Download the source code JAR file for the Maven Plugin com.github.odavid.maven.plugins
Welcome to the download page for the source code JAR file of the Maven Plugin com.github.odavid.maven.plugins. This JAR file contains the complete source code of the plugin, allowing developers to examine and explore its implementation. By downloading this JAR file, you can easily access and study the source code, gaining insights into how the plugin works. The source code JAR serves as a valuable resource for understanding the plugin's functionality and can be used as a reference for customization or debugging purposes. Begin exploring the source code by downloading the JAR file now!
Files of the artifact attach-report-maven-plugin version 0.1-alpha-39 from the group com.github.odavid.maven.plugins.
Group com.github.odavid.maven.plugins
Version 0.1-alpha-39
Last update 02. April 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-reporting-api, maven-reporting-impl, maven-plugin-annotations, plexus-utils, doxia-site-renderer, doxia-sink-api, doxia-core, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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