play.api.libs.json.JsPath.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors , 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc.
package play.api.libs.json
sealed trait PathNode {
def apply(json: JsValue): List[JsValue]
def toJsonString: String
private[json] def splitChildren(json: JsValue): List[Either[(PathNode, JsValue), (PathNode, JsValue)]]
def set(json: JsValue, transform: JsValue => JsValue): JsValue
private[json] def toJsonField(value: JsValue): JsValue = value
case class RecursiveSearch(key: String) extends PathNode {
def apply(json: JsValue): List[JsValue] = json match {
case obj: JsObject => (json \\ key).toList
case arr: JsArray => (json \\ key).toList
case _ => Nil
override def toString = "//" + key
def toJsonString = "*" + key
* First found, first set and never goes down after setting
def set(json: JsValue, transform: JsValue => JsValue): JsValue = json match {
case JsObject(fields) => {
JsObject( { case (k, v) =>
if (k == this.key) {
k -> transform(v)
} else k -> set(v, transform)
case _ => json
private[json] def splitChildren(json: JsValue) = json match {
case obj: JsObject => { case (k, v) =>
if (k == this.key) Right(this -> v)
else Left(KeyPathNode(k) -> v)
case arr: JsArray => { case (js, j) => Left(IdxPathNode(j) -> js) }
case _ => List()
case class KeyPathNode(key: String) extends PathNode {
def apply(json: JsValue): List[JsValue] = json match {
case obj: JsObject => obj.underlying.get(key).toList
case _ => List()
override def toString = "/" + key
def toJsonString = "." + key
def set(json: JsValue, transform: JsValue => JsValue): JsValue = json match {
case obj: JsObject =>
val transformed = transform(obj.underlying.getOrElse(key, JsObject.empty))
obj + (key -> transformed)
case _ => transform(json)
private[json] def splitChildren(json: JsValue) = json match {
case obj: JsObject => { case (k, v) =>
if (k == this.key) Right(this -> v)
else Left(KeyPathNode(k) -> v)
case _ => List.empty
private[json] override def toJsonField(value: JsValue) =
JsObject(Seq(key -> value))
case class IdxPathNode(idx: Int) extends PathNode {
def apply(json: JsValue): List[JsValue] = json match {
case arr: JsArray => List(arr \ idx).flatMap(_.toOption)
case _ => List()
override def toString = "(%d)".format(idx)
def toJsonString = "[%d]".format(idx)
def set(json: JsValue, transform: JsValue => JsValue): JsValue = json match {
case arr: JsArray => JsArray( { case (js, j) => if (j == idx) transform(js) else js })
case _ => transform(json)
private[json] def splitChildren(json: JsValue) = json match {
case arr: JsArray => { case (js, j) =>
if (j == idx) Right(this -> js)
else Left(IdxPathNode(j) -> js)
case _ => List()
private[json] override def toJsonField(value: JsValue) = value
* Companion object and root path.
* For an object `{ "name": "foo" }`, the path to the `name` property is:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.JsPath
* JsPath \ "name"
* }}}
* For an object `{ "id": 1, "nested": { "score": 0.12 } }`,
* the path to the nested `score` is:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.JsPath
* JsPath \ "nested" \ "score"
* }}}
object JsPath extends JsPath(List.empty) {
// TODO implement it correctly (doesn't merge )
def createObj(pathValues: (JsPath, JsValue)*): JsObject = {
def buildSubPath(path: JsPath, value: JsValue) = {
def step(path: List[PathNode], value: JsValue): JsObject = {
path match {
case List() =>
value match {
case obj @ JsObject(_) => obj
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("when empty JsPath, expecting JsObject")
case List(p) =>
p match {
case KeyPathNode(key) => JsObject(Seq(key -> value))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("expected KeyPathNode")
case head :: tail =>
head match {
case KeyPathNode(key) => JsObject(Seq(key -> step(tail, value)))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("expected KeyPathNode")
step(path.path, value)
// optimize fast path
val objectMap = ImmutableLinkedHashMap.newBuilder[String, JsValue]
val isSimpleObject = pathValues.forall {
case (JsPath(KeyPathNode(key) :: Nil), value) =>
objectMap += (key -> value)
case _ =>
if (isSimpleObject) {
} else {
pathValues.foldLeft(JsObject.empty) { case (obj, (path, value)) =>
obj.deepMerge(buildSubPath(path, value))
* Path to a [[JsValue]];
* As for path to file on FS, there may not be any matching value
* in the parsed JSON.
