com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros.JsonCodecMaker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros
import java.lang.Character._
import java.time._
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core._
import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, tailrec}
import scala.annotation.meta.field
import scala.collection.{BitSet, immutable, mutable}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
final class named(val name: String) extends StaticAnnotation
final class transient extends StaticAnnotation
final class stringified extends StaticAnnotation
* Configuration parameter for `JsonCodecMaker.make()` call.
* BEWARE: a parameter of the `make` macro should not depend on code from the same compilation module where it is called.
* Use a separated submodule of the project to compile all such dependencies before their usage for generation of codecs.
* Examples of `fieldNameMapper`, `javaEnumValueNameMapper`, and `adtLeafClassNameMapper` functions that have no
* dependencies in the same compilation module are: `JsonCodecMaker.enforceCamelCase`, `JsonCodecMaker.enforce_snake_case`,
* `JsonCodecMaker.enforce-kebab-case`, and `JsonCodecMaker.simpleClassName`. Or their composition like:
* `s => JsonCodecMaker.enforce_snake_case(JsonCodecMaker.simpleClassName(s))`
* @param fieldNameMapper the partial function of mapping from string of case class field name to JSON key
* (an identity function by default)
* @param javaEnumValueNameMapper the partial function of mapping from string of Java enum name to JSON key
* (an identity function by default)
* @param adtLeafClassNameMapper the function of mapping from string of case class/object full name to string value of
* discriminator field (a function that truncate to simple class name by default)
* @param discriminatorFieldName an optional name of discriminator field, where None can be used for alternative
* representation of ADTs without the discriminator field (Some("type") by default)
* @param isStringified a flag that turns on stringification of number or boolean values of collections,
* options and value classes (turned off by default)
* @param mapAsArray a flag that turns on serialization and parsing of maps as a JSON array (or sequences
* of tuples) instead of a JSON object, that allow to use 'JsonValueCodec' for encoding
* and decoding of keys (turned off by default)
* @param skipUnexpectedFields a flag that turns on skipping of unexpected fields or in other case a parse exception
* will be thrown (turned on by default)
* @param transientDefault a flag that turns on skipping serialization of fields that have same values as
* default values defined for them in the primary constructor (turned on by default)
* @param transientEmpty a flag that turns on skipping serialization of fields that have empty values of
* arrays or collections (turned on by default)
* @param transientNone a flag that turns on skipping serialization of fields that have empty values of
* options (turned on by default)
* @param requireCollectionFields a flag that turn on checking of presence of collection fields and forces
* serialization when they are empty
* @param bigDecimalPrecision a precision in 'BigDecimal' values (34 by default that is a precision for decimal128,
* see `java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL128.getPrecision`, don't set too big or infinite
* precision to avoid attacks from untrusted input)
* @param bigDecimalScaleLimit an exclusive limit for accepted scale in 'BigDecimal' values (6178 by default that is
* a range for decimal128, don't set too big scale limit to avoid attacks from untrusted
* input)
* @param bigDecimalDigitsLimit an exclusive limit for accepted number of mantissa digits of to be parsed before
* rounding with the precision specified for 'BigDecimal' values (308 by default, don't
* set too big limit to avoid of OOM errors or attacks from untrusted input)
* @param bigIntDigitsLimit an exclusive limit for accepted number of decimal digits in 'BigInt' values
* (308 by default, don't set too big limit to avoid of OOM errors or attacks from
* untrusted input)
* @param bitSetValueLimit an exclusive limit for accepted numeric values in bit sets (1024 by default, don't set
* too big limit to avoid of OOM errors or attacks from untrusted input)
* @param mapMaxInsertNumber a max number of inserts into maps (1024 by default to limit attacks from untrusted
* input that exploit worst complexity for inserts, see )
* @param setMaxInsertNumber a max number of inserts into sets excluding bit sets (1024 by default to limit attacks
* from untrusted input that exploit worst complexity for inserts, see )
* @param allowRecursiveTypes a flag that turns on support of recursive types (turned off by default to avoid
* stack overflow errors with untrusted input)
* @param requireDiscriminatorFirst a flag that turns off limitation for a position of the discriminator field to be
* the first field of the JSON object (turned on by default to avoid CPU overuse when
* the discriminator appears in the end of JSON objects, especially nested)
* @param useScalaEnumValueId a flag that turns on using of ids for parsing and serialization of Scala enumeration
* values
* @param skipNestedOptionValues a flag that turns on skipping of some values for nested more than 2-times options and
* allow using `Option[Option[_]]` field values to distinguish `null` and missing field
* cases
* @param circeLikeObjectEncoding a flag that turns on serialization and parsing of Scala objects as JSON objects with
* a key and empty object value: `{"EnumValue":{}}`
* @param decodingOnly a flag that turns generation of decoding implementation only (turned off by default)
* @param encodingOnly a flag that turns generation of encoding implementation only (turned off by default)
* @param requireDefaultFields a flag that turns on checking of presence of fields with default and forces
* serialization of them
* @param checkFieldDuplication a flag that turns on checking of duplicated fields during parsing of classes (turned
* on by default)
* @param scalaTransientSupport a flag that turns on support of `scala.transient` (turned off by default)
* @param inlineOneValueClasses a flag that turns on derivation of inlined codecs for non-values classes that have
* the primary constructor with just one argument (turned off by default)
* @param alwaysEmitDiscriminator a flag that causes the discriminator field and value to always be serialized, even
* when the codec derived is for an ADT leaf class and not the ADT base class. Note that
* this flag has no effect on generated decoders -- that is this flag does NOT cause
* decoders to start requiring the discriminator field when they are not strictly necessary
class CodecMakerConfig private (
val fieldNameMapper: PartialFunction[String, String],
val javaEnumValueNameMapper: PartialFunction[String, String],
val adtLeafClassNameMapper: String => String,
val discriminatorFieldName: Option[String],
val isStringified: Boolean,
val mapAsArray: Boolean,
val skipUnexpectedFields: Boolean,
val transientDefault: Boolean,
val transientEmpty: Boolean,
val transientNone: Boolean,
val requireCollectionFields: Boolean,
val bigDecimalPrecision: Int,
val bigDecimalScaleLimit: Int,
val bigDecimalDigitsLimit: Int,
val bigIntDigitsLimit: Int,
val bitSetValueLimit: Int,
val mapMaxInsertNumber: Int,
val setMaxInsertNumber: Int,
val allowRecursiveTypes: Boolean,
val requireDiscriminatorFirst: Boolean,
val useScalaEnumValueId: Boolean,
val skipNestedOptionValues: Boolean,
val circeLikeObjectEncoding: Boolean,
val decodingOnly: Boolean,
val encodingOnly: Boolean,
val requireDefaultFields: Boolean,
val checkFieldDuplication: Boolean,
val scalaTransientSupport: Boolean,
val inlineOneValueClasses: Boolean,
val alwaysEmitDiscriminator: Boolean) {
def withFieldNameMapper(fieldNameMapper: PartialFunction[String, String]): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(fieldNameMapper = fieldNameMapper)
def withJavaEnumValueNameMapper(javaEnumValueNameMapper: PartialFunction[String, String]): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(javaEnumValueNameMapper = javaEnumValueNameMapper)
def withAdtLeafClassNameMapper(adtLeafClassNameMapper: String => String): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(adtLeafClassNameMapper = adtLeafClassNameMapper)
def withDiscriminatorFieldName(discriminatorFieldName: Option[String]): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(discriminatorFieldName = discriminatorFieldName)
def withAlwaysEmitDiscriminator(alwaysEmitDiscriminator: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(alwaysEmitDiscriminator = alwaysEmitDiscriminator)
def withIsStringified(isStringified: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig = copy(isStringified = isStringified)
def withMapAsArray(mapAsArray: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig = copy(mapAsArray = mapAsArray)
def withSkipUnexpectedFields(skipUnexpectedFields: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(skipUnexpectedFields = skipUnexpectedFields)
def withTransientDefault(transientDefault: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig = copy(transientDefault = transientDefault)
def withTransientEmpty(transientEmpty: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig = copy(transientEmpty = transientEmpty)
def withTransientNone(transientNone: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig = copy(transientNone = transientNone)
def withRequireCollectionFields(requireCollectionFields: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(requireCollectionFields = requireCollectionFields)
def withBigDecimalPrecision(bigDecimalPrecision: Int): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(bigDecimalPrecision = bigDecimalPrecision)
def withBigDecimalScaleLimit(bigDecimalScaleLimit: Int): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(bigDecimalScaleLimit = bigDecimalScaleLimit)
