Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright 2011-2015 Gamua. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.core
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage3D;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display3D.Context3D;
import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.system.Capabilities;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
import starling.animation.Juggler;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
import starling.display.Stage;
import starling.rendering.Painter;
import starling.utils.Align;
import starling.utils.SystemUtil;
/** Dispatched when a new render context is created. The 'data' property references the context. */
[Event(name="context3DCreate", type="")]
/** Dispatched when the root class has been created. The 'data' property references that object. */
[Event(name="rootCreated", type="")]
/** Dispatched when a fatal error is encountered. The 'data' property contains an error string. */
[Event(name="fatalError", type="")]
/** Dispatched when the display list is about to be rendered. This event provides the last
* opportunity to make changes before the display list is rendered. */
[Event(name="render", type="")]
/** The Starling class represents the core of the Starling framework.
* The Starling framework makes it possible to create 2D applications and games that make
* use of the Stage3D architecture introduced in Flash Player 11. It implements a display tree
* system that is very similar to that of conventional Flash, while leveraging modern GPUs
* to speed up rendering.
* The Starling class represents the link between the conventional Flash display tree and
* the Starling display tree. To create a Starling-powered application, you have to create
* an instance of the Starling class:
* var starling:Starling = new Starling(Game, stage);
* The first parameter has to be a Starling display object class, e.g. a subclass of
* starling.display.Sprite
. In the sample above, the class "Game" is the
* application root. An instance of "Game" will be created as soon as Starling is initialized.
* The second parameter is the conventional (Flash) stage object. Per default, Starling will
* display its contents directly below the stage.
* It is recommended to store the Starling instance as a member variable, to make sure
* that the Garbage Collector does not destroy it. After creating the Starling object, you
* have to start it up like this:
* starling.start();
* It will now render the contents of the "Game" class in the frame rate that is set up for
* the application (as defined in the Flash stage).
* Context3D Profiles
* Stage3D supports different rendering profiles, and Starling works with all of them. The
* last parameter of the Starling constructor allows you to choose which profile you want.
* The following profiles are available:
* - BASELINE_CONSTRAINED: provides the broadest hardware reach. If you develop for the
* browser, this is the profile you should test with.
* - BASELINE: recommend for any mobile application, as it allows Starling to use a more
* memory efficient texture type (RectangleTextures). It also supports more complex
* AGAL code.
* - BASELINE_EXTENDED: adds support for textures up to 4096x4096 pixels. This is
* especially useful on mobile devices with very high resolutions.
* among other things. Most Starling games will not gain much from them.
* The recommendation is to deploy your app with the profile "auto" (which makes Starling
* pick the best available of those), but test it in all available profiles.
* Accessing the Starling object
* From within your application, you can access the current Starling object anytime
* through the static method Starling.current
. It will return the active Starling
* instance (most applications will only have one Starling object, anyway).
* Viewport
* The area the Starling content is rendered into is, per default, the complete size of the
* stage. You can, however, use the "viewPort" property to change it. This can be useful
* when you want to render only into a part of the screen, or if the player size changes. For
* the latter, you can listen to the RESIZE-event dispatched by the Starling
* stage.
* Native overlay
* Sometimes you will want to display native Flash content on top of Starling. That's what the
* nativeOverlay
property is for. It returns a Flash Sprite lying directly
* on top of the Starling content. You can add conventional Flash objects to that overlay.
* Beware, though, that conventional Flash content on top of 3D content can lead to
* performance penalties on some (mobile) platforms. For that reason, always remove all child
* objects from the overlay when you don't need them any longer. Starling will remove the
* overlay from the display list when it's empty.
* Multitouch
* Starling supports multitouch input on devices that provide it. During development,
* where most of us are working with a conventional mouse and keyboard, Starling can simulate
* multitouch events with the help of the "Shift" and "Ctrl" (Mac: "Cmd") keys. Activate
* this feature by enabling the simulateMultitouch
* Handling a lost render context
* On some operating systems and under certain conditions (e.g. returning from system
* sleep), Starling's stage3D render context may be lost. Starling will try to recover
* from a lost context automatically. To be able to do this, Starling will cache textures
* in RAM to be able to restore them after the context was lost. This will take up quite
* a bit of extra memory, though, which might be problematic especially on mobile platforms.
