com.github.cloudfiles.gdrive.GoogleDriveFileSystem.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Adds support for the GoogleDrive protocol
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020-2024 The Developers Team.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.cloudfiles.gdrive
import com.github.cloudfiles.core.FileSystem.Operation
import com.github.cloudfiles.core.Model
import com.github.cloudfiles.core.delegate.{ElementPatchSpec, ExtensibleFileSystem}
import com.github.cloudfiles.core.http.HttpRequestSender.DiscardEntityMode
import com.github.cloudfiles.core.http.HttpRequestSender.DiscardEntityMode.DiscardEntityMode
import com.github.cloudfiles.core.http.{HttpRequestSender, UriEncodingHelper}
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshal
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.model._
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Accept, Location}
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.{Unmarshal, Unmarshaller}
import org.apache.pekko.util.{ByteString, Timeout}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object GoogleDriveFileSystem {
/** The endpoint for accessing the /files resource. */
private val FilesEndpoint = "/drive/v3/files"
/** The endpoint for file upload operations. */
private val UploadEndpoint = s"/upload$FilesEndpoint"
* Constant for the names of the fields that are requested for files.
private val FileFields = "id,name,size,createdTime,modifiedTime,mimeType,parents,properties,appProperties," +
* Constant for the names of the fields that are requested when querying the
* content of a folder.
private val FolderFields = s"nextPageToken,files($FileFields)"
* Constant for the names of the fields that are requested when resolving
* path components.
private val ResolveFields = "nextPageToken,files(id)"
/** The header for accepting JSON responses. */
private val AcceptJsonHeader = Accept(MediaRange(MediaTypes.`application/json`))
/** A sequence with the standard headers to send for typical requests. */
private val StdHeaders = List(AcceptJsonHeader)
* Constant for the maximum page size supported by the Google Drive API.
* This page size is set by requests to minimize the number of interactions
* with the server necessary to retrieve all results.
private val MaxPageSize = "1000"
/** The query parameter to selecting the fields to retrieve. */
private val QueryParamFields = "fields"
* The query parameter to adapt the page size of a folder content response.
private val QueryParamPageSize = "pageSize"
/** The query parameter to set filter criteria for a folder content query. */
private val QueryParamFilter = "q"
* The query parameter containing the token that points to the next page of
* the content listing of a folder.
private val QueryParamNextPage = "pageToken"
/** The query parameter that requests the download of a file's content. */
private val QueryParameterAlt = "alt"
/** The query parameter that determines the upload type. */
private val QueryParameterUploadType = "uploadType"
* The map with query parameters to be used when resolving a file. Here a
* parameter needs to be passed to select the required properties.
private val QueryParamsFileFields = Map(QueryParamFields -> FileFields)
* The map with basic query parameters to be passed when requesting the
* content of a folder. Some more parameters have to be added for an
* individual request.
private val QueryParamsFolderContent = Map(QueryParamFields -> FolderFields, QueryParamPageSize -> MaxPageSize)
/** The special mime type used to identify a folder in GoogleDrive. */
private val MimeTypeFolder = "application/"
/** Constant for the reserved name of the root folder. */
private val RootFolder = "root"
* Constant for the value of the ''alt'' query parameter to request the
* content of a file.
private val AltMedia = "media"
/** Constant for the value of the upload type "resumable". */
private val UploadResumable = "resumable"
* Returns a map with all query parameters required to request the content of
* the given folder.
* @param folderID the ID of the folder affected
* @param optPageToken the optional token pointing to the next page
* @param includeTrashed flag whether files in trash should be included
* @return a map with the query parameters for this request
private def folderContentQueryParams(folderID: String, optPageToken: Option[String],
includeTrashed: Boolean): Map[String, String] =
optPageToken.fold(QueryParamsFolderContent) { token =>
QueryParamsFolderContent + (QueryParamNextPage -> token)
} + (QueryParamFilter -> trashFilter(s"'$folderID' in parents", includeTrashed))
* Optionally adds a filter criterion to a query string depending on the
* flag whether trashed files should be included.
