Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright 2012-2015 Bowler Hat LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it in
accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
package feathers.controls
import feathers.controls.supportClasses.LayoutViewPort;
import feathers.core.IFeathersControl;
import feathers.core.IFocusContainer;
import feathers.layout.ILayout;
import feathers.layout.ILayoutDisplayObject;
import feathers.layout.IVirtualLayout;
import feathers.skins.IStyleProvider;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
import starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
* Dispatched when the container is scrolled.
* The properties of the event object have the following values:
* Property Value
* bubbles
* currentTarget
The Object that defines the
* event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
* myButton.addEventListener()
to register an event listener,
* myButton is the value of the currentTarget
* data
* target
The Object that dispatched the event;
* it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the
* currentTarget
property to always access the Object
* listening for the event.
* @eventType
* A generic container that supports layout, scrolling, and a background
* skin. For a lighter container, see LayoutGroup
, which
* focuses specifically on layout without scrolling.
* The following example creates a scroll container with a horizontal
* layout and adds two buttons to it:
* var container:ScrollContainer = new ScrollContainer();
* var layout:HorizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
* = 20;
* layout.padding = 20;
* container.layout = layout;
* this.addChild( container );
* var yesButton:Button = new Button();
* yesButton.label = "Yes";
* container.addChild( yesButton );
* var noButton:Button = new Button();
* noButton.label = "No";
* container.addChild( noButton );
* @see ../../../help/scroll-container.html How to use the Feathers ScrollContainer component
* @see feathers.controls.LayoutGroup
public class ScrollContainer extends Scroller implements IScrollContainer, IFocusContainer
* An alternate style name to use with ScrollContainer
* allow a theme to give it a toolbar style. If a theme does not provide
* a style for the toolbar container, the theme will automatically fall
* back to using the default scroll container skin.
* An alternate style name should always be added to a component's
* styleNameList
before the component is initialized. If
* the style name is added later, it will be ignored.
* In the following example, the toolbar style is applied to a scroll
* container:
* var container:ScrollContainer = new ScrollContainer();
* container.styleNameList.add( ScrollContainer.ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_TOOLBAR );
* this.addChild( container );
* @see feathers.core.FeathersControl#styleNameList
public static const ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_TOOLBAR:String = "feathers-toolbar-scroll-container";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollPolicy.AUTO
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_POLICY_AUTO:String = "auto";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollPolicy.ON
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_POLICY_ON:String = "on";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollPolicy.OFF
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_POLICY_OFF:String = "off";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollBarDisplayMode.FLOAT
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_BAR_DISPLAY_MODE_FLOAT:String = "float";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollBarDisplayMode.FIXED
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_BAR_DISPLAY_MODE_FIXED:String = "fixed";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollBarDisplayMode.FIXED_FLOAT
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_BAR_DISPLAY_MODE_FIXED_FLOAT:String = "fixedFloat";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollBarDisplayMode.NONE
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const SCROLL_BAR_DISPLAY_MODE_NONE:String = "none";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.layout.RelativePosition.RIGHT
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_POSITION_RIGHT:String = "right";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.layout.RelativePosition.LEFT
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR_POSITION_LEFT:String = "left";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollInteractionMode.TOUCH
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const INTERACTION_MODE_TOUCH:String = "touch";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollInteractionMode.MOUSE
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const INTERACTION_MODE_MOUSE:String = "mouse";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.ScrollInteractionMode.TOUCH_AND_SCROLL_BARS
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const INTERACTION_MODE_TOUCH_AND_SCROLL_BARS:String = "touchAndScrollBars";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.layout.Direction.VERTICAL
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const MOUSE_WHEEL_SCROLL_DIRECTION_VERTICAL:String = "vertical";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.layout.Direction.HORIZONTAL
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const MOUSE_WHEEL_SCROLL_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal";
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.DecelerationRate.NORMAL
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const DECELERATION_RATE_NORMAL:Number = 0.998;
* @private
* DEPRECATED: Replaced by feathers.controls.DecelerationRate.FAST
* DEPRECATION WARNING: This constant is deprecated
* starting with Feathers 3.0. It will be removed in a future version of
* Feathers according to the standard
* Feathers deprecation policy.
public static const DECELERATION_RATE_FAST:Number = 0.99;
* The container will auto size itself to fill the entire stage.
