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encrywm.frontend.parser.Statements.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package encrywm.frontend.parser
import encrywm.ast.Ast
import encrywm.frontend.parser.Expressions._
import encrywm.frontend.parser.Lexer.kwd
import encrywm.frontend.parser.WsApi._
import fastparse.noApi
import fastparse.noApi._
object Statements extends Statements(0)
* Statement grammar. This can only be used in statement-blocks,
* and is sensitive to newlines and indentation to determine nesting
class Statements(indent: Int){
val SPACE: noApi.Parser[Unit] = P( CharIn(" \n") )
val NEWLINE: P0 = P( "\n" | End )
val ENDMARKER: P0 = P( End )
val single_input: P[Seq[Ast.STMT]] = P( => Nil) | simpleStmt | ~ NEWLINE
val indents = P( "\n" ~~ " ".repX(indent) )
val spaces = P( (Lexer.nnlWsComment.? ~~ "\n").repX(1) )
val fileInput: P[Seq[Ast.STMT]] = P( spaces.? ~ stmt.repX(0, spaces) ~ spaces.? ).map(_.flatten)
val evalInput: P[Ast.EXPR] = P( testlist ~ NEWLINE.rep ~ ENDMARKER ).map(tuplize)
val contract: P[Ast.TREE_ROOT.Contract] = P( fileInput ).map(stmts => Ast.TREE_ROOT.Contract(stmts.toList))
def collapse_dotted_name(name: Seq[Ast.Identifier]): Ast.EXPR = {
name.tail.foldLeft[Ast.EXPR](Ast.EXPR.Name(name.head, Ast.EXPR_CTX.Load))(
(x, y) => Ast.EXPR.Attribute(x, y, Ast.EXPR_CTX.Load)
val retTypeDecl: P[Ast.Identifier] = P( "->" ~/ NAME )
val funcDef: P[Ast.STMT.FunctionDef] = P( kwd("def") ~/ NAME ~ fnParameters ~/ retTypeDecl ~ ":" ~~ block ).map {
case (name, args, tpe, blc) => Ast.STMT.FunctionDef(name, args, blc.toList, tpe)
val typeParams: P[Seq[Ast.Identifier]] = P( "[" ~ NAME.rep(sep = ",") ~ "]" )
val typeDeclarationSemi: P[Ast.TypeIdentifier] = P( ":" ~ NAME ~ typeParams.? ).map { case (tpeN, tpsOpt) =>
val typeDeclarationArrow: P[Ast.TypeIdentifier] = P( "->" ~ NAME ~ typeParams.? ).map { case (tpeN, tpsOpt) =>
val fnParameters: P[Ast.Arguments] = P( "(" ~ varargslist ~ ")" )
val stmt: P[Seq[Ast.STMT]] = P( | simpleStmt )
val simpleStmt: P[Seq[Ast.STMT]] = P( smallStmt.rep(1, sep = ";") ~ ";".? )
val smallStmt: P[Ast.STMT] = P( flowStmt | assertStmt | exprStmt)
val exprStmt: P[Ast.STMT] = {
val testsStm = P( testlist )
val letStm = P( kwd("let") ~/ NAME ~ typeDeclarationSemi.? ~ ("=" ~ test) )
val globalLetStm = P( kwd("global") ~/ kwd("let") ~/ NAME ~ typeDeclarationSemi.? ~ ("=" ~ test) )
val caseStm = P( kwd("case") ~/ ( branchParamDeclaration | genericCond | expr ) ~ ":" ~~ block )
P( => Ast.STMT.Expr(tuplize(a))) | { case (a, t, b) =>
Ast.STMT.Let(Ast.EXPR.Declaration(Ast.EXPR.Name(a, Ast.EXPR_CTX.Store), t), b, global = true)
} | { case (a, t, b) =>
