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package gov.nasa.worldwind.util;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.FileStore;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.exception.WWRuntimeException;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.AbstractLayer;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCConstants;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wcs.wcs100.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.AbstractElevationModel;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.CapabilitiesRequest;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
* A collection of static methods useful for opening, reading, and otherwise working with World Wind data configuration
* documents.
* @author dcollins
* @version $Id: 2120 2014-07-03 03:05:03Z tgaskins $
public class DataConfigurationUtils
protected static final String DATE_TIME_PATTERN = "dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss z";
protected static final String DEFAULT_TEXTURE_FORMAT = "image/dds";
* Returns true if the specified {@link org.w3c.dom.Element} is a data configuration document. This recognizes the
* following data configuration documents:
Layer Configuration Documents
Elevation Model
* Configuration Documents
Installed DataDescriptor Documents
World Wind .NET LayerSet
* Documents
* @param domElement the document in question.
* @return true if the document is a data configuration document; false otherwise.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static boolean isDataConfig(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (AbstractLayer.isLayerConfigDocument(domElement))
return true;
if (AbstractElevationModel.isElevationModelConfigDocument(domElement))
return true;
if (isInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(domElement))
return true;
//noinspection RedundantIfStatement
if (isWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(domElement))
return true;
return false;
* Returns the specified data configuration document transformed to a standard Layer or ElevationModel configuration
* document. This returns the original document if the document is already in a standard form, or if the document is
* not one of the recognized types. Installed DataDescriptor documents are transformed to standard Layer or
* ElevationModel configuration documents, depending on the document contents. World Wind .NET LayerSet documents
* are transformed to standard Layer configuration documents. This returns null if the document's root element is
* null.
* @param doc the document to transform.
* @return the specified document transformed to a standard data configuration document, the original document if
* it's already in a standard form or is unrecognized, or null if the document's root element is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static Document convertToStandardDataConfigDocument(Document doc)
if (doc == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
Element el = doc.getDocumentElement();
if (el == null)
return null;
if (isInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(el))
return transformInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(el);
if (isWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(el))
return transformWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(el);
return doc;
* Returns the specified data configuration document's display name as a string, or null if the document is not one
* of the recognized types. This determines the display name for each type of data configuration document as
* follows:
* @param domElement the data configuration document who's display name is returned.
* @return a String representing the data configuration document's display name, or null if the document is not
* recognized.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static String getDataConfigDisplayName(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (AbstractLayer.isLayerConfigDocument(domElement) || AbstractElevationModel.isElevationModelConfigDocument(
return WWXML.getText(domElement, "DisplayName");
if (isInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(domElement))
return WWXML.getText(domElement,
if (isWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(domElement))
return WWXML.getText(domElement, "QuadTileSet/Name");
return null;
* Returns the specified data configuration document's type as a string, or null if the document is not one of the
* recognized types. This maps data configuration documents to a type string as follows:
* Type
Type String
Layer Configuration
Elevation Model
* Configuration
"Elevation Model"
Installed DataDescriptor
"Layer" or
* "ElevationModel"
World Wind .NET LayerSet
* @param domElement the data configuration document to determine a type for.
* @return a String representing the data configuration document's type, or null if the document is not recognized.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static String getDataConfigType(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (AbstractLayer.isLayerConfigDocument(domElement))
return "Layer";
if (AbstractElevationModel.isElevationModelConfigDocument(domElement))
return "ElevationModel";
if (isInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(domElement))
String s = WWXML.getText(domElement,
if (s != null && s.equals("gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.TiledElevations"))
return "ElevationModel";
return "Layer";
if (isWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(domElement))
return "Layer";
return null;
* Returns a file store path name for the specified parameters list. This returns null if the parameter list does
* not contain enough information to construct a path name.
* @param params the parameter list to extract a configuration filename from.
* @param suffix the file suffix to append on the path name, or null to append no suffix.
* @return a file store path name with the specified suffix, or null if a path name cannot be constructed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter list is null.
public static String getDataConfigFilename(AVList params, String suffix)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String path = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME);
if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
return null;
String filename = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME);
if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0)
filename = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME);
if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0)
filename = "DataConfiguration";
filename = WWIO.replaceIllegalFileNameCharacters(filename);
return path + + filename + (suffix != null ? suffix : "");
* Convenience method for computing a data configuration file's cache name in a FileStore, given the file's cache
* path. This writes the computed cache name to the specified parameter list under the key {@link
* gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey#DATA_CACHE_NAME}. If the parameter already exists, it's left unchanged.
* A data configuration file's cache name is its parent directory in the cache. The cache name therefore points to
* the directory containing both the configuration file and any cached data associated with it. Determining the
* cache name at run time - instead of hard wiring it in the data configuration file - enables cache data to be
* moved to an arbitrary location within the cache.
* @param dataConfigCachePath the data configuration file's cache path.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which receive the DATA_CACHE_NAME parameter. A null
* reference is permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data config file's cache path is null or has length zero.
public static AVList getDataConfigCacheName(String dataConfigCachePath, AVList params)
if (dataConfigCachePath == null || dataConfigCachePath.length() == 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FilePathIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
String s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
// Get the data configuration file's parent cache name.
s = WWIO.getParentFilePath(dataConfigCachePath);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
// Replace any windows-style path separators with the unix-style path separator, which is the convention
// for cache paths.
s = s.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, s);
return params;
* Returns true if a configuration file name exists in the store which has not expired. This returns false if a
* configuration file does not exist, or it has expired. This invokes {@link #findExistingDataConfigFile(gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.FileStore,
* String)} to determine the URL of any existing file names. If an existing file has expired, and removeIfExpired is
* true, this removes the existing file.
* @param fileStore the file store in which to look.
