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edu.ufl.cise.klu.tdouble.Dklu Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * KLU: a sparse LU factorization algorithm.
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Timothy A. Davis.
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Richard W. Lincoln.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * KLU is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * KLU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this Module; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

package edu.ufl.cise.klu.tdouble;

import edu.ufl.cise.klu.common.KLU_common;

import static edu.ufl.cise.klu.tdouble.Dklu_memory.klu_malloc_dbl;
import static edu.ufl.cise.klu.tdouble.Dklu_kernel.klu_kernel;

 * KLU: factorizes P*A into L*U, using the Gilbert-Peierls algorithm[1], with
 * optional symmetric pruning by Eisenstat and Liu[2].  The code is by Tim
 * Davis.  This algorithm is what appears as the default sparse LU routine in
 * MATLAB version 6.0, and still appears in MATLAB 6.5 as[L,U,P] = lu (A).
 * Note that no column ordering is provided (see COLAMD or AMD for suitable
 * orderings).  SuperLU is based on this algorithm, except that it adds the
 * use of dense matrix operations on "supernodes" (adjacent columns with
 * identical).  This code doesn't use supernodes, thus its name ("Kent" LU,
 * as in "Clark Kent", in contrast with Super-LU...).  This algorithm is slower
 * than SuperLU and UMFPACK for large matrices with lots of nonzeros in their
 * factors (such as for most finite-element problems).  However, for matrices
 * with very sparse LU factors, this algorithm is typically faster than both
 * SuperLU and UMFPACK, since in this case there is little chance to exploit
 * dense matrix kernels (the BLAS).
 * Only one block of A is factorized, in the BTF form.  The input n is the
 * size of the block; k1 is the first row and column in the block.
 * NOTE: no error checking is done on the inputs.  This version is not meant to
 * be called directly by the user.  Use klu_factor instead.
 * No fill-reducing ordering is provided.  The ordering quality of
 * klu_kernel_factor is the responsibility of the caller.  The input A must
 * pre-permuted to reduce fill-in, or fill-reducing input permutation Q must
 * be provided.
 * The input matrix A must be in compressed-column form, with either sorted
 * or unsorted row indices.  Row indices for column j of A is in
 * Ai[Ap[j] ... Ap[j+1]-1] and the same range of indices in Ax holds the
 * numerical values.  No duplicate entries are allowed.
 * Copyright 2004-2009, Tim Davis.  All rights reserved.  See the README
 * file for details on permitted use.  Note that no code from The MathWorks,
 * Inc, or from SuperLU, or from any other source appears here.  The code is
 * written from scratch, from the algorithmic description in Gilbert & Peierls'
 * and Eisenstat & Liu's journal papers[1,2].
 * If an input permutation Q is provided, the factorization L*U = A (P,Q)
 * is computed, where P is determined by partial pivoting, and Q is the input
 * ordering.  If the pivot tolerance is less than 1, the "diagonal" entry that
 * KLU attempts to choose is the diagonal of A (Q,Q).  In other words, the
 * input permutation is applied symmetrically to the input matrix.  The output
 * permutation P includes both the partial pivoting ordering and the input
 * permutation.  If Q is null, then it is assumed to be the identity
 * permutation.  Q is not modified.
 *[1] Gilbert, J. R. and Peierls, T., "Sparse Partial Pivoting in Time
 *      Proportional to Arithmetic Operations," SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp.,
 *      vol 9, pp.  862-874, 1988.
 *[2] Eisenstat, S. C. and Liu, J. W. H., "Exploiting Structural Symmetry in
 *      Unsymmetric Sparse Symbolic Factorization," SIAM J. Matrix Analysis &
 *      Applic., vol 13, pp.  202-211, 1992.
public class Dklu extends Dklu_internal {