* @param query the original query string
* @param includeTrashed the flag whether to include trashed files
* @return the resulting query string
private def trashFilter(query: String, includeTrashed: Boolean): String =
if (includeTrashed) query
else s"$query and trashed = false"
* Creates a model object (file or folder) for the given Google File. The
* mime type of this file is evaluated to determine the correct type.
* @param googleFile the Google file
* @return the model element associated with this file
private def createModelElement(googleFile: GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File): GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveElement =
googleFile.mimeType match {
case MimeTypeFolder => GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder(googleFile)
case _ => GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile(googleFile)
* Creates a ''WritableFile'' from the optional properties provided. Part of
* the properties are initialized from a source element. If this is an object
* from the GoogleDrive model, extended properties are taken into account.
* @param srcElement the source element
* @param optMimeType optional mime type
* @param optParents optional parents
* @param mimeTypeFromSource if this parameter is '''true''', no mime type is
* provided, and the source element is a Google
* file, the mime type is obtained from this file
* @return the ''WritableFile''
private def createWritableFile(srcElement: Model.Element[String], optMimeType: Option[String] = None,
optParents: Option[List[String]] = None, mimeTypeFromSource: Boolean = false):
GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.WritableFile = {
val (properties, appProperties, srcMimeType) = srcElement match {
case googleElem: GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveElement =>
(, googleElem.googleFile.appProperties,
if (mimeTypeFromSource) Option(googleElem.googleFile.mimeType) else None)
case _ => (None, None, None)
GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.WritableFile(name = Option(, properties = properties,
appProperties = appProperties, mimeType = srcMimeType orElse optMimeType, parents = optParents,
createdTime = Option(srcElement.createdAt), modifiedTime = Option(srcElement.lastModifiedAt),
description = srcElement.description, trashed = None, trashedTime = None)
* Applies an ''ElementPatchSpec'' to the given element. This function
* obtains a [[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File]] object for the source element
* (if the element is not a Google Drive element, a new one is created).
* Then the patch spec is applied on this file. Finally, the provided
* creation function is called to create the result.
* @param source the source element to be patched
* @param size the optional file size
* @param spec the patch specification
* @param fCreate the function to create the result element
* @tparam T the type of the result element
* @return the patched result element
private def patchElement[T](source: Model.Element[String], size: Option[Long], spec: ElementPatchSpec)
(fCreate: GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File => T): T = {
val googleFile = source match {
case elem: GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveElement => elem.googleFile
case _ =>
GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File(id =, name =, parents = null, mimeType = null,
createdTime = source.createdAt, modifiedTime = source.lastModifiedAt, description = source.description,
size = size map (_.toString), properties = None, appProperties = None)
val patchedFile = googleFile.copy(name = spec.patchName getOrElse,
size = if (spec.patchSize.isDefined) spec.patchSize map (_.toString) else googleFile.size)
* Generates the query parameter for resolving a single path component. The
* query selects files in the parent folder with the given component name.
* Unless the current component is the last one, only folders are selected.
* @param parent the ID of the parent component
* @param component the name of the current component to resolve
* @param tailComponents a sequence with remaining components
* @param includeTrashed flag whether to include trashed files
* @return the query string for this resolve operation
private def resolveQuery(parent: String, component: String, tailComponents: Seq[String], includeTrashed: Boolean):
String = {
val query = s"'$parent' in parents and name = '$component'"
val folderQuery = if (tailComponents.isEmpty) query
else s"$query and mimeType = '$MimeTypeFolder'"
trashFilter(folderQuery, includeTrashed)
* The GoogleDrive-specific implementation of the
* [[com.github.cloudfiles.core.FileSystem]] trait.
* This class sends HTTP requests against the GoogleDrive API to manipulate
* files and folders. Note that the configuration allows setting a custom URI
* (which should normally only be necessary for tests), but there is no
* property to select a drive of a specific user. This information is contained
* in the credentials (typically an OAuth token) managed by the request actor.
