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* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
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* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.layers;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Earth;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import com.jogamp.opengl.*;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
* @author tag
* @version $Id: 2922 2015-03-24 23:56:58Z tgaskins $
public abstract class TiledImageLayer extends AbstractLayer
// Infrastructure
protected static final LevelComparer levelComparer = new LevelComparer();
protected final LevelSet levels;
protected ArrayList topLevels;
protected boolean forceLevelZeroLoads = false;
protected boolean levelZeroLoaded = false;
protected boolean retainLevelZeroTiles = false;
protected String tileCountName;
protected double detailHintOrigin = 2.8;
protected double detailHint = 0;
protected boolean useMipMaps = true;
protected boolean useTransparentTextures = false;
protected ArrayList supportedImageFormats = new ArrayList();
protected String textureFormat;
// Diagnostic flags
protected boolean drawTileBoundaries = false;
private boolean drawTileIDs = false;
protected boolean drawBoundingVolumes = false;
// Stuff computed each frame
protected ArrayList currentTiles = new ArrayList();
protected TextureTile currentResourceTile;
protected boolean atMaxResolution = false;
protected PriorityBlockingQueue requestQ = new PriorityBlockingQueue(200);
abstract protected void requestTexture(DrawContext dc, TextureTile tile);
abstract protected void forceTextureLoad(TextureTile tile);
public TiledImageLayer(LevelSet levelSet)
if (levelSet == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LevelSetIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.levels = new LevelSet(levelSet); // the caller's levelSet may change internally, so we copy it.
this.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, this.levels.getSector());
this.setPickEnabled(false); // textures are assumed to be terrain unless specifically indicated otherwise.
this.tileCountName = this.getName() + " Tiles";
public Object setValue(String key, Object value)
// Offer it to the level set
if (this.getLevels() != null)
this.getLevels().setValue(key, value);
return super.setValue(key, value);
public Object getValue(String key)
Object value = super.getValue(key);
return value != null ? value : this.getLevels().getValue(key); // see if the level set has it
public void setName(String name)
this.tileCountName = this.getName() + " Tiles";
public boolean isForceLevelZeroLoads()
return this.forceLevelZeroLoads;
public void setForceLevelZeroLoads(boolean forceLevelZeroLoads)
this.forceLevelZeroLoads = forceLevelZeroLoads;
public boolean isRetainLevelZeroTiles()
return retainLevelZeroTiles;
public void setRetainLevelZeroTiles(boolean retainLevelZeroTiles)
this.retainLevelZeroTiles = retainLevelZeroTiles;
public boolean isDrawTileIDs()
return drawTileIDs;
public void setDrawTileIDs(boolean drawTileIDs)
this.drawTileIDs = drawTileIDs;
public boolean isDrawTileBoundaries()
return drawTileBoundaries;
public void setDrawTileBoundaries(boolean drawTileBoundaries)
this.drawTileBoundaries = drawTileBoundaries;
public boolean isDrawBoundingVolumes()
return drawBoundingVolumes;
public void setDrawBoundingVolumes(boolean drawBoundingVolumes)
this.drawBoundingVolumes = drawBoundingVolumes;
* Indicates the layer's detail hint, which is described in {@link #setDetailHint(double)}.
* @return the detail hint
* @see #setDetailHint(double)
public double getDetailHint()
return this.detailHint;
* Modifies the default relationship of image resolution to screen resolution as the viewing altitude changes.
* Values greater than 0 cause imagery to appear at higher resolution at greater altitudes than normal, but at an
* increased performance cost. Values less than 0 decrease the default resolution at any given altitude. The default
* value is 0. Values typically range between -0.5 and 0.5.
* Note: The resolution-to-height relationship is defined by a scale factor that specifies the approximate size of
* discernible lengths in the image relative to eye distance. The scale is specified as a power of 10. A value of 3,
* for example, specifies that 1 meter on the surface should be distinguishable from an altitude of 10^3 meters
* (1000 meters). The default scale is 1/10^2.8, (1 over 10 raised to the power 2.8). The detail hint specifies
* deviations from that default. A detail hint of 0.2 specifies a scale of 1/1000, i.e., 1/10^(2.8 + .2) = 1/10^3.
* Scales much larger than 3 typically cause the applied resolution to be higher than discernible for the altitude.
* Such scales significantly decrease performance.
* @param detailHint the degree to modify the default relationship of image resolution to screen resolution with
* changing view altitudes. Values greater than 1 increase the resolution. Values less than zero
* decrease the resolution. The default value is 0.
public void setDetailHint(double detailHint)
this.detailHint = detailHint;
public LevelSet getLevels()
return levels;
protected PriorityBlockingQueue getRequestQ()
return requestQ;
public boolean isMultiResolution()
return this.getLevels() != null && this.getLevels().getNumLevels() > 1;
public boolean isAtMaxResolution()
return this.atMaxResolution;
* Returns the format used to store images in texture memory, or null if images are stored in their native format.
* @return the texture image format; null if images are stored in their native format.
* @see #setTextureFormat(String)
public String getTextureFormat()
return this.textureFormat;
* Specifies the format used to store images in texture memory, or null to store images in their native format.
