gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.Capabilities Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.wms;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.exception.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* @author tag
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
public abstract class Capabilities
public static final String WMS_SERVICE_NAME = "OGC:WMS";
protected Document doc;
protected Element service;
protected Element capability;
protected XPath xpath;
protected URL capsURL;
public static Capabilities retrieve(URI uri, String service) throws Exception
return retrieve(uri, service, null, null);
public static Capabilities retrieve(URI uri, Integer connectTimeout, Integer readTimeout) throws Exception
return retrieve(uri, null, connectTimeout, readTimeout);
public static Capabilities retrieve(URI uri, String service, Integer connectTimeout, Integer readTimeout)
throws Exception
if (uri == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.URIIsNull");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
InputStream is = null;
// Request the capabilities document from the server.
CapabilitiesRequest req = new CapabilitiesRequest(uri, service);
URL capsURL = req.getUri().toURL();
URLRetriever retriever = URLRetriever.createRetriever(capsURL, new RetrievalPostProcessor()
public ByteBuffer run(Retriever retriever)
return retriever.getBuffer();
if (retriever == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnrecognizedProtocol");
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
if (connectTimeout != null)
if (readTimeout != null)
if (!retriever.getState().equals(URLRetriever.RETRIEVER_STATE_SUCCESSFUL))
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.RetrievalFailed", uri.toString());
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
if (retriever.getBuffer() == null || retriever.getBuffer().limit() == 0)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.RetrievalReturnedNoContent", uri.toString());
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
if (retriever.getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"))
String exceptionMessage = WWXML.extractOGCServiceException(retriever.getBuffer());
String message = Logging.getMessage("WMS.ServiceException",
uri.toString() + ": " + (exceptionMessage != null ? exceptionMessage : ""));
throw new WWRuntimeException(message);
// Parse the DOM as a capabilities document.
is = WWIO.getInputStreamFromByteBuffer(retriever.getBuffer());
Capabilities caps = Capabilities.parse(WWXML.createDocumentBuilder(true).parse(is));
if (caps != null)
caps.capsURL = capsURL;
return caps;
catch (URISyntaxException e)
Logging.getMessage("generic.URIInvalid", uri.toString()), e);
throw e;
catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
Logging.logger().fine(Logging.getMessage("WMS.ParserConfigurationException", uri.toString()));
throw e;
catch (IOException e)
Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionAttemptingToReadFrom", uri.toString()), e);
throw e;
catch (SAXException e)
Logging.logger().fine(Logging.getMessage("WMS.ParsingError", uri.toString()));
throw e;
WWIO.closeStream(is, uri.toString());
public static Capabilities parse(Document doc)
XPath xpath = WWXML.makeXPath();
xpath.setNamespaceContext(new WMSNamespaceContext());
String exceptionMessage = WWXML.checkOGCException(doc);
if (exceptionMessage != null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("WMS.ServiceException", exceptionMessage);
throw new ServiceException(exceptionMessage);
String version = xpath.evaluate(altPaths("*/@wms:version"), doc);
if (version == null || version.length() == 0)
return null;
if (version.compareTo("1.3") < 0)
return new CapabilitiesV111(doc, xpath);
return new CapabilitiesV130(doc, xpath);
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
Logging.logger().log(Level.SEVERE, "WMS.ParsingError", e);
return null;
protected Capabilities(Document doc, XPath xpath)
this.doc = doc;
this.xpath = xpath;
this.service = (Element) this.xpath.evaluate(altPaths("*/wms:Service"), doc, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (this.service == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("WMS.NoServiceElement", "XML document");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
this.capability = (Element) this.xpath.evaluate(altPaths("*/wms:Capability"), doc, XPathConstants.NODE);
if (this.capability == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("WMS.NoCapabilityElement", "XML document");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
Logging.logger().log(Level.SEVERE, "WMS.ParsingError", e);
public URL getCapsURL()
return capsURL;
private static String altPaths(String path) // hack for WW server layer names with leading pipe
return path != null ? path + "|" + path.replaceAll("wms:", "") : null;