* To avoid the higher memory footprint, it's recommend to load your textures with
* Starling's "AssetManager"; it is smart enough to recreate a texture directly from its
* origin.
* In case you want to react to a context loss, Starling dispatches an event with
* the type "Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE" when the context is restored. You can recreate any
* invalid resources in a corresponding event listener.
* Sharing a 3D Context
* Per default, Starling handles the Stage3D context itself. If you want to combine
* Starling with another Stage3D engine, however, this may not be what you want. In this case,
* you can make use of the shareContext
* - Manually create and configure a context3D object that both frameworks can work with
* (through
* context.configureBackBuffer
* - Initialize Starling with the stage3D instance that contains that configured context.
* This will automatically enable
* - Call
on your Starling instance (as usual). This will make
* Starling queue input events (keyboard/mouse/touch).
* - Create a game loop (e.g. using the native
event) and let it
* call Starling's nextFrame
as well as the equivalent method of the other
* Stage3D engine. Surround those calls with context.clear()
* context.present()
* The Starling wiki contains a tutorial with more
* information about this topic.
* @see starling.utils.AssetManager
public class Starling extends EventDispatcher
/** The version of the Starling framework. */
public static const VERSION:String = "2.0";
/** The key for the shader programs stored in 'contextData' */
private static const PROGRAM_DATA_NAME:String = "Starling.programs";
// members
private var _stage:Stage; // starling.display.stage!
private var _rootClass:Class;
private var _root:DisplayObject;
private var _juggler:Juggler;
private var _painter:Painter;
private var _touchProcessor:TouchProcessor;
private var _antiAliasing:int;
private var _frameTimestamp:Number;
private var _frameID:uint;
private var _leftMouseDown:Boolean;
private var _statsDisplay:StatsDisplay;
private var _started:Boolean;
private var _rendering:Boolean;
private var _supportHighResolutions:Boolean;
private var _viewPort:Rectangle;
private var _previousViewPort:Rectangle;
private var _clippedViewPort:Rectangle;
private var _nativeStage:flash.display.Stage;
private var _nativeOverlay:Sprite;
private static var sCurrent:Starling;
private static var sPainters:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
private static var sAll:Vector. = new [];
// construction
/** Creates a new Starling instance.
* @param rootClass A subclass of 'starling.display.DisplayObject'. It will be created
* as soon as initialization is finished and will become the first child
* of the Starling stage. Pass null
if you don't want to
* create a root object right away. (You can use the
* rootClass
property later to make that happen.)
* @param stage The Flash (2D) stage.
* @param viewPort A rectangle describing the area into which the content will be
* rendered. Default: stage size
* @param stage3D The Stage3D object into which the content will be rendered. If it
* already contains a context, sharedContext
will be set
* to true
. Default: the first available Stage3D.
* @param renderMode The Context3D render mode that should be requested.
* Use this parameter if you want to force "software" rendering.
* @param profile The Context3D profile that should be requested.
* - If you pass a profile String, this profile is enforced.
* - Pass an Array of profiles to make Starling pick the first
* one that works (starting with the first array element).
* - Pass the String "auto" to make Starling pick the best available
* profile automatically.
public function Starling(rootClass:Class, stage:flash.display.Stage,
viewPort:Rectangle=null, stage3D:Stage3D=null,
renderMode:String="auto", profile:Object="auto")
if (stage == null) throw new ArgumentError("Stage must not be null");
if (viewPort == null) viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
if (stage3D == null) stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[0];
// TODO it might make sense to exchange the 'renderMode' and 'profile' parameters.