* GoogleDrive has an organization, which in some ways differs from typical
* hierarchical file systems. A single element can have multiple parents, and
* there is, therefore, no concept of a unique path to a specific element. This
* makes the ''resolvePath()'' operation quite expensive, because it has to
* navigate through all the folders starting from the root folder. Even
* resolving the root ID is not trivial if a root path has been configured. So,
* the most efficient way to use this ''FileSystem'' implementation is to make
* use of element IDs as far as possible.
* @param config the configuration for this ''FileSystem''
class GoogleDriveFileSystem(val config: GoogleDriveConfig)
extends ExtensibleFileSystem[String, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder,
Model.FolderContent[String, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder]] {
import GoogleDriveFileSystem._
* Stores a list of path components for the optional root path. This is used
* when resolving relative paths.
private val rootPathComponents =
(config.optRootPath map UriEncodingHelper.splitAndDecodeComponents getOrElse Nil).toList
/** The absolute URI prefix for accessing the files resource. */
private val fileResourcePrefix = resolveEndpoint(FilesEndpoint)
/** The absolute URI prefix for executing upload operations. */
private val uploadResourcePrefix = resolveEndpoint(UploadEndpoint)
override def patchFolder(source: Model.Folder[String], spec: ElementPatchSpec): GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder =
patchElement(source, None, spec)(GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder.apply)
override def patchFile(source: Model.File[String], spec: ElementPatchSpec): GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile =
patchElement(source, Some(source.size), spec)(GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile.apply)
* Resolves the ID of an element (file or folder) that is specified by its
* path, allowing control whether to include trashed files. This is
* analogous to the overloaded function, but instead of using the
* ''includeTrashed'' flag from the configuration, the flag can be specified
* explicitly.
* @param path the path to resolve
* @param includeTrashed the flag whether to include trashed files
* @param system the actor system
* @return the ''Operation'' to resolve the path
def resolvePath(path: String, includeTrashed: Boolean)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[String] = {
val components = if (path.isEmpty) Seq.empty
else UriEncodingHelper.splitAndDecodeComponents(path)
resolvePathComponents(components, includeTrashed)
override def resolvePath(path: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[String] =
resolvePath(path, config.includeTrashed)
def resolvePathComponents(components: Seq[String], includeTrashed: Boolean)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[String] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val fullComponents = config.optRootPath.fold(components.toList) { _ =>
rootPathComponents ::: components.toList
resolvePathComponent(httpSender, RootFolder, fullComponents, includeTrashed)
override def resolvePathComponents(components: Seq[String])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[String] =
resolvePathComponents(components, config.includeTrashed)
override def rootID(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[String] = config.optRootPath match {
case Some(_) => resolvePathComponents(Seq.empty)
case None => Operation { _ => Future.successful(RootFolder) }
override def resolveFile(id: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile] =
resolveElement(id) map {
case file: GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile => file
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not resolve element '$id' to a file; it is a folder.")
override def resolveFolder(id: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder] =
resolveElement(id) map {
case folder: GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder => folder
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not resolve element '$id' to a folder; it is a file.")
* Returns an object describing the content of the folder with the given ID,
* allowing control whether trashed files should be included. This is
* analogous to the overloaded function, but instead of using the
* ''includeTrashed'' flag from the configuration, the flag can be specified
* explicitly.