* @see #autoSizeMode
public static const AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE:String = "stage";
* The container will auto size itself to fit its content.
* @see #autoSizeMode
public static const AUTO_SIZE_MODE_CONTENT:String = "content";
* The default IStyleProvider
for all ScrollContainer
* components.
* @default null
* @see feathers.core.FeathersControl#styleProvider
public static var globalStyleProvider:IStyleProvider;
* Constructor.
public function ScrollContainer()
this.layoutViewPort = new LayoutViewPort();
this.viewPort = this.layoutViewPort;
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, scrollContainer_addedToStageHandler);
this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, scrollContainer_removedFromStageHandler);
* A flag that indicates if the display list functions like addChild()
* and removeChild()
will be passed to the internal view
* port.
protected var displayListBypassEnabled:Boolean = true;
* @private
protected var layoutViewPort:LayoutViewPort;
* @private
override protected function get defaultStyleProvider():IStyleProvider
return ScrollContainer.globalStyleProvider;
* @private
protected var _isChildFocusEnabled:Boolean = true;
* @copy feathers.core.IFocusContainer#isChildFocusEnabled
* @default true
* @see #isFocusEnabled
public function get isChildFocusEnabled():Boolean
return this._isEnabled && this._isChildFocusEnabled;
* @private
public function set isChildFocusEnabled(value:Boolean):void
this._isChildFocusEnabled = value;
* @private
protected var _layout:ILayout;
* Controls the way that the container's children are positioned and
* sized.
* The following example tells the container to use a horizontal layout:
* var layout:HorizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
* = 20;
* layout.padding = 20;
* container.layout = layout;
* @default null
public function get layout():ILayout
return this._layout;
* @private
public function set layout(value:ILayout):void
if(this._layout == value)
this._layout = value;
* @private
protected var _autoSizeMode:String = AUTO_SIZE_MODE_CONTENT;
* Determines how the container will set its own size when its
* dimensions (width and height) aren't set explicitly.
* In the following example, the container will be sized to
* match the stage:
* container.autoSizeMode = ScrollContainer.AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE;
* Usually defaults to ScrollContainer.AUTO_SIZE_MODE_CONTENT
* However, if this component is the root of the Starling display list,
* defaults to ScrollContainer.AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE
public function get autoSizeMode():String
return this._autoSizeMode;
* @private
public function set autoSizeMode(value:String):void
if(this._autoSizeMode == value)
this._autoSizeMode = value;
this._measureViewPort = this._autoSizeMode != AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE;
if(this._autoSizeMode == AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE)
this.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stage_resizeHandler);
this.stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stage_resizeHandler);
* @private
protected var _ignoreChildChanges:Boolean = false;
* @private
override public function get numChildren():int
return super.numChildren;
return DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).numChildren;
* @inheritDoc
public function get numRawChildren():int
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
var result:int = super.numChildren;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return result;
* @private
override public function getChildByName(name:String):DisplayObject
return super.getChildByName(name);
return DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).getChildByName(name);
* @inheritDoc
public function getRawChildByName(name:String):DisplayObject
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
var child:DisplayObject = super.getChildByName(name);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return child;
* @private
override public function getChildAt(index:int):DisplayObject
return super.getChildAt(index);
return DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).getChildAt(index);
* @inheritDoc
public function getRawChildAt(index:int):DisplayObject
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
var child:DisplayObject = super.getChildAt(index);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return child;
* @inheritDoc
public function addRawChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
if(child.parent == this)
super.setChildIndex(child, super.numChildren);
child = super.addChildAt(child, super.numChildren);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return child;
* @private
override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
return this.addChildAt(child, this.numChildren);
* @private
override public function addChildAt(child:DisplayObject, index:int):DisplayObject
return super.addChildAt(child, index);
var result:DisplayObject = DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).addChildAt(child, index);
if(result is IFeathersControl)
result.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, child_resizeHandler);
if(result is ILayoutDisplayObject)
result.addEventListener(FeathersEventType.LAYOUT_DATA_CHANGE, child_layoutDataChangeHandler);
return result;
* @inheritDoc
public function addRawChildAt(child:DisplayObject, index:int):DisplayObject
