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* The MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2014 The Broad Institute
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package htsjdk.samtools.util;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMException;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceDictionary;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMTextHeaderCodec;
import htsjdk.tribble.IntervalList.IntervalListCodec;
import htsjdk.utils.ValidationUtils;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
* Represents a list of intervals against a reference sequence that can be written to
* and read from a file. The file format is relatively simple and reflects the SAM
* alignment format to a degree.
* A SAM style header must be present in the file which lists the sequence records
* against which the intervals are described. After the header the file then contains
* records one per line in text format with the following values tab-separated:
Sequence name
Start position (1-based)
End position (1-based, end inclusive)
Strand (either + or -)
Interval name (an, ideally unique, name for the interval)
* @author Tim Fennell
* @author Yossi Farjoun
public class IntervalList implements Iterable {
* @deprecated since June 2019 Use {@link FileExtensions#INTERVAL_LIST} instead.
public static final String INTERVAL_LIST_FILE_EXTENSION = FileExtensions.INTERVAL_LIST;
private final SAMFileHeader header;
private final List intervals = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Log log = Log.getInstance(IntervalList.class);
* Constructs a new interval list using the supplied header information.
public IntervalList(final SAMFileHeader header) {
ValidationUtils.nonNull(header, "SAMFileHeader");
this.header = header;
* Constructs a new interval list using the supplied header information.
public IntervalList(final SAMSequenceDictionary dict) {
this(new SAMFileHeader(dict));
* Gets the header (if there is one) for the interval list.
public SAMFileHeader getHeader() {
return header;
* Returns an iterator over the intervals.
public Iterator iterator() {
return this.intervals.iterator();
* Adds an interval to the list of intervals.
public void add(final Interval interval) {
() -> String.format("Cannot add interval %s, contig not in header", interval.toString()));
* Adds a Collection of intervals to the list of intervals.
public void addall(final Collection intervals) {
//use this instead of addAll so that the contig checking happens.
for (Interval interval : intervals) {
* Sorts the internal collection of intervals by coordinate.
* Note: this function modifies the object in-place and is therefore difficult to work with.
* @deprecated use {@link #sorted()} instead.
public void sort() {
this.intervals.sort(new IntervalCoordinateComparator(this.header));
* Returns a new IntervalList where each interval is padded by the specified amount of bases.
public IntervalList padded(final int before, final int after) {
if (before < 0 || after < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Padding values must be >= 0.");
final IntervalList padded = new IntervalList(this.getHeader().clone());
final SAMSequenceDictionary dict = padded.getHeader().getSequenceDictionary();
for (final Interval i : this) {
final SAMSequenceRecord seq = dict.getSequence(i.getContig());
final int start = Math.max(1, i.getStart() - before);
final int end = Math.min(seq.getSequenceLength(), i.getEnd() + after);
padded.add(new Interval(i.getContig(), start, end, i.isNegativeStrand(), i.getName()));
return padded;
* Returns a new IntervalList where each interval is padded by 'padding' bases on each side.
public IntervalList padded(final int padding) {
return padded(padding, padding);
* returns an independent sorted IntervalList
public IntervalList sorted() {
final IntervalList sorted = IntervalList.copyOf(this);
sorted.intervals.sort(new IntervalCoordinateComparator(sorted.header));
return sorted;
* Returned an independent IntervalList that is sorted and uniquified.
public IntervalList uniqued() {
return uniqued(true);
* Returned an independent IntervalList that is sorted and uniquified.
* @param concatenateNames If false, interval names are not concatenated when merging intervals to save space.
public IntervalList uniqued(final boolean concatenateNames) {
final List tmp = getUniqueIntervals(sorted(), concatenateNames);
final IntervalList value = new IntervalList(this.header.clone());
return value;
* Sorts and uniques the list of intervals held within this interval list.
* Note: this function modifies the object in-place and is therefore difficult to work with.
* @deprecated use {@link #uniqued()} instead.
public void unique() {
* Sorts and uniques the list of intervals held within this interval list.
* Note: this function modifies the object in-place and is therefore difficult to work with.
* @param concatenateNames If false, interval names are not concatenated when merging intervals to save space.
* @deprecated use {@link #uniqued(boolean)} instead.
public void unique(final boolean concatenateNames) {
final List tmp = getUniqueIntervals(concatenateNames);
* Gets the set of intervals as held internally.
public List getIntervals() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.intervals);
* Merges the list of intervals and then reduces them down where regions overlap
* or are directly adjacent to one another. During this process the "merged" interval
* will retain the strand and name of the 5' most interval merged.
