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package play.api.libs.json

 * The result for a successful parsing.
case class JsSuccess[T](value: T, path: JsPath = JsPath()) extends JsResult[T] {
  def get: T = value

  val isSuccess = true
  val isError = false

  def fold[U](invalid: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])] => U, valid: T => U): U = valid(value)

  def map[U](f: T => U): JsResult[U] = copy(value = f(value))

  def flatMap[U](f: T => JsResult[U]): JsResult[U] = f(value).repath(path)

  def foreach(f: T => Unit): Unit = f(value)

  def repath(path: JsPath): JsResult[T] = JsSuccess(value, path ++ this.path)

  def getOrElse[U >: T](t: => U): U = value

  def orElse[U >: T](t: => JsResult[U]): JsResult[U] = this

  def asOpt: Option[T] = Some(value)

  def asEither: Either[Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])], T] = Right(value)

  def recover[U >: T](errManager: PartialFunction[JsError, U]): JsResult[U] = this

  def recoverTotal[U >: T](errManager: JsError => U): U = value

 * The result in case of parsing `errors`.
case class JsError(errors: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])]) extends JsResult[Nothing] {
  def get: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException("JsError.get")

  def ++(error: JsError): JsError = JsError.merge(this, error)

  def :+(error: (JsPath, JsonValidationError)): JsError = JsError.merge(this, JsError(error))
  def append(error: (JsPath, JsonValidationError)): JsError = this.:+(error)

  def +:(error: (JsPath, JsonValidationError)): JsError = JsError.merge(JsError(error), this)
  def prepend(error: (JsPath, JsonValidationError)): JsError = this.+:(error)

  val isSuccess = false
  val isError = true

  def fold[U](invalid: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])] => U, valid: Nothing => U): U = invalid(errors)

  def map[U](f: Nothing => U): JsResult[U] = this

  def flatMap[U](f: Nothing => JsResult[U]): JsResult[U] = this

  def foreach(f: Nothing => Unit): Unit = ()

  def repath(path: JsPath): JsResult[Nothing] =
    JsError( { case (p, s) => path ++ p -> s })

  def getOrElse[U >: Nothing](t: => U): U = t

  def orElse[U >: Nothing](t: => JsResult[U]): JsResult[U] = t

  val asOpt = None

  def asEither: Either[Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])], Nothing] = Left(errors)

  def recover[U >: Nothing](errManager: PartialFunction[JsError, U]): JsResult[U] = JsSuccess(errManager(this))

  def recoverTotal[U >: Nothing](errManager: JsError => U): U = errManager(this)

object JsError {
  def apply(): JsError = JsError(Seq(JsPath -> Seq()))

  def apply(error: JsonValidationError): JsError = JsError(Seq(JsPath -> Seq(error)))

  def apply(error: String): JsError = JsError(JsonValidationError(error))

  def apply(error: (JsPath, JsonValidationError)): JsError = JsError(Seq(error._1 -> Seq(error._2)))

  def apply(path: JsPath, error: JsonValidationError): JsError = JsError(path -> error)

  def apply(path: JsPath, error: String): JsError = JsError(path -> JsonValidationError(error))

  def merge(e1: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])], e2: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])]): Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])] = {
    (e1 ++ e2).groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.flatMap(_._2)).toList

  def merge(e1: JsError, e2: JsError): JsError = {
    JsError(merge(e1.errors, e2.errors))

  def toJson(e: JsError): JsObject = toJson(e.errors, false)

  def toJson(errors: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])]): JsObject = toJson(errors, false)

  //def toJsonErrorsOnly: JsValue = original // TODO
  def toFlatForm(e: JsError): Seq[(String, Seq[JsonValidationError])] = { case (path, seq) => path.toJsonString -> seq }

  private def toJson(errors: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])], flat: Boolean): JsObject = {
    errors.foldLeft(JsObject.empty) { (obj, error) =>
      obj ++ JsObject(Seq(error._1.toJsonString -> error._2.foldLeft(JsArray.empty) { (arr, err) =>
        val msg = JsArray({
          if (flat) Array(JsString(err.message))
        arr :+ JsObject(Seq(
          "msg" -> msg,
          "args" -> JsArray([JsValue])

   * Serializer for Any, used for the args of errors.
  private def toJson(a: Any): JsValue = a match {
    case s: String => JsString(s)
    case nb: Int => JsNumber(nb)
    case nb: Short => JsNumber(nb)
    case nb: Long => JsNumber(nb)
    case nb: Double => JsNumber(nb)
    case nb: Float => JsNumber(nb)
    case b: Boolean => JsBoolean(b)
    case js: JsValue => js
    case x => JsString(x.toString)

sealed trait JsResult[+A] { self =>
  def isSuccess: Boolean
  def isError: Boolean

   * Either applies the `invalid` function if this result is an error,
   * or applies the `valid` function on the successful value.
  def fold[B](invalid: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])] => B, valid: A => B): B

   * If this result is successful, applies the function `f` on the parsed value.
  def map[B](f: A => B): JsResult[B]

