gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain;
import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.pick.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import com.jogamp.opengl.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
* @author tag
* @version $Id: 2922 2015-03-24 23:56:58Z tgaskins $
public class RectangularTessellator extends WWObjectImpl implements Tessellator
protected static class RenderInfo
protected final int density;
protected final Vec4 referenceCenter;
protected final FloatBuffer vertices;
protected final FloatBuffer texCoords;
protected final IntBuffer indices;
protected long time;
protected Object vboCacheKey = new Object();
protected boolean isVboBound = false;
protected RenderInfo(DrawContext dc, int density, FloatBuffer vertices, Vec4 refCenter)
//Fill in the buffers and buffer IDs and store them in hash maps by density
//Fill in the member variables from the parameters
this.density = density;
this.referenceCenter = refCenter;
this.vertices = vertices;
//Fill in the remaining variables from the stored buffers and buffer IDs for easier access
this.indices = indexLists.get(this.density);
this.texCoords = textureCoords.get(this.density);
this.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (dc.getGLRuntimeCapabilities().isUseVertexBufferObject())
public int getDensity()
return this.density;
public Vec4 getReferenceCenter()
return this.referenceCenter;
public FloatBuffer getVertices()
return this.vertices;
public FloatBuffer getTexCoords()
return this.texCoords;
public IntBuffer getIndices()
return this.indices;
public long getTime()
return this.time;
public Object getVboCacheKey()
return this.vboCacheKey;
public boolean isVboBound()
return this.isVboBound;
* Resets this instance's update time to now and refills its VBO if VBOs should be used.
* @param dc the current draw context.
protected void update(DrawContext dc)
this.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (dc.getGLRuntimeCapabilities().isUseVertexBufferObject())
protected long getSizeInBytes()
// Texture coordinates are shared among all tiles of the same density, so do not count towards size.
// 8 references, floats in buffer.
return 8 * 4 + (this.vertices.limit()) * Float.SIZE / 8;
protected void fillVerticesVBO(DrawContext dc)
GL gl = dc.getGL();
int[] vboIds = (int[]) dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(this.vboCacheKey);
if (vboIds == null)
vboIds = new int[1];
gl.glGenBuffers(vboIds.length, vboIds, 0);
int size = this.vertices.limit() * 4;
dc.getGpuResourceCache().put(this.vboCacheKey, vboIds, GpuResourceCache.VBO_BUFFERS, size);
FloatBuffer vb = this.vertices;
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboIds[0]);
gl.glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vb.limit() * 4, vb.rewind(), GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
protected static class RectTile implements SectorGeometry
protected final RectangularTessellator tessellator; // not needed if not a static class
protected final int level;
protected final Sector sector;
protected final int density;
protected final double cellSize;
protected Extent extent; // extent of sector in object coordinates
protected RenderInfo ri;
protected int minColorCode = 0;
protected int maxColorCode = 0;
public RectTile(RectangularTessellator tessellator, Extent extent, int level, int density, Sector sector)
this.tessellator = tessellator;
this.level = level;
this.density = density;
this.sector = sector;
this.extent = extent;
this.cellSize = sector.getDeltaLatRadians() / density;
public Sector getSector()
return this.sector;
public Extent getExtent()
return this.extent;
public RectangularTessellator getTessellator()
return tessellator;
public int getLevel()
return level;
public int getDensity()
return density;
public double getCellSize()
return cellSize;
public RenderInfo getRi()
return ri;
public int getMinColorCode()
return minColorCode;
public int getMaxColorCode()
return maxColorCode;
public void beginRendering(DrawContext dc, int numTextureUnits)
dc.getView().setReferenceCenter(dc, ri.referenceCenter);
if (dc.getGLRuntimeCapabilities().isUseVertexBufferObject())
if (this.tessellator.bindVbos(dc, this, numTextureUnits))
this.ri.isVboBound = true;
public void endRendering(DrawContext dc)
if (this.ri.isVboBound)
dc.getGL().glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
dc.getGL().glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
this.ri.isVboBound = false;
public void renderMultiTexture(DrawContext dc, int numTextureUnits)
this.tessellator.renderMultiTexture(dc, this, numTextureUnits);
public void renderMultiTexture(DrawContext dc, int numTextureUnits, boolean beginRenderingCalled)
if (beginRenderingCalled)
this.tessellator.renderMultiTexture(dc, this, numTextureUnits);
this.beginRendering(dc, numTextureUnits);
this.tessellator.renderMultiTexture(dc, this, numTextureUnits);
public void render(DrawContext dc)
this.beginRendering(dc, 1);
this.tessellator.render(dc, this);
public void render(DrawContext dc, boolean beginRenderingCalled)
if (beginRenderingCalled)
this.tessellator.render(dc, this);
this.beginRendering(dc, 1);
this.tessellator.render(dc, this);
public void renderWireframe(DrawContext dc, boolean showTriangles, boolean showTileBoundary)
this.tessellator.renderWireframe(dc, this, showTriangles, showTileBoundary);
public void renderBoundingVolume(DrawContext dc)
this.tessellator.renderBoundingVolume(dc, this);
public void renderTileID(DrawContext dc)
this.tessellator.renderTileID(dc, this);
public PickedObject[] pick(DrawContext dc, List extends Point> pickPoints)
return this.tessellator.pick(dc, this, pickPoints);
public void pick(DrawContext dc, Point pickPoint)
this.tessellator.pick(dc, this, pickPoint);
public Vec4 getSurfacePoint(Angle latitude, Angle longitude, double metersOffset)
return this.tessellator.getSurfacePoint(this, latitude, longitude, metersOffset);
public double getResolution()
return this.sector.getDeltaLatRadians() / this.density;
public Intersection[] intersect(Line line)
return this.tessellator.intersect(this, line);
public Intersection[] intersect(double elevation)
return this.tessellator.intersect(this, elevation);
public DoubleBuffer makeTextureCoordinates(GeographicTextureCoordinateComputer computer)
return this.tessellator.makeGeographicTexCoords(this, computer);
protected static class CacheKey
protected final Sector sector;
protected final int density;
protected final Object globeStateKey;
public CacheKey(DrawContext dc, Sector sector, int density)
this.sector = sector;
this.density = density;
this.globeStateKey = dc.getGlobe().getStateKey(dc);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
CacheKey cacheKey = (CacheKey) o; // Note: no check of class type equivalence, for performance
if (density != cacheKey.density)
return false;
if (globeStateKey != null ? !globeStateKey.equals(cacheKey.globeStateKey) : cacheKey.globeStateKey != null)
return false;
//noinspection RedundantIfStatement
if (sector != null ? !sector.equals(cacheKey.sector) : cacheKey.sector != null)
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode()
int result;
result = (sector != null ? sector.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + density;
result = 31 * result + (globeStateKey != null ? globeStateKey.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
protected static class TopLevelTiles
protected ArrayList topLevels;
public TopLevelTiles(ArrayList topLevels)
this.topLevels = topLevels;
// TODO: Make all this configurable
protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL = 30;
protected static final double DEFAULT_LOG10_RESOLUTION_TARGET = 1.3;
protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_LAT_SUBDIVISIONS = 3;
protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_LON_SUBDIVISIONS = 6;
protected static final int DEFAULT_DENSITY = 20;
protected static final String CACHE_NAME = "Terrain";
protected static final String CACHE_ID = RectangularTessellator.class.getName();
// Tri-strip indices and texture coordinates. These depend only on density and can therefore be statically cached.
protected static final HashMap textureCoords = new HashMap();
protected static final HashMap indexLists = new HashMap();
protected static final HashMap oddRowColorList = new HashMap();
protected static final HashMap evenRowColorList = new HashMap();
protected static final HashMap textureCoordVboCacheKeys = new HashMap();
protected static final HashMap indexListsVboCacheKeys = new HashMap();
protected int numLevel0LatSubdivisions = DEFAULT_NUM_LAT_SUBDIVISIONS;
protected int numLevel0LonSubdivisions = DEFAULT_NUM_LON_SUBDIVISIONS;
protected SessionCache topLevelTilesCache = new BasicSessionCache(3);
protected PickSupport pickSupport = new PickSupport();
protected SectorGeometryList currentTiles = new SectorGeometryList();
protected Frustum currentFrustum;
protected Sector currentCoverage; // union of all tiles selected during call to render()
protected boolean makeTileSkirts = true;
protected int currentLevel;
protected int maxLevel = DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL;
protected Globe globe;
protected int density = DEFAULT_DENSITY;
protected long updateFrequency = 2000; // milliseconds
public SectorGeometryList tessellate(DrawContext dc)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (dc.getView() == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ViewIsNull");
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
if (!WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().containsCache(CACHE_ID))
long size = Configuration.getLongValue(AVKey.SECTOR_GEOMETRY_CACHE_SIZE, 10000000L);
MemoryCache cache = new BasicMemoryCache((long) (0.85 * size), size);
WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().addCache(CACHE_ID, cache);
this.maxLevel = Configuration.getIntegerValue(AVKey.RECTANGULAR_TESSELLATOR_MAX_LEVEL, DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL);
TopLevelTiles topLevels = (TopLevelTiles) this.topLevelTilesCache.get(dc.getGlobe().getStateKey(dc));
if (topLevels == null)
topLevels = new TopLevelTiles(this.createTopLevelTiles(dc));
this.topLevelTilesCache.put(dc.getGlobe().getStateKey(dc), topLevels);
this.currentLevel = 0;
this.currentCoverage = null;
this.currentFrustum = dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates();
for (RectTile tile : topLevels.topLevels)
this.selectVisibleTiles(dc, tile);
for (SectorGeometry tile : this.currentTiles)
this.makeVerts(dc, (RectTile) tile);
// Make a copy of the SGL because the tessellator may be called multiple times per frame with a different globe.
