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 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
 * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.

package org.antlr.v4.kotlinruntime

//import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*
//import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA
//import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Pair
//import java.util.ArrayDeque
//import java.util.Deque
///** A parser simulator that mimics what ANTLR's generated
// * parser code does. A ParserATNSimulator is used to make
// * predictions via adaptivePredict but this class moves a pointer through the
// * ATN to simulate parsing. ParserATNSimulator just
// * makes us efficient rather than having to backtrack, for example.
// *
// * This properly creates parse trees even for left recursive rules.
// *
// * We rely on the left recursive rule invocation and special predicate
// * transitions to make left recursive rules work.
// *
// * See TestParserInterpreter for examples.
// */
//class ParserInterpreter(override val grammarFileName: String, override val vocabulary: Vocabulary,
//                        ruleNames: Collection, override val atn: ATN, input: TokenStream) : Parser(input) {
//    protected val decisionToDFA: Array // not shared like it is for generated parsers
//    protected val sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache()
//    @Deprecated("")
//    @get:Deprecated("")
//    override val tokenNames: Array
//    override val ruleNames: Array?
//    /** This stack corresponds to the _parentctx, _parentState pair of locals
//     * that would exist on call stack frames with a recursive descent parser;
//     * in the generated function for a left-recursive rule you'd see:
//     *
//     * private EContext e(int _p) throws RecognitionException {
//     * ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx;    // Pair.a
//     * int _parentState = getState();          // Pair.b
//     * ...
//     * }
//     *
//     * Those values are used to create new recursive rule invocation contexts
//     * associated with left operand of an alt like "expr '*' expr".
//     */
//    protected val _parentContextStack: Deque> = ArrayDeque>()
//    /** We need a map from (decision,inputIndex)->forced alt for computing ambiguous
//     * parse trees. For now, we allow exactly one override.
//     */
//    protected var overrideDecision = -1
//    protected var overrideDecisionInputIndex = -1
//    protected var overrideDecisionAlt = -1
//    protected var overrideDecisionReached = false // latch and only override once; error might trigger infinite loop
//    /** What is the current context when we override a decisions?  This tells
//     * us what the root of the parse tree is when using override
//     * for an ambiguity/lookahead check.
//     */
//    var overrideDecisionRoot: InterpreterRuleContext? = null
//        protected set
//    /** Return the root of the parse, which can be useful if the parser
//     * bails out. You still can access the top node. Note that,
//     * because of the way left recursive rules add children, it's possible
//     * that the root will not have any children if the start rule immediately
//     * called and left recursive rule that fails.
//     *
//     * @since 4.5.1
//     */
//    var rootContext: InterpreterRuleContext
//        protected set
//    protected val atnState: ATNState
//        get() = atn.states.get(state)
//    @Deprecated("Use {@link #ParserInterpreter(String, Vocabulary, Collection, ATN, TokenStream)} instead.")
//    constructor(grammarFileName: String, tokenNames: Collection,
//                ruleNames: Collection, atn: ATN, input: TokenStream) : this(grammarFileName, VocabularyImpl.fromTokenNames(tokenNames.toTypedArray()), ruleNames, atn, input) {
//    }
//    init {
//        this.tokenNames = arrayOfNulls(atn.maxTokenType)
//        for (i in tokenNames.indices) {
//            tokenNames[i] = vocabulary.getDisplayName(i)
//        }
//        this.ruleNames = ruleNames.toTypedArray()
//        // init decision DFA
//        val numberOfDecisions = atn.getNumberOfDecisions()
//        this.decisionToDFA = arrayOfNulls(numberOfDecisions)
//        for (i in 0 until numberOfDecisions) {
//            val decisionState = atn.getDecisionState(i)
//            decisionToDFA[i] = DFA(decisionState, i)
//        }
//        // get atn simulator that knows how to do predictions
//        interpreter = ParserATNSimulator(this, atn,
//                decisionToDFA,
//                sharedContextCache)
//    }
//    override fun reset() {
//        super.reset()
//        overrideDecisionReached = false
//        overrideDecisionRoot = null
//    }
//    /** Begin parsing at startRuleIndex  */
//    fun parse(startRuleIndex: Int): ParserRuleContext {
//        val startRuleStartState = atn.ruleToStartState[startRuleIndex]
//        rootContext = createInterpreterRuleContext(null, ATNState.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER, startRuleIndex)
//        if (startRuleStartState.isLeftRecursiveRule) {
//            enterRecursionRule(rootContext, startRuleStartState.stateNumber, startRuleIndex, 0)
//        } else {
//            enterRule(rootContext, startRuleStartState.stateNumber, startRuleIndex)
//        }
//        while (true) {
//            val p = atnState
//            when (p.getStateType()) {