protected String getText(String path)
return this.getText(null, path);
protected String getText(Element context, String path)
return this.xpath.evaluate(altPaths(path), context != null ? context : doc);
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
return null;
protected String[] getTextArray(Element context, String path)
NodeList nodes = (NodeList) this.xpath.evaluate(altPaths(path), context != null ? context : doc,
if (nodes == null || nodes.getLength() == 0)
return null;
String[] strings = new String[nodes.getLength()];
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++)
strings[i] = nodes.item(i).getTextContent();
return strings;
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
return null;
protected String[] getUniqueText(Element context, String path)
String[] strings = this.getTextArray(context, path);
if (strings == null)
return null;
ArrayList sarl = new ArrayList();
for (String s : strings)
if (!sarl.contains(s))
return sarl.toArray(new String[1]);
protected Element getElement(Element context, String path)
Node node = (Node) this.xpath.evaluate(altPaths(path), context != null ? context : doc,
if (node == null)
return null;
return node instanceof Element ? (Element) node : null;
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
return null;
protected Element[] getElements(Element context, String path)
NodeList nodes = (NodeList) this.xpath.evaluate(altPaths(path), context != null ? context : doc,
if (nodes == null || nodes.getLength() == 0)
return null;
Element[] elements = new Element[nodes.getLength()];
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++)
Node node = nodes.item(i);
if (node instanceof Element)
elements[i] = (Element) node;
return elements;
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
return null;
protected Element[] getUniqueElements(Element context, String path, String uniqueTag)
Element[] elements = this.getElements(context, path);
if (elements == null)
return null;
HashMap styles = new HashMap();
for (Element e : elements)
String name = this.getText(e, uniqueTag);
if (name != null)
styles.put(name, e);
return styles.values().toArray(new Element[1]);
private HashMap namedLayerElements = new HashMap();
private HashMap namedLayers = new HashMap();
private void fillLayerList()
if (this.namedLayers.size() == 0)
Element[] nels = this.getElements(this.capability, "descendant::wms:Layer[wms:Name]");
if (nels == null || nels.length == 0)
for (Element le : nels)
String name = this.getLayerName(le);
if (name != null)
Layer layer = new Layer(le);
this.namedLayers.put(name, layer);
this.namedLayerElements.put(le, layer);
public Document getDocument()
return this.doc;
public Element[] getNamedLayers()
if (this.namedLayerElements.size() == 0)
return this.namedLayerElements.keySet().toArray(new Element[this.namedLayerElements.size()]);
public Element getLayerByName(String layerName)
if (this.namedLayers.size() == 0)
Layer l = this.namedLayers.get(layerName);
return l != null ? l.element : null;
public Long getLayerLatestLastUpdateTime(Capabilities caps, String[] layerNames)
if (caps == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSCapabilities");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (layerNames == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSLayerNames");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String lastUpdate = null;
for (String name : layerNames)
Element layer = caps.getLayerByName(name);
if (layer == null)
String update = caps.getLayerLastUpdate(layer);
if (update != null && update.length() > 0 && (lastUpdate == null || update.compareTo(lastUpdate) > 0))
lastUpdate = update;
if (lastUpdate != null)
return Long.parseLong(lastUpdate);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ConversionError", lastUpdate);
return null;
public Double[] getLayerExtremeElevations(Capabilities caps, String[] layerNames)
if (caps == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSCapabilities");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (layerNames == null)
String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WMSLayerNames");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
String extremeMin = null;
String extremeMax = null;
for (String name : layerNames)
Element layer = caps.getLayerByName(name);
if (layer == null)
String min = caps.getLayerExtremeElevationsMin(layer);
if (min != null && (extremeMin == null || min.compareTo(min) > 0))
extremeMin = min;
String max = caps.getLayerExtremeElevationsMax(layer);
if (max != null && (extremeMax == null || max.compareTo(max) > 0))
extremeMax = max;
if (extremeMin != null || extremeMax != null)
Double[] extremes = new Double[] {null, null};
if (extremeMin != null)
extremes[0] = Double.parseDouble(extremeMin);
if (extremeMax != null)
extremes[1] = Double.parseDouble(extremeMax);
