gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.ColladaRoot Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.WorldWind;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.exception.WWRuntimeException;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.impl.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.*;
* Parses a COLLADA document and provides access to its contents. Instructions for parsing COLLADA files and streams are
* given in the Description section of {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada}.
* @author pabercrombie
* @version $Id: 1696 2013-10-31 18:46:55Z tgaskins $
public class ColladaRoot extends ColladaAbstractObject implements ColladaRenderable, Highlightable
/** Reference to the ColladaDoc representing the COLLADA file. */
protected ColladaDoc colladaDoc;
/** The event reader used to parse the document's XML. */
protected XMLEventReader eventReader;
/** The input stream underlying the event reader. */
protected InputStream eventStream;
/** The parser context for the document. */
protected ColladaParserContext parserContext;
/** This shape's geographic location. The altitude is relative to this shapes altitude mode. */
protected Position position;
* This shape's altitude mode. May be one of {@link WorldWind#CLAMP_TO_GROUND}, {@link
* WorldWind#RELATIVE_TO_GROUND}, or {@link WorldWind#ABSOLUTE}.
protected int altitudeMode = WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND;
/** This shape's heading, positive values are clockwise from north. Null is an allowed value. */
protected Angle heading;
* This shape's pitch (often called tilt), its rotation about the model's X axis. Positive values are clockwise.
* Null is an allowed value.
protected Angle pitch;
* This shape's roll, its rotation about the model's Y axis. Positive values are clockwise. Null is an allowed
* Value.
protected Angle roll;
/** A scale to apply to the model. Null is an allowed value. */
protected Vec4 modelScale;
/** Flag to indicate that the scene has been retrieved from the hash map. */
protected boolean sceneFetched = false;
/** Cached COLLADA scene. */
protected ColladaScene scene;
/** Flag to indicate that the scale has been computed. */
protected boolean scaleFetched = false;
/** Scale applied to the model. Determined by the COLLADA/asset/unit element. */
protected double scale;
/** Indicates whether or not the COLLADA model is highlighted. */
protected boolean highlighted;
* Transform matrix computed from the document's scale and orientation. This matrix is computed and cached during
* when the document is rendered.
protected Matrix matrix;
/** Resource resolver to resolve relative file paths. */
protected ColladaResourceResolver resourceResolver;
* Create a new ColladaRoot
for a {@link ColladaDoc} instance. A ColladaDoc represents COLLADA files
* from either files or input streams.
* @param docSource the ColladaDoc instance representing the COLLADA document.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document source is null.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the COLLADA document.
public ColladaRoot(ColladaDoc docSource) throws IOException
if (docSource == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.colladaDoc = docSource;
* Create a new ColladaRoot
for a {@link File}.
* @param docSource the File containing the document.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document source is null.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the Collada document.
public ColladaRoot(File docSource) throws IOException
if (docSource == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.colladaDoc = new ColladaFile(docSource);
* Create a new ColladaRoot
for a {@link URL}.
* @param docSource the URL of the document.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document source is null.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the Collada document.
public ColladaRoot(URL docSource) throws IOException
if (docSource == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
URLConnection conn = docSource.openConnection();
this.colladaDoc = new ColladaInputStream(conn.getInputStream(), WWIO.makeURI(docSource));
* Create a new ColladaRoot
for a {@link InputStream}.
* @param docSource the URL of the document.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document source is null.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the Collada document.
public ColladaRoot(InputStream docSource) throws IOException
if (docSource == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.colladaDoc = new ColladaInputStream(docSource, null);
* Creates a Collada root for an untyped source. The source must be either a {@link File} or a {@link String}
* identifying either a file path or a {@link URL}. Null is returned if the source type is not recognized.
* @param docSource either a {@link File} or a {@link String} identifying a file path or {@link URL}.
* @return a new {@link ColladaRoot} for the specified source, or null if the source type is not supported.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source is null.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the source.
public static ColladaRoot create(Object docSource) throws IOException
if (docSource == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (docSource instanceof File)
return new ColladaRoot((File) docSource);
else if (docSource instanceof URL)
return new ColladaRoot((URL) docSource);
else if (docSource instanceof String)
File file = new File((String) docSource);
if (file.exists())
return new ColladaRoot(file);
URL url = WWIO.makeURL(docSource);
if (url != null)
return new ColladaRoot(url);
else if (docSource instanceof InputStream)
return new ColladaRoot((InputStream) docSource);
return null;
* Creates and parses a Collada root for an untyped source. The source must be either a {@link File} or a {@link
* String} identifying either a file path or a {@link URL}. Null is returned if the source type is not recognized.
