Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright 2011-2015 Gamua. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.display
import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
import starling.animation.IAnimatable;
import starling.textures.Texture;
/** Dispatched whenever the movie has displayed its last frame. */
[Event(name="complete", type="")]
/** A MovieClip is a simple way to display an animation depicted by a list of textures.
* Pass the frames of the movie in a vector of textures to the constructor. The movie clip
* will have the width and height of the first frame. If you group your frames with the help
* of a texture atlas (which is recommended), use the getTextures
-method of the
* atlas to receive the textures in the correct (alphabetic) order.
* You can specify the desired framerate via the constructor. You can, however, manually
* give each frame a custom duration. You can also play a sound whenever a certain frame
* appears, or execute a callback (a "frame action").
* The methods play
and pause
control playback of the movie. You
* will receive an event of type Event.COMPLETE
when the movie finished
* playback. If the movie is looping, the event is dispatched once per loop.
* As any animated object, a movie clip has to be added to a juggler (or have its
* advanceTime
method called regularly) to run. The movie will dispatch
* an event of type "Event.COMPLETE" whenever it has displayed its last frame.
* @see starling.textures.TextureAtlas
public class MovieClip extends Image implements IAnimatable
private var _frames:Vector.;
private var _defaultFrameDuration:Number;
private var _currentTime:Number;
private var _currentFrameID:int;
private var _loop:Boolean;
private var _playing:Boolean;
private var _muted:Boolean;
private var _wasStopped:Boolean;
private var _soundTransform:SoundTransform;
/** Creates a movie clip from the provided textures and with the specified default framerate.
* The movie will have the size of the first frame. */
public function MovieClip(textures:Vector., fps:Number=12)
if (textures.length > 0)
init(textures, fps);
throw new ArgumentError("Empty texture array");
private function init(textures:Vector., fps:Number):void
if (fps <= 0) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid fps: " + fps);
var numFrames:int = textures.length;
_defaultFrameDuration = 1.0 / fps;
_loop = true;
_playing = true;
_currentTime = 0.0;
_currentFrameID = 0;
_wasStopped = true;
_frames = new [];
for (var i:int=0; i numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
if (duration < 0) duration = _defaultFrameDuration;
var frame:MovieClipFrame = new MovieClipFrame(texture, duration);
frame.sound = sound;
_frames.insertAt(frameID, frame);
if (frameID == numFrames)
var prevStartTime:Number = frameID > 0 ? _frames[frameID - 1].startTime : 0.0;
var prevDuration:Number = frameID > 0 ? _frames[frameID - 1].duration : 0.0;
frame.startTime = prevStartTime + prevDuration;
/** Removes the frame at a certain ID. The successors will move down. */
public function removeFrameAt(frameID:int):void
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
if (numFrames == 1) throw new IllegalOperationError("Movie clip must not be empty");
if (frameID != numFrames)
/** Returns the texture of a certain frame. */
public function getFrameTexture(frameID:int):Texture
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
return _frames[frameID].texture;
/** Sets the texture of a certain frame. */
public function setFrameTexture(frameID:int, texture:Texture):void
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
_frames[frameID].texture = texture;
/** Returns the sound of a certain frame. */
public function getFrameSound(frameID:int):Sound
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
return _frames[frameID].sound;
/** Sets the sound of a certain frame. The sound will be played whenever the frame
* is displayed. */
public function setFrameSound(frameID:int, sound:Sound):void
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
_frames[frameID].sound = sound;
/** Returns the method that is executed at a certain frame. */
public function getFrameAction(frameID:int):Function
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
return _frames[frameID].action;
/** Sets an action that will be executed whenever a certain frame is reached. */
public function setFrameAction(frameID:int, action:Function):void
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
_frames[frameID].action = action;
/** Returns the duration of a certain frame (in seconds). */
public function getFrameDuration(frameID:int):Number
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
return _frames[frameID].duration;
/** Sets the duration of a certain frame (in seconds). */
public function setFrameDuration(frameID:int, duration:Number):void
if (frameID < 0 || frameID >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
_frames[frameID].duration = duration;
/** Reverses the order of all frames, making the clip run from end to start.
