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com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros.JsonCodecMaker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros
import java.lang.Character._
import java.time._
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.{JsonReader, JsonValueCodec, JsonWriter}
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.annotation.meta.field
import scala.collection.{BitSet, mutable}
import scala.collection.immutable.{IntMap, LongMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Context
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
final class named(val name: String) extends StaticAnnotation
final class transient extends StaticAnnotation
final class stringified extends StaticAnnotation
* Configuration parameter for `JsonCodecMaker.make()` call.
* @param fieldNameMapper the function of mapping from string of case class field name to JSON key (an identity
* function by default)
* @param adtLeafClassNameMapper the function of mapping from string of case class/object full name to string value of
* discriminator field (a function that truncate to simple class name by default)
* @param discriminatorFieldName a name of discriminator field ("type" value by default)
* @param isStringified a flag that turn on stringification of number or boolean values of collections, options and
* value classes (turned off by default)
* @param skipUnexpectedFields a flag that turn on skipping of unexpected fields or in other case a parse exception
* will be thrown (turned on by default)
* @param bitSetValueLimit an exclusive limit for accepted numeric values in bit sets (1024 by default)
* @param bigDecimalScaleLimit an exclusive limit for accepted scale of 'BigDecimal' values (300 by default)
case class CodecMakerConfig(
fieldNameMapper: String => String = identity,
adtLeafClassNameMapper: String => String = JsonCodecMaker.simpleClassName,
discriminatorFieldName: String = "type",
isStringified: Boolean = false,
skipUnexpectedFields: Boolean = true,
bitSetValueLimit: Int = 1024, // ~128 bytes
bigDecimalScaleLimit: Int = 300) // ~128 bytes, (BigDecimal("1e300") + 1).underlying.unscaledValue.toByteArray.length
object JsonCodecMaker {
def enforceCamelCase(s: String): String =
if (s.indexOf('_') == -1 && s.indexOf('-') == -1) s
else {
val len = s.length
val sb = new StringBuilder(len)
var i = 0
var isPrecedingDash = false
while (i < len) isPrecedingDash = {
val ch = s.charAt(i)
i += 1
if (ch == '_' || ch == '-') true
else {
sb.append(if (isPrecedingDash) toUpperCase(ch) else toLowerCase(ch))
def enforce_snake_case(s: String): String = {
val len = s.length
val sb = new StringBuilder(len << 1)
var i = 0
var isPrecedingLowerCased = false
while (i < len) isPrecedingLowerCased = {
val ch = s.charAt(i)
i += 1
if (ch == '_' || ch == '-') {
} else if (isLowerCase(ch)) {
} else {
if (isPrecedingLowerCased || i < len && isLowerCase(s.charAt(i))) sb.append('_')
def `enforce-kebab-case`(s: String): String = {
val len = s.length
val sb = new StringBuilder(len << 1)
var i = 0
var isPrecedingLowerCased = false
while (i < len) isPrecedingLowerCased = {
val ch = s.charAt(i)
i += 1
if (ch == '_' || ch == '-') {
} else if (isLowerCase(ch)) {
} else {
if (isPrecedingLowerCased || i < len && isLowerCase(s.charAt(i))) sb.append('-')
def simpleClassName(fullClassName: String): String =
fullClassName.substring(Math.max(fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, 0))
def make[A](config: CodecMakerConfig): JsonValueCodec[A] = macro Impl.make[A]
private object Impl {
def make[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)(config: c.Expr[CodecMakerConfig]): c.Expr[JsonValueCodec[A]] = {
import c.universe._
def fail(msg: String): Nothing = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
def warn(msg: String): Unit = c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
def info(msg: String): Unit =, msg, force = true)
def decodedName(s: Symbol): String = decodeName(
def typeArg1(tpe: Type): Type = tpe.typeArgs.head.dealias
def typeArg2(tpe: Type): Type = tpe.typeArgs.tail.head.dealias
def isCaseClass(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass
val tupleSymbols: Set[Symbol] = definitions.TupleClass.seq.toSet
def isTuple(tpe: Type): Boolean = tupleSymbols(tpe.typeSymbol)
def isValueClass(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isDerivedValueClass
def resolveConcreteType(tpe: Type, mtpe: Type): Type = {
val tpeTypeParams =
if (tpe.typeSymbol.isClass) tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.typeParams
else Nil
if (tpeTypeParams.isEmpty) mtpe
else mtpe.substituteTypes(tpeTypeParams, tpe.typeArgs)
def methodType(tpe: Type, m: MethodSymbol): Type = resolveConcreteType(tpe, m.returnType.dealias)
def valueClassValueMethod(tpe: Type): MethodSymbol = tpe.decls.head.asMethod
def valueClassValueType(tpe: Type): Type = methodType(tpe, valueClassValueMethod(tpe))
def isSealedAdtBase(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && {
val classSymbol = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
(classSymbol.isAbstract || classSymbol.isTrait) &&
(if (classSymbol.isSealed) true
else fail("Only sealed traits & abstract classes are supported for an ADT base. Please consider adding " +
s"of a sealed definition for '$tpe' or using a custom implicitly accessible codec for the ADT base."))
