gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.geom;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.View;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import com.jogamp.opengl.*;
import com.jogamp.opengl.glu.*;
import java.util.*;
* Represents a geometric cylinder, most often used as a bounding volume. Cylinder
s are immutable.
* @author Tom Gaskins
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
public class Cylinder implements Extent, Renderable
protected final Vec4 bottomCenter; // point at center of cylinder base
protected final Vec4 topCenter; // point at center of cylinder top
protected final Vec4 axisUnitDirection; // axis as unit vector from bottomCenter to topCenter
protected final double cylinderRadius;
protected final double cylinderHeight;
* Create a Cylinder from two points and a radius.
* @param bottomCenter the center point of of the cylinder's base.
* @param topCenter the center point of the cylinders top.
* @param cylinderRadius the cylinder's radius.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the radius is zero or the top or bottom point is null or they are
* coincident.
public Cylinder(Vec4 bottomCenter, Vec4 topCenter, double cylinderRadius)
if (bottomCenter == null || topCenter == null || bottomCenter.equals(topCenter))
String message = Logging.getMessage(
bottomCenter == null || topCenter == null ? "nullValue.EndPointIsNull" : "generic.EndPointsCoincident");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (cylinderRadius <= 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("Geom.Cylinder.RadiusIsZeroOrNegative", cylinderRadius);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// Convert the bottom center and top center points to points in four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates to
// ensure that their w-coordinates are 1. Cylinder's intersection tests compute a dot product between these
// points and each frustum plane, which depends on a w-coordinate of 1. We convert each point at construction to
// avoid the additional overhead of converting them during every intersection test.
this.bottomCenter = bottomCenter.toHomogeneousPoint3();
this.topCenter = topCenter.toHomogeneousPoint3();
this.cylinderHeight = this.bottomCenter.distanceTo3(this.topCenter);
this.cylinderRadius = cylinderRadius;
this.axisUnitDirection = this.topCenter.subtract3(this.bottomCenter).normalize3();
* Create a Cylinder from two points, a radius and an axis direction. Provided for use when unit axis is know and
* computation of it can be avoided.
* @param bottomCenter the center point of of the cylinder's base.
* @param topCenter the center point of the cylinders top.
* @param cylinderRadius the cylinder's radius.
* @param unitDirection the unit-length axis of the cylinder.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the radius is zero or the top or bottom point is null or they are
* coincident.
public Cylinder(Vec4 bottomCenter, Vec4 topCenter, double cylinderRadius, Vec4 unitDirection)
if (bottomCenter == null || topCenter == null || bottomCenter.equals(topCenter))
String message = Logging.getMessage(
bottomCenter == null || topCenter == null ? "nullValue.EndPointIsNull" : "generic.EndPointsCoincident");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (cylinderRadius <= 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("Geom.Cylinder.RadiusIsZeroOrNegative", cylinderRadius);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// Convert the bottom center and top center points to points in four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates to
// ensure that their w-coordinates are 1. Cylinder's intersection tests compute a dot product between these
// points and each frustum plane, which depends on a w-coordinate of 1. We convert each point at construction to
// avoid the additional overhead of converting them during every intersection test.
this.bottomCenter = bottomCenter.toHomogeneousPoint3();
this.topCenter = topCenter.toHomogeneousPoint3();
this.cylinderHeight = this.bottomCenter.distanceTo3(this.topCenter);
this.cylinderRadius = cylinderRadius;
this.axisUnitDirection = unitDirection;
* Returns the unit-length axis of this cylinder.
* @return the unit-length axis of this cylinder.
public Vec4 getAxisUnitDirection()
return axisUnitDirection;
* Returns the this cylinder's bottom-center point.
* @return this cylinder's bottom-center point.
public Vec4 getBottomCenter()
return bottomCenter;
* Returns the this cylinder's top-center point.
* @return this cylinder's top-center point.
public Vec4 getTopCenter()
return topCenter;
* Returns this cylinder's radius.
* @return this cylinder's radius.
public double getCylinderRadius()
return cylinderRadius;
* Returns this cylinder's height.