* @param fileName the file name to look for. If a file with this name does not exist in the store, this
* looks at the file's siblings for a match.
* @param removeIfExpired true to remove the existing file, if it exists and is expired; false otherwise.
* @param expiryTime the time in milliseconds, before which a file is considered to be expired.
* @return whether a configuration file already exists which has not expired.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the file store or file name are null.
public static boolean hasDataConfigFile(FileStore fileStore, String fileName, boolean removeIfExpired,
long expiryTime)
if (fileStore == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FileStoreIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (fileName == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FilePathIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// Look for an existing configuration file in the store. Return true if a configuration file does not exist,
// or it has expired; otherwise return false. url = findExistingDataConfigFile(fileStore, fileName);
if (url != null && !WWIO.isFileOutOfDate(url, expiryTime))
return true;
// A configuration file exists but it is expired. Remove the file and return false, indicating that there is
// no configuration document.
if (url != null && removeIfExpired)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DataFileExpired", url);
return false;
* Returns the URL of an existing data configuration file under the specified file store, or null if no
* configuration file exists. This first looks for a configuration file with the specified name. If that does not
* exist, this checks the siblings of the specified file for a configuration file match.
* @param fileStore the file store in which to look.
* @param fileName the file name to look for. If a file with this name does not exist in the store, this looks at
* the file's siblings for a match.
* @return the URL of an existing configuration file in the store, or null if none exists.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the file store or file name are null.
public static findExistingDataConfigFile(FileStore fileStore, String fileName)
if (fileStore == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FileStoreIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (fileName == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.FilePathIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// Attempt to find the specified file name in the store. If it exists, then we've found a match and we're done. url = fileStore.findFile(fileName, false);
if (url != null)
return url;
// If the specified name did not exist, then try to find any data configuration file under the file's parent
// path. Find only the file names which are siblings of the specified file name.
String path = WWIO.getParentFilePath(fileName);
if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
return null;
String[] names = fileStore.listFileNames(path, new DataConfigurationFilter());
if (names == null || names.length == 0)
return null;
// Ignore all but the first file match.
return fileStore.findFile(names[0], false);
* Convenience method to create a {@link java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService} which can be used by World
* Wind components to schedule periodic resource checks. The returned ExecutorService is backed by a single daemon
* thread with minimum priority.
* @param threadName the String name for the ExecutorService's thread, may be null.
* @return a new ScheduledExecutorService appropriate for scheduling periodic resource checks.
public static ScheduledExecutorService createResourceRetrievalService(final String threadName)
ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactory()
public Thread newThread(Runnable r)
Thread thread = new Thread(r);
if (threadName != null)
return thread;
return Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory);
//******************** WMS Common Configuration **************//
* Appends WMS layer parameters as elements to a specified context. This appends elements for the following
* parameters:
Element Path
* @param params the key-value pairs which define the WMS layer configuration parameters.
* @param context the XML document root on which to append WMS layer configuration elements.
* @return a reference to context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the parameters or the context are null.
public static Element createWMSLayerConfigElements(AVList params, Element context)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (context == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Service properties. The service element may already exist, in which case we want to append the "URL" element
// to the existing service element.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "Service", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "Service");
// Try to get the SERVICE_NAME property, but default to "OGC:WMS".
String s = AVListImpl.getStringValue(params, AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, OGCConstants.WMS_SERVICE_NAME);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "serviceName", s);
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.WMS_VERSION);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "version", s);
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.LAYER_NAMES, el, "LayerNames");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.STYLE_NAMES, el, "StyleNames");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.GET_MAP_URL, el, "GetMapURL");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL, el, "GetCapabilitiesURL");
// Since this is a WMS tiled image layer, we want to express the service URL as a GetMap URL. If we have a
// GET_MAP_URL property, then remove any existing SERVICE property from the DOM document.
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.GET_MAP_URL);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
Element urlElement = WWXML.getElement(el, "URL", xpath);
if (urlElement != null)
return context;
* Appends WCS layer parameters as elements to a specified context. This appends elements for the following
* parameters:
Element Path
* @param params the key-value pairs which define the WMS layer configuration parameters.
* @param context the XML document root on which to append WMS layer configuration elements.
* @return a reference to context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the parameters or the context are null.
public static Element createWCSLayerConfigElements(AVList params, Element context)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (context == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Service properties. The service element may already exist, in which case we want to append the "URL" element
// to the existing service element.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "Service", xpath);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "Service");
// Try to get the SERVICE_NAME property, but default to "OGC:WCS".
String s = AVListImpl.getStringValue(params, AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, OGCConstants.WCS_SERVICE_NAME);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "serviceName", s);
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.WCS_VERSION);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "version", s);
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.COVERAGE_IDENTIFIERS, el, "CoverageIdentifiers");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL, el, "GetCoverageURL");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL, el, "GetCapabilitiesURL");
// Since this is a WCS tiled coverage, we want to express the service URL as a GetCoverage URL. If we have a
// GET_COVERAGE_URL property, then remove any existing SERVICE property from the DOM document.