return extremes;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ConversionError",
extremeMin != null ? extremeMin : "" + extremeMax != null ? extremeMax : "");
return null;
// ********* Document Items ********* //
public String getVersion()
return this.getText("*/@wms:version");
public String getUpdateSequence()
return this.getText("*/@wms:updateSequence");
// ********* Service Items ********* //
public String getAbstract()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:Abstract");
public String getAccessConstraints()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:AccessConstraints");
public String getContactOrganization()
return this.getText(
this.service, "wms:ContactInformation/wms:ContactPersonPrimary/wms:ContactOrganization");
public String getContactPerson()
return this.getText(
this.service, "wms:ContactInformation/wms:ContactPersonPrimary/wms:ContactPerson");
public String getFees()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:Fees");
public String[] getKeywordList()
return this.getTextArray(this.service, "wms:KeywordList/wms:Keyword");
public String getLayerLimit()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:LayerLimit");
public String getMaxWidth()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:MaxWidth");
public String getMaxHeight()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:MaxHeight");
public String getServiceName()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:Name");
public String getTitle()
return this.getText(this.service, "wms:Title");
// ********* Capability Items ********* //
public String getOnlineResource()
return this.getText(this.capability, "wms:OnlineResource/@xlink:href");
public String[] getGetCapabilitiesFormats()
return this.getTextArray(this.capability,
public String getGetCapabilitiesRequestGetURL()
return this.getText(this.capability,
public String getGetCapabilitiesRequestPostURL()
return this.getText(this.capability,
public String[] getExceptionFormats()
return this.getTextArray(this.capability, "wms:Exception/wms:Format");
public String getFeatureInfoRequestGetURL()
return this.getText(this.capability,
public String getFeatureInfoRequestPostURL()
return this.getText(this.capability,
public String[] getGetMapFormats()
return this.getTextArray(this.capability,
public String getGetMapRequestGetURL()
return this.getText(this.capability,
public String getGetMapRequestPostURL()
return this.getText(this.capability,
public String getVendorSpecificCapabilities()
return this.getText(this.capability, "wms:VendorSpecificCapabilities");
public Element getLayer()
return this.getElement(this.capability, "wms:Layer");
// ********* Layer Items ********* //
protected static class Layer
protected HashMap styleElements = new HashMap();
protected final Element element;
protected Layer layer;
protected String name;
protected String title;
public Layer(Element element)
this.element = element;
public String getLayerAbstract(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "wms:Abstract");
public String getLayerAttributionTitle(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Attribution/wms:Title");
public String getLayerAttributionURL(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Attribution/wms:OnlineResource/@xlink:href");
public String getLayerAttributionLogoFormat(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Attribution/wms:LogoURL/wms:Format");
public String getLayerAttributionLogoHeight(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Attribution/wms:LogoURL/@wms:height");
public String getLayerAttributionLogoURL(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer,
public String getLayerAttributionLogoWidth(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Attribution/wms:LogoURL/@wms:width");
public Element[] getLayerAuthorityURLs(Element layer)
return this.getUniqueElements(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:AuthorityURL", "@wms:type");
public abstract BoundingBox[] getLayerBoundingBoxes(Element layer);
public String getLayerCascaded(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/@cascaded");
public String[] getLayerCRS(Element layer)
return this.getUniqueText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:CRS");
public String getLayerDataURLFormat(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "wms:DataURL/wms:Format");
public String getLayerDataURL(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "wms:DataURL/wms:OnlineResource/@xlink:href");
public Element[] getLayerDimensions(Element layer)
Element[] dims = this.getElements(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Dimension");
if (dims == null || dims.length == 0)
return null;
ArrayList uniqueDims = new ArrayList();
ArrayList dimNames = new ArrayList();
for (Element e : dims)
// Filter out dimensions with same name.
