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com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros.NameMapper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros

import scala.quoted._

private[macros] sealed trait NameMapper:
  def apply(input: String)(using Quotes): Option[String]

private[macros] class PartialFunctionWrapper(fun: PartialFunction[String, String]) extends NameMapper:
  def apply(input: String)(using Quotes): Option[String] = fun.lift(input)

private[macros] class ExprPartialFunctionWrapper(fun: Expr[PartialFunction[String, String]]) extends NameMapper:
  def apply(input: String)(using Quotes): Option[String] = CompileTimeEval.evalApplyString(fun, input)

private[macros] case class FromExprException(name: String, expr: Expr[Any]) extends RuntimeException

private[macros] object NameMapper {
  given Conversion[PartialFunction[String, String], NameMapper] with
    inline def apply(pf: PartialFunction[String, String]) = PartialFunctionWrapper(pf)

  given Conversion[Function[String, String], NameMapper] with
    inline def apply(f: Function[String, String]) = PartialFunctionWrapper({ case x => f(x) })

  given FromExpr[NameMapper] with {
    def unapply(x: Expr[NameMapper])(using Quotes): Option[NameMapper] = {
      import quotes.reflect._

      if (x.asTerm.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[PartialFunctionWrapper]) {
      } else if (x.asTerm.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[ExprPartialFunctionWrapper]) {
        throw new FromExprException("Double application of FromExpr ", x)
      } else throw new FromExprException("FieldNameMapper", x)

private[macros] object PartialFunctionWrapper {
  def toExprWrapper(x: Expr[PartialFunctionWrapper])(using Quotes): Option[ExprPartialFunctionWrapper] = x match
    case '{ PartialFunctionWrapper($fun) } => Some(ExprPartialFunctionWrapper(fun))
    case _ => throw new FromExprException("FieldNameExpr", x)

private[macros] object CompileTimeEval {
  case class CompileTimeEvalException(message: String, expr: Expr[Any], reason: Throwable = null)
    extends RuntimeException(message, reason)

  def evalApplyString(fun: Expr[PartialFunction[String, String]], input: String)(using Quotes): Option[String] =
    new QuoteScope().evalApplyString(fun, input)

  def evalExpr[T: Type](expr: Expr[T])(using Quotes): Expr[T] = new QuoteScope().evalExpr(expr)

  class QuoteScope(using Quotes) {
    import quotes.reflect._

    def evalApplyString(fun: Expr[PartialFunction[String, String]], input: String): Option[String] =
      if (fun.asTerm.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[Map[String, String]]) {
        evalApplyStringMap(fun.asExprOf[Map[String, String]], input)
      } else evalApplyStringTerm(fun.asTerm, input, Map.empty)

    def evalApplyStringMap(m: Expr[Map[String, String]], input: String): Option[String] = m match
      case '{ Map(${Varargs(args)}) } => => summon[FromExpr[(String, String)]].unapply(a.asExprOf[(String, String)]))
          .collectFirst { case Some((k, v)) if (k == input) => v }
      case _ => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Map ${} should be a constrictoor literal, we have ${m.asTerm}", m)

    def evalExpr[T: Type](expr: Expr[T]): Expr[T] = evalTerm(expr.asTerm, Map.empty, None).asExprOf[T]

