com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.StochasticSuppliers Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Rinde R.S. van Lon
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.rinde.rinsim.util;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.IntegerDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.RealDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.UniformIntegerDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.UniformRealDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister;
import com.google.auto.value.AutoValue;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.math.DoubleMath;
import com.google.common.primitives.Doubles;
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
* Utility class for {@link StochasticSupplier}.
* @author Rinde van Lon
public final class StochasticSuppliers {
private StochasticSuppliers() {}
* Create a {@link StochasticSupplier} that will always return the specified
* value.
* @param value The value which the supplier will return.
* @param Type of constant.
* @return A supplier that always returns the specified value.
public static StochasticSupplier constant(T value) {
return new ConstantSupplier<>(value);
* Checks whether the provided supplier is a constant created by
* {@link #constant(Object)}.
* @param supplier The supplier to check.
* @param The type this supplier generates.
* @return true
if the provided supplier is created by
* {@link #constant(Object)}, false
public static boolean isConstant(StochasticSupplier supplier) {
return supplier.getClass() == ConstantSupplier.class;
* Creates a {@link StochasticSupplier} that will always throw an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} with the specified errorMsg
* This can be useful when a default 'empty' supplier is needed.
* @param errorMsg The error message of the exception.
* @param The type this supplier generates.
* @return A supplier that always throws an exception.
public static StochasticSupplier empty(String errorMsg) {
return new EmptySupplier<>(errorMsg);
* Decorates the specified {@link StochasticSupplier} such that when it
* produces values which are not allowed by the specified predicate an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* @param supplier The supplier to be decorated.
* @param predicate The predicate which specifies the contract to which the
* supplier should adhere.
* @param The type this supplier generates.
* @return A supplier that is guaranteed to return values which match the
* given predicate or throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
public static StochasticSupplier checked(
StochasticSupplier supplier,
Predicate predicate) {
return new CheckedSupplier<>(supplier, predicate);
* Create a {@link StochasticSupplier} based on an {@link Iterable}. It will
* return the values in the order as defined by the iterable. The resulting
* supplier will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} when the iterable
* is empty.
* @param iter The iterable from which the values will be used.
* @param The type this supplier generates.
* @return A supplier based on an iterable.
public static StochasticSupplier fromIterable(Iterable iter) {
return new IteratorSS<>(iter.iterator());
* Create a {@link StochasticSupplier} based on a {@link Supplier}.
* @param supplier The supplier to adapt.
* @param The type this supplier generates.
* @return The adapted supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier fromSupplier(Supplier supplier) {
return new SupplierAdapter<>(supplier);
* @return Builder for constructing {@link StochasticSupplier}s that produce
* normal (Gaussian) distributed numbers.
public static Builder normal() {
return new Builder();
* Creates a {@link StochasticSupplier} that produces uniformly distributed
* {@link Double}s.
* @param lower The (inclusive) lower bound of the uniform distribution.
* @param upper The (inclusive) upper bound of the uniform distribution.
* @return The supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier uniformDouble(double lower,
double upper) {
return new DoubleDistributionSS(new UniformRealDistribution(
new MersenneTwister(), lower, upper));
* Creates a {@link StochasticSupplier} that produces uniformly distributed
* {@link Integer}s.
* @param lower The (inclusive) lower bound of the uniform distribution.
* @param upper The (inclusive) upper bound of the uniform distribution.
* @return The supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier uniformInt(int lower, int upper) {
return new IntegerDistributionSS(new UniformIntegerDistribution(
new MersenneTwister(), lower, upper));
* Creates a {@link StochasticSupplier} that produces uniformly distributed
* {@link Long}s.
* @param lower The (inclusive) lower bound of the uniform distribution.
* @param upper The (inclusive) upper bound of the uniform distribution.
* @return The supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier uniformLong(int lower, int upper) {
return intToLong(uniformInt(lower, upper));
* Convert a {@link StochasticSupplier} of {@link Integer} to a supplier of
* {@link Long}.
* @param supplier The supplier to convert.
* @return The converted supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier intToLong(
StochasticSupplier supplier) {
return new IntToLongAdapter(supplier);
* Convert a {@link StochasticSupplier} of {@link Double} to a supplier of
* {@link Integer}.
* @param supplier The supplier to convert.
* @return The converted supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier roundDoubleToInt(
StochasticSupplier supplier) {
return new DoubleToIntAdapter(supplier);
* Convert a {@link StochasticSupplier} of {@link Double} to a supplier of
* {@link Long}.
* @param supplier The supplier to convert.
* @return The converted supplier.
public static StochasticSupplier roundDoubleToLong(
StochasticSupplier supplier) {
return new DoubleToLongAdapter(supplier);
* @return A {@link StochasticSupplier} of {@link MersenneTwister}.
public static StochasticSupplier mersenneTwister() {
return MersenneTwisterSS.create();
* Builder for creating {@link StochasticSupplier}s that return a number with
* a normal distribution.