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
Element urlElement = WWXML.getElement(el, "URL", xpath);
if (urlElement != null)
return context;
* Parses WMS layer parameters from the XML configuration document starting at domElement. This writes output as
* key-value pairs to params. If a parameter from the XML document already exists in params, that parameter is
* ignored. Supported key and parameter names are:
* Path
* @param domElement the XML document root to parse for WMS layer parameters.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which receive the WMS layer parameters. A null reference is
* permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static AVList getWMSLayerConfigParams(Element domElement, AVList params)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Need to determine these for URLBuilder construction.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.WMS_VERSION, "Service/@version", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.LAYER_NAMES, "Service/LayerNames", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.STYLE_NAMES, "Service/StyleNames", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.GET_MAP_URL, "Service/GetMapURL", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL, "Service/GetCapabilitiesURL",
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, params.getValue(AVKey.GET_MAP_URL));
String serviceURL = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE);
if (serviceURL != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, WWXML.fixGetMapString(serviceURL));
// The dataset name is the layer-names string for WMS elevation models
String layerNames = params.getStringValue(AVKey.LAYER_NAMES);
if (layerNames != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, layerNames);
return params;
public static AVList getWCSConfigParams(Element domElement, AVList params)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Need to determine these for URLBuilder construction.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.WCS_VERSION, "Service/@version", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.COVERAGE_IDENTIFIERS, "Service/CoverageIdentifiers",
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL, "Service/GetCoverageURL", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(domElement, params, AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL, "Service/GetCapabilitiesURL",
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, params.getValue(AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL));
String serviceURL = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE);
if (serviceURL != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, WWXML.fixGetMapString(serviceURL));
// The dataset name is the layer-names string for WMS elevation models
String coverages = params.getStringValue(AVKey.COVERAGE_IDENTIFIERS);
if (coverages != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, coverages);
return params;
public static AVList getWMSLayerConfigParams(WMSCapabilities caps, String[] formatOrderPreference, AVList params)
if (caps == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSCapabilities");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String layerNames = params.getStringValue(AVKey.LAYER_NAMES);
String styleNames = params.getStringValue(AVKey.STYLE_NAMES);
if (layerNames == null || layerNames.length() == 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSLayerNames");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String[] names = layerNames.split(",");
if (names == null || names.length == 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSLayerNames");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String coordinateSystem = params.getStringValue(AVKey.COORDINATE_SYSTEM);
if (WWUtil.isEmpty(coordinateSystem))
for (String name : names)
WMSLayerCapabilities layerCaps = caps.getLayerByName(name);
if (layerCaps == null)
Logging.logger().warning(Logging.getMessage("WMS.LayerNameMissing", name));
if (layerCaps.hasCoordinateSystem("EPSG:4326"))
coordinateSystem = "EPSG:4326";
break; // this assumes that the CS is available for all the layers in layerNames
else if (layerCaps.hasCoordinateSystem("CRS:84"))
coordinateSystem = "CRS:84";
break; // this assumes that the CS is available for all the layers in layerNames
if (!WWUtil.isEmpty(coordinateSystem))
params.setValue(AVKey.COORDINATE_SYSTEM, coordinateSystem);
// Define the DISPLAY_NAME and DATASET_NAME from the WMS layer names and styles.
params.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, makeTitle(caps, layerNames, styleNames));
params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, layerNames);
// Get the EXPIRY_TIME from the WMS layer last update time.
Long lastUpdate = caps.getLayerLatestLastUpdateTime(names);
if (lastUpdate != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME, lastUpdate);
// Get the GET_MAP_URL from the WMS getMapRequest URL.
String mapRequestURIString = caps.getRequestURL("GetMap", "http", "get");
if (params.getValue(AVKey.GET_MAP_URL) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.GET_MAP_URL, mapRequestURIString);
mapRequestURIString = params.getStringValue(AVKey.GET_MAP_URL);
// Throw an exception if there's no GET_MAP_URL property, or no getMapRequest URL in the WMS Capabilities.
if (mapRequestURIString == null || mapRequestURIString.length() == 0)
throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WMS.RequestMapURLMissing"));
// Get the GET_CAPABILITIES_URL from the WMS getCapabilitiesRequest URL.
String capsRequestURIString = caps.getRequestURL("GetCapabilities", "http", "get");
if (params.getValue(AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL, capsRequestURIString);
// Define the SERVICE from the GET_MAP_URL property.
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, params.getValue(AVKey.GET_MAP_URL));
String serviceURL = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE);
if (serviceURL != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, WWXML.fixGetMapString(serviceURL));
// Define the SERVICE_NAME as the standard OGC WMS service string.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.SERVICE_NAME) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, OGCConstants.WMS_SERVICE_NAME);
// Define the WMS VERSION as the version fetched from the Capabilities document.
String versionString = caps.getVersion();
if (params.getValue(AVKey.WMS_VERSION) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.WMS_VERSION, versionString);
// Form the cache path DATA_CACHE_NAME from a set of unique WMS parameters.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME) == null)
URI mapRequestURI = new URI(mapRequestURIString);
String cacheName = WWIO.formPath(mapRequestURI.getAuthority(), mapRequestURI.getPath(), layerNames,
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, cacheName);
catch (URISyntaxException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("WMS.RequestMapURLBad", mapRequestURIString);
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, message, e);
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
// Determine image format to request.
if (params.getStringValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT) == null)
String imageFormat = chooseImageFormat(caps.getImageFormats().toArray(), formatOrderPreference);
params.setValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, imageFormat);
// Throw an exception if we cannot determine an image format to request.
if (params.getStringValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT) == null)
throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WMS.NoImageFormats"));
// Determine bounding sector.