* @param id the ID of the folder
* @param includeTrashed flag whether to include trashed files
* @param system the actor system
* @return the ''Operation'' returning the content of this folder
def folderContent(id: String, includeTrashed: Boolean)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[Model.FolderContent[String, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder]] =
Operation { httpSender =>
def processPage(files: List[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File], nextToken: Option[String]):
Future[List[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File]] = {
val uri = Uri(fileResourcePrefix).withQuery(Uri.Query(folderContentQueryParams(id, nextToken, includeTrashed)))
val request = HttpRequest(uri = uri, headers = StdHeaders)
executeQuery[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.FolderResponse](httpSender, request) flatMap { response =>
val nextFiles = files ++ response.files
response.nextPageToken match {
case None => Future.successful(nextFiles)
case tok@Some(_) => processPage(nextFiles, tok)
processPage(Nil, None) map { googleFiles =>
val (files, folders) = googleFiles.foldRight((Map.empty[String, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile],
Map.empty[String, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder])) { (file, maps) =>
createModelElement(file) match {
case modelFolder: GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder =>
(maps._1, maps._2 + ( -> modelFolder))
case modelFile: GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile =>
(maps._1 + ( -> modelFile), maps._2)
Model.FolderContent(id, files, folders)
override def folderContent(id: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[Model.FolderContent[String, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFile, GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveFolder]] =
folderContent(id, config.includeTrashed)
override def createFolder(parent: String, folder: Model.Folder[String])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[String] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val requestFile = createWritableFile(folder, optMimeType = Some(MimeTypeFolder),
optParents = Some(List(parent)))
for {
entity <- fileEntity(requestFile)
request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = Uri(fileResourcePrefix), entity = entity)
response <- executeQuery[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.FileReference](httpSender, request)
} yield
override def updateFolder(folder: Model.Folder[String])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] =
updateElement(, createWritableFile(folder))
override def deleteFolder(folderID: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] =
override def createFile(parent: String, file: Model.File[String], content: Source[ByteString, Any])
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[String] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val uploadTriggerUri = Uri(uploadResourcePrefix)
.withQuery(Uri.Query(QueryParameterUploadType -> UploadResumable))
val requestFile = createWritableFile(file, optParents = Some(List(parent)), mimeTypeFromSource = true)
for {
entity <- fileEntity(requestFile)
request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = uploadTriggerUri, entity = entity)
result <- sendUploadTriggerRequest(httpSender, request)
uploadRequest <- createUploadRequest(result, file.size, content)
uploadResult <- executeQuery[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.FileReference](httpSender, uploadRequest)
} yield
override def updateFile(file: Model.File[String])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] =
updateElement(, createWritableFile(file))
override def updateFileContent(fileID: String, size: Long, content: Source[ByteString, Any])
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val uploadTriggerUri = Uri(s"$uploadResourcePrefix/$fileID")
.withQuery(Uri.Query(QueryParameterUploadType -> UploadResumable))
val triggerRequest = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.PATCH, uri = uploadTriggerUri)
overwriteFileContent(httpSender, triggerRequest, size, content)
override def updateFileAndContent(file: Model.File[String], content: Source[ByteString, Any])
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val uploadTriggerUri = Uri(s"$uploadResourcePrefix/${}")
.withQuery(Uri.Query(QueryParameterUploadType -> UploadResumable))
val requestFile = createWritableFile(file, mimeTypeFromSource = true)
for {
entity <- fileEntity(requestFile)
request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.PATCH, uri = uploadTriggerUri, entity = entity)
uploadResult <- overwriteFileContent(httpSender, request, file.size, content)
} yield uploadResult
override def downloadFile(fileID: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[HttpEntity] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val downloadUri = Uri(s"$fileResourcePrefix/$fileID").withQuery(Uri.Query(QueryParameterAlt -> AltMedia))
val request = HttpRequest(uri = downloadUri)
HttpRequestSender.sendRequestSuccess(httpSender, request, requestData = null) map { result =>
override def deleteFile(fileID: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] =
* Updates the metadata of an element (file or folder) according to the given
* ''WritableFile'' object. This function can be easier to use than the
* default update() functions offered by the ''FileSystem'' trait, as a
* ''WritableFile'' object allows specifying the exact properties that should
* be updated.
* @param id the ID of the element to update
* @param spec a ''WritableFile'' with the properties to update
* @param system the actor system
* @return the ''Operation'' that updates the element
def updateElement(id: String, spec: GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.WritableFile)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[Unit] = Operation {
httpSender =>
for {
entity <- fileEntity(spec)
request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.PATCH, uri = Uri(s"$fileResourcePrefix/$id"),
entity = entity)
response <- executeUpdate(httpSender, request)
} yield response
* Returns an operation that requests the Google File with the given ID and
* converts it to an [[GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveElement]], based on its
* mime type.
