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package flair.resources
	import flair.utils.device.locale;
	import flair.utils.displayMetrics.Density;
	import flair.utils.displayMetrics.densityDpi;

	import flash.display3D.Context3DProfile;
	import flash.filesystem.File;
	import flash.utils.Dictionary;

	import starling.core.Starling;

	 * ResourceFileManager help retrieve resources depending of your device configuration.
	public final class ResourceFileManager
		private static var __instance : ResourceFileManager;

		 * Get ResourceFileManager unique singleton instance.
		public static function getInstance() : ResourceFileManager
			if( !__instance ) __instance = new ResourceFileManager( new Singleton() );

			return __instance;

		private const __LOCALE_LANGUAGE_QUALIFIER : Qualifier = new Qualifier( EnumQualifier.LOCALE_LANGUAGE , /-([a-z]{2})(?:-|$)/ , locale.getLanguage() );

		private const __LOCALE_REGION_QUALIFIER : Qualifier = new Qualifier( EnumQualifier.LOCALE_REGION , /-(r[A-Z]{2})(?:-|$)/ , locale.getRegion() );

		private const __SMALLEST_WIDTH_QUALIFIER : Qualifier = new Qualifier( EnumQualifier.SMALLEST_WIDTH , /(sw[0-9]{2,4}dp)/ , Math.min( Starling.current.stage.stageWidth , Starling.current.stage.stageHeight ) , function ( qualifierValue : String , testValue : String ) : Boolean
			function parseSWInt( s : String ) : int
				return int( s.replace( "sw" , "" ).replace( "dp" , "" ) )

			return parseSWInt( testValue ) >= parseSWInt( qualifierValue );
		} );

		private const __DENSITY_QUALIFIER : Qualifier = new Qualifier( EnumQualifier.DENSITY , /-(ldpi|mdpi|hdpi|xhdpi|xxhdpi|xxxhdpi)/ , _getBucketFromDensityDpi() );


		 * @private
		public function ResourceFileManager( singleton : Singleton )
			if( !singleton ) throw new Error( this + " Singleton instance can only be accessed through getInstance method" );

		 * Get all drawables required from your device configuration.
		 * @param screenID The screen id from which retrieve resources, by default it returns all resource at the root resource folder.
		 * @return A Vector of all drawables resources as ResourceFile.
		public function getDrawables( screenID : String = null ) : Vector.
			return getResource( ResourceType.DRAWABLE , screenID );

		 * Get all values required from your device configuration.
		 * @param screenID The screen id from which retrieve resources, by default it returns all resource at the root resource folder.
		 * @return A Vector of all values resources as ResourceFile.
		public function getValues( screenID : String = null ) : Vector.
			return getResource( ResourceType.VALUES , screenID );

		 * Get all xml required from your device configuration.
		 * @param screenID The screen id from which retrieve resources, by default it returns all resource at the root resource folder.
		 * @return A Vector of all xml resources as ResourceFile.
		public function getXML( screenID : String = null ) : Vector.
			return getResource( ResourceType.XML , screenID );

		 * Get all raw required from your device configuration.
		 * @param screenID The screen id from which retrieve resources, by default it returns all resource at the root resource folder.
		 * @return A Vector of all raw resources as ResourceFile.
		public function getRaw( screenID : String = null ) : Vector.
			return getResource( ResourceType.RAW , screenID );

		 * Get all resources from the specified resourceType argument.
		 * @param resourceType The type of resource to retrieve.
		 * @param screenID The screen id from which retrieve resources, by default it returns all resource at the root resource folder.
		 * @return A Vector of all resources of type specified by resourceType argument as ResourceFile.
		public function getResource( resourceType : String , screenID : String = null ) : Vector.
			var resourceList : Dictionary = _getResourceList( resourceType , screenID );
			var fileName : String;
			var v : Vector. = new Vector.();

			for( fileName in resourceList )
				var resourceNameList : Vector. = resourceList[ fileName ];
				var directoryList : Vector. = new Vector.;
				var qualifier : Qualifier;
				var test : Array;
				var match : String;
				var validDirectories : Vector. = new Vector.();
				var directoryPaths : Vector. = new Vector.();
				var file : File;
				var directory : File;
				var sw : Array = [];

				for each ( file in resourceNameList )
					directory = !screenID ? file.parent : file.parent.parent;

					if( directoryPaths.indexOf( directory.nativePath ) < 0 )
						directoryPaths.push( directory.nativePath );
						directoryList.push( directory );

				directories : for each ( directory in directoryList )
					for each ( qualifier in __QUALIFIERS )
						if( == EnumQualifier.DENSITY ) continue;

						test = qualifier.regexp );

						if( test != null && test.length > 0 )
							match = test[ 0 ].replace( /-/g , "" );

							if( !qualifier.test( match ) ) continue directories;
							else if( == EnumQualifier.SMALLEST_WIDTH )
								sw.push( {file : directory , sw : int( match.replace( "sw" , "" ).replace( "dp" , "" ) )} );

					validDirectories.push( directory );

				if( sw.length > 1 )
					var max : Number = 0;

					for each ( var o : Object in sw )
						max = Math.max( max , o.sw );

					for each ( o in sw )
						if( o.sw != max ) validDirectories.removeAt( validDirectories.indexOf( o.file ) );

				for each ( qualifier in __QUALIFIERS )
					var b : Vector. = validDirectories.concat();

					if( == EnumQualifier.DENSITY )
						var d : int = int.MIN_VALUE;
						var buckets : Array = [ "ldpi" , "mdpi" , "hdpi" , "xhdpi" , "xxhdpi" , "xxxhdpi" ];

						var index : uint = buckets.indexOf( _getBucketFromDensityDpi() );
						var has2x : Boolean = false;
						var hasNodpi : Boolean = false;

