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com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.actions.iface.UpdateInterfaceAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 *  soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 
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package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.actions.iface;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlOperation;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCase;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.ModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Request;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestCase;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestSuite;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormDialog;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormField;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormFieldListener;

 * Updates the definition of a WsdlInterface.
 * @author Ole.Matzura

public class UpdateInterfaceAction extends AbstractSoapUIAction
	public static final String SOAPUI_ACTION_ID = "UpdateInterfaceAction";
	private XFormDialog dialog = null;

	public UpdateInterfaceAction()
		this( "Update Definition", "Reloads the definition for this interface and its operations" );

	protected UpdateInterfaceAction( String name, String description )
		super( name, description );

	public void perform( WsdlInterface iface, Object param )
		if( RemoveInterfaceAction.hasRunningDependingTests( iface ) )
			UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Cannot update Interface due to running depending tests" );

		if( dialog == null )
			dialog = ADialogBuilder.buildDialog( Form.class );
			dialog.setBooleanValue( Form.CREATE_REQUESTS, true );
			dialog.getFormField( Form.CREATE_BACKUPS ).setEnabled( false );
			dialog.getFormField( Form.RECREATE_OPTIONAL ).setEnabled( false );
			dialog.getFormField( Form.KEEP_EXISTING ).setEnabled( false );
			dialog.getFormField( Form.RECREATE_REQUESTS ).addFormFieldListener( new XFormFieldListener()

				public void valueChanged( XFormField sourceField, String newValue, String oldValue )
					boolean enabled = dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.RECREATE_REQUESTS );

					dialog.getFormField( Form.CREATE_BACKUPS ).setEnabled( enabled );
					dialog.getFormField( Form.RECREATE_OPTIONAL ).setEnabled( enabled );
					dialog.getFormField( Form.KEEP_EXISTING ).setEnabled( enabled );
			} );

		dialog.setValue( Form.DEFINITION_URL, iface.getDefinition() );
		dialog.getFormField( Form.DEFINITION_URL ).setToolTip( PathUtils.expandPath( iface.getDefinition(), iface ) );
		if( ! )

		String url = dialog.getValue( Form.DEFINITION_URL );
		if( url == null || url.trim().length() == 0 )

		String expUrl = PathUtils.expandPath( url, iface );
		if( expUrl.trim().length() == 0 )

			File file = new File( expUrl );
			if( file.exists() )
				expUrl = file.toURI().toURL().toString();
		catch( Exception e )
			SoapUI.logError( e );

		boolean createRequests = dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.CREATE_REQUESTS );

			if( iface.updateDefinition( expUrl, createRequests ) )
				afterUpdate( iface );
				if( !url.equals( expUrl ) )
					iface.setDefinition( url, false );
				UISupport.showInfoMessage( "Update of interface failed", "Update Definition" );
		catch( Exception e1 )
			UISupport.showInfoMessage( "Failed to update interface: [" + e1 + "]", "Update Definition" );
			SoapUI.logError( e1 );

	protected void afterUpdate( WsdlInterface iface ) throws Exception
		if( dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.RECREATE_REQUESTS ) )
			boolean buildOptional = dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.RECREATE_OPTIONAL );
			boolean createBackups = dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.CREATE_BACKUPS );
			boolean keepExisting = dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.KEEP_EXISTING );
			boolean keepHeaders = dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.KEEP_HEADERS );

			List updated = new ArrayList();

			updated.addAll( recreateRequests( iface, buildOptional, createBackups, keepExisting, keepHeaders ) );

			if( dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.UPDATE_TESTREQUESTS ) )
				updated.addAll( recreateTestRequests( iface, buildOptional, createBackups, keepExisting, keepHeaders ) );

			UISupport.showInfoMessage( "Update of interface successfull, [" + updated.size()
					+ "] Requests/TestRequests have" + " been updated.", "Update Definition" );

			if( dialog.getBooleanValue( Form.OPEN_LIST ) )
						.showDesktopPanel( new ModelItemListDesktopPanel( "Updated Requests/TestRequests",
								"The following Request/TestRequests where updated", updated.toArray( new ModelItem[updated
										.size()] ) ) );
			UISupport.showInfoMessage( "Update of interface successful", "Update Definition" );

	public static List recreateRequests( WsdlInterface iface, boolean buildOptional, boolean createBackups,
			boolean keepExisting, boolean keepHeaders )
		int count = 0;