* Supported texture formats are as follows:
image/dds - Stores images in the compressed DDS
* format. If the image is already in DDS format it's stored as-is.
* @param textureFormat the texture image format; null to store images in their native format.
public void setTextureFormat(String textureFormat)
this.textureFormat = textureFormat;
public boolean isUseMipMaps()
return useMipMaps;
public void setUseMipMaps(boolean useMipMaps)
this.useMipMaps = useMipMaps;
public boolean isUseTransparentTextures()
return this.useTransparentTextures;
public void setUseTransparentTextures(boolean useTransparentTextures)
this.useTransparentTextures = useTransparentTextures;
* Specifies the time of the layer's most recent dataset update, beyond which cached data is invalid. If greater
* than zero, the layer ignores and eliminates any in-memory or on-disk cached data older than the time specified,
* and requests new information from the data source. If zero, the default, the layer applies any expiry times
* associated with its individual levels, but only for on-disk cached data. In-memory cached data is expired only
* when the expiry time is specified with this method and is greater than zero. This method also overwrites the
* expiry times of the layer's individual levels if the value specified to the method is greater than zero.
* @param expiryTime the expiry time of any cached data, expressed as a number of milliseconds beyond the epoch. The
* default expiry time is zero.
* @see System#currentTimeMillis() for a description of milliseconds beyond the epoch.
public void setExpiryTime(long expiryTime) // Override this method to use intrinsic level-specific expiry times
if (expiryTime > 0)
this.levels.setExpiryTime(expiryTime); // remove this in sub-class to use level-specific expiry times
public List getTopLevels()
if (this.topLevels == null)
return topLevels;
protected void createTopLevelTiles()
Sector sector = this.levels.getSector();
Level level = levels.getFirstLevel();
Angle dLat = level.getTileDelta().getLatitude();
Angle dLon = level.getTileDelta().getLongitude();
Angle latOrigin = this.levels.getTileOrigin().getLatitude();
Angle lonOrigin = this.levels.getTileOrigin().getLongitude();
// Determine the row and column offset from the common World Wind global tiling origin.
int firstRow = Tile.computeRow(dLat, sector.getMinLatitude(), latOrigin);
int firstCol = Tile.computeColumn(dLon, sector.getMinLongitude(), lonOrigin);
int lastRow = Tile.computeRow(dLat, sector.getMaxLatitude(), latOrigin);
int lastCol = Tile.computeColumn(dLon, sector.getMaxLongitude(), lonOrigin);
int nLatTiles = lastRow - firstRow + 1;
int nLonTiles = lastCol - firstCol + 1;
this.topLevels = new ArrayList(nLatTiles * nLonTiles);
Angle p1 = Tile.computeRowLatitude(firstRow, dLat, latOrigin);
for (int row = firstRow; row <= lastRow; row++)
Angle p2;
p2 = p1.add(dLat);
Angle t1 = Tile.computeColumnLongitude(firstCol, dLon, lonOrigin);
for (int col = firstCol; col <= lastCol; col++)
Angle t2;
t2 = t1.add(dLon);
this.topLevels.add(new TextureTile(new Sector(p1, p2, t1, t2), level, row, col));
t1 = t2;
p1 = p2;
protected void loadAllTopLevelTextures(DrawContext dc)
for (TextureTile tile : this.getTopLevels())
if (!tile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()))
this.levelZeroLoaded = true;
// ============== Tile Assembly ======================= //
// ============== Tile Assembly ======================= //
// ============== Tile Assembly ======================= //
protected void assembleTiles(DrawContext dc)
for (TextureTile tile : this.getTopLevels())
if (this.isTileVisible(dc, tile))
this.currentResourceTile = null;
this.addTileOrDescendants(dc, tile);
protected void addTileOrDescendants(DrawContext dc, TextureTile tile)
if (this.meetsRenderCriteria(dc, tile))
this.addTile(dc, tile);
// The incoming tile does not meet the rendering criteria, so it must be subdivided and those
// subdivisions tested against the criteria.
// All tiles that meet the selection criteria are drawn, but some of those tiles will not have
// textures associated with them either because their texture isn't loaded yet or because they
// are finer grain than the layer has textures for. In these cases the tiles use the texture of
// the closest ancestor that has a texture loaded. This ancestor is called the currentResourceTile.
// A texture transform is applied during rendering to align the sector's texture coordinates with the
// appropriate region of the ancestor's texture.
TextureTile ancestorResource = null;
// TODO: Revise this to reflect that the parent layer is only requested while the algorithm continues
// to search for the layer matching the criteria.
// At this point the tile does not meet the render criteria but it may have its texture in memory.
// If so, register this tile as the resource tile. If not, then this tile will be the next level
// below a tile with texture in memory. So to provide progressive resolution increase, add this tile
// to the draw list. That will cause the tile to be drawn using its parent tile's texture, and it will
// cause it's texture to be requested. At some future call to this method the tile's texture will be in
// memory, it will not meet the render criteria, but will serve as the parent to a tile that goes
// through this same process as this method recurses. The result of all this is that a tile isn't rendered
// with its own texture unless all its parents have their textures loaded. In addition to causing
// progressive resolution increase, this ensures that the parents are available as the user zooms out, and
// therefore the layer remains visible until the user is zoomed out to the point the layer is no longer
// active.
if (tile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()) || tile.getLevelNumber() == 0)
ancestorResource = this.currentResourceTile;
this.currentResourceTile = tile;
else if (!tile.getLevel().isEmpty())
// this.addTile(dc, tile);
// return;
// Issue a request for the parent before descending to the children.