    private def evalApplyStringTerm(ft: Term, input: String, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Option[String] =
      ft match
        case Inlined(_, inlineBindings, body) =>
          evalApplyStringTerm(body, input, addBindings(ft, bindings, inlineBindings))
        case _ =>
          val inputLiteral = Literal(StringConstant(input))
          val nullTerm = Literal(NullConstant())
          val termResult = ft match
            case Lambda(params, body) => params match
              case List(param) => evalTerm(body, bindings.updated(param.symbol, inputLiteral), Some(nullTerm))
              case _ =>
                throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Expected that partial function have one parameter ${}", ft.asExpr)
            case _ =>
              if (ft.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[PartialFunction[_, _]]) {
                val isDefinedTerm =
                  try Apply(Select.unique(ft, "isDefinedAt"), List(inputLiteral)) catch {
                    case ex: Throwable =>
                      throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't create isDefinedAt call for $ft: ${ex.getMessage}", ft.asExpr, ex)
                val applyTerm =
                  try Apply(Select.unique(ft, "apply"), List(inputLiteral)) catch {
                    case ex: Throwable =>
                      throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't create apply call for $ft: ${ex.getMessage}", ft.asExpr, ex)
                if (evalCondition(isDefinedTerm, bindings)) evalTerm(applyTerm, bindings, None)
                else nullTerm
              } else if (ft.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[Function[_, _]]) {
                val applyTerm =
                  try Apply(Select.unique(ft, "apply"), List(inputLiteral)) catch {
                    case ex: Throwable =>
                      throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't create apply call for $ft: ${ex.getMessage}", ft.asExpr, ex)
                evalApply(applyTerm, bindings)
              } else {
                throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"PartialFunction[String, String] or Function[String, String] is required, we have ${}", ft.asExpr)

    private def evalTerm(ft: quotes.reflect.Term, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term], optDefault: Option[Term]): Term = {
      import quotes.reflect._

      ft match
        case Inlined(_, inlineBindings, body) =>
          evalTerm(body, addBindings(ft, bindings, inlineBindings), optDefault)
        case id@Ident(_) => bindings.get(id.symbol) match
          case Some(term) => evalTerm(term, bindings, optDefault)
          case None => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Unknown symbol: $id, bindigns=$bindings", ft.asExpr)
        case m@Match(_, _) => evalMatch(m, bindings, optDefault)
        case If(cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) =>
          if (evalCondition(cond, bindings)) evalTerm(ifTrue, bindings, optDefault)
          else evalTerm(ifFalse, bindings, optDefault)
        case app@Apply(_, _) => evalApply(app, bindings)
        case block@Block(_, _) => evalBlock(block, bindings, optDefault)
        case lt@Literal(_) => lt
        case Typed(expr, tpt) => evalTerm(expr, bindings, optDefault)
        case other => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Unsupported constant expression: $other", ft.asExpr)

    private def evalMatch(t: Match, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term], optDefault: Option[Term]): Term =
      val scrutinee = evalTerm(t.scrutinee, bindings, None)
      var result: Option[Term] = None
      var cases = t.cases
      while (!cases.isEmpty && result.isEmpty) {
        result = evalCaseDef(t, cases.head, scrutinee, bindings, optDefault)
        cases = cases.tail
      result match
        case Some(value) => value
        case None => optDefault.getOrElse(throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Match failed and no default: scrutinee=$scrutinee\nmatch: ${}\nbindings: ${bindings}\nmatch tree: $t\n", t.asExpr))

    private def evalCaseDef(m: Term, caseDef: CaseDef, scrutinee: Term, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term],
                            optDefault: Option[Term]): Option[Term] =
      evalCaseDefPattern(m, caseDef.pattern, scrutinee, bindings).flatMap { newBinding =>
        caseDef.guard match
          case Some(guard) =>
            if (evalCondition(guard, newBinding)) Some(evalTerm(caseDef.rhs, newBinding, optDefault))
            else None
          case None =>
            Some(evalTerm(caseDef.rhs, newBinding, optDefault))

