gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain;
import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.event.BulkRetrievalListener;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.exception.WWRuntimeException;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSCapabilities;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
// Implementation notes, not for API doc:
// Implements an elevation model based on a quad tree of elevation tiles. Meant to be subclassed by very specific
// classes, e.g. Earth/SRTM. A Descriptor passed in at construction gives the configuration parameters. Eventually
// Descriptor will be replaced by an XML configuration document.
// A "tile" corresponds to one tile of the data set, which has a corresponding unique row/column address in the data
// set. An inner class implements Tile. An inner class also implements TileKey, which is used to address the
// corresponding Tile in the memory cache.
// Clients of this class get elevations from it by first getting an Elevations object for a specific Sector, then
// querying that object for the elevation at individual lat/lon positions. The Elevations object captures information
// that is used to compute elevations. See in-line comments for a description.
// When an elevation tile is needed but is not in memory, a task is threaded off to find it. If it's in the file cache
// then it's loaded by the task into the memory cache. If it's not in the file cache then a retrieval is initiated by
// the task. The disk is never accessed during a call to getElevations(sector, resolution) because that method is
// likely being called when a frame is being rendered. The details of all this are in-line below.
* @author Tom Gaskins
* @version $Id: 3425 2015-09-30 23:17:35Z dcollins $
public class BasicElevationModel extends AbstractElevationModel implements BulkRetrievable
protected final LevelSet levels;
protected final double minElevation;
protected final double maxElevation;
protected String elevationDataType = AVKey.INT16;
protected String elevationDataByteOrder = AVKey.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
protected double detailHint = 0.0;
protected final Object fileLock = new Object();
protected java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap levelZeroTiles =
new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap();
protected MemoryCache memoryCache;
protected int extremesLevel = -1;
protected boolean extremesCachingEnabled = true;
protected BufferWrapper extremes = null;
protected MemoryCache extremesLookupCache;
// Model resource properties.
protected static final int RESOURCE_ID_OGC_CAPABILITIES = 1;
public BasicElevationModel(AVList params)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ElevationModelConfigParams");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER);
if (s != null)
Double d = (Double) params.getValue(AVKey.DETAIL_HINT);
if (d != null)
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME);
if (s != null)
d = (Double) params.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN);
this.minElevation = d != null ? d : 0;
d = (Double) params.getValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX);
this.maxElevation = d != null ? d : 0;
Long lo = (Long) params.getValue(AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME);
if (lo != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME, lo);
d = (Double) params.getValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL);
if (d != null)
d = (Double) params.getValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_REPLACEMENT);
if (d != null)
Boolean b = (Boolean) params.getValue(AVKey.NETWORK_RETRIEVAL_ENABLED);
if (b != null)
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE);
if (s != null)
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE);
if (s != null)
b = (Boolean) params.getValue(AVKey.DELETE_CACHE_ON_EXIT);
if (b != null)
this.setValue(AVKey.DELETE_CACHE_ON_EXIT, true);
// Set some fallback values if not already set.
this.levels = new LevelSet(params);
if (this.levels.getSector() != null && this.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR) == null)
this.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, this.levels.getSector());
this.memoryCache = this.createMemoryCache(ElevationTile.class.getName());
this.setValue(AVKey.CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS, params.copy());
// If any resources should be retrieved for this ElevationModel, start a task to retrieve those resources, and
// initialize this ElevationModel once those resources are retrieved.
if (this.isRetrieveResources())
public BasicElevationModel(Document dom, AVList params)
this(dom.getDocumentElement(), params);
public BasicElevationModel(Element domElement, AVList params)
this(getBasicElevationModelConfigParams(domElement, params));
public BasicElevationModel(String restorableStateInXml)
RestorableSupport rs;
rs = RestorableSupport.parse(restorableStateInXml);
catch (Exception e)
// Parsing the document specified by stateInXml failed.
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionAttemptingToParseStateXml", restorableStateInXml);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message, e);
this.doRestoreState(rs, null);
public Object setValue(String key, Object value)
// Offer it to the level set
if (this.getLevels() != null)
this.getLevels().setValue(key, value);
return super.setValue(key, value);
public Object getValue(String key)
Object value = super.getValue(key);
return value != null ? value : this.getLevels().getValue(key); // see if the level set has it
protected static void setFallbacks(AVList params)
if (params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH, 150);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT, 150);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX, ".bil");
if (params.getValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, 2);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS, 0);
protected MemoryCache getMemoryCache()
return memoryCache;
protected MemoryCache createMemoryCache(String cacheName)
if (WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().containsCache(cacheName))
return WorldWind.getMemoryCache(cacheName);
long size = Configuration.getLongValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_TILE_CACHE_SIZE, 20000000L);
MemoryCache mc = new BasicMemoryCache((long) (0.85 * size), size);
mc.setName("Elevation Tiles");
WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().addCache(cacheName, mc);
return mc;
public LevelSet getLevels()
return this.levels;
protected Map getLevelZeroTiles()
return levelZeroTiles;
protected int getExtremesLevel()
return extremesLevel;
protected BufferWrapper getExtremes()
return extremes;
* Specifies the time of the elevation models's most recent dataset update, beyond which cached data is invalid. If
* greater than zero, the model ignores and eliminates any in-memory or on-disk cached data older than the time
* specified, and requests new information from the data source. If zero, the default, the model applies any expiry
* times associated with its individual levels, but only for on-disk cached data. In-memory cached data is expired
* only when the expiry time is specified with this method and is greater than zero. This method also overwrites the
* expiry times of the model's individual levels if the value specified to the method is greater than zero.
* @param expiryTime the expiry time of any cached data, expressed as a number of milliseconds beyond the epoch. The
* default expiry time is zero.
* @see System#currentTimeMillis() for a description of milliseconds beyond the epoch.
public void setExpiryTime(long expiryTime) // Override this method to use intrinsic level-specific expiry times
if (expiryTime > 0)
this.levels.setExpiryTime(expiryTime); // remove this in sub-class to use level-specific expiry times
public double getMaxElevation()
return this.maxElevation;
public double getMinElevation()
return this.minElevation;
public double getBestResolution(Sector sector)
if (sector == null)
return this.levels.getLastLevel().getTexelSize();
Level level = this.levels.getLastLevel(sector);
return level != null ? level.getTexelSize() : Double.MAX_VALUE;
public double getDetailHint(Sector sector)
return this.detailHint;
public void setDetailHint(double hint)
this.detailHint = hint;
public String getElevationDataType()
return this.elevationDataType;
public void setElevationDataType(String dataType)
if (dataType == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DataTypeIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.elevationDataType = dataType;
public String getElevationDataByteOrder()
return this.elevationDataByteOrder;
public void setByteOrder(String byteOrder)
if (byteOrder == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ByteOrderIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.elevationDataByteOrder = byteOrder;
public int intersects(Sector sector)
if (this.levels.getSector().contains(sector))
return 0;
return this.levels.getSector().intersects(sector) ? 1 : -1;
public boolean contains(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
return this.levels.getSector().contains(latitude, longitude);
public void setExtremesCachingEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.extremesCachingEnabled = enabled;
public boolean isExtremesCachingEnabled()
return this.extremesCachingEnabled;
//******************** Elevation Tile Management *************//
// Create the tile corresponding to a specified key.
protected ElevationTile createTile(TileKey key)
Level level = this.levels.getLevel(key.getLevelNumber());
// Compute the tile's SW lat/lon based on its row/col in the level's data set.
Angle dLat = level.getTileDelta().getLatitude();
Angle dLon = level.getTileDelta().getLongitude();
Angle latOrigin = this.levels.getTileOrigin().getLatitude();
Angle lonOrigin = this.levels.getTileOrigin().getLongitude();
Angle minLatitude = ElevationTile.computeRowLatitude(key.getRow(), dLat, latOrigin);
Angle minLongitude = ElevationTile.computeColumnLongitude(key.getColumn(), dLon, lonOrigin);
Sector tileSector = new Sector(minLatitude, minLatitude.add(dLat), minLongitude, minLongitude.add(dLon));
return new ElevationTile(tileSector, level, key.getRow(), key.getColumn());
// Thread off a task to determine whether the file is local or remote and then retrieve it either from the file
// cache or a remote server.
protected void requestTile(TileKey key)
if (WorldWind.getTaskService().isFull())
if (this.getLevels().isResourceAbsent(key))
RequestTask request = new RequestTask(key, this);
protected static class RequestTask implements Runnable
protected final BasicElevationModel elevationModel;
protected final TileKey tileKey;
protected RequestTask(TileKey tileKey, BasicElevationModel elevationModel)
this.elevationModel = elevationModel;
this.tileKey = tileKey;
public final void run()
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
return; // the task was cancelled because it's a duplicate or for some other reason
// check to ensure load is still needed
if (this.elevationModel.areElevationsInMemory(this.tileKey))
ElevationTile tile = this.elevationModel.createTile(this.tileKey);
final URL url = this.elevationModel.getDataFileStore().findFile(tile.getPath(), false);
if (url != null && !this.elevationModel.isFileExpired(tile, url,
if (this.elevationModel.loadElevations(tile, url))
this.elevationModel.firePropertyChange(AVKey.ELEVATION_MODEL, null, this);
// Assume that something's wrong with the file and delete it.
