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package com.github.mvysny.kaributesting.v8
import com.vaadin.server.Page
import com.vaadin.ui.Component
import com.vaadin.ui.HasComponents
import com.vaadin.ui.UI
import java.util.*
import java.util.function.Predicate
* A criterion for matching components. The component must match all of non-null fields.
* You can add more properties, simply by creating a write-only property which will register a new predicate into [predicates] on write. See
* [Adding support for custom search criteria](
* for more details.
* @property clazz the class of the component we are searching for.
* @property id the required [Component.getId]; if `null`, no particular id is matched.
* @property caption the required [Component.caption]; if `null`, no particular caption is matched.
* @property placeholder the required [Component.placeholder]; if null, no particular placeholder is matched.
* @property styles if not null, the component must match all of these styles. Space-separated.
* @property withoutStyles if not null, the component must NOT match any of these styles. Space-separated.
* @property count expected count of matching components, defaults to `0..Int.MAX_VALUE`
* @property value expected [Component.value]; if `null`, no particular value is matched.
* @property predicates the predicates the component needs to match, not null. May be empty - in such case it is ignored. By default empty.
* If adding a predicate, remember to provide a proper `toString()` so that you'll get an informative error message on lookup failure.
public class SearchSpec(
public val clazz: Class,
public var id: String? = null,
public var caption: String? = null,
public var placeholder: String? = null,
public var styles: String? = null,
public var withoutStyles: String? = null,
public var count: IntRange = 0..Int.MAX_VALUE,
public var value: Any? = null,
public var predicates: MutableList> = mutableListOf()
) {
override fun toString(): String {
val list = mutableListOf(if (clazz.simpleName.isBlank()) else clazz.simpleName)
if (id != null) list.add("id='$id'")
if (caption != null) list.add("caption='$caption'")
if (placeholder != null) list.add("placeholder='$placeholder'")
if (!styles.isNullOrBlank()) list.add("styles='$styles'")
if (!withoutStyles.isNullOrBlank()) list.add("withoutStyles='$withoutStyles'")
if (value != null) list.add("value=$value")
if (count != (0..Int.MAX_VALUE) && count != 1..1) list.add("count=$count")
list.addAll( { it.toString() })
return list.joinToString(" and ")
* Returns a predicate which matches components based on this spec. All rules are matched, except the [count] rule. The
* rules are matched against given component only (not against its children).
public fun toPredicate(): (Component) -> Boolean {
val p = mutableListOf<(Component) -> Boolean>()
p.add { component -> clazz.isInstance(component) }
if (id != null) p.add { component -> == id }
if (caption != null) p.add { component -> component.caption == caption }
if (placeholder != null) p.add { component -> component.placeholder == placeholder }
if (!styles.isNullOrBlank()) p.add { component -> component.hasAllStyleNames(styles!!) }
if (!withoutStyles.isNullOrBlank()) p.add { component -> component.doesntHaveAnyStyleNames(withoutStyles!!) }
if (value != null) p.add { component -> component.value == value }
p.addAll( { predicate -> { component: Component -> clazz.isInstance(component) && predicate.test(component as T) } })
return p.and()
public fun Iterable.filterNotBlank(): List = filterNotNull().filter { it.isNotBlank() }
private val Component.styleNames: Set get() = styleName.split(' ').filterNotBlank().toSet()
private fun Component.hasAllStyleNames(style: String): Boolean {
if (style.contains(' ')) return style.split(' ').filterNotBlank().all { hasAllStyleNames(it) }
return styleNames.contains(style)
private fun Component.doesntHaveAnyStyleNames(style: String): Boolean {
if (style.contains(' ')) return style.split(' ').filterNotBlank().all { !hasAllStyleNames(it) }
return !styleNames.contains(style)
* Finds a VISIBLE component of given type which matches given [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @param block the search specification
* @return the only matching component, never null.
* @throws AssertionError if no component matched, or if more than one component matches.
public inline fun Component._get(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): T = this._get(, block)
* Finds a VISIBLE component of given [clazz] which matches given [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @param clazz the component must be of this class.
* @param block the search specification
* @return the only matching component, never null.
* @throws AssertionError if no component matched, or if more than one component matches.
public fun Component._get(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): T {
val result = _find(clazz) {
count = 1..1
check(count == 1..1) { "You're calling _get which is supposed to return exactly 1 component, yet you tried to specify the count of $count" }
return clazz.cast(result.single())
* Finds a VISIBLE component in the current UI of given type which matches given [block]. The [currentUI] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @return the only matching component, never null.
* @throws AssertionError if no component matched, or if more than one component matches.
public inline fun _get(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): T = _get(, block)
* Finds a VISIBLE component in the current UI of given [clazz] which matches given [block]. The [currentUI] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @param clazz the component must be of this class.
* @param block the search specification
* @return the only matching component, never null.
* @throws AssertionError if no component matched, or if more than one component matches.
public fun _get(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): T =
currentUI._get(clazz, block)
* Finds a list of VISIBLE components of given [clazz] which matches [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @return the list of matching components, may be empty.
