gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.PartialCappedCylinder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import com.jogamp.opengl.*;
import java.util.*;
* A cylinder defined by a geographic position, a radius in meters, and minimum and maximum altitudes.
* @author tag
* @version $Id: 2447 2014-11-20 21:19:17Z dcollins $
public class PartialCappedCylinder extends CappedCylinder
private Angle leftAzimuth = Angle.ZERO;
private Angle rightAzimuth = Angle.POS360;
public PartialCappedCylinder(LatLon location, double radius, Angle leftAzimuth, Angle rightAzimuth)
super(location, radius);
if (leftAzimuth == null)
String message = "nullValue.LeftAzimuthIsNull";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (rightAzimuth == null)
String message = "nullValue.RightAzimuthIsNull";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.leftAzimuth = leftAzimuth;
this.rightAzimuth = rightAzimuth;
public PartialCappedCylinder(LatLon location, double radius)
super(location, radius);
public PartialCappedCylinder(AirspaceAttributes attributes)
public PartialCappedCylinder()
public PartialCappedCylinder(PartialCappedCylinder source)
this.leftAzimuth = source.leftAzimuth;
this.rightAzimuth = source.rightAzimuth;
public Angle[] getAzimuths()
Angle[] array = new Angle[2];
array[0] = this.leftAzimuth;
array[1] = this.rightAzimuth;
return array;
public void setAzimuths(Angle leftAzimuth, Angle rightAzimuth)
if (leftAzimuth == null)
String message = "nullValue.LeftAzimuthIsNull";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (rightAzimuth == null)
String message = "nullValue.RightAzimuthIsNull";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.leftAzimuth = leftAzimuth;
this.rightAzimuth = rightAzimuth;
protected Box computeExtent(Globe globe, double verticalExaggeration)
List points = this.computeMinimalGeometry(globe, verticalExaggeration);
if (points == null || points.isEmpty())
return null;
// A bounding box typically provides a better fit for a partial capped cylinder than a bounding cylinder.
return Box.computeBoundingBox(points);
protected List computeMinimalGeometry(Globe globe, double verticalExaggeration)
double[] angles = this.computeAngles();
// Angles are equal, fall back to building a closed cylinder.
if (angles == null)
return super.computeMinimalGeometry(globe, verticalExaggeration);
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
LatLon[] locations = gb.makePartialDiskLocations(globe, this.getCenter(), this.getRadii()[0],
this.getRadii()[1], MINIMAL_GEOMETRY_SLICES, MINIMAL_GEOMETRY_LOOPS, angles[0], angles[2]);
ArrayList points = new ArrayList();
this.makeExtremePoints(globe, verticalExaggeration, Arrays.asList(locations), points);
return points;
protected void regenerateSurfaceShape(DrawContext dc, SurfaceShape shape)
double[] angles = this.computeAngles();
if (angles == null) // angles are equal, fall back to drawing a closed cylinder
super.regenerateSurfaceShape(dc, shape);
double[] radii = this.getRadii();
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
ArrayList locations = new ArrayList();
if (radii[0] > 0) // inner radius is > 0; add inner loop
List innerLoop = Arrays.asList(gb.makePartialCylinderLocations(dc.getGlobe(), this.getCenter(),
this.getRadii()[0], this.getSlices(), angles[0], angles[2]));
else // inner radius == 0
List outerLoop = Arrays.asList(gb.makePartialCylinderLocations(dc.getGlobe(), this.getCenter(),
this.getRadii()[1], this.getSlices(), angles[0], angles[2]));
locations.addAll(outerLoop); // outer loop in reverse
((SurfacePolygon) shape).getBoundaries().clear();
((SurfacePolygon) shape).setOuterBoundary(locations);
//******************** Geometry Rendering ********************//
protected double[] computeAngles()
// Compute the start and sweep angles such that the partial cylinder shape tranverses a clockwise path from
// the start angle to the stop angle.
