bdsup2sub.supstream.dvd.SupDvd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014 Volker Oth (0xdeadbeef) / Miklos Juhasz (mjuhasz)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package bdsup2sub.supstream.dvd;
import bdsup2sub.BDSup2SubManager;
import bdsup2sub.bitmap.Bitmap;
import bdsup2sub.bitmap.BitmapBounds;
import bdsup2sub.bitmap.Palette;
import bdsup2sub.core.Configuration;
import bdsup2sub.core.CoreException;
import bdsup2sub.core.LibLogger;
import bdsup2sub.supstream.ImageObjectFragment;
import bdsup2sub.supstream.SubPicture;
import bdsup2sub.utils.ToolBox;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static bdsup2sub.utils.ByteUtils.*;
import static bdsup2sub.utils.ToolBox.toHexLeftZeroPadded;
* Handling of DVD SUP/IFO streams.
public class SupDvd implements DvdSubtitleStream {
private static final Configuration configuration = Configuration.getInstance();
private static final LibLogger logger = LibLogger.getInstance();
private List subPictures = new ArrayList();
private int screenWidth = 720;
private int screenHeight = 576;
private int languageIdx;
private Palette srcPalette;
/** color palette created for last decoded caption */
private Palette palette;
/** bitmap of the last decoded caption */
private Bitmap bitmap;
/** FileBuffer for reading SUP */
private FileBuffer fileBuffer;
/** index of dominant color for the current caption */
private int primaryColorIndex;
/** number of forced captions in the current file */
private int numForcedFrames;
/** store last alpha values for invisible workaround */
private static int[] lastAlpha = { 0, 0xf, 0xf, 0xf };
private final BDSup2SubManager manager;
public SupDvd(String supFile, String ifoFile, BDSup2SubManager manager) throws CoreException {
this.manager = manager;
IfoParser ifoParser = new IfoParser(ifoFile);
this.screenHeight = ifoParser.getScreenHeight();
this.screenWidth = ifoParser.getScreenWidth();
this.languageIdx = ifoParser.getLanguageIdx();
this.srcPalette = ifoParser.getSrcPalette();
private void readSupFile(String supFile) throws CoreException {
try {
long offset = 0;
fileBuffer = new FileBuffer(supFile);
long size = fileBuffer.getSize();
manager.setProgressMax((int) size);
int i = 0;
do {"# " + (++i) + "\n");
logger.trace("Offset: " + ToolBox.toHexLeftZeroPadded(offset, 8) + "\n");
offset = readSupFrame(offset, fileBuffer);
} while (offset < size);
} catch (FileBufferException e) {
throw new CoreException(e.getMessage());
}"\nDetected " + numForcedFrames + " forced captions.\n");
private long readSupFrame(long offset, FileBuffer buffer) throws CoreException {
long ctrlOffset;
int ctrlOfsRel;
int rleSize;
int ctrlSize;
ImageObjectFragment rleFrag;
int length;
byte[] ctrlHeader;
try {
// 2 bytes: packet identifier 0x5350
long startOffset = offset;
if (buffer.getWord(offset) != 0x5350) {
throw new CoreException("Missing packet identifier at offset " + ToolBox.toHexLeftZeroPadded(offset, 8));
// 8 bytes PTS: system clock reference, but use only the first 4
SubPictureDVD pic = new SubPictureDVD();
int pts = buffer.getDWordLE(offset += 2);
// 2 bytes: packet length (number of bytes after this entry)
length = buffer.getWord(offset += 8);
// 2 bytes: offset to control buffer
ctrlOfsRel = buffer.getWord(offset += 2);
rleSize = ctrlOfsRel - 2; // calculate size of RLE buffer
ctrlSize = length - ctrlOfsRel - 2; // calculate size of control header
if (ctrlSize < 0) {
throw new CoreException("Invalid control buffer size");
ctrlOffset = ctrlOfsRel + offset; // absolute offset of control header
offset += 2;
pic.setRleFragments(new ArrayList(1));
rleFrag = new ImageObjectFragment(offset, rleSize);
pic.setPal(new int[4]);
pic.setAlpha(new int[4]);
int alphaSum = 0;
int[] alphaUpdate = new int[4];
int alphaUpdateSum;
int delay = -1;
boolean colorAlphaUpdate = false;
logger.trace("SP_DCSQT at ofs: " + ToolBox.toHexLeftZeroPadded(ctrlOffset, 8) + "\n");
// copy control header in buffer (to be more compatible with VobSub)
ctrlHeader = new byte[ctrlSize];
for (int i=0; i < ctrlSize; i++) {
ctrlHeader[i] = (byte)buffer.getByte(ctrlOffset + i);
try {
// parse control header
int b;
int index = 0;
int endSeqOfs = getWord(ctrlHeader, index) - ctrlOfsRel - 2;
if (endSeqOfs < 0 || endSeqOfs > ctrlSize) {
logger.warn("Invalid end sequence offset -> no end time\n");
endSeqOfs = ctrlSize;
index += 2;
while (index < endSeqOfs) {
int cmd = getByte(ctrlHeader, index++);
switch (cmd) {
case 0: // forced (?)