* @return this cylinder's height.
public double getCylinderHeight()
return cylinderHeight;
* Return this cylinder's center point.
* @return this cylinder's center point.
public Vec4 getCenter()
Vec4 b = this.bottomCenter;
Vec4 t = this.topCenter;
return new Vec4(
(b.x + t.x) / 2.0,
(b.y + t.y) / 2.0,
(b.z + t.z) / 2.0);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double getDiameter()
return 2 * this.getRadius();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double getRadius()
// return the radius of the enclosing sphere
double halfHeight = this.bottomCenter.distanceTo3(this.topCenter) / 2.0;
return Math.sqrt(halfHeight * halfHeight + this.cylinderRadius * this.cylinderRadius);
* Return this cylinder's volume.
* @return this cylinder's volume.
public double getVolume()
return Math.PI * this.cylinderRadius * this.cylinderRadius * this.cylinderHeight;
* Compute a bounding cylinder for a collection of points.
* @param points the points to compute a bounding cylinder for.
* @return a cylinder bounding all the points. The axis of the cylinder is the longest principal axis of the
* collection. (See {@link WWMath#computePrincipalAxes(Iterable)}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the point list is null or empty.
* @see #computeVerticalBoundingCylinder(gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe, double, Sector)
public static Cylinder computeBoundingCylinder(Iterable extends Vec4> points)
if (points == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PointListIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
Vec4[] axes = WWMath.computePrincipalAxes(points);
if (axes == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ListIsEmpty");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
Vec4 r = axes[0];
Vec4 s = axes[1];
List sPlanePoints = new ArrayList();
double minDotR = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double maxDotR = -minDotR;
for (Vec4 p : points)
double pdr = p.dot3(r);
if (pdr < minDotR)
minDotR = pdr;
if (pdr > maxDotR)
maxDotR = pdr;
Vec4 minPoint = sPlanePoints.get(0);
Vec4 maxPoint = minPoint;
double minDotS = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double maxDotS = -minDotS;
for (Vec4 p : sPlanePoints)
double d = p.dot3(s);
if (d < minDotS)
minPoint = p;
minDotS = d;
if (d > maxDotS)
maxPoint = p;
maxDotS = d;
Vec4 center = minPoint.add3(maxPoint).divide3(2);
double radius = center.distanceTo3(minPoint);
for (Vec4 h : sPlanePoints)
Vec4 hq = h.subtract3(center);
double d = hq.getLength3();
if (d > radius)
Vec4 g = center.subtract3(hq.normalize3().multiply3(radius));
center = g.add3(h).divide3(2);
radius = d;
Vec4 bottomCenter = center.add3(r.multiply3(minDotR));
Vec4 topCenter = center.add3((r.multiply3(maxDotR)));
if (radius == 0)
radius = 1;
if (bottomCenter.equals(topCenter))
topCenter = bottomCenter.add3(new Vec4(1, 0, 0));
return new Cylinder(bottomCenter, topCenter, radius);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Intersection[] intersect(Line line)
if (line == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LineIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
double[] tVals = new double[2];
if (!intcyl(line.getOrigin(), line.getDirection(), this.bottomCenter, this.axisUnitDirection,
this.cylinderRadius, tVals))
return null;
if (!clipcyl(line.getOrigin(), line.getDirection(), this.bottomCenter, this.topCenter,
this.axisUnitDirection, tVals))
return null;
if (!Double.isInfinite(tVals[0]) && !Double.isInfinite(tVals[1]) && tVals[0] >= 0.0 && tVals[1] >= 0.0)
return new Intersection[] {new Intersection(line.getPointAt(tVals[0]), false),
new Intersection(line.getPointAt(tVals[1]), false)};
if (!Double.isInfinite(tVals[0]) && tVals[0] >= 0.0)
return new Intersection[] {new Intersection(line.getPointAt(tVals[0]), false)};
if (!Double.isInfinite(tVals[1]) && tVals[1] >= 0.0)
return new Intersection[] {new Intersection(line.getPointAt(tVals[1]), false)};
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean intersects(Line line)
if (line == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LineIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
return intersect(line) != null;
// Taken from "Graphics Gems IV", Section V.2, page 356.