def withBigDecimalDigitsLimit(bigDecimalDigitsLimit: Int): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(bigDecimalDigitsLimit = bigDecimalDigitsLimit)
def withBigIntDigitsLimit(bigIntDigitsLimit: Int): CodecMakerConfig = copy(bigIntDigitsLimit = bigIntDigitsLimit)
def withBitSetValueLimit(bitSetValueLimit: Int): CodecMakerConfig = copy(bitSetValueLimit = bitSetValueLimit)
def withMapMaxInsertNumber(mapMaxInsertNumber: Int): CodecMakerConfig = copy(mapMaxInsertNumber = mapMaxInsertNumber)
def withSetMaxInsertNumber(setMaxInsertNumber: Int): CodecMakerConfig = copy(setMaxInsertNumber = setMaxInsertNumber)
def withAllowRecursiveTypes(allowRecursiveTypes: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(allowRecursiveTypes = allowRecursiveTypes)
def withRequireDiscriminatorFirst(requireDiscriminatorFirst: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(requireDiscriminatorFirst = requireDiscriminatorFirst)
def withUseScalaEnumValueId(useScalaEnumValueId: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(useScalaEnumValueId = useScalaEnumValueId)
def withSkipNestedOptionValues(skipNestedOptionValues: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(skipNestedOptionValues = skipNestedOptionValues)
def withCirceLikeObjectEncoding(circeLikeObjectEncoding: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(circeLikeObjectEncoding = circeLikeObjectEncoding)
def withDecodingOnly(decodingOnly: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(decodingOnly = decodingOnly)
def withEncodingOnly(encodingOnly: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(encodingOnly = encodingOnly)
def withRequireDefaultFields(requireDefaultFields: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(requireDefaultFields = requireDefaultFields)
def withCheckFieldDuplication(checkFieldDuplication: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(checkFieldDuplication = checkFieldDuplication)
def withScalaTransientSupport(scalaTransientSupport: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(scalaTransientSupport = scalaTransientSupport)
def withInlineOneValueClasses(inlineOneValueClasses: Boolean): CodecMakerConfig =
copy(inlineOneValueClasses = inlineOneValueClasses)
private[this] def copy(fieldNameMapper: PartialFunction[String, String] = fieldNameMapper,
javaEnumValueNameMapper: PartialFunction[String, String] = javaEnumValueNameMapper,
adtLeafClassNameMapper: String => String = adtLeafClassNameMapper,
discriminatorFieldName: Option[String] = discriminatorFieldName,
isStringified: Boolean = isStringified,
mapAsArray: Boolean = mapAsArray,
skipUnexpectedFields: Boolean = skipUnexpectedFields,
transientDefault: Boolean = transientDefault,
transientEmpty: Boolean = transientEmpty,
transientNone: Boolean = transientNone,
requireCollectionFields: Boolean = requireCollectionFields,
bigDecimalPrecision: Int = bigDecimalPrecision,
bigDecimalScaleLimit: Int = bigDecimalScaleLimit,
bigDecimalDigitsLimit: Int = bigDecimalDigitsLimit,
bigIntDigitsLimit: Int = bigIntDigitsLimit,
bitSetValueLimit: Int = bitSetValueLimit,
mapMaxInsertNumber: Int = mapMaxInsertNumber,
setMaxInsertNumber: Int = setMaxInsertNumber,
allowRecursiveTypes: Boolean = allowRecursiveTypes,
requireDiscriminatorFirst: Boolean = requireDiscriminatorFirst,
useScalaEnumValueId: Boolean = useScalaEnumValueId,
skipNestedOptionValues: Boolean = skipNestedOptionValues,
circeLikeObjectEncoding: Boolean = circeLikeObjectEncoding,
decodingOnly: Boolean = decodingOnly,
encodingOnly: Boolean = encodingOnly,
requireDefaultFields: Boolean = requireDefaultFields,
checkFieldDuplication: Boolean = checkFieldDuplication,
scalaTransientSupport: Boolean = scalaTransientSupport,
inlineOneValueClasses: Boolean = inlineOneValueClasses,
alwaysEmitDiscriminator: Boolean = alwaysEmitDiscriminator): CodecMakerConfig =
new CodecMakerConfig(
fieldNameMapper = fieldNameMapper,
javaEnumValueNameMapper = javaEnumValueNameMapper,
adtLeafClassNameMapper = adtLeafClassNameMapper,
discriminatorFieldName = discriminatorFieldName,
isStringified = isStringified,
mapAsArray= mapAsArray,
skipUnexpectedFields = skipUnexpectedFields,
transientDefault = transientDefault,
transientEmpty = transientEmpty,
transientNone = transientNone,
requireCollectionFields = requireCollectionFields,
bigDecimalPrecision = bigDecimalPrecision,
bigDecimalScaleLimit = bigDecimalScaleLimit,
bigDecimalDigitsLimit = bigDecimalDigitsLimit,
bigIntDigitsLimit = bigIntDigitsLimit,
bitSetValueLimit = bitSetValueLimit,
mapMaxInsertNumber = mapMaxInsertNumber,
setMaxInsertNumber = setMaxInsertNumber,
allowRecursiveTypes = allowRecursiveTypes,
requireDiscriminatorFirst = requireDiscriminatorFirst,
useScalaEnumValueId = useScalaEnumValueId,
skipNestedOptionValues = skipNestedOptionValues,
circeLikeObjectEncoding = circeLikeObjectEncoding,
decodingOnly = decodingOnly,
encodingOnly = encodingOnly,
requireDefaultFields = requireDefaultFields,
checkFieldDuplication = checkFieldDuplication,
scalaTransientSupport = scalaTransientSupport,
inlineOneValueClasses = inlineOneValueClasses,
alwaysEmitDiscriminator = alwaysEmitDiscriminator)
object CodecMakerConfig extends CodecMakerConfig(
fieldNameMapper = JsonCodecMaker.partialIdentity,
javaEnumValueNameMapper = JsonCodecMaker.partialIdentity,
adtLeafClassNameMapper = JsonCodecMaker.simpleClassName,
discriminatorFieldName = Some("type"),
isStringified = false,
mapAsArray = false,
skipUnexpectedFields = true,
transientDefault = true,
transientEmpty = true,
transientNone = true,
requireCollectionFields = false,
bigDecimalPrecision = 34,
bigDecimalScaleLimit = 6178,
bigDecimalDigitsLimit = 308,
bigIntDigitsLimit = 308,
bitSetValueLimit = 1024,
mapMaxInsertNumber = 1024,
setMaxInsertNumber = 1024,
allowRecursiveTypes = false,
requireDiscriminatorFirst = true,
useScalaEnumValueId = false,
skipNestedOptionValues = false,
circeLikeObjectEncoding = false,
encodingOnly = false,
decodingOnly = false,
requireDefaultFields = false,
checkFieldDuplication = true,
scalaTransientSupport = false,
inlineOneValueClasses = false,
alwaysEmitDiscriminator = false) {
* Use to enable printing of codec during compilation:
*implicit val printCodec: CodecMakerConfig.PrintCodec = new CodecMakerConfig.PrintCodec {}
*val codec = JsonCodecMaker.make[MyClass]
class PrintCodec
object JsonCodecMaker {
* A partial function that is a total in fact and always returns a string passed to it.
* @return a provided value
val partialIdentity: PartialFunction[String, String] = { case s => s }
* Mapping function for field or class names that should be in camelCase format.
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
val enforceCamelCase: PartialFunction[String, String] = { case s => enforceCamelOrPascalCase(s, toPascal = false) }
* Mapping function for field or class names that should be in PascalCase format.
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
val EnforcePascalCase: PartialFunction[String, String] = { case s => enforceCamelOrPascalCase(s, toPascal = true) }
* Mapping function for field or class names that should be in snake_case format
* with separated non-alphabetic characters.
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
val enforce_snake_case: PartialFunction[String, String] =
{ case s => enforceSnakeOrKebabCaseWithSeparatedNonAlphabetic(s, '_') }
* Mapping function for field or class names that should be in snake_case format
* with joined non-alphabetic characters.
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
val enforce_snake_case2: PartialFunction[String, String] =
{ case s => enforceSnakeOrKebabCaseWithJoinedNonAphabetic(s, '_') }
* Mapping function for field or class names that should be in kebab-case format
* with separated non-alphabetic characters.
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
val `enforce-kebab-case`: PartialFunction[String, String] =
{ case s => enforceSnakeOrKebabCaseWithSeparatedNonAlphabetic(s, '-') }
* Mapping function for field or class names that should be in kebab-case format
* with joined non-alphabetic characters.
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
val `enforce-kebab-case2`: PartialFunction[String, String] =
{ case s => enforceSnakeOrKebabCaseWithJoinedNonAphabetic(s, '-') }
private[this] def enforceCamelOrPascalCase(s: String, toPascal: Boolean): String =
if (s.indexOf('_') == -1 && s.indexOf('-') == -1) {
if (s.isEmpty) s
else {
val ch = s.charAt(0)
val fixedCh =
if (toPascal) toUpperCase(ch)
else toLowerCase(ch)
} else {
val len = s.length
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(len)
var i = 0
var isPrecedingDash = toPascal
while (i < len) isPrecedingDash = {
val ch = s.charAt(i)
i += 1
(ch == '_' || ch == '-') || {
val fixedCh =
if (isPrecedingDash) toUpperCase(ch)
else toLowerCase(ch)
private[this] def enforceSnakeOrKebabCaseWithSeparatedNonAlphabetic(s: String, separator: Char): String = {
val len = s.length
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(len << 1)
var i = 0
var isPrecedingLowerCased = false
while (i < len) isPrecedingLowerCased = {
val ch = s.charAt(i)
i += 1
if (ch == '_' || ch == '-') {
} else if (isLowerCase(ch)) {
} else {
if (isPrecedingLowerCased || i > 1 && i < len && isLowerCase(s.charAt(i))) sb.append(separator)
private[this] def enforceSnakeOrKebabCaseWithJoinedNonAphabetic(s: String, separator: Char): String = {
val len = s.length
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(len << 1)
var i = 0
var isPrecedingNotUpperCased = false
while (i < len) isPrecedingNotUpperCased = {
val ch = s.charAt(i)
i += 1
if (ch == '_' || ch == '-') {
if (i > 1 && i < len && !isAlphabetic(s.charAt(i))) isPrecedingNotUpperCased
else {
} else if (!isUpperCase(ch)) {
} else {
if (isPrecedingNotUpperCased || i > 1 && i < len && !isUpperCase(s.charAt(i))) sb.append(separator)
* Mapping function for class names that should be trimmed to the simple class name without package prefix.