* @param id the ID of the element in question
* @param system the actor system
* @return the operation that resolves this element
private def resolveElement(id: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Operation[GoogleDriveModel.GoogleDriveElement] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val uri = Uri(s"$fileResourcePrefix/$id").withQuery(Uri.Query(QueryParamsFileFields))
val request = HttpRequest(uri = uri, headers = StdHeaders)
executeQuery[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.File](httpSender, request) map createModelElement
* Returns an operation that deletes the element with the given ID.
* @param id the ID of the element to delete
* @param system the actor system
* @return the operation to delete this element
private def deleteElement(id: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit] = Operation {
httpSender =>
val deleteRequest = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.DELETE, uri = s"$fileResourcePrefix/$id")
executeUpdate(httpSender, deleteRequest)
* Helper function to execute an HTTP request that is expected to yield a
* JSON response, which is to be converted to an object.
* @param httpSender the request sender actor
* @param request the request to be sent
* @param system the actor system
* @param um the object to unmarshal the result
* @tparam R the result type
* @return a future with the unmarshalled object
private def executeQuery[R](httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand], request: HttpRequest)
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_], um: Unmarshaller[HttpResponse, R]): Future[R] =
for {
result <- HttpRequestSender.sendRequestSuccess(httpSender, request)
obj <- Unmarshal(result.response).to[R]
} yield obj
* Convenience function to execute an HTTP request with default parameters.
* @param httpSender the actor for sending requests
* @param request the request to be sent
* @param discardMode the entity discard mode (most requests are updates,
* where the result is irrelevant; therefore, entities are
* per default discarded)
* @param system the actor system
* @return a ''Future'' with the result of the request
private def executeUpdate(httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand], request: HttpRequest,
discardMode: DiscardEntityMode = DiscardEntityMode.Always)
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Future[Unit] =
HttpRequestSender.sendRequestSuccess(httpSender, request, discardMode).map(_ => ())
* Produces a request entity from the given writable file. This is typically
* needed for update operations.
* @param file the file to convert
* @param system the actor system
* @return a ''Future'' with the request entity
private def fileEntity(file: GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.WritableFile)
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Future[RequestEntity] =
* Sends the request that triggers a file upload operation. This request
* should be answered by the server with an empty response, but with a
* ''Location'' header referring to the upload URI.
* @param httpSender the HTTP sender actor
* @param request the request to send
* @param system the actor system
* @return the result of the request
private def sendUploadTriggerRequest(httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand], request: HttpRequest)
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Future[HttpRequestSender.SuccessResult] =
HttpRequestSender.sendRequestSuccess(httpSender, request, requestData = null,
discardMode = DiscardEntityMode.Always)
* Extracts the URI to upload a file from the ''Location'' header of the
* response for the upload trigger request and creates a request for the
* following file upload. Result is a ''Future'' to compose this function
* with other operations; if no ''Location'' header can be extracted, the
* ''Future'' fails.
* @param result the result of the request that triggered the upload
* @param fileSize the size of the file to be uploaded
* @param content a ''Source'' with the file content to upload
* @return a ''Future'' with the file upload request
private def createUploadRequest(result: HttpRequestSender.SuccessResult, fileSize: Long,
content: Source[ByteString, Any]): Future[HttpRequest] =
result.response.header[Location] match {
case Some(location) =>
Future.successful(HttpRequest(uri = location.uri, method = HttpMethods.PUT,
entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/octet-stream`, fileSize, content)))
case None =>
Future.failed(new IllegalStateException(s"Could not extract 'Location' header from response: $result."))
* Executes the steps to overwrite the content of a file based on a request
* to trigger the upload operation. The trigger request is sent, from its
* response, the upload URI is extracted, and eventually the upload is done.