	 * @param n A is n-by-n. n must be > 0.
	 * @param Ap size n+1, column pointers for A
	 * @param Ai size nz = Ap[n], row indices for A
	 * @param Ax size nz, values of A
	 * @param Q size n, optional column permutation
	 * @param Lsize estimate of number of nonzeros in L
	 * @param p_LU row indices and values of L and U
	 * @param Udiag size n, diagonal of U
	 * @param Llen size n, column length of L
	 * @param Ulen size n, column length of U
	 * @param Lip size n, column pointers for L
	 * @param Uip size n, column pointers for U
	 * @param P row permutation, size n
	 * @param lnz size of L
	 * @param unz size of U
	 * @param X size n double's, zero on output
	 * @param Work size 5n int's
	 * @param k1 the block of A is from k1 to k2-1
	 * @param PSinv inverse of P from symbolic factorization
	 * @param Rs scale factors for A
	 * @param Offp off-diagonal matrix (modified by this routine)
	 * @param Offi
	 * @param Offx
	 * @param Common
	 * @return
	public static int klu_kernel_factor(int n, int[] Ap, int[] Ai,
			double[] Ax, int[] Q, double Lsize,
			double[][] p_LU, int block,
			double[] Udiag, int Udiag_offset, int[] Llen, int Llen_offset,
			int[] Ulen, int Ulen_offset, int[] Lip, int Lip_offset,
			int[] Uip, int Uip_offset, int P[], int[] lnz, int[] unz,
			double[] X, int[] Work, int k1, int[] PSinv, double[] Rs,
			int[] Offp, int[] Offi, double[] Offx, KLU_common Common)
		double maxlnz, dunits ;
		double[][] LU = new double[1][] ;
		int[] Pinv, Lpend, Stack, Flag, Ap_pos ;
		int lsize, usize, anz, ok ;
		int lusize ;
		ASSERT (Common != null) ;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* get control parameters, or use defaults */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

		n = MAX (1, n) ;
		anz = Ap [n+k1] - Ap [k1] ;

		if (Lsize <= 0)
			Lsize = -Lsize ;
			Lsize = MAX (Lsize, 1.0) ;
			lsize = (int) (Lsize * anz + n) ;
			lsize = (int) Lsize ;

		usize = lsize ;

		lsize  = MAX (n+1, lsize) ;
		usize  = MAX (n+1, usize) ;

		maxlnz = (((double) n) * ((double) n) + ((double) n)) / 2. ;
		maxlnz = MIN (maxlnz, ((double) INT_MAX)) ;
		lsize  = MIN ((int) maxlnz, lsize) ;
		usize  = MIN ((int) maxlnz, usize) ;

		PRINTF ("Welcome to klu: n %d anz %d k1 %d lsize %d usize %d maxlnz %g\n",
			n, anz, k1, lsize, usize, maxlnz) ;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* allocate workspace and outputs */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

		/* return arguments are not yet assigned */
		p_LU [block] = null ;

		/* these computations are safe from int overflow */
		//W = Work ;
		//Pinv = W ;      //W += n ;
		//int Pinv_offset = n ;
		Pinv = new int[n] ;
		//Stack = W ;     //W += n ;
		//int Stack_offset = 2*n ;
		Stack = new int[n] ;
		//Flag = W ;      //W += n ;
		//int Flag_offset = 3*n ;
		Flag = new int[n] ;
		//Lpend = W ;     //W += n ;
		//int Lpend_offset = 4*n ;
		Lpend = new int[n] ;
		//Ap_pos = W ;    //W += n ;
		//int Ap_pos_offset = 5*n ;
		Ap_pos = new int[n] ;

		//dunits = DUNITS (Integer, lsize) + DUNITS (Double, lsize) +
		//		 DUNITS (Integer, usize) + DUNITS (Double, usize) ;
		dunits = lsize + lsize + usize + usize ;
		lusize = (int) dunits ;
		ok = INT_OVERFLOW (dunits) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
		LU [0] = ok != 0 ? klu_malloc_dbl (lusize, Common) : null ;
		if (LU [0] == null)
			/* out of memory, or problem too large */
			Common.status = KLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY ;
			lusize = 0 ;
			return (lusize) ;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* factorize */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

		/* with pruning, and non-recursive depth-first-search */
		lusize = klu_kernel (n, Ap, Ai, Ax, Q, lusize,
				Pinv, P, LU, Udiag, Udiag_offset, Llen, Llen_offset,
				Ulen, Ulen_offset, Lip, Lip_offset, Uip, Uip_offset,
				lnz, unz, X, Stack, Flag, Ap_pos, Lpend,
				k1, PSinv, Rs, Offp, Offi, Offx, Common) ;