// if (tile.getLevelNumber() < this.levels.getNumLevels())
// {
// // Request only tiles with data associated at this level
// if (!this.levels.isResourceAbsent(tile))
// this.requestTexture(dc, tile);
// }
TextureTile[] subTiles = tile.createSubTiles(this.levels.getLevel(tile.getLevelNumber() + 1));
for (TextureTile child : subTiles)
if (this.getLevels().getSector().intersects(child.getSector()) && this.isTileVisible(dc, child))
this.addTileOrDescendants(dc, child);
if (ancestorResource != null) // Pop this tile as the currentResource ancestor
this.currentResourceTile = ancestorResource;
protected void addTile(DrawContext dc, TextureTile tile)
if (tile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()))
// Level 0 loads may be forced
if (tile.getLevelNumber() == 0 && this.forceLevelZeroLoads && !tile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()))
if (tile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()))
// Tile's texture isn't available, so request it
if (tile.getLevelNumber() < this.levels.getNumLevels())
// Request only tiles with data associated at this level
if (!this.levels.isResourceAbsent(tile))
this.requestTexture(dc, tile);
// Set up to use the currentResource tile's texture
if (this.currentResourceTile != null)
if (this.currentResourceTile.getLevelNumber() == 0 && this.forceLevelZeroLoads &&
!this.currentResourceTile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()) &&
if (this.currentResourceTile.isTextureInMemory(dc.getTextureCache()))
protected void addTileToCurrent(TextureTile tile)
protected boolean isTileVisible(DrawContext dc, TextureTile tile)
return tile.getExtent(dc).intersects(dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates()) &&
(dc.getVisibleSector() == null || dc.getVisibleSector().intersects(tile.getSector()));
protected boolean meetsRenderCriteria(DrawContext dc, TextureTile tile)
return this.levels.isFinalLevel(tile.getLevelNumber()) || !needToSplit(dc, tile.getSector(), tile.getLevel());
protected double getDetailFactor()
return this.detailHintOrigin + this.getDetailHint();
protected boolean needToSplit(DrawContext dc, Sector sector, Level level)
// Compute the height in meters of a texel from the specified level. Take care to convert from the radians to
// meters by multiplying by the globe's radius, not the length of a Cartesian point. Using the length of a
// Cartesian point is incorrect when the globe is flat.
double texelSizeRadians = level.getTexelSize();
double texelSizeMeters = dc.getGlobe().getRadius() * texelSizeRadians;
// Compute the level of detail scale and the field of view scale. These scales are multiplied by the eye
// distance to derive a scaled distance that is then compared to the texel size. The level of detail scale is
// specified as a power of 10. For example, a detail factor of 3 means split when the cell size becomes more
// than one thousandth of the eye distance. The field of view scale is specified as a ratio between the current
// field of view and a the default field of view. In a perspective projection, decreasing the field of view by
// 50% has the same effect on object size as decreasing the distance between the eye and the object by 50%.
// The detail hint is reduced for tiles above 75 degrees north and below 75 degrees south.
double s = this.getDetailFactor();
if (sector.getMinLatitude().degrees >= 75 || sector.getMaxLatitude().degrees <= -75)
s *= 0.9;
double detailScale = Math.pow(10, -s);
double fieldOfViewScale = dc.getView().getFieldOfView().tanHalfAngle() / Angle.fromDegrees(45).tanHalfAngle();
fieldOfViewScale = WWMath.clamp(fieldOfViewScale, 0, 1);
// Compute the distance between the eye point and the sector in meters, and compute a fraction of that distance
// by multiplying the actual distance by the level of detail scale and the field of view scale.
double eyeDistanceMeters = sector.distanceTo(dc, dc.getView().getEyePoint());
double scaledEyeDistanceMeters = eyeDistanceMeters * detailScale * fieldOfViewScale;
// Split when the texel size in meters becomes greater than the specified fraction of the eye distance, also in
// meters. Another way to say it is, use the current tile if its texel size is less than the specified fraction
// of the eye distance.
// NOTE: It's tempting to instead compare a screen pixel size to the texel size, but that calculation is
// window-size dependent and results in selecting an excessive number of tiles when the window is large.
return texelSizeMeters > scaledEyeDistanceMeters;
public Double getMinEffectiveAltitude(Double radius)
if (radius == null)
// Get the texel size in meters for the highest-resolution level.
double texelSizeRadians = this.getLevels().getLastLevel().getTexelSize();
double texelSizeMeters = radius * texelSizeRadians;
// Compute altitude associated with the texel size at which it would switch if it had higher-res levels.
return texelSizeMeters * Math.pow(10, this.getDetailFactor());
public Double getMaxEffectiveAltitude(Double radius)
if (radius == null)
// Find first non-empty level. Compute altitude at which it comes into effect.
for (int i = 0; i < this.getLevels().getLastLevel().getLevelNumber(); i++)
if (this.levels.isLevelEmpty(i))
// Compute altitude associated with the texel size at which it would switch if it had a lower-res level.