* @param fullClassName the name to transform
* @return a transformed name or the same name if no transformation is required
def simpleClassName(fullClassName: String): String =
fullClassName.substring(Math.max(fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, 0))
* Derives a codec for JSON values for the specified type `A`.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def make[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeWithDefaultConfig[A]
* A replacement for the `make` call with the `CodecMakerConfig.withDiscriminatorFieldName(None)` configuration
* parameter.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def makeWithoutDiscriminator[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeWithoutDiscriminator[A]
* A replacement for the `make` call with the
* `CodecMakerConfig.withTransientEmpty(false).withRequireCollectionFields(true)`
* configuration parameter.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def makeWithRequiredCollectionFields[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeWithRequiredCollectionFields[A]
* A replacement for the `make` call with the
* `CodecMakerConfig.withTransientEmpty(false).withRequireCollectionFields(true).withDiscriminatorFieldName(Some("name"))`
* configuration parameter.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def makeWithRequiredCollectionFieldsAndNameAsDiscriminatorFieldName[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeWithRequiredCollectionFieldsAndNameAsDiscriminatorFieldName[A]
* A replacement for the `make` call with the
* `CodecMakerConfig.withTransientDefault(false).withRequireDefaultFields(true)`
* configuration parameter.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def makeWithRequiredDefaultFields[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeWithRequiredDefaultFields[A]
* A replacement for the `make` call with the
* `CodecMakerConfig.withTransientEmpty(false).withTransientDefault(false).withTransientNone(false).withDiscriminatorFieldName(None)`
* configuration parameter.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def makeCirceLike[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeCirceLike[A]
* A replacement for the `make` call with the
* `CodecMakerConfig.withTransientEmpty(false).withTransientDefault(false).withTransientNone(false).withDiscriminatorFieldName(None).withAdtLeafClassNameMapper(x => enforce_snake_case(simpleClassName(x))).withFieldNameMapper(enforce_snake_case).withJavaEnumValueNameMapper(enforce_snake_case)`
* configuration parameter.
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def makeCirceLikeSnakeCased[A]: JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeCirceLikeSnakeCased[A]
* Derives a codec for JSON values for the specified type `A` and a provided derivation configuration.
* @param config a derivation configuration
* @tparam A a type that should be encoded and decoded by the derived codec
* @return an instance of the derived codec
def make[A](config: CodecMakerConfig): JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.makeWithSpecifiedConfig[A]
private object Impl {
def makeWithDefaultConfig[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
def makeWithoutDiscriminator[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
def makeWithRequiredCollectionFields[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
def makeWithRequiredCollectionFieldsAndNameAsDiscriminatorFieldName[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
def makeWithRequiredDefaultFields[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
def makeCirceLike[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
def makeCirceLikeSnakeCased[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
.withDiscriminatorFieldName(None).withAdtLeafClassNameMapper(x => enforce_snake_case(simpleClassName(x)))
def makeWithSpecifiedConfig[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)(config: c.Expr[CodecMakerConfig]): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] =
make(c) {
import c.universe._
def fail(msg: String): Nothing = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
val cfg =
try c.eval(c.Expr[CodecMakerConfig](c.untypecheck(config.tree.duplicate))) catch { case ex: Throwable =>
fail(s"Cannot evaluate a parameter of the 'make' macro call for type '${weakTypeOf[A].dealias}'. " +
"It should not depend on code from the same compilation module where the 'make' macro is called. " +
"Use a separated submodule of the project to compile all such dependencies before their usage for " +
s"generation of codecs. Cause:\n$ex")
if (cfg.requireCollectionFields && cfg.transientEmpty)
fail("'requireCollectionFields' and 'transientEmpty' cannot be 'true' simultaneously")
if (cfg.requireDefaultFields && cfg.transientDefault)
fail("'requireDefaultFields' and 'transientDefault' cannot be 'true' simultaneously")
if (cfg.circeLikeObjectEncoding && cfg.discriminatorFieldName.nonEmpty)
fail("'discriminatorFieldName' should be 'None' when 'circeLikeObjectEncoding' is 'true'")
if (cfg.alwaysEmitDiscriminator && cfg.discriminatorFieldName.isEmpty)
fail("'discriminatorFieldName' should not be 'None' when 'alwaysEmitDiscriminator' is 'true'")
if (cfg.decodingOnly && cfg.encodingOnly)
fail("'decodingOnly' and 'encodingOnly' cannot be 'true' simultaneously")
private[this] def make[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)(cfg: CodecMakerConfig): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] = {
import c.universe._
import c.internal._
def fail(msg: String): Nothing = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
def warn(msg: String): Unit = c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
def typeArg1(tpe: Type): Type = tpe.typeArgs.head.dealias
def typeArg2(tpe: Type): Type = tpe.typeArgs(1).dealias
val tupleSymbols: Set[Symbol] = definitions.TupleClass.seq.toSet
def isTuple(tpe: Type): Boolean = tupleSymbols(tpe.typeSymbol)
def valueClassValueMethod(tpe: Type): MethodSymbol = tpe.decls.head.asMethod
def decodeName(s: Symbol): String = NameTransformer.decode(
def resolveConcreteType(tpe: Type, mtpe: Type): Type = {
val tpeTypeParams =
if (tpe.typeSymbol.isClass) tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.typeParams
else Nil
if (tpeTypeParams.isEmpty) mtpe
else mtpe.substituteTypes(tpeTypeParams, tpe.typeArgs)
def paramType(tpe: Type, p: TermSymbol): Type = resolveConcreteType(tpe, p.typeSignature.dealias)
def valueClassValueType(tpe: Type): Type = resolveConcreteType(tpe, valueClassValueMethod(tpe).returnType.dealias)
def isNonAbstractScalaClass(tpe: Type): Boolean =
tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && !tpe.typeSymbol.isAbstract && !tpe.typeSymbol.isJava
def isSealedClass(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isSealed
def hasSealedParent(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && {
val classSymbol = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
classSymbol.isSealed || classSymbol.baseClasses.exists(s => s.isClass && s.asClass.isSealed)
def isConstType(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match {
case ConstantType(Constant(_)) => true
case _ => false
def companion(tpe: Type): Symbol = {
val comp = tpe.typeSymbol.companion
if (comp.isModule) comp
else { // Borrowed from Magnolia:
val ownerChainOf = (s: Symbol) =>
Iterator.iterate(s)(_.owner).takeWhile(x => x != NoSymbol).toVector.reverseIterator
val path = ownerChainOf(tpe.typeSymbol)
.zipAll(ownerChainOf(enclosingOwner), NoSymbol, NoSymbol)
.dropWhile { case (x, y) => x == y }
.takeWhile { case (x, _) => x != NoSymbol }
.map { case (x, _) => }
if (path.isEmpty) fail(s"Cannot find a companion for $tpe")
else c.typecheck(path.foldLeft[Tree](Ident(, _)), silent = true).symbol
def isOption(tpe: Type, types: List[Type]): Boolean =
tpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]] && (cfg.skipNestedOptionValues || !types.headOption.exists(_ <:< typeOf[Option[_]]))
def isCollection(tpe: Type): Boolean =
tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[Iterator[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]
def scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe: Type): Tree =
if (tpe.typeSymbol.fullName.startsWith("scala.collection.")) Ident(tpe.typeSymbol.companion)
else fail(s"Unsupported type '$tpe'. Please consider using a custom implicitly accessible codec for it.")
def enumSymbol(tpe: Type): Symbol = tpe match {
case TypeRef(SingleType(_, enumSymbol), _, _) => enumSymbol
val isScala213: Boolean = util.Properties.versionNumberString.startsWith("2.13.")
val rootTpe = weakTypeOf[A].dealias
val inferredKeyCodecs = mutable.Map.empty[Type, Tree]
val inferredValueCodecs = mutable.Map.empty[Type, Tree]
def isImmutableArraySeq(tpe: Type): Boolean =
isScala213 && tpe.typeSymbol.fullName == "scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq"
def isMutableArraySeq(tpe: Type): Boolean =
isScala213 && tpe.typeSymbol.fullName == "scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq"
def isCollisionProofHashMap(tpe: Type): Boolean =
isScala213 && tpe.typeSymbol.fullName == "scala.collection.mutable.CollisionProofHashMap"
def inferImplicitValue(typeTree: Tree): Tree = c.inferImplicitValue(c.typecheck(typeTree, c.TYPEmode).tpe)
def checkRecursionInTypes(types: List[Type]): Unit =
if (!cfg.allowRecursiveTypes) {
val tpe = types.head
val nestedTypes = types.tail
val recursiveIdx = nestedTypes.indexOf(tpe)
if (recursiveIdx >= 0) {
val recTypes = nestedTypes.take(recursiveIdx + 1).reverse.mkString("'", "', '", "'")
fail(s"Recursive type(s) detected: $recTypes. Please consider using a custom implicitly " +
s"accessible codec for this type to control the level of recursion or turn on the " +
s"'${typeOf[CodecMakerConfig]}.allowRecursiveTypes' for the trusted input that " +
"will not exceed the thread stack size.")
def findImplicitKeyCodec(types: List[Type]): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
if (tpe =:= rootTpe) EmptyTree
else {
def findImplicitValueCodec(types: List[Type]): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
if (tpe =:= rootTpe) EmptyTree
else {
val mathContexts = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, (TermName, Tree)]
def withMathContextFor(precision: Int): Tree =
if (precision == java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL128.getPrecision) q""
else if (precision == java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL64.getPrecision) q""
else if (precision == java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL32.getPrecision) q""
else if (precision == java.math.MathContext.UNLIMITED.getPrecision) q""
else Ident(mathContexts.getOrElseUpdate(precision, {
val name = TermName("mc" + mathContexts.size)
q"private[this] val $name = new${cfg.bigDecimalPrecision},")
val scalaEnumCaches = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, (TermName, Tree)]
def withScalaEnumCacheFor(tpe: Type): Tree = Ident(scalaEnumCaches.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, {
val name = TermName("ec" + scalaEnumCaches.size)
val keyTpe =
if (cfg.useScalaEnumValueId) tq"Int"
else tq"String"
q"private[this] val $name = new[$keyTpe, $tpe]")
case class JavaEnumValueInfo(value: Tree, name: String, transformed: Boolean)
val enumValueInfos = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, List[JavaEnumValueInfo]]
def isJavaEnum(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe <:< typeOf[java.lang.Enum[_]]
def javaEnumValues(tpe: Type): List[JavaEnumValueInfo] = enumValueInfos.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, {
val javaEnumValueNameMapper: String => String = n => cfg.javaEnumValueNameMapper.lift(n).getOrElse(n)
var values = { s: Symbol =>
val name =
val transformedName = javaEnumValueNameMapper(name)
JavaEnumValueInfo(q"$s", transformedName, name != transformedName)
if (values.isEmpty) {
val comp = companion(tpe)
values =
comp.typeSignature.members.sorted.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isGetter && m.returnType.dealias =:= tpe =>
val name = decodeName(m)
val transformedName = javaEnumValueNameMapper(name)
JavaEnumValueInfo(q"$comp.${TermName(name)}", transformedName, name != transformedName)
val nameCollisions = duplicated(
if (nameCollisions.nonEmpty) {
val formattedCollisions = nameCollisions.mkString("'", "', '", "'")
fail(s"Duplicated JSON value(s) defined for '$tpe': $formattedCollisions. Values are derived from value " +
s"names of the enum that are mapped by the '${typeOf[CodecMakerConfig]}.javaEnumValueNameMapper' function. " +
s"Result values should be unique per enum class.")