* @throws AssertionError if the number of matched components isn't exactly as stated in [SearchSpec.count].
public fun Component._find(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): List {
val spec = SearchSpec(clazz)
val result = find(spec.toPredicate())
if (result.size !in spec.count) {
val loc: String = try {
Page.getCurrent()?.location?.path?.trim('/') ?: "?"
} catch (t: Exception) {
// incorrectly mocked Page tends to fail with NPE in Page.getLocation(). Meh, just log the exception and return "?"
MockVaadin.log.warn("Failed to retrieve current location from Page, probably because of incorrectly mocked Vaadin classes", t)
val message = when {
result.isEmpty() -> "/$loc: No visible ${clazz.simpleName}"
result.size < spec.count.first -> "/$loc: Too few (${result.size}) visible ${clazz.simpleName}s"
else -> "/$loc: Too many visible ${clazz.simpleName}s (${result.size})"
// find() used to fail with IllegalArgumentException which makes sense for a general-purpose utility method. However,
// since find() is used in tests overwhelmingly, not finding the correct set of components is generally treated as an assertion error.
fail("$message in ${toPrettyString()} matching $spec: [${result.joinToString { it.toPrettyString() }}]. Component tree:\n${toPrettyTree()}")
return result.filterIsInstance(clazz)
* Finds a list of VISIBLE components of given type which matches [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @return the list of matching components, may be empty.
public inline fun Component._find(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): List =
this._find(, block)
* Finds a list of VISIBLE components in the current UI of given type which matches given [block]. The [currentUI] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @param block the search specification
* @return the list of matching components, may be empty.
public inline fun _find(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): List =
_find(, block)
* Finds a list of VISIBLE components of given [clazz] which matches [block]. The [currentUI] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @return the list of matching components, may be empty.
public fun _find(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}): List =
currentUI._find(clazz, block)
internal fun Component.isEffectivelyVisible(): Boolean = isVisible && (parent == null || parent.isEffectivelyVisible())
private fun Component.find(predicate: (Component) -> Boolean): List {
val result = walk().filter { it.isEffectivelyVisible() && predicate(it) }
return result
private fun Iterable<(T) -> Boolean>.and(): (T) -> Boolean = { component -> all { it(component) } }
* Walks the child tree, preorder depth-first: first the node, then its descendants,
* then its next sibling.
internal class PreorderTreeIterator(root: T, private val children: (T) -> List) : Iterator {
private val queue: Deque = LinkedList(listOf(root))
override fun hasNext() = !queue.isEmpty()
override fun next(): T {
if (!hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()
val result: T = queue.pop()
children(result).reversed().forEach { queue.push(it) }
return result
private fun Component.walk(): Iterable = Iterable {
PreorderTreeIterator(this) { component ->
(component as? HasComponents)?.toList() ?: listOf()
* Expects that there are no VISIBLE components of given type which matches [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if one or more components matched.
public inline fun Component._expectNone(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
this._expectNone(, block)
* Expects that there are no VISIBLE components of given [clazz] which matches [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if one or more components matched.
public fun Component._expectNone(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
val result: List = _find(clazz) {
count = 0..0
check(count == 0..0) { "You're calling _expectNone which expects 0 component, yet you tried to specify the count of $count" }
check(result.isEmpty()) // safety check that _find works as expected
* Expects that there are no VISIBLE components in the current UI of given type which matches [block]. The [UI.getCurrent] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if one or more components matched.
public inline fun _expectNone(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
_expectNone(, block)
* Expects that there are no VISIBLE components in the current UI of given [clazz] which matches [block]. The [UI.getCurrent] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if one or more components matched.
public fun _expectNone(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
currentUI._expectNone(clazz, block)
* Expects that there is exactly one VISIBLE components of given type which matches [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if none, or more than one components matched.
public inline fun Component._expectOne(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
this._expectOne(, block)
* Expects that there is exactly one VISIBLE components of given [clazz] which matches [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if none, or more than one components matched.
public fun Component._expectOne(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
// technically _expectOne is the same as _get, but the semantics differ - with _get() we're "just" doing a lookup (and asserting on
// the component later). _expectOne() explicitly declares in the test sources that we want to check that there is exactly one such component.
_get(clazz, block)
* Expects that there is exactly one VISIBLE components in the current UI of given type which matches [block]. The [UI.getCurrent] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if none, or more than one components matched.
public inline fun _expectOne(noinline block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
_expectOne(, block)
* Expects that there is exactly one VISIBLE components in the current UI of given [clazz] which matches [block]. The [UI.getCurrent] and all of its descendants are searched.
* @throws AssertionError if none, or more than one components matched.
public fun _expectOne(clazz: Class, block: SearchSpec.() -> Unit = {}) {
currentUI._expectOne(clazz, block)
* Expects that there are exactly [count] VISIBLE components matching [block]. This component and all of its descendants are searched. Examples:
* ```
* // check that there are 5 buttons in a button bar
* buttonBar._expect