Sector sector = (Sector) params.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR);
if (sector == null)
for (String name : names)
Sector layerSector = caps.getLayerByName(name).getGeographicBoundingBox();
if (layerSector == null)
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, "WMS.NoGeographicBoundingBoxForLayer", name);
sector = Sector.union(sector, layerSector);
if (sector == null)
throw new WWRuntimeException(Logging.getMessage("WMS.NoGeographicBoundingBox"));
params.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, sector);
// TODO: adjust for subsetable, fixedimage, etc.
return params;
public static AVList getWCSConfigParameters(WCS100Capabilities caps, WCS100DescribeCoverage coverage, AVList params)
if (caps == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSCapabilities");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (coverage == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WCSDescribeCoverage");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
WCS100CoverageOffering offering = coverage.getCoverageOfferings().get(0);
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, OGCConstants.WCS_SERVICE_NAME);
params.setValue(AVKey.WCS_VERSION, caps.getVersion() != null ? caps.getVersion() : "1.0.0");
params.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, offering.getLabel());
params.setValue(AVKey.COVERAGE_IDENTIFIERS, offering.getName());
params.setValue(AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL, caps.getCapability().getGetOperationAddress("GetCoverage"));
params.setValue(AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL, caps.getCapability().getGetOperationAddress("GetCapabilities"));
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, params.getValue(AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL));
String serviceURL = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE);
if (serviceURL != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, WWXML.fixGetMapString(serviceURL));
String coverages = params.getStringValue(AVKey.COVERAGE_IDENTIFIERS);
if (coverages != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, coverages);
// Form the cache path DATA_CACHE_NAME from a set of unique WMS parameters.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME) == null)
URI mapRequestURI = new URI(params.getStringValue(AVKey.GET_COVERAGE_URL));
String cacheName = WWIO.formPath(mapRequestURI.getAuthority(), mapRequestURI.getPath(),
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, cacheName);
catch (URISyntaxException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("WCS.RequestMapURLBad",
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, message, e);
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
for (String format : offering.getSupportedFormats().getStrings())
if (format.toLowerCase().contains("image/tiff"))
params.setValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, format);
else if (format.toLowerCase().contains("tiff")) // lots of variants in use, so find one
params.setValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, format);
// Determine bounding sector.
WCS100LonLatEnvelope envelope = offering.getLonLatEnvelope();
if (envelope != null)
double[] sw = envelope.getPositions().get(0).getPos2();
double[] ne = envelope.getPositions().get(1).getPos2();
if (sw != null && ne != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, Sector.fromDegreesAndClamp(sw[1], ne[1], sw[0], ne[0]));
String epsg4326 = "EPSG:4326";
String crs = null;
if (offering.getSupportedCRSs() != null)
if (offering.getSupportedCRSs().getRequestResponseCRSs().contains(epsg4326))
crs = epsg4326;
} else if (offering.getSupportedCRSs().getRequestCRSs().contains(epsg4326)
&& offering.getSupportedCRSs().getResponseCRSs().contains(epsg4326))
crs = epsg4326;
if (crs != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.COORDINATE_SYSTEM, crs);
WCS100Values nullValues = offering.getRangeSet().getRangeSet().getNullValues();
if (nullValues != null && nullValues.getSingleValues() != null && nullValues.getSingleValues().size() > 0)
Double nullValue = nullValues.getSingleValues().get(0).getSingleValue();
if (nullValue != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.MISSING_DATA_SIGNAL, nullValue);
return params;
* Convenience method to get the OGC GetCapabilities URL from a specified parameter list. If all the necessary
* parameters are available, this returns the GetCapabilities URL. Otherwise this returns null.
* @param params parameter list to get the GetCapabilities parameters from.
* @return a OGC GetCapabilities URL, or null if the necessary parameters are not available.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter list is null.
public static URL getOGCGetCapabilitiesURL(AVList params)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String uri = params.getStringValue(AVKey.GET_CAPABILITIES_URL);
if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0)
return null;
String service = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE_NAME);
if (service == null || service.length() == 0)
return null;
if (service.equals(OGCConstants.WMS_SERVICE_NAME))
service = "WMS";
CapabilitiesRequest request = new CapabilitiesRequest(new URI(uri), service);
return request.getUri().toURL();
catch (URISyntaxException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.URIInvalid", uri);
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, message, e);
catch (MalformedURLException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.URIInvalid", uri);
Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, message, e);
return null;
* Convenience method to get the OGC {@link AVKey#LAYER_NAMES} parameter from a specified parameter list. If the
* parameter is available as a String, this returns all the OGC layer names found in that String. Otherwise this
* returns null.
* @param params parameter list to get the layer names from.
* @return an array of layer names, or null if none exist.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter list is null.
public static String[] getOGCLayerNames(AVList params)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.LAYER_NAMES);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return null;
return s.split(",");
protected static String chooseImageFormat(Object[] formats, String[] formatOrderPreference)
if (formats == null || formats.length == 0)
return null;
// No preferred formats specified; just use the first in the caps list.
if (formatOrderPreference == null || formatOrderPreference.length == 0)
return formats[0].toString();
for (String s : formatOrderPreference)
for (Object f : formats)
if (f.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s))
return f.toString();
return formats[0].toString(); // No preferred formats recognized; just use the first in the caps list.
protected static String makeTitle(WMSCapabilities caps, String layerNames, String styleNames)
String[] lNames = layerNames.split(",");
String[] sNames = styleNames != null ? styleNames.split(",") : null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < lNames.length; i++)
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(", ");
String layerName = lNames[i];
WMSLayerCapabilities layer = caps.getLayerByName(layerName);
String layerTitle = layer.getTitle();
sb.append(layerTitle != null ? layerTitle : layerName);
if (sNames == null || sNames.length <= i)
String styleName = sNames[i];
WMSLayerStyle style = layer.getStyleByName(styleName);
if (style == null)
sb.append(" : ");
String styleTitle = style.getTitle();
sb.append(styleTitle != null ? styleTitle : styleName);
return sb.toString();
//protected static int[] getLayerFixedWidthAndHeight(Capabilities caps, Element layer)
// Integer width;
// Integer height;
// String s = caps.getLayerFixedWidth(layer);
// if (s == null)
// return null;
// width = WWUtil.convertStringToInteger(s);
// if (width == null)
// return null;
// s = caps.getLayerFixedHeight(layer);
// if (s == null)
// return null;
// height = WWUtil.convertStringToInteger(s);
// if (height == null)
// return null;
// return new int[] {width, height};
//protected static LatLon getLayerLatLon(Element layer, String path)
// XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Element el = WWXML.getElement(layer, path, xpath);
// if (el == null)
// return null;
// Double latDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "Latitude", xpath);
// Double lonDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "Longitude", xpath);
// if (latDegrees == null || lonDegrees == null)
// return null;
// return LatLon.fromDegrees(latDegrees, lonDegrees);
//protected static int computeLayerNumLevels(LatLon minDelta, LatLon maxDelta)
// return Math.max(
// computeLayerNumLevels(minDelta.getLatitude(), maxDelta.getLatitude()),
// computeLayerNumLevels(minDelta.getLongitude(), maxDelta.getLongitude()));
//protected static int computeLayerNumLevels(Angle minDelta, Angle maxDelta)
// double log2MinDelta = WWMath.logBase2(minDelta.getDegrees());
// double log2MaxDelta = WWMath.logBase2(maxDelta.getDegrees());
// return 1 + (int) Math.round(log2MaxDelta - log2MinDelta);
//******************** LevelSet Common Configuration *********//
* Appends LevelSet configuration parameters as elements to the specified context. This appends elements for the
* following parameters:
* @param params the key-value pairs which define the LevelSet configuration parameters.