def adtLeafClasses(tpe: Type): Seq[Type] = {
def collectRecursively(tpe: Type): Set[Type] = if (tpe.typeSymbol.isClass) {
tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.knownDirectSubclasses.flatMap { s =>
val classSymbol = s.asClass
val subTpe =
if (classSymbol.typeParams.isEmpty) classSymbol.toType
else classSymbol.toType.substituteTypes(classSymbol.typeParams, tpe.typeArgs)
if (isSealedAdtBase(subTpe)) collectRecursively(subTpe)
else if (isCaseClass(subTpe)) Set(subTpe)
else fail("Only case classes & case objects are supported for ADT leaf classes. Please consider using " +
s"of them for ADT with base '$tpe' or using a custom implicitly accessible codec for the ADT base.")
} else Set.empty
val classes = collectRecursively(tpe).toSeq
if (classes.isEmpty) fail(s"Cannot find leaf classes for ADT base '$tpe'. Please consider adding them or " +
"using a custom implicitly accessible codec for the ADT base.")
// Borrowed and refactored from Chimney:
// Copied from Magnolia:
// From Shapeless:
// Cut-n-pasted (with most original comments) and slightly adapted from
def patchedCompanionRef(tpe: Type): Tree = {
val global = c.universe.asInstanceOf[]
val globalType = tpe.asInstanceOf[global.Type]
val original = globalType.typeSymbol
val companion = original.companion.orElse {
import global._
val name =
val expectedOwner = original.owner
var ctx = c.asInstanceOf[Context].callsiteTyper.asInstanceOf[global.analyzer.Typer].context
var res: Symbol = NoSymbol
while (res == NoSymbol && ctx.outer != ctx) {
// NOTE: original implementation says `val s = ctx.scope lookup name`
// but we can't use it, because Scope.lookup returns wrong results when the lookup is ambiguous
// and that triggers
val s = ctx.scope.lookupAll(name)
.filter(sym => (original.isTerm || sym.hasModuleFlag) && sym.isCoDefinedWith(original)).toList match {
case Nil => NoSymbol
case List(unique) => unique
case _ => fail(s"Unexpected multiple results for a companion symbol lookup for $original")
if (s != NoSymbol && s.owner == expectedOwner) res = s
else ctx = ctx.outer
global.gen.mkAttributedRef(globalType.prefix, companion).asInstanceOf[Tree]
def companion(tpe: Type): Symbol = {
val comp = tpe.typeSymbol.companion
if (comp.isModule) comp
else {
try patchedCompanionRef(tpe).symbol catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
fail(s"Can't find companion object of '$tpe'. This can happen when it's nested too deeply. " +
"Please consider defining it as a top-level object or directly inside of another class or object.")
def isContainer(tpe: Type): Boolean =
tpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]
def collectionCompanion(tpe: Type): Tree = {
if (tpe.typeSymbol.fullName.startsWith("scala.collection.")) Ident(tpe.typeSymbol.companion)
else fail(s"Unsupported type '$tpe'. Please consider using a custom implicitly accessible codec for it.")