def genReadEnumValue(enumValues: Seq[JavaEnumValueInfo], unexpectedEnumValueHandler: Tree): Tree = {
def genReadCollisions(es: collection.Seq[JavaEnumValueInfo]): Tree =
es.foldRight(unexpectedEnumValueHandler) { (e, acc) =>
q"if (in.isCharBufEqualsTo(l, ${})) ${e.value} else $acc"
if (enumValues.size <= 8 && enumValues.foldLeft(0)(_ + <= 64) genReadCollisions(enumValues)
else {
val hashCode = (e: JavaEnumValueInfo) => JsonReader.toHashCode(,
val cases = groupByOrdered(enumValues)(hashCode).map { case (hash, fs) =>
cq"$hash => ${genReadCollisions(fs)}"
} :+ cq"_ => $unexpectedEnumValueHandler"
q"""(in.charBufToHashCode(l): @_root_.scala.annotation.switch) match {
case ..$cases
case class FieldInfo(symbol: TermSymbol, mappedName: String, tmpName: TermName, getter: MethodSymbol,
defaultValue: Option[Tree], resolvedTpe: Type, isStringified: Boolean)
case class ClassInfo(tpe: Type, paramLists: List[List[FieldInfo]]) {
val fields: List[FieldInfo] = paramLists.flatten
val classInfos = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, ClassInfo]
def getClassInfo(tpe: Type): ClassInfo = classInfos.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, {
case class FieldAnnotations(partiallyMappedName: String, transient: Boolean, stringified: Boolean)
def getPrimaryConstructor(tpe: Type): MethodSymbol = tpe.decls.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m // FIXME: sometime it cannot be accessed from the place of the `make` call
}.getOrElse(fail(s"Cannot find a primary constructor for '$tpe'"))
def hasSupportedAnnotation(m: TermSymbol): Boolean = { Unit // to enforce the type information completeness and availability of annotations
m.annotations.exists(a => a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[named] || a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[transient] ||
a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[stringified] || (cfg.scalaTransientSupport && a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[scala.transient]))
def supportedTransientTypeNames: String =
if (cfg.scalaTransientSupport) s"'${typeOf[transient]}' (or '${typeOf[scala.transient]}')"
else s"'${typeOf[transient]}')"
lazy val module = companion(tpe).asModule // don't lookup for the companion when there are no default values for constructor params
val getters = tpe.members.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isParamAccessor && m.isGetter => m }
val annotations = tpe.members.collect {
case m: TermSymbol if hasSupportedAnnotation(m) =>
val name = decodeName(m).trim // FIXME: Why is there a space at the end of field name?!
val named = m.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[named])
if (named.size > 1) fail(s"Duplicated '${typeOf[named]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
val trans = m.annotations.filter(a => a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[transient] ||
(cfg.scalaTransientSupport && a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[scala.transient]))
if (trans.size > 1) warn(s"Duplicated $supportedTransientTypeNames defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
val strings = m.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[stringified])
if (strings.size > 1) warn(s"Duplicated '${typeOf[stringified]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
if ((named.nonEmpty || strings.nonEmpty) && trans.nonEmpty) {
warn(s"Both $supportedTransientTypeNames and '${typeOf[named]}' or " +
s"$supportedTransientTypeNames and '${typeOf[stringified]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
val partiallyMappedName = namedValueOpt(named.headOption, tpe).getOrElse(name)
(name, FieldAnnotations(partiallyMappedName, trans.nonEmpty, strings.nonEmpty))
ClassInfo(tpe, {
var i = 0
getPrimaryConstructor(tpe) { p =>
i += 1
val symbol = p.asTerm
val name = decodeName(symbol)
val annotationOption = annotations.get(name)
if (annotationOption.exists(_.transient)) None
else {
val fieldNameMapper: String => String = n => cfg.fieldNameMapper.lift(n).getOrElse(n)
val mappedName = annotationOption.fold(fieldNameMapper(name))(_.partiallyMappedName)
val tmpName = TermName("_" +
val getter = getters.find( == {
fail(s"'$name' parameter of '$tpe' should be defined as 'val' or 'var' in the primary constructor.")
val defaultValue =
if (!cfg.requireDefaultFields && symbol.isParamWithDefault) {
Some(q"$module.${TermName("$lessinit$greater$default$" + i)}")
} else None
val isStringified = annotationOption.exists(_.stringified)
Some(FieldInfo(symbol, mappedName, tmpName, getter, defaultValue, paramType(tpe, symbol), isStringified))
def isValueClass(tpe: Type): Boolean = !isConstType(tpe) &&
(cfg.inlineOneValueClasses && isNonAbstractScalaClass(tpe) && !isCollection(tpe) && getClassInfo(tpe).fields.size == 1 ||
tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isDerivedValueClass)
def adtLeafClasses(adtBaseTpe: Type): List[Type] = {
def collectRecursively(tpe: Type): List[Type] = {
val tpeClass = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
val leafTpes = tpeClass.knownDirectSubclasses.toList.flatMap { s =>
val classSymbol = s.asClass
val typeParams = classSymbol.typeParams
val subTpe =
if (typeParams.isEmpty) classSymbol.toType
else {
val typeParamsAndArgs =
val typeArgs = => typeParamsAndArgs.getOrElse(s.toString, fail {
s"Cannot resolve generic type(s) for `${classSymbol.toType}`. Please provide a custom implicitly accessible codec for it."
classSymbol.toType.substituteTypes(typeParams, typeArgs)
if (isSealedClass(subTpe)) collectRecursively(subTpe)
else if (isValueClass(subTpe)) {
fail("'AnyVal' and one value classes with 'CodecMakerConfig.withInlineOneValueClasses(true)' are not " +
s"supported as leaf classes for ADT with base '$adtBaseTpe'.")
} else if (isNonAbstractScalaClass(subTpe)) subTpe :: Nil
else fail((if (s.isAbstract) {
"Only sealed intermediate traits or abstract classes are supported."
} else {
"Only concrete (no free type parameters) Scala classes & objects are supported for ADT leaf classes."
}) + s" Please consider using of them for ADT with base '$adtBaseTpe' or provide a custom implicitly accessible codec for the ADT base.")
if (isNonAbstractScalaClass(tpe)) leafTpes :+ tpe
else leafTpes
val classes = collectRecursively(adtBaseTpe).distinct
if (classes.isEmpty) fail(s"Cannot find leaf classes for ADT base '$adtBaseTpe'. " +
"Please add them or provide a custom implicitly accessible codec for the ADT base.")
def genReadKey(types: List[Type]): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val implKeyCodec = findImplicitKeyCodec(types)
if (implKeyCodec.nonEmpty) q"$implKeyCodec.decodeKey(in)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) q"in.readKeyAsString()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) q"in.readKeyAsBoolean()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte]) q"in.readKeyAsByte()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character]) q"in.readKeyAsChar()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short]) q"in.readKeyAsShort()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer]) q"in.readKeyAsInt()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long]) q"in.readKeyAsLong()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float]) q"in.readKeyAsFloat()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double]) q"in.readKeyAsDouble()"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) q"new $tpe(${genReadKey(valueClassValueType(tpe) :: types)})"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt]) q"in.readKeyAsBigInt(${cfg.bigIntDigitsLimit})"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) {
val mc = withMathContextFor(cfg.bigDecimalPrecision)
q"in.readKeyAsBigDecimal($mc, ${cfg.bigDecimalScaleLimit}, ${cfg.bigDecimalDigitsLimit})"
} else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID]) q"in.readKeyAsUUID()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Duration]) q"in.readKeyAsDuration()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Instant]) q"in.readKeyAsInstant()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate]) q"in.readKeyAsLocalDate()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime]) q"in.readKeyAsLocalDateTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime]) q"in.readKeyAsLocalTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay]) q"in.readKeyAsMonthDay()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime]) q"in.readKeyAsOffsetDateTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime]) q"in.readKeyAsOffsetTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Period]) q"in.readKeyAsPeriod()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Year]) q"in.readKeyAsYear()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth]) q"in.readKeyAsYearMonth()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime]) q"in.readKeyAsZonedDateTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId]) q"in.readKeyAsZoneId()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"in.readKeyAsZoneOffset()"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) {
val ec = withScalaEnumCacheFor(tpe)
if (cfg.useScalaEnumValueId) {
q"""val i = in.readKeyAsInt()
var x = $ec.get(i)
if (x eq null) {
x = ${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find( == i).getOrElse(in.enumValueError(i.toString))
$ec.put(i, x)
} else {
q"""val s = in.readKeyAsString()
var x = $ec.get(s)
if (x eq null) {
x = ${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find(_.toString == s).getOrElse(in.enumValueError(s.length))
$ec.put(s, x)
} else if (isJavaEnum(tpe)) {
q"""val l = in.readKeyAsCharBuf()
${genReadEnumValue(javaEnumValues(tpe), q"in.enumValueError(l)")}"""
} else if (isConstType(tpe)) {
tpe match {
case ConstantType(Constant(v: String)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsString() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Boolean)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsBoolean() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Byte)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsByte() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Char)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsChar() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Short)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsShort() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Int)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsInt() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Long)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsLong() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Float)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsFloat() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Double)) =>
q"""if (in.readKeyAsDouble() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case _ => cannotFindKeyCodecError(tpe)
} else cannotFindKeyCodecError(tpe)
def genReadArray(newBuilder: Tree, readVal: Tree, result: Tree = q"x"): Tree =
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) default
else {
while ({
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken(']')) $result
else in.arrayEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
def genReadSet(newBuilder: Tree, readVal: Tree, result: Tree = q"x"): Tree =
if (cfg.setMaxInsertNumber == Int.MaxValue) genReadArray(newBuilder, readVal, result)
else {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) default
else {
var i = 0
while ({
i += 1
if (i > ${cfg.setMaxInsertNumber}) in.decodeError("too many set inserts")
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken(']')) $result
else in.arrayEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
def genReadMap(newBuilder: Tree, readKV: Tree, result: Tree = q"x"): Tree =
if (cfg.setMaxInsertNumber == Int.MaxValue) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (in.isNextToken('}')) default
else {
while ({