* @param context the XML document root on which to append LevelSet configuration elements.
* @return a reference to context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the parameters or the context are null.
public static Element createLevelSetConfigElements(AVList params, Element context)
if (params == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ParametersIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (context == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ContextIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
// Title and cache name properties.
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.DATASET_NAME, context, "DatasetName");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, context, "DataCacheName");
// Service properties.
String s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
// The service element may already exist, in which case we want to append the "URL" element to the existing
// service element.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "Service", null);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "Service");
WWXML.appendText(el, "URL", s);
// Expiry time properties.
WWXML.checkAndAppendLongElement(params, AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME, context, "LastUpdate");
// Image format properties.
WWXML.checkAndAppendTextElement(params, AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX, context, "FormatSuffix");
// Tile structure properties.
Integer numLevels = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(params, AVKey.NUM_LEVELS);
if (numLevels != null)
Element el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "NumLevels");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "count", numLevels);
Integer i = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(params, AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS, 0);
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "numEmpty", i);
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.INACTIVE_LEVELS);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "inactive", s);
WWXML.checkAndAppendSectorElement(params, AVKey.SECTOR, context, "Sector");
WWXML.checkAndAppendSectorResolutionElement(params, AVKey.SECTOR_RESOLUTION_LIMITS, context,
WWXML.checkAndAppendLatLonElement(params, AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN, context, "TileOrigin/LatLon");
Integer tileWidth = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(params, AVKey.TILE_WIDTH);
Integer tileHeight = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(params, AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT);
if (tileWidth != null && tileHeight != null)
Element el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "TileSize/Dimension");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "width", tileWidth);
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "height", tileHeight);
WWXML.checkAndAppendLatLonElement(params, AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA, context, "LevelZeroTileDelta/LatLon");
// Retrieval properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.MAX_ABSENT_TILE_ATTEMPTS) != null ||
params.getValue(AVKey.MIN_ABSENT_TILE_CHECK_INTERVAL) != null)
Element el = WWXML.getElement(context, "AbsentTiles", null);
if (el == null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(context, "AbsentTiles");
WWXML.checkAndAppendIntegerlement(params, AVKey.MAX_ABSENT_TILE_ATTEMPTS, el, "MaxAttempts");
WWXML.checkAndAppendTimeElement(params, AVKey.MIN_ABSENT_TILE_CHECK_INTERVAL, el, "MinCheckInterval/Time");
return context;
* Parses LevelSet configuration parameters from the specified DOM document. This writes output as key-value pairs
* to params. If a parameter from the XML document already exists in params, that parameter is ignored. Supported
* key and parameter names are:
* @param levelSet the LevelSet reference to gather configuration parameters from.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which receive the LevelSet configuration parameters. A null reference
* is permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static AVList getLevelSetConfigParams(LevelSet levelSet, AVList params)
if (levelSet == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LevelSetIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
Level firstLevel = levelSet.getFirstLevel();
// Title and cache name properties.
String s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
s = firstLevel.getDataset();
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, s);
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
s = firstLevel.getCacheName();
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, s);
// Service properties.
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.SERVICE);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
s = firstLevel.getService();
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE, s);
Object o = params.getValue(AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME);
if (o == null)
// If the expiry time is zero or negative, then treat it as an uninitialized value.
long l = firstLevel.getExpiryTime();
if (l > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.EXPIRY_TIME, l);
// Image format properties.
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
s = firstLevel.getFormatSuffix();
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX, s);
// Tile structure properties.
o = params.getValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS);
if (o == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, levelSet.getNumLevels());
o = params.getValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS);
if (o == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS, getNumEmptyLevels(levelSet));
s = params.getStringValue(AVKey.INACTIVE_LEVELS);
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
s = getInactiveLevels(levelSet);
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.INACTIVE_LEVELS, s);
o = params.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR);
if (o == null)
Sector sector = levelSet.getSector();
if (sector != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, sector);
o = params.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR_RESOLUTION_LIMITS);
if (o == null)
LevelSet.SectorResolution[] srs = levelSet.getSectorLevelLimits();
if (srs != null && srs.length > 0)
params.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR_RESOLUTION_LIMITS, srs);
o = params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN);
if (o == null)
LatLon ll = levelSet.getTileOrigin();
if (ll != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN, ll);
o = params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH);
if (o == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH, firstLevel.getTileWidth());
o = params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT);
if (o == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT, firstLevel.getTileHeight());
o = params.getValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA);
if (o == null)
LatLon ll = levelSet.getLevelZeroTileDelta();
if (ll != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA, ll);
// Note: retrieval properties MAX_ABSENT_TILE_ATTEMPTS and MIN_ABSENT_TILE_CHECK_INTERVAL are initialized
// through the AVList constructor on LevelSet and Level. Rather than expose those properties in Level, we rely
// on the caller to gather those properties via the AVList used to construct the LevelSet.