case 1: // start display
case 3: // palette info
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index++);
pic.getPal()[3] = (b >> 4);
pic.getPal()[2] = b & 0x0f;
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index++);
pic.getPal()[1] = (b >> 4);
pic.getPal()[0] = b & 0x0f;
logger.trace("Palette: " + pic.getPal()[0] + ", " + pic.getPal()[1] + ", " + pic.getPal()[2] + ", " + pic.getPal()[3] + "\n");
case 4: // alpha info
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index++);
pic.getAlpha()[3] = (b >> 4);
pic.getAlpha()[2] = b & 0x0f;
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index++);
pic.getAlpha()[1] = (b >> 4);
pic.getAlpha()[0] = b & 0x0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
alphaSum += pic.getAlpha()[i] & 0xff;
logger.trace("Alpha: " + pic.getAlpha()[0] + ", " + pic.getAlpha()[1] + ", " + pic.getAlpha()[2] + ", " + pic.getAlpha()[3] + "\n");
case 5: // coordinates
int xOfs = (getByte(ctrlHeader, index) << 4) | (getByte(ctrlHeader, index+1) >> 4);
pic.setImageWidth((((getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 1) & 0xf) << 8) | (getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 2))) - xOfs + 1);
int yOfs = (getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 3) << 4) | (getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 4) >> 4);
pic.setImageHeight((((getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 4) & 0xf) << 8) | (getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 5))) - yOfs + 1);
logger.trace("Area info:" + " ("
+ pic.getXOffset() + ", " + pic.getYOffset() + ") - (" + (pic.getXOffset() + pic.getImageWidth() - 1) + ", "
+ (pic.getYOffset() + pic.getImageHeight() - 1) + ")\n");
index += 6;
case 6: // offset to RLE buffer
pic.setEvenOffset(getWord(ctrlHeader, index) - 4);
pic.setOddOffset(getWord(ctrlHeader, index + 2) - 4);
index += 4;
logger.trace("RLE ofs: " + ToolBox.toHexLeftZeroPadded(pic.getEvenOffset(), 4) + ", " + ToolBox.toHexLeftZeroPadded(pic.getOddOffset(), 4) + "\n");
case 7: // color/alpha update
colorAlphaUpdate = true;
//int len = ToolBox.getWord(ctrlHeader, index);
// ignore the details for now, but just get alpha and palette info
alphaUpdateSum = 0;
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 10);
alphaUpdate[3] = (b >> 4);
alphaUpdate[2] = b & 0x0f;
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index + 11);
alphaUpdate[1] = (b >> 4);
alphaUpdate[0] = b & 0x0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
alphaUpdateSum += alphaUpdate[i] & 0xff;
// only use more opaque colors
if (alphaUpdateSum > alphaSum) {
alphaSum = alphaUpdateSum;
System.arraycopy(alphaUpdate, 0, pic.getAlpha(), 0, 4);
// take over frame palette
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index+8);
pic.getPal()[3] = (b >> 4);
pic.getPal()[2] = b & 0x0f;
b = getByte(ctrlHeader, index+9);
pic.getPal()[1] = (b >> 4);
pic.getPal()[0] = b & 0x0f;
// search end sequence
index = endSeqOfs;
delay = getWord(ctrlHeader, index) * 1024;
endSeqOfs = getWord(ctrlHeader, index + 2)-ctrlOfsRel - 2;
if (endSeqOfs < 0 || endSeqOfs > ctrlSize) {
logger.warn("Invalid end sequence offset -> no end time\n");
endSeqOfs = ctrlSize;
index += 4;
case 0xff: // end sequence
break parse_ctrl;
logger.warn("Unknown control sequence " + toHexLeftZeroPadded(cmd, 2) + " skipped\n");
if (endSeqOfs != ctrlSize) {
int ctrlSeqCount = 1;
index = -1;
int nextIndex = endSeqOfs;
while (nextIndex != index) {
index = nextIndex;
delay = getWord(ctrlHeader, index) * 1024;