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DeletedCorruptDataFile", url);
catch (Exception e)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.ExceptionRequestingElevations",
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg, e);
public final boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
final RequestTask that = (RequestTask) o;
//noinspection RedundantIfStatement
if (this.tileKey != null ? !this.tileKey.equals(that.tileKey) : that.tileKey != null)
return false;
return true;
public final int hashCode()
return (this.tileKey != null ? this.tileKey.hashCode() : 0);
public final String toString()
return this.tileKey.toString();
protected boolean isFileExpired(Tile tile, fileURL, FileStore fileStore)
if (!WWIO.isFileOutOfDate(fileURL, tile.getLevel().getExpiryTime())) {
return false;
// The file has expired. Delete it.
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DataFileExpired", fileURL);
return true;
// Reads a tile's elevations from the file cache and adds the tile to the memory cache.
protected boolean loadElevations(ElevationTile tile, url) throws Exception
BufferWrapper elevations = this.readElevations(url);
if (elevations == null || elevations.length() == 0)
return false;
tile.setElevations(elevations, this);
this.addTileToCache(tile, elevations);
return true;
protected void addTileToCache(ElevationTile tile, BufferWrapper elevations)
// Level 0 tiles are held in the model itself; other levels are placed in the memory cache.
if (tile.getLevelNumber() == 0)
this.levelZeroTiles.put(tile.getTileKey(), tile);
this.getMemoryCache().add(tile.getTileKey(), tile, elevations.getSizeInBytes());
protected boolean areElevationsInMemory(TileKey key)
// An elevation tile is considered to be in memory if it:
// * Exists in the memory cache.
// * Has non-null elevation data.
// * Has not exipired.
ElevationTile tile = this.getTileFromMemory(key);
return (tile != null && tile.getElevations() != null && !tile.isElevationsExpired());
protected ElevationTile getTileFromMemory(TileKey tileKey)
if (tileKey.getLevelNumber() == 0)
return this.levelZeroTiles.get(tileKey);
return (ElevationTile) this.getMemoryCache().getObject(tileKey);
// Read elevations from the file cache. Don't be confused by the use of a URL here: it's used so that files can
// be read using System.getResource(URL), which will draw the data from a jar file in the classpath.
protected BufferWrapper readElevations(URL url) throws Exception
if (url.getPath().endsWith("tif"))
return this.makeTiffElevations(url);
return this.makeBilElevations(url);
catch (Exception e)
"ElevationModel.ExceptionReadingElevationFile", url.toString());
throw e;
protected BufferWrapper makeBilElevations(URL url) throws IOException
ByteBuffer byteBuffer;
synchronized (this.fileLock)
byteBuffer = WWIO.readURLContentToBuffer(url);
// Setup parameters to instruct BufferWrapper on how to interpret the ByteBuffer.
AVList bufferParams = new AVListImpl();
bufferParams.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, this.elevationDataType);
bufferParams.setValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER, this.elevationDataByteOrder);
return BufferWrapper.wrap(byteBuffer, bufferParams);
protected BufferWrapper makeTiffElevations(URL url) throws IOException, URISyntaxException
File file = new File(url.toURI());
// Create a raster reader for the file type.
DataRasterReaderFactory readerFactory = (DataRasterReaderFactory) WorldWind.createConfigurationComponent(
DataRasterReader reader = readerFactory.findReaderFor(file, null);
if (reader == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnknownFileFormatOrMatchingReaderNotFound", file.getPath());
throw new WWRuntimeException(msg);
// Read the file into the raster.
DataRaster[] rasters;
synchronized (this.fileLock)
rasters =, null);
if (rasters == null || rasters.length == 0)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.CannotReadElevations", file.getAbsolutePath());
throw new WWRuntimeException(msg);
DataRaster raster = rasters[0];
// Request a sub-raster that contains the whole file. This step is necessary because only sub-rasters
// are reprojected (if necessary); primary rasters are not.
int width = raster.getWidth();
int height = raster.getHeight();
// Determine the sector covered by the elevations. This information is in the GeoTIFF file or auxiliary
// files associated with the elevations file.
final Sector sector = (Sector) raster.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR);
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("DataRaster.MissingMetadata", AVKey.SECTOR);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
DataRaster subRaster = raster.getSubRaster(width, height, sector, raster);
// Verify that the sub-raster can create a ByteBuffer, then create one.
if (!(subRaster instanceof ByteBufferRaster))
String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.CannotCreateElevationBuffer", file.getPath());
throw new WWRuntimeException(msg);
ByteBuffer elevations = ((ByteBufferRaster) subRaster).getByteBuffer();
// The sub-raster can now be disposed. Disposal won't affect the ByteBuffer.
// Setup parameters to instruct BufferWrapper on how to interpret the ByteBuffer.
AVList bufferParams = new AVListImpl();
bufferParams.setValues(raster.copy()); // copies params from avlist
String dataType = bufferParams.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE);
if (WWUtil.isEmpty(dataType))
String msg = Logging.getMessage("DataRaster.MissingMetadata", AVKey.DATA_TYPE);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
BufferWrapper bufferWrapper = BufferWrapper.wrap(elevations, bufferParams);
// Tne primary raster can now be disposed.
return bufferWrapper;
protected static ByteBuffer convertImageToElevations(ByteBuffer buffer, String contentType) throws IOException
File tempFile = File.createTempFile("wwj-", WWIO.makeSuffixForMimeType(contentType));
WWIO.saveBuffer(buffer, tempFile);
BufferedImage image =;
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(image.getWidth() * image.getHeight() * 2);
ShortBuffer bilBuffer = byteBuffer.asShortBuffer();
WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
int[] samples = new int[raster.getWidth() * raster.getHeight()];
raster.getSamples(0, 0, raster.getWidth(), raster.getHeight(), 0, samples);
for (int sample : samples)
bilBuffer.put((short) sample);
return byteBuffer;
if (tempFile != null)
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
// *** Bulk download ***
// *** Bulk download ***
// *** Bulk download ***
* Start a new {@link BulkRetrievalThread} that downloads all elevations for a given sector and resolution to the
* current World Wind file cache, without downloading imagery already in the cache.
* This method creates and starts a thread to perform the download. A reference to the thread is returned. To create
* a downloader that has not been started, construct a {@link BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader}.
* Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is the resolution in
* meters divided by the globe radius.
* @param sector the sector to download data for.
* @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel.
* @param listener an optional retrieval listener. May be null.
* @return the {@link BulkRetrievalThread} executing the retrieval or null
if the specified sector does
* not intersect the elevation model bounding sector.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero.
* @see BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
public BulkRetrievalThread makeLocal(Sector sector, double resolution, BulkRetrievalListener listener)
return this.makeLocal(sector, resolution, null, listener);
* Start a new {@link BulkRetrievalThread} that downloads all elevations for a given sector and resolution to a
* specified file store, without downloading imagery already in the file store.
* This method creates and starts a thread to perform the download. A reference to the thread is returned. To create
* a downloader that has not been started, construct a {@link BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader}.
* Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is the resolution in
* meters divided by the globe radius.
* @param sector the sector to download data for.
* @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel.
* @param fileStore the file store in which to place the downloaded elevations. If null the current World Wind file
* cache is used.
* @param listener an optional retrieval listener. May be null.
* @return the {@link BulkRetrievalThread} executing the retrieval or null
if the specified sector does
* not intersect the elevation model bounding sector.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero.
* @see BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader
public BulkRetrievalThread makeLocal(Sector sector, double resolution, FileStore fileStore,
BulkRetrievalListener listener)
Sector targetSector = sector != null ? getLevels().getSector().intersection(sector) : null;
if (targetSector == null)
return null;
// Args checked in downloader constructor
BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader thread =
new BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader(this, targetSector, resolution,
fileStore != null ? fileStore : this.getDataFileStore(), listener);
return thread;
* Get the estimated size in bytes of the elevations not in the World Wind file cache for the given sector and
* resolution.
* Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is the resolution in
* meters divided by the globe radius.
* @param sector the sector to estimate.
* @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel.
* @return the estimated size in bytes of the missing elevations.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero.
public long getEstimatedMissingDataSize(Sector sector, double resolution)
return this.getEstimatedMissingDataSize(sector, resolution, null);
* Get the estimated size in bytes of the elevations not in a specified file store for the given sector and
* resolution.
* Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is the resolution in
* meters divided by the globe radius.
* @param sector the sector to estimate.
* @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel.
* @param fileStore the file store to examine. If null the current World Wind file cache is used.
* @return the estimated size in bytes of the missing elevations.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero.
public long getEstimatedMissingDataSize(Sector sector, double resolution, FileStore fileStore)
Sector targetSector = sector != null ? getLevels().getSector().intersection(sector) : null;
if (targetSector == null)
return 0;
// Args checked by downloader constructor
// Need a downloader to compute the missing data size.
BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader downloader = new BasicElevationModelBulkDownloader(this, targetSector,
resolution, fileStore != null ? fileStore : this.getDataFileStore(), null);
return downloader.getEstimatedMissingDataSize();
// *** Tile download ***
// *** Tile download ***
// *** Tile download ***
protected void downloadElevations(final Tile tile)
retrieveElevations(tile, new DownloadPostProcessor(tile, this));
protected void downloadElevations(final Tile tile, DownloadPostProcessor postProcessor)
retrieveElevations(tile, postProcessor);
protected void retrieveElevations(final Tile tile, DownloadPostProcessor postProcessor)
if (this.getValue(AVKey.RETRIEVER_FACTORY_LOCAL) != null)
this.retrieveLocalElevations(tile, postProcessor);
// Assume it's remote, which handles the legacy cases.
this.retrieveRemoteElevations(tile, postProcessor);
protected void retrieveLocalElevations(Tile tile, DownloadPostProcessor postProcessor)
if (!WorldWind.getLocalRetrievalService().isAvailable())
RetrieverFactory retrieverFactory = (RetrieverFactory) this.getValue(AVKey.RETRIEVER_FACTORY_LOCAL);
if (retrieverFactory == null)
AVListImpl avList = new AVListImpl();
avList.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, tile.getSector());
avList.setValue(AVKey.WIDTH, tile.getWidth());
avList.setValue(AVKey.HEIGHT, tile.getHeight());
avList.setValue(AVKey.FILE_NAME, tile.getPath());
Retriever retriever = retrieverFactory.createRetriever(avList, postProcessor);
WorldWind.getLocalRetrievalService().runRetriever(retriever, tile.getPriority());
protected void retrieveRemoteElevations(final Tile tile, DownloadPostProcessor postProcessor)
if (!this.isNetworkRetrievalEnabled())
if (!WorldWind.getRetrievalService().isAvailable())
return; url = null;
url = tile.getResourceURL();
if (WorldWind.getNetworkStatus().isHostUnavailable(url))
catch ( e)
Logging.getMessage("TiledElevationModel.ExceptionCreatingElevationsUrl", url), e);
if (postProcessor == null)
postProcessor = new DownloadPostProcessor(tile, this);
URLRetriever retriever = new HTTPRetriever(url, postProcessor);
retriever.setValue(URLRetriever.EXTRACT_ZIP_ENTRY, "true"); // supports legacy elevation models
if (WorldWind.getRetrievalService().contains(retriever))
WorldWind.getRetrievalService().runRetriever(retriever, 0d);
protected static class DownloadPostProcessor extends AbstractRetrievalPostProcessor
protected final Tile tile;
protected final BasicElevationModel elevationModel;
protected final FileStore fileStore;
public DownloadPostProcessor(Tile tile, BasicElevationModel em)
this(tile, em, null);
public DownloadPostProcessor(Tile tile, BasicElevationModel em, FileStore fileStore)
//noinspection RedundantCast
super((AVList) em);
this.tile = tile;
this.elevationModel = em;
this.fileStore = fileStore;
protected FileStore getFileStore()
return this.fileStore != null ? this.fileStore : this.elevationModel.getDataFileStore();
protected boolean overwriteExistingFile()
return true;
protected void markResourceAbsent()
protected Object getFileLock()
return this.elevationModel.fileLock;
protected File doGetOutputFile()
return this.getFileStore().newFile(this.tile.getPath());
protected ByteBuffer handleSuccessfulRetrieval()
ByteBuffer buffer = super.handleSuccessfulRetrieval();
if (buffer != null)
// We've successfully cached data. Check whether there's a configuration file for this elevation model
// in the cache and create one if there isn't.
// Fire a property change to denote that the model's backing data has changed.
this.elevationModel.firePropertyChange(AVKey.ELEVATION_MODEL, null, this);
return buffer;
protected ByteBuffer handleTextContent() throws IOException
return super.handleTextContent();
// @Override
// protected ByteBuffer handleImageContent() throws IOException
// {
// if (!this.getRetriever().getContentType().contains("tiff"))
// return super.handleImageContent();
// File tmpFile = WWIO.saveBufferToTempFile(this.getRetriever().getBuffer(), ".tif");
// DataRasterReaderFactory readerFactory = (DataRasterReaderFactory) WorldWind.createConfigurationComponent(
// DataRasterReader reader = readerFactory.findReaderFor(tmpFile, null);
// // Before reading the raster, verify that the file contains elevations.
// AVList metadata = reader.readMetadata(tmpFile, null);
// if (metadata == null || !AVKey.ELEVATION.equals(metadata.getStringValue(AVKey.PIXEL_FORMAT)))
// {
// String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.SourceNotElevations", tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Logging.logger().severe(msg);
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// }
// // Read the file into the raster.
// DataRaster[] rasters =, null);
// if (rasters == null || rasters.length == 0)
// {
// String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.CannotReadElevations", tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Logging.logger().severe(msg);
// throw new WWRuntimeException(msg);
// }
// DataRaster raster = rasters[0];
// ByteBuffer byteBuffer =
// ((BufferWrapper.ByteBufferWrapper)((BufferWrapperRaster) raster).getBuffer()).getBackingByteBuffer();
// WWIO.saveBuffer(byteBuffer, this.getOutputFile());
// return byteBuffer;
// }
/** Internal class to hold collections of elevation tiles that provide elevations for a specific sector. */
protected static class Elevations
protected final BasicElevationModel elevationModel;
protected java.util.Set tiles;
protected double extremes[] = null;
protected final double achievedResolution;
protected Elevations(BasicElevationModel elevationModel, double achievedResolution)
this.elevationModel = elevationModel;
this.achievedResolution = achievedResolution;
protected Double getElevation(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (this.tiles == null)
return null;
for (ElevationTile tile : this.tiles)
if (tile.getSector().contains(latitude, longitude))
return this.elevationModel.lookupElevation(latitude, longitude, tile);
// Location is not within this group of tiles, so is outside the coverage of this elevation model.
return null;
catch (Exception e)
// Throwing an exception within what's likely to be the caller's geometry creation loop
// would be hard to recover from, and a reasonable response to the exception can be done here.
Logging.getMessage("BasicElevationModel.ExceptionComputingElevation", latitude, longitude), e);
return null;
protected double[] getExtremes(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (this.extremes != null)
return this.extremes;
if (this.tiles == null || tiles.size() == 0)
return this.elevationModel.getExtremeElevations(latitude, longitude);
return this.getExtremes();
* Get the extreme values (min/max) of this collection of elevations.
* @return the extreme elevation values.
protected double[] getExtremes()
if (this.extremes != null)
return this.extremes;
if (this.tiles == null || tiles.size() == 0)
return this.extremes = new double[] {this.elevationModel.getMinElevation(),
this.extremes = WWUtil.defaultMinMix();
for (ElevationTile tile : this.tiles)
BufferWrapper elevations = tile.getElevations();
int len = elevations.length();
if (len == 0)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
this.elevationModel.determineExtremes(elevations.getDouble(i), this.extremes);
return new double[] {this.extremes[0], this.extremes[1]}; // return a defensive copy
protected double[] getExtremes(Sector sector)
if (this.extremes != null)
return this.extremes;
Iterator iter = this.tiles.iterator();
if (!iter.hasNext())
return this.extremes = new double[] {this.elevationModel.getMinElevation(),
this.extremes = WWUtil.defaultMinMix();
for (ElevationTile tile : this.tiles)
tile.getExtremes(sector, this.elevationModel, this.extremes);
return this.extremes;
* Returns the extreme values among all the tiles in this object.
* @return the extreme values.
protected double[] getTileExtremes()
if (this.extremes != null)
return this.extremes;
Iterator iter = this.tiles.iterator();
if (!iter.hasNext())
return this.extremes = new double[] {this.elevationModel.getMinElevation(),
this.extremes = WWUtil.defaultMinMix();
for (ElevationTile tile : this.tiles)
// This computes the extremes on a tile granularity rather than an elevation-value cell granularity.