* Makes sure that the currently visible frame stays the same. */
public function reverseFrames():void
_currentTime = totalTime - _currentTime;
_currentFrameID = numFrames - _currentFrameID - 1;
// playback methods
/** Starts playback. Beware that the clip has to be added to a juggler, too! */
public function play():void
_playing = true;
/** Pauses playback. */
public function pause():void
_playing = false;
/** Stops playback, resetting "currentFrame" to zero. */
public function stop():void
_playing = false;
_wasStopped = true;
currentFrame = 0;
// helpers
private function updateStartTimes():void
var numFrames:int = this.numFrames;
var prevFrame:MovieClipFrame = _frames[0];
prevFrame.startTime = 0;
for (var i:int=1; i= restTimeInFrame)
changedFrame = false;
passedTime -= restTimeInFrame;
_currentTime = frame.startTime + frame.duration;
if (_currentFrameID == finalFrameID)
if (hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE))
dispatchCompleteEvent = true;
else if (_loop)
_currentTime = 0;
_currentFrameID = 0;
changedFrame = true;
else return;
_currentFrameID += 1;
changedFrame = true;
frame = _frames[_currentFrameID];
frameAction = frame.action;
if (changedFrame)
if (dispatchCompleteEvent)
texture = frame.texture;
else if (frameAction != null)
texture = frame.texture;
frame.executeAction(this, _currentFrameID);
restTimeInFrame = frame.duration;
if (previousFrameID != _currentFrameID)
texture = _frames[_currentFrameID].texture;
_currentTime += passedTime;
// properties
/** The total number of frames. */
public function get numFrames():int { return _frames.length; }
/** The total duration of the clip in seconds. */
public function get totalTime():Number
var lastFrame:MovieClipFrame = _frames[_frames.length-1];
return lastFrame.startTime + lastFrame.duration;
/** The time that has passed since the clip was started (each loop starts at zero). */
public function get currentTime():Number { return _currentTime; }
public function set currentTime(value:Number):void
if (value < 0 || value > totalTime) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid time: " + value);
var lastFrameID:int = _frames.length - 1;
_currentTime = value;
_currentFrameID = 0;
while (_currentFrameID < lastFrameID && _frames[_currentFrameID + 1].startTime <= value)
var frame:MovieClipFrame = _frames[_currentFrameID];
texture = frame.texture;
/** Indicates if the clip should loop. @default true */
public function get loop():Boolean { return _loop; }
public function set loop(value:Boolean):void { _loop = value; }
/** If enabled, no new sounds will be started during playback. Sounds that are already
* playing are not affected. */
public function get muted():Boolean { return _muted; }
public function set muted(value:Boolean):void { _muted = value; }
/** The SoundTransform object used for playback of all frame sounds. @default null */
public function get soundTransform():SoundTransform { return _soundTransform; }
public function set soundTransform(value:SoundTransform):void { _soundTransform = value; }
/** The index of the frame that is currently displayed. */
public function get currentFrame():int { return _currentFrameID; }
public function set currentFrame(value:int):void
if (value < 0 || value >= numFrames) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid frame id");
currentTime = _frames[value].startTime;
/** The default number of frames per second. Individual frames can have different
* durations. If you change the fps, the durations of all frames will be scaled
* relatively to the previous value. */
public function get fps():Number { return 1.0 / _defaultFrameDuration; }
public function set fps(value:Number):void
if (value <= 0) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid fps: " + value);
var newFrameDuration:Number = 1.0 / value;
var acceleration:Number = newFrameDuration / _defaultFrameDuration;
_currentTime *= acceleration;
_defaultFrameDuration = newFrameDuration;
for (var i:int=0; ifalse
when the end
* is reached. */
public function get isPlaying():Boolean
if (_playing)
return _loop || _currentTime < totalTime;
return false;
/** Indicates if a (non-looping) movie has come to its end. */
public function get isComplete():Boolean
return !_loop && _currentTime >= totalTime;
import starling.display.MovieClip;
import starling.textures.Texture;
class MovieClipFrame
public function MovieClipFrame(texture:Texture, duration:Number=0.1, startTime:Number=0)
this.texture = texture;
this.duration = duration;
this.startTime = startTime;
public var texture:Texture;
public var sound:Sound;
public var duration:Number;
public var startTime:Number;
public var action:Function;
public function playSound(transform:SoundTransform):void
if (sound), 0, transform);
public function executeAction(movie:MovieClip, frameID:int):void
if (action != null)
var numArgs:int = action.length;
if (numArgs == 0) action();
else if (numArgs == 1) action(movie);
else if (numArgs == 2) action(movie, frameID);
else throw new Error("Frame actions support zero, one or two parameters: " +
"movie:MovieClip, frameID:int");