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package munit
import zio.{ZIO, IO, Exit}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait ZAssertions {
self: FunSuite =>
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, Boolean]` returns `true`.
* {{{
* testZ("false OR true should be true") {
* val effect = ZIO.succeed(false || true)
* assertZ(effect, "boolean algebra check failed")
* }
* }}}
* @param cond
* the boolean effect to be tested
* @param clue
* a value that will be printed in case the assertions fail
final def assertZ[R, E](cond: ZIO[R, E, Boolean], clue: => Any = "assertion failed")(implicit
loc: Location
): ZIO[R, E, Unit] =, clue))
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, String]` has no difference with expected string. Pretty prints diff
* unlike just `assertEqualsZ`.
* {{{
* testZ("strings are the same") {
* val effect = ZIO.succeed("string")
* assertNoDiffZ(effect, "string", "different strings")
* }
* }}}
* @param obtained
* the string effect to be tested
* @param expected
* expected string
* @param clue
* a value that will be printed in case the assertions fail
final def assertNoDiffZ[R, E](
obtained: ZIO[R, E, String],
expected: String,
clue: => Any = "diff assertion failed"
)(implicit loc: Location): ZIO[R, E, Unit] =, expected, clue))
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, A]` returns the same result as expected
* {{{
* testZ("strings are the same") {
* val effect = ZIO.succeed("string")
* assertEqualsZ(effect, "string", "different strings")
* }
* }}}
* @param obtained
* the effect to be tested
* @param expected
* expected result
* @param clue
* a value that will be printed in case the assertions fail
final def assertEqualsZ[R, E, A, B](
obtained: ZIO[R, E, A],
expected: B,
clue: => Any = "values are not the same"
)(implicit loc: Location, ev: Compare[A, B]): ZIO[R, E, Unit] =, expected, clue))
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, A]` returns NOT the same result as expected
* {{{
* testZ("strings are the same") {
* val effect = ZIO.succeed("string")
* assertNotEqualsZ(effect, "another string", "same strings")
* }
* }}}
* @param obtained
* the effect to be tested
* @param expected
* expected result
* @param clue
* a value that will be printed in case the assertions fail
final def assertNotEqualsZ[R, E, A, B](
obtained: ZIO[R, E, A],
expected: B,
clue: => Any = "values are not the same"
)(implicit loc: Location, ev: Compare[A, B]): ZIO[R, E, Unit] =, expected, clue))
implicit class InterceptSyntax[R, E <: Throwable](private val body: ZIO[R, E, Any]) {
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, Any]` should fail with provided exception `E`.
* {{{
* testZ("effect should fail") {
* val effect = IllegalArgumentException("BOOM!"))
* effect.interceptFailure[IllegalArgumentException]
* }
* }}}
* For "die" checking look at `interceptDefect`.
* @param body
* the ZIO to be tested
def interceptFailure[E1 <: E](implicit
loc: Location,
ct: ClassTag[E1]
): ZIO[R, FailExceptionLike[?], E1] =
body.exit.flatMap(runIntercept(None, _, false))
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, Any]` should die with provided exception `E`.
* {{{
* testZ("effect should die") {
* val effect = ZIO.die(new IllegalArgumentException("BOOM!"))
* effect.interceptDefect[IllegalArgumentException]
* }
* }}}
* For "fail" checking look at `interceptFailure`.
* @param body
* the effect to be tested
def interceptDefect[E1 <: Throwable](implicit
loc: Location,
ct: ClassTag[E1]
): ZIO[R, FailExceptionLike[?], E1] =
body.exit.flatMap(runIntercept(None, _, true))
/** Asserts that `ZIO[R, E, Any]` should fail with provided exception `E` and message `message`.
* {{{
* testZ("effect should fail with message") {
* val effect = IllegalArgumentException("BOOM!"))
* interceptFailureMessage[IllegalArgumentException]("BOOM!")(effect)
* }
* }}}
* @param body
* the effect to be tested
def interceptFailureMessage[E1 <: E](
message: String
)(implicit loc: Location, ct: ClassTag[E1]): ZIO[R, FailExceptionLike[?], E1] =
body.exit.flatMap(runIntercept(Some(message), _, false))
private def runIntercept[E <: Throwable](
expectedExceptionMessage: Option[String],
exit: Exit[Throwable, Any],
shouldDie: Boolean
)(implicit loc: Location, E: ClassTag[E]): IO[FailExceptionLike[?], E] =
exit match {
case Exit.Success(_) =>
.attempt {
s"expected exception of type '${E.runtimeClass.getName()}' but body evaluated successfully"
case Exit.Failure(cause) =>
val e = if (shouldDie) cause.dieOption else cause.failureOption
e match {
case Some(error: FailExceptionLike[?])
if !E.runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(error.getClass()) =>
case Some(error) if E.runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(error.getClass()) =>
if (expectedExceptionMessage.forall(_ == error.getMessage))
else {
val obtained = error.getClass().getName()
new FailException(
s"intercept failed, exception '$obtained' had message '${error.getMessage}', which was different from expected message '${expectedExceptionMessage.get}'",
cause = error,
isStackTracesEnabled = false,
location = loc
case Some(error) => {
val obtained = error.getClass().getName()
val expected = E.runtimeClass.getName()
new FailException(
s"intercept failed, exception '$obtained' is not a subtype of '$expected",
cause = error,
isStackTracesEnabled = false,
location = loc
case None =>
.attempt {
s"expected exception of type '${E.runtimeClass.getName()}' but body evaluated successfully"