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken('}')) $result
else in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (in.isNextToken('}')) default
else {
var i = 0
while ({
i += 1
if (i > ${cfg.mapMaxInsertNumber}) in.decodeError("too many map inserts")
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken('}')) $result
else in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
def genReadMapAsArray(newBuilder: Tree, readKV: Tree, result: Tree = q"x"): Tree =
if (cfg.setMaxInsertNumber == Int.MaxValue) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) default
else {
while ({
if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (!in.isNextToken(']')) in.arrayEndError()
} else in.decodeError("expected '['")
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken(']')) $result
else in.arrayEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
} else {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) default
else {
var i = 0
while ({
if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
i += 1
if (i > ${cfg.mapMaxInsertNumber}) in.decodeError("too many map inserts")
if (!in.isNextToken(']')) in.arrayEndError()
} else in.decodeError("expected '['")
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken(']')) $result
else in.arrayEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
def genWriteKey(x: Tree, types: List[Type]): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val implKeyCodec = findImplicitKeyCodec(types)
if (implKeyCodec.nonEmpty) q"$implKeyCodec.encodeKey($x, out)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String] || tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean] ||
tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte] || tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe ||
tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character] || tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short] ||
tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer] || tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe ||
tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long] || tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float] ||
tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double] || tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal] || tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID] || tpe =:= typeOf[Duration] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[Instant] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay] || tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[Period] || tpe =:= typeOf[Year] || tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"out.writeKey($x)"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) genWriteKey(q"$x.${valueClassValueMethod(tpe)}", valueClassValueType(tpe) :: types)
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) {
if (cfg.useScalaEnumValueId) q"out.writeKey($"
else q"out.writeKey($x.toString)"
} else if (isJavaEnum(tpe)) {
val es = javaEnumValues(tpe)
val encodingRequired = es.exists(e => isEncodingRequired(
if (es.exists(_.transformed)) {
val cases = => cq"${e.value} => ${}") :+
cq"""_ => out.encodeError("illegal enum value: " + $x)"""
if (encodingRequired) q"out.writeKey($x match { case ..$cases })"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiKey($x match { case ..$cases })"
} else {
if (encodingRequired) q"out.writeKey($"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiKey($"
} else if (isConstType(tpe)) {
tpe match {
case ConstantType(Constant(s: String)) => genWriteConstantKey(s)
case ConstantType(Constant(_: Boolean)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Byte)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Char)) |
ConstantType(Constant(_: Short)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Int)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Long)) |
ConstantType(Constant(_: Float)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Double)) => q"out.writeKey($x)"
case _ => cannotFindKeyCodecError(tpe)
} else cannotFindKeyCodecError(tpe)
def genWriteConstantKey(name: String): Tree =
if (isEncodingRequired(name)) q"out.writeKey($name)"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiKey($name)"
def genWriteConstantVal(value: String): Tree =
if (isEncodingRequired(value)) q"out.writeVal($value)"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiVal($value)"
def genWriteArray(x: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreach { x =>
def genWriteArray2(x: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
while($x.hasNext) {
def genWriteMap(x: Tree, writeKey: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreach { kv =>
def genWriteMapAsArray(x: Tree, writeKey: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreach { kv =>
def genWriteMapScala213(x: Tree, writeKey: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreachEntry { (k, v) =>
def genWriteMapAsArrayScala213(x: Tree, writeKey: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreachEntry { (k, v) =>
def cannotFindKeyCodecError(tpe: Type): Nothing =
fail(s"No implicit '${typeOf[JsonKeyCodec[_]]}' defined for '$tpe'.")
def cannotFindValueCodecError(tpe: Type): Nothing =
fail(if (tpe.typeSymbol.isAbstract) {
"Only sealed traits or abstract classes are supported as an ADT base. " +
s"Please consider sealing the '$tpe' or provide a custom implicitly accessible codec for it."
} else s"No implicit '${typeOf[JsonValueCodec[_]]}' defined for '$tpe'.")
def namedValueOpt(namedOpt: Option[Annotation], tpe: Type): Option[String] = { a =>
a.tree.children.tail.collectFirst { case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => s }.getOrElse {
try c.eval(c.Expr[named](c.untypecheck(a.tree.duplicate))).name catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
fail(s"Cannot evaluate a parameter of the '@named' annotation in type '$tpe'. " +
"It should not depend on code from the same compilation module where the 'make' macro is called. " +
"Use a separated submodule of the project to compile all such dependencies before their usage " +
s"for generation of codecs. Cause:\n$ex")
val unexpectedFieldHandler =
if (cfg.skipUnexpectedFields) q"in.skip()"
else q"in.unexpectedKeyError(l)"
val skipDiscriminatorField =
if (cfg.checkFieldDuplication) {
q"""if (pd) {
pd = false
} else in.duplicatedKeyError(l)"""
} else q"in.skip()"
def discriminatorValue(tpe: Type): String = {
val named = tpe.typeSymbol.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[named])
if (named.size > 1) fail(s"Duplicated '${typeOf[named]}' defined for '$tpe'.")
namedValueOpt(named.headOption, tpe)
def checkFieldNameCollisions(tpe: Type, names: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val collisions = duplicated(names)
if (collisions.nonEmpty) {
val formattedCollisions = collisions.mkString("'", "', '", "'")
fail(s"Duplicated JSON key(s) defined for '$tpe': $formattedCollisions. Keys are derived from field names of " +
s"the class that are mapped by the '${typeOf[CodecMakerConfig]}.fieldNameMapper' function or can be overridden " +
s"by '${typeOf[named]}' annotation(s). Result keys should be unique and should not match with a key for the " +
s"discriminator field that is specified by the '${typeOf[CodecMakerConfig]}.discriminatorFieldName' option.")
def checkDiscriminatorValueCollisions(tpe: Type, names: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val collisions = duplicated(names)
if (collisions.nonEmpty) {
val formattedCollisions = collisions.mkString("'", "', '", "'")
fail(s"Duplicated discriminator defined for ADT base '$tpe': $formattedCollisions. Values for leaf classes of ADT " +
s"that are returned by the '${typeOf[CodecMakerConfig]}.adtLeafClassNameMapper' function should be unique.")
val nullValues = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, (TermName, Tree)]
def withNullValueFor(tpe: Type)(f: => Tree): Tree = Ident(nullValues.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, {
val name = TermName("c" + nullValues.size)
(name, q"private[this] val $name: $tpe = $f")
val fields = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, (TermName, Tree)]
def withFieldsFor(tpe: Type)(f: => Seq[String]): Tree = Ident(fields.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, {
val name = TermName("f" + fields.size)
val cases = {
var i = -1
n =>
i += 1
cq"$i => $n"
q"""private[this] def $name(i: Int): String =
(i: @_root_.scala.annotation.switch @_root_.scala.unchecked) match {
case ..$cases
val equalsMethods = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, (TermName, Tree)]
def withEqualsFor(tpe: Type, arg1: Tree, arg2: Tree)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val equalsMethodName = equalsMethods.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, {
val name = TermName("q" + equalsMethods.size)
(name, q"private[this] def $name(x1: $tpe, x2: $tpe): _root_.scala.Boolean = $f")
q"$equalsMethodName($arg1, $arg2)"
def genArrayEquals(tpe: Type): Tree = {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
if (tpe1 <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) {
val equals = withEqualsFor(tpe1, q"x1(i)", q"x2(i)")(genArrayEquals(tpe1))
q"""(x1 eq x2) || ((x1 ne null) && (x2 ne null) && {
val l = x1.length
(x2.length == l) && {
var i = 0
while (i < l && $equals) i += 1
i == l
} else q", x2)"
case class MethodKey(tpe: Type, isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree)
val decodeMethodNames = new mutable.HashMap[MethodKey, TermName]
val decodeMethodTrees = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]
def withDecoderFor(methodKey: MethodKey, arg: Tree)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val decodeMethodName = decodeMethodNames.getOrElse(methodKey, {
val name = TermName("d" + decodeMethodNames.size)
val mtpe = methodKey.tpe
decodeMethodNames.update(methodKey, name)
decodeMethodTrees +=
q"private[this] def $name(in:, default: $mtpe): $mtpe = $f"
q"$decodeMethodName(in, $arg)"
val encodeMethodNames = new mutable.HashMap[MethodKey, TermName]
val encodeMethodTrees = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]
def withEncoderFor(methodKey: MethodKey, arg: Tree)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val encodeMethodName = encodeMethodNames.getOrElse(methodKey, {
val name = TermName("e" + encodeMethodNames.size)
encodeMethodNames.update(methodKey, name)
encodeMethodTrees +=
q"private[this] def $name(x: ${methodKey.tpe}, out: _root_.scala.Unit = $f"
q"$encodeMethodName($arg, out)"
def genNullValue(types: List[Type]): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val implValueCodec = findImplicitValueCodec(types)
if (implValueCodec.nonEmpty) q"$implValueCodec.nullValue"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) q"null"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) q"false"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte]) q"(0: _root_.scala.Byte)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character]) q"'\u0000'"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short]) q"(0: _root_.scala.Short)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer]) q"0"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long]) q"0L"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float]) q"0f"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double]) q"0.0"
else if (isOption(tpe, types.tail)) q"_root_.scala.None"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.BitSet]) q"new _root_.scala.collection.mutable.BitSet"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[collection.BitSet]) withNullValueFor(tpe)(q"_root_.scala.collection.immutable.BitSet.empty")
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.LongMap[_]]) q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[${typeArg1(tpe)}]"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[::[_]]) q"null"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[List[_]] || tpe.typeSymbol == typeOf[Seq[_]].typeSymbol) q"_root_.scala.Nil"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.IntMap[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.LongMap[_]] ||
tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.Seq[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.Set[_]]) withNullValueFor(tpe) {
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.Map[_, _]]) withNullValueFor(tpe) {
q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[${typeArg1(tpe)}, ${typeArg2(tpe)}]"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[collection.Map[_, _]]) {
q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[${typeArg1(tpe)}, ${typeArg2(tpe)}]"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) {
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterator[_]]) {
if (isScala213) q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[${typeArg1(tpe)}]"
else q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) withNullValueFor(tpe)(q"new _root_.scala.Array[${typeArg1(tpe)}](0)")
else if (isConstType(tpe)) {
tpe match {
case ConstantType(Constant(v: String)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Boolean)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Byte)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Char)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Short)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Int)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Long)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Float)) => q"$v"
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Double)) => q"$v"
case _ => cannotFindValueCodecError(tpe)
} else if (tpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) q"${tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.module}"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) q"new $tpe(${genNullValue(valueClassValueType(tpe) :: types)})"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[AnyRef]) q"null"
else q"null.asInstanceOf[$tpe]"
def genReadNonAbstractScalaClass(types: List[Type], discriminator: Tree): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val classInfo = getClassInfo(tpe)
val fields = classInfo.fields
val mappedNames =
checkFieldNameCollisions(tpe, {
if (discriminator.isEmpty) mappedNames
else cfg.discriminatorFieldName.fold(mappedNames)(mappedNames :+ _)
val required: Set[String] = fields.collect {
case fieldInfo if !(!cfg.requireDefaultFields && fieldInfo.symbol.isParamWithDefault || isOption(fieldInfo.resolvedTpe, types) ||
(!cfg.requireCollectionFields && isCollection(fieldInfo.resolvedTpe))) => fieldInfo.mappedName
val paramVarNum = fields.size
val lastParamVarIndex = Math.max(0, (paramVarNum - 1) >> 5)
val lastParamVarBits = -1 >>> -paramVarNum
val paramVarNames = (0 to lastParamVarIndex).map(i => TermName("p" + i))
val checkAndResetFieldPresenceFlags = {
var i = -1
fieldInfo =>
i += 1
val n = paramVarNames(i >> 5)
val m = 1 << i
val nm = ~m
(fieldInfo.mappedName, {
if (cfg.checkFieldDuplication) {
q"""if (($n & $m) == 0) in.duplicatedKeyError(l)
$n ^= $m"""
} else if (required(fieldInfo.mappedName)) q"$n &= $nm"
else EmptyTree
val paramVars =
if (required.isEmpty && !cfg.checkFieldDuplication) Nil
else => q"var $n = -1") :+ q"var ${paramVarNames.last} = $lastParamVarBits"
val checkReqVars =
if (required.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val names = withFieldsFor(tpe)(mappedNames)
val reqMasks = fields.grouped(32) {
var i = -1
(acc, fieldInfo) =>
i += 1
if (required(fieldInfo.mappedName)) acc | 1 << i
else acc
}) {
var i = -1
n =>
i += 1
val m = reqMasks(i)
if (m == -1 || (i == lastParamVarIndex && m == lastParamVarBits)) {
val fieldName =
if (i == 0) q"$names($n))"
else q"$names($n) + ${i << 5})"
q"if ($n != 0) in.requiredFieldError($fieldName)"
} else {
val fieldName =
if (i == 0) q"$names($n & $m))"
else q"$names($n & $m) + ${i << 5})"
q"if (($n & $m) != 0) in.requiredFieldError($fieldName)"
val construct = q"new $tpe(...${ => q"${} = ${fieldInfo.tmpName}"))})"
val readVars = { fieldInfo =>
val fTpe = fieldInfo.resolvedTpe
q"var ${fieldInfo.tmpName}: $fTpe = ${fieldInfo.defaultValue.getOrElse(genNullValue(fTpe :: types))}"
val readFields =
if (discriminator.isEmpty) fields
else cfg.discriminatorFieldName.fold(fields)(n => fields :+ FieldInfo(null, n, null, null, null, null, isStringified = true))
def genReadCollisions(fs: collection.Seq[FieldInfo]): Tree =
fs.foldRight(unexpectedFieldHandler) { (fieldInfo, acc) =>
val readValue =
if (discriminator.nonEmpty && cfg.discriminatorFieldName.contains(fieldInfo.mappedName)) discriminator
else {
val fTpe = fieldInfo.resolvedTpe
${fieldInfo.tmpName} = ${genReadVal(fTpe :: types, q"${fieldInfo.tmpName}", fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}"""
q"if (in.isCharBufEqualsTo(l, ${fieldInfo.mappedName})) $readValue else $acc"
val readFieldsBlock =
if (readFields.size <= 8 && readFields.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.mappedName.length) <= 64) {
} else {
val hashCode = (fieldInfo: FieldInfo) => JsonReader.toHashCode(fieldInfo.mappedName.toCharArray, fieldInfo.mappedName.length)
val cases = groupByOrdered(readFields)(hashCode).map { case (hash, fs) =>
cq"$hash => ${genReadCollisions(fs)}"
} :+ cq"_ => $unexpectedFieldHandler"
q"""(in.charBufToHashCode(l): @_root_.scala.annotation.switch) match {
case ..$cases
val discriminatorVar =
if (discriminator.isEmpty || !cfg.checkFieldDuplication) EmptyTree
else q"var pd = true"
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (!in.isNextToken('}')) {
var l = -1
while (l < 0 || in.isNextToken(',')) {
l = in.readKeyAsCharBuf()
if (!in.isCurrentToken('}')) in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
def genReadConstType(tpe: c.universe.Type, isStringified: Boolean): Tree = tpe match {
case ConstantType(Constant(v: String)) =>
q"""if (in.readString(null) != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Boolean)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsBoolean() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readBoolean() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Byte)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsByte() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readByte() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Char)) =>
q"""if (in.readChar() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Short)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsShort() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readShort() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Int)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsInt() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readInt() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Long)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsLong() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readLong() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Float)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsFloat() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readFloat() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case ConstantType(Constant(v: Double)) =>
if (isStringified) q"""if (in.readStringAsDouble() != $v) in.decodeError(${"expected value: \"" + v + '"'}); $v"""
else q"""if (in.readDouble() != $v) in.decodeError(${s"expected value: $v"}); $v"""
case _ => cannotFindValueCodecError(tpe)
def genReadValForGrowable(types: List[Type], isStringified: Boolean): Tree =
if (isScala213) q"x.addOne(${genReadVal(types, genNullValue(types), isStringified, EmptyTree)})"
else q"x += ${genReadVal(types, genNullValue(types), isStringified, EmptyTree)}"
def genReadVal(types: List[Type], default: Tree, isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val implValueCodec = findImplicitValueCodec(types)
val methodKey = MethodKey(tpe, isStringified && (isCollection(tpe) || isOption(tpe, types.tail)), discriminator)
val decodeMethodName = decodeMethodNames.get(methodKey)
if (implValueCodec.nonEmpty) q"$implValueCodec.decodeValue(in, $default)"
else if (decodeMethodName.isDefined) q"${decodeMethodName.get}(in, $default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) q"in.readString($default)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsBoolean()"
else q"in.readBoolean()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsByte()"
else q"in.readByte()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character]) q"in.readChar()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsShort()"
else q"in.readShort()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsInt()"
else q"in.readInt()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsLong()"
else q"in.readLong()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsFloat()"
else q"in.readFloat()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsDouble()"
else q"in.readDouble()"
} else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID]) q"in.readUUID($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Duration]) q"in.readDuration($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Instant]) q"in.readInstant($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate]) q"in.readLocalDate($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime]) q"in.readLocalDateTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime]) q"in.readLocalTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay]) q"in.readMonthDay($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime]) q"in.readOffsetDateTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime]) q"in.readOffsetTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Period]) q"in.readPeriod($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Year]) q"in.readYear($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth]) q"in.readYearMonth($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime]) q"in.readZonedDateTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId]) q"in.readZoneId($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"in.readZoneOffset($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsBigInt($default, ${cfg.bigIntDigitsLimit})"
else q"in.readBigInt($default, ${cfg.bigIntDigitsLimit})"
} else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) {
val mc = withMathContextFor(cfg.bigDecimalPrecision)
if (isStringified) {
q"in.readStringAsBigDecimal($default, $mc, ${cfg.bigDecimalScaleLimit}, ${cfg.bigDecimalDigitsLimit})"
} else {
q"in.readBigDecimal($default, $mc, ${cfg.bigDecimalScaleLimit}, ${cfg.bigDecimalDigitsLimit})"
} else if (isValueClass(tpe)) {
val tpe1 = valueClassValueType(tpe)
q"new $tpe(${genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)})"
} else if (isOption(tpe, types.tail)) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val nullValue =
if (cfg.skipNestedOptionValues && tpe <:< typeOf[Option[Option[_]]]) q"new _root_.scala.Some(_root_.scala.None)"
else default
q"""if (in.isNextToken('n')) in.readNullOrError($nullValue, "expected value or null")
else {
new _root_.scala.Some(${genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)})
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]] || isImmutableArraySeq(tpe) ||
isMutableArraySeq(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val growArray =
if (tpe1.typeArgs.nonEmpty || isValueClass(tpe1)) {
q"""l <<= 1
val x1 = new Array[$tpe1](l), 0, x1, 0, i)
} else {
q"""l <<= 1, l)"""
val shrinkArray =
if (tpe1.typeArgs.nonEmpty || isValueClass(tpe1)) {
q"""val x1 = new Array[$tpe1](i), 0, x1, 0, i)
} else q", i)"
q"""var l = 8
var x = new Array[$tpe1](l)
var i = 0""",
q"""if (i == l) x = $growArray
x(i) = ${genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)}
i += 1""",
if (isImmutableArraySeq(tpe)) {
q"""if (i != l) x = $shrinkArray
} else if (isMutableArraySeq(tpe)) {
q"""if (i != l) x = $shrinkArray
} else {
q"""if (i != l) x = $shrinkArray