// The latter is very expensive.
if (tile.extremes[0] < this.extremes[0])
this.extremes[0] = tile.extremes[0];
if (tile.extremes[1] > this.extremes[1])
this.extremes[1] = tile.extremes[1];
return this.extremes;
protected void determineExtremes(double value, double extremes[])
if (value == this.getMissingDataSignal())
value = this.getMissingDataReplacement();
if (value < extremes[0])
extremes[0] = value;
if (value > extremes[1])
extremes[1] = value;
public double getUnmappedElevation(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (!this.contains(latitude, longitude))
return this.getMissingDataSignal();
Level lastLevel = this.levels.getLastLevel(latitude, longitude);
final TileKey tileKey = new TileKey(latitude, longitude, this.levels, lastLevel.getLevelNumber());
ElevationTile tile = this.getTileFromMemory(tileKey);
if (tile == null)
int fallbackRow = tileKey.getRow();
int fallbackCol = tileKey.getColumn();
for (int fallbackLevelNum = tileKey.getLevelNumber() - 1; fallbackLevelNum >= 0; fallbackLevelNum--)
fallbackRow /= 2;
fallbackCol /= 2;
if (this.levels.getLevel(fallbackLevelNum).isEmpty()) // everything lower res is empty
return this.getExtremeElevations(latitude, longitude)[0];
TileKey fallbackKey = new TileKey(fallbackLevelNum, fallbackRow, fallbackCol,
tile = this.getTileFromMemory(fallbackKey);
if (tile != null)
if (tile == null && !this.levels.getFirstLevel().isEmpty())
// Request the level-zero tile since it's not in memory
Level firstLevel = this.levels.getFirstLevel();
final TileKey zeroKey = new TileKey(latitude, longitude, this.levels, firstLevel.getLevelNumber());
// Return the best we know about the location's elevation
return this.getExtremeElevations(latitude, longitude)[0];
// Check tile expiration. Memory-cached tiles are checked for expiration only when an explicit, non-zero expiry
// time has been set for the elevation model. If none has been set, the expiry times of the model's individual
// levels are used, but only for tiles in the local file cache, not tiles in memory. This is to avoid incurring
// the overhead of checking expiration of in-memory tiles, a very rarely used feature.
if (this.getExpiryTime() > 0 && this.getExpiryTime() < System.currentTimeMillis())
// Normally getUnmappedElevations() does not request elevation tiles, except for first level tiles. However
// if the tile is already in memory but has expired, we must issue a request to replace the tile data. This
// will not fetch new tiles into the cache, but rather will force a refresh of the expired tile's resources
// in the file cache and the memory cache.
if (tile != null)
// The containing tile is non-null, so look up the elevation and return.
return this.lookupElevation(latitude, longitude, tile);
public double getUnmappedLocalSourceElevation(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (!this.contains(latitude, longitude))
return this.getMissingDataSignal();
Level lastLevel = this.levels.getLastLevel(latitude, longitude);
final TileKey tileKey = new TileKey(latitude, longitude, this.levels, lastLevel.getLevelNumber());
ElevationTile tile = this.getTileFromMemory(tileKey);
if (tile != null)
return this.lookupElevation(latitude, longitude, tile);
tile = this.createTile(tileKey);
final URL url = this.getDataFileStore().findFile(tile.getPath(), false);
if (url != null)
this.loadElevations(tile, url);
catch (Exception e)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.ExceptionRequestingElevations",
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg, e);
tile = this.getTileFromMemory(tileKey);
return tile != null ? this.lookupElevation(latitude, longitude, tile) : this.getMissingDataSignal();
public double getElevations(Sector sector, List extends LatLon> latlons, double targetResolution, double[] buffer)
return this.getElevations(sector, latlons, targetResolution, buffer, true);
public double getUnmappedElevations(Sector sector, List extends LatLon> latlons, double targetResolution,
double[] buffer)
return this.getElevations(sector, latlons, targetResolution, buffer, false);
protected double getElevations(Sector sector, List extends LatLon> latlons, double targetResolution,
double[] buffer, boolean mapMissingData)
if (sector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (latlons == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LatLonListIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (buffer == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ElevationsBufferIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (buffer.length < latlons.size())
String msg = Logging.getMessage("ElevationModel.ElevationsBufferTooSmall", latlons.size());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
Level targetLevel = this.getTargetLevel(sector, targetResolution);
if (targetLevel == null)
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
Elevations elevations = this.getElevations(sector, this.levels, targetLevel.getLevelNumber());
if (elevations == null)
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (this.intersects(sector) == -1)
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
// Mark the model as used this frame.
this.setValue(AVKey.FRAME_TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int i = 0; i < latlons.size(); i++)
LatLon ll = latlons.get(i);
if (ll == null)
Double value = elevations.getElevation(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude());
if (this.isTransparentValue(value))
// If an elevation at the given location is available, write that elevation to the destination buffer.
// If an elevation is not available but the location is within the elevation model's coverage, write the
// elevation models extreme elevation at the location. Do nothing if the location is not within the
// elevation model's coverage.
if (value != null && value != this.getMissingDataSignal())
buffer[i] = value;
else if (this.contains(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()))
if (value == null)
buffer[i] = this.getExtremeElevations(sector)[0];
else if (mapMissingData && value == this.getMissingDataSignal())
buffer[i] = this.getMissingDataReplacement();
return elevations.achievedResolution;
protected Level getTargetLevel(Sector sector, double targetSize)
Level lastLevel = this.levels.getLastLevel(sector); // finest resolution available
if (lastLevel == null)
return null;
if (lastLevel.getTexelSize() >= targetSize)
return lastLevel; // can't do any better than this
for (Level level : this.levels.getLevels())
if (level.getTexelSize() <= targetSize)
return !level.isEmpty() ? level : null;
if (level == lastLevel)
return lastLevel;
protected double lookupElevation(Angle latitude, Angle longitude, final ElevationTile tile)
BufferWrapper elevations = tile.getElevations();
Sector sector = tile.getSector();
final int tileHeight = tile.getHeight();
final int tileWidth = tile.getWidth();
final double sectorDeltaLat = sector.getDeltaLat().radians;
final double sectorDeltaLon = sector.getDeltaLon().radians;
final double dLat = sector.getMaxLatitude().radians - latitude.radians;
final double dLon = longitude.radians - sector.getMinLongitude().radians;
final double sLat = dLat / sectorDeltaLat;
final double sLon = dLon / sectorDeltaLon;
int j = (int) ((tileHeight - 1) * sLat);
int i = (int) ((tileWidth - 1) * sLon);
int k = j * tileWidth + i;
double eLeft = elevations.getDouble(k);
double eRight = i < (tileWidth - 1) ? elevations.getDouble(k + 1) : eLeft;
if (this.getMissingDataSignal() == eLeft || this.getMissingDataSignal() == eRight)
return this.getMissingDataSignal();
double dw = sectorDeltaLon / (tileWidth - 1);
double dh = sectorDeltaLat / (tileHeight - 1);
double ssLon = (dLon - i * dw) / dw;
double ssLat = (dLat - j * dh) / dh;
double eTop = eLeft + ssLon * (eRight - eLeft);
if (j < tileHeight - 1 && i < tileWidth - 1)
eLeft = elevations.getDouble(k + tileWidth);
eRight = elevations.getDouble(k + tileWidth + 1);
if (this.getMissingDataSignal() == eLeft || this.getMissingDataSignal() == eRight)
return this.getMissingDataSignal();
double eBot = eLeft + ssLon * (eRight - eLeft);
return eTop + ssLat * (eBot - eTop);
public double[] getExtremeElevations(Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (this.extremesLevel < 0 || this.extremes == null)
return new double[] {this.getMinElevation(), this.getMaxElevation()};
LatLon delta = this.levels.getLevel(this.extremesLevel).getTileDelta();
LatLon origin = this.levels.getTileOrigin();
final int row = ElevationTile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), latitude, origin.getLatitude());
final int col = ElevationTile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), longitude, origin.getLongitude());
final int nCols = ElevationTile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), Angle.POS180, Angle.NEG180) + 1;
int index = 2 * (row * nCols + col);
double min = this.extremes.getDouble(index);
double max = this.extremes.getDouble(index + 1);
if (min == this.getMissingDataSignal())
min = this.getMissingDataReplacement();
if (max == this.getMissingDataSignal())
max = this.getMissingDataReplacement();
return new double[] {min, max};
catch (Exception e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("BasicElevationModel.ExceptionDeterminingExtremes",
new LatLon(latitude, longitude));
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, message, e);
return new double[] {this.getMinElevation(), this.getMaxElevation()};
public double[] getExtremeElevations(Sector sector)
if (sector == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
double[] extremes = this.extremesCachingEnabled
? (double[]) this.getExtremesLookupCache().getObject(sector) : null;
if (extremes != null)
return new double[] {extremes[0], extremes[1]}; // return defensive copy
if (this.extremesLevel < 0 || this.extremes == null)
return new double[] {this.getMinElevation(), this.getMaxElevation()};
// Compute the extremes from the extreme-elevations file.