* Note: has the side-effect of sorting the stored intervals in coordinate order if not already sorted.
* Note: this function modifies the object in-place and is therefore difficult to work with.
* @return the set of unique intervals condensed from the contained intervals
* @deprecated use {@link #uniqued()#getIntervals()} instead.
public List getUniqueIntervals() {
return getUniqueIntervals(true);
* Merges list of intervals and reduces them like htsjdk.samtools.util.IntervalList#getUniqueIntervals()
* @param concatenateNames If false, the merged interval has the name of the earlier interval. This keeps name shorter.
public static List getUniqueIntervals(final IntervalList list, final boolean concatenateNames) {
return getUniqueIntervals(list, true, concatenateNames, false);
* Merges list of intervals and reduces them like htsjdk.samtools.util.IntervalList#getUniqueIntervals()
* @param concatenateNames If false, the merged interval has the name of the earlier interval. This keeps name shorter.
* @param enforceSameStrands enforce that merged intervals have the same strand, otherwise ignore.
public static List getUniqueIntervals(final IntervalList list, final boolean concatenateNames, final boolean enforceSameStrands) {
return getUniqueIntervals(list, true, concatenateNames, enforceSameStrands);
* Merges list of intervals and reduces them like htsjdk.samtools.util.IntervalList#getUniqueIntervals()
* @param combineAbuttingIntervals If true, intervals that are abutting will be combined into one interval.
* @param concatenateNames If false, the merged interval has the name of the earlier interval. This keeps name shorter.
* @param enforceSameStrands enforce that merged intervals have the same strand, otherwise ignore.
public static List getUniqueIntervals(final IntervalList list, final boolean combineAbuttingIntervals, final boolean concatenateNames, final boolean enforceSameStrands) {
final List intervals;
if (list.getHeader().getSortOrder() != SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.coordinate) {
intervals = list.sorted().intervals;
} else {
intervals = list.intervals;
final List unique = new ArrayList<>();
final List toBeMerged = new ArrayList<>();
Interval current = null;
for (final Interval next : intervals) {
if (current == null) {
current = next;
} else if (current.intersects(next) || (combineAbuttingIntervals && current.abuts(next))) {
if (enforceSameStrands && current.isNegativeStrand() != next.isNegativeStrand()) {
throw new SAMException("Strands were not equal for: " + current.toString() + " and " + next.toString());
current = new Interval(current.getContig(), current.getStart(), Math.max(current.getEnd(), next.getEnd()), current.isNegativeStrand(), null);
} else {
// Emit merged/unique interval
unique.add(merge(toBeMerged, concatenateNames));
// Set current == next for next iteration
current = next;
if (!toBeMerged.isEmpty()) {
unique.add(merge(toBeMerged, concatenateNames));
return unique;
* Merges list of intervals and reduces them like {@link #getUniqueIntervals()}.
* Note: this function modifies the object in-place and is therefore difficult to work with.
* @param concatenateNames If false, the merged interval has the name of the earlier interval. This keeps name shorter.
* @deprecated use {@link #uniqued(boolean)#getIntervals()} or {@link #getUniqueIntervals(IntervalList, boolean)} instead.
public List getUniqueIntervals(final boolean concatenateNames) {
if (getHeader().getSortOrder() != SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.coordinate) {
return getUniqueIntervals(this, concatenateNames);
* Given a list of Intervals and a band multiple, this method will return a list of Intervals such that all of the intervals
* do not straddle integer multiples of that band.
* ex: if there is an interval (7200-9300) and the bandMultiple is 1000, the interval will be split into:
* (7200-7999, 8000-8999, 9000-9300)
* @param intervals A list of Interval
* @param bandMultiple integer value (> 0) to break up intervals in the list at integer multiples of
* @return list of intervals that are broken up
public static List breakIntervalsAtBandMultiples(final List intervals, final int bandMultiple) {
final List brokenUpIntervals = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Interval interval : intervals) {
if (interval.getEnd() >= interval.getStart()) { // Normal, non-empty intervals
final int startIndex = interval.getStart() / bandMultiple;
final int endIndex = interval.getEnd() / bandMultiple;
if (startIndex == endIndex) {
} else {
brokenUpIntervals.addAll(breakIntervalAtBandMultiples(interval, bandMultiple));
} else { // Special case - empty intervals ex: (100-99)
return brokenUpIntervals;
* Given an Interval and a band multiple, this method will return a list of Intervals such that all of the intervals
* do not straddle integer multiples of that band.