* @author Rinde van Lon
public static class Builder {
static final double SMALLEST_DOUBLE = 0.000000000000001;
static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 1000000;
static final double STEP_SIZE_DENOMINATOR = 1.5d;
private double mean;
private double std;
private double lowerBound;
private double upperBound;
private OutOfBoundStrategy outOfBoundStrategy;
Builder() {
mean = 0;
std = 1;
lowerBound = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
upperBound = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
outOfBoundStrategy = OutOfBoundStrategy.REDRAW;
* Set the mean of the normal distribution.
* @param m The mean. Default value: 0
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder mean(double m) {
mean = m;
return this;
* @param sd The standard deviation. Default value: 1
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder std(double sd) {
std = sd;
return this;
* @param var The variance. Default value: 1
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder variance(double var) {
std = Math.sqrt(var);
return this;
* Truncates the normal distribution using the lower and upper bounds. In
* case a number is drawn outside the bounds:
* x < lower || x > upper
the out of bound strategy
* defines what will happen. See {@link #redrawWhenOutOfBounds()} and
* {@link #roundWhenOutOfBounds()} for the options. Note that calling this
* method may change the effective mean and standard deviation of the normal
* distribution. If this is undesired you can choose to scale the mean of
* the distribution, see {@link #scaleMean()} for more details.
* @param lower The lower bound. Default value:
* {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}.
* @param upper The upper bound. Default value:
* {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder bounds(double lower, double upper) {
lowerBound = lower;
upperBound = upper;
return this;
* Sets the lower bound, see {@link #bounds(double, double)} for more
* information.
* @param lower The lower bound.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder lowerBound(double lower) {
lowerBound = lower;
return this;
* Sets the upper bound, see {@link #bounds(double, double)} for more
* information.
* @param upper The upper bound.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder upperBound(double upper) {
upperBound = upper;
return this;
* Calling this method will set the out of bounds strategy to redraw. This
* means that when a number is drawn from the distribution that is out of
* bounds a new number will be drawn. This will continue until a value is
* found within bounds. Note that when the bounds are small relative to the
* distribution this may result in a large number of attempts. By default
* this strategy is enabled.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder redrawWhenOutOfBounds() {
outOfBoundStrategy = OutOfBoundStrategy.REDRAW;
return this;
* Calling this method will set the out of bounds strategy to redraw. This
* means that when a number is drawn from the distribution that is out of
* bounds the number will be rounded to the nearest bound. By default this
* strategy is disabled.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder roundWhenOutOfBounds() {
outOfBoundStrategy = OutOfBoundStrategy.ROUND;
return this;
* Scale the normal distribution such that the effective mean is as given by
* {@link #mean(double)} in case a lower bound was set. This method can only
* be called if the following requirements are met:
* - Lower bound must be set
* - Out of bound strategy: {@link #redrawWhenOutOfBounds()}.
* Note that this method overwrites any previous (but not subsequent) calls
* to {@link #mean(double)}. If after calling this method the bounds and/or
* out of bound strategy are changed this may yield unexpected results.
* Also, using an upper bound is currently not supported.
* For more information about how the effective mean of the truncated normal
* distribution is calculated, see this
* Wikipedia article.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder scaleMean() {
"A lower bound must be set in order to scale the mean.");
"Scaling the mean with an upper bound is currently not supported.");
checkArgument(OutOfBoundStrategy.REDRAW == outOfBoundStrategy);
double stepSize = 1;
double curMean = mean;
double dir = 0;
double effectiveMean;
int iterations = 0;
do {
effectiveMean = computeEffectiveMean(curMean, std, lowerBound);
// save direction
final double oldDir = dir;
if (effectiveMean > mean) {
dir = 1d;
} else {
dir = -1d;
// if direction changed decrease step size
if (dir != oldDir && oldDir != 0) {
// apply step
if (effectiveMean > mean) {
curMean -= stepSize;
} else {
curMean += stepSize;
checkState(iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS,
"Could not converge. Target mean: %s, effective mean: %s.", mean,
} while (Math.abs(effectiveMean - mean) > SMALLEST_DOUBLE);
mean = curMean;
return this;
* Computes effective mean using
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncated_normal_distribution#Moments .
private static double computeEffectiveMean(double m, double s, double lb) {
final NormalDistribution normal = new NormalDistribution();
final double alpha = (lb - m) / s;
final double pdf = normal.density(alpha);
final double cdf = normal.cumulativeProbability(alpha);
final double lambda = pdf / (1 - cdf);
return m + s * lambda;
* @return A {@link StochasticSupplier} that draws double values from a
* normal distribution.