		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* return LU factors, or return nothing if an error occurred */
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

		if (Common.status < KLU_OK)
			//LU = KLU_free (LU, lusize, sizeof (double), Common) ;
			LU [0] = null ;
			lusize = 0 ;
		p_LU [block] = LU [0] ;
		PRINTF (" in klu noffdiag %d\n", Common.noffdiag) ;
		return (lusize) ;

	 * Solve Lx=b.  Assumes L is unit lower triangular and where the unit diagonal
	 * entry is NOT stored.  Overwrites B  with the solution X.  B is n-by-nrhs
	 * and is stored in ROW form with row dimension nrhs.  nrhs must be in the
	 * range 1 to 4.
	 * @param n
	 * @param Lip
	 * @param Llen
	 * @param LU
	 * @param nrhs
	 * @param X right-hand-side on input, solution to Lx=b on output
	public static void klu_lsolve(int n, int[] Lip, int Lip_offset,
			int[] Llen, int Llen_offset, double[] LU, int nrhs,
			double[] X, int X_offset)
		double[] x = new double[4] ;
		double lik ;
		/*int[]*/double[] Li ;
		double[] Lx ;
		int k, p, i ;
		int[] len = new int[1] ;
		int[] Li_offset = new int[1] ;
		int[] Lx_offset = new int[1] ;

		switch (nrhs)

			case 1:
				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + k] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					/* unit diagonal of L is not stored*/
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						//MULT_SUB (X [Li [p]], Lx [p], x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p]] -= Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] * x [0] ;
				break ;

			case 2:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 2*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p] ;
						lik = Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [2*i], lik, x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + 2*i] -= lik * x [0] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [2*i + 1], lik, x [1]) ;
						X [X_offset + 2*i + 1] -= lik * x [1] ;
				break ;

			case 3:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 3*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 1] ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 2] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p] ;
						lik = Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [3*i], lik, x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + 3*i] -= lik * x [0] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [3*i + 1], lik, x [1]) ;
						X [X_offset + 3*i + 1] -= lik * x [1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [3*i + 2], lik, x [2]) ;
						X [X_offset + 3*i + 2] -= lik * x [2] ;
				break ;

			case 4:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 4*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] ;
					x [3] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p] ;
						lik = Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i], lik, x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i] -= lik * x [0] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i + 1], lik, x [1]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i + 1] -= lik * x [1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i + 2], lik, x [2]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i + 2] -= lik * x [2] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i + 3], lik, x [3]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i + 3] -= lik * x [3] ;
				break ;


	 * Solve Ux=b.  Assumes U is non-unit upper triangular and where the diagonal
	 * entry is NOT stored.  Overwrites B with the solution X.  B is n-by-nrhs
	 * and is stored in ROW form with row dimension nrhs.  nrhs must be in the
	 * range 1 to 4.
	 * @param n
	 * @param Uip
	 * @param Ulen
	 * @param LU
	 * @param Udiag
	 * @param nrhs
	 * @param X right-hand-side on input, solution to Ux=b on output
	public static void klu_usolve(int n, int[] Uip, int Uip_offset,
			int[] Ulen, int Ulen_offset, double[] LU,
			double[] Udiag, int Udiag_offset, int nrhs,
			double[] X, int X_offset)
		double[] x = new double[4] ;
		double uik, ukk ;
		/*int[]*/double[] Ui ;
		double[] Ux ;
		int k, p, i ;
		int[] len = new int[1] ;
		int[] Ui_offset = new int[1] ;
		int[] Ux_offset = new int[1] ;

		switch (nrhs)

			case 1:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset,
							Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					//DIV (x [0], X [k], Udiag [k]) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + k] / Udiag [Udiag_offset + k] ;
					X [X_offset + k] = x [0] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						//MULT_SUB (X [Ui [p]], Ux [p], x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p]] -= Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] * x [0] ;


				break ;

			case 2:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset,
							Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					ukk = Udiag [Udiag_offset + k] ;
					//DIV (x [0], X [2*k], ukk) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 2*k    ] / ukk ;
					//DIV (x [1], X [2*k + 1], ukk) ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] / ukk ;

					X [X_offset + 2*k    ] = x [0] ;
					X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] = x [1] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p] ;
						uik = Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [2*i], uik, x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + 2*i    ] -= uik * x [0] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [2*i + 1], uik, x [1]) ;
						X [X_offset + 2*i + 1] -= uik * x [1] ;

				break ;

			case 3:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset,
							Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					ukk = Udiag [Udiag_offset + k] ;

