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better.files.Implicits.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package better.files

import{File => JFile, _}
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file.{Path, PathMatcher}
import java.util.StringTokenizer
import{Stream => JStream}

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  * Container for various implicits
trait Implicits extends Dispose.FlatMap.Implicits with Scanner.Read.Implicits with Scanner.Source.Implicits {

  //TODO: Rename all Ops to Extensions

  implicit class StringInterpolations(sc: StringContext) {
    def file(args: Any*): File =

    private[this] def value(args: Seq[Any]) =
      sc.s(args: _*)

  implicit class StringOps(str: String) {
    def toFile: File =

    def /(child: String): File =
      toFile / child

    def inputStream(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): InputStream =
      new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes(charset))

    def reader: Reader =
      new StringReader(str)

  implicit class FileOps(file: JFile) {
    def toScala: File =

  implicit class SymbolExtensions(symbol: Symbol) {
    def /(child: Symbol): File =
      File( / child

  implicit class IteratorExtensions[A](it: Iterator[A]) {
    def withHasNext(f: => Boolean): Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
      override def hasNext = f && it.hasNext
      override def next()  =

  implicit class InputStreamOps(in: InputStream) {
    def pipeTo(out: OutputStream, bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize): out.type =
      pipeTo(out, Array.ofDim[Byte](bufferSize))

      * Pipe an input stream to an output stream using a byte buffer
    @tailrec final def pipeTo(out: OutputStream, buffer: Array[Byte]): out.type = {
      val n =
      if (n > 0) {
        out.write(buffer, 0, n)
        pipeTo(out, buffer)
      } else {

    def asString(
        closeStream: Boolean = true,
        bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize
        charset: Charset = DefaultCharset
      ): String = {
      try {
        new ByteArrayOutputStream(bufferSize).autoClosed
          .apply(pipeTo(_, bufferSize = bufferSize).toString(charset.displayName()))
      } finally {
        if (closeStream) in.close()

    def buffered: BufferedInputStream =
      new BufferedInputStream(in)

    def buffered(bufferSize: Int): BufferedInputStream =
      new BufferedInputStream(in, bufferSize)

    def asGzipInputStream(bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize): GZIPInputStream =
      new GZIPInputStream(in, bufferSize)

    def asZipInputStream(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): ZipInputStream =
      new ZipInputStream(in, charset)

      * If bufferSize is set to less than or equal to 0, we don't buffer
      * @param bufferSize
      * @return
    def asObjectInputStream(bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize): ObjectInputStream =
      new ObjectInputStream(if (bufferSize <= 0) in else buffered(bufferSize))

      * @param bufferSize If bufferSize is set to less than or equal to 0, we don't buffer
      * Code adapted from:
      * @return A special ObjectInputStream that loads a class based on a specified ClassLoader rather than the default
      * This is useful in dynamic container environments.
    def asObjectInputStreamUsingClassLoader(
        classLoader: ClassLoader = getClass.getClassLoader,
        bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize
      ): ObjectInputStream =
      new ObjectInputStream(if (bufferSize <= 0) in else buffered(bufferSize)) {
        override protected def resolveClass(objectStreamClass: ObjectStreamClass): Class[_] =
          try {
            Class.forName(objectStreamClass.getName, false, classLoader)
          } catch {
            case _: ClassNotFoundException ⇒ super.resolveClass(objectStreamClass)

    def reader(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): InputStreamReader =
      new InputStreamReader(in, charset)

    def lines(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): Iterator[String] =

    def bytes: Iterator[Byte] =
      in.autoClosed.flatMap(res => eofReader(

    def byteArray: Array[Byte] = {
      for {
        _   <- in.autoClosed
        out <- new ByteArrayOutputStream().autoClosed
      } yield pipeTo(out).toByteArray

  implicit class OutputStreamOps(val out: OutputStream) {
    def buffered: BufferedOutputStream =
      new BufferedOutputStream(out)

    def buffered(bufferSize: Int): BufferedOutputStream =
      new BufferedOutputStream(out, bufferSize)

    def asGzipOutputStream(bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize, syncFlush: Boolean = false): GZIPOutputStream =
      new GZIPOutputStream(out, bufferSize, syncFlush)

    def writer(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): OutputStreamWriter =
      new OutputStreamWriter(out, charset)

    def printWriter(autoFlush: Boolean = false): PrintWriter =
      new PrintWriter(out, autoFlush)

    def write(bytes: Iterator[Byte], bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize): out.type = {
      bytes.grouped(bufferSize).foreach(buffer => out.write(buffer.toArray))

    def writeAndClose(str: String)(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): Unit =

    def tee(out2: OutputStream): OutputStream =
      new TeeOutputStream(out, out2)