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.IntMap[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val newBuilder = q"var x = ${withNullValueFor(tpe)(q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[$tpe1]")}"
val readVal = genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val readKey =
if (cfg.isStringified) q"in.readStringAsInt()"
else q"in.readInt()"
q"x = x.updated($readKey, { if (in.isNextToken(',')) $readVal else in.commaError() })")
} else genReadMap(newBuilder, q"x = x.updated(in.readKeyAsInt(), $readVal)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.LongMap[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val newBuilder = q"{ val x = if (default.isEmpty) default else ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[$tpe1] }"
val readVal = genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val readKey =
if (cfg.isStringified) q"in.readStringAsLong()"
else q"in.readLong()"
q"x.update($readKey, { if (in.isNextToken(',')) $readVal else in.commaError() })")
} else genReadMap(newBuilder, q"x.update(in.readKeyAsLong(), $readVal)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.LongMap[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val newBuilder = q"var x = ${withNullValueFor(tpe)(q"${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[$tpe1]")}"
val readVal = genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val readKey =
if (cfg.isStringified) q"in.readStringAsLong()"
else q"in.readLong()"
q"x = x.updated($readKey, { if (in.isNextToken(',')) $readVal else in.commaError() })")
} else genReadMap(newBuilder, q"x = x.updated(in.readKeyAsLong(), $readVal)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.Map[_, _]] || isCollisionProofHashMap(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val tpe2 = typeArg2(tpe)
val newBuilder = q"{ val x = if (default.isEmpty) default else ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[$tpe1, $tpe2] }"
val readVal2 = genReadVal(tpe2 :: types, genNullValue(tpe2 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val readVal1 = genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
genReadMapAsArray(newBuilder, q"x.update($readVal1, { if (in.isNextToken(',')) $readVal2 else in.commaError() })")
} else genReadMap(newBuilder, q"x.update(${genReadKey(tpe1 :: types)}, $readVal2)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[collection.Map[_, _]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val tpe2 = typeArg2(tpe)
val newBuilder = q"{ val x = ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.newBuilder[$tpe1, $tpe2] }"
val readVal2 = genReadVal(tpe2 :: types, genNullValue(tpe2 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val readVal1 = genReadVal(tpe1 :: types, genNullValue(tpe1 :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)
val readKV =
if (isScala213) q"x.addOne(new _root_.scala.Tuple2($readVal1, { if (in.isNextToken(',')) $readVal2 else in.commaError() }))"
else q"x += new _root_.scala.Tuple2($readVal1, { if (in.isNextToken(',')) $readVal2 else in.commaError() })"
genReadMapAsArray(newBuilder, readKV, q"x.result()")
} else {
val readKey = genReadKey(tpe1 :: types)
val readKV =
if (isScala213) q"x.addOne(new _root_.scala.Tuple2($readKey, $readVal2))"
else q"x += new _root_.scala.Tuple2($readKey, $readVal2)"
genReadMap(newBuilder, readKV, q"x.result()")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[BitSet]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val readVal =
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsInt()"
else q"in.readInt()"
genReadArray(q"var x = new _root_.scala.Array[Long](2)",
q"""val v = $readVal
if (v < 0 || v >= ${cfg.bitSetValueLimit}) in.decodeError("illegal value for bit set")
val i = v >>> 6
if (i >= x.length) x =, << 1)
x(i) = x(i) | 1L << v""",
if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.BitSet]) q"_root_.scala.collection.mutable.BitSet.fromBitMaskNoCopy(x)"
else q"_root_.scala.collection.immutable.BitSet.fromBitMaskNoCopy(x)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.Set[_] with mutable.Builder[_, _]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadSet(q"{ val x = if (default.isEmpty) default else ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[$tpe1] }",
genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[collection.Set[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadSet(q"{ val x = ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.newBuilder[$tpe1] }",
genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified), q"x.result()")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[::[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val readVal = genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified)
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) {
if (default ne null) default
else in.decodeError("expected non-empty JSON array")
} else {
val x = new _root_.scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[$tpe1]
while ({
}) ()
if (in.isCurrentToken(']')) x.toList.asInstanceOf[_root_.scala.collection.immutable.::[$tpe1]]
else in.arrayEndOrCommaError()
} else {
if (default ne null) in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')
else in.decodeError("expected non-empty JSON array")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[List[_]] || tpe.typeSymbol == typeOf[Seq[_]].typeSymbol) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadArray(q"{ val x = new _root_.scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[$tpe1] }",
genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified), q"x.toList")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.Iterable[_] with mutable.Builder[_, _]] &&
!(tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.ArrayStack[_]])) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) { //ArrayStack uses 'push' for '+=' in Scala 2.12.x
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadArray(q"{ val x = if (default.isEmpty) default else ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[$tpe1] }",
genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadArray(q"{ val x = ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.newBuilder[$tpe1] }",
genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified), q"x.result()")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterator[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
if (isScala213) q"{ val x = ${scalaCollectionCompanion(tpe)}.newBuilder[$tpe1] }"
else q"{ val x = Seq.newBuilder[$tpe1] }"
}, genReadValForGrowable(tpe1 :: types, isStringified), {
if (isScala213) q"x.result()"
else q"x.result().iterator"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val ec = withScalaEnumCacheFor(tpe)
if (cfg.useScalaEnumValueId) {
if (isStringified) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val i = in.readStringAsInt()
var x = $ec.get(i)
if (x eq null) {
x = ${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find( == i).getOrElse(in.enumValueError(i.toString))
$ec.put(i, x)
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '"')"""
} else {
q"""val t = in.nextToken()
if (t >= '0' && t <= '9') {
val i = in.readInt()
var x = $ec.get(i)
if (x eq null) {
x = ${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find( == i).getOrElse(in.decodeError("illegal enum value " + i))
$ec.put(i, x)
} else in.readNullOrError(default, "expected digit")"""
} else {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val s = in.readString(null)
var x = $ec.get(s)
if (x eq null) {
x = ${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find(_.toString == s).getOrElse(in.enumValueError(s.length))
$ec.put(s, x)
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '"')"""
} else if (isJavaEnum(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val l = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
${genReadEnumValue(javaEnumValues(tpe), q"in.enumValueError(l)")}
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '"')"""
} else if (isTuple(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val indexedTypes = tpe.typeArgs
val readFields = indexedTypes.tail.foldLeft[Tree] {
val t = typeArg1(tpe)
q"val _1: $t = ${genReadVal(t :: types, genNullValue(t :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)}"
var i = 1
(acc, ta) =>
i += 1
val t = ta.dealias
val ${TermName("_" + i)}: $t =
if (in.isNextToken(',')) ${genReadVal(t :: types, genNullValue(t :: types), isStringified, EmptyTree)}
else in.commaError()"""
val params = (1 to indexedTypes.length).map(i => TermName("_" + i))
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) new $tpe(..$params)
else in.arrayEndError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
} else if (tpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else if (isSealedClass(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val leafClasses = adtLeafClasses(tpe)
val discriminatorError = cfg.discriminatorFieldName
.fold(q"in.discriminatorError()")(n => q"in.discriminatorValueError($n)")
def genReadLeafClass(subTpe: Type): Tree =
if (subTpe =:= tpe) genReadNonAbstractScalaClass(types, skipDiscriminatorField)
else genReadVal(subTpe :: types, genNullValue(subTpe :: types), isStringified, skipDiscriminatorField)
def genReadCollisions(subTpes: collection.Seq[Type]): Tree =
subTpes.foldRight(discriminatorError) { (subTpe, acc) =>
val readVal =
if (cfg.discriminatorFieldName.isDefined) {
} else if (!cfg.circeLikeObjectEncoding && subTpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) {
} else genReadLeafClass(subTpe)
q"if (in.isCharBufEqualsTo(l, ${discriminatorValue(subTpe)})) $readVal else $acc"
def genReadSubclassesBlock(leafClasses: collection.Seq[Type]): Tree =
if (leafClasses.size <= 8 && leafClasses.foldLeft(0)(_ + discriminatorValue(_).length) <= 64) {
} else {
val hashCode = (t: Type) => {
val cs = discriminatorValue(t).toCharArray
JsonReader.toHashCode(cs, cs.length)
val cases = groupByOrdered(leafClasses)(hashCode).map { case (hash, ts) =>
val checkNameAndReadValue = genReadCollisions(ts)
cq"$hash => $checkNameAndReadValue"
q"""(in.charBufToHashCode(l): @_root_.scala.annotation.switch) match {
case ..$cases
case _ => $discriminatorError
cfg.discriminatorFieldName match {
case None =>
val (leafModuleClasses, leafCaseClasses) =
leafClasses.partition(!cfg.circeLikeObjectEncoding && _.typeSymbol.isModuleClass)
if (leafModuleClasses.nonEmpty && leafCaseClasses.nonEmpty) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val l = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
} else if (in.isCurrentToken('{')) {
val l = in.readKeyAsCharBuf()
val r = ${genReadSubclassesBlock(leafCaseClasses)}
if (in.isNextToken('}')) r
else in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else {
val m =
if (default == null) "expected '\"' or '{'"
else "expected '\"' or '{' or null"
in.readNullOrError(default, m)
} else if (leafCaseClasses.nonEmpty) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
val l = in.readKeyAsCharBuf()
val r = ${genReadSubclassesBlock(leafCaseClasses)}
if (in.isNextToken('}')) r
else in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val l = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '"')"""
case Some(discrFieldName) =>
if (cfg.requireDiscriminatorFirst) {
if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (in.isCharBufEqualsTo(in.readKeyAsCharBuf(), $discrFieldName)) {
val l = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
} else in.decodeError(${"expected key: \"" + discrFieldName + '"'})
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else {
if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (in.skipToKey($discrFieldName)) {
val l = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
} else in.requiredFieldError($discrFieldName)
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else if (isNonAbstractScalaClass(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