					//DIV (x [0], X [3*k], ukk) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 3*k] / ukk ;
					//DIV (x [1], X [3*k + 1], ukk) ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 1] / ukk ;
					//DIV (x [2], X [3*k + 2], ukk) ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 2] / ukk ;

					X [3*k    ] = x [0] ;
					X [3*k + 1] = x [1] ;
					X [3*k + 2] = x [2] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p] ;
						uik = Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [3*i], uik, x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + 3*i] -= uik * x [0] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [3*i + 1], uik, x [1]) ;
						X [X_offset + 3*i + 1] -= uik * x [1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [3*i + 2], uik, x [2]) ;
						X [X_offset + 3*i + 2] -= uik * x [2] ;

				break ;

			case 4:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset,
							Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					ukk = Udiag [Udiag_offset + k] ;

					//DIV (x [0], X [4*k], ukk) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 4*k] / ukk ;
					//DIV (x [1], X [4*k + 1], ukk) ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] / ukk ;
					//DIV (x [2], X [4*k + 2], ukk) ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] / ukk ;
					//DIV (x [3], X [4*k + 3], ukk) ;
					x [3] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] / ukk ;

					X [X_offset + 4*k    ] = x [0] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] = x [1] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] = x [2] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] = x [3] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p] ;
						uik = Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] ;

						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i], uik, x [0]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i] -= uik * x [0] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i + 1], uik, x [1]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i + 1] -= uik * x [1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i + 2], uik, x [2]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i + 2] -= uik * x [2] ;
						//MULT_SUB (X [4*i + 3], uik, x [3]) ;
						X [X_offset + 4*i + 3] -= uik * x [3] ;

				break ;


	 * Solve L'x=b.  Assumes L is unit lower triangular and where the unit diagonal
	 * entry is NOT stored.  Overwrites B with the solution X.  B is n-by-nrhs
	 * and is stored in ROW form with row dimension nrhs.  nrhs must in the
	 * range 1 to 4.
	 * @param n
	 * @param Lip
	 * @param Llen
	 * @param LU
	 * @param nrhs
	 * @param X right-hand-side on input, solution to L'x=b on output
	public static void klu_ltsolve(int n, int[] Lip, int Lip_offset, int[] Llen, int Llen_offset,
			double[] LU, int nrhs, double[] X, int X_offset)
		double[] x = new double[4] ;
		double lik ;
		/*int[]*/double[] Li ;
		double[] Lx ;
		int k, p, i ;
		int[] len = new int[1] ;
		int[] Li_offset = new int [1] ;
		int[] Lx_offset = new int [1] ;

		switch (nrhs)

			case 1:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + k] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
							//MULT_SUB (x [0], Lx [p], X [Li [p]]) ;
							x [0] -= Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] * X [X_offset + (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p]] ;
					X [X_offset + k] = x [0] ;
				break ;

			case 2:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 2*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p] ;
							lik = Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [0], lik, X [2*i]) ;
						x [0] -= lik * X [X_offset + 2*i] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [1], lik, X [2*i + 1]) ;
						x [1] -= lik * X [X_offset + 2*i + 1] ;
					X [X_offset + 2*k    ] = x [0] ;
					X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] = x [1] ;
				break ;

			case 3:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 3*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 1] ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 2] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p] ;
							lik = Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [0], lik, X [3*i]) ;
						x [0] -= lik * X [X_offset + 3*i] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [1], lik, X [3*i + 1]) ;
						x [1] -= lik * X [X_offset + 3*i + 1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [2], lik, X [3*i + 2]) ;
						x [2] -= lik * X [X_offset + 3*i + 2] ;
					X [X_offset + 3*k    ] = x [0] ;
					X [X_offset + 3*k + 1] = x [1] ;
					X [X_offset + 3*k + 2] = x [2] ;
				break ;

			case 4:

				for (k = n-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 4*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] ;
					x [3] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] ;
					Li = Lx = GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Lip_offset, Llen, Llen_offset, Li_offset, Lx_offset, k, len) ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Li [Li_offset[0] + p] ;
							lik = Lx [Lx_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [0], lik, X [4*i]) ;
						x [0] -= lik * X [X_offset + 4*i] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [1], lik, X [4*i + 1]) ;
						x [1] -= lik * X [X_offset + 4*i + 1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [2], lik, X [4*i + 2]) ;
						x [2] -= lik * X [X_offset + 4*i + 2] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [3], lik, X [4*i + 3]) ;
						x [3] -= lik * X [X_offset + 4*i + 3] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k    ] = x [0] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] = x [1] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] = x [2] ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] = x [3] ;
				break ;