_rootClass = rootClass;
_viewPort = viewPort;
_previousViewPort = new Rectangle();
_stage = new Stage(viewPort.width, viewPort.height, stage.color);
_nativeOverlay = new Sprite();
_nativeStage = stage;
_touchProcessor = new TouchProcessor(_stage);
_juggler = new Juggler();
_antiAliasing = 0;
_supportHighResolutions = false;
_frameTimestamp = getTimer() / 1000.0;
_painter = createPainter(stage3D);
// all other modes are problematic in Starling, so we force those here
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
// register touch/mouse event handlers
for each (var touchEventType:String in touchEventTypes)
stage.addEventListener(touchEventType, onTouch, false, 0, true);
// register other event handlers
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onMouseLeave, false, 0, true);
stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated, false, 10, true);
stage3D.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onStage3DError, false, 10, true);
if (_painter.shareContext)
setTimeout(initialize, 1); // we don't call it right away, because Starling should
// behave the same way with or without a shared context
if (!SystemUtil.supportsDepthAndStencil)
trace("[Starling] Mask support requires 'depthAndStencil' to be enabled" +
" in the application descriptor.");
_painter.requestContext3D(renderMode, profile);
/** Disposes all children of the stage and the render context; removes all registered
* event listeners. */
public function dispose():void
_nativeStage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame, false);
_nativeStage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey, false);
_nativeStage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey, false);
_nativeStage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize, false);
_nativeStage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onMouseLeave, false);
stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated, false);
stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextRestored, false);
stage3D.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onStage3DError, false);
for each (var touchEventType:String in touchEventTypes)
_nativeStage.removeEventListener(touchEventType, onTouch, false);
var index:int = sAll.indexOf(this);
if (index != -1) sAll.removeAt(index);
var numInstancesSharingThisPainter:int =
return s.stage3D == stage3D;
if (numInstancesSharingThisPainter == 0)
delete sPainters[stage3D];
if (_touchProcessor) _touchProcessor.dispose();
if (_stage) _stage.dispose();
if (sCurrent == this) sCurrent = null;
// functions
private function initialize():void
if (!shareContext) // ideal time: after viewPort setup, before root creation
dispatchEventWith(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, false, context);
_frameTimestamp = getTimer() / 1000.0;
private function initializeRoot():void
if (_root == null && _rootClass != null)
_root = new _rootClass() as DisplayObject;
if (_root == null) throw new Error("Invalid root class: " + _rootClass);
_stage.addChildAt(_root, 0);
dispatchEventWith(, false, _root);
private function createPainter(stage3D:Stage3D):Painter
if (stage3D in sPainters)
return sPainters[stage3D];
var painter:Painter = new Painter(stage3D);
sPainters[stage3D] = painter;
return painter;
/** Calls advanceTime()
(with the time that has passed since the last frame)
* and render()
. */
public function nextFrame():void
var now:Number = getTimer() / 1000.0;
var passedTime:Number = now - _frameTimestamp;
_frameTimestamp = now;
// to avoid overloading time-based animations, the maximum delta is truncated.
if (passedTime > 1.0) passedTime = 1.0;
// after about 25 days, 'getTimer()' will roll over. A rare event, but still ...
if (passedTime < 0.0) passedTime = 1.0 / _nativeStage.frameRate;
/** Dispatches ENTER_FRAME events on the display list, advances the Juggler
* and processes touches. */
public function advanceTime(passedTime:Number):void
if (!contextValid)
/** Renders the complete display list. Before rendering, the context is cleared; afterwards,
* it is presented (to avoid this, enable shareContext
* This method also dispatches an Event.RENDER
-event on the Starling
* instance. That's the last opportunity to make changes before the display list is
* rendered.
