Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
import gov.nasa.worldwind.Disposable;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.Cacheable;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
* @author dcollins
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
public class BufferWrapperRaster extends AbstractDataRaster implements Cacheable, Disposable
protected BufferWrapper buffer;
public BufferWrapperRaster(int width, int height, Sector sector, BufferWrapper buffer, AVList list)
super(width, height, sector, list);
if (buffer == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.BufferNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
int expectedValues = width * height;
if (buffer.length() < expectedValues)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.BufferSize", "buffer.length() < " + expectedValues);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.buffer = buffer;
public BufferWrapperRaster(int width, int height, Sector sector, BufferWrapper buffer)
this(width, height, sector, buffer, null);
public BufferWrapper getBuffer()
return this.buffer;
public long getSizeInBytes()
return this.buffer.getSizeInBytes();
public void dispose()
public double getDoubleAtPosition(int row, int col)
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row > (this.getHeight() - 1)) || (col > (this.getWidth() - 1)))
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ArgumentOutOfRange", String.format("%d, %d", row, col));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
return this.getBuffer().getDouble(indexFor(col, row));
public void setDoubleAtPosition(int row, int col, double value)
if ((row < 0) || (col < 0) || (row > (this.getHeight() - 1)) || (col > (this.getWidth() - 1)))
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ArgumentOutOfRange", String.format("%d, %d", row, col));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.getBuffer().putDouble(indexFor(col, row), value);
public double getTransparentValue()
if (this.hasKey(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL))
Object o = this.getValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL);
if (null != o && o instanceof Double)
return (Double) o;
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
public void setTransparentValue(double transparentValue)
this.setValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL, transparentValue);
* Returns a two-element array containing this raster's extreme scalar values, ignoring any values marked as
* missing-data. This returns null if this raster contains no values, or if it contains only values marked as
* missing-data.
* @return a two-element array containing this raster's extreme values, or null if none exist. Entry 0 contains the
* minimum value; entry 1 contains the maximum value.
public double[] getExtremes()
// Create local variables to store the raster's dimensions and missing data signal to eliminate any overhead in
// the loops below.
int width = this.getWidth();
int height = this.getHeight();
double missingDataSignal = this.getTransparentValue();
// Allocate a buffer to hold one row of scalar values.
double[] buffer = new double[width];
// Allocate a buffer to hold the extreme values.
double[] extremes = null;
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
this.get(0, j, width, buffer, 0); // Get the row starting at (0, j).
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
if (buffer[i] == missingDataSignal) // Ignore values marked as missing-data.
if (extremes == null)
extremes = WWUtil.defaultMinMix();
if (extremes[0] > buffer[i])
extremes[0] = buffer[i];
if (extremes[1] < buffer[i])
extremes[1] = buffer[i];
// Extremes is null if this raster is empty, or contains only values marked as missing-data.
return extremes;
public void fill(double value)
int width = this.getWidth();
int height = this.getHeight();
double[] samples = new double[width];
java.util.Arrays.fill(samples, value);
// Fill each row of this raster with the clear color.
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
this.put(0, j, samples, 0, width);
public void drawOnTo(DataRaster canvas)
if (canvas == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DestinationIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (!(canvas instanceof BufferWrapperRaster))
String message = Logging.getMessage("DataRaster.IncompatibleRaster", canvas);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.doDrawOnTo((BufferWrapperRaster) canvas);
DataRaster doGetSubRaster(int width, int height, Sector sector, AVList params)
DataRaster canvas = this.createSubRaster(width, height, sector, params);
return canvas;
* This returns a new sub-raster initialized with the specified properties. Called from doGetSubRaster
* to create the sub-raster instance before populating its contents. This does not place any restrictions on the
* specified width
, height
, sector
or params
* This returns a {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BufferWrapper.ByteBufferWrapper}
, a subclass of
* BufferWrapperRaster backed by a ByteBuffer.
* @param width the width of the sub-raster, in pixels.
* @param height the height of the sub-raster, in pixels.
* @param sector the sector the sub-raster occupies.
* @param params the parameters associated with the sub-raster.
* @return a new sub-raster initialized with the specified width
, height
* sector
and params
protected BufferWrapperRaster createSubRaster(int width, int height, Sector sector, AVList params)
return new ByteBufferRaster(width, height, sector, params);
protected void doDrawOnTo(BufferWrapperRaster canvas)
if (!this.getSector().intersects(canvas.getSector()))
int thisWidth = this.getWidth();
int thisHeight = this.getHeight();
int canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth();
int canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight();
double thisTransparentValue = this.getTransparentValue();
// Compute the transform from the canvas' coordinate system to this raster's coordinate system.