    private def evalCaseDefPattern(m: Term, pattern: Tree, scrutinee: Term,
                                   bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Option[Map[Symbol, Term]] =
      pattern match
        case TypedOrTest(v, tpt) =>
          evalCaseDefPattern(m, v, scrutinee, bindings).flatMap { newBinding =>
            if (scrutinee.tpe <:< tpt.tpe) Some(newBinding)
            else None
        case b@Bind(_, tree) =>
          evalCaseDefPattern(m, tree, scrutinee, bindings).map { newBindings =>
            tree match
              case ct: Term => newBindings.updated(b.symbol, ct)
              case _ => newBindings.updated(b.symbol, scrutinee)
        case Unapply(fun, _, _) => // TODO: implement regexpr ?
          throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Unapply $fun is not supported in compile-time pattern", m.asExpr)
        case Alternatives(cases) =>
          var c = cases
          var retval: Option[Map[quotes.reflect.Symbol, quotes.reflect.Term]] = None
          while (!c.isEmpty) {
            retval = evalCaseDefPattern(m, c.head, scrutinee, bindings)
            c = c.tail
        case Wildcard() =>
          Some(bindings.updated(pattern.symbol, scrutinee))
        case lit@Literal(_) =>
          if (evalLitEquals(lit, scrutinee, bindings)) Some(bindings)
          else None
        case other =>
          throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Pattern $other is not supported in compile-time evaluation", m.asExpr)

    private def evalApply(applyTerm: Apply, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Term =
      evalApply2(applyTerm,, => evalTerm(x, bindings, None)), bindings)

    private def evalApply2(posTerm: Term, fun: Term, args: List[Term], bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Term = fun match
      case Inlined(_, inlineBindings, body) =>
        evalApply2(posTerm, body, args, addBindings(posTerm, bindings, inlineBindings))
      case Select(qual, memberName) =>
        evalApplySelect(posTerm, qual, memberName, args, bindings)
      case other =>
        val funSym = other.symbol
        if ( applyJavaReflectModule(posTerm, funSym, args) // TODO: test
        else throw new CompileTimeEvalException(s"Expected that $funSym is a module", posTerm.asExpr)

    private def evalApplySelect(posTerm: Term, qual: Term, memberName: String, args: List[Term],
                                bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Term = {
      def runIsDefinedAt(fun: Term): Boolean =
        evalApplySelect(posTerm, fun, "isDefinedAt", args, bindings) match
          case Literal(BooleanConstant(v)) => v
          case other => throw new CompileTimeEvalException(
            s"Expected that isDefined returns boolean, we have $other\nfun = ${}", posTerm.asExpr)

      qual match
        case Inlined(_, inlineBindings, body) =>
          evalApplySelect(body, body, memberName, args, addBindings(posTerm, bindings, inlineBindings))
        case Select(qual1, name1) =>
          if (qual1.symbol.fullName == "com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros.JsonCodecMaker") {
            applyJsonCodeMakerField(posTerm, name1, memberName, args)
          } else jvmToTerm(posTerm, javaReflectionCall(posTerm, evalQualJvm(qual, bindings), memberName, args))
        case Lambda(_, _) =>
          if (memberName == "apply") {
            val nApply = Select.unique(qual,"apply").appliedToArgs(args) // TODO: pass symbol instead using Select.unique
            Term.betaReduce(nApply) match
              case Some(term) => evalTerm(term, bindings, None)
              case None => throw new CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't beta-reduce $nApply", posTerm.asExpr)
          } else {
            throw new CompileTimeEvalException(s"Expected that lambda call memeber name is 'apply', we have $memberName", posTerm.asExpr)
        case Apply(TypeApply(Select(frs, "andThen"), List(stringTpt)), List(snd)) =>
          if (memberName == "isDefinedAt") {
            if (runIsDefinedAt(frs)) {
              val r1 = evalApplySelect(posTerm, frs, "apply", args, bindings)
              evalApplySelect(posTerm, snd, "isDefinedAt", List(r1), bindings)
            } else Literal(BooleanConstant(false))
          } else if (memberName == "apply") {
            val r1 = evalApplySelect(posTerm, frs, "apply", args, bindings)
            evalApplySelect(posTerm, snd, "apply", List(r1), bindings)
          } else {
            throw new CompileTimeEvalException(s"Expected that parial function methods are 'isDefinedAt' and 'apply', we have $memberName", posTerm.asExpr)
        case Apply(TypeApply(Select(frs, "orElse"), List(stringTpt)), List(snd)) =>
          if (memberName == "isDefinedAt") {
            if (runIsDefinedAt(frs)) Literal(BooleanConstant(true))
            else evalApplySelect(posTerm, snd, "isDefinedAt", args, bindings)
          } else if (memberName == "apply") {
            if (runIsDefinedAt(frs)) evalApplySelect(posTerm, frs, "apply", args, bindings)
            else evalApplySelect(posTerm, snd, "apply", args, bindings)
          } else {
            throw new CompileTimeEvalException(s"expected that parial function methods are 'isDefinedAt' and 'apply', we have $memberName", posTerm.asExpr)
        case other =>
          jvmToTerm(posTerm, javaReflectionCall(posTerm, evalQualJvm(qual, bindings), memberName, args))