      * If bufferSize is set to less than or equal to 0, we don't buffer
      * @param bufferSize
      * @return
    def asObjectOutputStream(bufferSize: Int = DefaultBufferSize): ObjectOutputStream =
      new ObjectOutputStream(if (bufferSize <= 0) out else buffered(bufferSize))

    def asZipOutputStream(implicit charset: Charset): ZipOutputStream =
      new ZipOutputStream(out, charset)

  implicit class PrintWriterOps(pw: PrintWriter) {
    def printLines(lines: TraversableOnce[_]): PrintWriter = {

  implicit class ReaderOps(reader: Reader) {
    def buffered: BufferedReader =
      new BufferedReader(reader)

    def toInputStream(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): InputStream =
      new ReaderInputStream(reader)(charset)

    def chars: Iterator[Char] =
      new Dispose(reader).flatMap(res => eofReader(

  implicit class BufferedReaderOps(reader: BufferedReader) {
    def tokens(splitter: StringSplitter = StringSplitter.Default): Iterator[String] =

  implicit class WriterOps(writer: Writer) {
    def buffered: BufferedWriter =
      new BufferedWriter(writer)

    def outputstream(implicit charset: Charset = DefaultCharset): OutputStream =
      new WriterOutputStream(writer)(charset)

  implicit class FileChannelOps(fc: FileChannel) {
    def toMappedByteBuffer: MappedByteBuffer =, 0, fc.size())

  implicit class PathMatcherOps(matcher: PathMatcher) {
    def matches(file: File, maxDepth: Int)(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default) =
      file.collectChildren(child => matcher.matches(child.path), maxDepth)(visitOptions)

  implicit class ObjectInputStreamOps(ois: ObjectInputStream) {
    def deserialize[A]: A =

  implicit class ObjectOutputStreamOps(val oos: ObjectOutputStream) {
    def serialize(obj: Serializable): oos.type = {

  implicit class ZipOutputStreamOps(val out: ZipOutputStream) {

      * Correctly set the compression level
      * See:
      * @param level
      * @return
    def withCompressionLevel(level: Int): out.type = {
      if (level == Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION) out.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED)

    def add(file: File, name: String): out.type = {
      val relativeName = name.stripSuffix(file.fileSystem.getSeparator)
      val entryName    = if (file.isDirectory) s"$relativeName/" else relativeName // make sure to end directories in ZipEntry with "/"
      out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(entryName))
      if (file.isRegularFile) file.inputStream.foreach(_.pipeTo(out))

    def +=(file: File): out.type =

  implicit class ZipInputStreamOps(val in: ZipInputStream) {

      * Apply `f` on each ZipEntry in the archive, closing the entry after `f` has been applied.
      * @param f The function to apply to each ZipEntry. Can fail if it returns a lazy value,
      *          like Iterator, as the entry will have been closed before the lazy value is evaluated.
    def mapEntries[A](f: ZipEntry => A): Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
      private[this] var entry = in.getNextEntry

      override def hasNext = entry != null

      override def next() = {
        try {
        } finally {
          try {
          } finally {
            entry = in.getNextEntry

      * Apply `f` to the ZipInputStream for every entry in the archive.
      * @param f The function to apply to the ZipInputStream. Can fail if it returns a lazy value,
      *          like Iterator, as the the entry will have been closed before the lazy value is evaluated.
    def foldMap[A](f: ZipInputStream => A): Iterator[A] =
      mapEntries(_ => f(in))

  implicit class ZipEntryOps(val entry: ZipEntry) {

      * Extract this ZipEntry under this rootDir
      * @param rootDir directory under which this entry is extracted
      * @param inputStream use this inputStream when this entry is a file
      * @return the extracted file
    def extractTo(rootDir: File, inputStream: => InputStream): File = {
      val entryName = entry.getName.replace("\\", "/") //see
      val child     = rootDir.createChild(entryName, asDirectory = entry.isDirectory, createParents = true)
      if (!entry.isDirectory) child.outputStream.foreach(inputStream.pipeTo(_))

  implicit class DisposeableOps[A: Disposable](resource: A) {

      * Lightweight automatic resource management
      * Closes the resource when done e.g.
      * for {
      * in <- file.newInputStream.autoClosed
      * } in.write(bytes)
      * // in is closed now
* * @return */ def autoClosed: Dispose[A] = new Dispose(resource) } implicit class JStreamOps[A](stream: JStream[A]) { /** * Closes this stream when iteration is complete * It will NOT close the stream if it is not depleted! * * @return */ def toAutoClosedIterator: Iterator[A] = stream.autoClosed.flatMap(_.iterator().asScala) } private[files] implicit class OrderingOps[A](order: Ordering[A]) { def andThenBy(order2: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = Ordering.comparatorToOrdering(order.thenComparing(order2)) } implicit def stringToMessageDigest(algorithmName: String): MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithmName) implicit def stringToCharset(charsetName: String): Charset = Charset.forName(charsetName) implicit def tokenizerToIterator(s: StringTokenizer): Iterator[String] = Iterator.continually(s.nextToken()).withHasNext(s.hasMoreTokens) //implicit def posixPermissionToFileAttribute(perm: PosixFilePermission) = // PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(Set(perm)) private[files] implicit def pathStreamToFiles(files: JStream[Path]): Iterator[File] = }

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