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package htsjdk.samtools.cram.compression.rans;
import htsjdk.utils.ValidationUtils;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
public final class RANS {
public enum ORDER {
public static ORDER fromInt(final int orderValue) {
try {
return ORDER.values()[orderValue];
} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rANS order: " + orderValue);
// A compressed rANS stream consists of a prefix containing 3 values, followed by the compressed data block:
// byte - order of the codec (0 or 1)
// int - total compressed size of the frequency table and compressed content
// int - total size of the raw/uncompressed content
// byte[] - frequency table (RLE)
// byte[] - compressed data
private static final int ORDER_BYTE_LENGTH = 1;
private static final int COMPRESSED_BYTE_LENGTH = 4;
private static final int RAW_BYTE_LENGTH = 4;
// streams smaller than this value don't have sufficient symbol context for ORDER-1 encoding,
// so always use ORDER-0
private static final int MINIMUM__ORDER_1_SIZE = 4;
private static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
public static final int NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS = 256;
// working variables used by the encoder and decoder; initialize them lazily since
// they consist of lots of small objects, and we don't want to instantiate them
// until we actually use them
private ArithmeticDecoder[] D;
private RANSDecodingSymbol[][] decodingSymbols;
private RANSEncodingSymbol[][] encodingSymbols;
// Lazy initialization of working memory for the encoder/decoder
private void initializeRANSCoder() {
if (D == null) {
D = new ArithmeticDecoder[NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS; i++) {
D[i] = new ArithmeticDecoder();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS; i++) {
if (decodingSymbols == null) {
decodingSymbols = new RANSDecodingSymbol[NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS][NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS];
for (int i = 0; i < decodingSymbols.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < decodingSymbols[i].length; j++) {
decodingSymbols[i][j] = new RANSDecodingSymbol();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < decodingSymbols.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < decodingSymbols[i].length; j++) {
decodingSymbols[i][j].set(0, 0);
if (encodingSymbols == null) {
encodingSymbols = new RANSEncodingSymbol[NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS][NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS];
for (int i = 0; i < encodingSymbols.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < encodingSymbols[i].length; j++) {
encodingSymbols[i][j] = new RANSEncodingSymbol();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < encodingSymbols.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < encodingSymbols[i].length; j++) {
public ByteBuffer uncompress(final ByteBuffer inBuffer) {
if (inBuffer.remaining() == 0) {
final ORDER order = ORDER.fromInt(inBuffer.get());
final int inSize = inBuffer.getInt();
if (inSize != inBuffer.remaining() - RAW_BYTE_LENGTH) {
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect input length.");
final int outSize = inBuffer.getInt();
final ByteBuffer outBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(outSize);
switch (order) {
case ZERO:
return uncompressOrder0Way4(inBuffer, outBuffer);
case ONE:
return uncompressOrder1Way4(inBuffer, outBuffer);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown rANS order: " + order);
public ByteBuffer compress(final ByteBuffer inBuffer, final ORDER order) {
if (inBuffer.remaining() == 0) {
if (inBuffer.remaining() < MINIMUM__ORDER_1_SIZE) {
// ORDER-1 encoding of less than 4 bytes is not permitted, so just use ORDER-0
return compressOrder0Way4(inBuffer);
switch (order) {
case ZERO:
return compressOrder0Way4(inBuffer);
case ONE:
return compressOrder1Way4(inBuffer);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown rANS order: " + order);
private ByteBuffer compressOrder0Way4(final ByteBuffer inBuffer) {
final int inSize = inBuffer.remaining();
final ByteBuffer outBuffer = allocateOutputBuffer(inSize);
// move the output buffer ahead to the start of the frequency table (we'll come back and
// write the output stream prefix at the end of this method)
outBuffer.position(PREFIX_BYTE_LENGTH); // start of frequency table
final int[] F = Frequencies.calcFrequenciesOrder0(inBuffer);
Frequencies.buildSymsOrder0(F, encodingSymbols[0]);
final ByteBuffer cp = outBuffer.slice();
final int frequencyTableSize = Frequencies.writeFrequenciesOrder0(cp, F);
final int compressedBlobSize = E04.compress(inBuffer, encodingSymbols[0], cp);
// rewind and write the prefix
writeCompressionPrefix(ORDER.ZERO, outBuffer, inSize, frequencyTableSize, compressedBlobSize);
return outBuffer;
private ByteBuffer compressOrder1Way4(final ByteBuffer inBuffer) {
final int inSize = inBuffer.remaining();
final ByteBuffer outBuffer = allocateOutputBuffer(inSize);
// move to start of frequency
final int[][] F = Frequencies.calcFrequenciesOrder1(inBuffer);
Frequencies.buildSymsOrder1(F, encodingSymbols);
final ByteBuffer cp = outBuffer.slice();
final int frequencyTableSize = Frequencies.writeFrequenciesOrder1(cp, F);
final int compressedBlobSize = E14.compress(inBuffer, encodingSymbols, cp);
// rewind and write the prefix
writeCompressionPrefix(ORDER.ONE, outBuffer, inSize, frequencyTableSize, compressedBlobSize);
return outBuffer;
private ByteBuffer uncompressOrder0Way4(final ByteBuffer inBuffer, final ByteBuffer outBuffer) {
Frequencies.readStatsOrder0(inBuffer, D[0], decodingSymbols[0]);
D04.uncompress(inBuffer, D[0], decodingSymbols[0], outBuffer);
return outBuffer;
private ByteBuffer uncompressOrder1Way4(final ByteBuffer in, final ByteBuffer outBuffer) {
Frequencies.readStatsOrder1(in, D, decodingSymbols);
D14.uncompress(in, outBuffer, D, decodingSymbols);
return outBuffer;
private static ByteBuffer allocateOutputBuffer(final int inSize) {
// This calculation is identical to the one in samtools rANS_static.c
// Presumably the frequency table (always big enough for order 1) = 257*257, then * 3 for each entry
// (byte->symbol, 2 bytes -> scaled frequency), + 9 for the header (order byte, and 2 int lengths
// for compressed/uncompressed lengths) ? Plus additional 5% for..., for what ???
final int compressedSize = (int) (1.05 * inSize + 257 * 257 * 3 + 9);
final ByteBuffer outputBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(compressedSize);
if (outputBuffer.remaining() < compressedSize) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to allocate sufficient buffer size for RANS coder.");
return outputBuffer;
private static void writeCompressionPrefix(
final ORDER order,
final ByteBuffer outBuffer,
final int inSize,
final int frequencyTableSize,
final int compressedBlobSize) {
ValidationUtils.validateArg(order == ORDER.ONE || order == ORDER.ZERO,"unrecognized RANS order");
outBuffer.limit(PREFIX_BYTE_LENGTH + frequencyTableSize + compressedBlobSize);
// go back to the beginning of the stream and write the prefix values
// write the (ORDER as a single byte at offset 0)
outBuffer.put(0, (byte) (order == ORDER.ZERO ? 0 : 1));
// move past the ORDER and write the compressed size
outBuffer.putInt(ORDER_BYTE_LENGTH, frequencyTableSize + compressedBlobSize);
// move past the compressed size and write the uncompressed size