protected boolean intcyl(Vec4 raybase, Vec4 raycos, Vec4 base, Vec4 axis, double radius, double[] tVals)
boolean hit; // True if ray intersects cyl
Vec4 RC; // Ray base to cylinder base
double d; // Shortest distance between the ray and the cylinder
double t, s; // Distances along the ray
Vec4 n, D, O;
double ln;
RC = raybase.subtract3(base);
n = raycos.cross3(axis);
// Ray is parallel to the cylinder's axis.
if ((ln = n.getLength3()) == 0.0)
d = RC.dot3(axis);
D = RC.subtract3(axis.multiply3(d));
d = D.getLength3();
tVals[0] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
tVals[1] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// True if ray is in cylinder.
return d <= radius;
n = n.normalize3();
d = Math.abs(RC.dot3(n)); // Shortest distance.
hit = (d <= radius);
// If ray hits cylinder.
if (hit)
O = RC.cross3(axis);
t = -O.dot3(n) / ln;
O = n.cross3(axis);
O = O.normalize3();
s = Math.abs(Math.sqrt(radius * radius - d * d) / raycos.dot3(O));
tVals[0] = t - s; // Entering distance.
tVals[1] = t + s; // Exiting distance.
return hit;
// Taken from "Graphics Gems IV", Section V.2, page 356.
protected boolean clipcyl(Vec4 raybase, Vec4 raycos, Vec4 bot, Vec4 top, Vec4 axis, double[] tVals)
double dc, dwb, dwt, tb, tt;
double in, out; // Object intersection distances.
in = tVals[0];
out = tVals[1];
dc = axis.dot3(raycos);
dwb = axis.dot3(raybase) - axis.dot3(bot);
dwt = axis.dot3(raybase) - axis.dot3(top);
// Ray is parallel to the cylinder end-caps.
if (dc == 0.0)
if (dwb <= 0.0)
return false;
if (dwt >= 0.0)
return false;
// Intersect the ray with the bottom end-cap.
tb = -dwb / dc;
// Intersect the ray with the top end-cap.
tt = -dwt / dc;
// Bottom is near cap, top is far cap.
if (dc >= 0.0)
if (tb > out)
return false;
if (tt < in)
return false;
if (tb > in && tb < out)
in = tb;
if (tt > in && tt < out)
out = tt;
// Bottom is far cap, top is near cap.
if (tb < in)
return false;
if (tt > out)
return false;
if (tb > in && tb < out)
out = tb;
if (tt > in && tt < out)
in = tt;
tVals[0] = in;
tVals[1] = out;
return in < out;
protected double intersects(Plane plane, double effectiveRadius)
// Test the distance from the first cylinder end-point. Assumes that bottomCenter's w-coordinate is 1.
double dq1 =;
boolean bq1 = dq1 <= -effectiveRadius;
// Test the distance from the top of the cylinder. Assumes that topCenter's w-coordinate is 1.
double dq2 =;
boolean bq2 = dq2 <= -effectiveRadius;
if (bq1 && bq2) // both beyond effective radius; cylinder is on negative side of plane
return -1;
if (bq1 == bq2) // both within effective radius; can't draw any conclusions
return 0;
return 1; // Cylinder almost certainly intersects
protected double intersectsAt(Plane plane, double effectiveRadius, Vec4[] endpoints)
// Test the distance from the first end-point. Assumes that the first end-point's w-coordinate is 1.
double dq1 =[0]);
boolean bq1 = dq1 <= -effectiveRadius;
// Test the distance from the possibly reduced second cylinder end-point. Assumes that the second end-point's
// w-coordinate is 1.
double dq2 =[1]);
boolean bq2 = dq2 <= -effectiveRadius;
if (bq1 && bq2) // endpoints more distant from plane than effective radius; cylinder is on neg. side of plane
return -1;
if (bq1 == bq2) // endpoints less distant from plane than effective radius; can't draw any conclusions
return 0;
// Compute and return the endpoints of the cylinder on the positive side of the plane.
