Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright 2012-2015 Bowler Hat LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it in
accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
package feathers.controls
import feathers.core.FeathersControl;
import feathers.core.IFeathersControl;
import feathers.core.IValidating;
import feathers.layout.Direction;
import feathers.skins.IStyleProvider;
import feathers.utils.math.clamp;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
* Displays the progress of a task over time. Non-interactive.
* The following example creates a progress bar:
* var progress:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar();
* progress.minimum = 0;
* progress.maximum = 100;
* progress.value = 20;
* this.addChild( progress );
* @see ../../../help/progress-bar.html How to use the Feathers ProgressBar component
public class ProgressBar extends FeathersControl
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.layout.Direction.HORIZONTAL
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.layout.Direction.VERTICAL
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const DIRECTION_VERTICAL:String = "vertical";
* The default IStyleProvider
for all ProgressBar
* components.
* @default null
* @see feathers.core.FeathersControl#styleProvider
public static var globalStyleProvider:IStyleProvider;
* Constructor.
public function ProgressBar()
* @private
override protected function get defaultStyleProvider():IStyleProvider
return ProgressBar.globalStyleProvider;
* @private
protected var _direction:String = Direction.HORIZONTAL;
* Determines the direction that the progress bar fills. When this value
* changes, the progress bar's width and height values do not change
* automatically.
* In the following example, the direction is set to vertical:
* progress.direction = Direction.VERTICAL;
* @default feathers.layout.Direction.HORIZONTAL
* @see feathers.layout.Direction#HORIZONTAL
* @see feathers.layout.Direction#VERTICAL
public function get direction():String
return this._direction;
* @private
public function set direction(value:String):void
if(this._direction == value)
this._direction = value;
* @private
protected var _value:Number = 0;
* The value of the progress bar, between the minimum and maximum.
* In the following example, the value is set to 12:
* progress.minimum = 0;
* progress.maximum = 100;
* progress.value = 12;
* @default 0
* @see #minimum
* @see #maximum
public function get value():Number
return this._value;
* @private
public function set value(newValue:Number):void
newValue = clamp(newValue, this._minimum, this._maximum);
if(this._value == newValue)
this._value = newValue;
* @private
protected var _minimum:Number = 0;
* The progress bar's value will not go lower than the minimum.
* In the following example, the minimum is set to 0:
* progress.minimum = 0;
* progress.maximum = 100;
* progress.value = 12;
* @default 0
* @see #value
* @see #maximum
public function get minimum():Number
return this._minimum;
* @private
public function set minimum(value:Number):void
if(this._minimum == value)
this._minimum = value;
* @private
protected var _maximum:Number = 1;
* The progress bar's value will not go higher than the maximum.
* In the following example, the maximum is set to 100:
* progress.minimum = 0;
* progress.maximum = 100;
* progress.value = 12;
* @default 1
* @see #value
* @see #minimum
public function get maximum():Number
return this._maximum;
* @private
public function set maximum(value:Number):void
if(this._maximum == value)
this._maximum = value;
* @private
* The width of the first background skin that was displayed.
protected var _originalBackgroundWidth:Number = NaN;
* @private
* The height of the first background skin that was displayed.
protected var _originalBackgroundHeight:Number = NaN;
* @private
protected var currentBackground:DisplayObject;
* @private
protected var _backgroundSkin:DisplayObject;
* The primary background to display in the progress bar. The background
* skin is displayed below the fill skin, and the fill skin is affected
* by the padding, and the background skin may be seen around the edges.
* The original width or height of the background skin will be one
* of the values used to calculate the width or height of the progress
* bar, if the width
and height
properties are
* not set explicitly. The fill skin and padding values will also be
* used.
* If the background skin is a Feathers component, the
* minWidth
or minHeight
properties will be
* one of the values used to calculate the width or height of the
* progress bar. If the background skin is a regular Starling display
* object, the original width and height of the display object will be
* used to calculate the minimum dimensions instead.
* In the following example, the progress bar is given a background
* skin:
* progress.backgroundSkin = new Image( texture );
* @default null
public function get backgroundSkin():DisplayObject
return this._backgroundSkin;
* @private
public function set backgroundSkin(value:DisplayObject):void
if(this._backgroundSkin == value)
if(this._backgroundSkin && this._backgroundSkin != this._backgroundDisabledSkin)
this._backgroundSkin = value;
if(this._backgroundSkin && this._backgroundSkin.parent != this)
this._backgroundSkin.visible = false;
this.addChildAt(this._backgroundSkin, 0);
* @private
protected var _backgroundDisabledSkin:DisplayObject;
* A background to display when the progress bar is disabled.