* ex: if the interval is (7200-9300) and the bandMultiple is 1000, the interval will be split into:
* (7200-7999, 8000-8999, 9000-9300)
* @param interval an Interval
* @param bandMultiple integer value (> 0) to break up intervals in the list at integer multiples of
* @return list of intervals that are broken up
private static List breakIntervalAtBandMultiples(final Interval interval, final int bandMultiple) {
final List brokenUpIntervals = new ArrayList<>();
int startPos = interval.getStart();
final int startOfIntervalIndex = startPos / bandMultiple;
int startIndex = startOfIntervalIndex;
final int endIndex = interval.getEnd() / bandMultiple;
while (startIndex <= endIndex) {
int endPos = (startIndex + 1) * bandMultiple - 1;
if (endPos > interval.getEnd()) {
endPos = interval.getEnd();
// add start/end to list of broken up intervals to return (and uniquely name it).
brokenUpIntervals.add(new Interval(interval.getContig(), startPos, endPos, interval.isNegativeStrand(), interval.getName() + "." + (startIndex - startOfIntervalIndex + 1)));
startPos = startIndex * bandMultiple;
return brokenUpIntervals;
* Merges a collection of intervals and optionally concatenates unique names or takes the first name.
* *
* @param concatenateNames if true, combine the names of all the intervals with |, otherwise use the name of the first interval.
* @return a single interval which spans from the minimum input start position to the maximum input end position.
* The resulting strandedness and contig are those of the first input with no validation.
static Interval merge(final Iterable intervals, final boolean concatenateNames) {
final Interval first = intervals.iterator().next();
final String chrom = first.getContig();
int start = first.getStart();
int end = first.getEnd();
final boolean neg = first.isNegativeStrand();
final LinkedHashSet names = new LinkedHashSet<>();
final String name;
for (final Interval i : intervals) {
if (i.getName() != null) {
start = Math.min(start, i.getStart());
end = Math.max(end, i.getEnd());
if (names.isEmpty()) {
name = null;
} else if (concatenateNames) {
name = StringUtil.join("|", names);
} else {
name = names.iterator().next();
return new Interval(chrom, start, end, neg, name);
* Gets the (potentially redundant) sum of the length of the intervals in the list.
public long getBaseCount() {
return Interval.countBases(this.intervals);
* Gets the count of unique bases represented by the intervals in the list.
public long getUniqueBaseCount() {
return uniqued().getBaseCount();
* Returns the count of intervals in the list.
public int size() {
return this.intervals.size();
* creates a independent copy of the given IntervalList
public static IntervalList copyOf(final IntervalList list) {
final IntervalList clone = new IntervalList(list.header.clone());
return clone;
* Parses an interval list from a file.
* @param file the file containing the intervals
* @return an IntervalList object that contains the headers and intervals from the file
public static IntervalList fromFile(final File file) {
return fromPath(IOUtil.toPath(file));
* Parses an interval list from a path.
* @param path the path containing the intervals
* @return an IntervalList object that contains the headers and intervals from the path
public static IntervalList fromPath(final Path path) {
try (final BufferedReader reader = IOUtil.openFileForBufferedReading(path)) {
return fromReader(reader);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new SAMException(String.format("Failed to close file %s after reading", path.toUri().toString()));
* Creates an IntervalList from the given sequence name
* @param header header to use to create IntervalList
* @param sequenceName name of sequence in header
* @return a new intervalList with given header that contains the reference name
public static IntervalList fromName(final SAMFileHeader header, final String sequenceName) {
final IntervalList ref = new IntervalList(header);
ref.add(new Interval(sequenceName, 1, header.getSequence(sequenceName).getSequenceLength()));
return ref;
* Calls {@link #fromFile(} on the provided files, and returns their {@link #concatenate(Collection)}
public static IntervalList fromFiles(final Collection intervalListFiles) {
final Collection intervalLists = new ArrayList<>();
for (final File file : intervalListFiles) {
return IntervalList.concatenate(intervalLists);
* Parses an interval list from a reader in a stream based fashion.
* @param in a BufferedReader that can be read from. Caller is responsible to close reader as needed.