* @param docSource either a {@link File} or a {@link String} identifying a file path or {@link URL}.
* @return a new {@link ColladaRoot} for the specified source, or null if the source type is not supported.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source is null.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the source.
public static ColladaRoot createAndParse(Object docSource) throws IOException, XMLStreamException
ColladaRoot colladaRoot = ColladaRoot.create(docSource);
if (colladaRoot == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnrecognizedSourceTypeOrUnavailableSource",
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
return colladaRoot;
* Called just before the constructor returns. If overriding this method be sure to invoke
* super.initialize()
* @throws if an I/O error occurs attempting to open the document source.
protected void initialize() throws IOException
this.eventStream = new BufferedInputStream(this.getColladaDoc().getInputStream());
this.eventReader = this.createReader(this.eventStream);
if (this.eventReader == null)
throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("XML.UnableToOpenDocument", this.getColladaDoc()));
this.parserContext = this.createParserContext(this.eventReader);
* Indicates the document that is the source of this root.
* @return The source of the COLLADA content.
protected ColladaDoc getColladaDoc()
return this.colladaDoc;
* Indicates this shape's geographic position.
* @return this shape's geographic position. The position's altitude is relative to this shape's altitude mode.
public Position getPosition()
return this.position;
* Specifies this shape's geographic position. The position's altitude is relative to this shape's altitude mode.
* @param position this shape's geographic position.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the position is null.
public void setPosition(Position position)
if (position == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PositionIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.position = position;
* Returns this shape's altitude mode.
* @return this shape's altitude mode.
* @see #setAltitudeMode(int)
public int getAltitudeMode()
return this.altitudeMode;
* Specifies this shape's altitude mode, one of {@link WorldWind#ABSOLUTE}, {@link WorldWind#RELATIVE_TO_GROUND} or
* {@link WorldWind#CLAMP_TO_GROUND}.
* Note: If the altitude mode is unrecognized, {@link WorldWind#ABSOLUTE} is used.
* Note: Subclasses may recognize additional altitude modes or may not recognize the ones described above.
* @param altitudeMode the altitude mode. The default value is {@link WorldWind#ABSOLUTE}.
public void setAltitudeMode(int altitudeMode)
this.altitudeMode = altitudeMode;
* Indicates this shape's heading, its rotation clockwise from north.
* @return this shape's heading, or null if no heading has been specified.
public Angle getHeading()
return this.heading;
* Specifies this shape's heading, its rotation clockwise from north.
* @param heading this shape's heading. May be null.
public void setHeading(Angle heading)
this.heading = heading;
* Indicates this shape's pitch -- often referred to as tilt -- the angle to rotate this shape's model about its X
* axis.
* @return this shape's pitch, or null if no pitch has been specified. Positive values are clockwise as observed
* looking along the model's X axis toward the model's origin.
public Angle getPitch()
return this.pitch;
* Specifies this shape's pitch -- often referred to as tilt -- the angle to rotate this shape's model about its X
* axis.
* @param pitch this shape's pitch. Positive values are clockwise as observed looking along the model's X axis
* toward the model's origin. May be null.
public void setPitch(Angle pitch)
this.pitch = pitch;
* Indicates this shape's roll, the angle to rotate this shape's model about its Y axis.
* @return this shape's roll, or null if no roll has been specified. Positive values are clockwise as observed
* looking along the model's Y axis toward the origin.
public Angle getRoll()
return this.roll;
* Specifies this shape's roll, the angle to rotate this shape's model about its Y axis.
* @param roll this shape's roll. May be null. Positive values are clockwise as observed looking along the model's Y
* axis toward the origin.
public void setRoll(Angle roll)
this.roll = roll;
* Indicates this shape's scale, if any.
* @return this shape's scale, or null if no scale has been specified.
public Vec4 getModelScale()
return this.modelScale;
* Specifies this shape's scale. The scale is applied to the shape's model definition in the model's coordinate
* system prior to oriented and positioning the model.
* @param modelScale this shape's scale. May be null, in which case no scaling is applied.
public void setModelScale(Vec4 modelScale)
this.modelScale = modelScale;
* Indicates the resource resolver used to resolve relative file paths.
* @return The resource resolver, or null if none is set.
public ColladaResourceResolver getResourceResolver()
return this.resourceResolver;
* Specifies a resource resolver to resolve relative file paths.