// See SceneController2D.
SectorGeometryList sgl = new SectorGeometryList(this.currentTiles);
return sgl;
protected ArrayList createTopLevelTiles(DrawContext dc)
ArrayList tops =
new ArrayList(this.numLevel0LatSubdivisions * this.numLevel0LonSubdivisions);
this.globe = dc.getGlobe();
double deltaLat = 180d / this.numLevel0LatSubdivisions;
double deltaLon = 360d / this.numLevel0LonSubdivisions;
Angle lastLat = Angle.NEG90;
for (int row = 0; row < this.numLevel0LatSubdivisions; row++)
Angle lat = lastLat.addDegrees(deltaLat);
if (lat.getDegrees() + 1d > 90d)
lat = Angle.POS90;
Angle lastLon = Angle.NEG180;
for (int col = 0; col < this.numLevel0LonSubdivisions; col++)
Angle lon = lastLon.addDegrees(deltaLon);
if (lon.getDegrees() + 1d > 180d)
lon = Angle.POS180;
Sector tileSector = new Sector(lastLat, lat, lastLon, lon);
boolean skipTile = dc.is2DGlobe() && this.skipTile(dc, tileSector);
if (!skipTile)
tops.add(this.createTile(dc, tileSector, 0));
lastLon = lon;
lastLat = lat;
return tops;
* Determines whether a tile is within a 2D globe's projection limits.
* @param dc the current draw context. The globe contained in the context must be a {@link
* gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe2D}.
* @param sector the tile's sector.
* @return true
if the tile should be skipped -- it's outside the globe's projection limits --
* otherwise false
protected boolean skipTile(DrawContext dc, Sector sector)
Sector limits = ((Globe2D) dc.getGlobe()).getProjection().getProjectionLimits();
if (limits == null || limits.equals(Sector.FULL_SPHERE))
return false;
return !sector.intersectsInterior(limits);
protected RectTile createTile(DrawContext dc, Sector tileSector, int level)
Extent extent = Sector.computeBoundingBox(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration(), tileSector);
return new RectTile(this, extent, level, this.density, tileSector);
public boolean isMakeTileSkirts()
return makeTileSkirts;
public void setMakeTileSkirts(boolean makeTileSkirts)
this.makeTileSkirts = makeTileSkirts;
public long getUpdateFrequency()
return this.updateFrequency;
public void setUpdateFrequency(long updateFrequency)
this.updateFrequency = updateFrequency;
protected void selectVisibleTiles(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
if (dc.is2DGlobe() && this.skipTile(dc, tile.getSector()))
Extent extent = tile.getExtent();
if (extent != null && !extent.intersects(this.currentFrustum))
if (this.currentLevel < this.maxLevel - 1 && !this.atBestResolution(dc, tile) && this.needToSplit(dc, tile))
RectTile[] subtiles = this.split(dc, tile);
for (RectTile child : subtiles)
this.selectVisibleTiles(dc, child);
this.currentCoverage = tile.getSector().union(this.currentCoverage);
protected boolean atBestResolution(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
double bestResolution = dc.getGlobe().getElevationModel().getBestResolution(tile.getSector());
return tile.getCellSize() <= bestResolution;
protected boolean needToSplit(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
// Compute the height in meters of a cell from the specified tile. Take care to convert from the radians to
// meters by multiplying by the globe's radius, not the length of a Cartesian point. Using the length of a
// Cartesian point is incorrect when the globe is flat.
double cellSizeRadians = tile.getCellSize();
double cellSizeMeters = dc.getGlobe().getRadius() * cellSizeRadians;
// Compute the level of detail scale and the field of view scale. These scales are multiplied by the eye
// distance to derive a scaled distance that is then compared to the cell size. The level of detail scale is
// specified as a power of 10. For example, a detail factor of 3 means split when the cell size becomes more
// than one thousandth of the eye distance. The field of view scale is specified as a ratio between the current
// field of view and a the default field of view. In a perspective projection, decreasing the field of view by
// 50% has the same effect on object size as decreasing the distance between the eye and the object by 50%.
// The detail hint is reduced by 50% for tiles above 75 degrees north and below 75 degrees south.
double s = this.computeTileResolutionTarget(dc, tile);
if (tile.getSector().getMinLatitude().degrees >= 75 || tile.getSector().getMaxLatitude().degrees <= -75)
s *= 0.5;
double detailScale = Math.pow(10, -s);
double fieldOfViewScale = dc.getView().getFieldOfView().tanHalfAngle() / Angle.fromDegrees(45).tanHalfAngle();
fieldOfViewScale = WWMath.clamp(fieldOfViewScale, 0, 1);
// Compute the distance between the eye point and the sector in meters, and compute a fraction of that distance
// by multiplying the actual distance by the level of detail scale and the field of view scale.
double eyeDistanceMeters = tile.getSector().distanceTo(dc, dc.getView().getEyePoint());
double scaledEyeDistanceMeters = eyeDistanceMeters * detailScale * fieldOfViewScale;
// Split when the cell size in meters becomes greater than the specified fraction of the eye distance, also in
// meters. Another way to say it is, use the current tile if its cell size is less than the specified fraction
// of the eye distance.
// NOTE: It's tempting to instead compare a screen pixel size to the cell size, but that calculation is
// window-size dependent and results in selecting an excessive number of tiles when the window is large.
return cellSizeMeters > scaledEyeDistanceMeters;
protected double computeTileResolutionTarget(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
// Compute the log10 detail target for the specified tile. Apply the elevation model's detail hint to the
// default detail target.
return DEFAULT_LOG10_RESOLUTION_TARGET + dc.getGlobe().getElevationModel().getDetailHint(tile.sector);
protected RectTile[] split(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
Sector[] sectors = tile.sector.subdivide();
RectTile[] subTiles = new RectTile[4];
subTiles[0] = this.createTile(dc, sectors[0], tile.level + 1);
subTiles[1] = this.createTile(dc, sectors[1], tile.level + 1);
subTiles[2] = this.createTile(dc, sectors[2], tile.level + 1);
subTiles[3] = this.createTile(dc, sectors[3], tile.level + 1);
return subTiles;
protected RectangularTessellator.CacheKey createCacheKey(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
return new CacheKey(dc, tile.sector, tile.density);
protected void makeVerts(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
// First see if the vertices have been previously computed and are in the cache. Since the elevation model
// contents can change between frames, regenerate and re-cache vertices every second.
MemoryCache cache = WorldWind.getMemoryCache(CACHE_ID);
CacheKey cacheKey = this.createCacheKey(dc, tile);
tile.ri = (RenderInfo) cache.getObject(cacheKey);
if (tile.ri != null && tile.ri.time >= System.currentTimeMillis() - this.getUpdateFrequency())
if (this.buildVerts(dc, tile, this.makeTileSkirts))
cache.add(cacheKey, tile.ri, tile.ri.getSizeInBytes());
public boolean buildVerts(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, boolean makeSkirts)
int density = tile.density;
int numVertices = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
FloatBuffer verts;
//Re-use the RenderInfo vertices buffer. If it has not been set or the density has changed, create a new buffer
if (tile.ri == null || tile.ri.vertices == null || density != tile.ri.density)
verts = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(numVertices * 3);
verts = tile.ri.vertices;
ArrayList latlons = this.computeLocations(tile);
double[] elevations = new double[latlons.size()];
dc.getGlobe().getElevations(tile.sector, latlons, tile.getResolution(), elevations);
double verticalExaggeration = dc.getVerticalExaggeration();
// When making skirts, apply vertical exaggeration to the skirt depth only if the exaggeration is 0 or less. If
// applied to positive exaggerations, the skirt base might rise above the terrain at positive elevations if the
// minimum globe elevation is not uniform over the globe. For example, a globe may hold only a local elevation
// model that does not span the globe, making elevations outside the local elevation model 0. If the minimum
// elevation of the local elevation model is above zero, and the globe reports that minimum as the globe's
// minimum, then exaggeration will push the skirt bases above 0. That the globe reports a minimum elevation that
// is not its true minimum is a bug, and this constraint on applying exaggeration to the minimum here is a
// workaround for that bug. See WWJINT-435.