* @return an IntervalList object that contains the headers and intervals from the file
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if start or end are less than 1 or greater than the length of the sequence
public static IntervalList fromReader(final BufferedReader in) {
try {
// Setup a reader and parse the header
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(4096);
String line = null;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.startsWith("@")) {
} else {
if (builder.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Interval list file must contain header. ");
final BufferedLineReader headerReader = BufferedLineReader.fromString(builder.toString());
final SAMTextHeaderCodec codec = new SAMTextHeaderCodec();
final IntervalList list = new IntervalList(codec.decode(headerReader, "BufferedReader"));
final SAMSequenceDictionary dict = list.getHeader().getSequenceDictionary();
// There might not be any lines after the header, in which case we should return an empty list
if (line == null) {
return list;
final IntervalListCodec intervalListCodec = new IntervalListCodec(dict);
// Then read in the intervals
do {
final Optional maybeInterval = Optional.ofNullable(intervalListCodec.decode(line));
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null);
return list;
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new SAMException("Error parsing interval list.", ioe);
* Writes out the list of intervals to the supplied path.
* @param path a path to write to. If exists it will be overwritten.
public void write(final Path path) {
try {
try (IntervalListWriter writer = new IntervalListWriter(path, this.header)) {
for (final Interval interval : this) {
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new SAMException("Error writing out interval list to file: " + path.toAbsolutePath(), ioe);
* Writes out the list of intervals to the supplied file.
* @param file a file to write to. If exists it will be overwritten.
public void write(final File file) {
* A utility function for generating the intersection of two IntervalLists, checks for equal dictionaries.
* @param list1 the first IntervalList
* @param list2 the second IntervalList
* @return the intersection of list1 and list2.
public static IntervalList intersection(final IntervalList list1, final IntervalList list2) {
// Ensure that all the sequence dictionaries agree and merge the lists
final IntervalList result = new IntervalList(list1.getHeader().clone());
final OverlapDetector detector = OverlapDetector.create(list1.getIntervals());
for (final Interval i : list2.getIntervals()) {
return result.uniqued();
* A utility function for intersecting a list of IntervalLists, checks for equal dictionaries.
* @param lists the list of IntervalList
* @return the intersection of all the IntervalLists in lists.
public static IntervalList intersection(final Collection lists) {
* A utility function for merging a two IntervalLists, checks for equal dictionaries.
* Merging does not look for overlapping intervals nor uniquify
* @param list1 the first list
* @param list2 the second list
* @return the union of all the IntervalLists in lists.
public static IntervalList concatenate(final IntervalList list1, final IntervalList list2) {
final SAMFileHeader header = list1.getHeader().clone();
// Ensure that all the sequence dictionaries agree and merge the lists
return new IntervalList(header).addOther(list1).addOther(list2);
* A method for concatenating the intervals from one list to this one, checks for equal dictionaries.
* Does not look for overlapping intervals nor uniquify.
* @param other the other list
* @return the modified this
public IntervalList addOther(final IntervalList other) {
return this;
* A utility function for concatenating a list of IntervalLists, checks for equal dictionaries.
* Concatenating does not look for overlapping intervals nor uniquify the intervals.
* @param lists a list of IntervalList
* @return the union of all the IntervalLists in lists.
public static IntervalList concatenate(final Collection lists) {
final SAMFileHeader header =
() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot combine empty collection of IntervalLists"));
.reduce(new IntervalList(header), IntervalList::addOther, IntervalList::concatenate);
* A utility function for finding the union of a list of IntervalLists, checks for equal dictionaries.
* also looks for overlapping intervals, uniquifies, and sorts (by coordinate)
* @param lists the list of IntervalList
* @return the union of all the IntervalLists in lists.
public static IntervalList union(final Collection lists) {
final IntervalList merged = concatenate(lists);
return merged.uniqued();
public static IntervalList union(final IntervalList list1, final IntervalList list2) {
final Collection duo = CollectionUtil.makeList(list1, list2);
return IntervalList.union(duo);
* inverts an IntervalList and returns one that has exactly all the bases in the dictionary that the original one does not.