* In the following example, the progress bar is given a disabled
* background skin:
* progress.backgroundDisabledSkin = new Image( texture );
* @default null
* @see #backgroundSkin
public function get backgroundDisabledSkin():DisplayObject
return this._backgroundDisabledSkin;
* @private
public function set backgroundDisabledSkin(value:DisplayObject):void
if(this._backgroundDisabledSkin == value)
if(this._backgroundDisabledSkin && this._backgroundDisabledSkin != this._backgroundSkin)
this._backgroundDisabledSkin = value;
if(this._backgroundDisabledSkin && this._backgroundDisabledSkin.parent != this)
this._backgroundDisabledSkin.visible = false;
this.addChildAt(this._backgroundDisabledSkin, 0);
* @private
* The width of the first fill skin that was displayed.
protected var _originalFillWidth:Number = NaN;
* @private
* The width of the first fill skin that was displayed.
protected var _originalFillHeight:Number = NaN;
* @private
protected var currentFill:DisplayObject;
* @private
protected var _fillSkin:DisplayObject;
* The primary fill to display in the progress bar. The fill skin is
* displayed over the background skin, with padding around the edges of
* the fill skin to reveal the background skin behind.
* Note: The size of the fillSkin
, at the time that it
* is passed to the setter, will be used used as the size of the fill
* when the progress bar is set to the minimum value. In other words,
* if the fill of a horizontal progress bar with a value from 0 to 100
* should be virtually invisible when the value is 0, then the
* fillSkin
should have a width of 0 when you pass it in.
* On the other hand, if you're using an Image
with a
* scale9Grid
as the skin, it may require a minimum width
* before the image parts begin to overlap. In that case, the
* Image
instance passed to the fillSkin
* setter should have a width
value that is the same as
* that minimum width value where the image parts do not overlap.
* In the following example, the progress bar is given a fill
* skin:
* progress.fillSkin = new Image( texture );
* @default null
public function get fillSkin():DisplayObject
return this._fillSkin;
* @private
public function set fillSkin(value:DisplayObject):void
if(this._fillSkin == value)
if(this._fillSkin && this._fillSkin != this._fillDisabledSkin)
this._fillSkin = value;
if(this._fillSkin && this._fillSkin.parent != this)
this._fillSkin.visible = false;
* @private
protected var _fillDisabledSkin:DisplayObject;
* A fill to display when the progress bar is disabled.
* In the following example, the progress bar is given a disabled fill
* skin:
* progress.fillDisabledSkin = new Image( texture );
* @default null
* @see #fillSkin
public function get fillDisabledSkin():DisplayObject
return this._fillDisabledSkin;
* @private
public function set fillDisabledSkin(value:DisplayObject):void
if(this._fillDisabledSkin == value)
if(this._fillDisabledSkin && this._fillDisabledSkin != this._fillSkin)
this._fillDisabledSkin = value;
if(this._fillDisabledSkin && this._fillDisabledSkin.parent != this)
this._fillDisabledSkin.visible = false;
* Quickly sets all padding properties to the same value. The
* padding
getter always returns the value of
* paddingTop
, but the other padding values may be
* different.
* In the following example, the padding is set to 20 pixels:
* progress.padding = 20;
* @default 0
* @see #paddingTop
* @see #paddingRight
* @see #paddingBottom
* @see #paddingLeft
public function get padding():Number
return this._paddingTop;
* @private
public function set padding(value:Number):void
this.paddingTop = value;
this.paddingRight = value;
this.paddingBottom = value;
this.paddingLeft = value;
* @private
protected var _paddingTop:Number = 0;
* The minimum space, in pixels, between the progress bar's top edge and
* the progress bar's content.
* In the following example, the top padding is set to 20 pixels:
* progress.paddingTop = 20;
* @default 0
public function get paddingTop():Number
return this._paddingTop;
* @private
public function set paddingTop(value:Number):void
if(this._paddingTop == value)
this._paddingTop = value;
* @private
protected var _paddingRight:Number = 0;
* The minimum space, in pixels, between the progress bar's right edge
* and the progress bar's content.
* In the following example, the right padding is set to 20 pixels:
* progress.paddingRight = 20;
* @default 0
public function get paddingRight():Number
return this._paddingRight;
* @private
public function set paddingRight(value:Number):void
if(this._paddingRight == value)
this._paddingRight = value;
* @private
protected var _paddingBottom:Number = 0;
* The minimum space, in pixels, between the progress bar's bottom edge
* and the progress bar's content.
* In the following example, the bottom padding is set to 20 pixels:
* progress.paddingBottom = 20;
* @default 0
public function get paddingBottom():Number
return this._paddingBottom;
* @private
public function set paddingBottom(value:Number):void
if(this._paddingBottom == value)
this._paddingBottom = value;
* @private
protected var _paddingLeft:Number = 0;
* The minimum space, in pixels, between the progress bar's left edge
* and the progress bar's content.
* In the following example, the left padding is set to 20 pixels:
* progress.paddingLeft = 20;
* @default 0
public function get paddingLeft():Number
return this._paddingLeft;
* @private
public function set paddingLeft(value:Number):void
if(this._paddingLeft == value)
this._paddingLeft = value;
* @private
override protected function draw():void
var stylesInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(INVALIDATION_FLAG_STYLES);
var stateInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(INVALIDATION_FLAG_STATE);
var sizeInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(INVALIDATION_FLAG_SIZE);
if(stylesInvalid || stateInvalid)
if(this.currentBackground is IValidating)
if(this.currentFill is IValidating)
* If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will
* measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself. If the
* explicitWidth
or explicitHeight
* variables are set, those value will be used without additional
* measurement. If one is set, but not the other, the dimension with the
* explicit value will not be measured, but the other non-explicit
* dimension will still need measurement.