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform canvasToThis = this.computeSourceToDestTransform(
canvasWidth, canvasHeight, canvas.getSector(),
thisWidth, thisHeight, this.getSector());
/// Compute the region of the destination raster to be be clipped by the specified clipping sector. If no
// clipping sector is specified, then perform no clipping. We compute the clip region for the destination
// raster because this region is used to limit which pixels are rasterized to the destination.
java.awt.Rectangle clipRect = new java.awt.Rectangle(0, 0, canvasWidth - 1, canvasHeight - 1);
// if (clipSector != null)
// {
// java.awt.Rectangle rect = this.computeClipRect(clipSector, canvas);
// clipRect = clipRect.intersection(rect);
// }
// Precompute the interpolation values for each transformed x- and y-coordinate.
InterpolantLookupTable lut = this.createLookupTable(
canvasWidth, canvasHeight, // lookup table dimensions
0, thisWidth - 1, 0, thisHeight - 1, // lookup table xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax
canvasToThis); // lookup transform
// If the lookup table is null, then no values in the canvas fall within this raster's bounds. This means
// either the two rasters do not intersect or that this raster fits entirely between two x-coordinates or two
// y-coordinates (or both) in the canvas. In either case, we do not rasterize any contribution from this raster
// into the canvas, and simply exit.
if (lut == null)
// Allocate space to hold the lookup table parameters.
double[] xParams = new double[3];
double[] yParams = new double[3];
// Compute the range of x-values in this raster that are needed during rendering.
int xParamMin = (int) Math.floor(xParams[0]);
int xParamMax = (int) Math.ceil(xParams[1]);
int xParamWidth = xParamMax - xParamMin + 1;
// Allocate a buffer for two rows of samples from this raster, and allocate a buffer for one row of samples
// from the canvas.
double[] thisSamples = new double[2 * xParamWidth];
double[] canvasSamples = new double[canvasWidth];
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
double xf, yf;
// Iterate over each canvas row, filling canvas pixels with samples from this raster.
for (int j = clipRect.y; j <= (clipRect.y + clipRect.height); j++)
// If the interpolant lookup table has an entry for "j", then process this row.
if (lut.getInterpolantY(j, yParams))
y1 = (int) yParams[0];
y2 = (int) yParams[1];
yf = yParams[2];
// Read the two rows of image samples that straddle yf.
this.get(xParamMin, y1, xParamWidth, thisSamples, 0);
this.get(xParamMin, y2, xParamWidth, thisSamples, xParamWidth);
// Read the canvas row samples.
canvas.get(0, j, canvasWidth, canvasSamples, 0);
// Iterate over each canvas column, sampling canvas pixels.
for (int i = clipRect.x; i <= (clipRect.x + clipRect.width); i++)
// If the interpolant lookup table has an entry for "i", then process this column.
if (lut.getInterpolantX(i, xParams))
x1 = (int) xParams[0] - xParamMin;
x2 = (int) xParams[1] - xParamMin;
xf = xParams[2];
// Sample this raster with the interpolated coordinates. This produces a bi-linear mix
// of the four values surrounding the canvas pixel. Place the output in the canvas sample array.
sample(thisSamples, x1, x2, xf, 0, 1, yf, xParamWidth, thisTransparentValue, canvasSamples, i);
// Write the canvas row samples.
canvas.put(0, j, canvasSamples, 0, canvasWidth);
protected void get(int x, int y, int length, double[] buffer, int pos)
int index = this.indexFor(x, y);
this.getBuffer().getDouble(index, buffer, pos, length);
protected void put(int x, int y, double[] buffer, int pos, int length)
int index = this.indexFor(x, y);
this.getBuffer().putDouble(index, buffer, pos, length);
protected final int indexFor(int x, int y)
// Map raster coordinates to buffer coordinates.
return x + y * this.getWidth();
protected java.awt.geom.AffineTransform computeSourceToDestTransform(
int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, Sector sourceSector,
int destWidth, int destHeight, Sector destSector)
// Compute the the transform from source to destination coordinates. In this computation a pixel is assumed
// to have no dimension. We measure the distance between pixels rather than some pixel dimension.
double ty = (destHeight - 1) * -(sourceSector.getMaxLatitude().degrees - destSector.getMaxLatitude().degrees)
/ destSector.getDeltaLatDegrees();
double tx = (destWidth - 1) * (sourceSector.getMinLongitude().degrees - destSector.getMinLongitude().degrees)
/ destSector.getDeltaLonDegrees();
double sy = ((double) (destHeight - 1) / (double) (sourceHeight - 1))
* (sourceSector.getDeltaLatDegrees() / destSector.getDeltaLatDegrees());
double sx = ((double) (destWidth - 1) / (double) (sourceWidth - 1))
* (sourceSector.getDeltaLonDegrees() / destSector.getDeltaLonDegrees());
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
transform.translate(tx, ty);
transform.scale(sx, sy);
return transform;
protected java.awt.geom.AffineTransform computeGeographicToRasterTransform(int width, int height, Sector sector)
// Compute the the transform from geographic to raster coordinates. In this computation a pixel is assumed
// to have no dimension. We measure the distance between pixels rather than some pixel dimension.