* @param resourceResolver New resource resolver. May be null.
public void setResourceResolver(ColladaResourceResolver resourceResolver)
this.resourceResolver = resourceResolver;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isHighlighted()
return this.highlighted;
/** {@inheritDoc} Setting root COLLADA root highlighted causes all parts of the COLLADA model to highlight. */
public void setHighlighted(boolean highlighted)
this.highlighted = highlighted;
* Resolves a reference to a local or remote file or element. If the link refers to an element in the current
* document, this method returns that element. If the link refers to a remote document, this method will initiate
* asynchronous retrieval of the document, and return a URL of the downloaded document in the file cache, if it is
* available locally. If the link identifies a COLLADA document, the document will be returned as a parsed
* ColladaRoot.
* @param link the address of the document or element to resolve. This may be a full URL, a URL fragment that
* identifies an element in the current document ("#myElement"), or a URL and a fragment identifier
* ("").
* @return the requested element, or null if the element is not found.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the address is null.
public Object resolveReference(String link)
if (link == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String[] linkParts = link.split("#");
String linkBase = linkParts[0];
String linkRef = linkParts.length > 1 ? linkParts[1] : null;
// See if it's a reference to an internal element.
if (WWUtil.isEmpty(linkBase) && !WWUtil.isEmpty(linkRef))
return this.getItemByID(linkRef);
// Interpret the path relative to the current document.
String path = this.getSupportFilePath(linkBase);
if (path == null)
path = linkBase;
// See if it's an already found and parsed COLLADA file.
Object o = WorldWind.getSessionCache().get(path);
if (o != null && o instanceof ColladaRoot)
return linkRef != null ? ((ColladaRoot) o).getItemByID(linkRef) : o;
URL url = WWIO.makeURL(path);
if (url == null)
// See if the reference can be resolved to a local file.
o = this.resolveLocalReference(path, linkRef);
// If we didn't find a local file, treat it as a remote reference.
if (o == null)
o = this.resolveRemoteReference(path, linkRef);
if (o != null)
return o;
// If the reference was not resolved as a remote reference, look for a local element identified by the
// reference string. This handles the case of malformed internal references that omit the # sign at the
// beginning of the reference.
return this.getItemByID(link);
catch (Exception e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnableToResolveReference", link);
return null;
* Resolves a reference to a local element identified by address and identifier, where {@code linkBase} identifies a
* document, including the current document, and {@code linkRef} is the id of the desired element.
* If {@code linkBase} refers to a local COLLADA file and {@code linkRef} is non-null, the return value is the
* element identified by {@code linkRef}. If {@code linkRef} is null, the return value is a parsed {@link
* ColladaRoot} for the COLLADA file identified by {@code linkBase}. Otherwise, {@code linkBase} is returned.
* @param linkBase the address of the document containing the requested element.
* @param linkRef the element's identifier.
* @return the requested element, or null if the element is not found.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the address is null.
protected Object resolveLocalReference(String linkBase, String linkRef)
if (linkBase == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
File file = new File(linkBase);
if (!file.exists())
return null;
// Determine whether the file is a COLLADA document. If not, just return the file path.
if (!WWIO.isContentType(file, ColladaConstants.COLLADA_MIME_TYPE))
return file.toURI().toString();
// Attempt to open and parse the COLLADA file.
ColladaRoot refRoot = ColladaRoot.createAndParse(file);
// An exception is thrown if parsing fails, so no need to check for null.
// Add the parsed file to the session cache so it doesn't have to be parsed again.
WorldWind.getSessionCache().put(linkBase, refRoot);
// Now check the newly opened COLLADA file for the referenced item, if a reference was specified.
if (linkRef != null)
return refRoot.getItemByID(linkRef);
return refRoot;
catch (Exception e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnableToResolveReference", linkBase + "/" + linkRef);
return null;
* Resolves a reference to a remote element identified by address and identifier, where {@code linkBase} identifies
* a remote document, and {@code linkRef} is the id of the desired element. This method retrieves resources
* asynchronously using the {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.FileStore}.
* The return value is null if the file is not yet available in the FileStore. If {@code linkBase} refers to a
* COLLADA file and {@code linkRef} is non-null, the return value is the element identified by {@code linkRef}. If
* {@code linkBase} refers to a COLLADA file and {@code linkRef} is null, the return value is a parsed {@link
* ColladaRoot} for the COLLADA file identified by {@code linkBase}. Otherwise the return value is a {@link URL} to
* the file in the file cache.