//                ATNState.RULE_STOP -> {
//                    // pop; return from rule
//                    if (context!!.isEmpty) {
//                        if (startRuleStartState.isLeftRecursiveRule) {
//                            val result = context
//                            val parentContext = _parentContextStack.pop()
//                            unrollRecursionContexts(parentContext.a)
//                            return result
//                        } else {
//                            exitRule()
//                            return rootContext
//                        }
//                    }
//                    visitRuleStopState(p)
//                }
//                else -> try {
//                    visitState(p)
//                } catch (e: RecognitionException) {
//                    state = atn.ruleToStopState[p.ruleIndex].stateNumber
//                    context!!.exception = e
//                    errorHandler.reportError(this, e)
//                    recover(e)
//                }
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    override fun enterRecursionRule(localctx: ParserRuleContext, state: Int, ruleIndex: Int, precedence: Int) {
//        val pair = Pair(context, localctx.invokingState)
//        _parentContextStack.push(pair)
//        super.enterRecursionRule(localctx, state, ruleIndex, precedence)
//    }
//    protected fun visitState(p: ATNState) {
//        //		System.out.println("visitState "+p.stateNumber);
//        var predictedAlt = 1
//        if (p is DecisionState) {
//            predictedAlt = visitDecisionState(p as DecisionState)
//        }
//        val transition = p.transition(predictedAlt - 1)
//        when (transition.getSerializationType()) {
//            Transition.EPSILON -> if (p.getStateType() === ATNState.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY &&
//                    (p as StarLoopEntryState).isPrecedenceDecision &&
//           !is LoopEndState) {
//                // We are at the start of a left recursive rule's (...)* loop
//                // and we're not taking the exit branch of loop.
//                val localctx = createInterpreterRuleContext(_parentContextStack.peek().a,
//                        _parentContextStack.peek().b,
//                        context!!.ruleIndex)
//                pushNewRecursionContext(localctx,
//                        atn.ruleToStartState[p.ruleIndex].stateNumber,
//                        context!!.ruleIndex)
//            }
//            Transition.ATOM -> match((transition as AtomTransition).accessLabel)
//            Transition.RANGE, Transition.SET, Transition.NOT_SET -> {
//                if (!transition.matches(_input!!.LA(1), Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, 65535)) {
//                    recoverInline()
//                }
//                matchWildcard()
//            }
//            Transition.WILDCARD -> matchWildcard()
//            Transition.RULE -> {
//                val ruleStartState = as RuleStartState
//                val ruleIndex = ruleStartState.ruleIndex
//                val newctx = createInterpreterRuleContext(context, p.stateNumber, ruleIndex)
//                if (ruleStartState.isLeftRecursiveRule) {
//                    enterRecursionRule(newctx, ruleStartState.stateNumber, ruleIndex, (transition as RuleTransition).precedence)
//                } else {
//                    enterRule(newctx,, ruleIndex)
//                }
//            }
//            Transition.PREDICATE -> {
//                val predicateTransition = transition as PredicateTransition
//                if (!sempred(context, predicateTransition.ruleIndex, predicateTransition.predIndex)) {
//                    throw FailedPredicateException(this)
//                }
//            }
//            Transition.ACTION -> {
//                val actionTransition = transition as ActionTransition
//                action(context, actionTransition.ruleIndex, actionTransition.actionIndex)
//            }
//            Transition.PRECEDENCE -> if (!precpred(context, (transition as PrecedencePredicateTransition).precedence)) {
//                throw FailedPredicateException(this, String.format("precpred(_ctx, %d)", (transition as PrecedencePredicateTransition).precedence))
//            }
//            else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unrecognized ATN transition type.")
//        }
//        state =
//    }
//    /** Method visitDecisionState() is called when the interpreter reaches
//     * a decision state (instance of DecisionState). It gives an opportunity
//     * for subclasses to track interesting things.
//     */
//    protected fun visitDecisionState(p: DecisionState): Int {
//        var predictedAlt = 1
//        if (p.getNumberOfTransitions() > 1) {
//            errorHandler.sync(this)
//            val decision = p.decision
//            if (decision == overrideDecision && _input!!.index() == overrideDecisionInputIndex &&
//                    !overrideDecisionReached) {
//                predictedAlt = overrideDecisionAlt
//                overrideDecisionReached = true
//            } else {
//                predictedAlt = interpreter.adaptivePredict(_input, decision, context)
//            }
//        }
//        return predictedAlt
//    }
//    /** Provide simple "factory" for InterpreterRuleContext's.