def enumSymbol(tpe: Type): Symbol = {
val TypeRef(SingleType(_, enumSymbol), _, _) = tpe
def getType(typeTree: Tree): Type = c.typecheck(typeTree, c.TYPEmode).tpe
def eval[B](tree: Tree): B = c.eval[B](c.Expr[B](c.untypecheck(tree)))
val codecConfig = eval[CodecMakerConfig](config.tree)
val inferredKeyCodecs: mutable.Map[Type, Tree] = mutable.Map.empty
def findImplicitKeyCodec(tpe: Type): Tree = inferredKeyCodecs.getOrElseUpdate(tpe,
def genReadKey(tpe: Type): Tree = {
val implKeyCodec = findImplicitKeyCodec(tpe)
if (!implKeyCodec.isEmpty) q"$implKeyCodec.decodeKey(in)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) q"in.readKeyAsBoolean()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte]) q"in.readKeyAsByte()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character]) q"in.readKeyAsChar()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short]) q"in.readKeyAsShort()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer]) q"in.readKeyAsInt()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long]) q"in.readKeyAsLong()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float]) q"in.readKeyAsFloat()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double]) q"in.readKeyAsDouble()"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) q"new $tpe(${genReadKey(valueClassValueType(tpe))})"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) q"in.readKeyAsString()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt]) q"in.readKeyAsBigInt()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) q"in.readKeyAsBigDecimal(${codecConfig.bigDecimalScaleLimit})"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID]) q"in.readKeyAsUUID()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Duration]) q"in.readKeyAsDuration()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Instant]) q"in.readKeyAsInstant()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate]) q"in.readKeyAsLocalDate()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime]) q"in.readKeyAsLocalDateTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime]) q"in.readKeyAsLocalTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay]) q"in.readKeyAsMonthDay()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime]) q"in.readKeyAsOffsetDateTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime]) q"in.readKeyAsOffsetTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Period]) q"in.readKeyAsPeriod()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Year]) q"in.readKeyAsYear()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth]) q"in.readKeyAsYearMonth()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime]) q"in.readKeyAsZonedDateTime()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId]) q"in.readKeyAsZoneId()"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"in.readKeyAsZoneOffset()"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) {
q"""val len = in.readKeyAsCharBuf()
${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find(e => in.isCharBufEqualsTo(len, e.toString))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[java.lang.Enum[_]]) {
q"""val v = in.readKeyAsString()
try ${companion(tpe)}.valueOf(v) catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => in.enumValueError(v)
} else fail(s"Unsupported type to be used as map key '$tpe'.")
def genReadArray(newBuilder: Tree, readVal: Tree, result: Tree = q"x"): Tree =
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) default
else {
do {
} while (in.isNextToken(','))
if (in.isCurrentToken(']')) $result
else in.arrayEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
def genReadMap(newBuilder: Tree, readKV: Tree, result: Tree = q"x"): Tree =
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (in.isNextToken('}')) default
else {
do {
} while (in.isNextToken(','))
if (in.isCurrentToken('}')) $result
else in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
def genWriteKey(x: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree = {
val implKeyCodec = findImplicitKeyCodec(tpe)
if (!implKeyCodec.isEmpty) q"$implKeyCodec.encodeKey($x, out)"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) genWriteKey(q"$x.${valueClassValueMethod(tpe)}", valueClassValueType(tpe))
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean] ||
tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte] ||
tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character] ||
tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short] ||
tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer] ||
tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long] ||
tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float] ||
tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[String] || tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt] || tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID] || tpe =:= typeOf[Duration] || tpe =:= typeOf[Instant] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay] || tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[Period] || tpe =:= typeOf[Year] || tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"out.writeKey($x)"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) q"out.writeKey($x.toString)"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[java.lang.Enum[_]]) q"out.writeKey($"
else fail(s"Unsupported type to be used as map key '$tpe'.")
def genWriteConstantKey(name: String): Tree =
if (isEncodingRequired(name)) q"out.writeKey($name)"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiKey($name)"
def genWriteConstantVal(value: String): Tree =
if (isEncodingRequired(value)) q"out.writeVal($value)"
else q"out.writeNonEscapedAsciiVal($value)"
def genWriteArray(x: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreach { x =>
def genWriteMap(x: Tree, writeKey: Tree, writeVal: Tree): Tree =
$x.foreach { kv =>
def cannotFindCodecError(tpe: Type): Nothing =
fail(s"No implicit '${typeOf[JsonValueCodec[_]]}' defined for '$tpe'.")
val inferredCodecs: mutable.Map[Type, Tree] = mutable.Map.empty
def findImplicitCodec(tpe: Type): Tree =
inferredCodecs.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, c.inferImplicitValue(getType(tq"JsonValueCodec[$tpe]")))
case class FieldAnnotations(name: String, transient: Boolean, stringified: Boolean)
def getFieldAnnotations(tpe: Type): Map[String, FieldAnnotations] = tpe.members.collect {
case m: TermSymbol if { // to enforce the type information completeness and availability of annotations
m.annotations.exists(a => a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[named] || a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[transient] ||
a.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[stringified])
} =>
val name = decodedName(m).trim // FIXME: Why is there a space at the end of field name?!
val named = m.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[named])
if (named.size > 1) fail(s"Duplicated '${typeOf[named]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
val trans = m.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[transient])
if (trans.size > 1) warn(s"Duplicated '${typeOf[transient]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
val strings = m.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[stringified])
if (strings.size > 1) warn(s"Duplicated '${typeOf[stringified]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
if ((named.nonEmpty || strings.nonEmpty) && trans.size == 1) {
warn(s"Both '${typeOf[transient]}' and '${typeOf[named]}' or " +
s"'${typeOf[transient]}' and '${typeOf[stringified]}' defined for '$name' of '$tpe'.")