Double exaggeratedMinElevation = makeSkirts ? globe.getMinElevation() : null;
if (exaggeratedMinElevation != null && (exaggeratedMinElevation < 0 || verticalExaggeration <= 0))
exaggeratedMinElevation *= verticalExaggeration;
LatLon centroid = tile.sector.getCentroid();
Vec4 refCenter = globe.computePointFromPosition(centroid.getLatitude(), centroid.getLongitude(), 0d);
int ie = 0;
int iv = 0;
Iterator latLonIter = latlons.iterator();
for (int j = 0; j <= density + 2; j++)
for (int i = 0; i <= density + 2; i++)
LatLon latlon =;
double elevation = verticalExaggeration * elevations[ie++];
// Tile edges use min elevation to draw the skirts
if (exaggeratedMinElevation != null &&
(j == 0 || j >= tile.density + 2 || i == 0 || i >= tile.density + 2))
elevation = exaggeratedMinElevation;
Vec4 p = globe.computePointFromPosition(latlon.getLatitude(), latlon.getLongitude(), elevation);
verts.put(iv++, (float) (p.x - refCenter.x));
verts.put(iv++, (float) (p.y - refCenter.y));
verts.put(iv++, (float) (p.z - refCenter.z));
if (tile.ri != null)
return false;
tile.ri = new RenderInfo(dc, density, verts, refCenter);
return true;
protected ArrayList computeLocations(RectTile tile)
int density = tile.density;
int numVertices = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
Angle latMax = tile.sector.getMaxLatitude();
Angle dLat = tile.sector.getDeltaLat().divide(density);
Angle lat = tile.sector.getMinLatitude();
Angle lonMin = tile.sector.getMinLongitude();
Angle lonMax = tile.sector.getMaxLongitude();
Angle dLon = tile.sector.getDeltaLon().divide(density);
ArrayList latlons = new ArrayList(numVertices);
for (int j = 0; j <= density + 2; j++)
Angle lon = lonMin;
for (int i = 0; i <= density + 2; i++)
latlons.add(new LatLon(lat, lon));
if (i > density)
lon = lonMax;
else if (i != 0)
lon = lon.add(dLon);
if (lon.degrees < -180)
lon = Angle.NEG180;
else if (lon.degrees > 180)
lon = Angle.POS180;
if (j > density)
lat = latMax;
else if (j != 0)
lat = lat.add(dLat);
return latlons;
protected void renderMultiTexture(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, int numTextureUnits)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (numTextureUnits < 1)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.NumTextureUnitsLessThanOne");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
this.render(dc, tile, numTextureUnits);
protected void render(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
this.render(dc, tile, 1);
public void beginRendering(DrawContext dc)
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
// Tiles don't push their reference center, they set it, so push the reference center once here so it can be
// restored later, in endRendering.
dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, Vec4.ZERO);
public void endRendering(DrawContext dc)
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
protected long render(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, int numTextureUnits)
if (tile.ri == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.RenderInfoIsNull");
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
if (dc.getGLRuntimeCapabilities().isUseVertexBufferObject())
if (!this.renderVBO(dc, tile, numTextureUnits))
// Fall back to VA rendering. This is an error condition at this point because something went wrong with
// VBO fill or binding. But we can still probably draw the tile using vertex arrays.
dc.getGL().glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
dc.getGL().glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
this.renderVA(dc, tile, numTextureUnits);
this.renderVA(dc, tile, numTextureUnits);
return tile.ri.indices.limit() - 2; // return number of triangles rendered
protected void renderVA(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, int numTextureUnits)
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, tile.ri.vertices.rewind());
for (int i = 0; i < numTextureUnits; i++)
gl.glClientActiveTexture(GL2.GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
Object texCoords = dc.getValue(AVKey.TEXTURE_COORDINATES);
if (texCoords != null && texCoords instanceof DoubleBuffer)
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, ((DoubleBuffer) texCoords).rewind());
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, tile.ri.texCoords.rewind());
gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, tile.ri.indices.limit(), GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tile.ri.indices.rewind());
protected boolean renderVBO(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, int numTextureUnits)
if (tile.ri.isVboBound || this.bindVbos(dc, tile, numTextureUnits))
// Render the tile
dc.getGL().glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, tile.ri.indices.limit(), GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);
return true;
return false;
protected boolean bindVbos(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, int numTextureUnits)
int[] verticesVboId = (int[]) dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(tile.ri.vboCacheKey);
if (verticesVboId == null)
verticesVboId = (int[]) dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(tile.ri.vboCacheKey);
if (verticesVboId == null)
return false;
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
// Bind vertices
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, verticesVboId[0]);
gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
// Bind texture coordinates
if (numTextureUnits > 0)
Object texCoordsVboCacheKey = textureCoordVboCacheKeys.get(tile.density);
int[] texCoordsVboId = (int[])
(texCoordsVboCacheKey != null ? dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(texCoordsVboCacheKey) : null);
if (texCoordsVboId == null)
texCoordsVboId = this.fillTextureCoordsVbo(dc, tile.density, tile.ri.texCoords);
for (int i = 0; i < numTextureUnits; i++)
gl.glClientActiveTexture(GL2.GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texCoordsVboId[0]);
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
// Bind index list
Object indexListVboCacheKey = indexListsVboCacheKeys.get(tile.density);
int[] indexListVboId = (int[])
(indexListVboCacheKey != null ? dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(indexListVboCacheKey) : null);
if (indexListVboId == null)
indexListVboId = this.fillIndexListVbo(dc, tile.density, tile.ri.indices);
if (indexListVboId != null)
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexListVboId[0]);
return indexListVboId != null;
protected int[] fillIndexListVbo(DrawContext dc, int density, IntBuffer indices)
GL gl = dc.getGL();
Object indexListVboCacheKey = indexListsVboCacheKeys.get(density);
int[] indexListVboId = (int[])
(indexListVboCacheKey != null ? dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(indexListVboCacheKey) : null);
if (indexListVboId == null)
indexListVboId = new int[1];
gl.glGenBuffers(indexListVboId.length, indexListVboId, 0);
if (indexListVboCacheKey == null)
indexListVboCacheKey = new Object();
indexListsVboCacheKeys.put(density, indexListVboCacheKey);
int size = indices.limit() * 4;
dc.getGpuResourceCache().put(indexListVboCacheKey, indexListVboId, GpuResourceCache.VBO_BUFFERS, size);
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexListVboId[0]);
gl.glBufferData(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.limit() * 4, indices.rewind(), GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
return indexListVboId;
protected int[] fillTextureCoordsVbo(DrawContext dc, int density, FloatBuffer texCoords)
GL gl = dc.getGL();
Object texCoordVboCacheKey = textureCoordVboCacheKeys.get(density);
int[] texCoordVboId = (int[])
(texCoordVboCacheKey != null ? dc.getGpuResourceCache().get(texCoordVboCacheKey) : null);
if (texCoordVboId == null)
texCoordVboId = new int[1];
gl.glGenBuffers(texCoordVboId.length, texCoordVboId, 0);
if (texCoordVboCacheKey == null)
texCoordVboCacheKey = new Object();
textureCoordVboCacheKeys.put(density, texCoordVboCacheKey);
int size = texCoords.limit() * 4;
dc.getGpuResourceCache().put(texCoordVboCacheKey, texCoordVboId, GpuResourceCache.VBO_BUFFERS, size);
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texCoordVboId[0]);
gl.glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texCoords.limit() * 4, texCoords.rewind(), GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
return texCoordVboId;
protected void renderWireframe(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, boolean showTriangles, boolean showTileBoundary)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (tile.ri == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.RenderInfoIsNull");
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, tile.ri.referenceCenter);
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE);
gl.glColor4d(1d, 1d, 1d, 0.2);
gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT, GL2.GL_LINE);
if (showTriangles)
OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler();
ogsh.pushClientAttrib(gl, GL2.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT);
gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, tile.ri.vertices.rewind());
gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, tile.ri.indices.limit(),
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tile.ri.indices.rewind());
if (showTileBoundary)
this.renderPatchBoundary(dc, tile);
protected void renderPatchBoundary(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler();
// Don't perform depth clipping but turn on backface culling
gl.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT, GL2.GL_LINE);
Vec4[] corners = tile.sector.computeCornerPoints(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration());
gl.glColor4d(1d, 0, 0, 1d);
gl.glVertex3d(corners[0].x, corners[0].y, corners[0].z);
gl.glVertex3d(corners[1].x, corners[1].y, corners[1].z);
gl.glVertex3d(corners[2].x, corners[2].y, corners[2].z);
gl.glVertex3d(corners[3].x, corners[3].y, corners[3].z);
protected void renderBoundingVolume(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
Extent extent = tile.getExtent();
if (extent == null)
if (extent instanceof Renderable)
((Renderable) extent).render(dc);
protected void renderTileID(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
java.awt.Rectangle viewport = dc.getView().getViewport();
TextRenderer textRenderer = OGLTextRenderer.getOrCreateTextRenderer(dc.getTextRendererCache(),
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler();
ogsh.pushAttrib(gl, GL2.GL_ENABLE_BIT);
textRenderer.beginRendering(viewport.width, viewport.height);
String tileLabel = Integer.toString(tile.level);
double[] elevs = this.globe.getMinAndMaxElevations(tile.getSector());
if (elevs != null)
tileLabel += ", " + (int) elevs[0] + "/" + (int) elevs[1];
LatLon ll = tile.getSector().getCentroid();
Vec4 pt = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude(),
dc.getGlobe().getElevation(ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()));
pt = dc.getView().project(pt);
textRenderer.draw(tileLabel, (int) pt.x, (int) pt.y);
protected PickedObject[] pick(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, List extends Point> pickPoints)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (pickPoints == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PickPointList");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (pickPoints.size() == 0)
return null;
if (tile.ri == null || tile.ri.vertices == null)
return null;
PickedObject[] pos = new PickedObject[pickPoints.size()];
this.renderTrianglesWithUniqueColors(dc, tile);
for (int i = 0; i < pickPoints.size(); i++)
pos[i] = this.resolvePick(dc, tile, pickPoints.get(i));
return pos;
protected void pick(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, Point pickPoint)
if (dc == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (tile.ri == null || tile.ri.vertices == null)
renderTrianglesWithUniqueColors(dc, tile);
PickedObject po = this.resolvePick(dc, tile, pickPoint);
if (po != null)
* Render each triangle of a tile in a unique color. Used during picking to identify triangles at the pick points.
