gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.AreaMeasurer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Utility class to compute approximations of projected and surface (terrain following) area on a globe.
* To properly compute surface area the measurer must be provided with a list of positions that describe a
* closed path - one which last position is equal to the first.
* Segments which are longer then the current maxSegmentLength will be subdivided along lines following the current
* pathType - {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polyline#LINEAR}, {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polyline#RHUMB_LINE}
* or {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polyline#GREAT_CIRCLE}.
* Projected or non terrain following area is computed in a sinusoidal projection which is equivalent or equal area.
* Surface or terrain following area is approximated by sampling the path bounding sector with square cells along a
* grid. Cells which center is inside the path have their area estimated and summed according to the overall slope
* at the cell south-west corner.
* @author Patrick Murris
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
* @see MeasureTool
* @see LengthMeasurer
public class AreaMeasurer extends LengthMeasurer implements MeasurableArea
private static final double DEFAULT_AREA_SAMPLING_STEPS = 32; // sampling grid max rows or cols
private ArrayList extends Position> subdividedPositions;
private Cell[][] sectorCells;
private Double[][] sectorElevations;
private double areaTerrainSamplingSteps = DEFAULT_AREA_SAMPLING_STEPS;
protected double surfaceArea = -1;
protected double projectedArea = -1;
public AreaMeasurer()
public AreaMeasurer(ArrayList extends Position> positions)
protected void clearCachedValues()
this.subdividedPositions = null;
this.projectedArea = -1;
this.surfaceArea = -1;
public void setPositions(ArrayList extends Position> positions)
Sector oldSector = getBoundingSector();
super.setPositions(positions); // will call clearCachedData()
if (getBoundingSector() == null || !getBoundingSector().equals(oldSector))
this.sectorCells = null;
this.sectorElevations = null;
* Get the sampling grid maximum number of rows or columns for terrain following surface area approximation.
* @return the sampling grid maximum number of rows or columns.
public double getAreaTerrainSamplingSteps()
return this.areaTerrainSamplingSteps;
* Set the sampling grid maximum number of rows or columns for terrain following surface area approximation.
* @param steps the sampling grid maximum number of rows or columns.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if steps is less then one.
public void setAreaTerrainSamplingSteps(double steps)
if (steps < 1)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ArgumentOutOfRange", steps);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (this.areaTerrainSamplingSteps != steps)
this.areaTerrainSamplingSteps = steps;
this.surfaceArea = -1;
this.projectedArea = -1;
// Invalidate cached data
this.sectorCells = null;
this.sectorElevations = null;
* Get the surface area approximation for the current path or shape.
* If the measurer is set to follow terrain, the computed area will account for terrain deformations. Otherwise
* the area is that of the path once projected at sea level - elevation zero.
* @param globe the globe to draw terrain information from.
* @return the current shape surface area or -1 if the position list does not describe a closed path or is too short.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if globe is null
public double getArea(Globe globe)
return this.isFollowTerrain() ? getSurfaceArea(globe) : getProjectedArea(globe);
public double getSurfaceArea(Globe globe)
if (globe == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (this.surfaceArea < 0)
this.surfaceArea = this.computeSurfaceAreaSampling(globe, this.areaTerrainSamplingSteps);
return this.surfaceArea;
public double getProjectedArea(Globe globe)
if (globe == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (this.projectedArea < 0)
this.projectedArea = this.computeProjectedAreaGeometry(globe);
return this.projectedArea;
public double getPerimeter(Globe globe)
return getLength(globe);
public double getWidth(Globe globe)
if (globe == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
Sector sector = getBoundingSector();
if (sector != null)
return globe.getRadiusAt(sector.getCentroid()) * sector.getDeltaLon().radians
* Math.cos(sector.getCentroid().getLatitude().radians);
return -1;
public double getHeight(Globe globe)
if (globe == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
Sector sector = getBoundingSector();
if (sector != null)
return globe.getRadiusAt(sector.getCentroid()) * sector.getDeltaLat().radians;
return -1;
// *** Computing area ******************************************************************
protected class Cell
Sector sector;
double projectedArea, surfaceArea;
public Cell(Sector sector, double projected, double surface)
this.sector = sector;
this.projectedArea = projected;
this.surfaceArea = surface;
// *** Projected area ***
// Tessellate the path in lat-lon space, then sum each triangle area.