val mappedName = named.headOption.flatMap(x => Option(eval[named](x.tree).name)).getOrElse(name)
(name, FieldAnnotations(mappedName, trans.nonEmpty, strings.nonEmpty))
def getPrimaryConstructor(tpe: Type): MethodSymbol = tpe.decls.collectFirst {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m
}.get // FIXME: while in Scala, every class has a primary constructor, but sometime it cannot be accessed
def getParams(tpe: Type): Seq[TermSymbol] = getPrimaryConstructor(tpe).paramLists match {
case paramList :: Nil =>
case _ => fail(s"'$tpe' has a primary constructor with multiple parameter lists. " +
"Please consider using a custom implicitly accessible codec for this type.")
def getDefaults(tpe: Type): Map[String, Tree] = {
val params = getParams(tpe)
lazy val module = companion(tpe).asModule // don't lookup for the companion when there are no default values for constructor params
params.zipWithIndex.collect { case (p, i) if p.isParamWithDefault =>
(decodedName(p), q"$module.${TermName("$lessinit$greater$default$" + (i + 1))}")
def getMembers(annotations: Map[String, FieldAnnotations], tpe: c.universe.Type): Seq[MethodSymbol] = {
def nonTransient(m: MethodSymbol): Boolean = annotations.get(decodedName(m)).fold(true)(!_.transient)
tpe.members.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor && nonTransient(m) => m
val rootTpe = weakTypeOf[A].dealias
val unexpectedFieldHandler =
if (codecConfig.skipUnexpectedFields) q"in.skip()"
else q"in.unexpectedKeyError(l)"
val skipDiscriminatorField = {
val cs = codecConfig.discriminatorFieldName.toCharArray
cq"""${JsonReader.toHashCode(cs, cs.length)} =>
if (pd) {
pd = !pd
} else in.duplicatedKeyError(l)"""
def discriminatorValue(tpe: Type): String = codecConfig.adtLeafClassNameMapper(decodeName(tpe.typeSymbol.fullName))
def getStringified(annotations: Map[String, FieldAnnotations], name: String): Boolean =
def getMappedName(annotations: Map[String, FieldAnnotations], defaultName: String): String =
def checkFieldNameCollisions(tpe: Type, names: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val collisions = duplicated(names)
if (collisions.nonEmpty) {
val formattedCollisions = collisions.mkString("'", "', '", "'")
fail(s"Duplicated JSON name(s) defined for '$tpe': $formattedCollisions. " +
s"Names(s) defined by '${typeOf[named]}' annotation(s), " +
"name of discriminator field specified by 'config.discriminatorFieldName' " +
"and name(s) returned by 'config.fieldNameMapper' for non-annotated fields should not match.")
def checkDiscriminatorValueCollisions(discriminatorFieldName: String, names: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val collisions = duplicated(names)
if (collisions.nonEmpty) {
val formattedCollisions = collisions.mkString("'", "', '", "'")
fail(s"Duplicated values defined for '$discriminatorFieldName': $formattedCollisions. " +
"Values returned by 'config.adtLeafClassNameMapper' should not match.")
val nullValueNames = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Type, TermName]
val nullValueTrees = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Type, Tree]
// use it only for immutable values which doesn't have public constants
def withNullValueFor(tpe: Type)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val nullValueName = nullValueNames.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, TermName("v" + nullValueNames.size))
nullValueTrees.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, q"private[this] val $nullValueName: $tpe = $f")
val fieldNames = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Type, TermName]
val fieldTrees = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Type, Tree]
def withFieldsFor(tpe: Type)(f: => Seq[String]): Tree = {
val fieldName = fieldNames.getOrElseUpdate(tpe, TermName("f" + fieldNames.size))
q"""private[this] def $fieldName(i: Int): String = (i: @switch) match {
case ..${ { case (n, i) => cq"$i => $n"}}
case class MethodKey(tpe: Type, isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree)
def getMethodKey(tpe: Type, isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree): MethodKey =
MethodKey(tpe, isStringified && isContainer(tpe), discriminator)
val decodeMethodNames = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[MethodKey, TermName]
val decodeMethodTrees = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[MethodKey, Tree]
def withDecoderFor(methodKey: MethodKey, arg: Tree)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val decodeMethodName = decodeMethodNames.getOrElseUpdate(methodKey, TermName("d" + decodeMethodNames.size))
q"private[this] def $decodeMethodName(in: JsonReader, default: ${methodKey.tpe}): ${methodKey.tpe} = $f")
q"$decodeMethodName(in, $arg)"
val encodeMethodNames = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[MethodKey, TermName]
val encodeMethodTrees = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[MethodKey, Tree]
def withEncoderFor(methodKey: MethodKey, arg: Tree)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val encodeMethodName = encodeMethodNames.getOrElseUpdate(methodKey, TermName("e" + encodeMethodNames.size))
q"private[this] def $encodeMethodName(x: ${methodKey.tpe}, out: JsonWriter): Unit = $f")
q"$encodeMethodName($arg, out)"
def nullValue(tpe: Type): Tree =
