okapies.finagle.kafka.protocol.Spec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package okapies.finagle.kafka.protocol
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer
import _root_.kafka.common.KafkaException
import _root_.kafka.message.InvalidMessageException
private[protocol] object Spec {
// Type aliases
type Int8 = Byte
type Int16 = Short
type Int32 = Int
type Int64 = Long
// Api Versions
final val ApiVersion0 = 0: Int16
// Api Keys
final val ApiKeyProduce = 0: Int16
final val ApiKeyFetch = 1: Int16
final val ApiKeyOffset = 2: Int16
final val ApiKeyMetadata = 3: Int16
final val ApiKeyLeaderAndIsr = 4: Int16
final val ApiKeyStopReplica = 5: Int16
final val ApiKeyOffsetCommit = 8: Int16
final val ApiKeyOffsetFetch = 9: Int16
final val ApiKeyConsumerMetadata = 10: Int16
// length of fields
final val CorrelationIdLength = 4
final val ArraySizeLength = 4
final val OffsetLength = 8
final val MessageSizeLength = 4
// Encoding
final val DefaultCharset = Charset.forName("UTF-8")
* Implicit conversions
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* The wrapper of ChannelBuffer that provides helper methods for Kafka protocol.
private[protocol] implicit class KafkaChannelBuffer(val buf: ChannelBuffer) extends AnyVal {
* Methods for encoding value and writing into buffer.
* A simple wrapper for [[org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer#writeByte]].
def encodeInt8(integer: Int8) = buf.writeByte(integer.asInstanceOf[Int])
* A simple wrapper for [[org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer#writeShort]].
def encodeInt16(integer: Int16) = buf.writeShort(integer.asInstanceOf[Int])
* A simple wrapper for [[org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer#writeInt]].
def encodeInt32(integer: Int32) = buf.writeInt(integer)
* A simple wrapper for [[org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer#writeLong]].
def encodeInt64(integer: Int64) = buf.writeLong(integer)
* Write the buffer's data with prefixed length field. The number of the
* transferred bytes is (4 + bytes.readableBytes).
def encodeBytes(bytes: ChannelBuffer) {
if (bytes != null) {
val n: Int32 = bytes.readableBytes
buf.encodeInt32(n) // int32 (length field)
buf.writeBytes(bytes, 0, n) // content
} else {
buf.encodeInt32(-1:Int32) // indicates null
* Write the array's data with prefixed length field. The number of the
* transferred bytes is (4 + bytes.length).
def encodeBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) {
if (bytes != null) {
val n: Int32 = bytes.length
buf.encodeInt32(n) // int32 (length field)
buf.writeBytes(bytes, 0, n) // content
} else {
buf.encodeInt32(-1:Int32) // indicates null
* Write the string as UTF-8 decoded bytes, with prefixed length field.
* The number of the transferred bytes is (2 + str.getBytes(UTF-8).length).
def encodeString(str: String) {
if (str != null) {
val bytes = str.getBytes(DefaultCharset)
val n = bytes.length
if ( n <= Short.MaxValue) {
buf.encodeInt16(n.asInstanceOf[Int16]) // int16 (length field)
buf.writeBytes(bytes, 0, n) // content
} else {
throw new KafkaException("Size of string exceeds " + Short.MaxValue + ".")
} else {
buf.encodeInt16(-1:Int16) // indicates null
* Write the array with prefixed length field.
def encodeArray[A](array: Seq[A])(f: A => Unit) {
if (array != null) {
buf.encodeInt32(array.length) // N => int32 (length field)
array.foreach(f) // write each element
} else {
buf.encodeInt32(-1:Int32) // what is null indicator?
* Write the string array with prefixed length field.
def encodeStringArray(array: Seq[String]) = encodeArray(array)(buf.encodeString)
* Write the map as array with prefixed length field.
def encodeArray[A, B](array: Map[A, B])(f: ((A, B)) => Unit) {
if (array != null) {
buf.encodeInt32(array.size) // N => int32 (length field)
array.foreach(f) // write each element
} else {
buf.encodeInt32(-1:Int32) // what is null indicator?
* Write the MessageSet. MessageSet is NOT preceded by an int32 like other array elements.
def encodeMessageSet(messages: Seq[Message])(f: Message => Unit) = {
buf.encodeInt32(messages.foldLeft(0)(_ + OffsetLength + MessageSizeLength + _.size))
def encodeMessageSetWithOffset(messages: Seq[MessageWithOffset])(f: MessageWithOffset => Unit) = {
buf.encodeInt32(messages.foldLeft(0)(_ + OffsetLength + MessageSizeLength + _.message.size))
* Methods for decoding next bytes.
def decodeInt8(): Int8 = buf.readByte()
def decodeInt16(): Int16 = buf.readShort()
def decodeInt32(): Int32 = buf.readInt()
def decodeInt64(): Int64 = buf.readLong()
def decodeBytes(): ChannelBuffer = {
val n = buf.decodeInt32() // N => int32
buf.readBytes(n) // content
def decodeString(): String = {
val n = buf.decodeInt16() // N => int16
val bytes = buf.readBytes(n) // content
val (array, offset) =
if (bytes.hasArray) {
(bytes.array, bytes.arrayOffset)
} else {
val _array = new Array[Byte](n)
(_array, 0)
new String(array, offset, n, DefaultCharset)
def decodeArray[A](f: => A): Seq[A] = {
val n: Int32 = buf.decodeInt32() // N => int32
(0 until n).map(_ => f)
def decodeStringArray() = decodeArray(buf.decodeString())
def decodeMessageSet(): Seq[MessageWithOffset] = {
def decodeMessages(msgSetBuf: ChannelBuffer,
msgSet: ArrayBuffer[MessageWithOffset]): Seq[MessageWithOffset] = {
if (msgSetBuf.readableBytes < 12) { // 12 = length(Offset+MessageSize)
} else {
val offset = msgSetBuf.decodeInt64() // Offset => int64
val size = msgSetBuf.decodeInt32() // MessageSize => int32
if (size < Message.MinHeaderSize) {
throw new InvalidMessageException(s"Message size is corrupted: $size")
if (msgSetBuf.readableBytes < size) {
// ignore a partial message at the end of the message set
} else {
val bytes = msgSetBuf.readBytes(size) // Message
msgSet.append(MessageWithOffset(offset, Message(bytes)))
decodeMessages(msgSetBuf, msgSet)
val size = buf.decodeInt32() // MessageSetSize => int32
val msgSetBuf = buf.readBytes(size) // MessageSet
decodeMessages(msgSetBuf, ArrayBuffer[MessageWithOffset]())
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