double ty = -sector.getMaxLatitude().degrees;
double tx = -sector.getMinLongitude().degrees;
double sy = -((height - 1) / sector.getDeltaLatDegrees());
double sx = ((width - 1) / sector.getDeltaLonDegrees());
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform = new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform();
transform.scale(sx, sy);
transform.translate(tx, ty);
return transform;
protected static void sample(double[] source, int x1, int x2, double xf, int y1, int y2, double yf, int width,
double transparent, double[] dest, int destPos)
double ul = source[x1 + y1 * width];
double ll = source[x1 + y2 * width];
double lr = source[x2 + y2 * width];
double ur = source[x2 + y1 * width];
// If all four sample values are not transparent (or missing), then write the interpolated value to the
// destination buffer.
if ((ul != transparent) && (ur != transparent) && (lr != transparent) && (ll != transparent))
dest[destPos] =
((1.0 - xf) * (1.0 - yf) * ul)
+ ((1.0 - xf) * (yf) * ll)
+ ((xf) * (yf) * lr)
+ ((xf) * (1.0 - yf) * ur);
protected static class InterpolantLookupTable
protected int width;
protected int height;
protected double[] xParams;
protected double[] yParams;
public InterpolantLookupTable(int width, int height)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.xParams = new double[3 * width];
this.yParams = new double[3 * height];
java.util.Arrays.fill(this.xParams, -1d);
java.util.Arrays.fill(this.yParams, -1d);
public final boolean getInterpolantX(int x, double[] params)
params[0] = this.xParams[3 * x];
params[1] = this.xParams[3 * x + 1];
params[2] = this.xParams[3 * x + 2];
return params[0] != -1d;
public final boolean getInterpolantY(int y, double[] params)
params[0] = this.yParams[3 * y];
params[1] = this.yParams[3 * y + 1];
params[2] = this.yParams[3 * y + 2];
return params[0] != -1d;
public final void computeRangeX(double[] params)
computeInterpolantRange(this.xParams, this.width, params);
public final void computeRangeY(double[] params)
computeInterpolantRange(this.yParams, this.height, params);
protected static void computeInterpolantRange(double[] params, int size, double[] result)
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double max = -Double.MIN_VALUE;
int index;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
index = 3 * i;
if (params[index] != -1d)
// Compute the minimum first parameter (x1 or y1).
if (params[index] < min)
min = params[index];
// Compute the maximum second parameters (x2 or y2).
if (params[index + 1] > max)
max = params[index + 1];
result[0] = min;
result[1] = max;
protected InterpolantLookupTable createLookupTable(int width, int height,
double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform lookupTransform)
// Compute the interpolation values for each transformed x- and y-coordinate. This assumes that the transform
// is composed of translations and scales (no rotations or shears). Therefore the transformed coordinates of
// each row or column would be identical.
InterpolantLookupTable lut = new InterpolantLookupTable(width, height);
double threshold = -1e-6; // Numerical roundoff error threshold.
boolean haveXParam = false;
boolean haveYParam = false;
java.awt.geom.Point2D thisPoint = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double();
java.awt.geom.Point2D canvasPoint = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double();
double x, y;
int index;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
canvasPoint.setLocation(i, 0);
lookupTransform.transform(canvasPoint, thisPoint);
x = thisPoint.getX();
if (((x - xMin) > threshold) && ((xMax - x) > threshold))
x = (x < xMin) ? xMin : ((x > xMax) ? xMax : x);
index = 3 * i;
lut.xParams[index] = Math.floor(x);
lut.xParams[index + 1] = Math.ceil(x);
lut.xParams[index + 2] = x - lut.xParams[index];
haveXParam = true;
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
canvasPoint.setLocation(0, j);
lookupTransform.transform(canvasPoint, thisPoint);
y = thisPoint.getY();
if (((y - yMin) > threshold) && ((yMax - y) > threshold))
y = (y < yMin) ? yMin : ((y > yMax) ? yMax : y);
index = 3 * j;
lut.yParams[index] = Math.floor(y);
lut.yParams[index + 1] = Math.ceil(y);
lut.yParams[index + 2] = y - lut.yParams[index];
haveYParam = true;
if (haveXParam && haveYParam)
return lut;
return null;
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