* Calls setSizeInternal()
to set up the
* actualWidth
and actualHeight
* variables used for layout.
* Meant for internal use, and subclasses may override this function
* with a custom implementation.
protected function autoSizeIfNeeded():Boolean
var needsWidth:Boolean = this._explicitWidth !== this._explicitWidth; //isNaN
var needsHeight:Boolean = this._explicitHeight !== this._explicitHeight; //isNaN
var needsMinWidth:Boolean = this._explicitMinWidth !== this._explicitMinWidth; //isNaN
var needsMinHeight:Boolean = this._explicitMinHeight !== this._explicitMinHeight; //isNaN
if(!needsWidth && !needsHeight && !needsMinWidth && !needsMinHeight)
return false;
if(this.currentBackground is IValidating)
if(this.currentFill is IValidating)
//minimum dimensions
var newMinWidth:Number = this._explicitMinWidth;
var backgroundMinWidth:Number = this._originalBackgroundWidth;
if(this.currentBackground is IFeathersControl)
backgroundMinWidth = IFeathersControl(this.currentBackground).minWidth;
var fillMinWidth:Number = this._originalFillWidth;
if(this.currentFill is IFeathersControl)
fillMinWidth = IFeathersControl(this.currentFill).minWidth;
fillMinWidth += this._paddingLeft + this._paddingRight;
newMinWidth = backgroundMinWidth;
if(fillMinWidth > newMinWidth)
newMinWidth = fillMinWidth;
var newMinHeight:Number = this._explicitMinHeight;
var backgroundMinHeight:Number = this._originalBackgroundHeight;
if(this.currentBackground is IFeathersControl)
backgroundMinHeight = IFeathersControl(this.currentBackground).minHeight;
var fillMinHeight:Number = this._originalFillHeight;
if(this.currentFill is IFeathersControl)
fillMinHeight = IFeathersControl(this.currentFill).minHeight;
fillMinHeight += this._paddingTop + this._paddingBottom;
newMinHeight = backgroundMinHeight;
if(fillMinHeight > newMinHeight)
newMinHeight = fillMinHeight;
//current dimensions
var newWidth:Number = this._explicitWidth;
newWidth = this._originalBackgroundWidth;
var fillWidth:Number = this._originalFillWidth + this._paddingLeft + this._paddingRight;
if(fillWidth > newWidth)
newWidth = fillWidth;
var newHeight:Number = this._explicitHeight;
newHeight = this._originalBackgroundHeight;
var fillHeight:Number = this._originalFillHeight + this._paddingTop + this._paddingBottom;
if(fillHeight > newHeight)
newHeight = fillHeight;
return this.saveMeasurements(newWidth, newHeight, newMinWidth, newMinHeight);
* @private
protected function refreshBackground():void
this.currentBackground = this._backgroundSkin;
this._backgroundDisabledSkin.visible = false;
this.currentBackground = this._backgroundDisabledSkin;
this._backgroundSkin.visible = false;
if(this.currentBackground is IValidating)
if(this._originalBackgroundWidth !== this._originalBackgroundWidth) //isNaN
this._originalBackgroundWidth = this.currentBackground.width;
if(this._originalBackgroundHeight !== this._originalBackgroundHeight) //isNaN
this._originalBackgroundHeight = this.currentBackground.height;
this.currentBackground.visible = true;
* @private
protected function refreshFill():void
this.currentFill = this._fillSkin;
this._fillDisabledSkin.visible = false;
this.currentFill = this._fillDisabledSkin;
this._fillSkin.visible = false;
if(this.currentFill is IValidating)
if(this._originalFillWidth !== this._originalFillWidth) //isNaN
this._originalFillWidth = this.currentFill.width;
if(this._originalFillHeight !== this._originalFillHeight) //isNaN
this._originalFillHeight = this.currentFill.height;
this.currentFill.visible = true;
* @private
protected function layoutChildren():void
this.currentBackground.width = this.actualWidth;
this.currentBackground.height = this.actualHeight;
if(this._minimum === this._maximum)
var percentage:Number = 1;
percentage = (this._value - this._minimum) / (this._maximum - this._minimum);
if(percentage < 0)
percentage = 0;
else if(percentage > 1)
percentage = 1;
if(this._direction === Direction.VERTICAL)
this.currentFill.width = this.actualWidth - this._paddingLeft - this._paddingRight;
this.currentFill.height = Math.round(this._originalFillHeight + percentage * (this.actualHeight - this._paddingTop - this._paddingBottom - this._originalFillHeight));
this.currentFill.x = this._paddingLeft;
this.currentFill.y = this.actualHeight - this._paddingBottom - this.currentFill.height;
else //horizontal
this.currentFill.width = Math.round(this._originalFillWidth + percentage * (this.actualWidth - this._paddingLeft - this._paddingRight - this._originalFillWidth));
this.currentFill.height = this.actualHeight - this._paddingTop - this._paddingBottom;
this.currentFill.x = this._paddingLeft;
this.currentFill.y = this._paddingTop;