* Note: This method modifies the GL_VERTEX_ARRAY and GL_COLOR_ARRAY state and does not restore it. Callers should
* ensure that GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT has been pushed, and eventually pop it when done using this method.
* @param dc the current draw context.
* @param tile the tile to render.
protected void renderTrianglesWithUniqueColors(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
//Fill the color buffers each frame with unique colors
int sideSize = density + 2;
int trianglesPerRow = sideSize * 2 + 4;
int indexCount = 2 * sideSize * sideSize + 4 * sideSize - 2;
int trianglesNum = indexCount - 2;
int numVertices = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
int verticesSize = numVertices * 3;
ByteBuffer colorsOdd;
ByteBuffer colorsEven;
//Reuse the old color buffers if possible
if (oddRowColorList.containsKey(density) && evenRowColorList.containsKey(density))
colorsOdd = oddRowColorList.get(density);
colorsEven = evenRowColorList.get(density);
//Otherwise create new buffers
colorsOdd = Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(verticesSize);
colorsEven = Buffers.newDirectByteBuffer(verticesSize);
oddRowColorList.put(density, colorsOdd);
evenRowColorList.put(density, colorsEven);
tile.minColorCode = dc.getUniquePickColor().getRGB();
int prevPos = -1;
int pos;
for (int i = 0; i < trianglesNum; i++)
java.awt.Color color = dc.getUniquePickColor();
//NOTE: Get the indices for the last point for the triangle (i+2).
// The color of this point is used to fill the entire triangle with flat shading.
pos = 3 * tile.ri.indices.get(i + 2);
//Since we are using a single triangle strip for all rows, we need to store the colors in alternate rows.
// (The same vertices are used in both directions, however, we need different colors for those vertices)
if (pos > prevPos)
colorsOdd.put((byte) color.getRed()).put((byte) color.getGreen()).put((byte) color.getBlue());
else if (pos < prevPos)
colorsEven.put((byte) color.getRed()).put((byte) color.getGreen()).put((byte) color.getBlue());
prevPos = pos;
tile.maxColorCode = dc.getUniquePickColor().getRGB();
GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
if (null != tile.ri.referenceCenter)
dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, tile.ri.referenceCenter);
// If using VBOs, bind the vertices VBO and the indices VBO but not the tex coords VBOs.
if (dc.getGLRuntimeCapabilities().isUseVertexBufferObject() && this.bindVbos(dc, tile, 0))
// VBOs are not used for the colors since they change every frame.
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
//Draw the odd rows
gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorsOdd.rewind());
for (int i = 0; i < sideSize; i += 2)
gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, trianglesPerRow,
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, trianglesPerRow * i * 4);
//Draw the even rows
gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorsEven.rewind());
for (int i = 1; i < sideSize - 1; i += 2)
gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, trianglesPerRow,
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, trianglesPerRow * i * 4);
gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, tile.ri.vertices.rewind());
//Draw the odd rows
gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorsOdd.rewind());
for (int i = 0; i < sideSize; i += 2)
gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, trianglesPerRow,
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tile.ri.indices.position(trianglesPerRow * i));
//Draw the even rows
gl.glColorPointer(3, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorsEven.rewind());
for (int i = 1; i < sideSize - 1; i += 2)
gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, trianglesPerRow,
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tile.ri.indices.position(trianglesPerRow * i));
if (null != tile.ri.referenceCenter)
protected PickedObject resolvePick(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile, Point pickPoint)
int colorCode = this.pickSupport.getTopColor(dc, pickPoint);
if (colorCode < tile.minColorCode || colorCode > tile.maxColorCode)
return null;
double EPSILON = (double) 0.00001f;
int triangleIndex = colorCode - tile.minColorCode - 1;
if (tile.ri.indices == null || triangleIndex >= (tile.ri.indices.capacity() - 2))
return null;
double centerX = tile.ri.referenceCenter.x;
double centerY = tile.ri.referenceCenter.y;
double centerZ = tile.ri.referenceCenter.z;
int[] indices = new int[3];
float[] coords = new float[3];
tile.ri.vertices.position(3 * indices[0]);
Vec4 v0 = new Vec4(coords[0] + centerX, coords[1] + centerY, coords[2] + centerZ);
tile.ri.vertices.position(3 * indices[1]);
Vec4 v1 = new Vec4(coords[0] + centerX, coords[1] + centerY, coords[2] + centerZ);
tile.ri.vertices.position(3 * indices[2]);
Vec4 v2 = new Vec4(coords[0] + centerX, coords[1] + centerY, coords[2] + centerZ);
// get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
Vec4 e1 = v1.subtract3(v0);
Vec4 e2 = v2.subtract3(v0);
Vec4 N = e1.cross3(e2); // if N is 0, the triangle is degenerate, we are not dealing with it
Line ray = dc.getView().computeRayFromScreenPoint(pickPoint.getX(), pickPoint.getY());
Vec4 w0 = ray.getOrigin().subtract3(v0);
double a = -N.dot3(w0);
double b = N.dot3(ray.getDirection());
if (java.lang.Math.abs(b) < EPSILON) // ray is parallel to triangle plane
return null; // if a == 0 , ray lies in triangle plane
double r = a / b;
Vec4 intersect = ray.getOrigin().add3(ray.getDirection().multiply3(r));
Position pp = dc.getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(intersect);
// Draw the elevation from the elevation model, not the geode.
double elev = dc.getGlobe().getElevation(pp.getLatitude(), pp.getLongitude());
elev *= dc.getVerticalExaggeration();
Position p = new Position(pp.getLatitude(), pp.getLongitude(), elev);
return new PickedObject(pickPoint, colorCode, p, pp.getLatitude(), pp.getLongitude(), elev, true);
* Determines if and where a ray intersects a RectTile
* @param tile the RectTile
which geometry is to be tested for intersection.
* @param line the ray for which an intersection is to be found.
* @return an array of Intersection
sorted by increasing distance from the line origin, or null if no
* intersection was found.
protected Intersection[] intersect(RectTile tile, Line line)
if (line == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LineIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (tile.ri.vertices == null)
return null;
// Compute 'vertical' plane perpendicular to the ground, that contains the ray
Plane verticalPlane = null;
Plane horizontalPlane = null;
double effectiveRadiusVertical = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double effectiveRadiusHorizontal = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Vec4 surfaceNormal = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(line.getOrigin());
if (Math.abs(line.getDirection().normalize3().dot3(surfaceNormal)) < 1.0) // if not colinear
Vec4 normalV = line.getDirection().cross3(globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(line.getOrigin()));
verticalPlane = new Plane(normalV.x(), normalV.y(), normalV.z(), -line.getOrigin().dot3(normalV));
if (!tile.getExtent().intersects(verticalPlane))
return null;
// Compute 'horizontal' plane perpendicular to the vertical plane, that contains the ray
Vec4 normalH = line.getDirection().cross3(normalV);
horizontalPlane = new Plane(normalH.x(), normalH.y(), normalH.z(), -line.getOrigin().dot3(normalH));
if (!tile.getExtent().intersects(horizontalPlane))
return null;
// Compute maximum cell size based on tile delta lat, density and globe radius
effectiveRadiusVertical = tile.extent.getEffectiveRadius(verticalPlane);
effectiveRadiusHorizontal = tile.extent.getEffectiveRadius(horizontalPlane);
Intersection[] hits;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int[] indices = new int[tile.ri.indices.limit()];
float[] coords = new float[tile.ri.vertices.limit()];
tile.ri.indices.get(indices, 0, indices.length);
tile.ri.vertices.get(coords, 0, coords.length);
int trianglesNum = tile.ri.indices.capacity() - 2;
double centerX = tile.ri.referenceCenter.x;
double centerY = tile.ri.referenceCenter.y;
double centerZ = tile.ri.referenceCenter.z;
// Loop through all tile cells - triangle pairs
int startIndex = (density + 2) * 2 + 6; // skip first skirt row and a couple degenerate cells
int endIndex = trianglesNum - startIndex; // ignore last skirt row and a couple degenerate cells
int k = -1;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i += 2)
// Skip skirts and degenerate triangle cells - based on index sequence.