public function render():void
if (!contextValid)
var shareContext:Boolean = _painter.shareContext;
var scaleX:Number = _viewPort.width / _stage.stageWidth;
var scaleY:Number = _viewPort.height / _stage.stageHeight;
_painter.pixelSize = 1.0 / contentScaleFactor;
_viewPort.x < 0 ? -_viewPort.x / scaleX : 0.0,
_viewPort.y < 0 ? -_viewPort.y / scaleY : 0.0,
_clippedViewPort.width / scaleX,
_clippedViewPort.height / scaleY,
_stage.stageWidth, _stage.stageHeight, _stage.cameraPosition);
if (!shareContext)
_painter.clear(_stage.color, 1.0);
_painter.frameID = ++_frameID;
if (_statsDisplay)
_statsDisplay.drawCount = _painter.drawCount;
if (!shareContext)
private function updateViewPort(forceUpdate:Boolean=false):void
// the last set viewport is stored in a variable; that way, people can modify the
// viewPort directly (without a copy) and we still know if it has changed.
if (forceUpdate ||
_previousViewPort.width != _viewPort.width ||
_previousViewPort.height != _viewPort.height ||
_previousViewPort.x != _viewPort.x ||
_previousViewPort.y != _viewPort.y)
_previousViewPort.setTo(_viewPort.x, _viewPort.y, _viewPort.width, _viewPort.height);
// Constrained mode requires that the viewport is within the native stage bounds;
// thus, we use a clipped viewport when configuring the back buffer. (In baseline
// mode, that's not necessary, but it does not hurt either.)
_clippedViewPort = _viewPort.intersection(
new Rectangle(0, 0, _nativeStage.stageWidth, _nativeStage.stageHeight));
if (!shareContext)
var contentScaleFactor:Number =
_supportHighResolutions ? _nativeStage.contentsScaleFactor : 1.0;
_painter.configureBackBuffer(_clippedViewPort, contentScaleFactor,
_antiAliasing, true);
private function updateNativeOverlay():void
_nativeOverlay.x = _viewPort.x;
_nativeOverlay.y = _viewPort.y;
_nativeOverlay.scaleX = _viewPort.width / _stage.stageWidth;
_nativeOverlay.scaleY = _viewPort.height / _stage.stageHeight;
/** Stops Starling right away and displays an error message on the native overlay.
* This method will also cause Starling to dispatch a FATAL_ERROR event. */
public function stopWithFatalError(message:String):void
var background:Shape = new Shape();, 0.8);, 0, _stage.stageWidth, _stage.stageHeight);;
var textField:TextField = new TextField();
var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana", 14, 0xFFFFFF);
textFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
textField.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
textField.wordWrap = true;
textField.width = _stage.stageWidth * 0.75;
textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
textField.text = message;
textField.x = (_stage.stageWidth - textField.width) / 2;
textField.y = (_stage.stageHeight - textField.height) / 2;
textField.background = true;
textField.backgroundColor = 0x550000;
trace("[Starling]", message);
dispatchEventWith(, false, message);
/** Make this Starling instance the current
one. */
public function makeCurrent():void
sCurrent = this;
/** As soon as Starling is started, it will queue input events (keyboard/mouse/touch);
* furthermore, the method nextFrame
will be called once per Flash Player
* frame. (Except when shareContext
is enabled: in that case, you have to
* call that method manually.) */
public function start():void
_started = _rendering = true;
_frameTimestamp = getTimer() / 1000.0;
/** Stops all logic and input processing, effectively freezing the app in its current state.
* Per default, rendering will continue: that's because the classic display list
* is only updated when stage3D is. (If Starling stopped rendering, conventional Flash
* contents would freeze, as well.)
* However, if you don't need classic Flash contents, you can stop rendering, too.
* On some mobile systems (e.g. iOS), you are even required to do so if you have
* activated background code execution.
public function stop(suspendRendering:Boolean=false):void
_started = false;
_rendering = !suspendRendering;
// event handlers
private function onStage3DError(event:ErrorEvent):void
if (event.errorID == 3702)
var mode:String = Capabilities.playerType == "Desktop" ? "renderMode" : "wmode";
stopWithFatalError("Context3D not available! Possible reasons: wrong " + mode +
" or missing device support.");
stopWithFatalError("Stage3D error: " + event.text);
private function onContextCreated(event:Event):void
stage3D.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);
stage3D.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextRestored, false, 10, true);
trace("[Starling] Context ready. Display Driver:", context.driverInfo);
private function onContextRestored(event:Event):void
trace("[Starling] Context restored.");
dispatchEventWith(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, false, context);
private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
// On mobile, the native display list is only updated on stage3D draw calls.