Angle startAngle, stopAngle, sweepAngle;
startAngle = normalizedAzimuth(this.leftAzimuth);
stopAngle = normalizedAzimuth(this.rightAzimuth);
int i = startAngle.compareTo(stopAngle);
// Angles are equal, fallback to building a closed cylinder.
if (i == 0)
return null;
if (i < 0)
sweepAngle = stopAngle.subtract(startAngle);
else // (i > 0)
sweepAngle = Angle.POS360.subtract(startAngle).add(stopAngle);
double[] array = new double[3];
array[0] = startAngle.radians;
array[1] = stopAngle.radians;
array[2] = sweepAngle.radians;
return array;
protected Angle normalizedAzimuth(Angle azimuth)
if (azimuth == null)
String message = "nullValue.AzimuthIsNull";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
double degrees = azimuth.degrees;
double normalizedDegrees = degrees < 0.0 ? degrees + 360.0 : (degrees >= 360.0 ? degrees - 360.0 : degrees);
return Angle.fromDegrees(normalizedDegrees);
protected void doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc, String drawStyle)
if (dc == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (dc.getGL() == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawingContextGLIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
double[] angles = this.computeAngles();
// Angles are equal, fallback to drawing a closed cylinder.
if (angles == null)
super.doRenderGeometry(dc, drawStyle);
LatLon center = this.getCenter();
double[] altitudes = this.getAltitudes(dc.getVerticalExaggeration());
boolean[] terrainConformant = this.isTerrainConforming();
double[] radii = this.getRadii();
int slices = this.getSlices();
int stacks = this.getStacks();
int loops = this.getLoops();
if (this.isEnableLevelOfDetail())
DetailLevel level = this.computeDetailLevel(dc);
Object o = level.getValue(SLICES);
if (o != null && o instanceof Integer)
slices = (Integer) o;
o = level.getValue(STACKS);
if (o != null && o instanceof Integer)
stacks = (Integer) o;
o = level.getValue(LOOPS);
if (o != null && o instanceof Integer)
loops = (Integer) o;
if (o != null && o instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean) o))
terrainConformant[0] = terrainConformant[1] = false;
Vec4 referenceCenter = this.computeReferenceCenter(dc);
this.setExpiryTime(this.nextExpiryTime(dc, terrainConformant));
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler();
dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, referenceCenter);
if (Airspace.DRAW_STYLE_OUTLINE.equals(drawStyle))
this.drawRadialWallOutline(dc, center, radii, angles[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, referenceCenter);
this.drawRadialWallOutline(dc, center, radii, angles[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, referenceCenter);
// Outer cylinder isn't rendered if outer radius is zero.
if (radii[1] != 0.0)
this.drawPartialCylinderOutline(dc, center, radii[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter);
// Inner cylinder isn't rendered if inner radius is zero.
if (radii[0] != 0.0)
this.drawPartialCylinderOutline(dc, center, radii[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter);
else if (Airspace.DRAW_STYLE_FILL.equals(drawStyle))
if (this.isEnableCaps())
ogsh.pushAttrib(gl, GL2.GL_POLYGON_BIT);
if (this.isEnableCaps())
// Caps aren't rendered if radii are equal.
if (radii[0] != radii[1])
this.drawPartialDisk(dc, center, radii, altitudes[1], terrainConformant[1], slices, loops,
GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter);
// Bottom cap isn't rendered if airspace is collapsed.
if (!this.isAirspaceCollapsed())
this.drawPartialDisk(dc, center, radii, altitudes[0], terrainConformant[0], slices, loops,
GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter);
// Cylinders aren't rendered if airspace is collapsed.
if (!this.isAirspaceCollapsed())
this.drawRadialWall(dc, center, radii, angles[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, referenceCenter);
this.drawRadialWall(dc, center, radii, angles[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, referenceCenter);
// Outer cylinder isn't rendered if outer radius is zero.
if (radii[1] != 0.0)
this.drawPartialCylinder(dc, center, radii[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter);
// Inner cylinder isn't rendered if inner radius is zero.