Ast.STMT.Let(Ast.EXPR.Declaration(Ast.EXPR.Name(a, Ast.EXPR_CTX.Store), t), b)
} | {
case (cond: Ast.EXPR.TypeMatching, body) => Ast.STMT.Case(cond, body.toList)
case (cond: Ast.EXPR.GenericCond.type, body) => Ast.STMT.Case(cond, body.toList, isDefault = true)
case (cond, body) => Ast.STMT.Case(cond, body.toList)
val abortStmt: P[Ast.STMT.Halt.type] = P( kwd("abort") ).map(_ => Ast.STMT.Halt)
val passStmt: P[Ast.STMT.Pass.type] = P( kwd("pass") ).map(_ => Ast.STMT.Pass)
val returnStmt: P[Ast.STMT.Return] = P( kwd("return") ~~ " ".rep ~~ ).map(Ast.STMT.Return)
val flowStmt: P[Ast.STMT] = P( returnStmt | abortStmt | passStmt )
val dotted_as_name: P[Ast.Alias] = P( => Ast.Identifier("."))) ~ (kwd("as") ~ NAME).? )
val dotted_as_names = P( dotted_as_name.rep(1, ",") )
val dotted_name = P( NAME.rep(1, ".") )
val assertStmt: P[Ast.STMT.Assert] = P( kwd("assert") ~ test ~ ("," ~ test).? ).map(Ast.STMT.Assert.tupled)
val compoundStmt: P[Ast.STMT] = P( ifStmt | forStmt | funcDef | unlockIfStmt | matchStmt )
val ifStmt: P[Ast.STMT.If] = {
val firstIf = P( kwd("if") ~/ test ~ ":" ~~ block )
val elifs = P( (spaceIndents ~~ kwd("elif") ~/ test ~ ":" ~~ block).repX )
val lastElse = P( (spaceIndents ~~ kwd("else") ~/ ":" ~~ block).? )
P( firstIf ~~ elifs ~~ lastElse ).map {
case (test, body, elifs, orelse) =>
val (init :+ last) = (test, body) +: elifs
val (last_test, last_body) = last
init.foldRight(Ast.STMT.If(last_test, last_body.toList, orelse.toList.flatten)) {
case ((t, b), rhs) => Ast.STMT.If(t, b.toList, List(rhs))
val spaceIndents: P0 = P( spaces.repX ~~ " ".repX(indent) )
val unlockIfStmt: P[Ast.STMT.UnlockIf] = {
P( kwd("unlock") ~/ kwd("if") ~/ test ).map(test => Ast.STMT.UnlockIf(test))
val matchStmt: P[Ast.STMT.Match] = {
P( kwd("match") ~/ test ~ ":" ~~ block ).map { case (test, cases) =>
Ast.STMT.Match(test, cases.toList)
// TODO: Remove?
val forStmt: P[Ast.STMT.For] = P( kwd("for") ~/ exprlist ~ kwd("in") ~ testlist ~ ":" ~~ block
~~ (spaceIndents ~ kwd("else") ~/ ":" ~~ block).? ).map {
case (itervars, generator, body, orelse) =>
Ast.STMT.For(tuplize(itervars), tuplize(generator), body.toList, orelse.toList.flatten)
val block: P[Seq[Ast.STMT]] = {
val deeper: P[Int] = {
val commentLine = P( "\n" ~~ Lexer.nnlWsComment.?.map(_ => 0) ).map((_, Some("")))
val endLine = P( "\n" ~~ (" " | "\t").repX(indent + 1).!.map(_.length) ~~ Lexer.comment.!.? )
P( Lexer.nnlWsComment.? ~~ ( endLine | commentLine ).repX(1) ).map {
_.collectFirst{ case (s, None) => s }
val indented = P( deeper.flatMap { nextIndent =>
new Statements(nextIndent).stmt.repX(1, spaces.repX(1) ~~ (" " * nextIndent | "\t" * nextIndent)).map(_.flatten)
} )
P( indented | " ".rep ~ simpleStmt )