k = k == density - 1 ? -4 : k + 1; // density x terrain cells interleaved with 4 skirt and degenerate cells.
if (k < 0)
// Triangle pair diagonal - v1 & v2
int vIndex = 3 * indices[i + 1];
Vec4 v1 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
vIndex = 3 * indices[i + 2];
Vec4 v2 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
Vec4 cellCenter = Vec4.mix3(.5, v1, v2);
// Test cell center distance to vertical plane
if (verticalPlane != null)
if (Math.abs(verticalPlane.distanceTo(cellCenter)) > effectiveRadiusVertical)
// Test cell center distance to horizontal plane
if (Math.abs(horizontalPlane.distanceTo(cellCenter)) > effectiveRadiusHorizontal)
// Prepare to test triangles - get other two vertices v0 & v3
Vec4 p;
vIndex = 3 * indices[i];
Vec4 v0 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
vIndex = 3 * indices[i + 3];
Vec4 v3 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
// Test triangle 1 intersection w ray
Triangle t = new Triangle(v0, v1, v2);
if ((p = t.intersect(line)) != null)
list.add(new Intersection(p, false));
// Test triangle 2 intersection w ray
t = new Triangle(v1, v2, v3);
if ((p = t.intersect(line)) != null)
list.add(new Intersection(p, false));
int numHits = list.size();
if (numHits == 0)
return null;
hits = new Intersection[numHits];
final Vec4 origin = line.getOrigin();
Arrays.sort(hits, new Comparator()
public int compare(Intersection i1, Intersection i2)
if (i1 == null && i2 == null)
return 0;
if (i2 == null)
return -1;
if (i1 == null)
return 1;
Vec4 v1 = i1.getIntersectionPoint();
Vec4 v2 = i2.getIntersectionPoint();
double d1 = origin.distanceTo3(v1);
double d2 = origin.distanceTo3(v2);
return, d2);
return hits;
protected Intersection[] intersect(RectTile tile, double elevation)
if (tile.ri.vertices == null)
return null;
// Check whether the tile includes the intersection elevation - assume cylinder as Extent
// TODO: replace this test with a generic test against Extent
if (tile.getExtent() instanceof Cylinder)
Cylinder cylinder = ((Cylinder) tile.getExtent());
if (!(globe.isPointAboveElevation(cylinder.getBottomCenter(), elevation)
^ globe.isPointAboveElevation(cylinder.getTopCenter(), elevation)))
return null;
Intersection[] hits;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int[] indices = new int[tile.ri.indices.limit()];
float[] coords = new float[tile.ri.vertices.limit()];
tile.ri.indices.get(indices, 0, indices.length);
tile.ri.vertices.get(coords, 0, coords.length);
int trianglesNum = tile.ri.indices.capacity() - 2;
double centerX = tile.ri.referenceCenter.x;
double centerY = tile.ri.referenceCenter.y;
double centerZ = tile.ri.referenceCenter.z;
// Loop through all tile cells - triangle pairs
int startIndex = (density + 2) * 2 + 6; // skip first skirt row and a couple degenerate cells
int endIndex = trianglesNum - startIndex; // ignore last skirt row and a couple degenerate cells
int k = -1;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i += 2)
// Skip skirts and degenerate triangle cells - based on indice sequence.
k = k == density - 1 ? -4 : k + 1; // density x terrain cells interleaved with 4 skirt and degenerate cells.
if (k < 0)
// Get the four cell corners
int vIndex = 3 * indices[i];
Vec4 v0 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
vIndex = 3 * indices[i + 1];
Vec4 v1 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
vIndex = 3 * indices[i + 2];
Vec4 v2 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
vIndex = 3 * indices[i + 3];
Vec4 v3 = new Vec4(
coords[vIndex++] + centerX,
coords[vIndex++] + centerY,
coords[vIndex] + centerZ);
Intersection[] inter;
// Test triangle 1 intersection
if ((inter = globe.intersect(new Triangle(v0, v1, v2), elevation)) != null)
// Test triangle 2 intersection
if ((inter = globe.intersect(new Triangle(v1, v2, v3), elevation)) != null)
int numHits = list.size();
if (numHits == 0)
return null;
hits = new Intersection[numHits];
return hits;
protected Vec4 getSurfacePoint(RectTile tile, Angle latitude, Angle longitude, double metersOffset)
Vec4 result = this.getSurfacePoint(tile, latitude, longitude);
if (metersOffset != 0 && result != null)
result = applyOffset(this.globe, result, metersOffset);
return result;
* Offsets point
by metersOffset
* @param globe the Globe
from which to offset
* @param point the Vec4
to offset
* @param metersOffset the magnitude of the offset
* @return point
offset along its surface normal as if it were on globe
protected static Vec4 applyOffset(Globe globe, Vec4 point, double metersOffset)
Vec4 normal = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(point);
point = Vec4.fromLine3(point, metersOffset, normal);
return point;
protected Vec4 getSurfacePoint(RectTile tile, Angle latitude, Angle longitude)
if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LatLonIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (!tile.sector.contains(latitude, longitude))
// not on this geometry
return null;
if (tile.ri == null)
return null;
double lat = latitude.getDegrees();
double lon = longitude.getDegrees();
double bottom = tile.sector.getMinLatitude().getDegrees();
double top = tile.sector.getMaxLatitude().getDegrees();
double left = tile.sector.getMinLongitude().getDegrees();
double right = tile.sector.getMaxLongitude().getDegrees();
double leftDecimal = (lon - left) / (right - left);
double bottomDecimal = (lat - bottom) / (top - bottom);
int row = (int) (bottomDecimal * (tile.density));
int column = (int) (leftDecimal * (tile.density));
double l = createPosition(column, leftDecimal, tile.ri.density);
double h = createPosition(row, bottomDecimal, tile.ri.density);
Vec4 result = interpolate(row, column, l, h, tile.ri);
result = result.add3(tile.ri.referenceCenter);
return result;
* Computes from a column (or row) number, and a given offset ranged [0,1] corresponding to the distance along the
* edge of this sector, where between this column and the next column the corresponding position will fall, in the
* range [0,1].
* @param start the number of the column or row to the left, below or on this position
* @param decimal the distance from the left or bottom of the current sector that this position falls
* @param density the number of intervals along the sector's side
* @return a decimal ranged [0,1] representing the position between two columns or rows, rather than between two
* edges of the sector
protected static double createPosition(int start, double decimal, int density)
double l = ((double) start) / (double) density;
double r = ((double) (start + 1)) / (double) density;
return (decimal - l) / (r - l);
* Calculates a Point
that sits at xDec
offset from column
to column +
* 1
and at yDec
offset from row
to row + 1
. Accounts for the
* diagonals.
* @param row represents the row which corresponds to a yDec
value of 0
* @param column represents the column which corresponds to an xDec
value of 0
* @param xDec constrained to [0,1]
* @param yDec constrained to [0,1]
* @param ri the render info holding the vertices, etc.
* @return a Point
geometrically within or on the boundary of the quadrilateral whose bottom left
* corner is indexed by (row
, column
protected static Vec4 interpolate(int row, int column, double xDec, double yDec, RenderInfo ri)
int numVerticesPerEdge = ri.density + 3;
int bottomLeft = row * numVerticesPerEdge + column;
bottomLeft *= 3;
int numVertsTimesThree = numVerticesPerEdge * 3;
// double[] a = new double[6];
// ri.vertices.get(a);
// Vec4 bL = new Vec4(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
// Vec4 bR = new Vec4(a[3], a[4], a[5]);
Vec4 bL = new Vec4(ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get());
Vec4 bR = new Vec4(ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get());
bottomLeft += numVertsTimesThree;
// ri.vertices.get(a);
// Vec4 tL = new Vec4(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
// Vec4 tR = new Vec4(a[3], a[4], a[5]);
Vec4 tL = new Vec4(ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get());
Vec4 tR = new Vec4(ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get(), ri.vertices.get());
return interpolate(bL, bR, tR, tL, xDec, yDec);
* Calculates the point at (xDec, yDec) in the two triangles defined by {bL, bR, tL} and {bR, tR, tL}. If thought of
* as a quadrilateral, the diagonal runs from tL to bR. Of course, this isn't a quad, it's two triangles.