extremes = this.computeExtremeElevations(sector);
if (extremes != null && this.isExtremesCachingEnabled())
this.getExtremesLookupCache().add(sector, extremes, 64);
// Return a defensive copy of the array to prevent the caller from modifying the cache contents.
return extremes != null ? new double[] {extremes[0], extremes[1]} : null;
catch (Exception e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("BasicElevationModel.ExceptionDeterminingExtremes", sector);
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, message, e);
return new double[] {this.getMinElevation(), this.getMaxElevation()};
public void loadExtremeElevations(String extremesFileName)
if (extremesFileName == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ExtremeElevationsFileName");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
InputStream is = null;
is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + extremesFileName);
if (is == null)
// Look directly in the file system
File file = new File(extremesFileName);
if (file.exists())
is = new FileInputStream(file);
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "BasicElevationModel.UnavailableExtremesFile",
if (is == null)
// The level the extremes were taken from is encoded as the last element in the file name
String[] tokens = extremesFileName.substring(0, extremesFileName.lastIndexOf(".")).split("_");
this.extremesLevel = Integer.parseInt(tokens[tokens.length - 1]);
if (this.extremesLevel < 0)
this.extremes = null;
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.WARNING, "BasicElevationModel.UnavailableExtremesLevel",
AVList bufferParams = new AVListImpl();
bufferParams.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, AVKey.INT16);
bufferParams.setValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER, AVKey.BIG_ENDIAN); // Extremes are always saved in JVM byte order
this.extremes = BufferWrapper.wrap(WWIO.readStreamToBuffer(is, true),
bufferParams); // Read extremes to a direct ByteBuffer.
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
Logging.getMessage("BasicElevationModel.ExceptionReadingExtremeElevations", extremesFileName), e);
this.extremes = null;
this.extremesLevel = -1;
this.extremesLookupCache = null;
catch (IOException e)
Logging.getMessage("BasicElevationModel.ExceptionReadingExtremeElevations", extremesFileName), e);
this.extremes = null;
this.extremesLevel = -1;
this.extremesLookupCache = null;
WWIO.closeStream(is, extremesFileName);
// Clear the extreme elevations lookup cache.
if (this.extremesLookupCache != null)
protected double[] computeExtremeElevations(Sector sector)
LatLon delta = this.levels.getLevel(this.extremesLevel).getTileDelta();
LatLon origin = this.levels.getTileOrigin();
final int nwRow = ElevationTile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude(),
final int nwCol = ElevationTile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(),
final int seRow = ElevationTile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude(),
final int seCol = ElevationTile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(),
final int nCols = ElevationTile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), Angle.POS180, Angle.NEG180) + 1;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int col = nwCol; col <= seCol; col++)
for (int row = seRow; row <= nwRow; row++)
int index = 2 * (row * nCols + col);
double a = this.extremes.getDouble(index);
double b = this.extremes.getDouble(index + 1);
if (a == this.getMissingDataSignal())
a = this.getMissingDataReplacement();
if (b == this.getMissingDataSignal())
b = this.getMissingDataReplacement();
if (a > max)
max = a;
if (a < min)
min = a;
if (b > max)
max = b;
if (b < min)
min = b;
// Set to model's limits if for some reason a limit wasn't determined
if (min == Double.MAX_VALUE)
min = this.getMinElevation();
if (max == -Double.MAX_VALUE)
max = this.getMaxElevation();
return new double[] {min, max};
* Returns the memory cache used to cache extreme elevation computations, initializing the cache if it doesn't yet
* exist. This is an instance level cache: each instance of BasicElevationModel has its own instance of an extreme
* elevations lookup cache.
* @return the memory cache associated with the extreme elevations computations.
protected synchronized MemoryCache getExtremesLookupCache()
// Note that the extremes lookup cache does not belong to the WorldWind memory cache set, therefore it will not
// be automatically cleared and disposed when World Wind is shutdown. However, since the extremes lookup cache
// is a local reference to this elevation model, it will be reclaimed by the JVM garbage collector when this
// elevation model is reclaimed by the GC.
if (this.extremesLookupCache == null)
long size = Configuration.getLongValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_EXTREMES_LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE, 20000000L);
this.extremesLookupCache = new BasicMemoryCache((long) (0.85 * size), size);
return this.extremesLookupCache;
protected static class ElevationTile extends gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Tile implements Cacheable
protected BufferWrapper elevations; // the elevations themselves
protected long updateTime = 0;
protected double[] extremes = new double[2];
protected ElevationTile(Sector sector, Level level, int row, int col)
super(sector, level, row, col);
public BufferWrapper getElevations()
return this.elevations;
public void setElevations(BufferWrapper elevations, BasicElevationModel em)
this.elevations = elevations;
this.updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (this.elevations.length() > 0)
this.extremes = WWUtil.defaultMinMix();
for (int i = 0; i < this.elevations.length(); i++)
em.determineExtremes(this.elevations.getDouble(i), this.extremes);
public boolean isElevationsExpired()
return this.isElevationsExpired(this.getLevel().getExpiryTime());
public boolean isElevationsExpired(long expiryTime)
return this.updateTime > 0 && this.updateTime < expiryTime;
public int computeElevationIndex(LatLon location)
Sector sector = this.getSector();
final int tileHeight = this.getHeight();
final int tileWidth = this.getWidth();
final double sectorDeltaLat = sector.getDeltaLat().radians;
final double sectorDeltaLon = sector.getDeltaLon().radians;
final double dLat = sector.getMaxLatitude().radians - location.getLatitude().radians;
final double dLon = location.getLongitude().radians - sector.getMinLongitude().radians;
final double sLat = dLat / sectorDeltaLat;
final double sLon = dLon / sectorDeltaLon;
int j = (int) ((tileHeight - 1) * sLat);
int i = (int) ((tileWidth - 1) * sLon);
return j * tileWidth + i;
public double[] getExtremes(Sector sector, BasicElevationModel em, double[] extremes)
Sector intersection = this.getSector().intersection(sector);
if (intersection == null)
return extremes;
LatLon[] corners = intersection.getCorners();
int[] indices = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int k = this.computeElevationIndex(corners[i]);
indices[i] = k < 0 ? 0 : k > this.elevations.length() - 1 ? this.elevations.length() - 1 : k;
int sw = indices[0];
int se = indices[1];
int nw = indices[3];
int nCols = se - sw + 1;
if (extremes == null)
extremes = WWUtil.defaultMinMix();
while (nw <= sw)
for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++)
int k = nw + i;
em.determineExtremes(this.elevations.getDouble(k), extremes);
nw += this.getWidth();
return extremes;
protected Elevations getElevations(Sector requestedSector, LevelSet levelSet, int targetLevelNumber)
// Compute the intersection of the requested sector with the LevelSet's sector.
// The intersection will be used to determine which Tiles in the LevelSet are in the requested sector.
Sector sector = requestedSector.intersection(levelSet.getSector());
Level targetLevel = levelSet.getLevel(targetLevelNumber);
LatLon delta = targetLevel.getTileDelta();
LatLon origin = levelSet.getTileOrigin();
final int nwRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int nwCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
final int seRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int seCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
java.util.TreeSet tiles = new java.util.TreeSet(new Comparator()
public int compare(ElevationTile t1, ElevationTile t2)
if (t2.getLevelNumber() == t1.getLevelNumber()
&& t2.getRow() == t1.getRow() && t2.getColumn() == t1.getColumn())
return 0;
// Higher-res levels compare lower than lower-res
return t1.getLevelNumber() > t2.getLevelNumber() ? -1 : 1;
ArrayList requested = new ArrayList();
boolean missingTargetTiles = false;
boolean missingLevelZeroTiles = false;
for (int row = seRow; row <= nwRow; row++)
for (int col = nwCol; col <= seCol; col++)
TileKey key = new TileKey(targetLevel.getLevelNumber(), row, col, targetLevel.getCacheName());
ElevationTile tile = this.getTileFromMemory(key);
if (tile != null)
missingTargetTiles = true;
// Determine the fallback to use. Simultaneously determine a fallback to request that is
// the next resolution higher than the fallback chosen, if any. This will progressively
// refine the display until the desired resolution tile arrives.
TileKey fallbackToRequest = null;
TileKey fallbackKey;
int fallbackRow = row;
int fallbackCol = col;
for (int fallbackLevelNum = key.getLevelNumber() - 1; fallbackLevelNum >= 0; fallbackLevelNum--)
fallbackRow /= 2;
fallbackCol /= 2;
fallbackKey = new TileKey(fallbackLevelNum, fallbackRow, fallbackCol,
tile = this.getTileFromMemory(fallbackKey);
if (tile != null)
if (!tiles.contains(tile))
if (fallbackLevelNum == 0)
missingLevelZeroTiles = true;
fallbackToRequest = fallbackKey; // keep track of lowest level to request
if (fallbackToRequest != null)
if (!requested.contains(fallbackToRequest))
requested.add(fallbackToRequest); // keep track to avoid overhead of duplicte requests
Elevations elevations;
if (missingLevelZeroTiles || tiles.isEmpty())
// Double.MAX_VALUE is a signal for no in-memory tile for a given region of the sector.
elevations = new Elevations(this, Double.MAX_VALUE);
elevations.tiles = tiles;
else if (missingTargetTiles)
// Use the level of the the lowest resolution found to denote the resolution of this elevation set.