double t = (effectiveRadius + dq1) / plane.getNormal().dot3(endpoints[0].subtract3(endpoints[1]));
Vec4 newEndPoint = endpoints[0].add3(endpoints[1].subtract3(endpoints[0]).multiply3(t));
if (bq1) // Truncate the lower end of the cylinder
endpoints[0] = newEndPoint;
else // Truncate the upper end of the cylinder
endpoints[1] = newEndPoint;
return t;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double getEffectiveRadius(Plane plane)
if (plane == null)
return 0;
// Determine the effective radius of the cylinder axis relative to the plane.
double dot = plane.getNormal().dot3(this.axisUnitDirection);
double scale = 1d - dot * dot;
if (scale <= 0)
return 0;
return this.cylinderRadius * Math.sqrt(scale);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean intersects(Plane plane)
if (plane == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PlaneIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
double effectiveRadius = this.getEffectiveRadius(plane);
return this.intersects(plane, effectiveRadius) >= 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean intersects(Frustum frustum)
if (frustum == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FrustumIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
double intersectionPoint;
Vec4[] endPoints = new Vec4[] {this.bottomCenter, this.topCenter};
double effectiveRadius = this.getEffectiveRadius(frustum.getNear());
intersectionPoint = this.intersectsAt(frustum.getNear(), effectiveRadius, endPoints);
if (intersectionPoint < 0)
return false;
// Near and far have the same effective radius.
intersectionPoint = this.intersectsAt(frustum.getFar(), effectiveRadius, endPoints);
if (intersectionPoint < 0)
return false;
effectiveRadius = this.getEffectiveRadius(frustum.getLeft());
intersectionPoint = this.intersectsAt(frustum.getLeft(), effectiveRadius, endPoints);
if (intersectionPoint < 0)
return false;
effectiveRadius = this.getEffectiveRadius(frustum.getRight());
intersectionPoint = this.intersectsAt(frustum.getRight(), effectiveRadius, endPoints);
if (intersectionPoint < 0)
return false;
effectiveRadius = this.getEffectiveRadius(frustum.getTop());
intersectionPoint = this.intersectsAt(frustum.getTop(), effectiveRadius, endPoints);
if (intersectionPoint < 0)
return false;
effectiveRadius = this.getEffectiveRadius(frustum.getBottom());
intersectionPoint = this.intersectsAt(frustum.getBottom(), effectiveRadius, endPoints);
return intersectionPoint >= 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double getProjectedArea(View view)
if (view == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ViewIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// TODO: compute a more exact projected screen area for Cylinder.
return WWMath.computeSphereProjectedArea(view, this.getCenter(), this.getRadius());
* Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified minimum and maximum elevations in the sector at a
* specified vertical exaggeration, and is oriented such that the cylinder axis is perpendicular to the globe's
* surface.
* @param globe The globe associated with the sector.
* @param verticalExaggeration the vertical exaggeration to apply to the minimum and maximum elevations when
* computing the cylinder.
* @param sector the sector to return the bounding cylinder for.
* @return The minimal bounding cylinder in Cartesian coordinates.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sector
is null
* @see #computeBoundingCylinder(Iterable)
static public Cylinder computeVerticalBoundingCylinder(Globe globe, double verticalExaggeration, Sector sector)
if (globe == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
double[] minAndMaxElevations = globe.getMinAndMaxElevations(sector);
return computeVerticalBoundingCylinder(globe, verticalExaggeration, sector,
minAndMaxElevations[0], minAndMaxElevations[1]);
* Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified minimum and maximum elevations in the sector at a
* specified vertical exaggeration, and is oriented such that the cylinder axis is perpendicular to the globe's
* surface.
* @param globe The globe associated with the sector.
* @param verticalExaggeration the vertical exaggeration to apply to the minimum and maximum elevations when
* computing the cylinder.
* @param sector the sector to return the bounding cylinder for.
* @param minElevation the minimum elevation of the bounding cylinder.
