) list;
* Returns new parser that accepts the receiver, if possible. The resulting
* parser returns the result of the receiver, or {@code null} if not
* applicable.
public Parser optional() {
return optional(null);
* Returns new parser that accepts the receiver, if possible. The returned
* value can be provided as {@code otherwise}.
public Parser optional(Object otherwise) {
return new OptionalParser(this, otherwise);
* Returns a parser that accepts the receiver zero or more times. The
* resulting parser returns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
* This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much
* input as possible and that does not consider what comes afterwards.
public Parser star() {
return repeat(0, RepeatingParser.UNBOUNDED);
* Returns a parser that parses the receiver zero or more times until it
* reaches a {@code limit}.
This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the {@link Parser#star()}
* operator. The {@code limit} is not consumed.
public Parser starGreedy(Parser limit) {
return repeatGreedy(limit, 0, RepeatingParser.UNBOUNDED);
* Returns a parser that parses the receiver zero or more times until it
* reaches a {@code limit}.
This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the {@link Parser#star()}
* operator. The {@code limit} is not consumed.
public Parser starLazy(Parser limit) {
return repeatLazy(limit, 0, RepeatingParser.UNBOUNDED);
* Returns a parser that accepts the receiver one or more times. The resulting
* parser returns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much
* input as possible and that does not consider what comes afterwards.
public Parser plus() {
return repeat(1, RepeatingParser.UNBOUNDED);
* Returns a parser that parses the receiver one or more times until it
* reaches {@code limit}.
This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the {@link Parser#plus()}
* operator. The {@code limit} is not consumed.
public Parser plusGreedy(Parser limit) {
return repeatGreedy(limit, 1, RepeatingParser.UNBOUNDED);
* Returns a parser that parses the receiver one or more times until it
* reaches a {@code limit}.
This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the {@link Parser#plus()}
* operator. The {@code limit} is not consumed.
public Parser plusLazy(Parser limit) {
return repeatLazy(limit, 1, RepeatingParser.UNBOUNDED);
* Returns a parser that accepts the receiver between {@code min} and {@code
* max} times. The resulting parser returns a list of the parse results of the
* receiver.
This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much
* input as possible and that does not consider what comes afterwards.
public Parser repeat(int min, int max) {
return new PossessiveRepeatingParser(this, min, max);
* Returns a parser that parses the receiver at least {@code min} and at most
* {@code max} times until it reaches a {@code limit}.
This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the {@link
* Parser#repeat(int, int)} operator. The {@code limit} is not consumed.
public Parser repeatGreedy(Parser limit, int min, int max) {
return new GreedyRepeatingParser(this, limit, min, max);
* Returns a parser that parses the receiver at least {@code min} and at most
* {@code max} times until it reaches a {@code limit}.
This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the {@link
* Parser#repeat(int, int)} operator. The {@code limit} is not consumed.
public Parser repeatLazy(Parser limit, int min, int max) {
return new LazyRepeatingParser(this, limit, min, max);
* Returns a parser that accepts the receiver exactly {@code count} times. The
* resulting parser eturns a list of the parse results of the receiver.
public Parser times(int count) {
return repeat(count, count);
* Returns a parser that accepts the receiver followed by {@code others}. The
* resulting parser returns a list of the parse result of the receiver
* followed by the parse result of {@code others}.
Calling this method on an existing sequence code not nest this sequence
* into a new one, but instead augments the existing sequence with {@code
* others}.
public SequenceParser seq(Parser... others) {
Parser[] parsers = new Parser[1 + others.length];
parsers[0] = this;
System.arraycopy(others, 0, parsers, 1, others.length);
return new SequenceParser(parsers);
* Returns a parser that accepts the receiver or {@code other}. The resulting
* parser returns the parse result of the receiver, if the receiver fails it
* returns the parse result of {@code other} (exclusive ordered choice).
public ChoiceParser or(Parser... others) {
Parser[] parsers = new Parser[1 + others.length];
parsers[0] = this;
System.arraycopy(others, 0, parsers, 1, others.length);
return new ChoiceParser(parsers);
* Returns a parser (logical and-predicate) that succeeds whenever the
* receiver does, but never consumes input.
public Parser and() {
return new AndParser(this);
* Returns a parser that is called with its current continuation.
public Parser callCC(ContinuationParser.ContinuationHandler handler) {
return new ContinuationParser(this, handler);
* Returns a parser (logical not-predicate) that succeeds whenever the
* receiver fails, but never consumes input.
public Parser not() {
return not("unexpected");
* Returns a parser (logical not-predicate) that succeeds whenever the
* receiver fails, but never consumes input.
public Parser not(String message) {
return new NotParser(this, message);
* Returns a parser that consumes any input token (character), but the
* receiver.