protected double computeProjectedAreaGeometry(Globe globe)
Sector sector = getBoundingSector();
if (sector != null && this.isClosedShape())
// Subdivide long segments if needed
if (this.subdividedPositions == null)
this.subdividedPositions = subdividePositions(globe, getPositions(), getMaxSegmentLength()
, isFollowTerrain(), getPathType());
// First: tessellate polygon
int verticesCount = this.subdividedPositions.size() - 1; // trim last pos which is same as first
float[] verts = new float[verticesCount * 3];
// Prepare vertices
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++)
// Vertices coordinates are x=lon y=lat in radians, z = elevation zero
verts[idx++] = (float)this.subdividedPositions.get(i).getLongitude().radians;
verts[idx++] = (float)this.subdividedPositions.get(i).getLatitude().radians;
verts[idx++] = 0f;
// Tessellate
GeometryBuilder gb = new GeometryBuilder();
GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray ita = gb.tessellatePolygon2(0, verticesCount, verts);
// Second: sum triangles area
double area = 0;
int[] indices = ita.getIndices();
int triangleCount = ita.getIndexCount() / 3;
for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++)
idx = i * 3;
area += computeTriangleProjectedArea(globe, ita.getVertices(), indices[idx] * 3
, indices[idx + 1] * 3, indices[idx + 2] * 3);
return area;
return -1;
// Compute triangle area in a sinusoidal projection centered at the triangle center.
// Note sinusoidal projection is equivalent or equal erea.
protected double computeTriangleProjectedArea(Globe globe, float[] verts, int a, int b, int c)
double area = Math.abs(verts[a] * (verts[b + 1] - verts[c + 1])
+ verts[b] * (verts[c + 1] - verts[a + 1])
+ verts[c] * (verts[a + 1] - verts[b + 1])) / 2; // square radians
// Compute triangle center
double centerLat = (verts[a + 1] + verts[b + 1] + verts[c + 1]) / 3;
double centerLon = (verts[a] + verts[b] + verts[c]) / 3;
// Apply globe radius at triangle center and scale down area according to center latitude cosine
double radius = globe.getRadiusAt(Angle.fromRadians(centerLat), Angle.fromRadians(centerLon));
area *= Math.cos(centerLat) * radius * radius; // Square meter
return area;
// *** Surface area - terrain following ***
// Sample the path bounding sector with square cells which area are approximated according to the surface normal at
// the cell south-west corner.
protected double computeSurfaceAreaSampling(Globe globe, double steps)
Sector sector = getBoundingSector();
if (sector != null && this.isClosedShape())
// Subdivide long segments if needed
if (this.subdividedPositions == null)
this.subdividedPositions = subdividePositions(globe, getPositions(), getMaxSegmentLength(),
true, getPathType());
// Sample the bounding sector with cells about the same length in side - squares
double stepRadians = Math.max(sector.getDeltaLatRadians() / steps, sector.getDeltaLonRadians() / steps);
int latSteps = (int)Math.round(sector.getDeltaLatRadians() / stepRadians);
int lonSteps = (int)Math.round(sector.getDeltaLonRadians() / stepRadians
* Math.cos(sector.getCentroid().getLatitude().radians));
double latStepRadians = sector.getDeltaLatRadians() / latSteps;
double lonStepRadians = sector.getDeltaLonRadians() / lonSteps;
if (this.sectorCells == null)
this.sectorCells = new Cell[latSteps][lonSteps];
if (this.sectorElevations == null)
this.sectorElevations = new Double[latSteps + 1][lonSteps + 1];
double area = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < latSteps; i++)
double lat = sector.getMinLatitude().radians + latStepRadians * i;
// Compute this latitude row cells area
double radius = globe.getRadiusAt(Angle.fromRadians(lat + latStepRadians / 2),
double cellWidth = lonStepRadians * radius * Math.cos(lat + latStepRadians / 2);
double cellHeight = latStepRadians * radius;
double cellArea = cellWidth * cellHeight;
for (int j = 0; j < lonSteps; j++)
double lon = sector.getMinLongitude().radians + lonStepRadians * j;
Sector cellSector = Sector.fromRadians(lat, lat + latStepRadians, lon, lon + lonStepRadians);
// Select cells which center is inside the shape