if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) q"false"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte]) q"(0: Byte)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character]) q"'\u0000'"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short]) q"(0: Short)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer]) q"0"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long]) q"0L"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float]) q"0f"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double]) q"0.0"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) q"null.asInstanceOf[$tpe]"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]]) q"None"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[IntMap[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[LongMap[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.LongMap[_]]) {
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[scala.collection.Map[_, _]]) {
q"${collectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[${typeArg1(tpe)}, ${typeArg2(tpe)}]"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.BitSet] || tpe <:< typeOf[BitSet]) q"${collectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) q"${collectionCompanion(tpe)}.empty[${typeArg1(tpe)}]"
else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) withNullValueFor(tpe)(q"new Array[${typeArg1(tpe)}](0)")
else if (tpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) q"${tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.module}"
else q"null"
def genReadVal(tpe: Type, default: Tree, isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree = EmptyTree,
isRoot: Boolean = false): Tree = {
val implCodec = if (isRoot) EmptyTree else findImplicitCodec(tpe)
val methodKey = getMethodKey(tpe, isStringified, discriminator)
val decodeMethodName = decodeMethodNames.get(methodKey)
if (!implCodec.isEmpty) q"$implCodec.decodeValue(in, $default)"
else if (decodeMethodName.isDefined) q"${decodeMethodName.get}(in, $default)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsBoolean()" else q"in.readBoolean()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsByte()" else q"in.readByte()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character]) q"in.readChar()"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsShort()" else q"in.readShort()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsInt()" else q"in.readInt()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsLong()" else q"in.readLong()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsFloat()" else q"in.readFloat()"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsDouble()" else q"in.readDouble()"
} else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) q"in.readString($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID]) q"in.readUUID($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Duration]) q"in.readDuration($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Instant]) q"in.readInstant($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate]) q"in.readLocalDate($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime]) q"in.readLocalDateTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime]) q"in.readLocalTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay]) q"in.readMonthDay($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime]) q"in.readOffsetDateTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime]) q"in.readOffsetTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Period]) q"in.readPeriod($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Year]) q"in.readYear($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth]) q"in.readYearMonth($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime]) q"in.readZonedDateTime($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId]) q"in.readZoneId($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"in.readZoneOffset($default)"
else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsBigInt($default)" else q"in.readBigInt($default)"
} else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) {
if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsBigDecimal($default, ${codecConfig.bigDecimalScaleLimit})"
else q"in.readBigDecimal($default, ${codecConfig.bigDecimalScaleLimit})"
} else if (isValueClass(tpe)) {
val tpe1 = valueClassValueType(tpe)
q"new $tpe(${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)})"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
q"""if (in.isNextToken('n')) in.readNullOrError(default, "expected value or null")
else {
Some(${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)})
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[IntMap[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
genReadMap(q"var x = $comp.empty[$tpe1]",
q"x = x.updated(in.readKeyAsInt(), ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)})")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.LongMap[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
genReadMap(q"val x = if (default.isEmpty) default else $comp.empty[$tpe1]",
q"x.update(in.readKeyAsLong(), ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)})")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[LongMap[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
genReadMap(q"var x = $comp.empty[$tpe1]",
q"x = x.updated(in.readKeyAsLong(), ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)})")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.Map[_, _]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val tpe2 = typeArg2(tpe)
