com.github.rholder.retry.Retryer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.rholder.retry;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* A retryer, which executes a call, and retries it until it succeeds, or
* a stop strategy decides to stop retrying. A wait strategy is used to sleep
* between attempts. The strategy to decide if the call succeeds or not is
* also configurable.
* A retryer can also wrap the callable into a RetryerCallable, which can be submitted to an executor.
* Retryer instances are better constructed with a {@link RetryerBuilder}. A retryer
* is thread-safe, provided the arguments passed to its constructor are thread-safe.
* @author JB
* @param the type of the call return value
public final class Retryer {
private final StopStrategy stopStrategy;
private final WaitStrategy waitStrategy;
private final Predicate> rejectionPredicate;
* Constructor
* @param stopStrategy the strategy used to decide when the retryer must stop retrying
* @param waitStrategy the strategy used to decide how much time to sleep between attempts
* @param rejectionPredicate the predicate used to decide if the attempt must be rejected
* or not. If an attempt is rejected, the retryer will retry the call, unless the stop
* strategy indicates otherwise or the thread is interrupted.
public Retryer(@Nonnull StopStrategy stopStrategy,
@Nonnull WaitStrategy waitStrategy,
@Nonnull Predicate> rejectionPredicate) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(stopStrategy, "stopStrategy may not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(waitStrategy, "waitStrategy may not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(rejectionPredicate, "waitStrategy may not be null");
this.stopStrategy = stopStrategy;
this.waitStrategy = waitStrategy;
this.rejectionPredicate = rejectionPredicate;
* Executes the given callable. If the rejection predicate
* accepts the attempt, the stop strategy is used to decide if a new attempt
* must be made. Then the wait strategy is used to decide how must time to sleep,
* and a new attempt is made.
* @throws ExecutionException if the given callable throws an exception, and the
* rejection predicate considers the attempt as successful. The original exception
* is wrapped into an ExecutionException.
* @throws RetryException if all the attempts failed before the stop strategy decided
* to abort, or the thread was interrupted. Note that if the thread is interrupted,
* this exception is thrown and the thread's interrupt status is set.
public V call(Callable callable) throws ExecutionException, RetryException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int attemptNumber = 1; ; attemptNumber++) {
Attempt attempt;
try {
V result =;
attempt = new ResultAttempt(result);
catch (Throwable t) {
attempt = new ExceptionAttempt(t);
if (!rejectionPredicate.apply(attempt)) {
return attempt.get();
long delaySinceFirstAttemptInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
if (stopStrategy.shouldStop(attemptNumber, delaySinceFirstAttemptInMillis)) {
throw new RetryException(attemptNumber, attempt);
else {
long sleepTime = waitStrategy.computeSleepTime(attemptNumber, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RetryException(attemptNumber, attempt);
* Wraps the given callable into a {@link RetryerCallable}, which can be submitted to an executor.
* The returned callable will use this retryer to call the given callable
* @param callable the callable to wrap
public RetryerCallable wrap(Callable callable) {
return new RetryerCallable(this, callable);
private static final class ResultAttempt implements Attempt {
private final R result;
public ResultAttempt(R result) {
this.result = result;
public R get() throws ExecutionException {
return result;
public boolean hasResult() {
return true;
public boolean hasException() {
return false;
public R getResult() throws IllegalStateException {
return result;
public Throwable getExceptionCause() throws IllegalStateException {
throw new IllegalStateException("The attempt resulted in a result, not in an exception");
private static final class ExceptionAttempt implements Attempt {
private final ExecutionException e;
public ExceptionAttempt(Throwable cause) {
this.e = new ExecutionException(cause);
public R get() throws ExecutionException {
throw e;
public boolean hasResult() {
return false;
public boolean hasException() {
return true;
public R getResult() throws IllegalStateException {
throw new IllegalStateException("The attempt resulted in an exception, not in a result");
public Throwable getExceptionCause() throws IllegalStateException {
return e.getCause();
* A Callable which wraps another callable in order to make it call by the enclosing retryer.
* @author JB
public static class RetryerCallable implements Callable {
private Retryer retryer;
private Callable callable;
private RetryerCallable(Retryer retryer,
Callable callable) {
this.retryer = retryer;
this.callable = callable;
* Makes the enclosing retryer call the wrapped callable.
* @see Retryer#call(Callable)
public X call() throws ExecutionException, RetryException {