* @param bL the bottom left corner
* @param bR the bottom right corner
* @param tR the top right corner
* @param tL the top left corner
* @param xDec how far along, [0,1] 0 = left edge, 1 = right edge
* @param yDec how far along, [0,1] 0 = bottom edge, 1 = top edge
* @return the point xDec, yDec in the co-ordinate system defined by bL, bR, tR, tL
protected static Vec4 interpolate(Vec4 bL, Vec4 bR, Vec4 tR, Vec4 tL, double xDec, double yDec)
double pos = xDec + yDec;
if (pos == 1)
// on the diagonal - what's more, we don't need to do any "oneMinusT" calculation
return new Vec4(
tL.x * yDec + bR.x * xDec,
tL.y * yDec + bR.y * xDec,
tL.z * yDec + bR.z * xDec);
else if (pos > 1)
// in the "top right" half
// vectors pointing from top right towards the point we want (can be thought of as "negative" vectors)
Vec4 horizontalVector = (tL.subtract3(tR)).multiply3(1 - xDec);
Vec4 verticalVector = (bR.subtract3(tR)).multiply3(1 - yDec);
return tR.add3(horizontalVector).add3(verticalVector);
// pos < 1 - in the "bottom left" half
// vectors pointing from the bottom left towards the point we want
Vec4 horizontalVector = (bR.subtract3(bL)).multiply3(xDec);
Vec4 verticalVector = (tL.subtract3(bL)).multiply3(yDec);
return bL.add3(horizontalVector).add3(verticalVector);
protected static double[] baryCentricCoordsRequireInside(Vec4 pnt, Vec4[] V)
// if pnt is in the interior of the triangle determined by V, return its
// barycentric coordinates with respect to V. Otherwise return null.
// b0:
final double tol = 1.0e-4;
double[] b0b1b2 = new double[3];
double triangleHeight =
distanceFromLine(V[0], V[1], V[2].subtract3(V[1]));
double heightFromPoint =
distanceFromLine(pnt, V[1], V[2].subtract3(V[1]));
b0b1b2[0] = heightFromPoint / triangleHeight;
if (Math.abs(b0b1b2[0]) < tol)
b0b1b2[0] = 0.0;
else if (Math.abs(1.0 - b0b1b2[0]) < tol)
b0b1b2[0] = 1.0;
if (b0b1b2[0] < 0.0 || b0b1b2[0] > 1.0)
return null;
// b1:
triangleHeight = distanceFromLine(V[1], V[0], V[2].subtract3(V[0]));
heightFromPoint = distanceFromLine(pnt, V[0], V[2].subtract3(V[0]));
b0b1b2[1] = heightFromPoint / triangleHeight;
if (Math.abs(b0b1b2[1]) < tol)
b0b1b2[1] = 0.0;
else if (Math.abs(1.0 - b0b1b2[1]) < tol)
b0b1b2[1] = 1.0;
if (b0b1b2[1] < 0.0 || b0b1b2[1] > 1.0)
return null;
// b2:
b0b1b2[2] = 1.0 - b0b1b2[0] - b0b1b2[1];
if (Math.abs(b0b1b2[2]) < tol)
b0b1b2[2] = 0.0;
else if (Math.abs(1.0 - b0b1b2[2]) < tol)
b0b1b2[2] = 1.0;
if (b0b1b2[2] < 0.0)
return null;
return b0b1b2;
protected static double distanceFromLine(Vec4 pnt, Vec4 P, Vec4 u)
// Return distance from pnt to line(P,u)
// Pythagorean theorem approach: c^2 = a^2 + b^2. The
// The square of the distance we seek is b^2:
Vec4 toPoint = pnt.subtract3(P);
double cSquared = toPoint.dot3(toPoint);
double aSquared = u.normalize3().dot3(toPoint);
aSquared *= aSquared;
double distSquared = cSquared - aSquared;
if (distSquared < 0.0)
// must be a tiny number that really ought to be 0.0
return 0.0;
return Math.sqrt(distSquared);
protected DoubleBuffer makeGeographicTexCoords(SectorGeometry sg,
SectorGeometry.GeographicTextureCoordinateComputer computer)
if (sg == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.SectorGeometryIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (computer == null)
String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.TextureCoordinateComputerIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
RectTile rt = (RectTile) sg;
int density = rt.density;
if (density < 1)
density = 1;
int coordCount = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
DoubleBuffer p = Buffers.newDirectDoubleBuffer(2 * coordCount);
double deltaLat = rt.sector.getDeltaLatRadians() / density;
double deltaLon = rt.sector.getDeltaLonRadians() / density;
Angle minLat = rt.sector.getMinLatitude();
Angle maxLat = rt.sector.getMaxLatitude();
Angle minLon = rt.sector.getMinLongitude();
Angle maxLon = rt.sector.getMaxLongitude();
double[] uv; // for return values from computer
int k = 2 * (density + 3);
for (int j = 0; j < density; j++)
Angle lat = Angle.fromRadians(minLat.radians + j * deltaLat);
// skirt column; duplicate first column
uv = computer.compute(lat, minLon);
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
// interior columns
for (int i = 0; i < density; i++)
Angle lon = Angle.fromRadians(minLon.radians + i * deltaLon);
uv = computer.compute(lat, lon);
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
// last interior column; force u to 1.
uv = computer.compute(lat, maxLon);
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
// skirt column; duplicate previous column
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
// Last interior row
uv = computer.compute(maxLat, minLon); // skirt column
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < density; i++)
Angle lon = Angle.fromRadians(minLon.radians + i * deltaLon); // u
uv = computer.compute(maxLat, lon);
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
uv = computer.compute(maxLat, maxLon); // last interior column
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]);
p.put(k++, uv[0]).put(k++, uv[1]); // skirt column
// last skirt row
int kk = k - 2 * (density + 3);
for (int i = 0; i < density + 3; i++)
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
// first skirt row
k = 0;
kk = 2 * (density + 3);
for (int i = 0; i < density + 3; i++)
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
return p;
protected static void createTextureCoordinates(int density)
if (density < 1)
density = 1;
if (textureCoords.containsKey(density))
// Approximate 1 to avoid shearing off of right and top skirts in SurfaceTileRenderer.
// TODO: dig into this more: why are the skirts being sheared off?
final float one = 0.999999f;
int coordCount = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
FloatBuffer p = Buffers.newDirectFloatBuffer(2 * coordCount);
double delta = 1d / density;
int k = 2 * (density + 3);
for (int j = 0; j < density; j++)
double v = j * delta;
// skirt column; duplicate first column
p.put(k++, 0f);
p.put(k++, (float) v);
// interior columns
for (int i = 0; i < density; i++)
p.put(k++, (float) (i * delta)); // u
p.put(k++, (float) v);
// last interior column; force u to 1.
p.put(k++, one);//1d);
p.put(k++, (float) v);
// skirt column; duplicate previous column
p.put(k++, one);//1d);
p.put(k++, (float) v);
// Last interior row
//noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
float v = one;//1d;
p.put(k++, 0f); // skirt column
p.put(k++, v);
for (int i = 0; i < density; i++)
p.put(k++, (float) (i * delta)); // u
p.put(k++, v);
p.put(k++, one);//1d); // last interior column
p.put(k++, v);
p.put(k++, one);//1d); // skirt column
p.put(k++, v);
// last skirt row
int kk = k - 2 * (density + 3);
for (int i = 0; i < density + 3; i++)
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
// first skirt row
k = 0;
kk = 2 * (density + 3);
for (int i = 0; i < density + 3; i++)
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
textureCoords.put(density, p);
protected static void createIndices(int density)
if (density < 1)
density = 1;
if (indexLists.containsKey(density))
int sideSize = density + 2;
int indexCount = 2 * sideSize * sideSize + 4 * sideSize - 2;
java.nio.IntBuffer buffer = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(indexCount);
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sideSize; i++)
if (i > 0)
if (i % 2 == 0) // even
for (int j = 0; j < sideSize; j++)
k += sideSize;
else // odd
for (int j = 0; j < sideSize; j++)
k -= sideSize;
indexLists.put(density, buffer);
// protected SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription getIntersectingTessellationPieces(RectTile tile, Plane[] planes)
// {
// tile.ri.vertices.rewind();
// tile.ri.indices.rewind();
// Vec4 offset = tile.ri.referenceCenter;
// if (offset == null)
// offset = new Vec4(0.0);
// int trianglesNum = tile.ri.indices.capacity() - 2;
// int[] indices = new int[3];
// float[] coords = new float[3];
// SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription clippedTriangleList = null;
// for (int i = 0; i < trianglesNum; i++)
// {
// tile.ri.indices.position(i);
// tile.ri.indices.get(indices);
// if ((indices[0] == indices[1]) || (indices[0] == indices[2]) ||
// (indices[1] == indices[2]))
// // degenerate triangle
// continue;
// Vec4[] triVerts = new Vec4[3];
// for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
// {
// tile.ri.vertices.position(3 * indices[j]);
// tile.ri.vertices.get(coords);
// triVerts[j] = new Vec4(coords[0] + offset.getX(),
// coords[1] + offset.getY(),
// coords[2] + offset.getZ(), 1.0);
// }
// clippedTriangleList = addClippedPolygon(triVerts, planes, clippedTriangleList);
// }
// return clippedTriangleList;
// }
// protected SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription addClippedPolygon(Vec4[] triVerts, Plane[] planes,
// SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription l)
// {
// // Clip the polygon defined by polyVerts to the region defined by the intersection of
// // the negative halfspaces in 'planes'. If there is a non-empty clipped result, then
// // add it to the given list.