// The list of tiles is sorted first by level, so use the level of the list's last entry.
elevations = new Elevations(this, tiles.last().getLevel().getTexelSize());
elevations.tiles = tiles;
elevations = new Elevations(this, tiles.last().getLevel().getTexelSize());
// Compute the elevation extremes now that the sector is fully resolved
if (tiles.size() > 0)
elevations.tiles = tiles;
double[] extremes = elevations.getTileExtremes();
if (extremes != null && this.isExtremesCachingEnabled())
// Cache the newly computed extremes if they're different from the currently cached ones.
double[] currentExtremes = (double[]) this.getExtremesLookupCache().getObject(requestedSector);
if (currentExtremes == null || currentExtremes[0] != extremes[0]
|| currentExtremes[1] != extremes[1])
this.getExtremesLookupCache().add(requestedSector, extremes, 64);
// Check tile expiration. Memory-cached tiles are checked for expiration only when an explicit, non-zero expiry
// time has been set for the elevation model. If none has been set, the expiry times of the model's individual
// levels are used, but only for tiles in the local file cache, not tiles in memory. This is to avoid incurring
// the overhead of checking expiration of in-memory tiles, a very rarely used feature.
if (this.getExpiryTime() > 0 && this.getExpiryTime() < System.currentTimeMillis())
return elevations;
protected void checkElevationExpiration(ElevationTile tile)
if (tile.isElevationsExpired())
protected void checkElevationExpiration(Iterable extends ElevationTile> tiles)
for (ElevationTile tile : tiles)
if (tile.isElevationsExpired())
public ByteBuffer generateExtremeElevations(int levelNumber)
return null;
//Level level = this.levels.getLevel(levelNumber);
//Sector sector = this.levels.getSector();
//Angle latDelta = level.getTileDelta().getLatitude();
//Angle lonDelta = level.getTileDelta().getLongitude();
//Angle latOrigin = this.levels.getTileOrigin().getLatitude();
//Angle lonOrigin = this.levels.getTileOrigin().getLongitude();
//int firstRow = Tile.computeRow(latDelta, sector.getMinLatitude(), latOrigin);
//int lastRow = Tile.computeRow(latDelta, sector.getMaxLatitude(), latOrigin);
//int firstCol = Tile.computeColumn(lonDelta, sector.getMinLongitude(), lonOrigin);
//int lastCol = Tile.computeColumn(lonDelta, sector.getMaxLongitude(), lonOrigin);
//int tileCount = (lastRow - firstRow + 1) * (lastCol - firstCol + 1);
//ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * 2 * tileCount);
//ShortBuffer buffer = byteBuffer.asShortBuffer();
//final Object condition = new Object();
//final PropertyChangeListener changeListener = new PropertyChangeListener()
// @Override
// public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
// {
// synchronized (condition)
// {
// condition.notifyAll();
// }
// }
//this.addPropertyChangeListener(AVKey.ELEVATION_MODEL, changeListener);
//for (int row = firstRow; row <= lastRow; row++)
// System.out.printf("row %d/%d", row - firstRow, lastRow - firstRow);
// for (int col = firstCol; col <= lastCol; col++)
// {
// TileKey key = new TileKey(levelNumber, row, col, level.getCacheName());
// ElevationTile tile;
// while ((tile = this.getTileFromMemory(key)) == null)
// {
// try
// {
// this.requestTile(key);
// synchronized (condition)
// {
// condition.wait(1000);
// }
// }
// catch (InterruptedException e)
// {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// short min = (short) tile.extremes[0];
// short max = (short) tile.extremes[1];
// buffer.put(min).put(max);
// }
// System.out.println(" Done");
//System.out.println("All rows Done");
//this.removePropertyChangeListener(AVKey.ELEVATION_MODEL, changeListener);
//return (ByteBuffer) byteBuffer.rewind();
// public final int getTileCount(Sector sector, int resolution)
// {
// if (sector == null)
// {
// String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
// Logging.logger().severe(msg);
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// }
// // Collect all the elevation tiles intersecting the input sector. If a desired tile is not curently
// // available, choose its next lowest resolution parent that is available.
// final Level targetLevel = this.levels.getLevel(resolution);
// LatLon delta = this.levels.getLevel(resolution).getTileDelta();
// final int nwRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude());
// final int nwCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude());
// final int seRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude());
// final int seCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude());
// return (1 + (nwRow - seRow) * (1 + seCol - nwCol));
// }
//******************** Non-Tile Resource Retrieval ***********//
* Retrieves any non-tile resources associated with this ElevationModel, either online or in the local filesystem,
* and initializes properties of this ElevationModel using those resources. This returns a key indicating the
* retrieval state: {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey#RETRIEVAL_STATE_SUCCESSFUL} indicates the retrieval
* succeeded, {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey#RETRIEVAL_STATE_ERROR} indicates the retrieval failed with
* errors, and null
indicates the retrieval state is unknown. This method may invoke blocking I/O
* operations, and therefore should not be executed from the rendering thread.
* @return {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey#RETRIEVAL_STATE_SUCCESSFUL} if the retrieval succeeded, {@link
* gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey#RETRIEVAL_STATE_ERROR} if the retrieval failed with errors, and null
* if the retrieval state is unknown.
protected String retrieveResources()
// This ElevationModel has no construction parameters, so there is no description of what to retrieve. Return a
// key indicating the resources have been successfully retrieved, though there is nothing to retrieve.
AVList params = (AVList) this.getValue(AVKey.CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS);
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ConstructionParametersIsNull");
// This ElevationModel has no OGC Capabilities URL in its construction parameters. Return a key indicating the
// resources have been successfully retrieved, though there is nothing to retrieve.
URL url = DataConfigurationUtils.getOGCGetCapabilitiesURL(params);
if (url == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.CapabilitiesURLIsNull");
// Get the service's OGC Capabilities resource from the session cache, or initiate a retrieval to fetch it in
// a separate thread. SessionCacheUtils.getOrRetrieveSessionCapabilities() returns null if it initiated a
// retrieval, or if the OGC Capabilities URL is unavailable.
// Note that we use the URL's String representation as the cache key. We cannot use the URL itself, because
// the cache invokes the methods Object.hashCode() and Object.equals() on the cache key. URL's implementations
// of hashCode() and equals() perform blocking IO calls. World Wind does not perform blocking calls during
// rendering, and this method is likely to be called from the rendering thread.
WMSCapabilities caps;
if (this.isNetworkRetrievalEnabled()) {
String dataCacheRoot = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME);
FileStoreSource fsSrc = new FileStoreSource(dataFileStore, dataCacheRoot + "/capabilities.xml");
caps = SessionCacheUtils.getOrRetrieveSessionCapabilities(url, WorldWind.getSessionCache(),
url.toString(), null, RESOURCE_ID_OGC_CAPABILITIES, fsSrc, null, null);
} else {
caps = SessionCacheUtils.getSessionCapabilities(WorldWind.getSessionCache(), url.toString(), url.toString());
// The OGC Capabilities resource retrieval is either currently running in another thread, or has failed. In
// either case, return null indicating that that the retrieval was not successful, and we should try again
// later.
if (caps == null)
return null;
// We have successfully retrieved this ElevationModel's OGC Capabilities resource. Initialize this ElevationModel
// using the Capabilities document, and return a key indicating the retrieval has succeeded.
this.initFromOGCCapabilitiesResource(caps, params);
* Initializes this ElevationModel's expiry time property from the specified WMS Capabilities document and parameter
* list describing the WMS layer names associated with this ElevationModel. This method is thread safe; it
* synchronizes changes to this ElevationModel by wrapping the appropriate method calls in {@link
* SwingUtilities#invokeLater(Runnable)}.
* @param caps the WMS Capabilities document retrieved from this ElevationModel's WMS server.
* @param params the parameter list describing the WMS layer names associated with this ElevationModel.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the Capabilities or the parameter list is null.
protected void initFromOGCCapabilitiesResource(WMSCapabilities caps, AVList params)
if (caps == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.CapabilitiesIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String[] names = DataConfigurationUtils.getOGCLayerNames(params);
if (names == null || names.length == 0)
final Long expiryTime = caps.getLayerLatestLastUpdateTime(names);
if (expiryTime == null)
// Synchronize changes to this ElevationModel with the Event Dispatch Thread.