case class JsPath(path: List[PathNode] = List()) {
def \(child: String) = JsPath(path :+ KeyPathNode(child))
def \(child: Symbol) = JsPath(path :+ KeyPathNode(
def \\(child: String) = JsPath(path :+ RecursiveSearch(child))
def \\(child: Symbol) = JsPath(path :+ RecursiveSearch(
def apply(idx: Int): JsPath = JsPath(path :+ IdxPathNode(idx))
def \(idx: Int): JsPath = apply(idx)
def apply(json: JsValue): List[JsValue] = path.foldLeft(List(json))((s, p) => s.flatMap(p.apply))
private lazy val PathMissingError = JsError(Seq(this -> JsonValidationError.PathMissing))
def asSingleJsResult(json: JsValue): JsResult[JsValue] = path match {
// Fast path, the most common place that this is invoked is by read, eg:
// (__ \ "foo").read[Foo]
// This fast path increases the performance of that operation as tested by JsonDeserialize_01_List by 35%
case List(KeyPathNode(key)) =>
json match {
case JsObject(underlying) =>
underlying.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => JsSuccess(value)
case None => PathMissingError
case _ => PathMissingError
case _ =>
this(json) match {
case Nil => PathMissingError
case List(js) => JsSuccess(js)
case _ :: _ => JsError(Seq(this -> Seq(JsonValidationError("error.path.result.multiple"))))
def asSingleJson(json: JsValue): JsLookupResult = path match {
// Fast path, the most common place that this is invoked is by readNullable, eg:
// (__ \ "foo").readNullable[Foo]
// This fast path increases the performance of that operation as tested by JsonDeserialize_02_Nullable by 82%
case List(KeyPathNode(key)) =>
json match {
case JsObject(underlying) =>
underlying.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => JsDefined(value)
case None => JsLookupResult.PathMissing
case _ => JsLookupResult.PathMissing
case _ =>
this(json) match {
case Nil => JsLookupResult.PathMissing
case List(js) => JsDefined(js)
case _ :: _ => JsUndefined("error.path.result.multiple")
def applyTillLast(json: JsValue): Either[JsError, JsResult[JsValue]] = {
def step(path: List[PathNode], json: JsValue): Either[JsError, JsResult[JsValue]] = path match {
case Nil => Right(JsSuccess(json))
case List(node) =>
node(json) match {
case Nil => Right(PathMissingError)
case List(js) => Right(JsSuccess(js))
case _ :: _ => Right(JsError(Seq(this -> Seq(JsonValidationError("error.path.result.multiple")))))
case head :: tail =>
head(json) match {
case Nil => Left(PathMissingError)
case List(js) => step(tail, js)
case _ :: _ => Left(JsError(Seq(this -> Seq(JsonValidationError("error.path.result.multiple")))))
step(path, json)
override def toString = path.mkString
def toJsonString = path.foldLeft("obj")((acc, p) => acc + p.toJsonString)
def compose(other: JsPath) = JsPath(path ++ other.path)
def ++(other: JsPath) = this.compose(other)
* Simple Prune for simple path and only JsObject
def prune(js: JsValue) = {
def stepNode(json: JsObject, node: PathNode): JsResult[JsObject] = {
node match {
case KeyPathNode(key) => JsSuccess(json - key)
case _ => JsError(JsPath(), JsonValidationError("error.expected.keypathnode"))
def filterPathNode(json: JsObject, node: PathNode, value: JsValue): JsResult[JsObject] = {
node match {
case KeyPathNode(key) => JsSuccess(json + (key -> value))
case _ => JsError(JsPath(), JsonValidationError("error.expected.keypathnode"))
def step(json: JsObject, lpath: JsPath): JsResult[JsObject] = {
lpath.path match {
case Nil => JsSuccess(json)
case List(p) => stepNode(json, p).repath(lpath)
case head :: tail =>
head(json) match {
case Nil => JsError(lpath, JsonValidationError("error.path.missing"))
case List(js) =>
js match {
case o: JsObject =>
step(o, JsPath(tail)).repath(lpath).flatMap(value => filterPathNode(json, head, value))
case _ => JsError(lpath, JsonValidationError("error.expected.jsobject"))
case h :: t => JsError(lpath, JsonValidationError("error.path.result.multiple"))
js match {
case o: JsObject =>
step(o, this) match {
case s @ JsSuccess(_: JsObject, _) => s.copy(path = this)
case e => e
case _ =>
JsError(this, JsonValidationError("error.expected.jsobject"))
/** Reads a T at JsPath */
def read[T](implicit r: Reads[T]): Reads[T] =[T](this)(r)
/** Reads a T at JsPath */
def readWithDefault[T](defaultValue: => T)(implicit r: Reads[T]): Reads[T] =
Reads.withDefault[T](this, defaultValue)
* Reads a Option[T] search optional or nullable field at JsPath (field not found or null is None
* and other cases are Error).