		List result = new ArrayList();

		// first check operations
		for( int c = 0; c < iface.getOperationCount(); c++ )
			WsdlOperation operation = iface.getOperationAt( c );
			String newRequest = operation.createRequest( buildOptional );
			List requests = operation.getRequestList();

			for( Request request : requests )
				String requestContent = request.getRequestContent();

				if( keepHeaders )
					newRequest = SoapUtils.transferSoapHeaders( requestContent, newRequest, iface.getSoapVersion() );

				String req = XmlUtils.transferValues( requestContent, newRequest );

				// changed?
				if( !req.equals( requestContent ) )
					if( !XmlUtils.prettyPrintXml( req ).equals( XmlUtils.prettyPrintXml( requestContent ) ) )
						if( createBackups )
							WsdlRequest backupRequest = operation.addNewRequest( "Backup of [" + request.getName() + "]" );
							( ( WsdlRequest )request ).copyTo( backupRequest, false, false );

						( ( WsdlRequest )request ).setRequestContent( req );
						count++ ;

						result.add( request );

		return result;

	public static List recreateTestRequests( WsdlInterface iface, boolean buildOptional,
			boolean createBackups, boolean keepExisting, boolean keepHeaders )
		int count = 0;

		List result = new ArrayList();

		// now check testsuites..
		for( TestSuite testSuite : iface.getProject().getTestSuiteList() )
			for( TestCase testCase : testSuite.getTestCaseList() )
				int testStepCount = testCase.getTestStepCount();
				for( int c = 0; c < testStepCount; c++ )
					WsdlTestStep testStep = ( WsdlTestStep )testCase.getTestStepAt( c );
					if( testStep instanceof WsdlTestRequestStep )
						WsdlTestRequest testRequest = ( ( WsdlTestRequestStep )testStep ).getTestRequest();
						if( testRequest != null && testRequest.getOperation() != null
								&& testRequest.getOperation().getInterface() == iface )
							String newRequest = testRequest.getOperation().createRequest( buildOptional );

							if( keepHeaders )
								newRequest = SoapUtils.transferSoapHeaders( testRequest.getRequestContent(), newRequest,
										iface.getSoapVersion() );

							if( keepExisting )
								newRequest = XmlUtils.transferValues( testRequest.getRequestContent(), newRequest );

							// changed?
							if( !newRequest.equals( testRequest.getRequestContent() ) )
								if( createBackups )
									( ( WsdlTestCase )testCase ).importTestStep( testStep,
											"Backup of [" + testStep.getName() + "]", -1, true ).setDisabled( true );

								( ( WsdlRequest )testRequest ).setRequestContent( newRequest );
								count++ ;

								result.add( ( WsdlTestRequestStep )testStep );

		return result;

	@AForm( description = "Specify Update Definition options", name = "Update Definition", helpUrl = HelpUrls.UPDATE_INTERFACE_HELP_URL, icon = UISupport.TOOL_ICON_PATH )
	protected interface Form
		@AField( name = "Definition URL", description = "The URL or file for the updated definition", type = AFieldType.FILE )
		public final static String DEFINITION_URL = "Definition URL";

		@AField( name = "Create New Requests", description = "Create default requests for new methods", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String CREATE_REQUESTS = "Create New Requests";

		@AField( name = "Recreate Requests", description = "Recreate existing request with the new schema", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String RECREATE_REQUESTS = "Recreate Requests";

		@AField( name = "Recreate Optional", description = "Recreate optional content when updating requests", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String RECREATE_OPTIONAL = "Recreate Optional";

		@AField( name = "Keep Existing", description = "Keeps existing values when recreating requests", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String KEEP_EXISTING = "Keep Existing";

		@AField( name = "Keep SOAP Headers", description = "Keeps any SOAP Headers when recreating requests", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String KEEP_HEADERS = "Keep SOAP Headers";

		@AField( name = "Create Backups", description = "Create backup copies of changed requests", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String CREATE_BACKUPS = "Create Backups";

		@AField( name = "Update TestRequests", description = "Updates all TestRequests for operations in this Interface also", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String UPDATE_TESTREQUESTS = "Update TestRequests";

		@AField( name = "Open Request List", description = "Opens a list of all requests that have been updated", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
		public final static String OPEN_LIST = "Open Request List";

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