   * If this result is successful, applies the function `f` on the parsed value.
  def flatMap[B](f: A => JsResult[B]): JsResult[B]

   * If this result is successful, applies the function `f` on the parsed value.
  def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit

  def filterNot(error: JsError)(p: A => Boolean): JsResult[A] =
    flatMap { a => if (p(a)) error else JsSuccess(a) }

  def filterNot(p: A => Boolean): JsResult[A] =
    flatMap { a => if (p(a)) JsError() else JsSuccess(a) }

  def filter(p: A => Boolean): JsResult[A] =
    flatMap { a => if (p(a)) JsSuccess(a) else JsError() }

  def filter(otherwise: JsError)(p: A => Boolean): JsResult[A] =
    flatMap { a => if (p(a)) JsSuccess(a) else otherwise }

  def collect[B](otherwise: JsonValidationError)(p: PartialFunction[A, B]): JsResult[B] = flatMap {
    case t if p.isDefinedAt(t) => JsSuccess(p(t))
    case _ => JsError(otherwise)

  def withFilter(p: A => Boolean) = new WithFilter(p)

  final class WithFilter(p: A => Boolean) {
    def map[B](f: A => B): JsResult[B] = self match {
      case JsSuccess(a, path) =>
        if (p(a)) JsSuccess(f(a), path)
        else JsError()
      case e @ JsError(_) => e

    def flatMap[B](f: A => JsResult[B]): JsResult[B] = self match {
      case JsSuccess(a, path) =>
        if (p(a)) f(a).repath(path)
        else JsError()
      case e @ JsError(_) => e

    def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = self match {
      case JsSuccess(a, _) if p(a) => f(a)
      case _ => ()

    def withFilter(q: A => Boolean) = new WithFilter(a => p(a) && q(a))

  /** Updates the JSON path */
  def repath(path: JsPath): JsResult[A]

  /** Not recommended */
  def get: A

  /** Either returns the successful value, or the value from `t`. */
  def getOrElse[AA >: A](t: => AA): AA

   * Either returns this result if successful, or the result from `t`.
  def orElse[AA >: A](t: => JsResult[AA]): JsResult[AA]

   * Transforms this result either `Some` option with the successful value,
   * or as `None` in case of JSON error.
  def asOpt: Option[A]

   * Returns either the result errors (at `Left`),
   * or the successful value (at `Right`).
  def asEither: Either[Seq[(JsPath, Seq[JsonValidationError])], A]

   * If this result is not successful,
   * recovers the errors with the given function.
  def recover[AA >: A](errManager: PartialFunction[JsError, AA]): JsResult[AA]

   * If this result is not successful,
   * recovers the errors with the given function.
  def recoverTotal[AA >: A](errManager: JsError => AA): AA

object JsResult {
  import scala.util.{ Failure, Try, Success }
  import play.api.libs.functional._

  case class Exception(cause: JsError)
    extends java.lang.Exception(Json stringify JsError.toJson(cause))
    with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace

   * Returns a JSON validation as a [[scala.util.Try]].
   * @tparam T the type for the parsing
   * @param result the JSON validation result
   * @param err the function to be applied if the results is an error
   * {{{
   * import scala.concurrent.Future
   * import play.api.libs.json.JsResult
   * def toFuture[T](res: JsResult[T]): Future[T] =
   *   Future.fromTry(JsResult.toTry(res))
   * }}}
  def toTry[T](result: JsResult[T], err: JsError => Throwable = Exception(_)): Try[T] = result match {
    case e @ JsError(_) => Failure(err(e))
    case s @ JsSuccess(v, _) => Success(v)

  implicit def alternativeJsResult(implicit a: Applicative[JsResult]): Alternative[JsResult] = new Alternative[JsResult] {
    val app = a
    def |[A, B >: A](alt1: JsResult[A], alt2: JsResult[B]): JsResult[B] = (alt1, alt2) match {
      case (JsError(e), JsSuccess(t, p)) => JsSuccess(t, p)
      case (JsSuccess(t, p), _) => JsSuccess(t, p)
      case (JsError(e1), JsError(e2)) => JsError(JsError.merge(e1, e2))
    def empty: JsResult[Nothing] = JsError(Seq.empty)

  implicit val applicativeJsResult: Applicative[JsResult] = new Applicative[JsResult] {

    def pure[A](a: A): JsResult[A] = JsSuccess(a)

    def map[A, B](m: JsResult[A], f: A => B): JsResult[B] =

    def apply[A, B](mf: JsResult[A => B], ma: JsResult[A]): JsResult[B] = (mf, ma) match {
      case (JsSuccess(f, _), JsSuccess(a, _)) => JsSuccess(f(a))
      case (JsError(e1), JsError(e2)) => JsError(JsError.merge(e1, e2))
      case (JsError(e), _) => JsError(e)
      case (_, JsError(e)) => JsError(e)

  implicit val functorJsResult: Functor[JsResult] = new Functor[JsResult] {
    override def fmap[A, B](m: JsResult[A], f: A => B) = m map f

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