* @param maxElevation the maximum elevation of the bounding cylinder.
* @return The minimal bounding cylinder in Cartesian coordinates.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sector
is null
* @see #computeBoundingCylinder(Iterable)
public static Cylinder computeVerticalBoundingCylinder(Globe globe, double verticalExaggeration, Sector sector,
double minElevation, double maxElevation)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// Compute the exaggerated minimum and maximum heights.
double minHeight = minElevation * verticalExaggeration;
double maxHeight = maxElevation * verticalExaggeration;
if (minHeight == maxHeight)
maxHeight = minHeight + 1; // ensure the top and bottom of the cylinder won't be coincident
// If the sector spans both poles in latitude, or spans greater than 180 degrees in longitude, we cannot use the
// sector's Cartesian quadrilateral to compute a bounding cylinde. This is because the quadrilateral is either
// smaller than the geometry defined by the sector (when deltaLon >= 180), or the quadrilateral degenerates to
// two points (when deltaLat >= 180). So we compute a bounging cylinder that spans the equator and covers the
// sector's latitude range. In some cases this cylinder may be too large, but we're typically not interested
// in culling these cylinders since the sector will span most of the globe.
if (sector.getDeltaLatDegrees() >= 180d || sector.getDeltaLonDegrees() >= 180d)
return computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorLatitudeRange(globe, sector, minHeight, maxHeight);
// Otherwise, create a standard bounding cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified sector and elevations.
return computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorQuadrilateral(globe, sector, minHeight, maxHeight);
* Compute the Cylinder that surrounds the equator, and has height defined by the sector's minumum and maximum
* latitudes (including maxHeight).
* @param globe The globe associated with the sector.
* @param sector the sector to return the bounding cylinder for.
* @param minHeight the minimum height to include in the bounding cylinder.
* @param maxHeight the maximum height to include in the bounding cylinder.
* @return the minimal bounding cylinder in Cartesianl coordinates.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sector
is null
protected static Cylinder computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorLatitudeRange(Globe globe, Sector sector, double minHeight,
double maxHeight)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
Vec4 centerPoint = Vec4.ZERO;
Vec4 axis = Vec4.UNIT_Y;
double radius = globe.getEquatorialRadius() + maxHeight;
// Compute the sector's lowest projection along the cylinder axis. This will be a point of minimum latitude
// with maxHeight.
Vec4 extremePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(),
double minProj = extremePoint.subtract3(centerPoint).dot3(axis);
// Compute the sector's lowest highest along the cylinder axis. This will be a point of maximum latitude
// with maxHeight.
extremePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), maxHeight);
double maxProj = extremePoint.subtract3(centerPoint).dot3(axis);
Vec4 bottomCenterPoint = axis.multiply3(minProj).add3(centerPoint);
Vec4 topCenterPoint = axis.multiply3(maxProj).add3(centerPoint);
if (radius == 0)
radius = 1;
if (bottomCenterPoint.equals(topCenterPoint))
topCenterPoint = bottomCenterPoint.add3(new Vec4(1, 0, 0));
return new Cylinder(bottomCenterPoint, topCenterPoint, radius);
* Returns a cylinder that minimally surrounds the specified height range in the sector.
* @param globe The globe associated with the sector.
* @param sector the sector to return the bounding cylinder for.
* @param minHeight the minimum height to include in the bounding cylinder.
* @param maxHeight the maximum height to include in the bounding cylinder.
* @return The minimal bounding cylinder in Cartesian coordinates.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sector
is null
protected static Cylinder computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorQuadrilateral(Globe globe, Sector sector, double minHeight,
double maxHeight)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// Get three non-coincident points on the sector's quadrilateral. We choose the north or south pair that is
// closest to the equator, then choose a third point from the opposite pair. We use maxHeight as elevation
// because we want to bound the largest potential quadrilateral for the sector.