// Thus, we render even when Starling is paused.
if (!shareContext)
if (_started) nextFrame();
else if (_rendering) render();
private function onKey(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (!_started) return;
var = new
event.type, event.charCode, event.keyCode, event.keyLocation,
event.ctrlKey, event.altKey, event.shiftKey);
if (keyEvent.isDefaultPrevented())
private function onResize(event:Event):void
var stageWidth:int =;
var stageHeight:int =;
if (contextValid)
addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, dispatchResizeEvent);
function dispatchResizeEvent():void
// on Android, the context is not valid while we're resizing. To avoid problems
// with user code, we delay the event dispatching until it becomes valid again.
removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, dispatchResizeEvent);
_stage.dispatchEvent(new ResizeEvent(Event.RESIZE, stageWidth, stageHeight));
private function onMouseLeave(event:Event):void
private function onTouch(event:Event):void
if (!_started) return;
var globalX:Number;
var globalY:Number;
var touchID:int;
var phase:String;
var pressure:Number = 1.0;
var width:Number = 1.0;
var height:Number = 1.0;
// figure out general touch properties
if (event is MouseEvent)
var mouseEvent:MouseEvent = event as MouseEvent;
globalX = mouseEvent.stageX;
globalY = mouseEvent.stageY;
touchID = 0;
// MouseEvent.buttonDown returns true for both left and right button (AIR supports
// the right mouse button). We only want to react on the left button for now,
// so we have to save the state for the left button manually.
if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN) _leftMouseDown = true;
else if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP) _leftMouseDown = false;
var touchEvent:TouchEvent = event as TouchEvent;
// On a system that supports both mouse and touch input, the primary touch point
// is dispatched as mouse event as well. Since we don't want to listen to that
// event twice, we ignore the primary touch in that case.
if (Mouse.supportsCursor && touchEvent.isPrimaryTouchPoint) return;
globalX = touchEvent.stageX;
globalY = touchEvent.stageY;
touchID = touchEvent.touchPointID;
pressure = touchEvent.pressure;
width = touchEvent.sizeX;
height = touchEvent.sizeY;
// figure out touch phase
switch (event.type)
case TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN: phase = TouchPhase.BEGAN; break;
case TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE: phase = TouchPhase.MOVED; break;
case TouchEvent.TOUCH_END: phase = TouchPhase.ENDED; break;
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN: phase = TouchPhase.BEGAN; break;
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP: phase = TouchPhase.ENDED; break;
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE:
phase = (_leftMouseDown ? TouchPhase.MOVED : TouchPhase.HOVER); break;
// move position into viewport bounds
globalX = _stage.stageWidth * (globalX - _viewPort.x) / _viewPort.width;
globalY = _stage.stageHeight * (globalY - _viewPort.y) / _viewPort.height;
// enqueue touch in touch processor
_touchProcessor.enqueue(touchID, phase, globalX, globalY, pressure, width, height);
// allow objects that depend on mouse-over state to be updated immediately
if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP && Mouse.supportsCursor)
_touchProcessor.enqueue(touchID, TouchPhase.HOVER, globalX, globalY);
private function get touchEventTypes():Array
var types:Array = [];
if (multitouchEnabled)
types.push(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, TouchEvent.TOUCH_END);
if (!multitouchEnabled || Mouse.supportsCursor)
types.push(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP);
return types;
// properties
/** Indicates if this Starling instance is started. */
public function get isStarted():Boolean { return _started; }
/** The default juggler of this instance. Will be advanced once per frame. */
public function get juggler():Juggler { return _juggler; }
/** The painter, which is used for all rendering. The same instance is passed to all
* render
methods each frame.