// // This routine is (currently) only used to clip triangles in the current tessellation,
// // but it is actually general enough for n-sided polygons. Best results will be
// // obtained if the polygon is convex.
// // ignore triangles on skirts
// if (isSkirt(triVerts))
// return l;
// // We use a multi-pass Sutherland-Hodgman-style clipping algorithm.
// // There is one pass for each clipping plane. We begin by copying the
// // original vertices to local working storage.
// Vec4[] polyVerts = new Vec4[3];
// System.arraycopy(triVerts, 0, polyVerts, 0, 3);
// for (Plane p : planes)
// {
// polyVerts = doSHPass(p, polyVerts);
// if (polyVerts == null)
// // the polygon has been totally clipped away
// return l;
// }
// // some part of the polygon survived. Store it in the list.
// if (l == null)
// l = new SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription(
// new ArrayList(), new ArrayList());
// l.interiorPolys.add(polyVerts);
// addBoundaryEdges(polyVerts, triVerts, l.shapeOutline);
// return l;
// }
// protected boolean isSkirt(Vec4[] triVerts)
// {
// Vec4 normal = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(triVerts[0]);
// // try to minimize numerical roundoff. The three triangle vertices
// // are going to have coordinates with roughly the same magnitude,
// // so we just sample triVerts[0].
// double maxC = Math.max(Math.abs(triVerts[0].x), Math.abs(triVerts[0].y));
// maxC = Math.max(maxC, Math.abs(triVerts[0].z));
// Vec4 v0 = triVerts[0].divide3(maxC);
// Vec4 u = triVerts[1].divide3(maxC).subtract3(v0);
// Vec4 v = triVerts[triVerts.length - 1].divide3(maxC).subtract3(v0);
// Vec4 w = u.cross3(v).normalize3();
// return (Math.abs(w.dot3(normal)) < 0.0001);
// }
// protected Vec4[] doSHPass(Plane p, Vec4[] polyVerts)
// {
// // See comments in addClippedPolygon. Also note that, even if the
// // original polygon is a triangle, the polygon here may have
// // more than three vertices, depending on how it cuts the various
// // planes whose volumetric intersection defines the clipping region.
// ArrayList workingStorage = new ArrayList();
// Vec4 startPnt = polyVerts[0];
// boolean startPntIn = ( <= 0.0);
// for (int i = 1; i <= polyVerts.length; i++)
// {
// if (startPntIn)
// workingStorage.add(startPnt);
// Vec4 endPnt = polyVerts[i % polyVerts.length];
// boolean endPntIn = ( <= 0.0);
// if (startPntIn != endPntIn)
// {
// // compute and store the intersection of this edge with p
// Vec4[] clippedPnts;
// if (startPntIn)
// clippedPnts = p.clip(startPnt, endPnt);
// else
// clippedPnts = p.clip(endPnt, startPnt);
// workingStorage.add(clippedPnts[0]);
// }
// // prepare for next edge
// startPnt = endPnt;
// startPntIn = endPntIn;
// }
// if (workingStorage.size() == 0)
// return null;
// Vec4[] verts = new Vec4[workingStorage.size()];
// return workingStorage.toArray(verts);
// }
// protected void addBoundaryEdges(Vec4[] polyVerts, Vec4[] triVerts,
// ArrayList beList)
// {
// // each edge of polyVerts not coincident with an edge of the original
// // triangle (triVerts) belongs to the outer boundary.
// for (int i = 0; i < polyVerts.length; i++)
// {
// int j = (i + 1) % polyVerts.length;
// if (!edgeOnTriangle(polyVerts[i], polyVerts[j], triVerts))
// beList.add(new SectorGeometry.BoundaryEdge(polyVerts, i, j));
// }
// }
// protected boolean edgeOnTriangle(Vec4 a, Vec4 b, Vec4[] tri)
// {
// final double tol = 1.0e-4;
// double[] coords_a = baryCentricCoordsRequireInside(a, tri);
// double[] coords_b = baryCentricCoordsRequireInside(b, tri);
// if ((coords_a == null) || (coords_b == null))
// // mathematically not possible because 'a' and 'b' are
// // known to be on edges of the triangle 'tri'.
// return true;
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// {
// if ((coords_a[i] < tol) && (coords_b[i] < tol))
// // 'a' and 'b' are on the same edge
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// protected SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription getIntersectingTessellationPieces(RectTile tile, Vec4 Cxyz,
// Vec4 uHat, Vec4 vHat,
// double uRadius, double vRadius)
// {
// tile.ri.vertices.rewind();
// tile.ri.indices.rewind();
// Vec4 offset = tile.ri.referenceCenter;
// if (offset == null)
// offset = new Vec4(0.0);
// int trianglesNum = tile.ri.indices.capacity() - 2;
// int[] indices = new int[3];
// float[] coords = new float[3];
// SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription clippedTriangleList = null;
// for (int i = 0; i < trianglesNum; i++)
// {
// tile.ri.indices.position(i);
// tile.ri.indices.get(indices);
// if ((indices[0] == indices[1]) || (indices[0] == indices[2]) ||
// (indices[1] == indices[2]))
// // degenerate triangle
// continue;
// Vec4[] triVerts = new Vec4[3];
// for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
// {
// tile.ri.vertices.position(3 * indices[j]);
// tile.ri.vertices.get(coords);
// triVerts[j] = new Vec4(coords[0] + offset.getX(),
// coords[1] + offset.getY(),
// coords[2] + offset.getZ(), 1.0);
// }
// clippedTriangleList = addClippedPolygon(triVerts,
// Cxyz, uHat, vHat, uRadius, vRadius, clippedTriangleList);
// }
// return clippedTriangleList;
// }
// protected SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription addClippedPolygon(Vec4[] polyVerts, Vec4 Cxyz,
// Vec4 uHat, Vec4 vHat, double uRadius,
// double vRadius,
// SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription l)
// {
// // ignore triangles on skirts
// if (isSkirt(polyVerts))
// return l;
// int i = 0, nInNegHalfspace = 0, locIn = -1, locOut = -1;
// for (Vec4 vtx : polyVerts)
// {
// Vec4 vMinusC = vtx.subtract3(Cxyz);
// double xd = vMinusC.dot3(uHat);
// double yd = vMinusC.dot3(vHat);
// double halfspaceEqn = (xd * xd) / (uRadius * uRadius) + (yd * yd) / (vRadius * vRadius) - 1.0;
// if (halfspaceEqn <= 0.0)
// {
// locIn = i++;
// nInNegHalfspace++;
// }
// else
// locOut = i++;
// }
// SectorGeometry.BoundaryEdge be = new SectorGeometry.BoundaryEdge(null, -1, -1);
// switch (nInNegHalfspace)
// {
// case 1: // compute and return a trimmed triangle
// if (locIn != 0)
// {
// Vec4 h1 = polyVerts[locIn];
// polyVerts[locIn] = polyVerts[0];
// polyVerts[0] = h1;
// }
// polyVerts = computeTrimmedPoly(polyVerts, Cxyz, uHat, vHat, uRadius,
// vRadius, nInNegHalfspace, be);
// break;
// case 2: // compute and return a trimmed quadrilateral
// if (locOut != 0)
// {
// Vec4 h2 = polyVerts[locOut];
// polyVerts[locOut] = polyVerts[0];
// polyVerts[0] = h2;
// }
// polyVerts = computeTrimmedPoly(polyVerts, Cxyz, uHat, vHat, uRadius,
// vRadius, nInNegHalfspace, be);
// break;
// case 3: // triangle completely inside cylinder, so store it
// break;
// }
// if (polyVerts == null)
// return l;
// if (l == null)
// l = new SectorGeometry.ExtractedShapeDescription(new ArrayList(100),
// new ArrayList(50));
// l.interiorPolys.add(polyVerts);
// if (be.vertices != null)
// l.shapeOutline.add(be);
// return l;
// }
// protected Vec4[] computeTrimmedPoly(Vec4[] polyVerts, Vec4 Cxyz,
// Vec4 uHat, Vec4 vHat, double uRadius, double vRadius, int nInside,
// SectorGeometry.BoundaryEdge be)
// {
// // Either 1 or 2 vertices are inside the ellipse. If exactly 1 is inside, it is in position 0
// // of the array. If exactly 1 is outside, it is in position 0 of the array.
// // We therefore compute the points of intersection between the two edges [0]-[1] and [0]-[2]
// // with the cylinder and return either a triangle or a quadrilateral.