* It runs through JsValue following all JsPath nodes on JsValue:
* - If any node in JsPath is not found => returns None
* - If any node in JsPath is found with value "null" => returns None
* - If the entire path is found => applies implicit Reads[T]
def readNullable[T](implicit r: Reads[T]): Reads[Option[T]] = Reads.nullable[T](this)(r)
* Reads an Option[T] search optional or nullable field at JsPath (field not found replaced by
* default value, null is None and other cases are Error).
* It runs through JsValue following all JsPath nodes on JsValue except last node:
* - If any node in JsPath is not found => returns default value
* - If any node in JsPath is found with value "null" => returns None
* - If the entire path is found => applies implicit Reads[T]
def readNullableWithDefault[T](defaultValue: => Option[T])(implicit r: Reads[T]): Reads[Option[T]] =
Reads.nullableWithDefault[T](this, defaultValue)(r)
* Reads a T at JsPath using the explicit Reads[T] passed by name which is useful in case of
* recursive case classes for ex.
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Reads, __ }
* case class User(id: Long, name: String, friend: User)
* implicit lazy val UserReads: Reads[User] = (
* (__ \ 'id).read[Long] and
* (__ \ 'name).read[String] and
* (__ \ 'friend).lazyRead(UserReads)
* )(User.apply _)
* }}}
def lazyRead[T](r: => Reads[T]): Reads[T] = Reads(js =>[T](this)(r).reads(js))
* Reads lazily a Option[T] search optional or nullable field at JsPath using the explicit Reads[T]
* passed by name which is useful in case of recursive case classes for ex.
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Reads, __ }
* case class User(id: Long, name: String, friend: Option[User])
* implicit lazy val UserReads: Reads[User] = (
* (__ \ 'id).read[Long] and
* (__ \ 'name).read[String] and
* (__ \ 'friend).lazyReadNullable(UserReads)
* )(User.apply _)
* }}}
def lazyReadNullable[T](r: => Reads[T]): Reads[Option[T]] = Reads(js => Reads.nullable[T](this)(r).reads(js))
/** Pure Reads doesn't read anything but creates a JsObject based on JsPath with the given T value */
def read[T](t: T) = Reads.pure(f = t)
/** Writes a T at given JsPath */
def write[T](implicit w: Writes[T]): OWrites[T] =[T](this)(w)
* Writes a Option[T] at given JsPath
* If None => doesn't write the field (never writes null actually)
* else => writes the field using implicit Writes[T]
def writeNullable[T](implicit w: Writes[T]): OWrites[Option[T]] = Writes.nullable[T](this)(w)
* Writes a Option[T] at given JsPath
* If None => writes 'null'
* else => writes the field using implicit Writes[T]
def writeOptionWithNull[T](implicit w: Writes[T]): OWrites[Option[T]] =[Option[T]](this)(Writes.optionWithNull[T](w))
* Writes a T at JsPath using the explicit Writes[T] passed by name which is useful in case of
* recursive case classes for ex
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Writes, __ }
* case class User(id: Long, name: String, friend: User)
* implicit lazy val UserWrites: Writes[User] = (
* (__ \ 'id).write[Long] and
* (__ \ 'name).write[String] and
* (__ \ 'friend).lazyWrite(UserWrites)
* )(unlift(User.unapply))
* }}}
def lazyWrite[T](w: => Writes[T]): OWrites[T] =
OWrites((t: T) =>[T](this)(w).writes(t))
* Writes a Option[T] at JsPath using the explicit Writes[T] passed by name which is useful in case of
* recursive case classes for ex