    private def evalQualJvm(qual: Term, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): AnyRef =
      if ( retrieveRuntimeModule(qual, qual.symbol)
      else {
        qual match
          case Inlined(_, inlineBindings, body) =>
            evalQualJvm(body, addBindings(body, bindings, inlineBindings))
          case id@Ident(_) =>
            bindings.get(id.symbol) match
              case Some(value) =>
                termToJvm(evalTerm(value, bindings, None))
              case None =>
                throw new CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't interpret '${}' as constant expression", qual.asExpr)
          case Select(qual1, name) =>
            retrieveRuntimeField(evalQualJvm(qual1, bindings), name)
          case Apply(Select(qual1, name), args) =>
            javaReflectionCall(qual, evalQualJvm(qual1, bindings), name, args)
          case If(cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) =>
            if (evalCondition(cond, bindings)) evalQualJvm(ifTrue, bindings)
            else evalQualJvm(ifFalse, bindings)
          case _ => // this can be constant expression
            termToJvm(evalTerm(qual, bindings, None))

    private def evalCondition(term: Term, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Boolean = evalTerm(term, bindings, None) match
      case Literal(BooleanConstant(v)) => v
      case other => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Condition should return boolean value, we have ${}", term.asExpr)

    private def evalBlock(block: Block, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term], optDefault: Option[Term]): Term =
      var statements = block.statements
      var b = bindings
      while (statements.nonEmpty) {
        statements.head match
          case dfn: Definition => b = addDefinition(block, b, dfn)
          case bt: Term => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Term as non-last block statement have no sence", bt.asExpr)
          case _ => // ignore Import and Export
        statements = statements.tail
      evalTerm(block.expr, b, optDefault)

    private def evalLitEquals(lhs: Literal, rhs: Term, bindings: Map[Symbol, Term]): Boolean = rhs match
      case Literal(rconst) => lhs.constant.value == rconst.value
      case _ => evalLitEquals(lhs, evalTerm(rhs, bindings, None), bindings)

    private def addBindings(m: Term, x: Map[Symbol, Term], bindings: List[Definition]): Map[Symbol, Term] =
      var r = x
      var c = bindings
      while (!c.isEmpty) {
        r = addDefinition(m, r, c.head)
        c = c.tail

    private def addDefinition(m: Term, x: Map[quotes.reflect.Symbol, quotes.reflect.Term],
                              binding: quotes.reflect.Definition): Map[quotes.reflect.Symbol, quotes.reflect.Term] =
      binding match
        case vd@ValDef(_, _, optRhs) => optRhs match
          case Some(rhs) => x.updated(vd.symbol, rhs)
          case None => x
        case other =>
          throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Definitions other then ValDefs is not supported, we have $other ", m.asExpr)