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
child = super.addChildAt(child, index);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return child;
* @inheritDoc
public function removeRawChild(child:DisplayObject, dispose:Boolean = false):DisplayObject
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
var index:int = super.getChildIndex(child);
if(index >= 0)
super.removeChildAt(index, dispose);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return child;
* @private
override public function removeChildAt(index:int, dispose:Boolean = false):DisplayObject
return super.removeChildAt(index, dispose);
var result:DisplayObject = DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).removeChildAt(index, dispose);
if(result is IFeathersControl)
result.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, child_resizeHandler);
if(result is ILayoutDisplayObject)
result.removeEventListener(FeathersEventType.LAYOUT_DATA_CHANGE, child_layoutDataChangeHandler);
return result;
* @inheritDoc
public function removeRawChildAt(index:int, dispose:Boolean = false):DisplayObject
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
var child:DisplayObject = super.removeChildAt(index, dispose);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return child;
* @private
override public function getChildIndex(child:DisplayObject):int
return super.getChildIndex(child);
return DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).getChildIndex(child);
* @inheritDoc
public function getRawChildIndex(child:DisplayObject):int
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
var index:int = super.getChildIndex(child);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
return index;
* @private
override public function setChildIndex(child:DisplayObject, index:int):void
super.setChildIndex(child, index);
DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).setChildIndex(child, index);
* @inheritDoc
public function setRawChildIndex(child:DisplayObject, index:int):void
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
super.setChildIndex(child, index);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
* @inheritDoc
public function swapRawChildren(child1:DisplayObject, child2:DisplayObject):void
var index1:int = this.getRawChildIndex(child1);
var index2:int = this.getRawChildIndex(child2);
if(index1 < 0 || index2 < 0)
throw new ArgumentError("Not a child of this container");
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
this.swapRawChildrenAt(index1, index2);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
* @private
override public function swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int):void
super.swapChildrenAt(index1, index2);
DisplayObjectContainer(this.viewPort).swapChildrenAt(index1, index2);
* @inheritDoc
public function swapRawChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int):void
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
super.swapChildrenAt(index1, index2);
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
* @private
override public function sortChildren(compareFunction:Function):void
* @inheritDoc
public function sortRawChildren(compareFunction:Function):void
var oldBypass:Boolean = this.displayListBypassEnabled;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = false;
this.displayListBypassEnabled = oldBypass;
* Readjusts the layout of the container according to its current
* content. Call this method when changes to the content cannot be
* automatically detected by the container. For instance, Feathers
* components dispatch FeathersEventType.RESIZE
when their
* width and height values change, but standard Starling display objects
* like Sprite
and Image
do not.
public function readjustLayout():void
* @private
override protected function initialize():void
if(this.stage !== null && this.stage.root === this)
this.autoSizeMode = AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE;
* @private
override protected function draw():void
var layoutInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(INVALIDATION_FLAG_LAYOUT);
if(this._layout is IVirtualLayout)
IVirtualLayout(this._layout).useVirtualLayout = false;
this.layoutViewPort.layout = this._layout;
var oldIgnoreChildChanges:Boolean = this._ignoreChildChanges;
this._ignoreChildChanges = true;
this._ignoreChildChanges = oldIgnoreChildChanges;
* @private
override protected function autoSizeIfNeeded():Boolean
var needsWidth:Boolean = this._explicitWidth !== this._explicitWidth; //isNaN
var needsHeight:Boolean = this._explicitHeight !== this._explicitHeight; //isNaN
if(!needsWidth && !needsHeight)
return false;
if(this._autoSizeMode == AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE)
return this.setSizeInternal(this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight, false);
return super.autoSizeIfNeeded();
* @private
protected function scrollContainer_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
if(this._autoSizeMode == AUTO_SIZE_MODE_STAGE)
this.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stage_resizeHandler);
* @private
protected function scrollContainer_removedFromStageHandler(event:Event):void
this.stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stage_resizeHandler);
* @private
protected function child_resizeHandler(event:Event):void
* @private
protected function child_layoutDataChangeHandler(event:Event):void
* @private
protected function stage_resizeHandler(event:Event):void