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
genReadMap(q"val x = if (default.isEmpty) default else $comp.empty[$tpe1, $tpe2]",
q"x.update(${genReadKey(tpe1)}, ${genReadVal(tpe2, nullValue(tpe2), isStringified)})")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Map[_, _]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val tpe2 = typeArg2(tpe)
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
genReadMap(q"var x = $comp.empty[$tpe1, $tpe2]",
q"x = x.updated(${genReadKey(tpe1)}, ${genReadVal(tpe2, nullValue(tpe2), isStringified)})")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.BitSet]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
val readVal = if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsInt()" else q"in.readInt()"
genReadArray(q"var x = new Array[Long](2)",
q"""val v = $readVal
if (v < 0 || v >= ${codecConfig.bitSetValueLimit}) in.decodeError("illegal value for bit set")
val i = v >>> 6
if (i >= x.length) x = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(x, java.lang.Integer.highestOneBit(i) << 1)
x(i) |= 1L << (v & 63)""",
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[BitSet]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
val readVal = if (isStringified) q"in.readStringAsInt()" else q"in.readInt()"
genReadArray(q"var x = new Array[Long](2); var mi = 0",
q"""val v = $readVal
if (v < 0 || v >= ${codecConfig.bitSetValueLimit}) in.decodeError("illegal value for bit set")
val i = v >>> 6
if (i > mi) {
mi = i
if (i >= x.length) x = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(x, java.lang.Integer.highestOneBit(i) << 1)
x(i) |= 1L << (v & 63)""",
q"""if (mi > 1 && mi + 1 != x.length) x = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(x, mi + 1)
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[List[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadArray(q"val x = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[$tpe1]",
q"x += ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)}", q"x.toList")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.Iterable[_] with mutable.Builder[_, _]] &&
!(tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.ArrayStack[_]])) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) { //ArrayStack uses 'push' for '+='
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
genReadArray(q"val x = default; if (x.nonEmpty) x.clear(); ",
q"x += ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)}")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
val comp = collectionCompanion(tpe)
genReadArray(q"val x = $comp.newBuilder[$tpe1]",
q"x += ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)}", q"x.result()")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val tpe1 = typeArg1(tpe)
q"""var x = new Array[$tpe1](16)
var i = 0""",
q"""if (i == x.length) x = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(x, i << 1)
x(i) = ${genReadVal(tpe1, nullValue(tpe1), isStringified)}
i += 1""",
q"""if (i == x.length) x
else java.util.Arrays.copyOf(x, i)""")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val len = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
${enumSymbol(tpe)}.values.iterator.find(e => in.isCharBufEqualsTo(len, e.toString))
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '"')"""
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[java.lang.Enum[_]]) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('"')) {
val v = in.readString(null)
try ${companion(tpe)}.valueOf(v) catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => in.enumValueError(v)
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '"')"""
} else if (tpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else if (isTuple(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val indexedTypes = tpe.typeArgs.zipWithIndex
val readFields = indexedTypes.tail.foldLeft {
val t = tpe.typeArgs.head
q"val _1: $t = ${genReadVal(t, nullValue(t), isStringified)}": Tree
}{ case (acc, (t, i)) =>
val ${TermName("_" + (i + 1))}: $t =
if (in.isNextToken(',')) ${genReadVal(t, nullValue(t), isStringified)}
else in.commaError()"""
val vals = { case (t, i) => TermName("_" + (i + 1)) }
q"""if (in.isNextToken('[')) {
if (in.isNextToken(']')) new $tpe(..$vals)
else in.arrayEndError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '[')"""
} else if (isCaseClass(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
val annotations = getFieldAnnotations(tpe)
def name(m: Symbol): String = getMappedName(annotations, decodedName(m))
def hashCode(m: Symbol): Int = {
val cs = name(m).toCharArray
JsonReader.toHashCode(cs, cs.length)
val members = getMembers(annotations, tpe)
(if (discriminator.isEmpty) Seq.empty else Seq(codecConfig.discriminatorFieldName)) ++
val params = getParams(tpe).filterNot { p =>
val required = params.collect {
case p if !p.isParamWithDefault && !isContainer(resolveConcreteType(tpe, p.typeSignature.dealias)) => name(p)
val paramVarNum = params.size
val lastParamVarIndex = paramVarNum >> 5
val lastParamVarBits = (1 << paramVarNum) - 1
val paramVarNames = (0 to lastParamVarIndex).map(i => TermName("p" + i))
val bitmasks: Map[String, Tree] = {
case (r, i) =>
val n = paramVarNames(i >> 5)
val bit = 1 << i
(decodedName(r), q"if (($n & $bit) != 0) $n ^= $bit else in.duplicatedKeyError(l)")