//     * @since 4.5.1
//     */
//    protected fun createInterpreterRuleContext(
//            parent: ParserRuleContext?,
//            invokingStateNumber: Int,
//            ruleIndex: Int): InterpreterRuleContext {
//        return InterpreterRuleContext(parent, invokingStateNumber, ruleIndex)
//    }
//    protected fun visitRuleStopState(p: ATNState) {
//        val ruleStartState = atn.ruleToStartState[p.ruleIndex]
//        if (ruleStartState.isLeftRecursiveRule) {
//            val parentContext = _parentContextStack.pop()
//            unrollRecursionContexts(parentContext.a)
//            state = parentContext.b
//        } else {
//            exitRule()
//        }
//        val ruleTransition = atn.states.get(state).transition(0) as RuleTransition
//        state = ruleTransition.followState.stateNumber
//    }
//    /** Override this parser interpreters normal decision-making process
//     * at a particular decision and input token index. Instead of
//     * allowing the adaptive prediction mechanism to choose the
//     * first alternative within a block that leads to a successful parse,
//     * force it to take the alternative, 1..n for n alternatives.
//     *
//     * As an implementation limitation right now, you can only specify one
//     * override. This is sufficient to allow construction of different
//     * parse trees for ambiguous input. It means re-parsing the entire input
//     * in general because you're never sure where an ambiguous sequence would
//     * live in the various parse trees. For example, in one interpretation,
//     * an ambiguous input sequence would be matched completely in expression
//     * but in another it could match all the way back to the root.
//     *
//     * s : e '!'? ;
//     * e : ID
//     * | ID '!'
//     * ;
//     *
//     * Here, x! can be matched as (s (e ID) !) or (s (e ID !)). In the first
//     * case, the ambiguous sequence is fully contained only by the root.
//     * In the second case, the ambiguous sequences fully contained within just
//     * e, as in: (e ID !).
//     *
//     * Rather than trying to optimize this and make
//     * some intelligent decisions for optimization purposes, I settled on
//     * just re-parsing the whole input and then using
//     * {link Trees#getRootOfSubtreeEnclosingRegion} to find the minimal
//     * subtree that contains the ambiguous sequence. I originally tried to
//     * record the call stack at the point the parser detected and ambiguity but
//     * left recursive rules create a parse tree stack that does not reflect
//     * the actual call stack. That impedance mismatch was enough to make
//     * it it challenging to restart the parser at a deeply nested rule
//     * invocation.
//     *
//     * Only parser interpreters can override decisions so as to avoid inserting
//     * override checking code in the critical ALL(*) prediction execution path.
//     *
//     * @since 4.5.1
//     */
//    fun addDecisionOverride(decision: Int, tokenIndex: Int, forcedAlt: Int) {
//        overrideDecision = decision
//        overrideDecisionInputIndex = tokenIndex
//        overrideDecisionAlt = forcedAlt
//    }
//    /** Rely on the error handler for this parser but, if no tokens are consumed
//     * to recover, add an error node. Otherwise, nothing is seen in the parse
//     * tree.
//     */
//    protected fun recover(e: RecognitionException) {
//        val i = _input!!.index()
//        errorHandler.recover(this, e)
//        if (_input!!.index() == i) {
//            // no input consumed, better add an error node
//            if (e is InputMismatchException) {
//                val ime = e as InputMismatchException
//                val tok = e.offendingToken
//                var expectedTokenType = Token.INVALID_TYPE
//                if (!ime.expectedTokens!!.isNil()) {
//                    expectedTokenType = ime.expectedTokens!!.getMinElement() // get any element
//                }
//                val errToken = tokenFactory.create(Pair(tok!!.tokenSource, tok!!.tokenSource.inputStream),
//                        expectedTokenType, tok!!.text,
//                        Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
//                        -1, -1, // invalid start/stop
//                        tok!!.line, tok!!.charPositionInLine)
//                context!!.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(context, errToken))
//            } else { // NoViableAlt
//                val tok = e.offendingToken
//                val errToken = tokenFactory.create(Pair(tok!!.tokenSource, tok!!.tokenSource.inputStream),
//                        Token.INVALID_TYPE, tok!!.text,
//                        Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
//                        -1, -1, // invalid start/stop
//                        tok!!.line, tok!!.charPositionInLine)
//                context!!.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(context, errToken))
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    protected fun recoverInline(): Token {
//        return errorHandler.recoverInline(this)
//    }

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