play.api.libs.json.QuotesHelper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors , 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc.
package play.api.libs.json
import scala.util.{ Try => TryResult }
import scala.util.{ Success => TrySuccess }
import scala.util.{ Failure => TryFailure }
import scala.deriving.Mirror.ProductOf
import scala.quoted.Expr
import scala.quoted.Quotes
import scala.quoted.Type
private[json] trait QuotesHelper {
protected type Q <: Quotes
protected val quotes: Q
import quotes.reflect.*
// format: off
private given q: Q = quotes
// format: on
protected final lazy val anyValTpe: TypeRepr = TypeRepr.of[AnyVal]
* Recursively find the sub-classes of `tpr`.
* Sub-abstract types are not listed, but their own sub-types are examined;
* e.g. for trait `Foo`
* {{{
* sealed trait Foo
* case class Bar(name: String) extends Foo
* sealed trait SubFoo extends Foo
* case class Lorem() extends SubFoo
* }}}
* Class `Lorem` is listed through `SubFoo`,
* but `SubFoo` itself is not returned.
final def knownSubclasses(tpr: TypeRepr): Option[List[TypeRepr]] =
tpr.classSymbol.flatMap { cls =>
def subclasses(
children: List[Tree],
out: List[TypeRepr]
): List[TypeRepr] = {
val childTpr = children.headOption.collect {
case tpd: Typed =>
case vd: ValDef =>
case cd: ClassDef =>
childTpr match {
case Some(child) => {
val tpeSym = child.typeSymbol
if (
( && &&
!(child <:< anyValTpe)) ||
( &&
) {
// Ignore sub-trait itself, but check the sub-sub-classes
subclasses( ::: children.tail, out)
} else {
subclasses(children.tail, child :: out)
case _ =>
val types = subclasses(, Nil)
if (types.isEmpty) None else Some(types)
private def withElems[U <: Product](
tupled: Expr[U],
fields: List[(Symbol, TypeRepr, Term => Term)],
prepared: List[Tuple2[String, (Ref => Term) => Term]]
): Map[String, (Ref => Term) => Term] = fields match {
case (sym, t, f) :: tail => {
val elem = ValDef.let(
Typed(f(tupled.asTerm), Inferred(t))
withElems(tupled, tail, ( -> elem) :: prepared)
case _ => prepared.reverse.toMap
* @param tupled the tupled term
* @param tupleTpe the tuple type
* @param decls the field declarations
def withFields[U <: Product](
tupled: Expr[U],
tupleTpe: TypeRepr,
decls: List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)],
debug: String => Unit
): Map[String, (Term => Term) => Term] = {
val tupleTpeSym = tupleTpe.typeSymbol
val fields = { case ((sym, t), i) =>
s"// Field: ${sym.owner.owner.fullName}.${}, type = ${t.typeSymbol.fullName}, annotations = [${", ")}]"
val fieldNme = s"_${i + 1}"
val resolve: Term => Term = {
val field = tupleTpeSym.declaredField(fieldNme)
if (field == Symbol.noSymbol) {
tupleTpeSym.declaredMethod(fieldNme) match {
case meth :: Nil =>
(_: Term).select(meth)
case _ =>
report.errorAndAbort(s"Fails to resolve field: '${tupleTpeSym.fullName}.${fieldNme}'")
} else {
(_: Term).select(field)
Tuple3(sym, t, resolve)
withElems[U](tupled, fields, List.empty)
* @tparam T the class type
* @tparam U the type of the product corresponding to class `T`
* @tparam R the result type (from the field operation)
* @param tpr the type for which a `ProductOf` is provided
* @param toProduct the function to convert the input value as product `U`
* @return The tuple type + `{ v: Term => { tuple: Ref => ... } }`
* with `v` a term of type `tpe`, and `tuple` the product created from.
def withTuple[T, U <: Product, R: Type](
tpr: TypeRepr,
toProduct: Expr[T => U],
tt: Type[T],
ut: Type[U]
): Tuple2[TypeRepr, Expr[T] => (Expr[U] => Expr[R]) => Expr[R]] =
TypeRepr.of(using ut) -> { (in: Expr[T]) =>
{ (f: (Expr[U] => Expr[R])) =>
val tuple: U = ${ toProduct }($in)
${ f('{ tuple }) }
* Returns the elements type for `product`.
* @param owner the type representation for `T`
def productElements[T, U <: Product](
owner: TypeRepr,
pof: Expr[ProductOf[T]]
): TryResult[List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)]] = {
def elementTypes(
max: Int,
tpes: List[TypeRepr],
ts: List[TypeRepr]
): List[TypeRepr] = tpes.headOption match {
case Some(AppliedType(ty, a :: b :: Nil)) if ty <:< TypeRepr.of[*:] && max > 0 =>
elementTypes(max - 1, b :: tpes.tail, a :: ts)
case Some(AppliedType(ty, as)) if ty <:< TypeRepr.of[Tuple] && as.size <= max =>
elementTypes(max - as.size, as ::: tpes.tail, ts)
case Some(t) if t =:= TypeRepr.of[EmptyTuple] =>
elementTypes(max, tpes.tail, ts)
case Some(TypeBounds(t, _)) =>
elementTypes(max, t :: tpes.tail, ts)
case Some(t) =>
elementTypes(max, tpes.tail, t :: ts)
case _ =>
val ownerSym = owner.typeSymbol
val paramss = { s => -> s }.toMap
def prepare(
elmLabels: TypeRepr,
elmTypes: TypeRepr
): List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)] = {
val names =
elementTypes(Int.MaxValue, List(elmLabels), List.empty).collect { case ConstantType(StringConstant(n)) => n }
.lazyZip(elementTypes(names.size, List(elmTypes), List.empty))
.map { case (n, t) =>
val csym = paramss.get(n)
def fsym =
Option(ownerSym.declaredField(n)).filterNot(_ == Symbol.noSymbol)
val psym: Symbol = csym
.orElse {
psym -> t
val elements: Option[List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)]] = pof.asTerm.tpe match {
case Refinement(
Refinement(_, _, TypeBounds(t1 @ AppliedType(tycon1, _), _)),
TypeBounds(t2 @ AppliedType(tycon2, _), _)
) if tycon1 <:< TypeRepr.of[Product] && tycon2 <:< TypeRepr.of[Product] =>
Option(prepare(t2, t1))
case Refinement(
ref @ Refinement(_, _, TypeBounds(t1 @ TermRef(_, _), _)),
TypeBounds(t2 @ TermRef(_, _), _)
) if {
val emptyTupTpe = TypeRepr.of[EmptyTuple]
Ref.term(t1).tpe <:< emptyTupTpe && Ref.term(t2).tpe <:< emptyTupTpe
} =>
case pofTpe =>
pofTpe.dealias.typeSymbol.tree match {
case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, members) =>
.collect {
case TypeDef(
n @ ("MirroredElemTypes" | "MirroredElemLabels"),
tt: TypeTree
) if tt.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[Product] =>
n -> tt.tpe
.sortBy(_._1) match {
case (_, elmLabels) :: (_, elmTypes) :: Nil =>
Option(prepare(elmLabels, elmTypes))
case _ =>
Some(List.empty[(Symbol, TypeRepr)])
case _ =>
Some(List.empty[(Symbol, TypeRepr)])
elements match {
case Some(ls) if elements.isEmpty =>
new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Ill-typed ProductOf[${owner.typeSymbol.fullName}]: Fails to resolve element types and labels (bad refinement?)"
case Some(ls) =>
case _ =>
TrySuccess(List.empty[(Symbol, TypeRepr)])
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