* @param linkBase the address of the document containing the requested element.
* @param linkRef the element's identifier.
* @return URL to the requested file, parsed ColladaRoot, or COLLADA element. Returns null if the document is not
* yet available in the FileStore.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code linkBase} is null.
public Object resolveRemoteReference(String linkBase, String linkRef)
if (linkBase == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// See if it's in the cache. If not, requestFile will start another thread to retrieve it and return null.
URL url = WorldWind.getDataFileStore().requestFile(linkBase);
if (url == null)
return null;
// It's in the cache. If it's a COLLADA file try to parse it so we can search for the specified reference.
// If it's not COLLADA, just return the url for the cached file.
String contentType = WorldWind.getDataFileStore().getContentType(linkBase);
if (contentType == null)
String suffix = WWIO.getSuffix(linkBase.split(";")[0]); // strip of trailing garbage
if (!WWUtil.isEmpty(suffix))
contentType = WWIO.makeMimeTypeForSuffix(suffix);
if (!this.canParseContentType(contentType))
return url;
// If the file is a COLLADA document, attempt to open it. We can't open it as a File with createAndParse
// because the ColladaRoot that will be created needs to have the remote address in order to resolve any
// relative references within it.
ColladaRoot refRoot = this.parseCachedColladaFile(url, linkBase);
// Add the parsed file to the session cache so it doesn't have to be parsed again.
WorldWind.getSessionCache().put(linkBase, refRoot);
// Now check the newly opened COLLADA file for the referenced item, if a reference was specified.
if (linkRef != null)
return refRoot.getItemByID(linkRef);
return refRoot;
catch (Exception e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnableToResolveReference", linkBase + "/" + linkRef);
return null;
* Determines if a MIME type can be parsed as COLLADA. Parsable types are the COLLADA MIME type, as well as
* "text/plain" and "text/xml".
* @param mimeType Type to test. May be null.
* @return {@code true} if {@code mimeType} can be parsed as COLLADA.
protected boolean canParseContentType(String mimeType)
return ColladaConstants.COLLADA_MIME_TYPE.equals(mimeType)
|| "text/plain".equals(mimeType) || "text/xml".equals(mimeType);
* Open and parse the specified file expressed as a file: URL..
* @param url the URL of the file to open, expressed as a URL with a scheme of "file".
* @param linkBase the original address of the document if the file is a retrieved and cached file.
* @return A {@code ColladaRoot} representing the file's COLLADA contents.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during opening and parsing.
* @throws XMLStreamException if a server parsing error is encountered.
protected ColladaRoot parseCachedColladaFile(URL url, String linkBase)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException
ColladaDoc colladaDoc;
InputStream refStream = url.openStream();
colladaDoc = new ColladaInputStream(refStream, WWIO.makeURI(linkBase));
ColladaRoot refRoot = new ColladaRoot(colladaDoc);
refRoot.parse(); // also closes the URL's stream
return refRoot;
catch (XMLStreamException e)
refStream.close(); // parsing failed, so explicitly close the stream
throw e;
* Creates the event reader. Called from the constructor.
* @param docSource the document source to create a reader for. The type can be any of those supported by {@link
* gov.nasa.worldwind.util.WWXML#openEventReader(Object)}.
* @return a new event reader, or null if the source type cannot be determined.
protected XMLEventReader createReader(Object docSource)
return WWXML.openEventReader(docSource, true);
* Invoked during {@link #initialize()} to create the parser context. The parser context is created by the global
* {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.XMLEventParserContextFactory}.
* @param reader the reader to associate with the parser context.
* @return a new parser context.
protected ColladaParserContext createParserContext(XMLEventReader reader)
ColladaParserContext ctx = (ColladaParserContext)
if (ctx == null)
// Register a parser context for this root's default namespace
String[] mimeTypes = new String[] {ColladaConstants.COLLADA_MIME_TYPE};
XMLEventParserContextFactory.addParserContext(mimeTypes, new ColladaParserContext(this.getNamespaceURI()));
ctx = (ColladaParserContext)
return ctx;
* Starts document parsing. This method initiates parsing of the COLLADA document and returns when the full document
* has been parsed.
* @param args optional arguments to pass to parsers of sub-elements.
* @return this
if parsing is successful, otherwise null.