* Please note that it's not writeOpt to be coherent with readNullable
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Writes, __ }
* case class User(id: Long, name: String, friend: Option[User])
* implicit lazy val UserWrites: Writes[User] = (
* (__ \ 'id).write[Long] and
* (__ \ 'name).write[String] and
* (__ \ 'friend).lazyWriteNullable(UserWrites)
* )(unlift(User.unapply))
* }}}
def lazyWriteNullable[T](w: => Writes[T]): OWrites[Option[T]] =
OWrites((t: Option[T]) => Writes.nullable[T](this)(w).writes(t))
/** Writes a pure value at given JsPath */
def write[T](t: T)(implicit w: Writes[T]): OWrites[JsValue] = Writes.pure(this, t)
/** Reads/Writes a T at JsPath using provided implicit Format[T] */
def format[T](implicit f: Format[T]): OFormat[T] =[T](this)(f)
/** Reads/Writes a T at JsPath using provided implicit Format[T] with fallback to default value */
def formatWithDefault[T](defaultValue: => T)(implicit f: Format[T]): OFormat[T] = {
Format.withDefault[T](this, defaultValue)(f)
/** Reads/Writes a T at JsPath using provided explicit Reads[T] and implicit Writes[T] */
def format[T](r: Reads[T])(implicit w: Writes[T]): OFormat[T] =[T](this)(Format(r, w))
/** Reads/Writes a T at JsPath using provided explicit Writes[T] and implicit Reads[T] */
def format[T](w: Writes[T])(implicit r: Reads[T]): OFormat[T] =[T](this)(Format(r, w))
* Reads/Writes a T at JsPath using provided implicit Reads[T] and Writes[T]
* Please note we couldn't call it "format" to prevent conflicts
def rw[T](implicit r: Reads[T], w: Writes[T]): OFormat[T] =[T](this)(Format(r, w))
* Reads/Writes a Option[T] (optional or nullable field) at given JsPath
* @see JsPath.readNullable to see behavior in reads
* @see JsPath.writeNullable to see behavior in writes
def formatNullable[T](implicit f: Format[T]): OFormat[Option[T]] = Format.nullable[T](this)(f)
* Reads/Writes a Option[T] (nullable field) at given JsPath
* @see [[JsPath.readNullableWithDefault]] to see behavior in reads
* @see [[JsPath.writeNullable]] to see behavior in writes
def formatNullableWithDefault[T](defaultValue: => Option[T])(implicit f: Format[T]): OFormat[Option[T]] = {
Format.nullableWithDefault[T](this, defaultValue)(f)
* Lazy Reads/Writes a T at given JsPath using implicit Format[T]
* (useful in case of recursive case classes).
* @see JsPath.lazyReadNullable to see behavior in reads
* @see JsPath.lazyWriteNullable to see behavior in writes
def lazyFormat[T](f: => Format[T]): OFormat[T] = OFormat[T](lazyRead(f), lazyWrite(f))
* Lazy Reads/Writes a Option[T] (optional or nullable field) at given JsPath using implicit Format[T]
* (useful in case of recursive case classes).
* @see JsPath.lazyReadNullable to see behavior in reads
* @see JsPath.lazyWriteNullable to see behavior in writes
def lazyFormatNullable[T](f: => Format[T]): OFormat[Option[T]] =
OFormat[Option[T]](lazyReadNullable(f), lazyWriteNullable(f))
* Lazy Reads/Writes a T at given JsPath using explicit Reads[T] and Writes[T]
* (useful in case of recursive case classes).
* @see JsPath.lazyReadNullable to see behavior in reads
* @see JsPath.lazyWriteNullable to see behavior in writes
def lazyFormat[T](r: => Reads[T], w: => Writes[T]): OFormat[T] = OFormat[T](lazyRead(r), lazyWrite(w))
* Lazy Reads/Writes a Option[T] (optional or nullable field) at given JsPath using explicit Reads[T] and Writes[T]
* (useful in case of recursive case classes).