if (radii[0] != 0.0)
this.drawPartialCylinder(dc, center, radii[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks,
GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter);
//******************** Partial Cylinder ********************//
private void drawPartialCylinder(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double radius, double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant, int slices, int stacks, int orientation, double start, double sweep,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Geometry vertexGeom = this.createPartialCylinderVertexGeometry(dc, center, radius, altitudes, terrainConformant,
slices, stacks, orientation, start, sweep, referenceCenter);
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(this.getClass(), "PartialCylinder.Indices", slices, stacks,
Geometry indexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (indexGeom == null)
indexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makePartialCylinderIndices(slices, stacks, orientation, indexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, indexGeom);
this.drawGeometry(dc, indexGeom, vertexGeom);
private void drawPartialCylinderOutline(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double radius, double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant, int slices, int stacks, int orientation, double start, double sweep,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Geometry vertexGeom = this.createPartialCylinderVertexGeometry(dc, center, radius, altitudes, terrainConformant,
slices, stacks, orientation, start, sweep, referenceCenter);
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(this.getClass(), "PartialCylinder.OutlineIndices", slices, stacks,
Geometry outlineIndexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (outlineIndexGeom == null)
outlineIndexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makePartialCylinderOutlineIndices(slices, stacks, orientation, outlineIndexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, outlineIndexGeom);
this.drawGeometry(dc, outlineIndexGeom, vertexGeom);
private Geometry createPartialCylinderVertexGeometry(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double radius,
double[] altitudes, boolean[] terrainConformant, int slices, int stacks, int orientation, double start,
double sweep, Vec4 referenceCenter)
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(dc.getGlobe(), this.getClass(), "PartialCylinder.Vertices", center,
radius, altitudes[0], altitudes[1], terrainConformant[0], terrainConformant[1], slices, stacks, orientation,
start, sweep, referenceCenter);
Geometry vertexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (vertexGeom == null || this.isExpired(dc, vertexGeom))
if (vertexGeom == null)
vertexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makePartialCylinder(dc, center, radius, altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks, orientation,
start, sweep, referenceCenter, vertexGeom);
this.updateExpiryCriteria(dc, vertexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, vertexGeom);
return vertexGeom;
private void makePartialCylinder(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double radius, double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant, int slices, int stacks, int orientation, double start, double sweep,
Vec4 referenceCenter, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
float height = (float) (altitudes[1] - altitudes[0]);
int count = gb.getPartialCylinderVertexCount(slices, stacks);
float[] verts = new float[3 * count];
float[] norms = new float[3 * count];
gb.makePartialCylinderVertices(dc.getTerrain(), center, radius, altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks,
start, sweep, referenceCenter, verts);
gb.makePartialCylinderNormals((float) radius, height, slices, stacks, (float) start, (float) sweep, norms);
dest.setVertexData(count, verts);
dest.setNormalData(count, norms);
private void makePartialCylinderIndices(int slices, int stacks, int orientation, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
int mode = gb.getPartialCylinderDrawMode();
int count = gb.getPartialCylinderIndexCount(slices, stacks);
int[] indices = new int[count];
gb.makePartialCylinderIndices(slices, stacks, indices);
dest.setElementData(mode, count, indices);
private void makePartialCylinderOutlineIndices(int slices, int stacks, int orientation, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
int mode = gb.getPartialCylinderOutlineDrawMode();
int count = gb.getPartialCylinderOutlineIndexCount(slices, stacks);
int[] indices = new int[count];
gb.makePartialCylinderOutlineIndices(slices, stacks, indices);
dest.setElementData(mode, count, indices);
//******************** Partial Disk ********************//
private void drawPartialDisk(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double[] radii, double altitude,
boolean terrainConformant, int slices, int loops, int orientation, double start, double sweep,
Vec4 referenceCenter)
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(dc.getGlobe(), this.getClass(), "PartialDisk.Vertices", center,
radii[0], radii[1], altitude, terrainConformant, slices, loops, orientation, start, sweep, referenceCenter);
Geometry vertexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (vertexGeom == null || this.isExpired(dc, vertexGeom))
if (vertexGeom == null)
vertexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makePartialDisk(dc, center, radii, altitude, terrainConformant, slices, loops, orientation, start,
sweep, referenceCenter, vertexGeom);
this.updateExpiryCriteria(dc, vertexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, vertexGeom);
cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(this.getClass(), "PartialDisk.Indices", slices, loops, orientation);
Geometry indexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (indexGeom == null)
indexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makePartialDiskIndices(slices, loops, orientation, indexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, indexGeom);
this.drawGeometry(dc, indexGeom, vertexGeom);
private void makePartialDisk(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double[] radii, double altitude,