return params;
protected static int getNumEmptyLevels(LevelSet levelSet)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < levelSet.getNumLevels(); i++)
if (!levelSet.getLevel(i).isEmpty())
return i;
protected static String getInactiveLevels(LevelSet levelSet)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < levelSet.getNumLevels(); i++)
if (!levelSet.getLevel(i).isActive())
if (sb.length() > 0)
return (sb.length() > 0) ? sb.toString() : null;
//******************** Installed DataDescriptor Configuration //
* Returns true if a specified DOM document is a DataDescriptor configuration document, and false otherwise.
* @param domElement the DOM document in question.
* @return true if the document is a DataDescriptor configuration document; false otherwise.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if document is null.
public static boolean isInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
Element[] els = WWXML.getElements(domElement, "/dataDescriptor", null);
return els != null && els.length > 0;
* Transforms a DataDescriptor configuration document to a standard layer or elevation model configuration document,
* depending on the contents of the {@link org.w3c.dom.Element}.
* @param domElement DataDescriptor document to transform.
* @return standard Layer or ElevationModel document, or null if the DataDescriptor cannot be transformed to a
* standard document.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static Document transformInstalledDataDescriptorConfigDocument(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
Element[] els = WWXML.getElements(domElement, "/dataDescriptor/property[@name=\"dataSet\"]", xpath);
if (els == null || els.length == 0)
return null;
// Ignore all but the first dataSet element.
Document outDoc = WWXML.createDocumentBuilder(true).newDocument();
transformDataDescriptorDataSet(els[0], outDoc, xpath);
return outDoc;
protected static void transformDataDescriptorDataSet(Element context, Document outDoc, XPath xpath)
String s = WWXML.getText(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.DataType\"]", xpath);
// ElevationModel output.
if (s != null && s.equals("gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.TiledElevations"))
Element el = WWXML.setDocumentElement(outDoc, "ElevationModel");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "version", 1);
transformDataDescriptorCommonElements(context, el, xpath);
transformDataDescriptorElevationModelElements(context, el, xpath);
// Default to Layer output.
Element el = WWXML.setDocumentElement(outDoc, "Layer");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "version", 1);
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "layerType", "TiledImageLayer");
transformDataDescriptorCommonElements(context, el, xpath);
transformDataDescriptorLayerElements(context, el, xpath);
protected static void transformDataDescriptorCommonElements(Element context, Element outElem, XPath xpath)
// Display name and datset name properties.
String s = WWXML.getText(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.DatasetNameKey\"]", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "DisplayName", s);
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "DatasetName", s);
// Service properties.
// DataDescriptor documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery in the file store, Therefore we
// define the service as "Offline".
Element el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "Service");
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "serviceName", "Offline");
// Image format properties.
s = WWXML.getText(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.FormatSuffixKey\"]", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "FormatSuffix", s);
// DataDescriptor documents contain a format suffix, but not image format type. Convert the format suffix
// to a mime type, then use it to populate the ImageFormat and AvailableImageFormat elements in the
// transformed Layer or ElevationModel configuration document.
String mimeType = WWIO.makeMimeTypeForSuffix(s);
if (mimeType != null && mimeType.length() != 0)
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "ImageFormat", mimeType);
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "AvailableImageFormats/ImageFormat", mimeType);
// Tile structure properties.
Integer numLevels = WWXML.getInteger(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.NumLevels\"]", xpath);
Integer numEmptyLevels = WWXML.getInteger(context,
"property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.NumEmptyLevels\"]", xpath);
if (numLevels != null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "NumLevels");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "count", numLevels);
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "numEmpty", (numEmptyLevels != null) ? numEmptyLevels : 0);
// Note the upper case K in "avKey". This was a typo in AVKey.SECTOR, and is intentionally reproduced here.
Sector sector = getDataDescriptorSector(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avKey.Sector\"]", xpath);
if (sector != null)
WWXML.appendSector(outElem, "Sector", sector);
LatLon ll = getDataDescriptorLatLon(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.TileOrigin\"]", xpath);
if (ll != null)
WWXML.appendLatLon(outElem, "TileOrigin/LatLon", ll);
ll = getDataDescriptorLatLon(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.LevelZeroTileDelta\"]", xpath);
if (ll != null)
WWXML.appendLatLon(outElem, "LevelZeroTileDelta/LatLon", ll);
Integer tileWidth = WWXML.getInteger(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.TileWidthKey\"]",
Integer tileHeight = WWXML.getInteger(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.TileHeightKey\"]",
if (tileWidth != null && tileHeight != null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "TileSize/Dimension");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "width", tileWidth);
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "height", tileHeight);
protected static void transformDataDescriptorElevationModelElements(Element context, Element outElem,
XPath xpath)
// Image format properties.
Element el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "DataType");
String pixelType = WWXML.getText(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.PixelType\"]", xpath);
if (pixelType != null && pixelType.length() != 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "type", WWXML.dataTypeAsText(pixelType));
String byteOrder = WWXML.getText(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.ByteOrder\"]", xpath);
if (byteOrder != null && byteOrder.length() != 0)
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "byteOrder", WWXML.byteOrderAsText(byteOrder));
// Data descriptor files are written with the property "gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.MissingDataValue". But it
// means the value that denotes a missing data point, and not the value that replaces missing values.
// Translate that key here to MissingDataSignal, so it is properly understood by the World Wind API
// (esp. BasicElevationModel).