	 * Solve U'x=b.  Assumes U is non-unit upper triangular and where the diagonal
	 * entry is stored (and appears last in each column of U).  Overwrites B
	 * with the solution X.  B is n-by-nrhs and is stored in ROW form with row
	 * dimension nrhs.  nrhs must be in the range 1 to 4.
	 * @param n
	 * @param Uip
	 * @param Ulen
	 * @param LU
	 * @param Udiag
	 * @param nrhs
	 * @param X right-hand-side on input, solution to Ux=b on output
	public static void klu_utsolve(int n, int[] Uip, int Uip_offset,
			int[] Ulen, int Ulen_offset, double[] LU,
			double[] Udiag, int Udiag_offset, int nrhs,
			double[] X, int X_offset)
		double[] x = new double[4] ;
		double uik, ukk ;
		int k, p, i ;
		/*int[]*/double[] Ui ;
		double[] Ux ;
		int[] len = new int[1] ;
		int[] Ui_offset = new int [1] ;
		int[] Ux_offset = new int [1] ;

		switch (nrhs)

			case 1:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset, Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + k] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
							//MULT_SUB (x [0], Ux [p], X [Ui [p]]) ;
							x [0] -= Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] * X [X_offset + (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p]] ;
						ukk = Udiag [k] ;
					//DIV (X [k], x [0], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + k] = x [0] / ukk ;
				break ;

			case 2:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset, Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 2*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p] ;
							uik = Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [0], uik, X [2*i]) ;
						x [0] -= uik * X [X_offset + 2*i] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [1], uik, X [2*i + 1]) ;
						x [1] -= uik * X [X_offset + 2*i + 1] ;
						ukk = Udiag [k] ;
					//DIV (X [2*k], x [0], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 2*k] = x [0] / ukk ;
					//DIV (X [2*k + 1], x [1], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 2*k + 1] = x [1] / ukk ;
				break ;

			case 3:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset, Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 3*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 1] ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 3*k + 2] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p] ;
							uik = Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [0], uik, X [3*i]) ;
						x [0] -= uik * X [X_offset + 3*i] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [1], uik, X [3*i + 1]) ;
						x [1] -= uik * X [X_offset + 3*i + 1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [2], uik, X [3*i + 2]) ;
						x [2] -= uik * X [X_offset + 3*i + 2] ;
						ukk = Udiag [k] ;
					//DIV (X [3*k], x [0], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 3*k] = x [0] / ukk ;
					//DIV (X [3*k + 1], x [1], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 3*k + 1] = x [1] / ukk ;
					//DIV (X [3*k + 2], x [2], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 3*k + 2] = x [2] / ukk ;
				break ;

			case 4:

				for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
					Ui = Ux = GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Uip_offset, Ulen, Ulen_offset, Ui_offset, Ux_offset, k, len) ;
					x [0] = X [X_offset + 4*k    ] ;
					x [1] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] ;
					x [2] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] ;
					x [3] = X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] ;
					for (p = 0 ; p < len[0] ; p++)
						i = (int) Ui [Ui_offset[0] + p] ;
							uik = Ux [Ux_offset[0] + p] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [0], uik, X [4*i]) ;
						x [0] -= uik * X [X_offset + 4*i] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [1], uik, X [4*i + 1]) ;
						x [1] -= uik * X [X_offset + 4*i + 1] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [2], uik, X [4*i + 2]) ;
						x [2] -= uik * X [X_offset + 4*i + 2] ;
						//MULT_SUB (x [3], uik, X [4*i + 3]) ;
						x [3] -= uik * X [X_offset + 4*i + 3] ;
						ukk = Udiag [k] ;
					//DIV (X [4*k], x [0], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k] = x [0] / ukk ;
					//DIV (X [4*k + 1], x [1], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 1] = x [1] / ukk ;
					//DIV (X [4*k + 2], x [2], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 2] = x [2] / ukk ;
					//DIV (X [4*k + 3], x [3], ukk) ;
					X [X_offset + 4*k + 3] = x [3] / ukk ;
				break ;

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