public Parser neg() {
return neg(this + " not expected");
* Returns a parser that consumes any input token (character), but the
* receiver.
public Parser neg(String message) {
return not(message).seq(CharacterParser.any()).pick(1);
* Returns a parser that discards the result of the receiver, and returns a
* sub-string of the consumed range in the string/list being parsed.
public Parser flatten() {
return new FlattenParser(this);
* Returns a parser that discards the result of the receiver, and returns a
* sub-string of the consumed range in the string/list being parsed. Report
* the provided {@code message} in case of an error.
public Parser flatten(String message) {
return new FlattenParser(this, message);
* Returns a parser that returns a {@link Token}. The token carries the parsed
* value of the receiver {@link Token#getValue()}, as well as the consumed
* input {@link Token#getInput()} from {@link Token#getStart()} to {@link
* Token#getStop()} of the input being parsed.
public Parser token() {
return new TokenParser(this);
* Returns a parser that consumes whitespace before and after the receiver.
public Parser trim() {
return trim(CharacterParser.whitespace());
* Returns a parser that consumes input on {@code both} sides of the
* receiver.
public Parser trim(Parser both) {
return trim(both, both);
* Returns a parser that consumes input {@code before} and {@code after} the
* receiver.
public Parser trim(Parser before, Parser after) {
return new TrimmingParser(this, before, after);
* Returns a parser that succeeds only if the receiver consumes the complete
* input.
public Parser end() {
return end("end of input expected");
* Returns a parser that succeeds only if the receiver consumes the complete
* input, otherwise return a failure with the {@code message}.
public Parser end(String message) {
return new SequenceParser(this, new EndOfInputParser(message)).pick(0);
* Returns a parser that points to the receiver, but can be changed to point
* to something else at a later point in time.
public SettableParser settable() {
return SettableParser.with(this);
* Returns a parser that evaluates a {@code function} as the production action
* on success of the receiver.
* @param function production action without side-effects.
public Parser map(Function function) {
return new ActionParser<>(this, function);
* Returns a parser that evaluates a {@code function} as the production action
* on success of the receiver.
* @param function production action with possible side-effects.
public Parser mapWithSideEffects(Function function) {
return new ActionParser<>(this, function, true);
* Returns a parser that transform a successful parse result by returning the
* element at {@code index} of a list. A negative index can be used to access
* the elements from the back of the list.
public Parser pick(int index) {
return map(Functions.nthOfList(index));
* Returns a parser that transforms a successful parse result by returning the
* permuted elements at {@code indexes} of a list. Negative indexes can be
* used to access the elements from the back of the list.
public Parser permute(int... indexes) {
return this.map(Functions.permutationOfList(indexes));
* Returns a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times, separated
* by a {@code separator}.
public Parser separatedBy(Parser separator) {
return new SequenceParser(this, new SequenceParser(separator, this).star())
.map((List>> input) -> {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
* Returns a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times, separated
* and possibly ended by a {@code separator}."
public Parser delimitedBy(Parser separator) {
return separatedBy(separator).seq(separator.optional())
.map((List> input) -> {
List result = new ArrayList<>(input.get(0));
if (input.get(1) != null) {
return result;
* Returns a shallow copy of the receiver.
public abstract Parser copy();
* Recursively tests for structural similarity of two parsers.
* The code can automatically deals with recursive parsers and parsers
* that refer to other parsers. This code is supposed to be overridden by
* parsers that add other state.
public boolean isEqualTo(Parser other) {
return isEqualTo(other, new HashSet<>());
* Recursively tests for structural similarity of two parsers.
protected boolean isEqualTo(Parser other, Set seen) {
if (this.equals(other) || seen.contains(this)) {
return true;
return Objects.equals(getClass(), other.getClass()) &&
hasEqualProperties(other) && hasEqualChildren(other, seen);
* Compares the properties of two parsers.
* Override this method in all subclasses that add new state.
protected boolean hasEqualProperties(Parser other) {
return true;
* Compares the children of two parsers.
Normally subclasses should not override this method, but instead {@link
* #getChildren()}.
protected boolean hasEqualChildren(Parser other, Set seen) {
List thisChildren = this.getChildren();
List otherChildren = other.getChildren();
if (thisChildren.size() != otherChildren.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < thisChildren.size(); i++) {
if (!thisChildren.get(i).isEqualTo(otherChildren.get(i), seen)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns a list of directly referring parsers.
public List getChildren() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Replaces the referring parser {@code source} with {@code target}. Does
* nothing if the parser does not exist.
public void replace(Parser source, Parser target) {
// no referring parsers
* Returns a human readable string identifying this parser.
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();