Double d = WWXML.getDouble(context, "property[@name=\"gov.nasa.worldwind.avkey.MissingDataValue\"]", xpath);
if (d != null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "MissingData");
WWXML.setDoubleAttribute(el, "signal", d);
// DataDescriptor documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery or elevations in the file
// store. Therefore we can safely assume that network retrieval should be disabled.
// Optional boolean properties.
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "NetworkRetrievalEnabled", false);
protected static void transformDataDescriptorLayerElements(Element context, Element outElem, XPath xpath)
// Set the texture format to DDS. If the texture data is already in DDS format, this parameter is benign.
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "TextureFormat", DEFAULT_TEXTURE_FORMAT);
// DataDescriptor documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery or elevations in the file
// store. Therefore we can safely assume that network retrieval should be disabled. Because we know nothing
// about the nature of the imagery, it's best to enable mipmapping and transparent textures by default.
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "NetworkRetrievalEnabled", false);
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "UseMipMaps", true);
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "UseTransparentTextures", true);
protected static LatLon getDataDescriptorLatLon(Element context, String path, XPath xpath)
Element el = (path == null) ? context : WWXML.getElement(context, path, xpath);
if (el == null)
return null;
Double latDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "property[@name=\"latitudeDegrees\"]", xpath);
Double lonDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "property[@name=\"longitudeDegrees\"]", xpath);
if (latDegrees == null || lonDegrees == null)
return null;
return LatLon.fromDegrees(latDegrees, lonDegrees);
protected static Sector getDataDescriptorSector(Element context, String path, XPath xpath)
Element el = (path == null) ? context : WWXML.getElement(context, path, xpath);
if (el == null)
return null;
Double minLatDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "property[@name=\"minLatitudeDegrees\"]", xpath);
Double maxLatDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "property[@name=\"maxLatitudeDegrees\"]", xpath);
Double minLonDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "property[@name=\"minLongitudeDegrees\"]", xpath);
Double maxLonDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "property[@name=\"maxLongitudeDegrees\"]", xpath);
if (minLatDegrees == null || maxLatDegrees == null || minLonDegrees == null || maxLonDegrees == null)
return null;
return Sector.fromDegrees(minLatDegrees, maxLatDegrees, minLonDegrees, maxLonDegrees);
//******************** World Wind .NET LayerSet Configuration //
* Returns true if a specified document is a World Wind .NET LayerSet configuration document, and false otherwise.
* @param domElement the document in question.
* @return true if the document is a LayerSet configuration document; false otherwise.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if document is null.
public static boolean isWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
Element[] elements = WWXML.getElements(domElement, "/LayerSet", xpath);
return elements != null && elements.length > 0;
* Returns true if a specified XML event is the root of a World Wind .NET LayerSet configuration document, and false
* otherwise.
* @param event the XML event in question.
* @return true if the event is a LayerSet configuration document element; false otherwise.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the event is null.
public static boolean isWWDotNetLayerSetConfigEvent(XMLEvent event)
if (event == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.EventIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (!event.isStartElement())
return false;
String name = WWXML.getUnqalifiedName(event.asStartElement());
return name != null && name.equals("LayerSet");
* Parses World Wind .NET LayerSet configuration parameters from the specified document. This writes output as
* key-value pairs to params. If a parameter from the LayerSet document already exists in params, that parameter is
* ignored. Supported key and parameter names are:
* @param domElement the XML document root to parse for LayerSet configuration parameters.
* @param params the output key-value pairs which receive the LayerSet configuration parameters. A null
* reference is permitted.
* @return a reference to params, or a new AVList if params is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static AVList getWWDotNetLayerSetConfigParams(Element domElement, AVList params)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
// Find the first QuadTileSet element in this LayerSet document.
Element el = WWXML.getElement(domElement, "QuadTileSet", xpath);
if (el == null)
return params;
if (params == null)
params = new AVListImpl();
// Title and cache name properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(el, params, AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, "Name", xpath);
WWXML.checkAndSetStringParam(el, params, AVKey.DATASET_NAME, "Name", xpath);
// Display properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.OPACITY) == null)
Double d = WWXML.getDouble(el, "Opacity", xpath);
if (d != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.OPACITY, d / 255d);
// Service properties.
// LayerSet documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery in the file store, Therefore we define
// the service as "Offline".
if (params.getValue(AVKey.SERVICE_NAME) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SERVICE_NAME, "Offline");
// Image format properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX) == null)
String s = WWXML.getText(el, "ImageAccessor/ImageFileExtension", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
if (!s.startsWith("."))
s = "." + s;
params.setValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX, s);
// LayerSet documents contain a format suffix, but not image format type. Convert the format suffix to a
// mime type, then use it to populate the IMAGE_FORMAT and AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMAT properties.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX) != null)
String s = WWIO.makeMimeTypeForSuffix(params.getValue(AVKey.FORMAT_SUFFIX).toString());
if (s != null)
if (params.getValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.IMAGE_FORMAT, s);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.AVAILABLE_IMAGE_FORMATS, new String[] {s});
// Set the texture format to DDS. If the texture data is already in DDS format, this parameter is benign.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.TEXTURE_FORMAT) == null)
// Tile structure properties.