val paramVars = => q"var $n = -1") :+ q"var ${paramVarNames.last} = $lastParamVarBits"
val checkReqVars = if (required.isEmpty) Nil else {
val fields = withFieldsFor(tpe)(
val reqSet = required.toSet
val reqMasks = params.grouped(32).map(_.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(0) { case (acc, (n, i)) =>
acc | (if (reqSet(name(n))) 1 << i else 0)
}).toSeq { case (n, i) =>
val m = reqMasks(i)
if (i == 0) q"if (($n & $m) != 0) in.requiredFieldError($fields(Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros($n)))"
else q"if (($n & $m) != 0) in.requiredFieldError($fields(Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros($n) + ${i << 5}))"
val construct = q"new $tpe(..${ => q"${} = ${TermName("_" +}")})"
val defaults = getDefaults(tpe)
val readVars = { m =>
val mtpe = methodType(tpe, m)
q"var ${TermName("_" +}: $mtpe = ${defaults.getOrElse(decodedName(m), nullValue(mtpe))}"
val readFields = groupByOrdered(members)(hashCode).map { case (hashCode, ms) =>
val checkNameAndReadValue = ms.foldRight(unexpectedFieldHandler) { case (m, acc) =>
val varName = TermName("_" +
val isStringified = getStringified(annotations, decodedName(m))
val readValue = q"$varName = ${genReadVal(methodType(tpe, m), q"$varName", isStringified)}"
val resetFieldFlag = bitmasks(decodedName(m))
q"""if (in.isCharBufEqualsTo(l, ${name(m)})) {
} else $acc"""
cq"$hashCode => $checkNameAndReadValue"
val readFieldsBlock =
(if (discriminator.isEmpty) readFields
else readFields :+ discriminator) :+ cq"_ => $unexpectedFieldHandler"
val discriminatorVar =
if (discriminator.isEmpty) EmptyTree
else q"var pd = true"
q"""if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (!in.isNextToken('}')) {
do {
val l = in.readKeyAsCharBuf()
(in.charBufToHashCode(l): @switch) match {
case ..$readFieldsBlock
} while (in.isNextToken(','))
if (!in.isCurrentToken('}')) in.objectEndOrCommaError()
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else if (isSealedAdtBase(tpe)) withDecoderFor(methodKey, default) {
def hashCode(subTpe: Type): Int = {
val cs = discriminatorValue(subTpe).toCharArray
JsonReader.toHashCode(cs, cs.length)
val leafClasses = adtLeafClasses(tpe)
val discrName = codecConfig.discriminatorFieldName
val discriminatorValueError = q"in.discriminatorValueError($discrName)"
val readSubclasses = groupByOrdered(leafClasses)(hashCode).map { case (hashCode, subTpes) =>
val checkNameAndReadValue = subTpes.foldRight(discriminatorValueError) { case (subTpe, acc) =>
q"""if (in.isCharBufEqualsTo(l, ${discriminatorValue(subTpe)})) {
..${genReadVal(subTpe, nullValue(subTpe), isStringified, skipDiscriminatorField)}
} else $acc"""
cq"$hashCode => $checkNameAndReadValue"
if (in.isNextToken('{')) {
if (in.skipToKey($discrName)) {
val l = in.readStringAsCharBuf()
(in.charBufToHashCode(l): @switch) match {
case ..$readSubclasses
case _ => $discriminatorValueError
} else in.requiredFieldError($discrName)
} else in.readNullOrTokenError(default, '{')"""
} else cannotFindCodecError(tpe)
def genWriteVal(m: Tree, tpe: Type, isStringified: Boolean, discriminator: Tree = EmptyTree,
isRoot: Boolean = false): Tree = {
val implCodec = if (isRoot) EmptyTree else findImplicitCodec(tpe)
val methodKey = getMethodKey(tpe, isStringified, discriminator)
val encodeMethodName = encodeMethodNames.get(methodKey)
if (!implCodec.isEmpty) q"$implCodec.encodeValue($m, out)"
else if (encodeMethodName.isDefined) q"${encodeMethodName.get}($m, out)"
else if (tpe =:= definitions.BooleanTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Boolean] ||
tpe =:= definitions.ByteTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Byte] ||
tpe =:= definitions.ShortTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Short] ||
tpe =:= definitions.IntTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Integer] ||
tpe =:= definitions.LongTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Long] ||
tpe =:= definitions.FloatTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Float] ||
tpe =:= definitions.DoubleTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Double] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt] || tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) {
if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString($m)" else q"out.writeVal($m)"
} else if (tpe =:= definitions.CharTpe || tpe =:= typeOf[java.lang.Character] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[String] || tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.UUID] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[Duration] || tpe =:= typeOf[Instant] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDate] || tpe =:= typeOf[LocalDateTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[LocalTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[MonthDay] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetDateTime] || tpe =:= typeOf[OffsetTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[Period] || tpe =:= typeOf[Year] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[YearMonth] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZonedDateTime] ||
tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneId] || tpe =:= typeOf[ZoneOffset]) q"out.writeVal($m)"
else if (isValueClass(tpe)) {
genWriteVal(q"$m.${valueClassValueMethod(tpe)}", valueClassValueType(tpe), isStringified)
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