// That texel size is twice that of the current lowest-res level.
double texelSizeRadians = this.levels.getLevel(i).getTexelSize();
double texelSizeMeters = 2 * radius * texelSizeRadians;
return texelSizeMeters * Math.pow(10, this.getDetailFactor());
return null;
protected boolean atMaxLevel(DrawContext dc)
Position vpc = dc.getViewportCenterPosition();
if (dc.getView() == null || this.getLevels() == null || vpc == null)
return false;
if (!this.getLevels().getSector().contains(vpc.getLatitude(), vpc.getLongitude()))
return true;
Level nextToLast = this.getLevels().getNextToLastLevel();
if (nextToLast == null)
return true;
Sector centerSector = nextToLast.computeSectorForPosition(vpc.getLatitude(), vpc.getLongitude(),
return this.needToSplit(dc, centerSector, nextToLast);
// ============== Rendering ======================= //
// ============== Rendering ======================= //
// ============== Rendering ======================= //
public void render(DrawContext dc)
this.atMaxResolution = this.atMaxLevel(dc);
protected final void doRender(DrawContext dc)
if (this.forceLevelZeroLoads && !this.levelZeroLoaded)
if (dc.getSurfaceGeometry() == null || dc.getSurfaceGeometry().size() < 1)
protected void draw(DrawContext dc)
this.assembleTiles(dc); // Determine the tiles to draw.
if (this.currentTiles.size() >= 1)
// Indicate that this layer rendered something this frame.
this.setValue(AVKey.FRAME_TIMESTAMP, dc.getFrameTimeStamp());
if (this.getScreenCredit() != null)
TextureTile[] sortedTiles = new TextureTile[this.currentTiles.size()];
sortedTiles = this.currentTiles.toArray(sortedTiles);
Arrays.sort(sortedTiles, levelComparer);
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
if (this.isUseTransparentTextures() || this.getOpacity() < 1)
gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT, GL2.GL_FILL);
dc.setPerFrameStatistic(PerformanceStatistic.IMAGE_TILE_COUNT, this.tileCountName,
dc.getGeographicSurfaceTileRenderer().renderTiles(dc, this.currentTiles);
if (this.drawTileIDs)
this.drawTileIDs(dc, this.currentTiles);
if (this.drawBoundingVolumes)
this.drawBoundingVolumes(dc, this.currentTiles);
// Check texture expiration. Memory-cached textures are checked for expiration only when an explicit,
// non-zero expiry time has been set for the layer. If none has been set, the expiry times of the layer's
// individual levels are used, but only for images in the local file cache, not textures in memory. This is
// to avoid incurring the overhead of checking expiration of in-memory textures, a very rarely used feature.
if (this.getExpiryTime() > 0 && this.getExpiryTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis())
this.checkTextureExpiration(dc, this.currentTiles);
protected void checkTextureExpiration(DrawContext dc, List tiles)
for (TextureTile tile : tiles)
if (tile.isTextureExpired())
this.requestTexture(dc, tile);
protected void setBlendingFunction(DrawContext dc)
// Set up a premultiplied-alpha blending function. Any texture read by JOGL will have alpha-premultiplied color
// components, as will any DDS file created by World Wind or the World Wind WMS. We'll also set up the base
// color as a premultiplied color, so that any incoming premultiplied color will be properly combined with the
// base color.