boolean terrainConformant, int slices, int loops, int orientation, double start, double sweep,
Vec4 referenceCenter, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
int count = gb.getPartialDiskIndexCount(slices, loops);
float[] verts = new float[3 * count];
float[] norms = new float[3 * count];
gb.makePartialDiskVertices(dc.getTerrain(), center, radii[0], radii[1], altitude, terrainConformant, slices,
loops, start, sweep, referenceCenter, verts);
gb.makePartialDiskVertexNormals((float) radii[0], (float) radii[1], slices, loops, (float) start, (float) sweep,
verts, norms);
dest.setVertexData(count, verts);
dest.setNormalData(count, norms);
private void makePartialDiskIndices(int slices, int loops, int orientation, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
int mode = gb.getPartialDiskDrawMode();
int count = gb.getPartialDiskIndexCount(slices, loops);
int[] indices = new int[count];
gb.makePartialDiskIndices(slices, loops, indices);
dest.setElementData(mode, count, indices);
//******************** Radial Wall ********************//
private void drawRadialWall(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double[] radii, double angle, double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant, int pillars, int stacks, int orientation, Vec4 referenceCenter)
Geometry vertexGeom = this.createRadialWallVertexGeometry(dc, center, radii, angle, altitudes,
terrainConformant, pillars, stacks, orientation, referenceCenter);
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(this.getClass(), "RadialWall.Indices", pillars, stacks, orientation);
Geometry indexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (indexGeom == null)
indexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makeRadialWallIndices(pillars, stacks, orientation, indexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, indexGeom);
this.drawGeometry(dc, indexGeom, vertexGeom);
private void drawRadialWallOutline(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double[] radii, double angle, double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant, int pillars, int stacks, int orientation, Vec4 referenceCenter)
Geometry vertexGeom = this.createRadialWallVertexGeometry(dc, center, radii, angle, altitudes,
terrainConformant, pillars, stacks, orientation, referenceCenter);
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(this.getClass(), "RadialWall.OutlineIndices", pillars, stacks,
Geometry outlineIndexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (outlineIndexGeom == null)
outlineIndexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makeRadialWallOutlineIndices(pillars, stacks, orientation, outlineIndexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, outlineIndexGeom);
this.drawGeometry(dc, outlineIndexGeom, vertexGeom);
private Geometry createRadialWallVertexGeometry(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double[] radii, double angle,
double[] altitudes, boolean[] terrainConformant, int pillars, int stacks, int orientation, Vec4 referenceCenter)
Object cacheKey = new Geometry.CacheKey(dc.getGlobe(), this.getClass(), "RadialWall.Vertices", center, radii[0],
radii[1], angle, altitudes[0], altitudes[1], terrainConformant[0], terrainConformant[1], pillars, stacks,
orientation, referenceCenter);
Geometry vertexGeom = (Geometry) this.getGeometryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
if (vertexGeom == null || this.isExpired(dc, vertexGeom))
if (vertexGeom == null)
vertexGeom = new Geometry();
this.makeRadialWall(dc, center, radii, angle, altitudes, terrainConformant, pillars, stacks, orientation,
referenceCenter, vertexGeom);
this.updateExpiryCriteria(dc, vertexGeom);
this.getGeometryCache().add(cacheKey, vertexGeom);
return vertexGeom;
private void makeRadialWall(DrawContext dc, LatLon center, double[] radii, double angle, double[] altitudes,
boolean[] terrainConformant, int pillars, int stacks, int orientation, Vec4 referenceCenter, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
float height = (float) (altitudes[1] - altitudes[0]);
int count = gb.getRadialWallVertexCount(pillars, stacks);
float[] verts = new float[3 * count];
float[] norms = new float[3 * count];
gb.makeRadialWallVertices(dc.getTerrain(), center, radii[0], radii[1], angle, altitudes, terrainConformant,
pillars, stacks, referenceCenter, verts);
gb.makeRadialWallNormals((float) radii[0], (float) radii[1], height, (float) angle, pillars, stacks, norms);
dest.setVertexData(count, verts);
dest.setNormalData(count, norms);
private void makeRadialWallIndices(int pillars, int stacks, int orientation, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
int mode = gb.getRadialWallDrawMode();
int count = gb.getRadialWallIndexCount(pillars, stacks);
int[] indices = new int[count];
gb.makeRadialWallIndices(pillars, stacks, indices);
dest.setElementData(mode, count, indices);
private void makeRadialWallOutlineIndices(int pillars, int stacks, int orientation, Geometry dest)
GeometryBuilder gb = this.getGeometryBuilder();
int mode = gb.getRadialWallOutlineDrawMode();
int count = gb.getRadialWallOutlineIndexCount(pillars, stacks);
int[] indices = new int[count];
gb.makeRadialWallOutlineIndices(pillars, stacks, indices);
dest.setElementData(mode, count, indices);
//******************** END Geometry Rendering ****************//
protected void doGetRestorableState(RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject context)
super.doGetRestorableState(rs, context);
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "leftAzimuthDegrees", this.leftAzimuth.degrees);
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "rightAzimuthDegrees", this.rightAzimuth.degrees);
protected void doRestoreState(RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject context)
super.doRestoreState(rs, context);
Double la = rs.getStateValueAsDouble(context, "leftAzimuthDegrees");
if (la == null)
la = this.leftAzimuth.degrees;
Double ra = rs.getStateValueAsDouble(context, "rightAzimuthDegrees");
if (ra == null)
ra = this.rightAzimuth.degrees;
this.setAzimuths(Angle.fromDegrees(la), Angle.fromDegrees(ra));
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