* @see JsPath.lazyReadNullable to see behavior in reads
* @see JsPath.lazyWriteNullable to see behavior in writes
def lazyFormatNullable[T](r: => Reads[T], w: => Writes[T]): OFormat[Option[T]] =
OFormat[Option[T]](lazyReadNullable(r), lazyWriteNullable(w))
private val self = this
object json {
* `(__ \ 'key).json.pick[A <: JsValue]` is a `Reads[A]` that:
* - picks the given value at the given `JsPath` (WITHOUT THE PATH) from the input JS
* - validates this element as an object of type A (inheriting JsValue)
* - returns a `JsResult[A]`
* Useful to pick a typed JsValue at a given JsPath
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, JsNumber, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> 123)
* js.validate((__ \ 'key2).json.pick[JsNumber])
* // => JsSuccess(JsNumber(123),/key2)
* }}}
def pick[A <: JsValue](implicit r: Reads[A]): Reads[A] = Reads.jsPick(self)
* `(__ \ 'key).json.pick` is a `Reads[JsValue]` that:
* - picks the given value at the given `JsPath` (WITHOUT THE PATH) from the input JS
* - validates this element as an object of type [[JsValue]]
* - returns a `JsResult[JsValue]`
* Useful to pick a [[JsValue]] at a given `JsPath`
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")
* js.validate((__ \ 'key2).json.pick)
* // => JsSuccess("value2",/key2)
* }}}
def pick: Reads[JsValue] = pick[JsValue]
* `(__ \ 'key).json.pickBranch[A <: JsValue](readsOfA)` is a `Reads[JsObject]` that:
* - copies the given branch (`JsPath` + relative [[JsValue]]) from the input JS at this given `JsPath`
* - validates this relative `JsValue` as an object of type A (inheriting `JsValue`) potentially modifying it
* - creates a [[JsObject]] from `JsPath` and validated `JsValue`
* - returns a `JsResult[JsObject]`
* Useful to create/validate an [[JsObject]] from a single `JsPath` (potentially modifying it)
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, JsString, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> Json.obj( "key21" -> "value2") )
* js.validate( (__ \ 'key2).json.pickBranch[JsString]( (__ \ 'key21).json.pick[JsString].map( (js: JsString) => JsString(js.value ++ "3456") ) ) )
* // => JsSuccess({"key2":"value23456"},/key2/key21)
* }}}
def pickBranch[A <: JsValue](reads: Reads[A]): Reads[JsObject] = Reads.jsPickBranch[A](self)(reads)
* `(__ \ 'key).json.pickBranch` is a `Reads[JsObject]` that:
* - copies the given branch (`JsPath` + relative [[JsValue]]) from the input JS at this given `JsPath`
* - creates a `JsObject` from `JsPath` and `JsValue`
* - returns a `JsResult[JsObject]`
* Useful to create/validate an [[JsObject]] from a single `JsPath` (potentially modifying it)
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> Json.obj( "key21" -> "value2") )
* js.validate( (__ \ 'key2).json.pickBranch )
* // => JsSuccess({"key2":{"key21":"value2"}},/key2)
* }}}
def pickBranch: Reads[JsObject] = Reads.jsPickBranch[JsValue](self)
* `(__ \ 'key).put(fixedValue)` is a `Reads[JsObject]` that:
* - creates a [[JsObject]] setting A (inheriting [[JsValue]]) at given `JsPath`
* - returns a `JsResult[JsObject]`
* This `Reads` doesn't care about the input JS and is mainly used to set a fixed at a given `JsPath`
* Please that `A` is passed by name allowing to use an expression reevaluated at each time.
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, JsNumber, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")
* js.validate( (__ \ 'key3).json.put( { JsNumber((new java.util.Date).getTime()) } ) )
* // => JsSuccess({"key3":1376419773171},)
* }}}
def put(a: => JsValue): Reads[JsObject] = Reads.jsPut(self, a)
* `(__ \ 'key).json.copyFrom(reads)` is a `Reads[JsObject]` that:
* - copies a [[JsValue]] using passed `Reads[A]`
* - creates a new branch from `JsPath` and copies previous value into it
* Useful to copy a value from a JSON branch into another branch.
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")
* js.validate( (__ \ 'key3).json.copyFrom((__ \ 'key2).json.pick))
* // => JsSuccess({"key3":"value2"},/key2)
* }}}
def copyFrom[A <: JsValue](reads: Reads[A]): Reads[JsObject] = Reads.jsCopyTo(self)(reads)
* `(__ \ 'key).json.update(reads)` is the most complex `Reads[JsObject]` but the most powerful:
* - copies the whole `JsValue => A`
* - applies the passed `Reads[A]` on `JsValue => B`
* - deep merges both `JsValues (A ++ B)` so `B` overwrites `A` identical branches
* Please note that if you have prune a branch in `B`, it is still in `A` so you'll see it in the result
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, JsString, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")
* js.validate(__.json.update((__ \ 'key3).json.put(JsString("value3"))))
* // => JsSuccess({"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3"},)
* }}}
def update[A <: JsValue](reads: Reads[A]): Reads[JsObject] = Reads.jsUpdate(self)(reads)
* `(__ \ 'key).json.prune` is `Reads[JsObject]` that prunes the branch and returns remaining [[JsValue]].
* Example:
* {{{
* import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, __ }
* val js = Json.obj("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")
* js.validate( (__ \ 'key2).json.prune )
* // => JsSuccess({"key1":"value1"},/key2)
* }}}
def prune: Reads[JsObject] = Reads.jsPrune(self)
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