Vec4 p0, p1, p2;
if (Math.abs(sector.getMinLatitude().degrees) <= Math.abs(sector.getMaxLatitude().degrees))
p0 = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), maxHeight); // SE
p1 = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), maxHeight); // SW
p2 = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), maxHeight); // NW
p0 = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), maxHeight); // NW
p1 = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), maxHeight); // NE
p2 = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), maxHeight); // SW
// Compute the center, axis, and radius of the circle that circumscribes the three points.
// This circle is guaranteed to circumscribe all four points of the sector's Cartesian quadrilateral.
Vec4[] centerOut = new Vec4[1];
Vec4[] axisOut = new Vec4[1];
double[] radiusOut = new double[1];
if (!WWMath.computeCircleThroughPoints(p0, p1, p2, centerOut, axisOut, radiusOut))
// If the computation failed, then two of the points are coincident. Fall back to creating a bounding
// cylinder based on the vertices of the sector. This bounding cylinder won't be as tight a fit, but
// it will be correct.
return computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorVertices(globe, sector, minHeight, maxHeight);
Vec4 centerPoint = centerOut[0];
Vec4 axis = axisOut[0];
double radius = radiusOut[0];
// Compute the sector's lowest projection along the cylinder axis. We test opposite corners of the sector
// using minHeight. One of these will be the lowest point in the sector.
Vec4 extremePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(),
double minProj = extremePoint.subtract3(centerPoint).dot3(axis);
extremePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), minHeight);
minProj = Math.min(minProj, extremePoint.subtract3(centerPoint).dot3(axis));
// Compute the sector's highest projection along the cylinder axis. We only need to use the point at the
// sector's centroid with maxHeight. This point is guaranteed to be the highest point in the sector.
LatLon centroid = sector.getCentroid();
extremePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(centroid.getLatitude(), centroid.getLongitude(), maxHeight);
double maxProj = extremePoint.subtract3(centerPoint).dot3(axis);
Vec4 bottomCenterPoint = axis.multiply3(minProj).add3(centerPoint);
Vec4 topCenterPoint = axis.multiply3(maxProj).add3(centerPoint);
if (radius == 0)
radius = 1;
if (bottomCenterPoint.equals(topCenterPoint))
topCenterPoint = bottomCenterPoint.add3(new Vec4(1, 0, 0));
return new Cylinder(bottomCenterPoint, topCenterPoint, radius);
* Returns a cylinder that surrounds the specified height range in the zero-area sector. The returned cylinder won't
* be as tight a fit as computeBoundsFromSectorQuadrilateral
* @param globe The globe associated with the sector.
* @param sector the sector to return the bounding cylinder for.
* @param minHeight the minimum height to include in the bounding cylinder.
* @param maxHeight the maximum height to include in the bounding cylinder.
* @return The minimal bounding cylinder in Cartesian coordinates.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sector
is null
protected static Cylinder computeVerticalBoundsFromSectorVertices(Globe globe, Sector sector, double minHeight,
double maxHeight)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// Compute the top center point as the surface point with maxHeight at the sector's centroid.
LatLon centroid = sector.getCentroid();
Vec4 topCenterPoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(centroid.getLatitude(), centroid.getLongitude(),
// Compute the axis as the surface normal at the sector's centroid.
Vec4 axis = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(topCenterPoint);
// Compute the four corner points of the sector with minHeight.
Vec4 southwest = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), minHeight);
Vec4 southeast = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), minHeight);
Vec4 northeast = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), minHeight);
Vec4 northwest = globe.computePointFromPosition(sector.getMaxLatitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), minHeight);
// Compute the bottom center point as the lowest projection along the axis.
double minProj = southwest.subtract3(topCenterPoint).dot3(axis);
minProj = Math.min(minProj, southeast.subtract3(topCenterPoint).dot3(axis));
minProj = Math.min(minProj, northeast.subtract3(topCenterPoint).dot3(axis));
minProj = Math.min(minProj, northwest.subtract3(topCenterPoint).dot3(axis));
Vec4 bottomCenterPoint = axis.multiply3(minProj).add3(topCenterPoint);
// Compute the radius as the maximum distance from the top center point to any of the corner points.
double radius = topCenterPoint.distanceTo3(southwest);
radius = Math.max(radius, topCenterPoint.distanceTo3(southeast));
radius = Math.max(radius, topCenterPoint.distanceTo3(northeast));
radius = Math.max(radius, topCenterPoint.distanceTo3(northwest));
if (radius == 0)
radius = 1;
if (bottomCenterPoint.equals(topCenterPoint))
topCenterPoint = bottomCenterPoint.add3(new Vec4(1, 0, 0));
return new Cylinder(bottomCenterPoint, topCenterPoint, radius);
* Display the cylinder.