genReadNonAbstractScalaClass(types, discriminator)
} else if (isConstType(tpe)) genReadConstType(tpe, isStringified)
else cannotFindValueCodecError(tpe)
def genWriteNonAbstractScalaClass(types: List[Type], discriminator: Tree): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val classInfo = getClassInfo(tpe)
val writeFields = { fieldInfo =>
val fTpe = fieldInfo.resolvedTpe
(if (cfg.transientDefault) fieldInfo.defaultValue
else None) match {
case Some(d) =>
if (cfg.transientEmpty && fTpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (!v.isEmpty && v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (cfg.transientEmpty && fTpe <:< typeOf[Iterator[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (v.hasNext && v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (cfg.transientNone && isOption(fTpe, types)) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if ((v ne _root_.scala.None) && v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v.get", typeArg1(fTpe) :: fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (fTpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) {
val cond =
if (cfg.transientEmpty) {
q"v.length > 0 && !${withEqualsFor(fTpe, q"v", d)(genArrayEquals(fTpe))}"
} else q"!${withEqualsFor(fTpe, q"v", d)(genArrayEquals(fTpe))}"
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if ($cond) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
case None =>
if (cfg.transientEmpty && fTpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (!v.isEmpty) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (cfg.transientEmpty && fTpe <:< typeOf[Iterator[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (v.hasNext) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (cfg.transientNone && isOption(fTpe, types)) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (v ne _root_.scala.None) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v.get", typeArg1(fTpe) :: fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (cfg.transientEmpty && fTpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.${fieldInfo.getter}
if (v.length > 0) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else {
..${genWriteVal(q"x.${fieldInfo.getter}", fTpe :: types, fieldInfo.isStringified, EmptyTree)}"""
val allWriteFields =
if (discriminator.isEmpty) writeFields
else discriminator +: writeFields
def getWriteConstType(tpe: c.universe.Type, m: c.universe.Tree, isStringified: Boolean): Tree = tpe match {
case ConstantType(Constant(s: String)) => genWriteConstantVal(s)
case ConstantType(Constant(_: Char)) => q"out.writeVal($m)"
case ConstantType(Constant(_: Boolean)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Byte)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Short)) |
ConstantType(Constant(_: Int)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Long)) | ConstantType(Constant(_: Float)) |
ConstantType(Constant(_: Double)) =>
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString($m)"
else q"out.writeVal($m)"
case _ => cannotFindValueCodecError(tpe)
def genWriteVal(m: Tree, types: List[Type], isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree): Tree = {
val tpe = types.head
val implValueCodec = findImplicitValueCodec(types)
val methodKey = MethodKey(tpe, isStringified && (isCollection(tpe) || isOption(tpe, types.tail)), discriminator)
val encodeMethodName = encodeMethodNames.get(methodKey)
if (implValueCodec.nonEmpty) q"$implValueCodec.encodeValue($m, out)"
else if (encodeMethodName.isDefined) q"${encodeMethodName.get}($m, out)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) q"out.writeVal($m)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean] || tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe ||
tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte] || tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short] ||
tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer] || tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe ||
tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long] || tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float] ||
tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double] || tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) {
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString($m)"
else q"out.writeVal($m)"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID] || tpe =:= typeOf[Duration] || tpe =:= typeOf[Instant] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay] || tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[Period] || tpe =:= typeOf[Year] || tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"out.writeVal($m)"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) {
genWriteVal(q"$m.${valueClassValueMethod(tpe)}", valueClassValueType(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)
} else if (isOption(tpe, types.tail)) {
q"""if ($m ne _root_.scala.None) ${genWriteVal(q"$m.get", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
else out.writeNull()"""
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]] || isImmutableArraySeq(tpe) ||
isMutableArraySeq(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
if (isImmutableArraySeq(tpe)) {
val xs = x.unsafeArray.asInstanceOf[Array[$tpe1]]
val l = xs.length
var i = 0
while (i < l) {
..${genWriteVal(q"xs(i)", tpe1 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
i += 1
} else if (isMutableArraySeq(tpe)) {
val xs = x.array.asInstanceOf[Array[$tpe1]]
val l = xs.length
var i = 0
while (i < l) {
..${genWriteVal(q"xs(i)", tpe1 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
i += 1
} else {
val l = x.length
var i = 0
while (i < l) {
..${genWriteVal(q"x(i)", tpe1 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
i += 1
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.IntMap[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.LongMap[_]] ||
tpe <:< typeOf[immutable.LongMap[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
if (isScala213) {
val writeVal2 = genWriteVal(q"v", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val writeVal1 =
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString(k)"
else q"out.writeVal(k)"
genWriteMapAsArrayScala213(q"x", writeVal1, writeVal2)
} else genWriteMapScala213(q"x", q"out.writeKey(k)", writeVal2)
} else {
val writeVal2 = genWriteVal(q"kv._2", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
val writeVal1 =
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString(kv._1)"
else q"out.writeVal(kv._1)"
genWriteMapAsArray(q"x", writeVal1, writeVal2)
} else genWriteMap(q"x", q"out.writeKey(kv._1)", writeVal2)
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[collection.Map[_, _]] || isCollisionProofHashMap(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val tpe2 = typeArg2(tpe)
if (isScala213) {
val writeVal2 = genWriteVal(q"v", tpe2 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
genWriteMapAsArrayScala213(q"x", genWriteVal(q"k", tpe1 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree), writeVal2)
} else genWriteMapScala213(q"x", genWriteKey(q"k", tpe1 :: types), writeVal2)
} else {
val writeVal2 = genWriteVal(q"kv._2", tpe2 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (cfg.mapAsArray) {
genWriteMapAsArray(q"x", genWriteVal(q"kv._1", tpe1 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree), writeVal2)
} else genWriteMap(q"x", genWriteKey(q"kv._1", tpe1 :: types), writeVal2)
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[BitSet]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString(x)"
else q"out.writeVal(x)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[List[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val n = _root_.scala.Nil
var l: _root_.scala.collection.immutable.List[$tpe1] = x
while (l ne n) {
..${genWriteVal(q"l.head", tpe1 :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
l = l.tail
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[IndexedSeq[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val l = x.length
if (l <= 32) {
var i = 0
while (i < l) {
..${genWriteVal(q"x(i)", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
i += 1
} else {
x.foreach { x =>
..${genWriteVal(q"x", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)}
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteArray(q"x", genWriteVal(q"x", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterator[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteArray2(q"x", genWriteVal(q"", typeArg1(tpe) :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
if (cfg.useScalaEnumValueId) {
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString("
else q"out.writeVal("
} else q"out.writeVal(x.toString)"
} else if (isJavaEnum(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val es = javaEnumValues(tpe)
val encodingRequired = es.exists(e => isEncodingRequired(
if (es.exists(_.transformed)) {
val cases = => cq"${e.value} => ${}") :+
cq"""_ => out.encodeError("illegal enum value: " + x)"""
if (encodingRequired) q"out.writeVal(x match { case ..$cases })"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiVal(x match { case ..$cases })"
} else {
if (encodingRequired) q"out.writeVal("
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiVal("
} else if (isTuple(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val writeFields = {
var i = 0
ta =>
i += 1
genWriteVal(q"x.${TermName("_" + i)}", ta.dealias :: types, isStringified, EmptyTree)
} else if (tpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass && !(cfg.alwaysEmitDiscriminator && hasSealedParent(tpe))) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
} else if (isSealedClass(tpe) || (cfg.alwaysEmitDiscriminator && hasSealedParent(tpe))) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
def genWriteLeafClass(subTpe: Type, discriminator: Tree): Tree =
if (subTpe != tpe) genWriteVal(q"x", subTpe :: types, isStringified, discriminator)
else genWriteNonAbstractScalaClass(types, discriminator)
val leafClasses = adtLeafClasses(tpe)
val writeSubclasses = cfg.discriminatorFieldName.fold { { subTpe =>
if (!cfg.circeLikeObjectEncoding && subTpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) {
cq"x: $subTpe => ${genWriteConstantVal(discriminatorValue(subTpe))}"
} else {
cq"""x: $subTpe =>
${genWriteLeafClass(subTpe, EmptyTree)}
} { discrFieldName => { subTpe =>
val writeDiscriminatorField =
cq"x: $subTpe => ${genWriteLeafClass(subTpe, writeDiscriminatorField)}"
q"""x match {
case ..$writeSubclasses
} else if (isNonAbstractScalaClass(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteNonAbstractScalaClass(types, discriminator)
} else if (isConstType(tpe)) getWriteConstType(tpe, m, isStringified)
else cannotFindValueCodecError(tpe)
val codec =
val x = new[$rootTpe] {
def nullValue: $rootTpe = ${genNullValue(rootTpe :: Nil)}
def decodeValue(in:, default: $rootTpe): $rootTpe = ${
if (cfg.encodingOnly) q"???"
else genReadVal(rootTpe :: Nil, q"default", cfg.isStringified, EmptyTree)
def encodeValue(x: $rootTpe, out: _root_.scala.Unit = ${
if (cfg.decodingOnly) q"???"
else genWriteVal(q"x", rootTpe :: Nil, cfg.isStringified, EmptyTree)
if (c.settings.contains("print-codecs") ||
inferImplicitValue(tq"") != EmptyTree) {, s"Generated JSON codec for type '$rootTpe':\n${showCode(codec)}", force = true)
private[this] def isEncodingRequired(s: String): Boolean = {
val len = s.length
var i = 0
while (i < len && JsonWriter.isNonEscapedAscii(s.charAt(i))) i += 1
i != len
private[this] def groupByOrdered[A, K](xs: collection.Seq[A])(f: A => K): collection.Seq[(K, collection.Seq[A])] =
xs.foldLeft(new mutable.LinkedHashMap[K, ArrayBuffer[A]]) { (m, x) =>
m.getOrElseUpdate(f(x), new ArrayBuffer[A]) += x
private[this] def duplicated[A](xs: collection.Seq[A]): collection.Seq[A] = xs.filter {
val seen = new mutable.HashSet[A]
x => !seen.add(x)
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