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
double alpha = this.getOpacity();
gl.glColor4d(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);
protected void sendRequests()
Runnable task = this.requestQ.poll();
while (task != null)
if (!WorldWind.getTaskService().isFull())
task = this.requestQ.poll();
public boolean isLayerInView(DrawContext dc)
if (dc == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
if (dc.getView() == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("layers.AbstractLayer.NoViewSpecifiedInDrawingContext");
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
return !(dc.getVisibleSector() != null && !this.levels.getSector().intersects(dc.getVisibleSector()));
protected Vec4 computeReferencePoint(DrawContext dc)
if (dc.getViewportCenterPosition() != null)
return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(dc.getViewportCenterPosition());
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D viewport = dc.getView().getViewport();
int x = (int) viewport.getWidth() / 2;
for (int y = (int) (0.5 * viewport.getHeight()); y >= 0; y--)
Position pos = dc.getView().computePositionFromScreenPoint(x, y);
if (pos == null)
return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), 0d);
return null;
protected Vec4 getReferencePoint(DrawContext dc)
return this.computeReferencePoint(dc);
protected static class LevelComparer implements Comparator
public int compare(TextureTile ta, TextureTile tb)
int la = ta.getFallbackTile() == null ? ta.getLevelNumber() : ta.getFallbackTile().getLevelNumber();
int lb = tb.getFallbackTile() == null ? tb.getLevelNumber() : tb.getFallbackTile().getLevelNumber();
return la < lb ? -1 : la == lb ? 0 : 1;
protected void drawTileIDs(DrawContext dc, ArrayList tiles)
java.awt.Rectangle viewport = dc.getView().getViewport();
TextRenderer textRenderer = OGLTextRenderer.getOrCreateTextRenderer(dc.getTextRendererCache(),
GL gl = dc.getGL();
textRenderer.beginRendering(viewport.width, viewport.height);
for (TextureTile tile : tiles)
String tileLabel = tile.getLabel();
if (tile.getFallbackTile() != null)
tileLabel += "/" + tile.getFallbackTile().getLabel();
LatLon ll = tile.getSector().getCentroid();
Vec4 pt = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude(),
dc.getGlobe().getElevation(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()));
pt = dc.getView().project(pt);
textRenderer.draw(tileLabel, (int) pt.x, (int) pt.y);
protected void drawBoundingVolumes(DrawContext dc, ArrayList tiles)
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
float[] previousColor = new float[4];
gl.glGetFloatv(GL2.GL_CURRENT_COLOR, previousColor, 0);
gl.glColor3d(0, 1, 0);
for (TextureTile tile : tiles)
if (tile.getExtent(dc) instanceof Renderable)
((Renderable) tile.getExtent(dc)).render(dc);
Box c = Sector.computeBoundingBox(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration(), this.levels.getSector());
gl.glColor3d(1, 1, 0);
gl.glColor4fv(previousColor, 0);
//******************** Configuration *************************//
* Creates a configuration document for a TiledImageLayer described by the specified params. The returned document
* may be used as a construction parameter to {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.BasicTiledImageLayer}.
* @param params parameters describing the TiledImageLayer.
* @return a configuration document for the TiledImageLayer.
public static Document createTiledImageLayerConfigDocument(AVList params)
Document doc = WWXML.createDocumentBuilder(true).newDocument();
Element root = WWXML.setDocumentElement(doc, "Layer");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(root, "version", 1);
WWXML.setTextAttribute(root, "layerType", "TiledImageLayer");
createTiledImageLayerConfigElements(params, root);
return doc;
* Appends TiledImageLayer configuration parameters as elements to the specified context. This appends elements for
* the following parameters:
Element Path
String array
Integer milliseconds
* milliseconds
Integer milliseconds
This also writes
* common layer and LevelSet configuration parameters by invoking {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractLayer#createLayerConfigElements(gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList,
* org.w3c.dom.Element)} and {@link DataConfigurationUtils#createLevelSetConfigElements(gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList,
* org.w3c.dom.Element)}.
* @param params the key-value pairs which define the TiledImageLayer configuration parameters.
* @param context the XML document root on which to append TiledImageLayer configuration elements.
* @return a reference to context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the parameters or the context are null.
public static Element createTiledImageLayerConfigElements(AVList params, Element context)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (context == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Common layer properties.
AbstractLayer.createLayerConfigElements(params, context);
// LevelSet properties.
DataConfigurationUtils.createLevelSetConfigElements(params, context);
// Service properties.
// Try to get the SERVICE_NAME property, but default to "WWTileService".
String s = AVListImpl.getStringValue(params, AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, "WWTileService");
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
// The service element may already exist, in which case we want to append to it.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "Service", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "Service");
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "serviceName", s);
WWXML.checkAndAppendBooleanElement(params, AVKey.RETRIEVE_PROPERTIES_FROM_SERVICE, context,
// Image format properties.
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, context, "ImageFormat");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.TEXTURE_FORMAT, context, "TextureFormat");
Object o = params.getValue(AVKey.AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS);
if (o != null && o instanceof String[])
String[] strings = (String[]) o;
if (strings.length > 0)
// The available image formats element may already exists, in which case we want to append to it, rather
// than create entirely separate paths.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "AvailableImageFormats", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "AvailableImageFormats");
WWXML.appendTextArray(el, "ImageFormat", strings);
// Optional behavior properties.
WWXML.checkAndAppendBooleanElement(params, AVKey.FORCE_LEVEL_ZERO_LOADS, context, "ForceLevelZeroLoads");
WWXML.checkAndAppendBooleanElement(params, AVKey.RETAIN_LEVEL_ZERO_TILES, context, "RetainLevelZeroTiles");
WWXML.checkAndAppendBooleanElement(params, AVKey.USE_MIP_MAPS, context, "UseMipMaps");
WWXML.checkAndAppendBooleanElement(params, AVKey.USE_TRANSPARENT_TEXTURES, context, "UseTransparentTextures");
WWXML.checkAndAppendDoubleElement(params, AVKey.DETAIL_HINT, context, "DetailHint");
// Retrieval properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) != null ||
params.getValue(AVKey.URL_READ_TIMEOUT) != null ||
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "RetrievalTimeouts", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "RetrievalTimeouts");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTimeElement(params, AVKey.URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, el, "ConnectTimeout/Time");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTimeElement(params, AVKey.URL_READ_TIMEOUT, el, "ReadTimeout/Time");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTimeElement(params, AVKey.RETRIEVAL_QUEUE_STALE_REQUEST_LIMIT, el,
return context;
* Parses TiledImageLayer configuration parameters from the specified DOM document. This writes output as key-value
* pairs to params. If a parameter from the XML document already exists in params, that parameter is ignored.