if (WWMath.isLocationInside(cellSector.getCentroid(), this.subdividedPositions))
Cell cell = this.sectorCells[i][j];
if (cell == null || cell.surfaceArea == -1)
// Compute suface area using terrain normal in SW corner
// Corners elevation
double eleSW = sectorElevations[i][j] != null ? sectorElevations[i][j]
: globe.getElevation(Angle.fromRadians(lat), Angle.fromRadians(lon));
double eleSE = sectorElevations[i][j + 1] != null ? sectorElevations[i][j + 1]
: globe.getElevation(Angle.fromRadians(lat), Angle.fromRadians(lon + lonStepRadians));
double eleNW = sectorElevations[i + 1][j] != null ? sectorElevations[i + 1][j]
: globe.getElevation(Angle.fromRadians(lat + latStepRadians), Angle.fromRadians(lon));
// Cache elevations
sectorElevations[i][j] = eleSW;
sectorElevations[i][j + 1] = eleSE;
sectorElevations[i + 1][j] = eleNW;
// Compute normal
Vec4 vx = new Vec4(cellWidth, 0, eleSE - eleSW).normalize3();
Vec4 vy = new Vec4(0, cellHeight, eleNW - eleSW).normalize3();
Vec4 normalSW = vx.cross3(vy).normalize3(); // point toward positive Z
// Compute slope factor
double tan = Math.tan(Vec4.UNIT_Z.angleBetween3(normalSW).radians);
double slopeFactor = Math.sqrt(1 + tan * tan);
// Create and cache cell
cell = new Cell(cellSector, cellArea, cellArea * slopeFactor);
this.sectorCells[i][j] = cell;
// Add cell area
area += cell.surfaceArea;
return area;
return -1;
// Below code is an attempt at computing the surface area using geometry.
// private static final double DEFAULT_AREA_CONVERGENCE_PERCENT = 2; // stop sudividing when increase in area
// is less then this percent
// private double areaTerrainConvergencePercent = DEFAULT_AREA_CONVERGENCE_PERCENT;
// private int triangleCount = 0;
// // Tessellate the path in lat-lon space, then sum each triangle surface area.
// protected double computeSurfaceAreaGeometry(Globe globe)
// {
// long t0 = System.nanoTime();
// this.triangleCount = 0;
// Sector sector = getBoundingSector();
// if (sector != null && this.isClosedShape())
// {
// // Subdivide long segments if needed
// if (this.subdividedPositions == null)
// this.subdividedPositions = subdividePositions(globe, getPositions(), getMaxSegmentLength()
// , isFollowTerrain(), getPathType());
// // First: tessellate polygon
// int verticesCount = this.subdividedPositions.size() - 1; // trim last pos which is same as first
// float[] verts = new float[verticesCount * 3];
// // Prepare vertices
// int idx = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++)
// {
// // Vertices coordinates are x=lon y=lat in radians, z = elevation zero
// verts[idx++] = (float)this.subdividedPositions.get(i).getLongitude().radians;
// verts[idx++] = (float)this.subdividedPositions.get(i).getLatitude().radians;
// verts[idx++] = 0f;
// }
// // Tessellate
// GeometryBuilder gb = new GeometryBuilder();
// GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray ita = gb.tessellatePolygon2(0, verticesCount, verts);
// // Second: sum triangles area
// double area = 0;
// int triangleCount = ita.getIndexCount() / 3;
// for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++)
// {
// idx = i * 3;
// area += computeIndexedTriangleSurfaceArea(globe, ita, idx);
// }
// long t1 = System.nanoTime();
// System.out.println("Surface area geometry: " + area + " - " + (t1 - t0) / 1e3 + " micro sec for " + this.triangleCount + " triangles");
// return area;
// }
// return -1;
// }
// private double computeIndexedTriangleSurfaceArea(Globe globe, GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray ita, int idx)
// {
// // Create a one triangle indexed array
// GeometryBuilder gb = new GeometryBuilder();
// int[] indices = new int[] {0, 1, 2};
// float[] vertices = new float[9];
// System.arraycopy(ita.getVertices(), ita.getIndices()[idx] * 3, vertices, 0, 3);
// System.arraycopy(ita.getVertices(), ita.getIndices()[idx + 1] * 3, vertices, 3, 3);
// System.arraycopy(ita.getVertices(), ita.getIndices()[idx + 2] * 3, vertices, 6, 3);
// GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray triangleIta = new GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray(3, indices, 3, vertices);