* Note that the painter is shared among all Starling instances that use the same
* Stage3D object for rendering. That way, the instances can share context-related data,
* e.g. textures, programs or the current context settings.
public function get painter():Painter { return _painter; }
/** The render context of this instance. */
public function get context():Context3D { return _painter.context; }
/** Indicates if multitouch simulation with "Shift" and "Ctrl"/"Cmd"-keys is enabled.
* @default false */
public function get simulateMultitouch():Boolean { return _touchProcessor.simulateMultitouch; }
public function set simulateMultitouch(value:Boolean):void
_touchProcessor.simulateMultitouch = value;
/** Indicates if Stage3D render methods will report errors. It's recommended to activate
* this when writing custom rendering code (shaders, etc.), since you'll get more detailed
* error messages. However, it has a very negative impact on performance, and it prevents
* ATF textures from being restored on a context loss. Never activate for release builds!
* @default false */
public function get enableErrorChecking():Boolean { return _painter.enableErrorChecking; }
public function set enableErrorChecking(value:Boolean):void
_painter.enableErrorChecking = value;
/** The anti-aliasing level. 0 - none, 16 - maximum. @default 0 */
public function get antiAliasing():int { return _antiAliasing; }
public function set antiAliasing(value:int):void
if (_antiAliasing != value)
_antiAliasing = value;
if (contextValid) updateViewPort(true);
/** The viewport into which Starling contents will be rendered. */
public function get viewPort():Rectangle { return _viewPort; }
public function set viewPort(value:Rectangle):void { _viewPort = value.clone(); }
/** The ratio between viewPort width and stage width. Useful for choosing a different
* set of textures depending on the display resolution. */
public function get contentScaleFactor():Number
return (_viewPort.width * _painter.backBufferScaleFactor) / _stage.stageWidth;
/** A Flash Sprite placed directly on top of the Starling content. Use it to display native
* Flash components. */
public function get nativeOverlay():Sprite { return _nativeOverlay; }
/** Indicates if a small statistics box (with FPS, memory usage and draw count) is
* displayed.
* Beware that the memory usage should be taken with a grain of salt. The value is
* determined via System.totalMemory
and does not take texture memory
* into account. It is recommended to use Adobe Scout for reliable and comprehensive
* memory analysis.
public function get showStats():Boolean { return _statsDisplay && _statsDisplay.parent; }
public function set showStats(value:Boolean):void
if (value == showStats) return;
if (value)
if (_statsDisplay) _stage.addChild(_statsDisplay);
else showStatsAt();
else _statsDisplay.removeFromParent();
/** Displays the statistics box at a certain position. */
public function showStatsAt(horizontalAlign:String="left",
verticalAlign:String="top", scale:Number=1):void
if (context == null)
// Starling is not yet ready - we postpone this until it's initialized.
addEventListener(, onRootCreated);
var stageWidth:int = _stage.stageWidth;
var stageHeight:int = _stage.stageHeight;
if (_statsDisplay == null)
_statsDisplay = new StatsDisplay();
_statsDisplay.touchable = false;
_statsDisplay.scaleX = _statsDisplay.scaleY = scale;
if (horizontalAlign == Align.LEFT) _statsDisplay.x = 0;
else if (horizontalAlign == Align.RIGHT) _statsDisplay.x = stageWidth - _statsDisplay.width;
else if (horizontalAlign == Align.CENTER) _statsDisplay.x = (stageWidth - _statsDisplay.width) / 2;
else throw new ArgumentError("Invalid horizontal alignment: " + horizontalAlign);
if (verticalAlign == Align.TOP) _statsDisplay.y = 0;
else if (verticalAlign == Align.BOTTOM) _statsDisplay.y = stageHeight - _statsDisplay.height;
else if (verticalAlign == Align.CENTER) _statsDisplay.y = (stageHeight - _statsDisplay.height) / 2;
else throw new ArgumentError("Invalid vertical alignment: " + verticalAlign);
function onRootCreated():void
showStatsAt(horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, scale);
removeEventListener(, onRootCreated);
/** The Starling stage object, which is the root of the display tree that is rendered. */
public function get stage():Stage { return _stage; }
/** The Flash Stage3D object Starling renders into. */
public function get stage3D():Stage3D { return _painter.stage3D; }
/** The Flash (2D) stage object Starling renders beneath. */
public function get nativeStage():flash.display.Stage { return _nativeStage; }
/** The instance of the root class provided in the constructor. Available as soon as
* the event 'ROOT_CREATED' has been dispatched. */
public function get root():DisplayObject { return _root; }
/** The class that will be instantiated by Starling as the 'root' display object.
