Input[A]] =
IO.use(System.identityHashCode(ichan), ichan)
* Use an output channel in the context of the process.
* The returned process-level output is attached as a resource
* to the process context, and will get closed automatically
* when the process terminates, unless the input is explicitly
* released before (see API of Output[A]).
* @param ochan a first-class output channel.
* @return an action that returns the process-level channel.
def use[A >: Nothing: Message](ochan: OChan[A]): IO[Output[A]] =
IO.use(System.identityHashCode(ochan), ochan)
* Attach a resource to the resource control of this process such
* that it gets automatically closed once the process exits.
* @param resource a resource.
* @return an action that returns the attached resource.
def attach[T <: Resource](resource: T): IO[T] = new IO[T]({ (t, k) =>
* Detach a resource from the resource control of this process.
* @param resource a resource.
* @return an action that returns the attached resource.
def detach[T <: Resource](resource: T): IO[T] = new IO[T]({ (t, k) =>
* Wait for the termination of a process and return its result.
* @param rchan the result channel.
def join[R: Message](rchan: RIChan[R]): IO[R] =
use(rchan) >>\ { _.read() }
//def join[R:Message](ior:IO[RIChan[R]]):IO[R] =
// ior >>\ {join(_)}
* Another class for 'enriching' a result channel returned within an IO.
* Enrich a result channel with additional methods.
class RichIORIChan[A: Message](rc: RIChan[A]) {
* Execute an action in parallel (interleaved parallelism) once
* the result is available. This is useful to cleanup stateful
* resources associated with a process.
def onResult(handle: Either[Signal, A] => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] =
new IO((t, k) => {
rc.read {
case (seg, IChan(signal)) =>
if (seg.isEmpty)
t.askOrHandle(handle(Left(signal)).ask, utils.NOOP, t.fatal, t.fatal)
t.askOrHandle(handle(Right(seg.head)).ask, utils.NOOP, t.fatal, t.fatal)
* Returns the result received on a result channel.
def get(): IO[A] = join(rc)
* Enrich a result channel returned within an IO with additional methods.
class RichIOIORIChan[A: Message](iorc: IO[RIChan[A]]) {
* Execute an action in parallel (interleaved parallelism) once
* the result is available. This is useful to cleanup stateful
* resources associated with a process.
def onResult(handle: Either[Signal, A] => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] =
iorc >>\ { rc => new RichIORIChan(rc).onResult(handle) }
* Returns the result received on a result channel.
def get(): IO[A] = iorc >>\ (join(_))
/** Enrich a result channel. */
final implicit def enrichIORIChan[A: Message](rc: RIChan[A]): RichIORIChan[A] = new RichIORIChan(rc)
/** Enrich a result channel. */
final implicit def enrichIOIORIChan[A: Message](rc: IO[RIChan[A]]): RichIOIORIChan[A] = new RichIOIORIChan(rc)
* Enrich a return channel with additional methods.
class RichIOROChan[A](ro: ROChan[A]) {
def success(a: A): IO[Unit] = { ro.success_!(a); IO() }
def failure(signal: Signal): IO[Unit] = { ro.failure_!(signal); ioLogErr(signal.toString) }
/** Enrich a return channel. */
final implicit def enrichIOROChan[A](rc: ROChan[A]): RichIOROChan[A] = new RichIOROChan(rc)
import channel.NativeProducer
* Enrich a native producer channel.
class RichIOProducer[A](pc: NativeProducer[A]) {
def write(a: A): IO[Unit] = try { pc.send(a); IO() } catch {
case t: Throwable => raise(Signal(t))
/** Enrich a producer channel. */
final implicit def enrichIONativeProducer[A](pc: NativeProducer[A]): RichIOProducer[A] = new RichIOProducer(pc)
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* Suspend this process for a certain duration (non-blocking).
* @param timeout the duration of sleep.
* @param unit the time unit.
* @return a unit action that returns after the sleep period.
def sleep(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): IO[Unit] =
use(channel.Timer.timeout(timeout, unit)) >>\ { _.read() } >> IO()
* Call with current continuation.
* @param call a function that takes the current continuation as argument.
* @return an action that returns the parameter passed to `call`.
def callcc[A](call: (A => IO[Nothing]) => IO[Nothing]): IO[A] =
new IO[A]({ (t, k) =>
val continue: A => IO[Nothing] = (a =>
new IO[Nothing]({ (_, _) =>
call(continue).ask(t, utils.NOOP)
* Execute a an action if the guard is true.
* @param b the guard.
* @param io the action to execute if b is true.
* @return a unit action.
def guard(b: Boolean)(io: => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] =
if (b) io else IO()
* Execute a an action unless the guard is true.
* @param b the guard.
* @param io the action to execute if b is false.
* @return a unit action.
def unless(b: Boolean)(io: => IO[Unit]): IO[Unit] =
if (!b) io else IO()
* Return a Random.
* @return an action that returns a Random.
def getRandom: IO[java.util.Random] = IO(utils.random())
* Action that gets the current platform.
val getPlatform: IO[platform.Platform] =
new IO((t, k) => k(t.platform))
* Action that gets the current platform.
def getPlatformAs[P <: platform.Platform]: IO[P] =
new IO((t, k) => k(t.platform.asInstanceOf[P]))
* Action that logs a message.
* @param msg the message to log.
* @return an action that logs a message.
def ioLog(msg: String): IO[Unit] =
new IO((t, k) => { t.platform.log(t.activity + ":" + msg); k() })
* Action that logs a warning message.
* @param msg the message to log.
* @return an action that logs a warning message.
def ioLogWarn(msg: String): IO[Unit] =
new IO((t, k) => { t.platform.logWarn(t.activity + ":" + msg); k() })
* Action that logs an error message.
* @param msg the message to log.
* @return an action that logs a error message.
def ioLogErr(msg: String): IO[Unit] =
new IO((t, k) => { t.platform.logErr(t.activity + ":" + msg); k() })
* Action that logs a debug message.
* @param msg the message to log.
* @return an action that logs a debug message.
def ioLogDbg(msg: String): IO[Unit] =
new IO((t, k) => { t.platform.logDbg(t.activity + ":" + msg); k() })
* Enrich an output of strings.
class RichIOStringOutput(out: Output[String]) {
def writeLn(s: String) = out.write(s + utils.lineSep)
* Implicit conversion to 'enrich' an output of strings.
implicit def enrichIOStringOutput(out: Output[String]): RichIOStringOutput =
new RichIOStringOutput(out)
* Enrich a Platftorm with additional methods.
class RichIOPlatform(p: platform.Platform) {
def execIO[A: Message](io: IO[A]): RIChan[A] = {
p.launch(new impl.Process[A] {
def ptype = ProcessType.Anonymous
def behavior: IO[A] = io
def execIO_: A =
implicit def enrichIOPlatform(p: platform.Platform): RichIOPlatform =
new RichIOPlatform(p)
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