public StochasticSupplier buildDouble() {
checkArgument(mean + std >= lowerBound);
checkArgument(mean + std <= upperBound);
final RealDistribution distribution = new NormalDistribution(mean, std);
if (Doubles.isFinite(lowerBound) || Doubles.isFinite(upperBound)) {
return new BoundedDoubleDistSS(distribution, upperBound,
lowerBound, outOfBoundStrategy);
return new DoubleDistributionSS(distribution);
* @return A {@link StochasticSupplier} that draws integer values from a
* normal distribution.
public StochasticSupplier buildInteger() {
return roundDoubleToInt(buildDouble());
* @return A {@link StochasticSupplier} that draws long values from a normal
* distribution.
public StochasticSupplier buildLong() {
return roundDoubleToLong(buildDouble());
void integerChecks() {
|| DoubleMath.isMathematicalInteger(lowerBound));
|| DoubleMath.isMathematicalInteger(upperBound));
* Abstract implementation providing a default {@link #toString()}
* implementation.
* @author Rinde van Lon
* @param The type of objects that this supplier creates.
public abstract static class AbstractStochasticSupplier implements
StochasticSupplier, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 992219257352250656L;
public String toString() {
return new TypeToken(getClass()) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4641163444574558674L;
}.getRawType().getSimpleName() + "Supplier";
enum OutOfBoundStrategy {
private static class IntToLongAdapter extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3638307177262422449L;
private final StochasticSupplier supplier;
IntToLongAdapter(StochasticSupplier supp) {
supplier = supp;
public Long get(long seed) {
return Long.valueOf(supplier.get(seed));
private static class DoubleToIntAdapter extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3086452659883375531L;
private final StochasticSupplier supplier;
DoubleToIntAdapter(StochasticSupplier supp) {
supplier = supp;
public Integer get(long seed) {
return DoubleMath.roundToInt(supplier.get(seed), RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
private static class DoubleToLongAdapter extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8846720318135533333L;
private final StochasticSupplier supplier;
DoubleToLongAdapter(StochasticSupplier supp) {
supplier = supp;
public Long get(long seed) {
return DoubleMath.roundToLong(supplier.get(seed), RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
private static class IntegerDistributionSS extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7967542154741162460L;
private final IntegerDistribution distribution;
IntegerDistributionSS(IntegerDistribution id) {
distribution = id;
public Integer get(long seed) {
return distribution.sample();
private static class BoundedDoubleDistSS extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6738290534532097051L;
private final RealDistribution distribution;
private final double lowerBound;
private final double upperBound;
private final OutOfBoundStrategy outOfBoundStrategy;
BoundedDoubleDistSS(RealDistribution rd, double upper,
double lower, OutOfBoundStrategy strategy) {
checkArgument(strategy == OutOfBoundStrategy.REDRAW
|| strategy == OutOfBoundStrategy.ROUND);
distribution = rd;
lowerBound = lower;
upperBound = upper;
outOfBoundStrategy = strategy;
public Double get(long seed) {
double val = distribution.sample();
if (outOfBoundStrategy == OutOfBoundStrategy.REDRAW) {
while (!isInBounds(val)) {
val = distribution.sample();
} else if (val < lowerBound) {
val = lowerBound;
} else if (val >= upperBound) {
val = upperBound;
return val;
boolean isInBounds(double val) {
return val >= lowerBound && val < upperBound;
private static class DoubleDistributionSS extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5853417575632121095L;
private final RealDistribution distribution;
DoubleDistributionSS(RealDistribution rd) {
distribution = rd;
public Double get(long seed) {
return distribution.sample();
private static class IteratorSS extends
AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3151363361183354655L;
private final Iterator iterator;
IteratorSS(Iterator it) {
iterator = it;
public T get(long seed) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
return iterator.next();
throw new IllegalStateException("This supplier is exhausted.");
private static final class ConstantSupplier
extends AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5017806121674846656L;
private final T value;
ConstantSupplier(T v) {
value = v;
public T get(long seed) {
return value;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s.constant(%s)",
private static final class EmptySupplier
extends AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1993638453016457007L;
private final String message;
EmptySupplier(String msg) {
message = msg;
public T get(long seed) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s.empty()",
private static class SupplierAdapter
extends AbstractStochasticSupplier {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1388067842132493130L;
private final Supplier supplier;
SupplierAdapter(Supplier sup) {
supplier = sup;
public T get(long seed) {
return supplier.get();
private static class CheckedSupplier implements StochasticSupplier {
private final StochasticSupplier supplier;
private final Predicate predicate;
CheckedSupplier(StochasticSupplier sup, Predicate pred) {
supplier = sup;
predicate = pred;
public T get(long seed) {
final T value = supplier.get(seed);
"The supplier generated an invalid value: %s.", value);
return value;
abstract static class MersenneTwisterSS implements
StochasticSupplier {
public MersenneTwister get(long seed) {
return new MersenneTwister(seed);
static MersenneTwisterSS create() {
return new AutoValue_StochasticSuppliers_MersenneTwisterSS();