* Must be a subclass of 'starling.display.DisplayObject'.
* If you passed null
as first parameter to the Starling constructor,
* you can use this property to set the root class at a later time. As soon as the class
* is instantiated, Starling will dispatch a ROOT_CREATED
* Beware: you cannot change the root class once the root object has been
* instantiated.
public function get rootClass():Class { return _rootClass; }
public function set rootClass(value:Class):void
if (_rootClass != null && _root != null)
throw new Error("Root class may not change after root has been instantiated");
else if (_rootClass == null)
_rootClass = value;
if (context) initializeRoot();
/** Indicates if another Starling instance (or another Stage3D framework altogether)
* uses the same render context. If enabled, Starling will not execute any destructive
* context operations (e.g. not call 'configureBackBuffer', 'clear', 'present', etc.
* This has to be done manually, then. @default false */
public function get shareContext() : Boolean { return _painter.shareContext; }
public function set shareContext(value : Boolean) : void { _painter.shareContext = value; }
/** The Context3D profile of the current render context, or null
* if the context has not been created yet. */
public function get profile():String { return _painter.profile; }
/** Indicates that if the device supports HiDPI screens Starling will attempt to allocate
* a larger back buffer than indicated via the viewPort size. Note that this is used
* on Desktop only; mobile AIR apps still use the "requestedDisplayResolution" parameter
* the application descriptor XML. @default false */
public function get supportHighResolutions():Boolean { return _supportHighResolutions; }
public function set supportHighResolutions(value:Boolean):void
if (_supportHighResolutions != value)
_supportHighResolutions = value;
if (contextValid) updateViewPort(true);
/** The TouchProcessor is passed all mouse and touch input and is responsible for
* dispatching TouchEvents to the Starling display tree. If you want to handle these
* types of input manually, pass your own custom subclass to this property. */
public function get touchProcessor():TouchProcessor { return _touchProcessor; }
public function set touchProcessor(value:TouchProcessor):void
if (value != _touchProcessor)
_touchProcessor = value;
/** The number of frames that have been rendered since this instance was created. */
public function get frameID():uint { return _frameID; }
/** Indicates if the Context3D object is currently valid (i.e. it hasn't been lost or
* disposed). */
public function get contextValid():Boolean { return _painter.contextValid; }
// static properties
/** The currently active Starling instance. */
public static function get current():Starling { return sCurrent; }
/** All Starling instances. CAUTION: not a copy, but the actual object! Do not modify!
public static function get all():Vector. { return sAll; }
/** The render context of the currently active Starling instance. */
public static function get context():Context3D { return sCurrent ? sCurrent.context : null; }
/** The default juggler of the currently active Starling instance. */
public static function get juggler():Juggler { return sCurrent ? sCurrent._juggler : null; }
/** The painter used for all rendering of the currently active Starling instance. */
public static function get painter():Painter { return sCurrent ? sCurrent._painter : null; }
/** The contentScaleFactor of the currently active Starling instance. */
public static function get contentScaleFactor():Number
return sCurrent ? sCurrent.contentScaleFactor : 1.0;
/** Indicates if multitouch input should be supported. */
public static function get multitouchEnabled():Boolean
return Multitouch.inputMode == MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
public static function set multitouchEnabled(value:Boolean):void
if (sCurrent) throw new IllegalOperationError(
"'multitouchEnabled' must be set before Starling instance is created");
Multitouch.inputMode = value ? MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT :
/** The number of frames that have been rendered since the current instance was created. */
public static function get frameID():uint
return sCurrent ? sCurrent._frameID : 0;