* Supported key and parameter names are:
Element Path
String array
Integer milliseconds
* milliseconds
Integer milliseconds
This also parses
* common layer and LevelSet configuration parameters by invoking {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractLayer#getLayerConfigParams(org.w3c.dom.Element,
* gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList)} and {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils#getLevelSetConfigParams(org.w3c.dom.Element,
* gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList)}.
* @param domElement the XML document root to parse for TiledImageLayer configuration parameters.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which recieve the TiledImageLayer configuration parameters. A null
* reference is permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static AVList getTiledImageLayerConfigParams(Element domElement, AVList params)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Common layer properties.
AbstractLayer.getLayerConfigParams(domElement, params);
// LevelSet properties.
DataConfigurationUtils.getLevelSetConfigParams(domElement, params);
// Service properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, "Service/@serviceName", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetBooleanParam(domElement, params, AVKey.RETRIEVE_PROPERTIES_FROM_SERVICE,
"RetrievePropertiesFromService", xpath);
// Image format properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, "ImageFormat", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.TEXTURE_FORMAT, "TextureFormat", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetUniqueStringsParam(domElement, params, AVKey.AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS,
"AvailableImageFormats/ImageFormat", xpath);
// Optional behavior properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetBooleanParam(domElement, params, AVKey.FORCE_LEVEL_ZERO_LOADS, "ForceLevelZeroLoads", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetBooleanParam(domElement, params, AVKey.RETAIN_LEVEL_ZERO_TILES, "RetainLevelZeroTiles", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetBooleanParam(domElement, params, AVKey.USE_MIP_MAPS, "UseMipMaps", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetBooleanParam(domElement, params, AVKey.USE_TRANSPARENT_TEXTURES, "UseTransparentTextures",
WWXML.checkAndSetDoubleParam(domElement, params, AVKey.DETAIL_HINT, "DetailHint", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetColorArrayParam(domElement, params, AVKey.TRANSPARENCY_COLORS, "TransparencyColors/Color",
// Retrieval properties. Convert the Long time values to Integers, because BasicTiledImageLayer is expecting
// Integer values.
WWXML.checkAndSetTimeParamAsInteger(domElement, params, AVKey.URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
"RetrievalTimeouts/ConnectTimeout/Time", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetTimeParamAsInteger(domElement, params, AVKey.URL_READ_TIMEOUT,
"RetrievalTimeouts/ReadTimeout/Time", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetTimeParamAsInteger(domElement, params, AVKey.RETRIEVAL_QUEUE_STALE_REQUEST_LIMIT,
"RetrievalTimeouts/StaleRequestLimit/Time", xpath);
// Parse the legacy configuration parameters. This enables TiledImageLayer to recognize elements from previous
// versions of configuration documents.
getLegacyTiledImageLayerConfigParams(domElement, params);
return params;
* Parses TiledImageLayer configuration parameters from previous versions of configuration documents. This writes
* output as key-value pairs to params. If a parameter from the XML document already exists in params, that
* parameter is ignored. Supported key and parameter names are:
* Path
"image/dds" if
* CompressTextures is "true"; null otherwise
* @param domElement the XML document root to parse for legacy TiledImageLayer configuration parameters.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which recieve the TiledImageLayer configuration parameters. A null
* reference is permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
protected static AVList getLegacyTiledImageLayerConfigParams(Element domElement, AVList params)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
Object o = params.getValue(AVKey.TEXTURE_FORMAT);
if (o == null)
Boolean b = WWXML.getBoolean(domElement, "CompressTextures", xpath);
if (b != null && b)
params.setValue(AVKey.TEXTURE_FORMAT, "image/dds");
return params;
// ============== Image Composition ======================= //
// ============== Image Composition ======================= //
// ============== Image Composition ======================= //
public List getAvailableImageFormats()
return new ArrayList(this.supportedImageFormats);
public boolean isImageFormatAvailable(String imageFormat)
return imageFormat != null && this.supportedImageFormats.contains(imageFormat);
public String getDefaultImageFormat()
return this.supportedImageFormats.size() > 0 ? this.supportedImageFormats.get(0) : null;
protected void setAvailableImageFormats(String[] formats)
if (formats != null)
protected BufferedImage requestImage(TextureTile tile, String mimeType)
throws URISyntaxException, InterruptedIOException, MalformedURLException
String pathBase = tile.getPathBase();
String suffix = WWIO.makeSuffixForMimeType(mimeType);
String path = pathBase + suffix;
File f = new File(path);
URL url;
if (f.isAbsolute() && f.exists())
url = f.toURI().toURL();
url = this.getDataFileStore().findFile(path, false);
if (url == null) // image is not local
return null;
if (WWIO.isFileOutOfDate(url, tile.getLevel().getExpiryTime()))
// The file has expired. Delete it.
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DataFileExpired", url);
File imageFile = new File(url.toURI());
BufferedImage image =;
if (image == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ImageReadFailed", imageFile);
throw new RuntimeException(message);
return image;
catch (InterruptedIOException e)
throw e;
catch (IOException e)
// Assume that something's wrong with the file and delete it.