* @param httpSender the HTTP sender actor
* @param triggerRequest the request to trigger the upload
* @param size the file size
* @param content the content of the file
* @param system the actor system
* @return a ''Future'' indicating success or failure
private def overwriteFileContent(httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand], triggerRequest: HttpRequest,
size: Long, content: Source[ByteString, Any])
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Future[Unit] = {
for {
result <- sendUploadTriggerRequest(httpSender, triggerRequest)
uploadRequest <- createUploadRequest(result, size, content)
uploadResult <- executeUpdate(httpSender, uploadRequest)
} yield uploadResult
* Resolves a single component of a path. This function is called for each
* component of a path to be resolved until the full path has been processed
* or the remaining components cannot be resolved.
* @param httpSender the actor for sending HTTP requests
* @param parent the current parent ID
* @param components the remaining components to resolve
* @param includeTrashed flag whether to include trashed files
* @param system the actor system
* @return a ''Future'' with the ID of the resolved path
private def resolvePathComponent(httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand], parent: String,
components: List[String], includeTrashed: Boolean)
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Future[String] =
components match {
case h :: t =>
val queryParams = Map(QueryParamFields -> ResolveFields, QueryParamPageSize -> MaxPageSize,
QueryParamFilter -> resolveQuery(parent, h, t, includeTrashed))
resolvePathComponentQuery(httpSender, queryParams, Nil, None) flatMap { files =>
resolvePathComponentAlternatives(httpSender, h, t, files, includeTrashed)
case _ => Future.successful(parent)
* Resolves a single component of a path by following all alternatives.
* Google drive allows multiple files with the same names in a folder; all
* of these may need to be tried in order to resolve a path.
* @param httpSender the actor for sending HTTP requests
* @param currentComponent the name of the current path component
* @param remainingComponents the remaining components to resolve
* @param files the files in the current folder
* @param includeTrashed flag whether to include trashed files
* @param system the actor system
* @return a ''Future'' with the ID of the resolved path
private def resolvePathComponentAlternatives(httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand],
currentComponent: String,
remainingComponents: List[String],
files: List[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.FileReference],
includeTrashed: Boolean)
(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Future[String] =
files match {
case h :: t =>
resolvePathComponent(httpSender,, remainingComponents, includeTrashed) recoverWith {
case _ =>
resolvePathComponentAlternatives(httpSender, currentComponent, remainingComponents, t, includeTrashed)
case Nil =>
val unresolved = currentComponent :: remainingComponents
val ex = new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not resolve path components: '${unresolved.mkString("/")}'")
* Queries all the files for a specific resolve step. This includes handling
* of multiple result pages.
* @param httpSender the actor for sending HTTP requests
* @param queryParams the query parameters for the current resolve step
* @param files the accumulated list of result files
* @param optNextToken optional token for the next result page
* @param system the actor system
* @return a ''Future'' with all the files matching the query parameters
private def resolvePathComponentQuery(httpSender: ActorRef[HttpRequestSender.HttpCommand],
queryParams: Map[String, String],
files: List[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.FileReference],
optNextToken: Option[String])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]):
Future[List[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.FileReference]] = {
val pagingQueryParams = optNextToken.fold(queryParams) { token =>
queryParams + (QueryParamNextPage -> token)
val uri = Uri(fileResourcePrefix).withQuery(Uri.Query(pagingQueryParams))
val request = HttpRequest(uri = uri, headers = StdHeaders)
executeQuery[GoogleDriveJsonProtocol.ResolveResponse](httpSender, request) flatMap { response =>
val currentFiles = response.files ++ files
response.nextPageToken match {
case optToken@Some(_) =>
resolvePathComponentQuery(httpSender, queryParams, currentFiles, optToken)
case None =>
* Generates an absolute URI that points to the specified endpoint on the
* configured GoogleDrive server.
* @param endpoint the relative endpoint path
* @return the absolute URI referencing this endpoint
private def resolveEndpoint(endpoint: String): String =
* Defines the timeout for all operations by referring to the configuration.
* @return the timeout for requests
private implicit def requestTimeout: Timeout = config.timeout