// // Get triangle area
// double area = computeIndexedTriangleArraySurfaceArea(globe, triangleIta);
// if (area < 10)
// {
// // Do not subdivide below some area
// this.triangleCount++;
// return area;
// }
// // Subdivide and get area again. If increase is larger then some percentage, recurse on each of four triangles
// gb.subdivideIndexedTriangleArray(triangleIta);
// double subArea = computeIndexedTriangleArraySurfaceArea(globe, triangleIta);
// double delta = subArea - area;
// // *** Debug ***
// System.out.println((delta > 1 && delta > area * this.areaTerrainConvergencePercent / 100 ? "more" : "OK")
// + " Delta: " + delta + ", area: " + area + ", sub area: " + subArea);
// if (delta > 1 && delta > area * this.areaTerrainConvergencePercent / 100)
// {
// // Recurse on four sub triangles
// subArea = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// subArea += computeIndexedTriangleSurfaceArea(globe, triangleIta, i * 3);
// }
// else
// this.triangleCount += 4;
// return subArea;
// }
// private double computeIndexedTriangleSurfaceAreaIteration(Globe globe, GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray ita, int idx)
// {
// // Create a one triangle indexed array
// GeometryBuilder gb = new GeometryBuilder();
// int[] indices = new int[] {0, 1, 2};
// float[] vertices = new float[9];
// System.arraycopy(ita.getVertices(), ita.getIndices()[idx] * 3, vertices, 0, 3);
// System.arraycopy(ita.getVertices(), ita.getIndices()[idx + 1] * 3, vertices, 3, 3);
// System.arraycopy(ita.getVertices(), ita.getIndices()[idx + 2] * 3, vertices, 6, 3);
// GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray triangleIta = new GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray(3, indices, 3, vertices);
// // Get triangle area
// double area = computeIndexedTriangleArraySurfaceArea(globe, triangleIta);
// // Subdivide and get area again until increase is smaller then some percentage
// double delta = Double.MAX_VALUE;
// while (delta > (area - delta) * this.areaTerrainConvergencePercent / 100)
// {
// gb.subdivideIndexedTriangleArray(triangleIta);
// double subArea = computeIndexedTriangleArraySurfaceArea(globe, triangleIta);
// delta = subArea - area;
// area = subArea;
// }
// System.out.println("Triangle " + idx / 3 + " tot triangles: " + triangleIta.getIndexCount() / 3);
// return area;
// }
// private double computeIndexedTriangleArraySurfaceArea(Globe globe, GeometryBuilder.IndexedTriangleArray ita)
// {
// int a, b, c;
// double area = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < ita.getIndexCount(); i += 3)
// {
// // Sum each triangle area
// a = ita.getIndices()[i] * 3;
// b = ita.getIndices()[i + 1] * 3;
// c = ita.getIndices()[i + 2] * 3;
// area += computeTriangleSurfaceArea(globe, ita.getVertices(), a, b, c);
// }
// return area;
// }
// protected double computeTriangleSurfaceArea(Globe globe, float[] verts, int a, int b, int c)
// {
// // Triangle surface area is half the cross product length of any two edges
// Vec4 pa = getSurfacePointSinusoidal(globe, verts[a + 1], verts[a]);
// Vec4 pb = getSurfacePointSinusoidal(globe, verts[b + 1], verts[b]);
// Vec4 pc = getSurfacePointSinusoidal(globe, verts[c + 1], verts[c]);
// Vec4 AB = pb.subtract3(pa);
// Vec4 AC = pc.subtract3(pa);
// return 0.5 * AB.cross3(AC).getLength3();
// }
// protected Vec4 getSurfacePoint(Globe globe, float latRadians, float lonRadians)
// {
// Angle latitude = Angle.fromRadians(latRadians);
// Angle longitude = Angle.fromRadians(lonRadians);
// return globe.computePointFromPosition(latitude, longitude, globe.getElevation(latitude, longitude));
// }
// protected Vec4 getSurfacePointSinusoidal(Globe globe, float latRadians, float lonRadians)
// {
// Angle latitude = Angle.fromRadians(latRadians);
// Angle longitude = Angle.fromRadians(lonRadians);
// double radius = globe.getRadiusAt(latitude, longitude);
// return new Vec4(radius * lonRadians * latitude.cos(), radius * latRadians,
// globe.getElevation(latitude, longitude));
// }