// Vec4 p1 = intersectWithEllCyl(polyVerts[0], polyVerts[1], Cxyz, uHat, vHat, uRadius, vRadius);
// Vec4 p2 = intersectWithEllCyl(polyVerts[0], polyVerts[2], Cxyz, uHat, vHat, uRadius, vRadius);
// Vec4 midP1P2 = p1.multiply3(0.5).add3(p2.multiply3(0.5));
// if (nInside == 1)
// {
// polyVerts[1] = p1;
// polyVerts[2] = p2;
// be.vertices = polyVerts;
// be.i1 = 1;
// be.i2 = 2;
// be.toMidPoint = midP1P2.subtract3(polyVerts[0]);
// return polyVerts;
// }
// Vec4[] ret = new Vec4[4];
// ret[0] = p1;
// ret[1] = polyVerts[1];
// ret[2] = polyVerts[2];
// ret[3] = p2;
// be.vertices = ret;
// be.i1 = 0;
// be.i2 = 3;
// be.toMidPoint = polyVerts[0].subtract3(midP1P2);
// return ret;
// }
// protected Vec4 intersectWithEllCyl(Vec4 v0, Vec4 v1, Vec4 Cxyz,
// Vec4 uHat, Vec4 vHat, double uRadius, double vRadius)
// {
// // Entry condition: one of (v0, v1) is inside the elliptical cylinder, and one is
// // outside. We find 0 1.0))
// // need the other root
// t = (-b - disc) / (2.0 * a);
// // the desired point is obtained by using the computed t with the original points
// // v0 and v1:
// return v0.multiply3(1.0 - t).add3(v1.multiply3(t));
// }
// // The following method was brought over from BasicRectangularTessellator and is unchecked.
// // Compute normals for a strip
// protected static java.nio.DoubleBuffer getNormals(int density, DoubleBuffer vertices,
// java.nio.IntBuffer indices, Vec4 referenceCenter)
// {
// int numVertices = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
// int sideSize = density + 2;
// int numFaces = indices.limit() - 2;
// double centerX = referenceCenter.x;
// double centerY = referenceCenter.y;
// double centerZ = referenceCenter.z;
// // Create normal buffer
// java.nio.DoubleBuffer normals = Buffers.newDirectDoubleBuffer(numVertices * 3);
// // Create per vertex normal lists
// ArrayList> normalLists = new ArrayList>(numVertices);
// for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
// normalLists.set(i, new ArrayList());
// // Go through all faces in the strip and store normals in lists
// for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
// {
// int vIndex = 3 * indices.get(i);
// Vec4 v0 = new Vec4((vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerX),
// (vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerY),
// (vertices.get(vIndex) + centerZ));
// vIndex = 3 * indices.get(i + 1);
// Vec4 v1 = new Vec4((vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerX),
// (vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerY),
// (vertices.get(vIndex) + centerZ));
// vIndex = 3 * indices.get(i + 2);
// Vec4 v2 = new Vec4((vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerX),
// (vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerY),
// (vertices.get(vIndex) + centerZ));
// // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
// Vec4 e1 = v1.subtract3(v0);
// Vec4 e2 = v2.subtract3(v0);
// Vec4 N = e1.cross3(e2).normalize3(); // if N is 0, the triangle is degenerate
// // Store the face's normal for each of the vertices that make up the face.
// normalLists.get(indices.get(i)).add(N);
// normalLists.get(indices.get(i + 1)).add(N);
// normalLists.get(indices.get(i + 2)).add(N);
// //System.out.println("Normal: " + N);
// }
// // Now loop through each vertex, and average out all the normals stored.
// int idx = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
// {
// Vec4 normal = Vec4.ZERO;
// // Sum
// for (int j = 0; j < normalLists.get(i).size(); ++j)
// normal = normal.add3(normalLists.get(i).get(j));
// // Average
// normal = normal.multiply3(1.0f / normalLists.get(i).size()).normalize3();
// // Fill normal buffer
// normals.put(idx++, normal.x);
// normals.put(idx++, normal.y);
// normals.put(idx++, normal.z);
// //System.out.println("Normal: " + normal + " - " + normalLists[i].size());
// //System.out.println("Normal buffer: " + normals.get(idx - 3) + ", " + normals.get(idx - 2) + ", " + normals.get(idx - 1));
// }
// return normals;
// }
// Exposes aspects of the RectTile.
// public static class RectGeometry
// {
// protected RectTile tile;
// protected double rowFactor;
// protected double colFactor;
// public RectGeometry(RectTile tile)
// {
// this.tile = tile;
// // Precompute as much as possible; computation in this class is a hot spot...
// rowFactor = getNumRows() / tile.sector.getDeltaLatDegrees();
// colFactor = getNumCols() / tile.sector.getDeltaLonDegrees();
// }
// public int getColAtLon(double longitude)
// {
// return (int) Math.floor((longitude - tile.sector.getMinLongitude().degrees) * colFactor);
// }
// public int getRowAtLat(double latitude)
// {
// return (int) Math.floor((latitude - tile.sector.getMinLatitude().degrees) * rowFactor);
// }
// public double getLatAtRow(int row)
// {
// return tile.sector.getMinLatitude().degrees + row / rowFactor;
// }
// public double getLonAtCol(int col)
// {
// return tile.sector.getMinLongitude().degrees + col / colFactor;
// }
// /*
// * Bilinearly interpolate XYZ coords from the grid patch that contains the given lat-lon.
// *
// * Note: The returned point is clamped along the nearest border if the given lat-lon is outside the
// * region spanned by this tile.
// *
// */
// public double[] getPointAt(double lat, double lon)
// {
// int col = getColAtLon(lon);
// if (col < 0)
// {
// col = 0;
// lon = getMinLongitude();
// }
// else if (col > getNumCols())
// {
// col = getNumCols();
// lon = getMaxLongitude();
// }
// int row = getRowAtLat(lat);
// if (row < 0)
// {
// row = 0;
// lat = getMinLatitude();
// }
// else if (row > getNumRows())
// {
// row = getNumRows();
// lat = getMaxLatitude();
// }
// float[] c0 = new float[3];
// this.tile.ri.vertices.position(getVertexIndex(row, col));
// this.tile.ri.vertices.get(c0);
// float[] c1 = new float[3];
// this.tile.ri.vertices.position(getVertexIndex(row, col + 1));
// this.tile.ri.vertices.get(c1);
// float[] c2 = new float[3];
// this.tile.ri.vertices.position(getVertexIndex(row + 1, col));
// this.tile.ri.vertices.get(c2);
// float[] c3 = new float[3];
// this.tile.ri.vertices.position(getVertexIndex(row + 1, col + 1));
// this.tile.ri.vertices.get(c3);
// double[] refCenter = new double[3];
// this.tile.ri.referenceCenter.toArray3(refCenter, 0);
// // calculate our parameters u and v...
// double minLon = getLonAtCol(col);
// double maxLon = getLonAtCol(col + 1);
// double minLat = getLatAtRow(row);
// double maxLat = getLatAtRow(row + 1);
// double u = (lon - minLon) / (maxLon - minLon);
// double v = (lat - minLat) / (maxLat - minLat);
// double[] ret = new double[3];
// // unroll the loop...this method is a definite hotspot!
// ret[0] = c0[0] * (1. - u) * (1 - v) + c1[0] * (u) * (1. - v) + c2[0] * (1. - u) * (v) + c3[0] * u * v +
// refCenter[0];
// ret[1] = c0[1] * (1. - u) * (1 - v) + c1[1] * (u) * (1. - v) + c2[1] * (1. - u) * (v) + c3[1] * u * v +
// refCenter[1];
// ret[2] = c0[2] * (1. - u) * (1 - v) + c1[2] * (u) * (1. - v) + c2[2] * (1. - u) * (v) + c3[2] * u * v +
// refCenter[2];
// return ret;
// }
// public double getMinLongitude()
// {
// return this.tile.sector.getMinLongitude().degrees;
// }
// public double getMaxLongitude()
// {
// return this.tile.sector.getMaxLongitude().degrees;
// }
// public double getMinLatitude()
// {
// return this.tile.sector.getMinLatitude().degrees;
// }
// public double getMaxLatitude()
// {
// return this.tile.sector.getMaxLatitude().degrees;
// }
// public int getNumRows()
// {
// return this.tile.density;
// }
// public int getNumCols()
// {
// return this.tile.density;
// }
// private int getVertexIndex(int row, int col)
// {
// // The factor of 3 accounts for the 3 doubles that make up each node...
// // The 3 added to density is 2 tile-skirts plus 1 ending column...
// return (this.tile.density + 3) * (row + 1) * 3 + (col + 1) * 3;
// }
// }
// public static RectGeometry getTerrainGeometry(SectorGeometry tile)
// {
// if (tile == null || !(tile instanceof RectTile))
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("SectorGeometry instance not of type RectTile");
// return new RectGeometry((RectTile) tile);
// }
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