Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright 2011-2015 Gamua. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
import flash.geom.Point;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
import starling.utils.StringUtil;
/** A Touch object contains information about the presence or movement of a finger
* or the mouse on the screen.
* You receive objects of this type from a TouchEvent. When such an event is triggered,
* you can query it for all touches that are currently present on the screen. One touch
* object contains information about a single touch; it always transitions through a series
* of TouchPhases. Have a look at the TouchPhase class for more information.
* The position of a touch
* You can get the current and previous position in stage coordinates with the corresponding
* properties. However, you'll want to have the position in a different coordinate system
* most of the time. For this reason, there are methods that convert the current and previous
* touches into the local coordinate system of any object.
* @see TouchEvent
* @see TouchPhase
public class Touch
private var _id:int;
private var _globalX:Number;
private var _globalY:Number;
private var _previousGlobalX:Number;
private var _previousGlobalY:Number;
private var _tapCount:int;
private var _phase:String;
private var _target:DisplayObject;
private var _timestamp:Number;
private var _pressure:Number;
private var _width:Number;
private var _height:Number;
private var _cancelled:Boolean;
private var _bubbleChain:Vector.;
/** Helper object. */
private static var sHelperPoint:Point = new Point();
/** Creates a new Touch object. */
public function Touch(id:int)
_id = id;
_tapCount = 0;
_phase = TouchPhase.HOVER;
_pressure = _width = _height = 1.0;
_bubbleChain = new [];
/** Converts the current location of a touch to the local coordinate system of a display
* object. If you pass an out
-point, the result will be stored in this point
* instead of creating a new object.*/
public function getLocation(space:DisplayObject, out:Point=null):Point
sHelperPoint.setTo(_globalX, _globalY);
return space.globalToLocal(sHelperPoint, out);
/** Converts the previous location of a touch to the local coordinate system of a display
* object. If you pass an out
-point, the result will be stored in this point
* instead of creating a new object.*/
public function getPreviousLocation(space:DisplayObject, out:Point=null):Point
sHelperPoint.setTo(_previousGlobalX, _previousGlobalY);
return space.globalToLocal(sHelperPoint, out);
/** Returns the movement of the touch between the current and previous location.
* If you pass an out
-point, the result will be stored in this point instead
* of creating a new object. */
public function getMovement(space:DisplayObject, out:Point=null):Point
if (out == null) out = new Point();
getLocation(space, out);
var x:Number = out.x;
var y:Number = out.y;
getPreviousLocation(space, out);
out.setTo(x - out.x, y - out.y);
return out;
/** Indicates if the target or one of its children is touched. */
public function isTouching(target:DisplayObject):Boolean
return _bubbleChain.indexOf(target) != -1;
/** Returns a description of the object. */
public function toString():String
return StringUtil.format("[Touch {0}: globalX={1}, globalY={2}, phase={3}]",
_id, _globalX, _globalY, _phase);
/** Creates a clone of the Touch object. */
public function clone():Touch
var clone:Touch = new Touch(_id);
clone._globalX = _globalX;
clone._globalY = _globalY;
clone._previousGlobalX = _previousGlobalX;
clone._previousGlobalY = _previousGlobalY;
clone._phase = _phase;
clone._tapCount = _tapCount;
clone._timestamp = _timestamp;
clone._pressure = _pressure;
clone._width = _width;
clone._height = _height;
clone._cancelled = _cancelled; = _target;
return clone;
// helper methods
private function updateBubbleChain():void
if (_target)
var length:int = 1;
var element:DisplayObject = _target;
_bubbleChain.length = 1;
_bubbleChain[0] = element;
while ((element = element.parent) != null)
_bubbleChain[int(length++)] = element;
_bubbleChain.length = 0;
// properties
/** The identifier of a touch. '0' for mouse events, an increasing number for touches. */
public function get id():int { return _id; }
/** The previous x-position of the touch in stage coordinates. */
public function get previousGlobalX():Number { return _previousGlobalX; }
/** The previous y-position of the touch in stage coordinates. */
public function get previousGlobalY():Number { return _previousGlobalY; }
/** The x-position of the touch in stage coordinates. If you change this value,
* the previous one will be moved to "previousGlobalX". */
public function get globalX():Number { return _globalX; }
public function set globalX(value:Number):void
_previousGlobalX = _globalX != _globalX ? value : _globalX; // isNaN check
_globalX = value;
/** The y-position of the touch in stage coordinates. If you change this value,
* the previous one will be moved to "previousGlobalY". */
public function get globalY():Number { return _globalY; }
public function set globalY(value:Number):void
_previousGlobalY = _globalY != _globalY ? value : _globalY; // isNaN check
_globalY = value;
/** The number of taps the finger made in a short amount of time. Use this to detect
* double-taps / double-clicks, etc. */
public function get tapCount():int { return _tapCount; }
public function set tapCount(value:int):void { _tapCount = value; }
/** The current phase the touch is in. @see TouchPhase */
public function get phase():String { return _phase; }
public function set phase(value:String):void { _phase = value; }
/** The display object at which the touch occurred. */
public function get target():DisplayObject { return _target; }
public function set target(value:DisplayObject):void
if (_target != value)
_target = value;
/** The moment the touch occurred (in seconds since application start). */
public function get timestamp():Number { return _timestamp; }
public function set timestamp(value:Number):void { _timestamp = value; }
/** A value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating force of the contact with the device.
* If the device does not support detecting the pressure, the value is 1.0. */
public function get pressure():Number { return _pressure; }
public function set pressure(value:Number):void { _pressure = value; }
/** Width of the contact area.
* If the device does not support detecting the pressure, the value is 1.0. */
public function get width():Number { return _width; }
public function set width(value:Number):void { _width = value; }
/** Height of the contact area.
* If the device does not support detecting the pressure, the value is 1.0. */
public function get height():Number { return _height; }
public function set height(value:Number):void { _height = value; }
/** Indicates if the touch has been cancelled, which may happen when the app moves into
* the background ('Event.DEACTIVATE'). @default false */
public function get cancelled():Boolean { return _cancelled; }
public function set cancelled(value:Boolean):void { _cancelled = value; }
// internal methods
/** @private
* Dispatches a touch event along the current bubble chain (which is updated each time
* a target is set). */
internal function dispatchEvent(event:TouchEvent):void
if (_target) event.dispatch(_bubbleChain);
/** @private */
internal function get bubbleChain():Vector.
return _bubbleChain.concat();