    private def applyJsonCodeMakerField(t: Term, fieldName: String, operation: String, args: List[Term]): Term =
      val arg = termToString(args.head)
      val field: PartialFunction[String, String] = fieldName match {
        case "partialIdentity" => JsonCodecMaker.partialIdentity
        case "enforceCamelCase" => JsonCodecMaker.enforceCamelCase
        case "EnforcePascalCase" => JsonCodecMaker.EnforcePascalCase
        case "enforce_snake_case" => JsonCodecMaker.enforce_snake_case
        case "enforce-kebab-case" => JsonCodecMaker.`enforce-kebab-case`
        case _ => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Unknonwn JsonCodeMaker parial function field: $fieldName", t.asExpr)
      operation match {
        case "isDefinedAt" => Literal(BooleanConstant(field.isDefinedAt(arg)))
        case "apply" => jvmToTerm(t, field.apply(arg))
        case _ => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Expected isDefinedAt or Apply operations, we have: $operation", t.asExpr)

    private def retrieveRuntimeModule(applyTerm: Term, sym: Symbol): AnyRef =
      val className = sym.fullName + "$" // assume that java and scala encoding are same.
      val moduleField =
        try java.lang.Class.forName(className).getField("MODULE$") catch {
          case ex: Exception =>
            throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't get ModuleField for lass $className", applyTerm.asExpr, ex)
      val instance = moduleField.get(null)
      if (instance eq null) throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Module is null for lass $className", applyTerm.asExpr)

    // Field is a Scala field, we search for an access method with the same name
    private def retrieveRuntimeField(obj: AnyRef, name: String): AnyRef =
      try obj.getClass.getMethod(name).invoke(obj) catch { // TODO: error handling
        case ex: NoSuchMethodException => obj.getClass.getField(name).get(obj)

    private def applyJavaReflectedModuleField(applyTerm: Term, qualSym: Symbol, memberName: String,
                                              args: List[Term]): Term =
      jvmToTerm(applyTerm, javaReflectionCall(applyTerm, retrieveRuntimeModule(applyTerm, qualSym), memberName, args))

    private def applyJavaReflectModule(applyTerm: Term, funSym: Symbol, args: List[Term]): Term =
      applyJavaReflectedModuleField(applyTerm, funSym, "apply", args)

    class JvmReflectionMethodCallException(msg: String, ex: Exception) extends RuntimeException(msg, ex)

    sealed trait JvmReflectionMethodCall {
      def process(): AnyRef

      protected def retrieveArgTypes(args: Array[AnyRef]): Array[java.lang.Class[_]] =
        val argsTypes = new Array[Class[_]](args.length)
        var i = 0
        while (i < argsTypes.length) {
          argsTypes(i) = args(i).getClass()
          i += 1

    case class DirectJvmReflectionMethodCall(obj: AnyRef, name: String,
                                             args: Array[AnyRef]) extends JvmReflectionMethodCall {
      def process(): AnyRef =
        val argsTypes = retrieveArgTypes(args)
        val method =
          try obj.getClass.getMethod(name, argsTypes: _*) catch {
            case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
              throw JvmReflectionMethodCallException(s"Can't find method $name of object $obj (class ${obj.getClass}) with argument types: ${argsTypes.toList}", ex)
            case ex: SecurityException =>
              throw JvmReflectionMethodCallException(s"Can't get method $name of object $obj (class ${obj.getClass})", ex)
        try method.invoke(obj, args: _*) catch {
          case ex: Exception =>
            throw JvmReflectionMethodCallException(s"Can't invoke method $name of object $obj (class ${obj.getClass})", ex)

    sealed trait PrependedArgumentJvmReflectionMethodCall extends JvmReflectionMethodCall {
      def prependArgument(obj: AnyRef, args: Array[AnyRef]): Array[AnyRef] =
        val retval = new Array[AnyRef](args.length + 1)
        retval(0) = obj
        System.arraycopy(args, 0, retval, 1, args.length)