q"if (x.isEmpty) out.writeNull() else ${genWriteVal(q"x.get", typeArg1(tpe), isStringified)}"
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[IntMap[_]] || tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.LongMap[_]] ||
tpe <:< typeOf[LongMap[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteMap(q"x", q"out.writeKey(kv._1)", genWriteVal(q"kv._2", typeArg1(tpe), isStringified))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[scala.collection.Map[_, _]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteMap(q"x", genWriteKey(q"kv._1", typeArg1(tpe)), genWriteVal(q"kv._2", typeArg2(tpe), isStringified))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[mutable.BitSet] || tpe <:< typeOf[BitSet]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteArray(q"x", if (isStringified) q"out.writeValAsString(x)" else q"out.writeVal(x)")
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[List[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
var l = x
while (!l.isEmpty) {
..${genWriteVal(q"l.head", typeArg1(tpe), isStringified)}
l = l.tail
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[IndexedSeq[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val l = x.size
var i = 0
while (i < l) {
..${genWriteVal(q"x(i)", typeArg1(tpe), isStringified)}
i += 1
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
genWriteArray(q"x", genWriteVal(q"x", typeArg1(tpe), isStringified))
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val l = x.length
var i = 0
while (i < l) {
..${genWriteVal(q"x(i)", typeArg1(tpe), isStringified)}
i += 1
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
} else if (tpe <:< typeOf[java.lang.Enum[_]]) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
} else if (tpe.typeSymbol.isModuleClass) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
} else if (isTuple(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val writeFields = { case (t, i) =>
${genWriteVal(q"x.${TermName("_" + (i + 1))}", t, isStringified)}"""
} else if (isCaseClass(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val annotations = getFieldAnnotations(tpe)
val members = getMembers(annotations, tpe)
val defaults = getDefaults(tpe)
val writeFields = { m =>
val mtpe = methodType(tpe, m)
val name = decodedName(m)
val mappedName = getMappedName(annotations, name)
val isStringified = getStringified(annotations, name)
defaults.get(name) match {
case Some(d) =>
if (mtpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (!v.isEmpty && v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", mtpe, isStringified)}
} else if (mtpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (!v.isEmpty && v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v.get", typeArg1(mtpe), isStringified)}
} else if (mtpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (v.length > 0 && {
val d = $d
v.length != d.length || v.deep != d.deep
}) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", mtpe, isStringified)}
} else {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (v != $d) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", mtpe, isStringified)}
case None =>
if (mtpe <:< typeOf[Iterable[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (!v.isEmpty) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", mtpe, isStringified)}
} else if (mtpe <:< typeOf[Option[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (!v.isEmpty) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v.get", typeArg1(mtpe), isStringified)}
} else if (mtpe <:< typeOf[Array[_]]) {
q"""val v = x.$m
if (v.length > 0) {
..${genWriteVal(q"v", mtpe, isStringified)}
} else {
..${genWriteVal(q"x.$m", mtpe, isStringified)}"""
val allWriteFields =
if (discriminator.isEmpty) writeFields
else discriminator +: writeFields
} else if (isSealedAdtBase(tpe)) withEncoderFor(methodKey, m) {
val leafClasses = adtLeafClasses(tpe)
val writeSubclasses = { subTpe =>
val writeDiscriminatorField =
cq"x: $subTpe => ${genWriteVal(q"x", subTpe, isStringified, writeDiscriminatorField)}"
q"""x match {
case ..$writeSubclasses
} else cannotFindCodecError(tpe)
val codec =
q"""import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core._
import scala.annotation.switch
new JsonValueCodec[$rootTpe] {
def nullValue: $rootTpe = ${nullValue(rootTpe)}
def decodeValue(in: JsonReader, default: $rootTpe): $rootTpe =
${genReadVal(rootTpe, q"default", codecConfig.isStringified, isRoot = true)}
def encodeValue(x: $rootTpe, out: JsonWriter): Unit =
${genWriteVal(q"x", rootTpe, codecConfig.isStringified, isRoot = true)}
if (c.settings.contains("print-codecs")) info(s"Generated JSON codec for type '$rootTpe':\n${showCode(codec)}")
private[this] def decodeName(s: String): String =
if (s.indexOf('$') >= 0) NameTransformer.decode(s)
else s
private[this] def isEncodingRequired(s: String): Boolean = {
val len = s.length
var i = 0
while (i < len && JsonWriter.isNonEscapedAscii(s.charAt(i))) i += 1
i != len
private[this] def groupByOrdered[A, K](xs: collection.Seq[A])(f: A => K): mutable.Map[K, collection.Seq[A]] = {
val m = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[K, collection.Seq[A]].withDefault(_ => new ArrayBuffer[A])
xs.foreach { x =>
val k = f(x)
m(k) = m(k) :+ x
private[this] def duplicated[A](xs: collection.Seq[A]): collection.Seq[A] = {
val seen = new mutable.HashSet[A]
val dup = new ArrayBuffer[A]
xs.foreach[Unit] { x =>
if (seen(x)) dup += x
else seen += x