* @param list an IntervalList
* @return an IntervalList that is complementary to list
public static IntervalList invert(final IntervalList list) {
final IntervalList inverse = new IntervalList(list.header.clone());
final ListMap map = new ListMap<>();
//add all the intervals (uniqued and therefore also sorted) to a ListMap from sequenceIndex to a list of Intervals
for (final Interval i : list.uniqued().getIntervals()) {
final int sequenceIndex = list.getHeader().getSequenceIndex(i.getContig());
ValidationUtils.validateArg(sequenceIndex != SAMSequenceRecord.UNAVAILABLE_SEQUENCE_INDEX,
() -> String.format("Cannot add interval %s, contig not in header", i.toString()));
map.add(sequenceIndex, i);
// a counter to supply newly-created intervals with a name
int intervals = 0;
//iterate over the contigs in the dictionary
for (final SAMSequenceRecord samSequenceRecord : list.getHeader().getSequenceDictionary().getSequences()) {
final Integer sequenceIndex = samSequenceRecord.getSequenceIndex();
final String sequenceName = samSequenceRecord.getSequenceName();
final int sequenceLength = samSequenceRecord.getSequenceLength();
int lastCoveredPosition = 0; //start at beginning of sequence
//iterate over list of intervals that are in sequence
if (map.containsKey(sequenceIndex)) {
// if there are intervals in the ListMap on this contig, iterate over them (in order)
for (final Interval i : map.get(sequenceIndex)) {
if (i.getStart() > lastCoveredPosition + 1) {
//if there's space between the last interval and the current one, add an interval between them
inverse.add(new Interval(sequenceName, lastCoveredPosition + 1, i.getStart() - 1, false, "interval-" + (++intervals)));
lastCoveredPosition = i.getEnd(); //update the last covered position
if (sequenceLength > lastCoveredPosition) {
// finally, if there's space between the last interval and the next
// one, add an interval. This also covers the case that there are no intervals in the ListMap for a contig.
inverse.add(new Interval(sequenceName, lastCoveredPosition + 1, sequenceLength, false, "interval-" + (++intervals)));
return inverse;
* A utility function for subtracting one IntervalLists from another. Resulting loci are those that are in the first
* but not the second.
* @param lhs the IntervalList from which to subtract intervals
* @param rhs the IntervalList to subtract
* @return an IntervalList comprising all loci that are in the first IntervalList but not the second lhs-rhs=answer.
public static IntervalList subtract(final IntervalList lhs, final IntervalList rhs) {
return intersection(lhs, invert(rhs));
* A utility function for subtracting a collection of IntervalLists from another. Resulting loci are those that are in the first collection
* but not the second.
* @param lhs the collection of IntervalList from which to subtract intervals
* @param rhs the collection of intervals to subtract
* @return an IntervalList comprising all loci that are in the first collection but not the second lhs-rhs=answer.
public static IntervalList subtract(final Collection lhs, final Collection rhs) {
return subtract(
* A utility function for finding the difference between two IntervalLists.
* @param lists1 the first collection of IntervalLists
* @param lists2 the second collection of IntervalLists
* @return the difference between the two intervals, i.e. the loci that are only in one IntervalList but not both
public static IntervalList difference(final Collection lists1, final Collection lists2) {
return difference(union(lists1), union(lists2));
* A utility function for finding the difference between two IntervalLists.
* @param list1 the first collection of IntervalLists
* @param list2 the second collection of IntervalLists
* @return the difference between the two intervals, i.e. the loci that are only in one IntervalList but not both
public static IntervalList difference(final IntervalList list1, final IntervalList list2) {
return union(
subtract(list1, list2),
subtract(list2, list1));
* A utility function for finding the intervals in the first list that have at least 1bp overlap with any interval
* in the second list.
* @param lhs the first collection of IntervalLists
* @param rhs the second collection of IntervalLists
* @return an IntervalList comprising of all intervals in the first IntervalList that have at least 1bp overlap with
* any interval in the second.
public static IntervalList overlaps(final IntervalList lhs, final IntervalList rhs) {
final SAMFileHeader header = lhs.getHeader().clone();
// Create an overlap detector on rhs
final IntervalList overlapIntervals = new IntervalList(header);
final OverlapDetector detector = new OverlapDetector<>(0, 0);
final int dummy = -1; // NB: since we don't actually use the returned objects, we can use a dummy value
for (final Interval interval : overlapIntervals.sorted().uniqued()) {
detector.addLhs(dummy, interval);
// Go through each input interval in lhs and see if overlaps any interval in rhs
final IntervalList merged = new IntervalList(header);
for (final Interval interval : lhs.getIntervals()) {
if (detector.overlapsAny(interval)) {
return merged;
* A utility function for finding the intervals in the first list that have at least 1bp overlap with any interval
* in the second list.
* @param lists1 the first collection of IntervalLists
* @param lists2 the second collection of IntervalLists
* @return an IntervalList comprising of all intervals in the first collection of lists that have at least 1bp
* overlap with any interval in the second lists.
public static IntervalList overlaps(final Collection lists1, final Collection lists2) {
if (lists1.isEmpty()) {
throw new SAMException("Cannot call overlaps with the first collection having empty list of IntervalLists.");
return overlaps(concatenate(lists1), union(lists2));
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
final IntervalList intervals1 = (IntervalList) o;
return header.equals(intervals1.header) && intervals.equals(intervals1.intervals);
public int hashCode() {
int result = header.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + intervals.hashCode();
return result;