    case class HelperObjectJvmReflectionMethodCall(helperObj: AnyRef, obj: AnyRef, name: String,
                                                   args: Array[AnyRef]) extends PrependedArgumentJvmReflectionMethodCall {
      def process(): AnyRef =
        val nArgs = prependArgument(obj, args)
        val argsTypes = retrieveArgTypes(nArgs)
        val method =
          try helperObj.getClass().getMethod(name, argsTypes: _*) catch {
            case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
              throw JvmReflectionMethodCallException(s"Can't find method $name of object $helperObj (class ${helperObj.getClass}) with argument types: ${argsTypes.toList}", ex)
            case ex: SecurityException =>
              throw JvmReflectionMethodCallException(s"Can't get method $name of object $helperObj (class ${helperObj.getClass})", ex)
        try method.invoke(helperObj, nArgs: _*) catch {
          case ex: Exception =>
            throw JvmReflectionMethodCallException(s"Can't invoke method $name of object $helperObj (class ${helperObj.getClass})", ex)

    case class StringConcatJvmReflectionMethodCall(obj: String, args: Array[AnyRef]) extends JvmReflectionMethodCall {
      def process(): AnyRef =
        var r = obj
        var i = 0
        while (i < args.length) {
          r = r.concat(args(i).toString)
          i += 1

    private def javaReflectionCall(term: Term, qual: AnyRef, name: String, args: List[Term]): AnyRef =
      try prepareJvmReflectionMethodCall(term, qual, name, => termToJvm(t)).toArray).process() catch {
        case ex: JvmReflectionMethodCallException =>
          throw CompileTimeEvalException(ex.getMessage, term.asExpr, ex.getCause)

    private def prepareJvmReflectionMethodCall(t: Term, x: AnyRef, name: String,
                                               args: Array[AnyRef]): JvmReflectionMethodCall = name match
      case "+" =>
        if (x.isInstanceOf[java.lang.String]) {
          StringConcatJvmReflectionMethodCall(x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.String], args)
        } else if (x.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer] || x.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]) {
          HelperObjectJvmReflectionMethodCall(x, x, "sum", args)
        } else {
          throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't find substitute for opeation $name of object $x (class ${x.getClass})", t.asExpr)
      case _ => DirectJvmReflectionMethodCall(x, name, args)

    private def jvmToTerm(applyTerm: Term, obj: AnyRef): Term = Literal {
      if (obj.isInstanceOf[String]) StringConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[String])
      else if (obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean]) BooleanConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean].booleanValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Character]) CharConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Character].charValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Byte]) ByteConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Byte].byteValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Short]) ShortConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Short].shortValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]) IntConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer].intValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]) LongConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long].intValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Float]) FloatConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Float].floatValue())
      else if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Double]) DoubleConstant(obj.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Double].floatValue())
      else {
        throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Return value of an external function ($obj) is not primitive or string", applyTerm.asExpr)

    private def termToJvm(x: Term): AnyRef = x match
      case Literal(StringConstant(v)) => v
      case Literal(BooleanConstant(v)) => java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(CharConstant(v)) => java.lang.Character.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(ByteConstant(v)) => java.lang.Byte.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(ShortConstant(v)) => java.lang.Short.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(IntConstant(v)) => java.lang.Integer.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(LongConstant(v)) => java.lang.Long.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(FloatConstant(v)) => java.lang.Float.valueOf(v)
      case Literal(DoubleConstant(v)) => java.lang.Double.valueOf(v)
      case id: Ident if ( => retrieveRuntimeModule(x, id.symbol)
      case _ => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Can't interpret $x as primitive (type ${})", x.asExpr)

    private def termToOptString(x: Term): Option[String] = x match
      case Literal(NullConstant()) => None
      case Literal(StringConstant(v)) => Some(v)
      case _ => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Term should return string or null term, we have $x", x.asExpr)

    private def termToString(x: quotes.reflect.Term): String = x match
      case Literal(StringConstant(v)) => v
      case _ => throw CompileTimeEvalException(s"Term should return string, we have $x", x.asExpr)

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