Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright 2011-2015 Gamua. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.animation
import starling.core.starling_internal;
/** A DelayedCall allows you to execute a method after a certain time has passed. Since it
* implements the IAnimatable interface, it can be added to a juggler. In most cases, you
* do not have to use this class directly; the juggler class contains a method to delay
* calls directly.
* DelayedCall dispatches an Event of type 'Event.REMOVE_FROM_JUGGLER' when it is finished,
* so that the juggler automatically removes it when its no longer needed.
* @see Juggler
public class DelayedCall extends EventDispatcher implements IAnimatable
private var _currentTime:Number;
private var _totalTime:Number;
private var _callback:Function;
private var _args:Array;
private var _repeatCount:int;
/** Creates a delayed call. */
public function DelayedCall(callback:Function, delay:Number, args:Array=null)
reset(callback, delay, args);
/** Resets the delayed call to its default values, which is useful for pooling. */
public function reset(callback:Function, delay:Number, args:Array=null):DelayedCall
_currentTime = 0;
_totalTime = Math.max(delay, 0.0001);
_callback = callback;
_args = args;
_repeatCount = 1;
return this;
/** @inheritDoc */
public function advanceTime(time:Number):void
var previousTime:Number = _currentTime;
_currentTime += time;
if (_currentTime > _totalTime)
_currentTime = _totalTime;
if (previousTime < _totalTime && _currentTime >= _totalTime)
if (_repeatCount == 0 || _repeatCount > 1)
_callback.apply(null, _args);
if (_repeatCount > 0) _repeatCount -= 1;
_currentTime = 0;
advanceTime((previousTime + time) - _totalTime);
// save call & args: they might be changed through an event listener
var call:Function = _callback;
var args:Array = _args;
// in the callback, people might want to call "reset" and re-add it to the
// juggler; so this event has to be dispatched *before* executing 'call'.
call.apply(null, args);
/** Advances the delayed call so that it is executed right away. If 'repeatCount' is
* anything else than '1', this method will complete only the current iteration. */
public function complete():void
var restTime:Number = _totalTime - _currentTime;
if (restTime > 0) advanceTime(restTime);
/** Indicates if enough time has passed, and the call has already been executed. */
public function get isComplete():Boolean
return _repeatCount == 1 && _currentTime >= _totalTime;
/** The time for which calls will be delayed (in seconds). */
public function get totalTime():Number { return _totalTime; }
/** The time that has already passed (in seconds). */
public function get currentTime():Number { return _currentTime; }
/** The number of times the call will be repeated.
* Set to '0' to repeat indefinitely. @default 1 */
public function get repeatCount():int { return _repeatCount; }
public function set repeatCount(value:int):void { _repeatCount = value; }
/** The callback that will be executed when the time is up. */
public function get callback():Function { return _callback; }
/** The arguments that the callback will be executed with.
* Beware: not a copy, but the actual object! */
public function get arguments():Array { return _args; }
// delayed call pooling
private static var sPool:Vector. = new [];
/** @private */
starling_internal static function fromPool(call:Function, delay:Number,
if (sPool.length) return sPool.pop().reset(call, delay, args);
else return new DelayedCall(call, delay, args);
/** @private */
starling_internal static function toPool(delayedCall:DelayedCall):void
// reset any object-references, to make sure we don't prevent any garbage collection
delayedCall._callback = null;
delayedCall._args = null;