// Keep all those with a null name, even though wms says they're invalid. Let the app decide.
String name = this.getDimensionName(e);
if (name != null && dimNames.contains(name))
return uniqueDims.toArray(new Element[uniqueDims.size()]);
public Element[] getLayerExtents(Element layer)
Element[] extents = this.getElements(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Extent");
if (extents == null || extents.length == 0)
return null;
ArrayList uniqueExtents = new ArrayList();
ArrayList extentNames = new ArrayList();
for (Element e : extents)
// Filter out dimensions with same name.
// Keep all those with a null name, even though wms says they're invalid. Let the app decide.
String name = this.getDimensionName(e);
if (name != null && extentNames.contains(name))
return uniqueExtents.toArray(new Element[uniqueExtents.size()]);
public abstract BoundingBox getLayerGeographicBoundingBox(Element layer);
public String getLayerFeatureListFormat(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "wms:FeatureListURL/wms:Format");
public String getLayerFeatureListURL(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "wms:FeatureListURL/wms:OnlineResource/@xlink:href");
public String getLayerFixedHeight(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/@fixedHeight");
public String getLayerFixedWidth(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/@fixedWidth");
public Element[] getLayerIdentifiers(Element layer)
return this.getUniqueElements(layer, "wms:Identifier", "wms:authority");
public String[] getLayerKeywordList(Element layer)
return this.getTextArray(layer, "wms:KeywordList/wms:Keyword");
public abstract String getLayerMaxScaleDenominator(Element layer);
public Element[] getLayerMetadataURLs(Element layer)
return this.getElements(layer, "wms:MetadataURL");
public abstract String getLayerMinScaleDenominator(Element layer);
public String getLayerName(Element layerElement)
Layer layer = this.namedLayerElements.get(layerElement);
return layer != null && != null ? : this.getText(layerElement, "wms:Name");
public String getLayerNoSubsets(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/@noSubsets");
public String getLayerOpaque(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/@opaque");
public String getLayerQueryable(Element layer)
return this.getText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/@queryable");
public String[] getLayerSRS(Element layer)
return this.getUniqueText(layer, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:SRS");
public Element[] getLayerStyles(Element layerElement)
Layer layer = this.namedLayerElements.get(layerElement);
if (layer == null)
return null;
if (layer.styleElements != null && layer.styleElements.size() != 0)
return layer.styleElements.keySet().toArray(new Element[1]);
Element[] styleElements = this.getUniqueElements(layerElement, "ancestor-or-self::wms:Layer/wms:Style", "Name");
if (styleElements == null)
return null;
layer.styleElements = new HashMap();
for (Element se : styleElements)
Style style = new Style(se, layer);
layer.styleElements.put(se, style);
this.styleElements.put(se, style);
return layer.styleElements.keySet().toArray(new Element[1]);
public Element[] getLayerSubLayers(Element layer)
return this.getElements(layer, "wms:Layer");
public String getLayerTitle(Element layerElement)
Layer layer = this.namedLayerElements.get(layerElement);
if (layer == null)
return this.getText(layerElement, "wms:Title");
return layer.title != null ? layer.title : (layer.title = this.getText(layerElement, "wms:Title"));
public Element getLayerStyleByName(Element layerElement, String styleName)
Layer layer = this.namedLayerElements.get(layerElement);
if (layer == null)
return null;
if (layer.styleElements == null || layer.styleElements.size() == 0)
// Initialize the layer's style list.
if (layer.styleElements == null || layer.styleElements.size() == 0)
return null;