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
BasicElevationModel.this.firePropertyChange(AVKey.ELEVATION_MODEL, null, BasicElevationModel.this);
* Returns a boolean value indicating if this ElevationModel should retrieve any non-tile resources, either online
* or in the local filesystem, and initialize itself using those resources.
* @return true
if this ElevationModel should retrieve any non-tile resources, and false
* otherwise.
protected boolean isRetrieveResources()
AVList params = (AVList) this.getValue(AVKey.CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS);
if (params == null)
return false;
Boolean b = (Boolean) params.getValue(AVKey.RETRIEVE_PROPERTIES_FROM_SERVICE);
return b != null && b;
/** Starts retrieving non-tile resources associated with this model in a non-rendering thread. */
protected void startResourceRetrieval()
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
t.setName("Capabilities retrieval for " + this.getName());
//******************** Configuration *************************//
* Creates a configuration document for a BasicElevationModel described by the specified params. The returned
* document may be used as a construction parameter to {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel}.
* @param params parameters describing a BasicElevationModel.
* @return a configuration document for the BasicElevationModel.
public static Document createBasicElevationModelConfigDocument(AVList params)
Document doc = WWXML.createDocumentBuilder(true).newDocument();
Element root = WWXML.setDocumentElement(doc, "ElevationModel");
// Note: no type attribute denotes the default elevation model, which currently is BasicElevationModel.
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(root, "version", 1);
createBasicElevationModelConfigElements(params, root);
return doc;
* Appends BasicElevationModel configuration parameters as elements to the specified context. This appends elements
* for the following parameters: Parameter Element Path Type
* {@link AVKey#SERVICE_NAME} Service/@serviceName String {@link
* AVKey#IMAGE_FORMAT} ImageFormat String {@link
* AVKey#AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS} AvailableImageFormats/ImageFormat String array
* {@link AVKey#DATA_TYPE} DataType/@type String {@link
* AVKey#BYTE_ORDER} ByteOrder DataType/@byteOrder {@link
* AVKey#ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE} ExtremeElevations/FileName String {@link
* AVKey#ELEVATION_MAX} ExtremeElevations/@max Double {@link
* AVKey#ELEVATION_MIN} ExtremeElevations/@min Double
This also writes common
* elevation model and LevelSet configuration parameters by invoking {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.AbstractElevationModel#createElevationModelConfigElements(gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList,
* org.w3c.dom.Element)} and {@link DataConfigurationUtils#createLevelSetConfigElements(gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList,
* org.w3c.dom.Element)}.
* @param params the key-value pairs which define the BasicElevationModel configuration parameters.
* @param context the XML document root on which to append BasicElevationModel configuration elements.
* @return a reference to context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the parameters or the context are null.
public static Element createBasicElevationModelConfigElements(AVList params, Element context)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (context == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Common elevation model properties.
AbstractElevationModel.createElevationModelConfigElements(params, context);
// LevelSet properties.
DataConfigurationUtils.createLevelSetConfigElements(params, context);
// Service properties.
// Try to get the SERVICE_NAME property, but default to "WWTileService".
String s = AVListImpl.getStringValue(params, AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, "WWTileService");
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
// The service element may already exist, in which case we want to append to it.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "Service", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "Service");
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "serviceName", s);
WWXML.checkAndAppendBooleanElement(params, AVKey.RETRIEVE_PROPERTIES_FROM_SERVICE, context,
// Image format properties.
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, context, "ImageFormat");
Object o = params.getValue(AVKey.AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS);
if (o != null && o instanceof String[])
String[] strings = (String[]) o;
if (strings.length > 0)
// The available image formats element may already exists, in which case we want to append to it, rather
// than create entirely separate paths.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "AvailableImageFormats", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "AvailableImageFormats");
WWXML.appendTextArray(el, "ImageFormat", strings);
// Data type properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE) != null || params.getValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER) != null)
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "DataType", null);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "DataType");
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
s = WWXML.dataTypeAsText(s);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "type", s);
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
s = WWXML.byteOrderAsText(s);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "byteOrder", s);
// Elevation data properties.
Element el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "ExtremeElevations");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE, el, "FileName");
Double d = AVListImpl.getDoubleValue(params, AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX);
if (d != null)
WWXML.setDoubleAttribute(el, "max", d);
d = AVListImpl.getDoubleValue(params, AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN);
if (d != null)
WWXML.setDoubleAttribute(el, "min", d);
return context;
* Parses BasicElevationModel parameters from a specified DOM document. This writes output as key-value pairs to
* params. If a parameter from the XML document already exists in params, that parameter is ignored. Supported key
* and parameter names are: Parameter Element Path Type {@link
* AVKey#SERVICE_NAME} Service/@serviceName String {@link
* AVKey#IMAGE_FORMAT} ImageFormat String {@link
* AVKey#AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS} AvailableImageFormats/ImageFormat String array
* {@link AVKey#DATA_TYPE} DataType/@type String {@link
* AVKey#BYTE_ORDER} DataType/@byteOrder String {@link
* AVKey#ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE} ExtremeElevations/FileName String {@link
* AVKey#ELEVATION_MAX} ExtremeElevations/@max Double {@link
* AVKey#ELEVATION_MIN} ExtremeElevations/@min Double
This also parses common
* elevation model and LevelSet configuration parameters by invoking {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.AbstractElevationModel#getElevationModelConfigParams(org.w3c.dom.Element,
* gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList)} and {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.util.DataConfigurationUtils#getLevelSetConfigParams(org.w3c.dom.Element,
* gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList)}.
* @param domElement the XML document root to parse for BasicElevationModel configuration parameters.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which recieve the BasicElevationModel configuration parameters. A
* null reference is permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static AVList getBasicElevationModelConfigParams(Element domElement, AVList params)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Common elevation model properties.
AbstractElevationModel.getElevationModelConfigParams(domElement, params);
// LevelSet properties.
DataConfigurationUtils.getLevelSetConfigParams(domElement, params);
// Service properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, "Service/@serviceName", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetBooleanParam(domElement, params, AVKey.RETRIEVE_PROPERTIES_FROM_SERVICE,
"RetrievePropertiesFromService", xpath);
// Image format properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, "ImageFormat", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetUniqueStringsParam(domElement, params, AVKey.AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS,
"AvailableImageFormats/ImageFormat", xpath);
// Data type properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE) == null)
String s = WWXML.getText(domElement, "DataType/@type", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
s = WWXML.parseDataType(s);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, s);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER) == null)
String s = WWXML.getText(domElement, "DataType/@byteOrder", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
s = WWXML.parseByteOrder(s);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER, s);
// Elevation data properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.ELEVATION_EXTREMES_FILE, "ExtremeElevations/FileName",
WWXML.checkAndSetDoubleParam(domElement, params, AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX, "ExtremeElevations/@max", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetDoubleParam(domElement, params, AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN, "ExtremeElevations/@min", xpath);
return params;
protected void writeConfigurationFile(FileStore fileStore)
// TODO: configurable max attempts for creating a configuration file.
AVList configParams = this.getConfigurationParams(null);
this.writeConfigurationParams(configParams, fileStore);
catch (Exception e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionAttemptingToWriteConfigurationFile");
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, message, e);
protected void writeConfigurationParams(AVList params, FileStore fileStore)
// Determine what the configuration file name should be based on the configuration parameters. Assume an XML
// configuration document type, and append the XML file suffix.
String fileName = DataConfigurationUtils.getDataConfigFilename(params, ".xml");
if (fileName == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FilePathIsNull");
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
// Check if this component needs to write a configuration file. This happens outside of the synchronized block
// to improve multithreaded performance for the common case: the configuration file already exists, this just
// need to check that it's there and return. If the file exists but is expired, do not remove it - this
// removes the file inside the synchronized block below.
if (!this.needsConfigurationFile(fileStore, fileName, params, false))
synchronized (this.fileLock)
// Check again if the component needs to write a configuration file, potentially removing any existing file
// which has expired. This additional check is necessary because the file could have been created by
// another thread while we were waiting for the lock.
if (!this.needsConfigurationFile(fileStore, fileName, params, true))
this.doWriteConfigurationParams(fileStore, fileName, params);
protected void doWriteConfigurationParams(FileStore fileStore, String fileName, AVList params)
{ file = fileStore.newFile(fileName);
if (file == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.CannotCreateFile", fileName);
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
Document doc = this.createConfigurationDocument(params);
WWXML.saveDocumentToFile(doc, file.getPath());
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ConfigurationFileCreated", fileName);
protected boolean needsConfigurationFile(FileStore fileStore, String fileName, AVList params,
boolean removeIfExpired)
long expiryTime = this.getExpiryTime();
if (expiryTime <= 0)
expiryTime = AVListImpl.getLongValue(params, AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME, 0L);
return !DataConfigurationUtils.hasDataConfigFile(fileStore, fileName, removeIfExpired, expiryTime);
protected AVList getConfigurationParams(AVList params)
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
// Gather all the construction parameters if they are available.