* @throws XMLStreamException if an exception occurs while attempting to read the event stream.
public ColladaRoot parse(Object... args) throws XMLStreamException
ColladaParserContext ctx = this.parserContext;
for (XMLEvent event = ctx.nextEvent(); ctx.hasNext(); event = ctx.nextEvent())
if (event == null)
// Allow a element in any namespace
if (event.isStartElement() && event.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart().equals("COLLADA"))
super.parse(ctx, event, args);
return this;
return null;
/** Closes the event stream associated with this context's XML event reader. */
protected void closeEventStream()
this.eventStream = null;
catch (IOException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionClosingXmlEventReader");
* Indicates the scene contained in this document.
* @return The COLLADA scene, or null if there is no scene.
public ColladaScene getScene()
if (!this.sceneFetched)
this.scene = (ColladaScene) this.getField("scene");
this.sceneFetched = true;
return this.scene;
* Indicates the asset field of this document.
* @return The asset field, or null if the field has not been set.
public ColladaAsset getAsset()
return (ColladaAsset) this.getField("asset");
public Box getLocalExtent(ColladaTraversalContext tc)
if (tc == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.TraversalContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
ColladaScene scene = this.getScene();
return scene != null ? scene.getLocalExtent(tc) : null;
/** {@inheritDoc} Renders the scene contained in this document. */
public void preRender(ColladaTraversalContext tc, DrawContext dc)
// COLLADA doc contains at most one scene. See COLLADA spec pg 5-67.
ColladaScene scene = this.getScene();
if (scene != null)
scene.preRender(tc, dc);
/** {@inheritDoc} Renders the scene contained in this document. */
public void render(ColladaTraversalContext tc, DrawContext dc)
ColladaScene scene = this.getScene();
if (scene != null)
scene.render(tc, dc);
* Indicates the transform matrix applied to this document.
* @return Transform matrix.
protected Matrix getMatrix()
// If the matrix has already been computed then just return the cached value.
if (this.matrix != null)
return this.matrix;
Matrix m = Matrix.IDENTITY;
if (this.heading != null)
m = m.multiply(Matrix.fromRotationZ(Angle.POS360.subtract(this.heading)));
if (this.pitch != null)
m = m.multiply(Matrix.fromRotationX(this.pitch));
if (this.roll != null)
m = m.multiply(Matrix.fromRotationY(this.roll));
// Apply scaling factor to convert file units to meters.
double scale = this.getScale();
m = m.multiply(Matrix.fromScale(scale));
if (this.modelScale != null)
m = m.multiply(Matrix.fromScale(this.modelScale));
this.matrix = m;
return m;
* Indicates the scale factored applied to this document. The scale is specified by the
* asset
* @return Scale applied to the document. Returns 1.0 if the document does not specify a scale.
protected double getScale()
if (!this.scaleFetched)
this.scale = this.computeScale();
this.scaleFetched = true;
return this.scale;
* Indicates the scale defined by the asset/unit element. This scale converts the document's units to meters.
* @return Scale for this document, or 1.0 if no scale is defined.
protected double computeScale()
Double scale = null;
ColladaAsset asset = this.getAsset();
if (asset != null)
ColladaUnit unit = asset.getUnit();
if (unit != null)
scale = unit.getMeter();
return (scale != null) ? scale : 1.0;
/** Clear cached values. Values will be recomputed the next time this document is rendered. */
protected void reset()
this.matrix = null;
* Indicates the parser context used by this document.
* @return The parser context used to parse the document.
protected XMLEventParserContext getParserContext()
return this.parserContext;
* Finds a named element in the document.
* @param id the element's identifier. If null, null is returned.
* @return the element requested, or null if there is no corresponding element in the document.
public Object getItemByID(String id)
return id != null ? this.getParserContext().getIdTable().get(id) : null;
* Determines the path of a supporting file (such an image). If a resource resolver has been specified, the resource
* resolver will be invoked to determine the file path. Otherwise, the path will be resolved relative to the COLLADA
* document's file path or URL.
* @param link Relative path to resolve.
* @return Absolute path of the resource, or null if the resource cannot be resolved.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs while attempting to resolve the resource.
public String getSupportFilePath(String link) throws IOException
String filePath = null;
// Use the resource resolver to find the file.
ColladaResourceResolver resolver = this.getResourceResolver();
if (resolver != null)
filePath = resolver.resolveFilePath(link);
// If the resolver failed to find the file then attempt to resolve the reference relative to the document.
if (filePath == null)
filePath = this.getColladaDoc().getSupportFilePath(link);
return filePath;
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