* @param dc the current draw context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the draw context is null.
public void render(DrawContext dc)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// Compute a matrix that will transform world coordinates to cylinder coordinates. The negative z-axis
// will point from the cylinder's bottomCenter to its topCenter. The y-axis will be a vector that is
// perpendicular to the cylinder's axisUnitDirection. Because the cylinder is symmetric, it does not matter
// in what direction the y-axis points, as long as it is perpendicular to the z-axis.
double tolerance = 1e-6;
Vec4 upVector = (this.axisUnitDirection.cross3(Vec4.UNIT_Y).getLength3() <= tolerance) ?
Matrix transformMatrix = Matrix.fromModelLookAt(this.bottomCenter, this.topCenter, upVector);
double[] matrixArray = new double[16];
transformMatrix.toArray(matrixArray, 0, false);
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler();
// The cylinder is drawn with as a wireframe plus a center axis. It's drawn in two passes in order to
// visualize the portions of the cylinder above and below an intersecting surface.
OGLUtil.applyBlending(gl, false);
// Draw the axis
gl.glDepthFunc(GL.GL_LEQUAL); // draw the part that would normally be visible
gl.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f);
gl.glVertex3d(this.bottomCenter.x, this.bottomCenter.y, this.bottomCenter.z);
gl.glVertex3d(this.topCenter.x, this.topCenter.y, this.topCenter.z);
gl.glDepthFunc(GL.GL_GREATER); // draw the part that is behind an intersecting surface
gl.glColor4f(1f, 0f, 1f, 0.4f);
gl.glVertex3d(this.bottomCenter.x, this.bottomCenter.y, this.bottomCenter.z);
gl.glVertex3d(this.topCenter.x, this.topCenter.y, this.topCenter.z);
// Draw the exterior wireframe
gl.glMultMatrixd(matrixArray, 0);
GLUquadric quadric = dc.getGLU().gluNewQuadric();
dc.getGLU().gluQuadricDrawStyle(quadric, GLU.GLU_LINE);
gl.glColor4f(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
dc.getGLU().gluCylinder(quadric, this.cylinderRadius, this.cylinderRadius, this.cylinderHeight, 30, 30);
gl.glColor4f(1f, 0f, 1f, 0.4f);
dc.getGLU().gluCylinder(quadric, this.cylinderRadius, this.cylinderRadius, this.cylinderHeight, 30, 30);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Cylinder))
return false;
Cylinder cylinder = (Cylinder) o;
if (, cylinderHeight) != 0)
return false;
if (, cylinderRadius) != 0)
return false;
if (axisUnitDirection != null ? !axisUnitDirection.equals(cylinder.axisUnitDirection)
: cylinder.axisUnitDirection != null)
return false;
if (bottomCenter != null ? !bottomCenter.equals(cylinder.bottomCenter) : cylinder.bottomCenter != null)
return false;
//noinspection RedundantIfStatement
if (topCenter != null ? !topCenter.equals(cylinder.topCenter) : cylinder.topCenter != null)
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode()
int result;
long temp;
result = bottomCenter != null ? bottomCenter.hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (topCenter != null ? topCenter.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (axisUnitDirection != null ? axisUnitDirection.hashCode() : 0);
temp = cylinderRadius != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(cylinderRadius) : 0L;
result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = cylinderHeight != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(cylinderHeight) : 0L;
result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
return result;
public String toString()
return this.cylinderRadius + ", " + this.bottomCenter.toString() + ", " + this.topCenter.toString() + ", "
+ this.axisUnitDirection.toString();
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