WWXML.checkAndSetIntegerParam(el, params, AVKey.NUM_LEVELS, "ImageAccessor/NumberLevels", xpath);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NUM_EMPTY_LEVELS, 0);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.SECTOR) == null)
Sector s = getWWDotNetLayerSetSector(el, "BoundingBox", xpath);
if (s != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.SECTOR, s);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_ORIGIN, new LatLon(Angle.NEG90, Angle.NEG180));
if (params.getValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA) == null)
LatLon ll = getWWDotNetLayerSetLatLon(el, "ImageAccessor/LevelZeroTileSizeDegrees", xpath);
if (ll != null)
params.setValue(AVKey.LEVEL_ZERO_TILE_DELTA, ll);
Integer tileDimension = WWXML.getInteger(el, "ImageAccessor/TextureSizePixels", xpath);
if (tileDimension != null)
if (params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_WIDTH, tileDimension);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.TILE_HEIGHT, tileDimension);
// LayerSet documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery in the file store. Therefore we can
// safely assume that network retrieval should be disabled. Because we know nothing about the nature of the
// imagery, it's best to enable mipmapping and transparent textures by default.
if (params.getValue(AVKey.NETWORK_RETRIEVAL_ENABLED) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.NETWORK_RETRIEVAL_ENABLED, false);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.USE_MIP_MAPS) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.USE_MIP_MAPS, true);
if (params.getValue(AVKey.USE_TRANSPARENT_TEXTURES) == null)
params.setValue(AVKey.USE_TRANSPARENT_TEXTURES, true);
return params;
* Transforms a World Wind .NET LayerSet configuration document to a standard layer configuration document.
* @param domElement LayerSet document to transform.
* @return standard Layer document, or null if the LayerSet document cannot be transformed to a standard document.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document is null.
public static Document transformWWDotNetLayerSetConfigDocument(Element domElement)
if (domElement == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
Element[] els = WWXML.getElements(domElement, "/LayerSet/QuadTileSet", xpath);
if (els == null || els.length == 0)
return null;
// Ignore all but the first QuadTileSet element.
Document outDoc = WWXML.createDocumentBuilder(true).newDocument();
transformWWDotNetLayerSet(els[0], outDoc, xpath);
return outDoc;
protected static void transformWWDotNetLayerSet(Element context, Document outDoc, XPath xpath)
Element el = WWXML.setDocumentElement(outDoc, "Layer");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "version", 1);
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "layerType", "TiledImageLayer");
transformWWDotNetQuadTileSet(context, el, xpath);
protected static void transformWWDotNetQuadTileSet(Element context, Element outElem, XPath xpath)
// Display name and dataset name properties.
String s = WWXML.getText(context, "Name", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "DisplayName", s);
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "DatasetName", s);
// Display properties.
Double d = WWXML.getDouble(context, "Opacity", xpath);
if (d != null)
WWXML.appendDouble(outElem, "Opacity", d / 255d);
// Service properties.
// LayerSet documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery in the file store, Therefore we define
// the service as "Offline".
Element el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "Service");
WWXML.setTextAttribute(el, "serviceName", "Offline");
// Image format properties.
s = WWXML.getText(context, "ImageAccessor/ImageFileExtension", xpath);
if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
if (!s.startsWith("."))
s = "." + s;
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "FormatSuffix", s);
// LayerSet documents contain a format suffix, but not image format type. Convert the format suffix to a
// mime type, then use it to populate the ImageFormat and AvailableImageFormat elements in the transformed
// Layer configuration document.
String mimeType = WWIO.makeMimeTypeForSuffix(s);
if (mimeType != null && mimeType.length() != 0)
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "ImageFormat", mimeType);
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "AvailableImageFormats/ImageFormat", mimeType);
// Set the texture format to DDS. If the texture data is already in DDS format, this parameter is benign.
WWXML.appendText(outElem, "TextureFormat", DEFAULT_TEXTURE_FORMAT);
// Tile structure properties.
Integer numLevels = WWXML.getInteger(context, "ImageAccessor/NumberLevels", xpath);
if (numLevels != null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "NumLevels");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "count", numLevels);
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "numEmpty", 0);
Sector sector = getWWDotNetLayerSetSector(context, "BoundingBox", xpath);
if (sector != null)
WWXML.appendSector(outElem, "Sector", sector);
WWXML.appendLatLon(outElem, "TileOrigin/LatLon", new LatLon(Angle.NEG90, Angle.NEG180));
LatLon ll = getWWDotNetLayerSetLatLon(context, "ImageAccessor/LevelZeroTileSizeDegrees", xpath);
if (ll != null)
WWXML.appendLatLon(outElem, "LevelZeroTileDelta/LatLon", ll);
Integer tileDimension = WWXML.getInteger(context, "ImageAccessor/TextureSizePixels", xpath);
if (tileDimension != null)
el = WWXML.appendElementPath(outElem, "TileSize/Dimension");
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "width", tileDimension);
WWXML.setIntegerAttribute(el, "height", tileDimension);
// LayerSet documents always describe an offline pyramid of tiled imagery in the file store. Therefore we can
// safely assume that network retrieval should be disabled. Because we know nothing about the nature of
// the imagery, it's best to enable mipmapping and transparent textures by default.
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "NetworkRetrievalEnabled", false);
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "UseMipMaps", true);
WWXML.appendBoolean(outElem, "UseTransparentTextures", true);
protected static LatLon getWWDotNetLayerSetLatLon(Element context, String path, XPath xpath)
Double degrees = WWXML.getDouble(context, path, xpath);
if (degrees == null)
return null;
return LatLon.fromDegrees(degrees, degrees);
protected static Sector getWWDotNetLayerSetSector(Element context, String path, XPath xpath)
Element el = (path == null) ? context : WWXML.getElement(context, path, xpath);
if (el == null)
return null;
Double minLatDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "South/Value", xpath);
Double maxLatDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "North/Value", xpath);
Double minLonDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "West/Value", xpath);
Double maxLonDegrees = WWXML.getDouble(el, "East/Value", xpath);
if (minLatDegrees == null || maxLatDegrees == null || minLonDegrees == null || maxLonDegrees == null)
return null;
return Sector.fromDegrees(minLatDegrees, maxLatDegrees, minLonDegrees, maxLonDegrees);