nextIndex = getWord(ctrlHeader, index + 2) - ctrlOfsRel - 2;
if (ctrlSeqCount > 2) {
logger.warn("Control sequence(s) ignored - result may be erratic.");
pic.setEndTime(pic.getStartTime() + delay);
} else {
if (colorAlphaUpdate) {
logger.warn("Palette update/alpha fading detected - result may be erratic.\n");
if (alphaSum == 0) {
if (configuration.getFixZeroAlpha()) {
System.arraycopy(lastAlpha, 0, pic.getAlpha(), 0, 4);
logger.warn("Invisible caption due to zero alpha - used alpha info of last caption.\n");
} else {
logger.warn("Invisible caption due to zero alpha (not fixed due to user setting).\n");
lastAlpha = pic.getAlpha();
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new CoreException("Index " + ex.getMessage() + " out of bounds in control header.");
return startOffset + length + 0x0a;
} catch (FileBufferException ex) {
throw new CoreException(ex.getMessage());
public void decode(int index) throws CoreException {
if (index < subPictures.size()) {
} else {
throw new CoreException("Index " + index + " out of bounds\n");
private void decode(SubPictureDVD pic) throws CoreException {
palette = SupDvdUtil.decodePalette(pic, srcPalette);
bitmap = SupDvdUtil.decodeImage(pic, fileBuffer, palette.getIndexOfMostTransparentPaletteEntry());
// crop
BitmapBounds bounds = bitmap.getCroppingBounds(palette.getAlpha(), configuration.getAlphaCrop());
if (bounds.yMin > 0 || bounds.xMin > 0 || bounds.xMax < bitmap.getWidth() - 1 || bounds.yMax < bitmap.getHeight() - 1) {
int width = bounds.xMax - bounds.xMin + 1;
int height = bounds.yMax - bounds.yMin + 1;
if (width < 2) {
width = 2;
if (height < 2) {
height = 2;
bitmap = bitmap.crop(bounds.xMin, bounds.yMin, width, height);
// update picture
pic.setOfsX(pic.getOriginalX() + bounds.xMin);
pic.setOfsY(pic.getOriginalY() + bounds.yMin);
primaryColorIndex = bitmap.getPrimaryColorIndex(palette.getAlpha(), configuration.getAlphaThreshold(), palette.getY());
public int[] getFramePalette(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getPal();
public int[] getOriginalFramePalette(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getOriginalPal();
public int[] getFrameAlpha(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getAlpha();
public int[] getOriginalFrameAlpha(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getOriginalAlpha();
public BufferedImage getImage(Bitmap bm) {
return bm.getImage(palette.getColorModel());
public Palette getPalette() {
return palette;
public Bitmap getBitmap() {
return bitmap;
public BufferedImage getImage() {
return bitmap.getImage(palette.getColorModel());
public int getPrimaryColorIndex() {
return primaryColorIndex;
public SubPicture getSubPicture(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index);
public int getFrameCount() {
return subPictures.size();
public int getForcedFrameCount() {
return numForcedFrames;
public boolean isForced(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).isForced();
public void close() {
if (fileBuffer != null) {
public long getEndTime(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getEndTime();
public long getStartTime(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getStartTime();
public long getStartOffset(int index) {
return subPictures.get(index).getOffset();
public int getLanguageIndex() {
return languageIdx;
public Palette getSrcPalette() {
return srcPalette;
public void setSrcPalette(Palette pal) {
srcPalette = pal;
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