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DeletedCorruptDataFile", url);
return null;
protected void downloadImage(final TextureTile tile, String mimeType, int timeout) throws Exception
if (this.getValue(AVKey.RETRIEVER_FACTORY_LOCAL) != null)
this.retrieveLocalImage(tile, mimeType, timeout);
// Assume it's remote.
this.retrieveRemoteImage(tile, mimeType, timeout);
protected void retrieveRemoteImage(final TextureTile tile, String mimeType, int timeout) throws Exception
// TODO: apply retriever-factory pattern for remote retrieval case.
final URL resourceURL = tile.getResourceURL(mimeType);
if (resourceURL == null)
Retriever retriever;
String protocol = resourceURL.getProtocol();
if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol) || "https".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol))
retriever = new HTTPRetriever(resourceURL, new CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor(tile));
retriever.setValue(URLRetriever.EXTRACT_ZIP_ENTRY, "true"); // supports legacy layers
String message = Logging.getMessage("layers.TextureLayer.UnknownRetrievalProtocol", resourceURL);
throw new RuntimeException(message);
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "Retrieving " + resourceURL.toString());
protected void retrieveLocalImage(TextureTile tile, String mimeType, int timeout) throws Exception
if (!WorldWind.getLocalRetrievalService().isAvailable())
RetrieverFactory retrieverFactory = (RetrieverFactory) this.getValue(AVKey.RETRIEVER_FACTORY_LOCAL);
if (retrieverFactory == null)
AVListImpl avList = new AVListImpl();
avList.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, tile.getSector());
avList.setValue(AVKey.WIDTH, tile.getWidth());
avList.setValue(AVKey.HEIGHT, tile.getHeight());
avList.setValue(AVKey.FILE_NAME, tile.getPath());
avList.setValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, mimeType);
Retriever retriever = retrieverFactory.createRetriever(avList, new CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor(tile));
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "Locally retrieving " + tile.getPath());
public int computeLevelForResolution(Sector sector, double resolution)
if (sector == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
// Find the first level exceeding the desired resolution
double texelSize;
Level targetLevel = this.levels.getLastLevel();
for (int i = 0; i < this.getLevels().getLastLevel().getLevelNumber(); i++)
if (this.levels.isLevelEmpty(i))
texelSize = this.levels.getLevel(i).getTexelSize();
if (texelSize > resolution)
targetLevel = this.levels.getLevel(i);
// Choose the level closest to the resolution desired
if (targetLevel.getLevelNumber() != 0 && !this.levels.isLevelEmpty(targetLevel.getLevelNumber() - 1))
Level nextLowerLevel = this.levels.getLevel(targetLevel.getLevelNumber() - 1);
double dless = Math.abs(nextLowerLevel.getTexelSize() - resolution);
double dmore = Math.abs(targetLevel.getTexelSize() - resolution);
if (dless < dmore)
targetLevel = nextLowerLevel;
targetLevel.getLevelNumber(), Double.toString(targetLevel.getTexelSize())));
return targetLevel.getLevelNumber();
* Create an image for the portion of this layer lying within a specified sector. The image is created at a
* specified aspect ratio within a canvas of a specified size. This returns the specified image if this layer has no
* content in the specified sector.
* @param sector the sector of interest.
* @param canvasWidth the width of the canvas.
* @param canvasHeight the height of the canvas.
* @param aspectRatio the aspect ratio, width/height, of the window. If the aspect ratio is greater or equal to
* one, the full width of the canvas is used for the image; the height used is proportional to
* the inverse of the aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is less than one, the full height of the
* canvas is used, and the width used is proportional to the aspect ratio.
* @param levelNumber the target level of the tiled image layer.
* @param mimeType the type of image to create, e.g., "png" and "jpg".
* @param abortOnError indicates whether to stop assembling the image if an error occurs. If false, processing
* continues until all portions of the layer that intersect the specified sector have been added
* to the image. Portions for which an error occurs will be blank.
* @param image if non-null, a {@link BufferedImage} in which to place the image. If null, a new buffered
* image is created. The image must be the width and height specified in the
* canvasWidth and canvasHeight arguments.
* @param timeout The amount of time to allow for reading the image from the server.
* @return image the assembled image, of size indicated by the canvasWidth and
* canvasHeight. If the specified aspect ratio is one, all pixels contain values. If the aspect ratio
* is greater than one, a full-width segment along the top of the canvas is blank. If the aspect ratio is less than
* one, a full-height segment along the right side of the canvase is blank. If the image argument was
* non-null, that buffered image is returned.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sector is null.
