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zeroformatter.Union.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zeroformatter
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
import FormatterHelper._
abstract class Union[K: Formatter] {
def key: K
def serializeKey(encoder: Encoder, offset: Int): Int =
implicitly[Formatter[K]].serialize(encoder, offset, key)
def checkKey(decoder: Decoder): Boolean = {
val o = decoder.offset
val r = implicitly[Formatter[K]].deserialize(decoder)
if(r == key) true
else {
decoder.offset = o
object Union {
private[this] object writeUnion extends Poly2 {
implicit def default[T <: Union[_]](implicit F: Formatter[T]) =
at[ObjectSerializerResult, T] {
case (ObjectSerializerResult(encoder, offset, byteSize), value) =>
val v = value.serializeKey(encoder, offset)
val result = F.serialize(encoder, offset + v, value)
ObjectSerializerResult(encoder, offset + v + result, byteSize + v + result)
private[this] case class UnionFormatterResult[C <: Coproduct, H <: HList](fake: C, value: H)
private[this] object genUnionFormatter extends Poly2 {
implicit def gen[
N <: Nat, C <: Coproduct, H <: HList, V <: Union[_],
K <: HList
a: ops.coproduct.At.Aux[C, N, V],
V: Formatter[V],
gen: Generic.Aux[V, K],
init: FillWith[zero.type, K]
) =
at[N, UnionFormatterResult[C, H]]{ case (_, acc) =>
val kf = gen.from(HList.fillWith[K](zero))
UnionFormatterResult(acc.fake, (kf, V) :: acc.value)
private[this] case class ReadUnionResult[T](decoder: Decoder, value: Option[T])
private[this] object readUnion extends Poly2 {
implicit def read[V <: Union[_], U <: Union[_]] =
at[ReadUnionResult[U], (V, Formatter[V])] {
case (acc, (kf, vf)) => acc.value match {
case Some(_) => acc
case None if kf.checkKey(acc.decoder) =>
val v = vf.deserialize(acc.decoder)
acc.copy(value = Some(v.asInstanceOf[U]))
case None => acc
implicit def unionFormatter[
A <: Union[_],
B <: Coproduct,
C <: Nat, D <: HList, E <: HList
gen: Generic.Aux[A, B],
// serialize
write: ops.coproduct.LeftFolder.Aux[B, ObjectSerializerResult, writeUnion.type, ObjectSerializerResult],
// deserialize
length: ops.coproduct.Length.Aux[B, C],
range: ops.nat.Range.Aux[nat._0, C, D],
generator: RightFolder.Aux[D, UnionFormatterResult[B, HNil], genUnionFormatter.type, UnionFormatterResult[B, E]],
read: LeftFolder.Aux[E, ReadUnionResult[A], readUnion.type, ReadUnionResult[A]]
): Formatter[A] = {
val fs =
.foldRight(UnionFormatterResult(null.asInstanceOf[B], HNil: HNil))(genUnionFormatter)
new Formatter[A] {
override val length = None
override def serialize(encoder: Encoder, offset: Int, value: A) = {
val values =
val ObjectSerializerResult(_, _, byteSize) =
values.foldLeft(ObjectSerializerResult(encoder, offset + 4, 4))(writeUnion)
encoder.writeIntUnsafe(offset, byteSize)
override def deserialize(decoder: Decoder) = {
val byteSize = decoder.readInt()
if(byteSize == -1) null.asInstanceOf[A]
else if(byteSize < -1) throw FormatException(decoder.offset - 4, s"Invalid byte size($byteSize).")
else {
val result = fs.foldLeft(ReadUnionResult(decoder, None: Option[A]))(readUnion)
result.value.getOrElse(throw FormatException(decoder.offset, "Union key does not find."))