						for each ( directory in validDirectories )
							if( "nodpi" ) > 0 )
								hasNodpi = true;

							test = qualifier.regexp );

							if( test && test.length > 0 )
								match = test[ 0 ].replace( /-/g , "" );

								var matchIndex : int = buckets.indexOf( match );
								var diff : int = matchIndex - index;

								d = d < 0 && diff > 0 ? diff : diff < 0 && d > 0 ? d : d < 0 && diff < 0 ? Math.max( diff , d ) : d > 0 && diff > 0 ? Math.min( diff , d ) : 0;

								if( diff == 2 ) has2x = true;

								if( d == 0 ) break;

						var bucket : String = hasNodpi ? "nodpi" : buckets[ index + ( d == 0 ? 0 : has2x ? 2 : d ) ];

						for each ( directory in validDirectories )
							if( "-" + bucket ) < 0 && qualifier.regexp ) ) b.removeAt( b.indexOf( directory ) );
						for each ( directory in validDirectories )
							test = qualifier.regexp );

							if( test && test.length > 0 )
								for each ( directory in validDirectories )
									// DO NOT remove default values
									if( == "values" ) continue;

									test = qualifier.regexp );

									if( ( !test || test.length == 0 ) )
										b.removeAt( b.indexOf( directory ) );


					validDirectories = b.concat();

				for each ( directory in validDirectories )
					var list : Array = !screenID ? directory.getDirectoryListing() : directory.resolvePath( screenID ).getDirectoryListing();

					for each ( file in list )
						var name : String = "." )[ 0 ];

						if( !file.isDirectory && name == fileName )
							var ext : String = file.extension;
							var atf : File;
							var resourceFile : ResourceFile = ResourceFile.fromFile( file , resourceType );
							var parentDirectory : File = !screenID ? file.parent : file.parent.parent;
							var parentDirectoryName : String =;
							var scale : Number = 1.0;

							if( resourceType == ResourceType.DRAWABLE )
								switch( true )
									case parentDirectoryName == "drawable" || parentDirectoryName.indexOf( "-mdpi" ) > 0 :
										scale = Density.DENSITY_MDPI / densityDpi;
									case parentDirectoryName.indexOf( "-ldpi" ) > 0 :
										scale = Density.DENSITY_LDPI / densityDpi;
									case parentDirectoryName.indexOf( "-hdpi" ) > 0 :
										scale = Density.DENSITY_HDPI / densityDpi;
									case parentDirectoryName.indexOf( "-xhdpi" ) > 0 :
										scale = Density.DENSITY_XHDPI / densityDpi;
									case parentDirectoryName.indexOf( "-xxhdpi" ) > 0 :
										scale = Density.DENSITY_XXHDPI / densityDpi;
									case parentDirectoryName.indexOf( "-xxxhdpi" ) > 0 :
										scale = Density.DENSITY_XXXHDPI / densityDpi;

									default :
										scale = 1.0;

							resourceFile.drawableScale = scale;

							if( ext == "atf" )
								if( Starling.current.profile == Context3DProfile.STANDARD_EXTENDED ) v.push( resourceFile )
							else if( ext == "png" )
								atf = file.parent.resolvePath( "." )[ 0 ] + ".atf" );

								if( Starling.current.profile != Context3DProfile.STANDARD_EXTENDED || !atf.exists ) v.push( resourceFile )
								v.push( resourceFile );

			return v;

		 * Get all resources of all kind required from your device configuration.
		 * @param screenID The screen id from which retrieve resources, by default it returns all resource at the root resource folder
		 * @return A Vector of all resources as ResourceFile.
		public function getResources( screenID : String = null ) : Vector.
			return getDrawables( screenID ).concat( getXML( screenID ) ).concat( getValues( screenID ) ).concat( getRaw( screenID ) )

		private function _getBucketFromDensityDpi() : String
			switch( true )
				case densityDpi < 130 :
					return "ldpi";
				case densityDpi < 170 :
					return "mdpi";
				case densityDpi < 250 :
					return "hdpi";
				case densityDpi < 330 :
					return "xhdpi";
				case densityDpi < 490 :
					return "xxhdpi";
				default :
					return "xxxhdpi";


		private function _getResourceList( resourceType : String , screenID : String = null ) : Dictionary
			var d : Dictionary = new Dictionary( true );
			var directoryList : Array = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( "res" ).getDirectoryListing();

			for each ( var directory : File in directoryList )
				if( directory.isDirectory && resourceType ) == 0 )
					var fileList : Array = !screenID ? directory.getDirectoryListing() : directory.resolvePath( screenID ).getDirectoryListing();

					for each ( var file : File in fileList )
						if( file.isDirectory ) continue;

						var filename : String = "." )[ 0 ];

						if( d[ filename ] == undefined ) d[ filename ] = new Vector.();

						d[ filename ].push( file );

			return d;

class Singleton

class EnumQualifier
	public static const LOCALE_LANGUAGE : String = "localeLanguage";

	public static const LOCALE_REGION : String = "localeRegion";

	public static const SMALLEST_WIDTH : String = "smallestWidth";

	public static const DENSITY : String = "density";

	 * @private
	public function EnumQualifier() : void
		throw new Error( this + " cannot be instantiated" );

class Qualifier
	public var name : String;

	public var regexp : RegExp;

	public var value : Object;

	public var matchFunction : Function;

	public function Qualifier( name : String , regexp : RegExp , value : Object , matchFunction : Function = null )
	{ = name;
		this.regexp = regexp;
		this.value = value;
		this.matchFunction = matchFunction;

	public function test( value : Object ) : Boolean
		return matchFunction != null ? matchFunction( this.value , value ) : value === this.value;

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