* @see ImageUtil#mergeImage(gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector, gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector, double,
* java.awt.image.BufferedImage, java.awt.image.BufferedImage) ;
public BufferedImage composeImageForSector(Sector sector, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, double aspectRatio,
int levelNumber, String mimeType, boolean abortOnError, BufferedImage image, int timeout) throws Exception
if (sector == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (!this.levels.getSector().intersects(sector))
Logging.logger().severe(Logging.getMessage("generic.SectorRequestedOutsideCoverageArea", sector,
return image;
Sector intersection = this.levels.getSector().intersection(sector);
if (levelNumber < 0)
levelNumber = this.levels.getLastLevel().getLevelNumber();
else if (levelNumber > this.levels.getLastLevel().getLevelNumber())
levelNumber, this.levels.getLastLevel().getLevelNumber()));
levelNumber = this.levels.getLastLevel().getLevelNumber();
int numTiles = 0;
TextureTile[][] tiles = this.getTilesInSector(intersection, levelNumber);
for (TextureTile[] row : tiles)
numTiles += row.length;
if (tiles.length == 0 || tiles[0].length == 0)
return image;
if (image == null)
image = new BufferedImage(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
double tileCount = 0;
for (TextureTile[] row : tiles)
for (TextureTile tile : row)
if (tile == null)
BufferedImage tileImage;
tileImage = this.getImage(tile, mimeType, timeout);
Thread.sleep(1); // generates InterruptedException if thread has been interupted
if (tileImage != null)
ImageUtil.mergeImage(sector, tile.getSector(), aspectRatio, tileImage, image);
this.firePropertyChange(AVKey.PROGRESS, tileCount / numTiles, ++tileCount / numTiles);
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw e;
catch (InterruptedIOException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
if (abortOnError)
throw e;
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionWhileRequestingImage", tile.getPath());
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, message, e);
return image;
public long countImagesInSector(Sector sector)
long count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= this.getLevels().getLastLevel().getLevelNumber(); i++)
if (!this.levels.isLevelEmpty(i))
count += countImagesInSector(sector, i);
return count;
public long countImagesInSector(Sector sector, int levelNumber)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
Level targetLevel = this.levels.getLastLevel();
if (levelNumber >= 0)
for (int i = levelNumber; i < this.getLevels().getLastLevel().getLevelNumber(); i++)
if (this.levels.isLevelEmpty(i))
targetLevel = this.levels.getLevel(i);
// Collect all the tiles intersecting the input sector.
LatLon delta = targetLevel.getTileDelta();
LatLon origin = this.levels.getTileOrigin();
final int nwRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int nwCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
final int seRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int seCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
long numRows = nwRow - seRow + 1;
long numCols = seCol - nwCol + 1;
return numRows * numCols;
public TextureTile[][] getTilesInSector(Sector sector, int levelNumber)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
Level targetLevel = this.levels.getLastLevel();
if (levelNumber >= 0)
for (int i = levelNumber; i < this.getLevels().getLastLevel().getLevelNumber(); i++)
if (this.levels.isLevelEmpty(i))
targetLevel = this.levels.getLevel(i);
// Collect all the tiles intersecting the input sector.
LatLon delta = targetLevel.getTileDelta();
LatLon origin = this.levels.getTileOrigin();
final int nwRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int nwCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
final int seRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int seCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
int numRows = nwRow - seRow + 1;
int numCols = seCol - nwCol + 1;
TextureTile[][] sectorTiles = new TextureTile[numRows][numCols];
for (int row = nwRow; row >= seRow; row--)
for (int col = nwCol; col <= seCol; col++)
TileKey key = new TileKey(targetLevel.getLevelNumber(), row, col, targetLevel.getCacheName());
Sector tileSector = this.levels.computeSectorForKey(key);
sectorTiles[nwRow - row][col - nwCol] = new TextureTile(tileSector, targetLevel, row, col);
return sectorTiles;
protected BufferedImage getImage(TextureTile tile, String mimeType, int timeout) throws Exception
// Read the image from disk.
BufferedImage image = this.requestImage(tile, mimeType);
Thread.sleep(1); // generates InterruptedException if thread has been interrupted
if (image != null)
return image;
// Retrieve it from the net since it's not on disk.
this.downloadImage(tile, mimeType, timeout);
// Try to read from disk again after retrieving it from the net.
image = this.requestImage(tile, mimeType);
Thread.sleep(1); // generates InterruptedException if thread has been interupted
if (image == null)
String message =
Logging.getMessage("layers.TiledImageLayer.ImageUnavailable", tile.getPath());
throw new RuntimeException(message);
return image;
protected class CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor extends AbstractRetrievalPostProcessor
protected TextureTile tile;
public CompositionRetrievalPostProcessor(TextureTile tile)
this.tile = tile;
protected File doGetOutputFile()
String suffix = WWIO.makeSuffixForMimeType(this.getRetriever().getContentType());
if (suffix == null)
Logging.getMessage("generic.UnknownContentType", this.getRetriever().getContentType()));
return null;
String path = this.tile.getPathBase();
path += suffix;
File f = new File(path);
final File outFile = f.isAbsolute() ? f : getDataFileStore().newFile(path);
if (outFile == null)
return null;
return outFile;
protected boolean isDeleteOnExit(File outFile)
return outFile.getPath().contains(WWIO.DELETE_ON_EXIT_PREFIX);
protected boolean overwriteExistingFile()
return true;
protected void markResourceAbsent()
protected void handleUnsuccessfulRetrieval()
// Don't mark the tile as absent because the caller may want to try again.