AVList constructionParams = (AVList) this.getValue(AVKey.CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS);
if (constructionParams != null)
// Gather any missing LevelSet parameters from the LevelSet itself.
DataConfigurationUtils.getLevelSetConfigParams(this.getLevels(), params);
// Gather any missing parameters about the elevation data. These values must be available for consumers of the
// model configuration to property interpret the cached elevation files. While the elevation model assumes
// default values when these properties are missing, a different system does not know what those default values
// should be, and thus cannot assume anything about the value of these properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.BYTE_ORDER, this.getElevationDataByteOrder());
if (params.getValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, this.getElevationDataType());
if (params.getValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL, this.getMissingDataSignal());
return params;
protected Document createConfigurationDocument(AVList params)
return createBasicElevationModelConfigDocument(params);
//******************** Restorable Support ********************//
public String getRestorableState()
// We only create a restorable state XML if this elevation model was constructed with an AVList.
AVList constructionParams = (AVList) this.getValue(AVKey.CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS);
if (constructionParams == null)
return null;
RestorableSupport rs = RestorableSupport.newRestorableSupport();
// Creating a new RestorableSupport failed. RestorableSupport logged the problem, so just return null.
if (rs == null)
return null;
this.doGetRestorableState(rs, null);
return rs.getStateAsXml();
public void restoreState(String stateInXml)
String message = Logging.getMessage("RestorableSupport.RestoreRequiresConstructor");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message);
protected void doGetRestorableState(RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject context)
AVList constructionParams = (AVList) this.getValue(AVKey.CONSTRUCTION_PARAMETERS);
if (constructionParams != null)
for (Map.Entry avp : constructionParams.getEntries())
this.getRestorableStateForAVPair(avp.getKey(), avp.getValue(), rs, context);
rs.addStateValueAsString(context, "ElevationModel.Name", this.getName());
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "ElevationModel.MissingDataFlag", this.getMissingDataSignal());
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "ElevationModel.MissingDataValue", this.getMissingDataReplacement());
rs.addStateValueAsBoolean(context, "ElevationModel.NetworkRetrievalEnabled", this.isNetworkRetrievalEnabled());
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "ElevationModel.MinElevation", this.getMinElevation());
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "ElevationModel.MaxElevation", this.getMaxElevation());
rs.addStateValueAsString(context, "BasicElevationModel.DataType", this.getElevationDataType());
rs.addStateValueAsString(context, "BasicElevationModel.DataByteOrder", this.getElevationDataByteOrder());
// We'll write the detail hint attribute only when it's a nonzero value.
if (this.detailHint != 0.0)
rs.addStateValueAsDouble(context, "BasicElevationModel.DetailHint", this.detailHint);
RestorableSupport.StateObject so = rs.addStateObject(context, "avlist");
for (Map.Entry avp : this.getEntries())
this.getRestorableStateForAVPair(avp.getKey(), avp.getValue(), rs, so);
public void getRestorableStateForAVPair(String key, Object value,
RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject context)
if (value == null)
if (value instanceof LatLon)
rs.addStateValueAsLatLon(context, key, (LatLon) value);
else if (value instanceof Sector)
rs.addStateValueAsSector(context, key, (Sector) value);
super.getRestorableStateForAVPair(key, value, rs, context);
protected void doRestoreState(RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject context)
String s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, "ElevationModel.Name");
if (s != null)
Double d = rs.getStateValueAsDouble(context, "ElevationModel.MissingDataFlag");
if (d != null)
d = rs.getStateValueAsDouble(context, "ElevationModel.MissingDataValue");
if (d != null)
Boolean b = rs.getStateValueAsBoolean(context, "ElevationModel.NetworkRetrievalEnabled");
if (b != null)
// Look for the elevation data type using the current property name "BasicElevationModel.DataType", or the the
// old property name "BasicElevationModel.DataPixelType" if a property with the current name does not exist.
s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, "BasicElevationModel.DataType");
if (s == null)
s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, "BasicElevationModel.DataPixelType");
if (s != null)
s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, "BasicElevationModel.DataByteOrder");
if (s != null)
d = rs.getStateValueAsDouble(context, "BasicElevationModel.DetailHint");
if (d != null)
// Intentionally omitting "ElevationModel.MinElevation" and "ElevationModel.MaxElevation" because they are final
// properties only configurable at construction.
RestorableSupport.StateObject so = rs.getStateObject(context, "avlist");
if (so != null)
RestorableSupport.StateObject[] avpairs = rs.getAllStateObjects(so, "");
if (avpairs != null)
for (RestorableSupport.StateObject avp : avpairs)
if (avp != null)
this.doRestoreStateForObject(rs, avp);
protected void doRestoreStateForObject(RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject so)
if (so == null)
// Map the old PIXEL_TYPE AVKey constant to the new DATA_TYPE constant.
if ("gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.PixelType".equals(so.getName()))
this.setValue(AVKey.DATA_TYPE, so.getValue());
this.setValue(so.getName(), so.getValue());
protected static AVList restorableStateToParams(String stateInXml)
if (stateInXml == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.StringIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
RestorableSupport rs;
rs = RestorableSupport.parse(stateInXml);
catch (Exception e)
// Parsing the document specified by stateInXml failed.
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionAttemptingToParseStateXml", stateInXml);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message, e);
AVList params = new AVListImpl();
restoreStateForParams(rs, null, params);
return params;
protected static void restoreStateForParams(RestorableSupport rs, RestorableSupport.StateObject context,
AVList params)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME);
if (s != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, s);
s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, AVKey.SERVICE);
if (s != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, s);
s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, AVKey.DATASET_NAME);
if (s != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, s);
s = rs.getStateValueAsString(context, AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX);
if (s != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX, s);
Integer i = rs.getStateValueAsInteger(context, AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS);
if (i != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS, i);
i = rs.getStateValueAsInteger(context, AVKey.NUM_LEVELS);
if (i != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, i);
i = rs.getStateValueAsInteger(context, AVKey.TILE_WIDTH);
if (i != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH, i);
i = rs.getStateValueAsInteger(context, AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT);
if (i != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT, i);
Long lo = rs.getStateValueAsLong(context, AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME);
if (lo != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME, lo);
LatLon ll = rs.getStateValueAsLatLon(context, AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA);
if (ll != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA, ll);
ll = rs.getStateValueAsLatLon(context, AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN);
if (ll != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN, ll);
Sector sector = rs.getStateValueAsSector(context, AVKey.SECTOR);
if (sector != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, sector);
Double d = rs.getStateValueAsDouble("ElevationModel.MinElevation");
if (d != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN, d);
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(", ");
d = rs.getStateValueAsDouble("ElevationModel.MaxElevation");
if (d != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX, d);
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(", ");
if (sb.length() > 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("BasicElevationModel.InvalidDescriptorFields", sb.toString());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
public double getLocalDataAvailability(Sector requestedSector, Double targetResolution)
if (requestedSector == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
// Compute intersection of the requested sector and the sector covered by the elevation model.
LevelSet levelSet = this.getLevels();
Sector sector = requestedSector.intersection(levelSet.getSector());
// If there is no intersection there is no data to retrieve
if (sector == null)
return 1d;
Level targetLevel = targetResolution != null
? this.getTargetLevel(sector, targetResolution) : levelSet.getLastLevel();
// Count all the tiles intersecting the input sector.
long numLocalTiles = 0;
long numMissingTiles = 0;
LatLon delta = targetLevel.getTileDelta();
LatLon origin = levelSet.getTileOrigin();
final int nwRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int nwCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
final int seRow = Tile.computeRow(delta.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude(), origin.getLatitude());
final int seCol = Tile.computeColumn(delta.getLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude(), origin.getLongitude());
for (int row = nwRow; row >= seRow; row--)
for (int col = nwCol; col <= seCol; col++)
TileKey key = new TileKey(targetLevel.getLevelNumber(), row, col, targetLevel.getCacheName());
Sector tileSector = levelSet.computeSectorForKey(key);
Tile tile = new Tile(tileSector, targetLevel, row, col);
if (!this.isTileLocalOrAbsent(tile))
return numLocalTiles > 0 ? numLocalTiles / (double) (numLocalTiles + numMissingTiles) : 0d;
protected boolean isTileLocalOrAbsent(Tile tile)
if (this.getLevels().isResourceAbsent(tile))
return true; // tile is absent
URL url = this.getDataFileStore().findFile(tile.getPath(), false);
return url != null && !this.isFileExpired(tile, url, this.getDataFileStore());
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